Carol Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:49 am
Oxy - have you considered the possibility of being fear-based isn't very fun. Long ago when living in a threatening situation one day I woke up and realized I'd had enough and ended the situation so I wouldn't have to live in fear. And putting faith in the Divine, trusting in the Divine and know that the Divine has our best interest at heart helped to move beyond fear. In addition, when fear popped up with ET showing up, it was anger that shoved fear away. You can call upon Divine help for protection as well. Or just make up your mind that you don't want to live in fear. Music also is a tool to raise one's vibration to move out of fear. Frankly - living in fear sucks. Been there, did that, walked away.
You're a sovereign being. Choose instead to dwell on the positive (beauty, simplicity, friends/family, nature, uplifting music, inspirational writing, good nuturing food and chocolate). Enjoy the gifts that are laid out before you and make your goal to be happy irrespecitive of what is going on out in the world.