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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths


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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  horus Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:42 am

    Twin Flames

    “And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment.”

    2,500 years ago.

    How will you know you have met your twin?

    Here are some of the symptoms given by others who have had the experience…

    1. Chances are you’ve met through a set of unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected.

    2. There is a powerful, instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before.

    3. You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another.

    4. There is an electrifying feeling between the two of you that words cannot describe.

    5. The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together.

    6. It feels as though you had never really lived before the reunion occurred.

    7. You feel a deep sense of sacredness and unity with God that you’ve have never known before.

    8. It brings on feelings you never thought possible.

    9. The two of you are inseparable.

    10. When you look into each other’s eyes, time and space have no meaning.

    11. There are no barriers between the two of you. The relationship is a totally open one.

    12. Your conversations seem to go on forever.

    13. The two of you have a strong urge to serve humanity in a deep and meaningful way.

    14. You give to the other and never think of receiving in return.

    15. There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you’ve ever experienced before.

    16. You still have karma with your twin from previous lives, but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love.

    17. Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self.

    18. There is a strong sense of unlimitedness eternity to your feelings.

    19. Your feelings for each other are very spiritual.

    20. There are no restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need for ownership or control.

    21. The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for a reason.

    22. You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are.

    23. In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other.

    24. Trust, patience and acceptance of each other’s weaknesses happen automatically.

    25. There is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship.

    26. Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another.

    27. The two of you become more and more one, without losing your individual identities.

    28. When you look into the other’s eyes, you see yourself.

    29. You experience a sense of completeness that is without comparison.

    30. The degree of intimacy and friendship the two of you develop is without parallel.

    31. You recognize that the two of you are Godmates.

    There is no doubt that some of the symptoms described above are also common to soul mate relationships. What really sets the twin soul union apart from all the rest is the profound degree of completeness experienced and the overwhelming sense of spirituality unique to these partnerships. Two other powerful symptoms of spiritually mature twins is their powerful connection to God and their desire to serve humanity in some meaningful way.

    There is also a very sacred sense of intimacy and feeling of divinely inspired wholeness that one finds within a twin soul relationship. It is not by accident nor is it without purpose. Rather, it is a magnificent and loving part of our Creator’s plan for us. There is no doubt that the intensity behind the twin union is more than enough to jump start the journey that will lead us back to our Source, which will happen someday.

    How do we prepare for our Twin?

    We prepare by growing spiritually, so that we become whole and independent. We have to increase our vibrations by eradicating greed, lust and anger. From our normal selfishness we repeatedly convert it to selflessness. The greatest task is to humble ourselves, otherwise pride would blind us to our twin. Then comes a stage of divine discontent, which can be obliterated by forgiveness. Forgive oneself first and then forgive the others. Then learn to love oneself and then others. In the life before the one in which we would be meeting our twins we should be well developed spiritually. Our mission is known, and we would be pursuing our life plan with determination and joy. There would be self-discipline. One twin could be running parallel jobs without realizing the presence of the other. And yet, one twin is helping the other through energy interchange. This process is not recognized by both. The best way to increase our spiritual status is to go inwards. Summarizing the methods for preparation to meet our twin:

    1. Spiritual discipline: Adopt a spiritual discipline, which includes meditation. The latter would accomplish silence and stillness with emptiness of thoughts. In that silence and stillness a small little voice will surface to let us know what further steps to take. This discipline would also help us to eradicate lust, greed, anger, selfishness and pride. It is of course a slow process, but with meditation it is faster than any other method. In the depth of that emptiness and stillness, bliss will automatically arise, and if one is able to retain that bliss, joy and happiness will be our lot throughout the day. ‘Be still and know that I am God’.

    2. Let go: While on this path, the essential goal would be to let go. One must be satisfied with what material comfort that is available to us. ‘Enough is enough’ should be everybody’s motto. The pursuit of the 5 C’s in the developing and developed countries has been the bugbear. They work furiously just to acquire (1) cars, (2) condominium, (3) credit cards, (4) career, and (5) clubs membership to neurotic proportions. They forget that we cannot take it with us. A story here would illustrate this point brilliantly. A young student is sent overseas to study certain skills. This overseas country has a currency control. No money may be brought in or taken out of the country. However the student may earn a living to feed himself and pay for his tuition fees. The scholarship is for ten years. So he took a part time job while studying the skills that he was sent to learn. This part time job was so successful that in two years he made it a full time job. Then he acquired a flat, a car with credit cards. He joined prestigious clubs of that country, and he made his lucrative job his career, forgetting what he went there for. The skills that he went to learn were compassion, wisdom and unconditional love. All these were totally forgotten. So by the end of ten years at which time he has to go home, he failed miserably to acquire these skills. Neither could he bring home all his wealth because the foreign country does not allow any expatriation of its currency, and also his home country does not use money. The currency in his home is karma and merit. This is exactly what happens to all of us, except that the length of overseas study is between 50 to 80 years and not ten. And the country of our foreign study is planet earth. Our home is the spirit world.

    3. Our path and skills: We are all endowed with certain skills, carried over from past lives. We follow our propensities and the one that gives us the most happiness should be grasped and developed as a profession or vocation. It may not be lucrative at all, but nevertheless it is satisfying. With this talent as his lifework he may be able to earn a living as well as provide a service to mankind. That means if one’s job were to help the handicapped, the aged sick or retarded children then one’s occupation would also be part of one’s spiritual growth. If our work is to teach the young, equally one should put one’s heart and soul into the teaching and not merely take the teaching as earning one’s keep. The teacher should also instill spiritual qualities in his instructions.

    4. Nature and Nurture: In our recreation, one should indulge in nature. Exercising on the beach or in the woods or amongst the trees is par excellence. Walking in the woods, swimming in the seas and gardening to grow flowers and bushes for beauty should be actively cultivated. Other forms of recreations should include appreciation of classical music. Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Schubert and Mahler are the music of choice. If one is not familiar with these composers, try to learn to appreciate them. Loud, rock music especially of the hard metal variety should be avoided at all costs, because these types of music would definitely end up in deafness and it also arouses our third chakra to unseemly proportions. Lastly, one should care for this body and mind. Proper food, vegetables and fish, and avoidance of alcohol, drugs and smoking constitute clean living. Then enough rest in the form of sleep should do for the ordinary person, but for the spiritually minded, meditation is a must.

    5. The penultimate step: From now onwards we must behave as if every relationship could possibly be the ultimate one. She or he may not be the right one, but at least we know how to behave when we finally meet the real twin. Every time we enter into a relationship, we treat the other person as if he or she is our twin. The other person’s happiness must be above our own. We go to great lengths to make the other happy and secure even to our own detriment. One must remember that at this penultimate stage, both twins are on the verge of enlightenment and periods of loneliness or solitude invariably accompanies the seekers. These periods of loneliness are a false sense of separation from our soul. Therefore, meditating inwards to realize our true self is an immediate solution. When our true self is realized, bliss is there. The loneliness and sadness will vanish right away with the light accompanying the soul.

    Recognizing the Twin

    Twin souls have the same vibrations. They come form the same mold, although not from the same womb. They are like one person bisected into two, but not one soul divided into two. Therefore, even after millions of years of separation, when they meet they know instinctively that that this is the twin. Their vision, feeling and purpose are one. They see the same vision from the same spot, unlike two other people with two different sets of eyes, which see the same scene juxtaposed with one another. The twin souls see the same scene with their combined third eye. The scene arouses the same feeling in both, although both are of different personalities. In fact what they see may even be complimentary. This must be the case, as they are now brought together for a single purpose. The feeling for each other is nothing less than divines love. The unconditionality of their love equals loving your neighbour as thyself or loving the other as yourself. One does not love the other despite the other’s faults; one loves the other for the other’s faults as much as for the other’s virtues.

    The love of twin souls is an ideal to be copied by all. The harmony and care do not allow of envy, irritation or exasperation for the other. Pain and suffering are not allowed to emerge from either party. If there is any infliction of pain it is due to an error of omission or lack of awareness. There is absolutely no intention to hurt.

    The First Meeting

    As mentioned by Omraam Mikhael Ivahov, twin souls meet about twelve times in our human incarnations. That means before this last sojourn, there could have been at least eleven previous meetings. Every meeting would have been melodramatic, memorable and electric. According to Sufi teachings, twin souls are like two Roman rings interlocking with each other. They may come very close when they enter a relationship in an incarnation, which means the two rings almost superimpose. But when they separate due to disagreements or reincarnating in different countries, the rings try to break away, but it is not possible. They remain inter-linked throughout their sojourns on earth and during intermissions in spirit. There is always a varying amount of common space between the two rings. During any twin-soul encounter, it is bound to be hypnotically momentous. A special feeling of energy seems to pass from one to the another beyond their control. This passage of energy is both nice and exciting. This is twin soul recognizing one another without involving the intellect. These twin souls encounter the same feeling and the same quality of love and it means the end of their loneliness. However, not all meetings of twin souls end well. Some cannot even get together. Some divorce after marriage, and they die without fulfillment. Of course, these are not their last incarnations.

    Now in the last meeting before their ascent to the spiritual realms, both twins are either enlightened or nearly so. Therefore at this stage the recognition must be mutual. As they are so developed their mission in this last incarnation has a common purpose. Having the same aspirations, both would be working for the good of humanity. Their same intensity of love and compassion would make them persistent in their common pursuit. One could be the leader or innovator whilst the other is the steady workhorse. Both must be preferably, in either in arts or in science. So that the effort is not dissipated by one being in the arts and the other in science. However, this fact is not essential. Their common goal is generally to uplift and enhance the quality of humanity. Both could be in the healing profession or in the promotion of arts etc. Even if they do not work in the same place, having the same vision their work could become complimentary, since they have the same preferences, tastes and predilection. Their mental capacity is of the same order. Their tastes in food, music and sense of humour are all the same. Both will either like the mountains or the sea. Their handwriting and the lines on their palms are similar. At this stage of development, they both possess a polished sense of humour and are good-natured. One could go on ad nauseam. You have to meet a couple of twin souls yourself to see how much in unison they behave. Of course, as human beings there may be twin souls who still have some differences and friendly competition may ensue. The outcome is the betterment of humanity. The so-called fight would not last long and the make-up is the sweeter. Sometimes twin souls appear to be doing the same thing at the same time, e.g. writing letters to one another at the same time.

    Before the meeting, the twins usually can sense that the time is coming near for them to meet. Then when they meet during the last incarnation, the charged electricity and explosion would indicate in no uncertain terms that ‘this is it’. However, this is not the end. Rather, it is the beginning of an ongoing process in this last incarnation. Both have still to develop and practice. Both have to continue to work at themselves so that their perfection will entitle them to journey in the spiritual realms forever never to return to earth.

    When they do meet, the age difference is of no consequence to them. The disparity could be as much as fifty years, but it is totally of no importance to the twins. They do not try to change each other for both accept each other as they are. Both are usually in the same state of health: both are either healthy or both are in the same state of incapacity. Both normally have strong telepathic linkages, and if one is sad so is the other. Conversely, happiness in one very often infects the other even though they may be thousands of miles apart. Lastly, both tend to incarnate into similar social circumstances; otherwise some difficulties may arise due to the disparate social status.

    False Twin

    Sometimes in our enthusiasm we see a twin when he or she is not one. In a joyful relationship, the mistake is understandable. However, the mistake may be stretched until both parties are hurt, more so by the dreamer. We grab at the similarities and enlarge them to fantasy level. Then when the relationship is dying, when everybody else can see it, the illusion is still perpetuated to our great cost.

    With our karma we formulate our G-plan (life plan) before coming down to earth. Our G-plan can still be modified or changed because of our freedom of choice. On the other hand in the matter of our twin, there is no choice. From the moment we individualize, our twin is destined to come back to us in the final incarnation. No amount of imagination or wishing can bring forth our twin at the time we want it.

    In our loneliness, we are very vulnerable. We ourselves may construct the delusion and the make belief will drive us further away from our true twin. So-called gurus, who will pronounce to a lonely woman that she is his twin soul, may also accentuate the illusion. After some time the guru will discard this ‘twin’ and go for another. The same ploy is used. Because he is a guru the woman tends to believe him implicitly. Sometimes the guru even mentions that he has two twins! This false guru dazzles the disciple with his light, as the victim wants to believe because of her loneliness, and it is better to have a twin who is a guru than to have one who is an ordinary person.

    The time to meet our twin is beyond our control. It entirely depends on the spiritual progress of the twins. After sounding the warning above, I would like to end this section with a cheerful note. As we cross over to the Aquarian age, there will be many meetings of twin souls, much more than hitherto. This is the good news. That also means that at each meeting the twosome will emit a light much brighter than the sum of two. It also means that with so many twins joining up throughout the whole world, there will be a great proliferation of lights across the globe, and this on its own will change the consciousness of planet earth. We would certainly be entering the age of enlightenment during this Aquarian age.

    Twin Soul Sex

    When they do meet, physical sex will not be the end all and be all of all pleasures. Of course, they still enjoy sexual pleasure, but it is no more the ultimate. It is love between two bodies as well as two souls. At this present age very few twins are already consummating their union in spirit. Physically they do not have to be together. They may be thousands of miles apart, but their spirits meet and conjoin. The joy and pleasure is much more satisfying than physical lovemaking. This is the opinion of all those who have experienced it.

    Twin Soul Difficulties

    When twin souls first meet even in their final incarnation, some of them will have differences in physical, emotional and intellectual content of the two personalities. Firstly, one soul has to adjust his difficulties within himself. Then he has to match whatever he has to the other. That means he has to clear all his own foibles, needs, cravings and ill will before he meets his twin as a fully satisfied individual. He should be ready to serve the other by putting the requirements of the other twin before his own. And vice versa. The struggle between themselves and together will definitely go to enhance the twinship. This is so because they have different psychological background and different personalities with emotional divergence. There will be normal conflicts when the two have such a close relationship, but the conflicts will be rapidly resolved. This is because their goal is the same. The emotional conflict is almost unbearable because they are twins. So in order not to see the other suffer, they tend to solve the problem as soon as possible.

    As they have been travelling by themselves, they have earned good and bad karma of their own. Once they meet and work together, they must now try and clear both karmic debts jointly. Similarly, good karma earned by both independently will be enjoyed by both. In fact, as karma is created at the soul level, both have been influenced by the other’s karma imperceptibly.

    There will definitely be stress in some couples, and in these they may even break up temporarily. Some couples will have to suffer together because of joined karma. There are so many possibilities in so many combinations and permutations. In some, the different backgrounds and karma would have brought together two very different individuals. This fact does not bother them at all. In this instance, “opposites do attract”. All the differences go to complement their lives. So differences in physical, emotional and psychological make up do not tear them apart irrevocably, because their souls are joined together like Siamese twins. The compatibility here is at the spiritual level. That alone counts.

    Obstacles to be encountered

    The obstacles within the individual should mostly be solved by the time of the meeting. However, there may be few external obstacles that present themselves. One or both twins could have already been married when they meet. The eternal triangle is usually dealt by the almost enlightened individuals with accommodation to the existing families. If one were to hear that someone has walked out on the family to be with his or her twin soul, one can rest assured that it is not a twin soul union in their final incarnation. The already committed twin is too responsible and would continue to honour the pre-existing marriage. The twins will know that there must be a very good reason for this inconvenience. It could be a test or because of unresolved karmic obligations. The twins would then remain as loving friends or colleagues without marriage disruptions. This is due to fact that they are no more powered by passionate physical sex, as their love is above that. They may meet at night in spirit for the purpose of uplifting a common cause. They may meet in either the astral or mental world. They know that their separation is temporary and nothing in the world can stop their final union. Of course very occasionally their meeting could precipitate a marriage breakup, but this is with a marriage that is already collapsing. The breakup may induce some benefit to the aggrieved members, who can start anew with their own new partners. With this in mind, the twins who are uniting in this last incarnation, would have cultivated fidelity, joy, love and trust, and their union would be as solid as a rock.

    However, there may still be a few cases, where one soul has not reached the same level as the other. One partner may outgrow the other, and the demands of the less developed may be irksome to most other partners. However to the developed twin this mild set back must be met with tolerance and patience, otherwise the growth may be stunted. At this juncture it is a shame to let the stunting be a deterrent for further growth. For instance, if one soul were to suffer from some neurotic illness, this fact may be detrimental for both. So the care-giving partner has to sacrifice his smooth progression to confront the neurotic partner with the truth of the difficulty. This may rock the marriage, but it has to be done. You do not spare the rod because you are afraid to hurt the naughty child. The soft stance will hurt the child more at a later date. This self-sacrifice must be persistent and long standing otherwise it will not work, for most neurotic diseases are brought over from past lives. The effort is worth it for it is for the mutual good of both, and the reward is enlightenment with the ultimate union with one’s twin. Thence the cross over to the higher spiritual realms never to return to earth again!


    Every body on earth has been drawing closer and closer to his or her twin soul, whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. The journey of this search started the minute we individualize aeons ago. In the earlier stages, we were ignorant of this treasure hunt. We just obeyed our instincts and desires. It is only now when we are crossing over to the Aquarian age that we are much more aware of the reason for this path. There appears to be some degree of urgency in this search, just because we are nearing the end of our search. When we are going to meet our twin is not for us to know. It can be tomorrow or even the next life. As in the mystic path, when one finds oneself in the ‘dark night of the soul’, one knows that the time is nigh. At this stage of our search, the loneliness is intense. This darkness of sadness, suffering and pain has no end in sight. However, lo and behold one’s twin suddenly turns up at the next corner! She could be the nurse, doctor or the social worker. Or the twin may be at the church gathering that you started to attend. One never knows, but the twin will certainly appear. If it is not in this life, then it will be the next life at the latest. So do not despair. The twin will definitely turn up. You have no choice in this matter.

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Micjer Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:08 am

    Thanks for this Horus.

    Curious to know how many on this forum feel that they have met their twin flame or at least their soul mate?

    I feel I have and am married to her.

    I believe Carol Brook and of course Horus has. Who else has??

    cheers sunny

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Owlsden Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:04 am

    Micjer wrote:Thanks for this Horus.

    Curious to know how many on this forum feel that they have met their twin flame or at least their soul mate?

    I feel I have and am married to her.

    I believe Carol Brook and of course Horus has. Who else has??

    cheers sunny

    What an interesting thread. I have done much research on the Twin Flame material as well as the Soul Mate material. So many people are yearning for their soul mate... their twin flame.. feeling incomplete.. I think this video says it all quite clearly and in reading from 1 min 39 secs into the video.. "Even though it is unlikely for anyone to meet their twin in this lifetime - Your twin can send you their blessing to strengthen your current relationship or help you to find a soul mate to be your partner in this life (followed with the 2 intertwined bands) highly resonated with me. For all those currently in relationship.. these are my blessing to you.. wherever you are.


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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Owlsden Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:52 pm

    Owlsden wrote:
    Micjer wrote:Thanks for this Horus.

    Curious to know how many on this forum feel that they have met their twin flame or at least their soul mate?

    I feel I have and am married to her.

    I believe Carol Brook and of course Horus has. Who else has??

    cheers sunny

    What an interesting thread. I have done much research on the Twin Flame material as well as the Soul Mate material. So many people are yearning for their soul mate... their twin flame.. feeling incomplete.. I think this video says it all quite clearly and in reading from 1 min 39 secs into the video.. "Even though it is unlikely for anyone to meet their twin in this lifetime - Your twin can send you their blessing to strengthen your current relationship or help you to find a soul mate to be your partner in this life (followed with the 2 intertwined bands) highly resonated with me. For all those currently in relationship.. these are my blessing to you.. wherever you are.


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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:54 am

    Micjer wrote:Who else has??

    cheers sunny

    I & Hadriel (My Wife) are Twin Flames also.


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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Micjer Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:26 pm

    I & Hadriel (My Wife) are Twin Flames also.


    Wonderful. cheers

    No coincindence that we all have met here at this time with similar conciousness. Freedom

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Beren Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:55 pm

    Micjer - Indeed!
    The more time passed by the more I was inclined and then finally started "From the forgotten world..." thread...

    We`re all joining the momentum and joining good vibes for the sake of many.

    Horus beautifully explained what are twin flames.

    Very Happy

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Horus

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:09 pm

    Hi Horus,

    Sorry we did not meet.. I thank you for creating this thread.... for I do know what it means to have a Twin Flame.. though we have not been re-united.. someday, I know we shall be.. My Twin Flame is in Australia and although he is 4D Higher Mind with me.. I have not yet met him in 3D... Someday.. we shall meet..

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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Trust As Wal

    Post  We Are You Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:21 am

    Yeshua ~ Abide by the Light ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ June 28, 2012
    Posted on June 29, 2012 by franheal
    i 2 Votes


    Greetings all beautiful Beings of the Light! I send you my Love and abiding protection.

    These are intricate and delicate times, dear Ones, times of decision of focus. The amount of Light and observance of the Light within you and without will be the tipping point to your journey to Oneness.

    This is your moment, dear Ones. How will you play it? Will you choose to focus on absorbing and building on the Light from the great Central Sun and make it your World? Will you use it as building materials for visions and dreams for what you want in your life and your World? Will you start to see yourself as one and the same with Source and All That Is?

    The moment of decision has arrived, and it is what you do with it that will determine your future. Are you concentrating on the Light and what you want to do with it? Are you constantly processing it through your Light Bodies, allowing yourselves to become more enlightened each moment?

    Pay attention to your thoughts more than ever. Do not be swayed by others’ thoughts and actions. Go into your heart and listen intently to what your Higher Self and Source is telling you. You all have that ability and it will grow and develop the more you use it.

    It is time to start using your gifts, your gifts of listening to your True Selves, of tuning into Source, of relying on your abilities to discern what is the Truth on your own; of feeding the collective consciousness with your dreams and visions that are only of Light and Love and Abundance and Freedom.

    It is time to let go of any thoughts of regret or revenge for what has gone on in your world of duality. Remember that you set that up to learn and to grow. Take the lessons now and move forward.

    Create your new World from the whisperings in your Soul, of your remembrance of a state of Oneness, of Love, of Light and of Abundance, and of full connection with each Soul feeding the wholeness of Source, arising from and giving to it; of pulsing with it; of letting the Light overtake the darkness and seeing it as done.

    Live in the World of Light and Love, dear Ones. BE that World of Light and Love, and bathe yourselves in it. Feel us of the Spiritual Realm beside you, enforcing your courage, giving you comfort as you carry on with your visions and dreams and intent for a New Earth that is unequaled in history.

    Let the static and interference die down that is of the dying essence of duality and embrace the possibilities and realities you are now creating with your tenacious adherence to what your Soul remembers and wants to live in, and for, again.

    My dear Ones, you are embarking on a fast moving train to Ascension. It is imperative that you do and think only what will expand the Light within and around you. Be that ball of Light you are starting to see in your meditations. Expand on it. Be it. Infuse it. Embrace it.

    Reach out to others from that place. Reach into your Selves from that place. Be the ball of Light of Oneness, now and forever. Start to allow your experiences with duality to be absorbed by the Light and transmuted by it until they are a distant memory and do not rule your day. Let Love for yourself and others rule your day. Let thoughts of how you can affect others with your Light rule your day. Be absorbed in it. Abide By The Light, dear Ones!

    Put down what you are carrying that distracts you from your purpose. Stay in your Center and breathe. Lightworkers, stand up tall and unwavering now! Hold the space for others to follow, for others to join you. Be at Peace. Be the Peace you wish to see. Do not waiver from it.

    My dear beloveds, you have come such a long way, and we of the Company of Heaven do not miss for a second all you have accomplished as well as the struggles you have gone through to get there. Please keep on going. You are almost there.

    With all my Love and support, I walk with you on this beautiful journey of your Awakening,

    Your loving brother, Yeshua.

    Thank you to Yeshua.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    Aquaries1111 wrote:Hi Horus,

    Sorry we did not meet.. I thank you for creating this thread.... for I do know what it means to have a Twin Flame.. though we have not been re-united.. someday, I know we shall be.. My Twin Flame is in Australia and although he is 4D Higher Mind with me.. I have not yet met him in 3D... Someday.. we shall meet..

    Believe it or not!
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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:58 pm

    Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:
    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Attachmentcarola10.gif
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    Last edited by We Are You on Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:21 pm

    We Are You wrote:Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:

    "I See You"

    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:43 pm

    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    We Are You wrote:Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:

    "I See You"

    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Attachmentbig_profile.jpg
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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty But the twinphysicianEST in need: We are the riskoffer and the riskoff

    Post  We Are You Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:57 am

    "bicoconuts keep falling on our heads"
    "bicoconuts keep falling on our hearts"
    "Bicoconuts keep falling on our Heads"
    "Bicoconuts keep falling on our Hearts"
    "coconut keep falling on my soul"
    "Coconut keep falling on MySelf"
    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Attachmentangela-peregoff.jpg
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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty But AND: We Are The HighestLover AND The Highest Love

    Post  We Are You Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:38 am

    The whirlwind is about to sweep you up, my friends. – Michael channeled by
    Posted on August 7, 2012 by Oracles and Healers
    i Rate This

    Well, here we are on the eve of the Lion’s Gate. We will not go into what this brings to you, as this information has been very well explained by others. We will tell you, however, that your inner selves are going to be changing in increments you have not experienced before. There has been a very carefully laid foundation built, up to this point, for those of you who have asked for and allowed it to happen. This will now make it possible for things to proceed at a more rapid pace.

    Myriads of tiny little changes will now begin to come together in huge realizations and changes of purpose, intent, and understanding. Some, where needed, will find physical changes, healings. Ask. But after the asking do not forget to allow, accept, and show gratitude. There is no limit to what you may change now other than your own mind.

    Find your “yes, but” and your “if only” walls. Realize from what they have kept you safely protected. Thank them and release them from their duties. Look beyond them at the new life you wish to have for yourselves. If you are reading these messages and understanding any of that which we are giving, you are ready to make these next steps if you so wish. The necessary energy, and it is immense, and the information have been provided, and will continue to be flooded into your world in ever increasing supply. The number of you waking to this is increasing each and every day. We are amazed, even though we have watched this happen from the beginning.

    Yet we see many standing on the sidelines, reading the same things and saying that it is all nonsense. They say it is not happening. They say nothing has changed for them at all. We answer, yes you are correct. It is time now for you to look into yourselves and ask why that may be. The only thing standing between yourselves and the changes the others are experiencing is a decision. Do not be afraid to make it. Decide and allow for the possibilities. No, you cannot see the internal changes and joy in another, and nor will anyone else see yours… at first. But you will, and that is what it is all about. If you do take that first step, the step others have all taken, you will remain outside looking in and wondering what it is all about. You have seen enough now to know that something is happening. You will be welcomed and aided as much as you allow and ask for. But you must begin it. You must take that first step.

    We also see many who are beginning to look around and ask for the help and guidance that they need. Look within yourselves and ask your guides and angels. But also, we tell you that many are being prepared to offer answers to sincere seekers. You will find them more and more about you. However, it may be difficult for you to see at first who they are and who is not quite so connected to the highest and best for you. Our advice is to be patient enough to allow your hearts to guide you in this. If you listen well, you will know. This is part of the discernment we tell you of. Always look for the feeling of love in what you are told. In this way you will know.

    The whirlwind is about to sweep you up, my friends. You are ready for it. Remember the words we have used so often, calm, centered, patience, discernment, and focus. And if you find that you are losing your way for a moment, reach out to us. We are with you and we will joyfully bring you back to your center.

    Our message for today ends here, but we will speak again soon. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    We Are You wrote:"Coconut keep fallin´ on MySelf"
    "coconut keep falling on my soul"
    "bicoconuts keep falling on our heads"
    "bicoconuts keep falling on our hearts"
    "Bicoconuts keep falling on our Heads"
    "Bicoconuts keep falling on our Hearts"

    FR*E*E Gift of Love ~ 108 Days of I AM Loving MySelf ! Caixa de entrada
    Deborah Ariel Pietsch & Wake Up...Shift Is HappeningTV <> 7 de agosto de 2012 01:08
    Para: Waldemir Santiago Junior <>
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    Wake Up...Shift Is Happening TV

    Know Anyone Who Could Use a Little More Love Today? Make Loving YourSelf a Priority ~ Daily Reminders!

    ~The World is Transforming ~ It's a Challenging Time for Many ~

    ~It's easy to forget to LOVE ~ Especially ~Loving OurSelves ~ \

    LOVE transcends all lower vibrations "What the World Needs

    ...Especially FEAR...and survival Now is Love, Sweet...

    When you are able to experience LOVE,

    Especially Self Love, you have a much

    Easier time moving through...ANY OBSTACLE,


    LOVE is the CREATOR energy of LIFE!

    Do You Love YourSelf No Matter What YOUR Outside World

    Looks Like?

    We are all being faced with challenges

    Yes, many people don't have the money, the cars, the houses & careers they either had before or thought they'd have by now...

    Yes, many people's self-esteem, self approval, self-respect and dignity is being challenged - especially if you associate any of this with what you have or had in the outside world...but it's an INSIDE JOB!

    Love YourSelf from your INSIDE out

    and your OUTER WORLD will reflect


    It's FREE...It's Easy and Could Change Their Life...

    IMAGINE Gifting


    Make a Difference in Someone's Life!

    Who else in your life could this Loving Reminder Series Help in your life?

    It's FREE...Give the Gift Of Love to

    Anyone you Want!

    108 Days of "I AM Loving MySelf Now!" Spread the LOVE!

    This is my gift to you and to the world...for many reasons...

    1) I want & intend to live in a loving, peaceful world

    2) I know from my own personal experience when I shifted from self-doubt, to Self Love, my entire life changed..dramatically

    3) The world could really stand a lot more love and that's up to Me and You!!

    Once you Sign Up...

    You'll receive one email a day for 108 days

    Each email will contain either a written, an audio or a video message, a song, a poem or just an image "that speaks a thousand words"
    All I Ask Is...

    That you create a strong intention to actually engage with each email!
    That you ignite a powerful willingness & desire to want to experience more Self Love!

    That you share this series with as many people as you can so we can collectively increase the vibration of love within OurSelves, which will then increase the frequency of LOVE on the entire planet...
    "We're In This Together"

    Deborah Ariel Pietsch

    Wake Up...Shift Is Happening TV • 14320 Ventura Blvd. • #256, CA 94320
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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Sainttiagospell of LTwinsisters: We are the Team(o)worker and the Team(o)work As Usual.:.We are the Coconutcrackerhunter and the Casse-Noisette:.: We are the Sfh(ink)ser and the Sfh(ink)s

    Post  We Are You Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:24 am

    Laura Tyco wrote: Laura’s Thought of the Day – When He Loves You
    Posted on August 8, 2012 by Laura Tyco

    When he loves you year, after year,
    Never lets go of you,
    No matter how serious your mistakes are.

    When he loves your unkind side,
    When he loves you even if you reject him,
    When he loves you when you look the worst you ever looked…
    I guess.. he really loves you ♥

    Lives Apartby Laura Tyco

    We are not together, yet we cannot be fully apart

    People, land and sea between us, yet still connected in our heart.

    Perhaps because such is the human soul, it is splits in parts?

    I am not here, nor there, I am always in flight.

    Perhaps it is only possible to remain together

    When we both know who we are and why we are here.

    When we are both able to maintain our presence long engough

    To comprehend why we had to live this life apart.

    Laura Tyco | August 3, 2012 at 10:49 | Categories: My Poems, Thought of the Day | URL:
    Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:
    Adrial and Aurora on Flight Plan for 11 Aug. 2012 – Twin Flame Reunion
    Posted on August 9, 2012 by Laura Tyco
    i 1 Vote

    Adrial: greetings, our mission plan for the coming Saturday is very simple. We would like you to experience and try remembering being reunited with your respective twin

    flame onboard Aurora. We would like you to retain part of the memories of being reunited, as whatever it is you will be experiencing with him or her because it would be a good indication of where you stand in matters of the heart.
    As Laura has recently found out, all healing begins with healing of the heart, and making your own heart whole again. Once this process is beginning to unfold for you, you will be able to overcome any remaining obstacle heading your way.
    We know that the wheel of karma is still spinning strongly for many of you in matters of the heart and the present outcome is far from being an ideal one for so many of you dear lightworkers. Please understand that the situation in love matters that you find yourself in now is no coincidence. And please do bare in mind that things are not always what they look like from outside.
    Always try putting yourself in your Twin Flame’s shoes if he or she is incarnated at the same time as you now. Many of you still have unfinished business right now, and responsibilities which must be accepted. This is not the time for being needy and selfish dear crews. This is the time for awakening to what is really taking place in your life, and what is taking place around you for others.
    Your eyes are opening at this time, and begin to penetrate into the very fabric of matter, you are becoming so sensitive that you can all understand with your own presence, and being what is going on around you.
    Many of you discover that their heart needs tending to now, and this is the main part of the mission of this coming Saturday. Only you can find your own answers by awakening to the present moment, by witnessing the continuously ongoing miracle of creation, the continuous miracle of love around you.
    So many of you are now sensitive to the higher dimensions, in fact you are becoming very aware of beings living in other dimensions. Most of them are aware of you, but the level of density you live in is so dense that it takes a miracle for you to open you own eyes. And by that we mean for you to assume a position of presence within your own physical matter, while retaining full consciousness of your own existence within your body.
    The bodies you have been given to live in are nothing more than a mare machine, nothing more than a thick and dense habitat for your soul. However it is possible for your energies to blend with it, and refine the crude matter it is made of. When your own spirit inhabits your body, your true self is able to transform and transmute your body’s make up at a cellular level, even if only temporarily.
    Every single time your life force inhabits your own shell body, it refines it and changes it. You have accepted to be born on Earth with a seed of light, this seen needs to grow and develop now. While you are undergoing this wonderful metamorphosis, you are also spreading higher frequencies vibrations, which Mother Earth needs in abundance at this time. She needs energies of conscious love, of peace, of growth and expansion. Source is a witness to your own amazing work, and encourages you to continue in this matter. Being with your twin flame is one way of spreading those higher frequencies vibrations.
    We bid you farewell for now, and hope that this message will bring into fruition your own questioning and will deepen your own understanding. We are not here to spoon feed you a large amount of information. We are here to encourage you develop your own growth, consciousness, and understanding. We can only point in the right direction, but you, on Earth are the ones who have to walk the path to full consciousness. We cannot achieve this for you from our dimension. It is your work, and the reason why so many of you have volunteered for this Earth assignment.
    Be at peace, in love and joy.
    Adrial, channeled by Laura Tyco


    Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:21 am

    Talking bout a revolution in "twin flames".. My Twin Flame is "Aries"

    But Eye won't post Tracy's song bout a revolution.. I always liked this one:

    Fast Car:

    Oxy style:

    I can't find the car.. but no matter.. I prefer the drive with no engine.. style:

    Jenneta Jenneta Jenneta
    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty We are the Sweetrabitter1111 and the Sweetrabitt1111

    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:17 am

    Aquaries1111 wrote:Talking bout a revolution in "twin flames".. My Twin Flame is "Aries"

    But Eye won't post Tracy's song bout a revolution.. I always liked this one:

    Fast Car:

    Oxy style:

    I can't find the car.. but no matter.. I prefer the drive with no engine.. style:

    Jenneta Jenneta Jenneta
    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Attachment880-77.jpg
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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty We are offer and off until 2112

    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:43 pm

    Laura – What i Recall from Birth Planning on Ascension | 2012 Indy Info

    5 Votes
    What i recall from birth planning is:

    1- there was not going 2 be a guarantee for the planet 2 ascend back 38 years ago, when i was born

    2- we all had 2 work super hard 2 made d shift happen

    3- otherwise, EARTH WOULD be destroyed on d surface

    but a few of us were 2 take refuge in Inner Earth if we were going 2 fail.. all hundereds of thousands of us… or more

    4- also i was told Mars also has water and inhabitants under the surface, and they could jump in and help us if our vibs were not going 2 be strong enough 2 help momma Earth ascend

    5- it was forseen that very likely we would succeed 2 make Earth ascend

    6- in which case, full success would mean the lifting of the veil for all life on earth, while in our bodies and human lives, which has never or almost never happened in d universe before.

    7- we were all supposed to work very hard for Earth to ascend and take her population with her into the higher realms

    8- if success, we would meet our ultra-dimensional ET family and friends, reunions were going 2 happens and much hugging

    9- then it is up 2 each individul, depending on circumstances to remain here for a few more years, or return home

    either way, in case of ascension, we would no longer know physical death, unless we decide we want to move on and consciously leave our human bodies for higher realms yet

    10- when we all ascend, we will see all the air and sky full of golden light… hence golden age i guess, and expressin such as light


    that is all : HELP EARTH ASCEND BY QUALITY, CONSCIOUS VIBRATIONS added into the general human melting post

    staying centreed is another way of saying conscious vibrations

    i was also given a few hints on my relationship with my family, my spiritual work,

    and i was told that i would not be alone this time around

    and i was also shown d various locations on earth where i would live during my life

    and the not alone part is my spiritual groups work journey…

    and of course having my twin flame incarnated at this time on Earth also

    and the aim for us was to find one another! lol

    hope this helped?

    See you onboard Aurora tonight for some of you. Hugs, Laura

    Laura – What i Recall from Birth Planning on Ascension | 2012 Indy Info.

    We Are You wrote:
    Laura Tyco wrote: Laura’s Thought of the Day – When He Loves You
    Posted on August 8, 2012 by Laura Tyco

    When he loves you year, after year,
    Never lets go of you,
    No matter how serious your mistakes are.

    When he loves your unkind side,
    When he loves you even if you reject him,
    When he loves you when you look the worst you ever looked…
    I guess.. he really loves you ♥

    Lives Apartby Laura Tyco

    We are not together, yet we cannot be fully apart

    People, land and sea between us, yet still connected in our heart.

    Perhaps because such is the human soul, it is splits in parts?

    I am not here, nor there, I am always in flight.

    Perhaps it is only possible to remain together

    When we both know who we are and why we are here.

    When we are both able to maintain our presence long engough

    To comprehend why we had to live this life apart.

    Laura Tyco | August 3, 2012 at 10:49 | Categories: My Poems, Thought of the Day | URL:
    Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:
    Adrial and Aurora on Flight Plan for 11 Aug. 2012 – Twin Flame Reunion
    Posted on August 9, 2012 by Laura Tyco
    i 1 Vote

    Adrial: greetings, our mission plan for the coming Saturday is very simple. We would like you to experience and try remembering being reunited with your respective twin

    flame onboard Aurora. We would like you to retain part of the memories of being reunited, as whatever it is you will be experiencing with him or her because it would be a good indication of where you stand in matters of the heart.
    As Laura has recently found out, all healing begins with healing of the heart, and making your own heart whole again. Once this process is beginning to unfold for you, you will be able to overcome any remaining obstacle heading your way.
    We know that the wheel of karma is still spinning strongly for many of you in matters of the heart and the present outcome is far from being an ideal one for so many of you dear lightworkers. Please understand that the situation in love matters that you find yourself in now is no coincidence. And please do bare in mind that things are not always what they look like from outside.
    Always try putting yourself in your Twin Flame’s shoes if he or she is incarnated at the same time as you now. Many of you still have unfinished business right now, and responsibilities which must be accepted. This is not the time for being needy and selfish dear crews. This is the time for awakening to what is really taking place in your life, and what is taking place around you for others.
    Your eyes are opening at this time, and begin to penetrate into the very fabric of matter, you are becoming so sensitive that you can all understand with your own presence, and being what is going on around you.
    Many of you discover that their heart needs tending to now, and this is the main part of the mission of this coming Saturday. Only you can find your own answers by awakening to the present moment, by witnessing the continuously ongoing miracle of creation, the continuous miracle of love around you.
    So many of you are now sensitive to the higher dimensions, in fact you are becoming very aware of beings living in other dimensions. Most of them are aware of you, but the level of density you live in is so dense that it takes a miracle for you to open you own eyes. And by that we mean for you to assume a position of presence within your own physical matter, while retaining full consciousness of your own existence within your body.
    The bodies you have been given to live in are nothing more than a mare machine, nothing more than a thick and dense habitat for your soul. However it is possible for your energies to blend with it, and refine the crude matter it is made of. When your own spirit inhabits your body, your true self is able to transform and transmute your body’s make up at a cellular level, even if only temporarily.
    Every single time your life force inhabits your own shell body, it refines it and changes it. You have accepted to be born on Earth with a seed of light, this seen needs to grow and develop now. While you are undergoing this wonderful metamorphosis, you are also spreading higher frequencies vibrations, which Mother Earth needs in abundance at this time. She needs energies of conscious love, of peace, of growth and expansion. Source is a witness to your own amazing work, and encourages you to continue in this matter. Being with your twin flame is one way of spreading those higher frequencies vibrations.
    We bid you farewell for now, and hope that this message will bring into fruition your own questioning and will deepen your own understanding. We are not here to spoon feed you a large amount of information. We are here to encourage you develop your own growth, consciousness, and understanding. We can only point in the right direction, but you, on Earth are the ones who have to walk the path to full consciousness. We cannot achieve this for you from our dimension. It is your work, and the reason why so many of you have volunteered for this Earth assignment.
    Be at peace, in love and joy.
    Adrial, channeled by Laura Tyco


    Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:

    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Attachment639-18.jpg
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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:16 am

    We Are You wrote:Laura – What i Recall from Birth Planning on Ascension | 2012 Indy Info

    5 Votes
    What i recall from birth planning is:

    1- there was not going 2 be a guarantee for the planet 2 ascend back 38 years ago, when i was born

    2- we all had 2 work super hard 2 made d shift happen

    3- otherwise, EARTH WOULD be destroyed on d surface

    but a few of us were 2 take refuge in Inner Earth if we were going 2 fail.. all hundereds of thousands of us… or more

    4- also i was told Mars also has water and inhabitants under the surface, and they could jump in and help us if our vibs were not going 2 be strong enough 2 help momma Earth ascend

    5- it was forseen that very likely we would succeed 2 make Earth ascend

    6- in which case, full success would mean the lifting of the veil for all life on earth, while in our bodies and human lives, which has never or almost never happened in d universe before.

    7- we were all supposed to work very hard for Earth to ascend and take her population with her into the higher realms

    8- if success, we would meet our ultra-dimensional ET family and friends, reunions were going 2 happens and much hugging

    9- then it is up 2 each individul, depending on circumstances to remain here for a few more years, or return home

    either way, in case of ascension, we would no longer know physical death, unless we decide we want to move on and consciously leave our human bodies for higher realms yet

    10- when we all ascend, we will see all the air and sky full of golden light… hence golden age i guess, and expressin such as light


    that is all : HELP EARTH ASCEND BY QUALITY, CONSCIOUS VIBRATIONS added into the general human melting post

    staying centreed is another way of saying conscious vibrations

    i was also given a few hints on my relationship with my family, my spiritual work,

    and i was told that i would not be alone this time around

    and i was also shown d various locations on earth where i would live during my life

    and the not alone part is my spiritual groups work journey…

    and of course having my twin flame incarnated at this time on Earth also

    and the aim for us was to find one another! lol

    hope this helped?

    See you onboard Aurora tonight for some of you. Hugs, Laura

    Laura – What i Recall from Birth Planning on Ascension | 2012 Indy Info.

    We Are You wrote:
    Laura Tyco wrote: Laura’s Thought of the Day – When He Loves You
    Posted on August 8, 2012 by Laura Tyco

    When he loves you year, after year,
    Never lets go of you,
    No matter how serious your mistakes are.

    When he loves your unkind side,
    When he loves you even if you reject him,
    When he loves you when you look the worst you ever looked…
    I guess.. he really loves you ♥

    Lives Apartby Laura Tyco

    We are not together, yet we cannot be fully apart

    People, land and sea between us, yet still connected in our heart.

    Perhaps because such is the human soul, it is splits in parts?

    I am not here, nor there, I am always in flight.

    Perhaps it is only possible to remain together

    When we both know who we are and why we are here.

    When we are both able to maintain our presence long engough

    To comprehend why we had to live this life apart.

    Laura Tyco | August 3, 2012 at 10:49 | Categories: My Poems, Thought of the Day | URL:
    Twin Flame Love – Laura’s Thought of the Dayby Laura Tyco

    May our dreams take us right in the arms of our loved one during sleep and find our true love in peace, harmony and love. Together we shall realize that we are apart for our growth, and may one day all obstacles between us fall. That day when there will be nothing left to keep me away from your heart will be such a miracle ♥

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 17:47 | Categories: Laura' Thought of the Day | URL:
    Adrial and Aurora on Flight Plan for 11 Aug. 2012 – Twin Flame Reunion
    Posted on August 9, 2012 by Laura Tyco
    i 1 Vote

    Adrial: greetings, our mission plan for the coming Saturday is very simple. We would like you to experience and try remembering being reunited with your respective twin

    flame onboard Aurora. We would like you to retain part of the memories of being reunited, as whatever it is you will be experiencing with him or her because it would be a good indication of where you stand in matters of the heart.
    As Laura has recently found out, all healing begins with healing of the heart, and making your own heart whole again. Once this process is beginning to unfold for you, you will be able to overcome any remaining obstacle heading your way.
    We know that the wheel of karma is still spinning strongly for many of you in matters of the heart and the present outcome is far from being an ideal one for so many of you dear lightworkers. Please understand that the situation in love matters that you find yourself in now is no coincidence. And please do bare in mind that things are not always what they look like from outside.
    Always try putting yourself in your Twin Flame’s shoes if he or she is incarnated at the same time as you now. Many of you still have unfinished business right now, and responsibilities which must be accepted. This is not the time for being needy and selfish dear crews. This is the time for awakening to what is really taking place in your life, and what is taking place around you for others.
    Your eyes are opening at this time, and begin to penetrate into the very fabric of matter, you are becoming so sensitive that you can all understand with your own presence, and being what is going on around you.
    Many of you discover that their heart needs tending to now, and this is the main part of the mission of this coming Saturday. Only you can find your own answers by awakening to the present moment, by witnessing the continuously ongoing miracle of creation, the continuous miracle of love around you.
    So many of you are now sensitive to the higher dimensions, in fact you are becoming very aware of beings living in other dimensions. Most of them are aware of you, but the level of density you live in is so dense that it takes a miracle for you to open you own eyes. And by that we mean for you to assume a position of presence within your own physical matter, while retaining full consciousness of your own existence within your body.
    The bodies you have been given to live in are nothing more than a mare machine, nothing more than a thick and dense habitat for your soul. However it is possible for your energies to blend with it, and refine the crude matter it is made of. When your own spirit inhabits your body, your true self is able to transform and transmute your body’s make up at a cellular level, even if only temporarily.
    Every single time your life force inhabits your own shell body, it refines it and changes it. You have accepted to be born on Earth with a seed of light, this seen needs to grow and develop now. While you are undergoing this wonderful metamorphosis, you are also spreading higher frequencies vibrations, which Mother Earth needs in abundance at this time. She needs energies of conscious love, of peace, of growth and expansion. Source is a witness to your own amazing work, and encourages you to continue in this matter. Being with your twin flame is one way of spreading those higher frequencies vibrations.
    We bid you farewell for now, and hope that this message will bring into fruition your own questioning and will deepen your own understanding. We are not here to spoon feed you a large amount of information. We are here to encourage you develop your own growth, consciousness, and understanding. We can only point in the right direction, but you, on Earth are the ones who have to walk the path to full consciousness. We cannot achieve this for you from our dimension. It is your work, and the reason why so many of you have volunteered for this Earth assignment.
    Be at peace, in love and joy.
    Adrial, channeled by Laura Tyco


    Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:

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    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty "Houston", WE ARE THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION

    Post  We Are You Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:52 am


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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Eye on Me Eye on You IOU

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:44 pm

    Dea R Dea R Dea R

    Eye O You R eaD

    Sweets Dreaming DeaDeaDea RRR 101010181818

    When is it Unwise for Twin Flames to Join

    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:14 pm

    Montague Keen – September 23, 2012
    by Laura

    September 23, 2012

    The 23rd of September, the anniversary of the day you became my bride. Our happiness was such that we thought we would go on forever. We are going on forever, but not quite in the way we imagined. Now, I assist in what is your work on Earth and must be seen as such. There will be times when you will not be able to write with me; people will understand this. I did warn you that it would not be easy, that there would be blockages along the way. Your determination to succeed is commendable. This is your divine path. I can only assist. There are many others on this side of life, shining a light on what must be done. Please ensure that you are grounded at all times. Your attack, last Sunday, in daylight, and with others around you, should act as a warning to always be on guard. The Dark Ones are fighting for their existence. They will fight anyone who shines a light on them. You need rest. You cannot carry this on your shoulders alone. I am happy to see that everything is becoming clearer. You never suspected your connection to certain places during your many lives on Planet Earth.

    All attempts to start World War III with Iran have failed. The people of Iran have no desire to fight a war with anyone. It is only the few who want war. It is time for the killing to stop. There will be no room for the warmongers when humanity returns to the Light. As the majority raise their vibration, they see clearly the manipulation of the few and they reject it. They are no longer willing to be conned into accepting false "reasons" why there must be war. The slaughter of innocents will not be accepted, no matter what reason is given. You know that the same "reasons" have been trotted out over the centuries; the same old formula over and over again. But it just will not work anymore. The soul-less few will have to think again.

    Who on Earth, will believe there is going to be an "alien invasion! " Who would want to invade a prison planet, other than to free humanity from the slavery inflicted on it by the Cabal. You should welcome them with open arms as your saviours should they "invade". The Cabal has been planning this invasion, – "Project Bluebeam" – for years. It was just a matter of time before they wheeled it out. They have the technology prepared and ready for action. But people are wiser now and are no longer ready to be fooled by the false propaganda and hysteria that worked in the past. The light of truth shines brightly in your world and it gets brighter each day. The Great Awakening is happening. It cannot be stopped. 2012 is your year to realise who you are and what you are capable of, once the shackles are removed. You will be free to enjoy life on a planet of peace and harmony. It is no longer a dream; it is happening. Your courage and willingness to explore the truth has brought this about. There is no going back.

    It will be fun, learning your true history. This, alone, will make an enormous difference. History should be based on fact, not fiction. The few responsible for creating the fiction will be exposed for the frauds that they are. It will upset some, that they were totally taken in by the fraud, and truly believed it. They are not alone: so many accepted it or had it forced on them by the sword. Sadly, those who resisted it were put to death. The wish to survive forced many to accept the false doctrine. Unfortunately, they then passed it on from generation to generation. This is how it survived. When the darkness is completely lifted you will see and experience life as never before. It will become a joyous experience. The darkness cannot and will not survive in the light. You, on the other hand, will become the Beings of Light that you are.

    Much is being put in place to bring this about. You will not have long to wait. Both sides of life are working together as one. It is a joint operation. We are almost there. The timing is right. We have waited a long time to bring this about. We needed certain people to be in place so that there can be a smooth transition.

    Ireland will play a huge part in restoring truth. All will be revealed as the Holy Land of the Aryan people – the people of the Light. Their light will shine brightly once more as they travel to the four corners of the Earth, as they did in days gone by, to share their light with others. Ireland is ready to give up her secrets that were so brutally hidden or destroyed by those who took control. The Irish, everywhere, will embrace the truth. All nations will come together in friendship, never again to declare war or suppress others for greed or control. The Irish people must hope that Mr Kenny will not abandon the innocent children that he defended not long ago, as he is feted by those who abused and crushed them mercilessly. You have come a long way in this year of 2012. There are just the final stages to get through, and now that you are open and wiser, you can see the end result is within your grasp.

    My dear wife has much resting on her shoulders. Please understand, if occasionally, she has to be elsewhere, working on your behalf. She will be able to explain, one day, and you will know the truth of our collaboration. Veronica and I have been together in many lives, so working together comes naturally to us.

    My dear, try to keep calm and grounded. Others will help you. You know what must be done. Trust that all the necessary help will be provided. I, and others, will be at your side at all times.

    Forever, your adoring, Monty.
    Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

    Montague Keen - September 23, 2012.
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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  We Are You Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:49 am

    Laura Maintenant
    há 25 minutos ·

    I continuously keep dreaming and sensing this wonderful being's presence around me for over one year now. It feels like the presence of any other Ascended Being: pure golden love, unconditional, a constant stream of love, uninterrupted, all forgiving, understanding and compassionate. His energy is able to mix with mine on the higher planes, it is a very palpable phenomenon to me in the higher realms, as our higher selfves are merging and melting in each other's energies.
    My 3D self, Laura, is also able to recognise him, his presence in her body, in her mind, all encompassing and enveloping Laura’s heart with pure love, golden warm light and affection, protection and passion.
    I rightfully or not call this person my twin flame, and our lives in 3D are kept apart for many reasons, which I will not go into now. I guess it is a combination of circumstances, including fears and specially agreements between our higher selves among other reasons.
    When we are reunited in 3D, our relationship is telepathic to the point of feeling as if both our minds work as one. We finish in our awaken state our conversations in our dreams. Although, I must admit all is somehow scary for me to experience such a deep level of connection with someone, to feel, think and to know as one.
    I am also aware of his presence during my days, in my mind, in the background. We communicate a lot in dreams, this is when all my question about his human aspect are answered. All my questions about his 3D life, about his work, about marriage, or why he smokes cigarettes first thing in the morning, about his relationship with others and his relationship with me are answered in dreams.
    In dreams there is no barrier between us, we are one, we are whole, we know all that there is to know about Earth and how our lives fit into the picture. We are a couple in the spirit world, eternally together, eternally bound by unconditional love.
    For a few months I wondered the name of the wonderful being. His energy signature is very close to SaLuSa’s, therefore I suspect that there is a direct relationship between SaLuSa and him. Perhaps coming from the same planet, or perhaps both are relatives, or even part of one another on the higher dimensions.
    They are definitively part of the same soul group, and I am also part of this group. This being is so much integrated and part of me also, he is also able to inhabit my 3D body, and the most wonderful energy, loving, and knowledge exchange takes place when we are able to join in this energetic manner.
    We had a common dream describing the events of 9/11 one week before it took place. I had no idea where this was supposed to take place, and the twin towers were, in my dream, destroyed by tsunamis. I guess this dream made reference to our lives together on Atlantis.
    His presence’s intensity varies according to many factors having to do with my own sensibility most of the time, my well being, my levels of stress, and my body tensions.
    I remember him from Atlantis, we were married and working on various projects, we were both involved with both spiritual matters and with science. The level of civilisation of some of the Atlanteans was such that many of us had our Higher Selves integrated into our human bodies for many generations and for thousand of years. Atlantis was in many respects paradise on Earth for thousands of years. Our Galactic Friends were with us for much of our journey on Earth, and had their own space ports here on Earth.
    On Atlantis our human relationship was full of love, but also some healthy competition in our work. There were no demands on me from him, I was allowed to be entirely free always. Part of me needed his attention, and I began doing silly things trying to make him jealous.
    Towards the end of our Atlantean lives, we had renounced more and more to spirituality in order to make room for the science projects we were working on, thus attempting to save Atlantis from her catastrophic end.
    I realized recently that giving up our spirit work was a mistake, as we both found ourselves stuck in our research, unable to provide a solution. We were also unable to cope with the spiritual needs of others and most importantly with our own spiritual needs.
    In the end, we appealed to other Galactic races for help, but unfortunately, there was too little time and a too great difficulty for any advanced civilisation to intervene and help our civilisation. We both knew that this was Atlantis’ fate to be destroyed; it was the end of an era, of a cycle for Mother Earth. We died in each other’s arms in our lab as there was a huge explosion, which engulfed the entire continent.
    This morning, as I was beginning to wake up, I was able to sense his presence, as usual. The usual amazing loving energy exchanges took place in between sleep and awake state as my alarm clock was going off, and as I kept pushing the snooze button. As I was between sleep and being awake, I was beginning to drift off to sleep in his arms again. Suddenly I head him say these words:
    “Nadir, Nadir, I am Nadir. You used to know me on Atlantis as Nadir, your beloved husband. Nadir, Nadir, Nadir, Nadir. I am Nadir. My name is Nadir.”
    I woke up suddenly, I was so happy for finally knowing his name. I have never ever heard of this word before. I have never heard or suspected this meaning, so relevant to my own situation in relation to his 3D form. I quickly researched Nadir online and it turns out Nadir has many meanings, some of which connect directly or indirectly to spirituality, to Earth, to Astral bodies, to being grounded, to satellite, to communication with higher bodies and realms and to spirit.
    We Are You

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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty I AM Nadir

    Post  We Are You Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:21 pm

    We are neither snakes nor lizards – Lady Ifegena from the Dragon Realm through EnnKa October 08, 2012
    Veröffentlicht am Oktober 8, 2012 von Sirian Heaven

    My beloved friend EnnKa asked me today to tell more about us Dragons. She is a bit curious because she can’t remember me and it is surely interesting enough for mankind to take this as topic for a message.

    We Dragons are age-old Beings from a higher Dimension. Some of us are numerous thousands of years old. They are very wise and highly respected. There aren’t very much only a few thousand of our kind. Because we are now immortal there is no neccessity to reproduce steadily. It is reserved for Prime Creator to decide when an egg will be laid and who is allowed to lay that egg and what color it will have. The color of the egg specifies the color of the hatched young Dragon. The egg of my daughter Epirose is golden, therefore she will be also golden.

    Dragons have many colors from green, over blue to red, brown, black, yellow, violet and very very seldom golden. We aren’t multi-colored but single-colored, at most our claws and part of our scales have varied hues.

    In size there are different variations from small nearly dwarfish Dragons through middle sizes to big Dragons like me. Common to all Dragons is the ability to fly. Some are not so good but others excellent. We have four feet with sharp claws like those of raptors, which we can move separately. We aren’t toxic, but can breathe fire when we are full-grown.

    Please don’t mistake us for reptilians. We are neither snakes nor lizards. Our body temperature is warm and our scaly skin is dry and warm too. Our wings are soft and sensitive. If we are not cautious, we can hurt ourselves.

    We dragons love the warmth and a sunbath serves us as nourishment as well as for relaxation. We don’t need to eat but we like clear water for drinking or bathing. Like all highly evolved beings, we can nourish ourselves through sunlight alone. Therefore you don’t need to fear we could see you or your gregarious animals as our food. We don’t kill, not even when we are attacked. We are very strong and the ability to defend ourselves without causing harm to our attacker. Aren’t we known as magical creatures?

    The greatest part of us lives on Sirius A. There we have been very cordially enrolled after our expulsion from Earth and live peacefully together with the inhabitants. We are friends and neighbors and some of us have a special connection to the elves. We feel an affinity for them like they to us. We can sense which elf matches us with his energy and nature. This connection usually will be established in the youth of an elf. EnnKa is my elf since many many years. When we both fly together, she on my back, our consciousness merges to one and she can steer me alone through her thoughts, through her intentions. Even, when we aren’t together we talk telepathically. Great distances cannot restrict that, because I submit her this message telepathically too.

    As we seldom have offspring, we care intensely for the eggs and the young Dragons. We take care of them very carefully until they are grown enough to take care of themselves. This is indeed no diffcult task for us, because we don’t have to look for food neither do we have to fear attackers. Most of the Sirians are highly evolved Beings and even those who live in the forth Dimension wouldn’t risk to come too near to our nest or to a young Dragon. In earlier times there have been such attempts until we made unmistakingly clear that we guard our children. Today this fact is known overall and we use the time to play more with our children and then to teach them how to fly. It is a nice time.

    I hope that you, my beloved people of Earth, fear us now lesser as you know more about us, our appearance and our lifestyle.

    I send you my love and the greetings of the Dragon Realm. I am Lady Ifegena from Sirius.

    Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.
    We Are You wrote:Laura Maintenant
    há 25 minutos ·

    I continuously keep dreaming and sensing this wonderful being's presence around me for over one year now. It feels like the presence of any other Ascended Being: pure golden love, unconditional, a constant stream of love, uninterrupted, all forgiving, understanding and compassionate. His energy is able to mix with mine on the higher planes, it is a very palpable phenomenon to me in the higher realms, as our higher selfves are merging and melting in each other's energies.
    My 3D self, Laura, is also able to recognise him, his presence in her body, in her mind, all encompassing and enveloping Laura’s heart with pure love, golden warm light and affection, protection and passion.
    I rightfully or not call this person my twin flame, and our lives in 3D are kept apart for many reasons, which I will not go into now. I guess it is a combination of circumstances, including fears and specially agreements between our higher selves among other reasons.
    When we are reunited in 3D, our relationship is telepathic to the point of feeling as if both our minds work as one. We finish in our awaken state our conversations in our dreams. Although, I must admit all is somehow scary for me to experience such a deep level of connection with someone, to feel, think and to know as one.
    I am also aware of his presence during my days, in my mind, in the background. We communicate a lot in dreams, this is when all my question about his human aspect are answered. All my questions about his 3D life, about his work, about marriage, or why he smokes cigarettes first thing in the morning, about his relationship with others and his relationship with me are answered in dreams.
    In dreams there is no barrier between us, we are one, we are whole, we know all that there is to know about Earth and how our lives fit into the picture. We are a couple in the spirit world, eternally together, eternally bound by unconditional love.
    For a few months I wondered the name of the wonderful being. His energy signature is very close to SaLuSa’s, therefore I suspect that there is a direct relationship between SaLuSa and him. Perhaps coming from the same planet, or perhaps both are relatives, or even part of one another on the higher dimensions.
    They are definitively part of the same soul group, and I am also part of this group. This being is so much integrated and part of me also, he is also able to inhabit my 3D body, and the most wonderful energy, loving, and knowledge exchange takes place when we are able to join in this energetic manner.
    We had a common dream describing the events of 9/11 one week before it took place. I had no idea where this was supposed to take place, and the twin towers were, in my dream, destroyed by tsunamis. I guess this dream made reference to our lives together on Atlantis.
    His presence’s intensity varies according to many factors having to do with my own sensibility most of the time, my well being, my levels of stress, and my body tensions.
    I remember him from Atlantis, we were married and working on various projects, we were both involved with both spiritual matters and with science. The level of civilisation of some of the Atlanteans was such that many of us had our Higher Selves integrated into our human bodies for many generations and for thousand of years. Atlantis was in many respects paradise on Earth for thousands of years. Our Galactic Friends were with us for much of our journey on Earth, and had their own space ports here on Earth.
    On Atlantis our human relationship was full of love, but also some healthy competition in our work. There were no demands on me from him, I was allowed to be entirely free always. Part of me needed his attention, and I began doing silly things trying to make him jealous.
    Towards the end of our Atlantean lives, we had renounced more and more to spirituality in order to make room for the science projects we were working on, thus attempting to save Atlantis from her catastrophic end.
    I realized recently that giving up our spirit work was a mistake, as we both found ourselves stuck in our research, unable to provide a solution. We were also unable to cope with the spiritual needs of others and most importantly with our own spiritual needs.
    In the end, we appealed to other Galactic races for help, but unfortunately, there was too little time and a too great difficulty for any advanced civilisation to intervene and help our civilisation. We both knew that this was Atlantis’ fate to be destroyed; it was the end of an era, of a cycle for Mother Earth. We died in each other’s arms in our lab as there was a huge explosion, which engulfed the entire continent.
    This morning, as I was beginning to wake up, I was able to sense his presence, as usual. The usual amazing loving energy exchanges took place in between sleep and awake state as my alarm clock was going off, and as I kept pushing the snooze button. As I was between sleep and being awake, I was beginning to drift off to sleep in his arms again. Suddenly I head him say these words:
    “Nadir, Nadir, I am Nadir. You used to know me on Atlantis as Nadir, your beloved husband. Nadir, Nadir, Nadir, Nadir. I am Nadir. My name is Nadir.”
    I woke up suddenly, I was so happy for finally knowing his name. I have never ever heard of this word before. I have never heard or suspected this meaning, so relevant to my own situation in relation to his 3D form. I quickly researched Nadir online and it turns out Nadir has many meanings, some of which connect directly or indirectly to spirituality, to Earth, to Astral bodies, to being grounded, to satellite, to communication with higher bodies and realms and to spirit.

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    Age : 55
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    The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths Empty Re: The twin-flame reunion - read these words of love and truths

    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:13 pm

    Are you the one?
    The traveller in time who has come
    to heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
    To walk this path with me until the end of time

    Are you the one?
    Who sparkles in the night like the fireflies
    Eternity of evening sky
    Facing the morning eye to eye

    Are you the one?
    Who'd share this life with me
    Who'd dive into the sea with me
    Are you the one?
    Who's had enough of pain
    And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore
    Are you the one?

    Are you the one?
    Who's love is like a flower that needs rain
    To wash away the feeling of pain
    Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear

    Are you the one?
    To walk with me in garden of stars
    The universe, the galaxies and Mars
    The supernova of our love is true

    Are you the one?
    Who'd share this life with me
    Who'd dive into the sea with me
    Are you the one?
    Who's had enough of pain
    And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore
    Are you the one?

    Armin van Buuren ft Sharon den Adel - In and Out of Love (slow).mp4

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