devakas Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:08 pm
Dear Carol, this was pure mind stuff.
believe me heart speaks different.
If we will not control mind, not concur mind with heart, this stuff of black and white will always come up.
Control the mind. Control senses is the way. There are many praktical technics. Starting with tongue. Why tongue, because it is powerful mind connected sense object. Tongue for our species was given to eat and speak. When tongue is controled, people would stop killing animals and love every living entity in the world.
When tongue is controled the speach would be controled to capture the moment of bodhi between thought and action. It would capture the moment of synchronicity with heart. And the more this moment is expended the more Truth would come out, from heart, from soul, from devine, from beauty, non violence. So humanity needs to be retrained starting with kids.
when tongue is controled all other sences are secondary and follows the control easy.
When tongue is controled and mind becomes our friend, peace and happiness comes in each human.
When tongue is controled for kirtan, Gods Name and offered food for God, only then humanity would be saved.
Democracy is demoncrazy.
If we talk about devil, walk as a devil, sing as adevil, eat as a devil, speak as a devil it should be......
devil is like shadow of us.
when we will get a glimpse who we are, we will know our Father.
Dont you think Jesus did not controled his mind?? What he was doing in Olive mountain? He was realized soul. Pure realized soul.
best wishes to control tongue..... violence will dissapear.....
economics that only work are explained in Bhagavad Gita, how to start to protect cows, you can use your tools to protect from those who wants to eat them. Not to love them.