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    American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.


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    American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.  Empty American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:46 am

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Published on Aug 17, 2012

    Aaron H. Swartz (November 8, 1986 -- January 11, 2013) speaking at ThoughtWorks tells how a tiny number of online activists managed to defeat SOPA, the Internet censoring bill, pushed by the entertainment industry, which had spent hundreds of millions of dollars per year trying to get it passed.

    Aaron Swartz, 26, was found dead Jan 11, 2013 in his New York apartment, an apparent suicide. He had apparently hanged himself. Swartz's girlfriend discovered the body.

    Aaron Swartz became an Internet folk hero, pushing to make many Web files free and open to the public. But in July 2011, he was indicted on federal charges of gaining illegal access to JSTOR, a subscription-only service for distributing scientific and literary journals, and downloading 4.8 million articles and documents, nearly the entire library.

    Charges in the case, including wire fraud and computer fraud, were pending at the time of Mr. Swartz's death, carrying potential penalties of up to 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines. Lawrence Lessig of the Safra Center at Harvard who worked for a time on behalf of Swartz's legal defense denounced the federal bullying: Why was it so necessary Aaron Swartz be labeled a felon?

    Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:37AM GMT

    Prominent American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.

    Police found the body of the 26-year-old in his apartment in New York City borough of Brooklyn on Friday, said a spokeswoman for the city’s chief medical examiner.

    Brooklyn’s chief medical examiner ruled the death a suicide by hanging, but no further detail is available about the mysterious death.

    Last year, Swartz openly criticized the US and the Israeli regime for launching joint cyber attacks against Iran.

    The blogger was also vocal in criticizing Obama’s so-called kill list and other policies.

    Obama has been reportedly approving the names put on the “kill lists” used in the targeted killing operations carried out by US assassination drones.

    Every week or so, more than 100 members of the US national security team gather via secure video teleconference run by the Pentagon and go over the biographies of suspects in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, and “nominate” those who should be targeted in the attacks.

    Obama is then provided with the identities of those put on the “kill list” and signs off on every strike in Yemen and Somalia as well as the risky strikes in Pakistan.

    Swartz was also widely credited for co-authoring the specifications for the Web feed format RSS 1.0 (Rich Site Summary) which he worked on at age 14.

    RSS is designed to deliver content from sites that change constantly, such as news pages, to users.

    Swartz was critical of monopoly of information by corporate cartels and believed that information should be shared and available for the benefit of society.

    “Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves,” he wrote in an online “manifesto” in 2008.

    Based on that belief, the computer prodigy founded the nonprofit group DemandProgress.

    The group launched a successful campaign to block a 2011 bill that the US House of Representatives called the Stop Online Piracy Act.

    Had it been approved, the bill would have allowed court orders to restrain access to some websites considered to be involved in illegal sharing of intellectual property.

    DemandProgress argued that the thwarted Stop Online Piracy Act would have broadly authorized the US government to censor and restrict legitimate Web communication.

    Prominent American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.

    Police found the body of the 26-year-old in his apartment in New York City borough of Brooklyn on Friday, said a spokeswoman for the city’s chief medical examiner.

    Brooklyn’s chief medical examiner ruled the death a suicide by hanging, but no further detail is available about the mysterious death.

    Last year, Swartz openly criticized the US and the Israeli regime for launching joint cyber attacks against Iran.

    The blogger was also vocal in criticizing Obama’s so-called kill list and other policies.

    Obama has been reportedly approving the names put on the “kill lists” used in the targeted killing operations carried out by US assassination drones.

    Every week or so, more than 100 members of the US national security team gather via secure video teleconference run by the Pentagon and go over the biographies of suspects in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, and “nominate” those who should be targeted in the attacks.

    Obama is then provided with the identities of those put on the “kill list” and signs off on every strike in Yemen and Somalia as well as the risky strikes in Pakistan.

    Swartz was also widely credited for co-authoring the specifications for the Web feed format RSS 1.0 (Rich Site Summary) which he worked on at age 14.

    RSS is designed to deliver content from sites that change constantly, such as news pages, to users.

    Swartz was critical of monopoly of information by corporate cartels and believed that information should be shared and available for the benefit of society.

    “Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves,” he wrote in an online “manifesto” in 2008.

    Based on that belief, the computer prodigy founded the nonprofit group DemandProgress.

    The group launched a successful campaign to block a 2011 bill that the US House of Representatives called the Stop Online Piracy Act.

    Had it been approved, the bill would have allowed court orders to restrain access to some websites considered to be involved in illegal sharing of intellectual property.

    DemandProgress argued that the thwarted Stop Online Piracy Act would have broadly authorized the US government to censor and restrict legitimate Web communication.

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    Comments (49)
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    Swartz' Prayer
    Jan 13, 2013 3:49 PM
    Yes, deepest condolence and mourning for the loss of this prodigious young man.Very unlikely that such a brilliant person so full of empathy (check his charming smile) would take his own life. I suspect, like others mentioned, the dismay and depressed blogs planted by trolls, who also managed to sneak in here. Aaaron and Adam will go straight to the wide opened pearly gates and will help us fight the Satanic-Zionist-neocons-banksters-MSM-ers! 2013 is year of reckoning with these scums. Rise ye peasants and dispossesed of the earth!
    Click to Rate ReplyRating0
    Jan 13, 2013 3:31 PM
    The world has a lot of good people like him,only if all of them can make a team regardless of their colour, religion etc.. & speak against oppression.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating4
    John Connor
    Jan 13, 2013 3:4 PM
    Is the New World Order killing off future leaders of the Human Resistance?The death of Aaron Swartz sound suspiciously similar to these deaths:mark lombardiHope Reichbach Perry MooreAndrew EmbiricosThere are ALOT of ways to murder someone and make it look like a suicidewithout ever laying a hand on them. It's called the "art" of murder. The 2009 film "Accident", directedby Soi Cheang reveals a few of them.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating8
    Wake Up Call
    Jan 13, 2013 3:2 PM
    It is also quite possible that the latest blame being put on the Islamic Republic of Iran for cyber attacks on the American banks as noted by Ashraf, was traced to the late Aaron Swartz.Anything which or anybody who can minutely influence the development of public thought and freedom from the shackles of hegemonic terrorist policies will be targeted for elimination; Dr.Kelly,
    Roshan, Chavez,Ortega,Malcom,Libya,Syria etc,etc.
    The endless war and murders are tentacles of the NWO designs for whole world subjugation of which the UN protected and Arab funded zionist expansion is another.No person or place is exempted.If PressTV was a person or place it would have been assasinated or drone attacked a long time ago. We offer our condolences and regrets on the passing of this braveheart genius and may his death enliven the heartbeats of the noble and rightly guided freedom seekers.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating5
    suspicious mind
    Jan 13, 2013 2:49 PM
    This suspicious death needs to be investigated fully. The corporate, political, military elite will use ANY means at their disposal to secure power.
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    Jan 13, 2013 2:22 PM
    Wow there are a lot of nuts on here. Aaron has suffered from depression for years. He even blogged about it. Sadly he took his own life which isn't shocking. May God rest his soul and comfort those that loved him.
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    Sarhanin reply to JohnA
    1/13/2013 3:00:55 PM
    All which you mention regarding his depression etc is misinformation put on his site by those who did not like his views. It happens often.
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    geronimoin reply to JohnA
    1/13/2013 2:49:40 PM
    Mossad job !!!!
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    Jan 13, 2013 2:21 PM
    Unfortunately for Swartz, his many blogs and musings online have given much cover to anyone who might seek to murder him, making it look like suicide. He blogged about despair, depression, and also dying.
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    I Am The Beast Sssotlohiefmjn
    Jan 13, 2013 1:24 PM
    I do not put it past Obama to have had this man murdered in a manner to suggest suicide. I pray a thousand and one men arise to replace this brave freedom fighter and member of God's Base aka Al Qeada whose struggle was simply to condemn the wicked and free the oppressed who sought freedom. May he rest in Christ and rise in Moses.
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    Debra Smithin reply to I Am The Beast Sssotlohiefmjn
    1/13/2013 2:46:08 PM
    I agree with you that was my very first thought as well.
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    Jan 13, 2013 1:21 PM
    The murder of Aaron Swartz is only the last visible action of the Zionist mafia which has ramifications all over the world. They have Sayanim in all countries on all levels who are used to silence critical minds. Murder is their ultima ratio ... before they murder you, they destroy your life in every way ...
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    Elinin reply to Peter
    1/13/2013 3:06:50 PM
    If what you say is true Peter, how was this young man's life ruined before his death?
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    PeteThePoetin reply to Peter
    1/13/2013 1:38:13 PM
    I believe the term is HORIZONTALISED.
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    Jan 13, 2013 1:18 PM
    "Governments around the world are being controlled by the bloodline cabal via paedophile and Satanist politicians and 'leaders' who dare not resist the demands of the Shadow People who have the evidence that would destroy them. If anyone wants to get out or refuses to take orders they know the consequences - 'suicide' or exposure."
    Click to Rate ReplyRating17
    Jan 13, 2013 1:16 PM
    Another a COURAGES HERO's to perish ..........His CRIME???........stand UP for Justice!!........ May he rest in peace.........Hope, his inspiration of STOPPING targeted mafia killing, BE STOPPED!.........May Humanity prevail AGAINST ALL EVILS!
    Click to Rate ReplyRating21
    Jan 13, 2013 12:18 PM
    They take out Aaron Swartz and than we have this Alex Jones caracter who has for years criticised Zionist and US government!! The only conclusion is that AJ is part of the Zionist group as an war mongeren!
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    Chillin reply to BB
    1/13/2013 3:22:28 PM
    @BB,Your analysis is correct.A.Jones cleverly mixes some thruths with half-thruths,and fails to mention inconvinient facts.He makes money selling health products,vitamins etc.His bosses and sponsors are mostly jewish,he is married to a jew.His mission is to protect the "chosen ones".
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    Ashrafin reply to BB
    1/13/2013 1:38:17 PM
    2 BB.......remember McKafee the computer genius was RUNNING for his live a month or so ago???........ Thinking that American government was after him???......... They probably suspecting Aaron Schwartz being behind computer hackings of American banks and other American institutions..........that is why, they want him OUT OF THEIR WAY?........ This is what i suspect........Alex Jones does seem VERY sincere who know s maybe soon, they start killing ANY ONE that speaks THEIR MIND too???........It is becoming increasingly the WILD WILD WEST For American citizens!!!
    Click to Rate Rating16
    Jan 13, 2013 12:6 PM
    My sincere condolences to his family! I am sadden of the murder of this young ,intelligent,and brave gentleman. His murder was committed by Zionist and their affiliates. It is an order in 21st.century to silent the opposite voices every where in the world. Crimes under the name of protecting democracy!!
    Click to Rate ReplyRating46
    Jan 13, 2013 12:1 PM
    They could not poisoned Aaron Swartz like they did to Arifa Karim Randhawa the Microsoft Geek from Panjab,Pakistan.It looks ... and a quick ruling his death as suicide by Medical Examiner tells all !
    Click to Rate ReplyRating24
    Jan 13, 2013 11:53 AM
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    Jan 13, 2013 11:3 AM
    And boom go his patents and creations
    Click to Rate ReplyRating32
    Jan 13, 2013 10:42 AM
    "If thine eye offends thee pluck it out!" Aaron was a threat to the zionist cult and now he is not. They will never have qualms about removing those whom they see as problematic to their end game. The evil that permeates US political circles is bred in New York and its stink wafts across the whole world from there.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating67
    Jan 13, 2013 10:29 AM
    I thank God Almigthy today that I have eyes with which I can see, Brain in my head , a Heart in the right place that makes me to feel correctly too. AMERICA, EU, ISRAEL HAS NO DEMOCRACY NOR FREEDOM OF ANY SPEECH MEDIA. It is all gimmicks. TOO MUCH DOUBLE STANDARDS & DECEIT. OUTRIGHT MIS-INFORMATION. OBAMA, GEORGE W. BUSH, TONY BLAIR, NETANYAHU, CIA, MOSSAD have too much blood on their hands. Of what use are assassination drone attacks in sovereign States? How can a state claim to pursue world or regional peace through daily 'KILL LIST' of state. THIS IS LEGALIZED STATE TERRORISM. THESE ARE THE TRUE & FACTUAL TERRORISTS. Its time the whole world should come together & fight these negative forces fast. These leaders & politicians are agents of the DEVIL. THEY HAVE NO CONSCIENCE OR POSITIVE FORESIGHT. ANYBODY SPEAKING AGAINST THEM IN THEIR FREE SPEECH PLATFORM DIES MYSTERIOUSLY. This is the DECEITFUL WESTERN WORLD DEMOCRACY. NOT WORTHY OF EXPORTATION TO OTHER LANDS.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating56
    Jan 13, 2013 9:36 AM
    There is one problem with this conspiracy theory. He never spoke out against the kill list and actually voted twice for Obama.
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    hetiyetiin reply to Traci
    1/13/2013 1:27:42 PM
    So this young man voted twice for drone em obama, did you know there are millions of people through out the world who are suffering of a new illness its called regret.
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    scottin reply to Traci
    1/13/2013 12:18:56 PM
    What person on the side of humanity would come out with an answer like yours Traci? Please just get over this God of yours, he's not who you think he is but an agent of the New World Order!
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    Al Qudsin reply to Traci
    1/13/2013 10:09:42 AM
    There is not a single mention of the word "theory" anywhere in the NEWS. The bond between "CONSPIRACY" and theory has been broken and now CONSPIRACY is called CONSPIRACY without the supporting adjective of "theory" to support zionist agenda. Secondly, how come you were allowed to witness Mr. Swartz secret ballot?
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    Al Quds
    Jan 13, 2013 9:24 AM
    People like Aaron Swartz do not commit suicide. This has got nwo written all over the case.
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    Jan 13, 2013 8:49 AM
    I am impressed to read all the comments from people who will not have the wool pulled over their eyes any longer.Quite clearly this poor man's death was not of his own hands.More and more of us are waking daily.Be afraid New World Order, be very afraid.
    Click to Rate ReplyRating95
    Elinin reply to Emm
    1/13/2013 3:20:11 PM
    Fear debilitates, instead have within yourself a firm commitment to work together with other like-minded citizens of the world.
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    jamshed kharian-pak
    Jan 13, 2013 8:29 AM
    Blogger & computer prodigy Aaron Swartz was also in the kill list of zionist Obama
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    Jan 13, 2013 8:21 AM
    TERRORIST AMERICA is killing people if they practice freedom of speech their first amendment.
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    Jan 13, 2013 8:15 AM
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    Jan 13, 2013 8:0 AM
    Is this what they mean by assisted suicide?
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    Lamsijanin reply to djr
    1/13/2013 8:29:50 AM
    This is what they mean by THE FOLLOW-UP OF ADVANCED INTERROGATION.
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    Jan 13, 2013 7:33 AM
    if you know who's behind it all, do the same, it's only way to win this game...
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    Jan 13, 2013 7:26 AM
    Well Swartz you forgot to check properly that yr name was also in the kill list of pentagon approved by obama. LOL.This if funny america will kill whoever that talks bad about the,....... RIP bro.
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    Yusuf Ali
    Jan 13, 2013 7:17 AM
    It appears as though the "kill list" goes far beyond drone strikes. Same thing happened to the woman in DC was going to expose all those congressmen. She went on (Alex Jones) show said that she had no plans to kill herself, and next thing you know they found her hanging in her shed. Hope this man's non-profit continues on with his movement. It's not every day when such a critical bill is blocked on behalf of a grass roots movement. Rest In Peace Mr Swartz
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    Jan 13, 2013 7:7 AM
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    Mjin reply to KEVIN HESTER
    1/13/2013 3:50:17 PM
    This administration HATES Israel, they are BOLSHEVIKS, not Zionists
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    Jan 13, 2013 6:35 AM
    Its same as Dr.Kelly's dead. They will kill all truth tellers.
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    Elinin reply to hasan
    1/13/2013 3:23:40 PM
    Many are truth tellers, but few are truth tellers in public.
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    Gregin reply to hasan
    1/13/2013 12:12:51 PM
    The demonic nwo poisoned my father slowly over time with arsenic. He was a high ranking FBI SENIOR AGENT IN CHARGE. He was being considered for the executive director at one time.When he retired he became a private investigator . he was involved with the Dr JEFFREY MACDONALD CASE. He became a thorn in the side of the nwo and its practices. Where drugs stolen children and satanic crimes are found . they are the culprits. The evil they engage in is the worst of the worst.Their day is coming . The LORD SAYS " VENGENCE IS MINE I WILL REPAYETH" . THEY WONT LAST MUCH LONGER.
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    Jan 13, 2013 6:21 AM
    he was probably murdered but made to look like he suicided.
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    Stanpevin reply to fatah
    1/13/2013 7:02:28 AM
    He never took this own life he was murdered, Alex jones will be next, you can not say what you think in the USA.
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    Jan 13, 2013 6:10 AM
    Rest In Peace to this young American martyr. He has gone the way of many for speaking the truth
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    Sohrabin reply to Sofi
    1/13/2013 6:33:47 AM
    By murdering those in the know they cannot kill the truth.These political murders when they occure always remiand me of what Emam said 'kill us, (by you killing us) our people will awaken even more'
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