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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)


    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2011-06-04

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  zanbaq Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:35 pm

    Please help in the Better translations

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) in the 28 October 2011 will be Israeli Prime Minister and After that earthquake in

    northern Israel and Syria (november)- and the dry lake Kinert/time statesmanship mofaz 420 day and will be killed by jesuse In Jerusalem of 21 december 2012 (probably aim mayans from this two time on Themselves calendar is to rule anti christ)
    On november Saudi Arabia king will be killed - and
    starts War for statesmanship
    comet Elenin(C/2010 X1) near Earth and Asteroid yu55 to collide in East Asia on (10/october /2011
    Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus. During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin so when Elenin has a tail with Debris, all the rocks will hit Earth and it could be raining Fire as the Bible tells us !!! By the way, this stuff is all going to happen when the date is 11-11-11 isn’t that cool !!
    redness in sky cause comet Elenin Gas Methane
    will be eruption Yellowstone volcano on 11 november 2011
    and will be send out ashes at eight day
    will be occupy on November 2011 syria by Jordan army
    and will be war Turkey and Jordan in the north-eastern syria on January 2012 and after retreat to american army in irak Jordan army will be occupy irak on January 2012
    And in march- 2012 At one point, some of Sufyani's army will sink

    into the ground./ This place will be known as Baidah and will be located either between Makkah
    and Madina-volcano alaise
    Jesus on autumn of 2012
    - comes to earth from the sky for to help Imam Mahdi to spread

    freedom and justice and beneficence in the world


    Eseményekre ben 2011 és 2012:Shaul Mofaz (az Antikrisztusnak) lesz ő ben november 2011 miniszterelnöke Izrael
    Vesz igénybe uralkodása 14 hónapban és a muzulmán sereg összhangban vezetősége Imam Mahdi lesz Izrael lerombolja ben21 decemberi 2012
    Jordan Királya lesz elfoglalják a szíriai ben ősszel 2011 /és ő lesz elfoglalják a Irak ben januári 2012 mögött Kilépés Egyesült Államok/ Királya Jordan verekszik Törökországgal való ben januári 2012 /ben februárjában 2012 katonaság ő nyelni föld és vulkán között mediná városa és Mekkája városa// Szaúd Királya ben november 2011 majd történni ő halál és után hogy polgárháború miatt hogy uralkodjon/üstökös Elenin(C/2010 X1 ben 10 november okoz ütközés kisbolygó (yu55 2005) annak kelet Ázsia/kitörés Yellowstone vulkán ben november 2011 és nyolc nap tevékenység /jelenik Jézus ben ősszel 2012 számára támogat ból imam mahdi miatt kiterjesztésű igazságosság és jótékonyság és .../


    Shaul Mofaz (Antéchrist) En 28 Octobre 2011sera le premier ministre israélien et après le tremblement de zone de nord 'Israël et la Syrie (novembre)et sera le lac desséché kinert
    temps de Premiership Mofaz 420 jour et sera tué par jesuse À Jérusalem en 21 décembre 2012
    probablement pour but 'Mayas cette fois deux En eux-mêmes calendrier est de règle anti-Christ)
    En novembre roi saoudien saoudite seront tués et seront
    commence la guerre pour Directeur
    comète Elenin (C/2010 X1), près de la Terre et en collision l'astéroïde yu55 Asie de l'Est sur ​​(10/october / 2011

    sera l'éruption de Yellowstone volcan le 11 novembre 2011
    et sera envoyer cendres à huit jours
    seront occupent sur Novembre 2011 en Syrie par la Jordanie armée
    et sera la guerre la Turquie et la Jordanie dans le nord-est de la Syrie sur Janvier 2012 et après de quitter l'armée américaine en Irak en Jordanie armée sera occuper l'Irak le Janvier 2012
    Et en mars 2012 À un moment, certains de l'armée de Sufyani va couler

    dans le sol. / Cet endroit sera connu sous le nom Baidah et sera situé soit entre La Mecque
    et Madina-volcan alaise
    Jésus sur l'automne de 2012
    -sera Vient à la terre du ciel pour aider 'Imam Mahdi En de distribution

    liberté et de justice et de bienfaisance dans monde


    Shaul Mofaz (Anticristo), en 28 octubre 2011 serán Primer Ministro israelí y después de terremoto en norte de Israel y Siria (noviembre) - y el lago serán secó Kinert /sea momento gubernamentales Shaul Mofaz 420 días y serán asesinados por jesuse en Jerusalén en el 21 de diciembre 2012 (probablemente objetivo mayas de la distancia que dos fecha en sí mismos calendario es gubernamentales anti cristo)
    En noviembre el rey Arabia Saudita serán asesinados - y después de
    comienza la Guerra de los estadistas
    cometa Elenin (C/2010 X1) cerca de la Tierra y el serán golpeó asteroide (YU55 2005)la el Este de Asia en (10/october / 2011
    será la erupción volcán Yellowstone en 11 noviembre 2011
    y será envía las cenizas en ocho día
    será ocupará Siria por Jordania ejército en noviembre 2011 y será la guerra Turquía y Jordania, en el nororiental Siria en enero 2012 y después retirarse a ejército americano en Irak Jordania ejército será ocupará Irak en enero 2012
    Y marzo 2012 En un momento dado, algunos del ejército de Sufyani será hundirá

    en el suelo. / Este lugar será conoce como Baidah y estar ubicado entre La Meca
    y Medin

    Viene a la tierra desde el cielo para ayudar a Imam Mahdi para difundir

    la libertad y la justicia y la caridad en mundo

    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2011-06-04

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  zanbaq Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:37 pm
    Шауль Мофаз (Антихриста) в 28 октября 2011 будет премьер-министром Израиля и после этого землетрясения в северных районах Израиля и Сирии (ноябрь) - и сухие озер Kinert / период премьерство Шауль Мофаз 420 день и будет убит jesuse Руками В Иерусалиме от 21 декабря 2012 вероятно, целью майя из этого раза на себя календарь период Антихриста президентство )
    В ноябре король Саудовской Аравии будет убито - и
    начинается война за президентство
    Кометою Еленин (C/2010 X1) вблизи Земли и Астероид yu55 будет столкновение в Восточной Азии на (10/october / 2011
    будут извержение Йеллоустон вулкана на 11 ноября 2011
    и будет отправить то пепла на восемь день
    будут занимают в ноябрь 2011 Сирии приступ Иорданию армией
    и будет войной Турция и Иордании в северо-восточной Сирии в январе 2012 и после отступления в американской армии в Ираке Иордания армия будет занимают Ираке на январь 2012

    Shaul Mofaz (Anticristo) nel 28 Ottobre 2011 verrà primo ministro israeliano e dopo quel terremoto nel nord di Israele e Siria (novembre) - e il lago asciutto Kinert / statesmanship periodo Mofaz 420 giorni e verrà ucciso da jesuse A Gerusalemme del 21 dicembre 2012 (probabilmente Maya lo scopo da questo momento in due sul Sè stessi calendario si di governare contro cristo)

    Nel novembre Arabia Saudita re sarà ucciso - e
    inizia guerra per statesmanship

    cometa Elenin (C/2010 X1) prossimità della Terra e asteroidi yu55 a volontà scontrarsi nell'Asia orientale su (10/october / 2011
    sarà eruzione vulcano Yellowstone su 11 Novembre 2011
    e sarà inviano ceneri alla otto giorno
    verrà occupano sul novembre 2011 Siria dalla Giordania esercito
    e sarà guerra, Turchia e Giordania, nel nord-est della Siria nel gennaio 2012 e dopo il ritiro di esercito americano dei Iraq Giordania esercito verrà occupano Irak su gennaio 2012
    E marzo 2012 Ad un certo punto, alcuni dei dell'esercito Sufyani sarà lavandino

    nel terreno. / Questo posto sarà conosciuta come Baidah e saranno situate tra della Mecca
    e Madina

    Gesù sulle autunno del 2012
    - giunge sulla Terra dal cielo per la aiutare imam mahdi per diffondere
    libertà e la giustizia e beneficenza nel mondo

    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2011-06-04

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  zanbaq Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:39 pm


    2011 ve 2012 yıllarının hadıseleri

    şaul mofaz (isfahanli deccal) 2011 kasım ayında israil başbakani olacak,
    onun hükümeti 14 ay sürecek ve islam askerleri imam mehdi
    kumandanlığı israili yok edecekler

    2011 sonbahar ,ürdün krali suriye işgal edip ele geçirecek ve ırak
    gelen ocak ayında ,batıli güçlerin ıraki terk edişinden sonra, ele geçirecek.

    2011 sonbahar ,ürdün krali türkiye'yle cezire adli mıntıka savaşa girecek ve onun askerleri
    şubat 2012 de mekke'yle medine arasi çölde yere batacaklar.

    2011 kasım ayında suudi arabistan krali ölecek ve sonrada ülkesinde güç savaşi başlayacak.

    21-28 ekimde Elenin(C/2010 X1) adlı kuyrukli yıldız yere yaklaşacak ve 10 kasım yu55 adli bir göktaşının doğu asyaya çarpmasına neden olacak.

    2011 yılında büyük bir yıldız gök yüzünün doğusunda patlayacak ve 3 yada 7 gün süreyle devamlı yanacak ve bu imam mehdinin gelmesine işaretdir.

    2011 kasım israilin Kuzeyinde deprem olacak ve taberiye adli göl kuruyacak

    2011 kasım yellowstone adli volkan patlayacak

    2012 sonbahar hazrete isa gelecek ve dünyada adaletin kurulmasi için imam Mahdi yardım edecek

    Posts : 13540
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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:36 pm

    Should we really say Anti-Michael, Anti-Horus, and Anti-Mithras -- in addition to saying Anti-Christ? Has Christ ever REALLY run the show on this God-Forsaken Planet??? Why are we always waiting for the Damn Anti-Christ??? What if the Anti-Christ has been running the New World Order for Thousands of Years??? Hmmmmmmm???

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:37 pm

    zanbaq wrote:
    Please help in the Better translations

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) on October 28, 2011 will be Israeli Prime Minister

    After that, in November an earthquake in Northern Israel and Syria will occur

    - and the dry lake Kinert/time

    statesmanship Mofaz in 420 day and will be killed by jews In Jerusalem on December 21, 2012 (probably aim Mayans from this two time on Themselves calendar is to rule anti christ)

    In november Saudi Arabia king will be killed - starts War for statesmanship

    Comet Elenin(C/2010 X1) near Earth and Asteroid yu55 to collide in East Asia on October 10, 2011

    Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus. During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin so when Elenin has a tail with debris, all the rocks will hit earth and it could be raining Fire as the Bible tells us !!! By the way, this stuff is all going to happen when the date is 11-11-11 isn’t that cool !!

    Redness in sky caused by comet Elenin's methane gas

    There will be eruption Yellowstone caldera on 11 November 2011 that will be send out ashes for a period of eight days

    Syria will be occupy on November 2011 by Jordan army

    There will be war involving Turkey and Jordan in the north-eastern Syria on January 2012 and after retreat to American army in Iraq, Jordan army will be occupy Iraq on January 2012

    In March, 2012 - at one point, some of Sufyani's army will sink into the ground./ This place will be known as Baidah and will be located either between Makkah
    and Madina-volcano alaise

    Jesus in autumn of 2012 - comes to earth from the sky for to help Imam Mahdi to spread freedom and justice and beneficence in the world.

    How's this?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:16 am

    Interesting fables ! Where did you get it ?

    I am Jesus Christ too . Don't' you recognize me ?

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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:19 am

    Not that the questions posed are off base but being a "Christ" is a way of being - Its not a specific Personality per se although a Personality can be a "Christ"...

    Yeshua was a "Christ" and so have there been others as there currently are and will again be...

    So - Simply stated - As a "Christed" Individual seeks the Highest and Best Good of All Concerned in All Things - An "Anti-Christed" would seek the Opposite...

    No more - No less. The rest is baggage...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:35 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    Interesting fables ! Where did you get it ?

    I am Jesus Christ too . Don't' you recognize me ?

    Im Brian and so is my wife

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    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:36 am

    BTW - I found Your shoe...

    Crazy Happy


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist) Empty Re: Shaul Mofaz (Antichrist)

    Post  Floyd Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:46 am

    Mercuriel wrote:BTW - I found Your shoe...

    Crazy Happy


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