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    Shaul Mofaz,commander of the troops nato the battle of armageddon


    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2011-06-04

    Shaul Mofaz,commander of the troops nato the battle of armageddon Empty Shaul Mofaz,commander of the troops nato the battle of armageddon

    Post  zanbaq Thu May 30, 2013 9:25 pm

    Shaul Mofaz,commander of the troops nato the battle of armageddon

    antichrist(Shaul Mofaz,) he will be killed near Bengurion airport by jesus in 2015 or 2016


    Centurie X Q 72

    The year 1999(-2013), seventh month,
    )From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
    To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,

    Before and after Mars to reign by good luck

    2013& 1999:.

    Both have numbers Masonic
    Seven months after the beginning of the year of life period predictor = 1 october 2013

    this is the day when muslims are waiting for the mahdi(25 of the month Dhu Al Qaeda)

    and holiday mehregan (In ancient Persia)is a day of victory when angels helped fereydoon and Kaveh become victorious over Zahak= 1 or 2 october

    nibiru =comet ison?

    read more :

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