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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?


    Posts : 3469
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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:57 am

    You thought Monsanto was a problem tampering with our food supply? Science fictions now becomes science fact. Tampering with the DNA of ordinary trees and plants. It seems the US govenrment is Okay with this as it's been allowed to proceed and was recently funded on a Kickstarter program to the tune of ....tada......


    Listen to the video, and tell me what you think this synthetic biology to change nature is going to accomplish.

    Video here:

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Il_570xN.466989019_7tf9


    There is a group that is protesting....but I fear it's a bit too late. They've already been funded.

    KICKSTOPPER - Stopping Synthetic Biology Pollution

    Video here:

    There’s a new biotech threat coming from Silicon Valley: a private biotech company has hijacked that other crowd funding platform in a plan to release hundreds of thousands of glowing synthetic organisms made with an extreme genetic engineering technology called Synthetic Biology.

    Having racked up over $400,000 on their crowdfunding drive the perpetrators of this proposed genetic pollution intend to pull off the first ever intentional release of syntehtic biology-derived organism without any oversight, monitoring or regulation. This would set a terrible and dangerous precedent.

    To kick back we are doing a little crowdfunding jujitsu. ETC Group has launched the Kickstopper campaign. To start we have launched a petition and now need to raise the money for a long term campaign to stop the biohackers in their tracks. And as part of it we are going to make a comic book - and a bit of history too.

    Join us in saving the word from Synthetic biology pollution. Become a backer of the Kickstopper campaign.

    A Novel Biotech Threat:

    It sounds crazy but it's not fiction: three grinning biohackers from a private biotech company associated with Silicon Valley's ultra-libertarian 'Singularity University’ recently landed on Kickstarter's 'most popular' list by promising to spread synthetic organisms across the USA; specifically, to mail packets of bio-engineered seeds to whoever paid them forty bucks online. The seeds, which they said would likely grow into 'glowing plants' (after all, ‘biology is complicated,’ admit the masterminds) would be the viable and reproducing products of a controversial new technology called ‘Synthetic Biology’ – a field that aims to build artificial life-forms from scratch. A field that has never had a deliberate release into the environment before.

    Syn What?

    Synthetic Biology (or 'syn bio') can best be described as 'extreme genetic engineering'. it involves designing new strands of DNA moilecules on a computer and then printing artificial DNA and engineering it into living things to hijack the workings of a natural organism. Syn Bio goes beyond the already considerable concerns people have about 'transgenic' genetic engineering and raises further hard-to-assess ecological risks, significant bio-weapons potential and, in the hands of industry, threats to the livelihoods of some of the world’s poorest farmers. Billions of dollars from oil, pharma, chemical and agribusiness firms are flowing into the field portending a new round of corporate power grabs on the stuff of life.

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Jj8hPQllLA56OC5XhHUPv0aLMPqeGFIMuI-pDLgFpQV_kosNkweLbMcIX81CzZ-MYjddYiAFuT7LXMpD9T8mgCZTUX5J8WIATUBb9NFO3Qw6ON_1CFgeDfwyqA

    Read the ETC Group’sfull report on Synthetic Biology

    Risks. Even as the ‘glowing plants’ Kickstarter campaign launched, ethicists from Oxford University released a report that branded Syn Bio one of the biggest 'existential risks'to the human species. It is just the latest in a parade of pronouncements from expert groups – including from thePresident’s Bioethics Commission, government reps at theUN Biodiversity Convention, anEU expert group, the insurance industry and many others. The current consensus is that no synthetic organisms should be released into the environment without 'precaution,' 'prudent vigilance,' regulation, monitoring and other sober and sensible safeguards - A consensus that the 'glowing plant' biohackers are willfully ignoring.

    Growing Concern

    While hundreds of thousands of Americans are taking part in a popular movement to stop – or at the very least, label – the first generation of biotech seeds and plants,111 organizations from around the world have called for a moratorium on this next generation of biotech organisms.

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? WYU39BmmhwQLljcwyBr2B0YrbKHIm1IX75UBZVOd-4J7whWkYv8M1g0CzJ5X9yNHB4eyh2MpIvif3dyhuIp_jRazP7l62NfZfLCahcjJDz0LK6ILzsQ4z8zEKg

    Read theThe Principles for the Oversight of Synthetic Biology issued by a coalition of 111 organizations

    Evading Oversight.

    The biohackers insist they are totally within their rights to spread bio-engineered seeds from coast to coast. They claim that the US Department of Agriculture has advised them they can avoid regulatory oversight if they used a particular genetic engineering technique called the gene gun. This allows them toexploit a controversial loophole in the lawcarved out by big biotech firms. After all the official pieties about establishing proper oversight of synthetic biology and not rushing ahead with environmental release, the US government appears ready to avert its eyes.

    The Glowing plant project think they can avoid all regulation and caution by crowdfunding their project on Kickstarter. They didn’t count on us kicking back.

    Here we go....synthetic biology and transhumanism. It's coming to a theater near you!

    Last edited by Brook on Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  eMonkey Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:31 am

    I concur OMFG Jawdrop

    I wonder if they can do summat for my grey hair too?
    Perhaps a glowing hair piece to have instant illumination.. would help me with that glowing around the head thing you see in pics..

    Seriously OMG... yeah - bypassing ethics and regulation...

    Posts : 3469
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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:56 am

    No doubt! Here is what they are talking about....printing living things with software code.

    NOTE: He is speaking of taking this into space. Listen to what he is saying!

    Second note: I've done a whole lot of posting about this in my Theater thread, and somebody once suggested this was "subjective reality".

    Subjective that! This is as real as it gets.

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  eMonkey Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:44 am

    That last vid reminded me very much of my course in Genetic Programming at Uni.. (Not Genetic Algorithms, which is a different technology).

    He very much glossed over the selection process for best of breed. What criteria would be used etc.. It showed me it was still a half baked blue sky idea, with some stubborn wrinkles to be worked out.

    Theoretically, Genetic Programming can be used to create a better program thereby leading to programming of an automated discovery/generating/building process... In his example it would be kinda like biology building better biology. Not too far removed from where genetic programs write applications/programs...


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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:49 am

    eMonkey wrote:That last vid reminded me very much of my course in Genetic Programming at Uni.. (Not Genetic Algorithms, which is a different technology).

    He very much glossed over the selection process for best of breed. What criteria would be used etc.. It showed me it was still a half baked blue sky idea, with some stubborn wrinkles to be worked out.

    Theoretically, Genetic Programming can be used to create a better program thereby leading to programming of an automated discovery/generating/building process... In his example it would be kinda like biology building better biology. Not too far removed from where genetic programs write applications/programs...

    Yep! Here is another guy speaking about it. Imagine what they could do with a quantum computer once it's successfully developed.

    Truthfully I can see some positive aspects to some of this technology. But releasing it in the biosphere for a glowing plant? Ridiculous! It also opens the doorway for other applications which I personally don't trust. Because this can be taken to so many levels by people who are simply MAD with power and progress.

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  eMonkey Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:16 am

    oooh yeah..

    I agree with most of the use of that technology for creating better technology..
    Even with this broader vision and technology oriented, they are still alluding to messing with life on an ever growing scale..

    I hope that my cheese sandwiches for lunch won't be printed or grown, any-time in my lifetime.

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:06 pm

    This is what happens when those who are mentally impaired from drug use/abuse are in control. I guess I should also add this is what happens when the clones are in control. They have no moral compass.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:09 pm

    Speaking of drugs in this video...


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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:42 pm

    One last thought. Scroll down a bit to see who is funding this baby if you think "control" might be a factor.


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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:51 pm

    Gee Brook, with DARPA overseeing this it puts a whole new spin on this. Maybe it's also for their off-world bases - or underground cities.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:49 am

    Funny you should mention that Carol. I'm going to share another persons perspective on this which is quite interesting. She is also the one who brought it to my attention.

    thanks for these additional references, will be watching over the next few days and adding to my thought/feelings on this topic.

    I'm having a hard time trying to vocalize what I am sensing here with this issue.
    I liken this particular play to what could be called "check mate" in a chess game. Only this game is multi-dimensional, inter-dimensional... vast, and complex, simplistic solutions will lead to increasing conundrums , I feel.

    Another way to say this is that perhaps this move sets in play a series of follow-up moves that lead us into a trap, regardless of which action we take.
    Any first thought, knee-jerk reaction, sets into play a pattern that leads in every direction to check mate.
    I get all kinds of "proceed-with-caution" signals here.
    This is one reason why I especially want to talk with people about this!!!

    So... to collect some random thoughts together, I thought I would list a few that have been crossing my mind...

    1) Of course, there is the concern about synthetic biology, and it's apparently stupid random inane release in the form of seemingly innocuous "glow-in-the-dark" weed seeds, playing on the imagery and popularity of the Avatar movie.

    2) And we know there is this inexorable push toward synth form replacing bio-life forms... we see this in the whole transhuman movement, as well as all the soil killing, microbial-killing, anti-life chemical poisoning of the agribusiness corp tactics

    3) Remember the Matilda Interview? The Domain was supposedly who the ET Aryl was with, two great houses, the Domain, and the Empire. Earth being a prison for the Empire outcasts. One thing I noticed in that interview, which many feels has been debunked by the way, but an attitude I noticed, "Domain owns us". And Domain are synths. According to the ET interviewed, the Domain considers biological lifeforms to be obsolete. When one joined the Domain, they did away with biological life forms and adopted synthetic forms instead.

    4) Not many know this but crowdfunding was evidently set up to catch the "free rangers". People who were still operating independently of the system. It may look like it is some random, spontaneous grassroots development, but it was actually set up by people who were trying to solve the problem for people who are not happy about independents. The JOBS ACT, signed into business in April 2012 helped set that in motion. So, it is serving a function here. And I'm not clear that I have a full handle on what that function is. Also, most people don't look at the infrastructure on which it is all built upon. Paypal, or whatever cc company is used makes even more percentage profit in each transaction than the actual crowdsourcing org.

    5) Did anyone else notice that these young bio-hackers got the information they needed for a "loop hole" to introduce this technology, by the government. It may be important to learn more about these loop holes. And also, how these kids got that sort of cooperation from the government.

    6) Also, why would kickstarter overlook the fact that this company obviously had significant funding by others, and therefore is using kickstarter "glowing-weeds" project more as a marketing campaign for the larger company. There is a back-push in here, I'm sure of it.
    7) Divide and Conquer... , via, crowdfunding wars? Don't want too much cooperation and helping each other actually make a difference and have impact in a way that is not controlled, right???

    8. Gotta a concern here, that a back-push, or back-lash of this action will lead to more stringent laws in regard to seed, and seed ownership.

    9) Got another concern that this outcry could be a lead in for more stringent laws regarding regular people innovating in the areas of science.

    These are just a few of the thoughts rambling 'round my brain. Just got a sense that this is very dicey waters here, a quagmire even...

    Last edited by Brook on Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:35 am; edited 2 times in total

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:11 am

    Anyway, I was interested in the perspective of somebody I know who is somewhat involved in this kind of thing as she lives totally off the grid.

    She has one heck of a time getting connected to the net she is so far off the grid. And she had some interesting perspectives.

    To which I answered:

    Great points! It's a loop hole alright. Creating life from plants in a synthetic form of DNA is not the same as cloning human DNA now is it?

    From the obvious direction one of them speaks this is also being created for space exploration. Think about that for awhile and see where it sits.

    I also see you've watched the video of Matilde's encounter with the Area 51 Alien. Which I found most interesting.

    I've spoken of this "energy stream" in my Theater thread I've personally encountered. Upon that encounter I discovered a "logic gate". Which I've also spoken of in the Theater thread.

    This energy stream I encountered tracks with what ET Aryl says.

    IT also tracks with this synthetic biology.

    To which she answered:

    I've noticed the same, and there are a few other of these stories put out on the Internet that track closely to this line of thinking, too.

    Another would be what James Mahu who wrote the Wingmakers material, ect... talks about in a sort of "time delay" loop, invented by Anu, millenium ago...

    I awoke this morning thinking about this topic from a couple of different angles,
    the MD/ID chessboard perceptual framework is only one way to view or frame this topic.

    Anyone also remember the CHANI PROJECT info that came out a few years ago...? (I'll come back to this later, as well as looking at how the frame of spiral dynamics also colors this issue.)

    What I'm interested in doing here, at least for myself, is getting a deeper consciously aware feel for what is happening here, in terms of the bigger picture.
    And then choosing my own responses from this larger awareness.

    So, I will probably look at this from many various angles, and will likely pull in info/ideas/concepts from all sorts of seemingly irrelevant points ...

    By the time we "see" things in physical expression, there is often very little we can do at the "seen", "five senses form", physical level of activity.
    However, in reality, Cause and Effect are not separated, they only appear to be so in this particular box (perhaps created by Anu????, or whatever Anu would represent in our collective mind?)

    When this is the case, operating at the unseen levels can often unravel the entanglements or correct the code, so to speak, and serve as a leverage point to open up a log jam (logic gate?).

    To which I answered:

    I don't know about this Wingmakers "Anu" guy inventing time delay loops. Sounds like a story to me Cup o

    But perhaps what he was writing about in the "story" was CTC = Closed Timelike Curves which allows in principle time travel to the past as in some UFO evidence.

    In his 1991 paper Deutsch said:

    "I have shown that the traditional 'paradoxes' of chronology violation, whatever position one takes on their seriousness, do not occur at all under quantum mechanics."
    "The physics near closed time like lines is dominated by macroscopic quantum effects and has many novel features. The correspondence principle is violated. Pure states evolve into mixed states. The dynamical evolution is not unitary nor is it even the restriction to a subsystem of unitary evolution in a larger system."

    "All these effects are stable and do not require the maintenance of quantum coherence. They therefore apply to macroscopic systems."

    Essentially the quantum circuit with the back-in-time channel is treated as a metaphor for a physical CTC that allows certain conclusions to be drawn about their behavior and to show how time travel paradoxes can be resolved:

    "Of course the above is a narrative and should not be simply accepted as a description of a physical process. All philosophically or scientifically motivated discussions of time travel have been likewise narratives as the time travel process, or time machine, is necessarily merely hypothesized to have certain properties not being able to refer to physically realizable situations. This type of narrative is at best a meta-theoretic discussion, for instance exploring the question as to whether the existence of supposed true time travel is consistent with present physical laws or do these need to be modified to admit it. In our narratives neither the claim nor the denial of time travel can be empirically falsified. This non-falsifiability makes both the claim and the denial non-scientific assertions. On the other hand our narrative takes place in the context of a physically realizable process and so cannot lead to any contradiction. We thus have a source of time travel narratives in which all paradoxes are resolved and this has interesting philosophical and scientific implications." - p5

    Deutsch D: Quantum mechanics near closed timelike lines, Phys Rev D 44(10), 3197–3217 (1991)

    Svetlichny G: Effective Quantum Time Travel (2009)

    Lloyd S et al: Closed timelike curves via post-selection: theory and experimental demonstration (2010)

    Lloyd S et al: The quantum mechanics of time travel through post-selected teleportation (2010)


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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:15 am

    Hmm... the reason I mentioned the clones was because of a conversation that I had with Stefano Breccia before he died about the Ummites (ET) clones that were trying to murder him. He told me that the Ummites (Utis = W56's) off-worlders from Elta V (his friends that had one of their underground bases in Italy and that he had been in contact with for years) had made clones of themselves, only that the clones had no moral compass. The clones set out to destroy their creators, the Utis, eliminating their underground/undersea bases and killing as many of the Uti's as possible. Since the clones were as technologically advanced as their creators, if not more so, the Uti's left earth and returned to Elta V. Meanwhile, the clones (who look just like us) were worming their way into our society working among us and were creating or taking over various technological companies. Think of them as left brain technologically oriented without compassion or empathy. Bascially they are without a moral compass and only seek to serve themselves.

    Supposedly we (humanity) is the result of an interbreeding among some ancient cosmic colonizers, who became corrupted following planetary disasters which had altered our surroundings. (Sound familiar?) Stefano met them in 1956. The group of Uti ETs that Stefano knew were benign in character, and were willing to help us, inspite of our violent and immature nature. They were much more advanced then us in morality and technology. The W56's were/are pacifists, ecologists and pantheists. Too bad the clones (CTRs/opposites/sociopaths) didn't take after them with the morality bit. The clones were also infiltrating themselves into undercover roles in industry and areas of similar relevance in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Argentina and the former Soviet Union. The CTR societal structure is hierarchal.

    Among the off-worlders visiting our planet there are those who just monitor our evolution; then there are those who look for easy ways to get raw materials, ethnologist studying the evolution of different cultures o this planet; missionaries caring for our future from an ethical point of view, militarily-oriented ETs overseeing national structures, aiming to maintain inter-stellar routes, and to protect us from assaults from outside. It's easy to understand how a number of offworld visitors wish to protect their own safety which is why the often make use of "biological robots", which are human clones, built and used as workers, expendable to be lost if necessary and spare their creators from harm. Even more, such androids should have been the automatic poliots and are accurate copies of Earth people, imitated for various purposes (one instance of how off-worlders use biolobical robots would be how the Greys are subservient to the "Nordic" aliens).

    In 1978, the CTRs influence became greater as the Adriatic flap that year was the outcome after the W56 dismantled their logistic structures, and abandoned our planet in the 80s. All of this is outlined in Stefano's book Mass Contacts.

    The reason I raise the issue of clones is that we have no clue as to how many of the world leaders may have been replaced by clones who are pre-programmed and compromised. Of course, the original human was murdered. I also recall reading where there are often several clones from the same host who reside togehter until their replacment is needed. Given that this replacement by clones is a viable reality - one must examine world events from a broader perspective that includes a coup by clones against humanity. Why else toxic vaccinations, chemtrails, nuclear contaminaion, pollution, etc. If those with no moral compass are in control what else can we expect. I can also fully understand why the government wants DNA samples. Yet, is there a way to detect a clone from DNA? And just who wants to look at the samples? Can you imagine how the populace will react to alein clones taking over control of the planet?

    From my personal perspective - on an individual basis, all I can do is help educated others with regard to current events and hopefully connect some of the dots (how these things may be inter-related).

    With the new information regarding the sun I've also deveoped some new hypothesises with regard to what will happen to ALL of the negatives as the vibration of the planet continues to raise. Basically, the material 3-D world is being destroyed on multiple levels. I'm probably more concerned about earth's protective shield then anything else because it is the the marker for what is transpiring. The planet is being geo-magnetically bombarded on a regular basis. Meanwhile, those who are negative (without light within) will continue to become darker in thoughts and behavior - whereas, those who are connected to the light will continue to expand in cosmic conscious awareness. Who knows how long this process will take, or what will occur as it unfolds. I'm just here as a witness, for the ride and to hold my point of light in space and time.

    Stefano Breccia - Mass Physical Contact in Italy - This is video of the conference I attended where he presented in Hawaii.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:59 pm


    Synthetic genomics combines methods for the chemical synthesis of DNA with computational techniques to design it. These methods allow scientists and engineers to construct genetic material that would be impossible or impractical to produce using more conventional biotechnological approaches. For example, using synthetic genomics it is possible to design and assemble chromosomes, genes and gene pathways, and even whole genomes.

    Scientists foresee many potential positive applications including new pharmaceuticals, biologically produced ("green") fuels, and the possibility of rapidly generating vaccines against emerging microbial diseases.

    However, as with many technologies, there is the potential for misuse and accidents. Finding ways to mitigate possible nefarious uses and to prevent accidents in the laboratories of legitimate users so that positive uses are not undercut is an important concern of scientists, governments, and a large variety of stakeholders.

    This report is the result of a 20-month examination of the safety and security concerns posed by this new technology. Including the authors, a core group of 18 individuals with a wide range of expertise undertook three tasks: assess the current state of the technology, identify potential risks and benefits to society, and formulate options for its governance. The report discusses options that would help to enhance biosecurity, foster laboratory safety, and protect the communities and environment outside of laboratories. Three sets of options apply respectively to commercial firms that supply DNA; the oversight or regulation of DNA synthesizers and reagent used in synthesis; and the legitimate users of the technologies, such as university researchers.

    I don't find glowing plants to be in this category!!

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:11 pm


    However, with all of the Fukushima and gamma bursts radiation - humans may start glowing too.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:05 am

    Regarding synthetic biology;

    One of the main reasons they use "DNA" logic gates made from the bacteria E Coli is because of it's ability to survive "harsh environments" and "radiation".

    The scientists constructed an AND gate from E.Coli bacteria and altered the E.Coli with modified DNA, which reprogrammed it to perform the same switching on and off process as its electronic equivalent when stimulated by chemicals. (AND gates only generate an output signal if all inputs are present.)

    benefits of such DNA repair by estimating long-term survival for P. cryohalolentis, common E. coli bacteria, and the radiation-resistant D. radiodurans that was discovered after it survived early irradiation testing on food in the 1930s. When P. cryohalolentis kept up repair activity even under frozen conditions resembling the surface of Mars, it easily outlasted even a dormant D. radiodurans.

    Christopher Voigt, an associate professor of biological engineering at MIT, and his students have developed in E. coli a circuit whose components don’t interfere with one another, allowing them to produce the most complex synthetic cellular circuit ever built. The circuit integrates four sensors for different molecules and 3 logic AND gates and responds only when these molecules are present. Such circuits could be used in cells to precisely monitor their environments and respond appropriately.

    Christopher Voigt and his students at MIT have developed in E. coli the most complex synthetic cellular circuit ever built.

    Using genes as interchangeable parts, synthetic biologists design cellular circuits that can perform new functions, such as sensing environmental conditions. However, the complexity that can be achieved in such circuits has been limited by a critical bottleneck: the difficulty in assembling genetic components that don’t interfere with each other.

    Unlike electronic circuits on a silicon chip, biological circuits inside a cell cannot be physically isolated from one another. “The cell is sort of a burrito. It has everything mixed together,” says Voigt.

    Because all the cellular machinery for reading genes and synthesizing proteins is jumbled together, researchers have to be careful that proteins that control one part of their synthetic circuit don’t hinder other parts of the circuit.

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    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:33 am

    Isn't this at the crux of all of what is going on?

    Regarding synthetic biology;

    One of the main reasons they use "DNA" logic gates made from the bacteria E Coli is because of it's ability to survive "harsh environments" and "radiation".

    I find this argument lame as life will find a way to survive if allowed to. What about what happened to the land, animals and plants after the Chernobyl meltdown?

    Despite Mutations, Chernobyl Wildlife Is Thriving

    But it turns out that the radioactive cloud may have a silver lining. Recent studies suggest that the 19-mile (30-kilometer) "exclusion zone" set up around the reactor has turned into a wildlife haven. Roe deer bounce though the deserted houses while bats roost in the rafters (related photos: inside today's Chernobyl). Plants and trees have sprung back to life, and rare species, such as lynx, Przewalski's horses, and eagle owls, are thriving where most humans fear to tread. "Now it is not the Red Forest but a real green forest, due to [growing] birch trees," said Sergey Gaschak from the International Radioecology Laboratory in Kiev, Ukraine. And in the towns where humans have moved out, plants and animals seem to have moved in. "Wild boar like to live in former villages, and I have found many birds' nests in the buildings," Gaschak said.

    Even the site of the explosion seems to be bursting with life.

    Basically the northern hemisphere is vulnerable to nuclear radiation contamination while the whole planet has been getting large doses of gamma radiation. It seems radiation is here to stay and life must adapt. I will add that this was a concern of mine back in the 70s while in college. I thought nuclear energy an environmental disaster just waiting to happen and it has. I also recall reading how numerous nuclear energy sites are over geological vulnerable areas - especially in the US. I found that bazaar. Did someone plan it that way? There is also info from off-worlder contactees that there are ways ET has to clean up the radiation and also recall some data awhile back where this was possible as well. I think the real question presented to humanity has to do with the role of radiation (not the nuclear power plants) have to do with our next evolutionary step. Is this Thanatos in the making? Somethings gotta give. Perhaps it is how we live on this planet. With the multitude of potentialities available one can pretty much envision any kind of future. I choose blue and green. Blue sky, clear water, green trees and mountains.Maybe this coming mini ice age will cover up the contaminated are for a few thousand years. We Just don't know how this will play out.

    And we should also throw into the mix our human DNA is altering as well. Maybe the greys who time traveled from the future to 1947 reallly are us after we mutated ourselves with all of this insanity by using nuclear technology as a means for energy. So needless given what the secret government is sitting on top of. Cold fusion is just one way to go and you know they have it,

    And I wonder about the statement you posted as well.

    One of the main reasons they use "DNA" logic gates made from the bacteria E Coli is because of it's ability to survive "harsh environments" and "radiation".

    What are they expecting that isn't being shared or spoken about?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Brook Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:45 am

    What are they expecting that isn't being shared or spoken about?

    Nobody is disputing the ability of life to overcome harsh environments. How many life extinction events have we evolved from?

    But these particular logic gates would fare well in an outer space environment. That is what I was pointing to.

    Adding however I do take to the "ancient" genetic engineering theory myself...again for personal reasons.


    Posts : 32046
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    Location : Hawaii

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:16 pm

    hmm - be back later. Already deleted another 3 pages of the trolls posts.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem? Empty Re: OMG ~ You thought Monsanto was a problem?

    Post  mudra Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:38 pm

    Flu vaccines and synthetic biology
    Going viral
    A speedy way to make a vaccine
    May 18th 2013

    IF A new and deadly strain of influenza were to arise, putting together a vaccine against it in the least possible time would be a priority. To test how quickly that could be done a group of researchers have just had a race with themselves. They have not quite matched the show sometimes given by workers at the Venetian arsenal, who would assemble a galley in a single day in order to overawe visiting foreign dignitaries. But Philip Dormitzer, Craig Venter and their colleagues did create the crucial component of a flu jab in four days and four hours.

    Dr Dormitzer, who works for Novartis, a drug company, and Dr Venter, eponymous founder of the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego, reported their record-breaking attempt in this week’s Science Translational Medicine. It began with the transmission to them from America’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority of the sequence data for the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of a (to them) unknown flu virus.

    The team took this information and used it to make DNA that contained both the gene sequences themselves and the genetic apparatus needed to let a cell read those sequences and produce proteins from them. They then put these pieces of synthetic DNA—which were, in effect, tiny chromosomes—into cell cultures derived from dog kidneys, which have been found particularly effective for this kind of work.


    Novartis, in collaboration with the commercial arm of Dr Venter’s enterprise, Synthetic Genomics, hopes to create a bank of seed viruses using this method.

    read on:

    Also :

    Synthetic Biology Could Speed Flu Vaccine Production

    Advanced genetic engineering is already changing vaccine development and could make inroads into other branches of medicine.

    By Susan Young on May 14, 2013

    Synthetic biology is breathing new life into the old-fashioned world of vaccine production, raising hopes that manufacturers could release vaccines much more quickly when outbreaks occur.

    At a meeting on synthetic biology held at MIT, the drug company Novartis said it has synthesized hybrid flu genomes in a process that could shave weeks off the time required to produce vaccines. When new flu strain emerges, government agencies normally send samples to vaccine manufacturers, who grow large numbers of the pathogen in chicken eggs as starting material for vaccines, says Philip Dormitzer, leader of viral vaccine research for Novartis. This process can take months and can miss the peak of an outbreak. But Novartis, working with synthetic biologists, has developed a way of chemically synthesizing virus genomes and growing them in tissue culture cells. That saves time and may produce more effective vaccines.

    The idea is to build a synthetic virus based on sequence data that can be distributed much more quickly than actual viral material harvested at the site of an outbreak. The synthetic viral genome combines a genomic backbone common to many flu viruses with genes specific to the strains seen in a new outbreak. In 2011, the team tested its method in response to a mock outbreak of a bird-flu virus (one closely related to the H7N9 virus currently spreading in China). Starting at 8 a.m. on Monday that year, the team began to chemically synthesize a viral genome based on sequence data, says Dormitzer. By noon the following Friday, the team had confirmed that it had live virus growing in cell culture.



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