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    We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens


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    We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens Empty We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:57 pm


    Posts : 13540
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    We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens Empty Re: We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:51 pm

    I just finished 'listening' to Religulous because I got the wrong type of DVD (so there is no video). Hey!! It looks like I can watch it after all!! Anyway, it was pretty much what I expected -- a sarcastic and caustic survey of religious people throughout the world. It was sort of funny on one level -- and sad on another level. But really, if one of the religious people had suggested that 'we are star people -- and that they had scientific proof that we had been created by aliens' I'm sure that Bill Maher would've had a good laugh, and would've asked some unanswerable questions -- to make the whole thing look ridiculous. But really, my limited research and speculation has led me in that direction -- even though it's mostly science-fiction to me -- at this point anyway. What if these aliens (angels led by a renegade archangel) created us -- and then incarnated us (on a soul level) -- which really angered the other aliens (conservative angels) in the universe -- so much so, that they sent a couple of bad@ss archangels to clean up the mess??!! What if one of these archangels decided to help the new race of beings -- and fought with the other archangel -- but ultimately failed to win -- and was tasked with enslaving humanity (under the direction of this other victorious archangel)?? What if all of the seemingly ridiculous religions were invented by these two archangels to keep humanity in chains?? This wouldn't mean that there were no gods and no afterlife. It would simply mean that mankind was on the galactic $hitli$t -- and was getting royally-$crewed. My point is that Bill Maher might be right (in a way) -- and the people he was making fun-of might be right (in a way).

    The main thing, for me, is that people try to think about philosophical and theological themes. I talked to an SUV full of Jehovah's Witnesses today. I have no intention of joining them -- yet we had a brief and interesting conversation. We didn't get angry. We weren't mean. We used a lot of mutual positive-reinforcement before going our separate ways. I think that even the most absurd religious systems can serve as mental and spiritual exercises to those who participate in them. Even the most respectable religions might ultimately turn-out to be utter bull$hit. But even if they do, I still think we need churches and religion. They provide structure, fellowship, challenge, education, etc. As I've said so many times, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing on this website (unless I get excommunicated)!! If I ever get kicked-out -- I'll just do my thing somewhere else. The point is, I'm making a big deal about politics and religion -- without making a big deal about politics and religion. This is just a Tempest in a Teapot. Still, I think that some really cool science-fiction MIGHT result from this seeming exercise in futility -- and that ultimately, a lot of it might prove to be more factual than fictional. This is only the beginning. I see a helluva lot of smoke -- but I have yet to see the fire. I'm sure that the most powerful forces in this solar system would like to keep it that way. Just a hunch.

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens Empty Re: We are star people - scientific proof - we were created by aliens

    Post  Brook Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:52 am

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