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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out


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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out

    Post  burgundia Thu May 09, 2013 4:21 am


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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Re: Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu May 09, 2013 7:28 am

    The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Two Historic Updates

    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Comes Forward and Names her Torturers

    An Exclusive Breaking News Report from ITCCS Central Office and its Dutch Affiliates

    May 8, 2013: Zwolle, Holland:

    A survivor of a high-level ring involving child sacrifice, torture and trafficking went public today in an exclusive disclosure and interview with Freedom Central's Mel Ve and ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett.

    Toos Nijenhuis, a fifty four year old physiotherapist and mother of five from Holland, was tortured, raped and used experimentally from the age of four years old by wealthy and powerful men around the world, including top officials of churches and governments.

    And, Nijenhuis claims, these crimes are continuing today, including the ritual sacrifice of children in rural Holland.

    On May 7, Ms. Nijenhuis accompanied Kevin Annett, Mel Ve and other investigators to a forested site near to Zwolle where such child murders took place as recently as November, 2010, according to Ms. Nijenhuis.

    Among the perpetrators who are named in these crimes and who allegedly assaulted Toos Nijenhuis are Prince Bernhard of Holland, who was the grandfather of the newly-crowned Dutch King Alexander, and a founder of the Bilderberger Group; Catholic Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht, and members of the British Royal Family.

    These assaults occurred in Holland, Scotland, and a military experimental base in Melbourne, Australia, where Toos was subjected to what appears to be pain threshold and behaviour modification experiments. She also witnessed the torture and murder of other children.

    Key excerpts from the interview and statement of Toos Nijenhuis are found in this link:

    In response to Toos Nijenhuis' horrific revelations, a Dutch-based group was formed on May 7 in Zwolle to investigate and prosecute child traffickers and ritual child sacrifice.

    In conjunction with Ms. Nijenhuis, Freedom Central, the ITCCS and others, this new group will launch a Common Law Court case into these crimes during the coming year. Key alleged perpetrators will be publicly named and issued a Summons to appear before the Court.

    Stay tuned for more information on this campaign at , and the Tribunal's international language website: .


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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Child Sacrifice & Trafficking In Holland: An Eyewitness Speaks Out

    Post  Jenetta Fri May 10, 2013 1:38 am

    As Jay Parker mentions in this thread

    these Satanists get the children when they are young say from birth to 6 or 7 as the children's minds at this tender age are easily hijacked by these monsters through mind control, ritual and sexual abuse, and torture.

    Jay mentions that in working with his own healing he has used the technique of EFT (emotional freedom technique) to help heal himself along with writing by hand on paper detailing the traumas subjected to...

    Jay also mentioned that these Satanists like to conduct their rituals near powerful ley lines where the electro magnetic forces are greatest so their negative energy can make use of the energy near the ley lines and then project it into the ether. Also interesting is that they like to use cities and towns with the ending of "ton" ...
    For example: Washington, Boston, Trenton, Edmonton and so on...

    The 34 million Satanic Illuminati are all a product of this ritual abuse, mind control and torture. Its a global affair not just Americans. The psychopaths that control them are shape shifting entities of the highest degree.
    As below so above; As above so below

    Posts : 1471
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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Re: Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri May 10, 2013 4:41 am

    Jenetta wrote:As Jay Parker mentions in this thread

    these Satanists get the children when they are young say from birth to 6 or 7 as the children's minds at this tender age are easily hijacked by these monsters through mind control, ritual and sexual abuse, and torture.

    Jay mentions that in working with his own healing he has used the technique of EFT (emotional freedom technique) to help heal himself along with writing by hand on paper detailing the traumas subjected to...

    Jay also mentioned that these Satanists like to conduct their rituals near powerful ley lines where the electro magnetic forces are greatest so their negative energy can make use of the energy near the ley lines and then project it into the ether. Also interesting is that they like to use cities and towns with the ending of "ton" ...
    For example: Washington, Boston, Trenton, Edmonton and so on...

    The 34 million Satanic Illuminati are all a product of this ritual abuse, mind control and torture. Its a global affair not just Americans. The psychopaths that control them are shape shifting entities of the highest degree.

    Infact the MK Ultra stealing and buying children went on in Australia in the past , my wife was stolen as a baby, as I wrote in the e-book " escape from Australia " and given in payment to a secret service spy who could not have children . The brother of my wife
    was brought up by a related family of the father and educated by the secret services and later he went on to The High Court of Australia . So who knows if the same garbage goes on even today in Australia . Things like that can happen easily because in that country identity card do not exist !
    As below so above; As above so below

    Last edited by enemyofNWO on Sat May 11, 2013 3:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Re: Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri May 10, 2013 12:21 pm

    As you know, I try to be open-minded. I'm probably way too open-minded -- but I draw the line with the misuse, abuse, torture, killing, and sacrifice of human-beings (and anyone else, for that matter). We need to completely eliminate this sort of thing (and bring everyone associated with it to a harsh and unyielding justice). I continue to be troubled by the blood-atonement and human-sacrifice in the Bible. I get the feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider, for example, the various reports about Bohemian Grove -- and various rituals with the big-shots of the world present. This world is sick and filthy to the nth degree -- and needs to be healed and cleaned-up with all deliberate speed. I have a very difficult time dealing with this sort of thing -- and I tend to move-on -- but perhaps I shouldn't. Perhaps none of us should...

    Posts : 5520
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    Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out  Empty Re: Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks out

    Post  burgundia Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:58 am

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