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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  spiritwarrior Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:48 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    spiritwarrior wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    spiritwarrior wrote:
    Floyd wrote:This just in from Reuters.........not

    does this mean you don't believe it even though reuters.themselfs have stated that they've hired an Attributor? Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_scratch

    blessings spiritwarrior Posting News Articles - Page 2 Herz

    No mate..I believe its true i was just being silly
    ie Here is the latest news from it isnt beacause we cant tell you. A step toward futher controlling of main stream media if you ask me so bollocks to them.

    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_jokercolor should have know Floyd, had my paro hat on yesterday, Posting News Articles - Page 2 Lol thought i was on the wrong forum there for a minute Posting News Articles - Page 2 Lol

    I was thinking mostly of you, you were so quick in setting up this forum with carol, giving us a safe sacred space that you don't need the hassle.

    looking at the censorship going on around the net imo this is another step in trying to get obamas "kill bill" passed.

    blessings spiritwarrior. Posting News Articles - Page 2 425557

    Yeah Merc and Carol need to look at that but they have difficulty in making it here because of family situations.
    I look forward to the day when there is no internet and no governments but just a load of people living in Yurts, walking through the forests, communicating telepathically and hitching rides on UFO's!

    hi Floyd, Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_razz
    can't wait myself Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_sunny

    you have a great forum here, not much moderation needed

    blessings to you and yours
    spiritwa Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_cheers rrior

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  Floyd Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:48 am

    spiritwarrior wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    spiritwarrior wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    spiritwarrior wrote:
    Floyd wrote:This just in from Reuters.........not

    does this mean you don't believe it even though reuters.themselfs have stated that they've hired an Attributor? Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_scratch

    blessings spiritwarrior Posting News Articles - Page 2 Herz

    No mate..I believe its true i was just being silly
    ie Here is the latest news from it isnt beacause we cant tell you. A step toward futher controlling of main stream media if you ask me so bollocks to them.

    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_jokercolor should have know Floyd, had my paro hat on yesterday, Posting News Articles - Page 2 Lol thought i was on the wrong forum there for a minute Posting News Articles - Page 2 Lol

    I was thinking mostly of you, you were so quick in setting up this forum with carol, giving us a safe sacred space that you don't need the hassle.

    looking at the censorship going on around the net imo this is another step in trying to get obamas "kill bill" passed.

    blessings spiritwarrior. Posting News Articles - Page 2 425557

    Yeah Merc and Carol need to look at that but they have difficulty in making it here because of family situations.
    I look forward to the day when there is no internet and no governments but just a load of people living in Yurts, walking through the forests, communicating telepathically and hitching rides on UFO's!

    hi Floyd, Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_razz
    can't wait myself Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_sunny

    you have a great forum here, not much moderation needed

    blessings to you and yours
    spiritwa Posting News Articles - Page 2 Icon_cheers rrior
    Hi..its not my forum mate. I set it up but handed over the admin to Carol which she now shares with Merc..ive other things to do. Im really glad about the spirit of the place though. people arnt treated like children here and there is always good healthy debate without the fear of the whip cracking. Just as it should be.
    Glad you are and enjoying it.

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  monique Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:52 am

    "A howler suffered burns on Tuesday afternoon to receive discharge from high voltage network at Hermann Hering Street, Blumenau, Brasil. After the shock, the animal fell fainting in the street and was picked up by a lady who was driving.

    She would take him to the vet, but the monkey woke and driver called the Environmental Police. The animal was sent to the Project Bugio Furb and received treatment from a veterinarian. In addition to Burns, the female about eight years broke a finger.

    On Wednesday, she will undergo tests to evaluate how the internal organs are. Once restored, it will be taken to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA). The suspicion is that the monkey has left the St. Francis Park.

    In case of injury to animals, operate the Environmental Police by phone 3336-3175 or 3333-3878 in the Project Howler." (IN Jornal de Santa Catarina, today)

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:56 pm


    Admin/Moderators on this forum are volunteer and are not always able to see everything posted. Therefore, forums containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics, may or may not be reviewed. Neither the content of this site, nor the links to other web sites, are screened, approved, reviewed or endorsed by the administration. The text and other material on these Sites are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of the administration. This site may contain adult content and if you feel you might be offended by the content of the Sites, you should not continue.

    Fair Use Notice:

    This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We make such material available in an effort to advance awareness and understanding of issues relating to civil rights, economics, individual rights, international affairs, liberty, Exopolitics, science & technology, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

    For more information please visit:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:47 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    Please keep it less than 80% with a link back to the Source Article for the rest and that will keep Us as a Community out of any potential Hot Water... Wink

    Are we supposed to be following this?

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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:54 am

    As Carol says - Yes please - We would like Posters to follow the 80/20 Policy as a Guideline...



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    Post  mudra Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:07 pm

    I am glad it's not 20/80 . That would be really frustrating.

    Love from me

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    Post  Mercuriel Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:57 pm

    I usually say the last 20% in My own words anyways with the Link attached. This way the Post still flows yet the Link is there to Vet what I'm saying if the reader needs further Information.



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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:25 am

    From now on - Please do not Link to or Post any Information other than a Link back to the Site for if necessary.

    They just sent Us an abuse for doing so.

    Status - Abuse Thread Deleted and Dealt with...



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    Post  ClearWater Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:34 am

    Sheesh. How long before it'll be illegal to read a book out loud... Nope

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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:38 am

    Yeah - My thoughts too but WHADAYAGONNADOO ?



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    Post  ClearWater Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:56 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Yeah - My thoughts too but WHADAYAGONNADOO ?

    Stop buying books written by fools who don't want their contents shared. Malletzky

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    Post  Mercuriel Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:03 am

    Yeah - You'd think It would be about the Message right - Not the Messenger but then that IN ITSELF - Is telling about where the Authoring Mindset is likey @ in Worldview...

    Owell - We'll play and do it better in the process...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  standauffish Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:52 pm

    Carol wrote:Yes. Sometimes I fudge and post more then 80% (small article). pale Not good. But I always try to post a link back to the source.

    Well generally speaking 20% is the amount allowed for 'fair use' and even at ATS, as you mentioned they are in legal battles, and they are VERY STRICT on limiting clips

    80% is way out of line and trust me it WILL land you in hot water, especially when SOPA and ACTA like legislation gets approved

    You better add Associated Press to your list as well. AP and Reuters PAY reporters and then sell those short news briefs... so posting those in full or 80%, yeah they will come and get you

    Associated Press expects you to pay to license 5-word quotations (and reserves the right to terminate your license)

    There are many sources that are copyright free Wikipedia, NASA, press releases etc... but copying more than a paragraph of a News Service... well hope you have good lawyers Very Happy Your gonna need em

    Fair Use is also not so easy to defend... I would suggest you read up on it. Reprinting an article or 80% of an article without quotes is not a good idea...

    The Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Taken

    The less you take, the more likely that your copying will be excused as a fair use. However, even if you take a small portion of a work, your copying will not be a fair use if the portion taken is the “heart” of the work. In other words, you are more likely to run into problems if you take the most memorable aspect of a work. For example, it would probably not be a fair use to copy the opening guitar riff and the words “I can’t get no satisfaction” from the song “Satisfaction.”


    Some people mistakenly believe it’s permissible to use a work (or portion of it) if an acknowledgment is provided. For example, they believe it’s okay to use a photograph in a magazine as long as the name of the photographer is included. This is not true. Acknowledgment of the source material (such as citing the photographer) may be a consideration in a fair use determination, but it will not protect against a claim of infringement. In some cases, such as advertisements, acknowledgments can backfire and create additional legal claims, such as a violation of the right of publicity. When in doubt as to the right to use or acknowledge a source, the most prudent course may be to seek the permission of the copyright owner.


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    Post  Carol Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:01 pm

    Welcome standoffish and thanks for the tip. Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  standauffish Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:06 pm

    Carol wrote:Yes. Sometimes I fudge and post more then 80% (small article). pale Not good. But I always try to post a link back to the source.

    Well that is also an admission to wrong doing on your part and can be used against you in a court of law. You will not win a fair use case if you admit to knowingly 'fudge' it

    Also I noticed you have a 7 day policy on posting links... How can a new member then source a quote?

    There is another issue... and that is posting of hotlinks to other websites. Big ones like ATS and others can handle the bandwidth, but a small site can get hurt by it. You are LITERALLY stealing by doing that because those people that do not have unlimited bandwidth have to PAY cold hard cash for it. So every time someone on your forum views an image you hot linked, they rob the bandwidth of that site and can cause them to go over their limit and have to pay, without getting the benefit of the viewer visiting their site..

    This is really bad etiquette and just plane wrong. A simple request for permission is normally honored

    Now when someone who has worked many months on making a presentation, come to a site that is copying 80% or more of that work and creating a new work out of it, that is no longer 'fair use' that is outright plagiarism. When that knowledge is being used to write a book on top of that... well its time to chat with the lawyers Very Happy

    Sharing information is all well and good... but simply copying page after page of others work, all the images and then adding insult by hot linking to the original site? That is neither 'research' nor 'fair use' That is just plain criminal.

    You might want to think about that Very Happy


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    Post  standauffish Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:13 pm

    ClearWater wrote:Sheesh. How long before it'll be illegal to read a book out loud... Nope

    If you buy a CD or a video you own the license to use it. If you play that CD at a restaurant bar or event where you make MONEY, you are performing it and need to pay royalties Razz Technically if you perform it for a group of friends you are breaking the law, but no one is going to bust you for it. If you copy them and give them away free you are still distributing....

    Utah task force just raided people doing that I hear one kid got fined $600,000 for that Crazy Happy

    I love how people seem to confuse free speech with copyright True the laws need fixing, but on the other hand if no one got paid for their work, they wouldn't do it Razz

    It seems to me the whole thing can be solved with courtesy and simply asking permission In all the years I have been turned down only 3 times and one said I could use 25% of the article

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    Post  malletzky Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:57 am

    standauffish wrote:
    Carol wrote:Yes. Sometimes I fudge and post more then 80% (small article). pale Not good. But I always try to post a link back to the source.

    Well that is also an admission to wrong doing on your part and can be used against you in a court of law. You will not win a fair use case if you admit to knowingly 'fudge' it

    Also I noticed you have a 7 day policy on posting links... How can a new member then source a quote?

    There is another issue... and that is posting of hotlinks to other websites. Big ones like ATS and others can handle the bandwidth, but a small site can get hurt by it. You are LITERALLY stealing by doing that because those people that do not have unlimited bandwidth have to PAY cold hard cash for it. So every time someone on your forum views an image you hot linked, they rob the bandwidth of that site and can cause them to go over their limit and have to pay, without getting the benefit of the viewer visiting their site..

    This is really bad etiquette and just plane wrong. A simple request for permission is normally honored

    Now when someone who has worked many months on making a presentation, come to a site that is copying 80% or more of that work and creating a new work out of it, that is no longer 'fair use' that is outright plagiarism. When that knowledge is being used to write a book on top of that... well its time to chat with the lawyers Very Happy

    Sharing information is all well and good... but simply copying page after page of others work, all the images and then adding insult by hot linking to the original site? That is neither 'research' nor 'fair use' That is just plain criminal.

    You might want to think about that Very Happy

    Altough all you say is definitelly according to the existing laws (and I'm by all means not an expert), I see few illogical issues here.

    The first one, about posting hotlinks to other websites: well, why the owner of such sites with limited bandwith just don't 'protect' their images by implementing different codes to disable this? Just as easy as one can disable the embedding of videos and the user is 'forced' to visit the website first if he/she wants to see the image/video?

    How about Google? All these images can be easily found by google and I don't even need a forum or any other hotlink to find these images. Would these owners sue Google? I wouldn't say so Wink

    So, if I would running my own website with limited bandwhite, I could definitely 'protect' my images or videos...but by doing this, I would definitely lose any potential clients/visitors to my website...for obvious reasons.

    The second one, about copying more then 5%...or 10%...or 20% of any work (copyrighted or not): as long as the appropriate link to the actual website is provided, no one will risk to sue anyone for that. Just for the obvious reasons that in that case, no one ever will post something like that on internet any more and no one will ever know that there might be a website around with content appropriate to their own needs.

    What we actualy do here (and on countles other forums worldwide, be it conspiracy or gardening one) is actualy advertising these websites. Basicly, if I do this...I should be asking not only for permition to post their content here, but also for money too Wink.

    If I am to post even 80% of any content from let's say "the Bild Zeitung" in Germany and all of you will want to read the other will definitelly click on the provided link to the original article. The Bild zeitung become their clicks, with this they can ask for more money from their advertisers and we all win ;9, don't you think so? They will be more then happy to have me done this then to allow me to say sorry, I just read something very interesing, but I will not provide any link just because they will sue me for doing this???

    Believe me...if this comes true and the peopple arond the world see and hear about any possible legal actions taken in such will have many, countles many websites closed down just because no one will be visiting them. Without advertisers...without money to run the website...How about that?

    And btw...the same apply here...One can easily 'protect' their own content by asking for daily, weekly, monthly or early fees. So no one ever will 'steal' their content, be it 1% or 80%. But then again...the outcome is known...

    As I mentioned...what you said before, it's all according to the existing laws. No doubt about that. If one wish...they can easily close down this small forum or many other too...But the far-reaching consequences will be undoubtly harder then doing this today.

    With much respect


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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  standauffish Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:40 am

    malletzky wrote:
    As I mentioned...what you said before, it's all according to the existing laws. No doubt about that. If one wish...they can easily close down this small forum or many other too...But the far-reaching consequences will be undoubtly harder then doing this today.

    Well it all depends on how much money the forum owners have... and how good their lawyers are. study

    Newspaper Chain’s New Business Plan: Copyright Suits

    Steve Gibson has a plan to save the media world’s financial crisis — and it’s not the iPad.

    Borrowing a page from patent trolls, the CEO of fledgling Las Vegas-based Righthaven has begun buying out the copyrights to newspaper content for the sole purpose of suing blogs and websites that re-post those articles without permission. And he says he’s making money.

    “We believe it’s the best solution out there,” Gibson says. “Media companies’ assets are very much their copyrights. These companies need to understand and appreciate that those assets have value more than merely the present advertising revenues.”

    Bill Irvine of Phoenix says he is fighting infringement allegations targeting, the site he controls under The Above Network. The site is accused of infringing a Review-Journal article on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The site is a user-generated discussion on “conspiracies, UFO’s, paranormal, secret societies, political scandals, new world order, terrorism, and dozens of related topics” and gets about 5 million hits monthly, Irvine says.

    Righthaven, he says, should have sent him a takedown notice under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, because the article was posted by a user, not the site itself.

    So a user, that you have no control over, posts an article from a news source that has such lawyers hired, will sue the owner of the forum/blog/website and will go for an out of court settlement because they know the owner can't afford to fight it, unlike a big one like ATS who have a staff of lawyers

    So... when they interviewed some journalists to ask them how much is OK, they said generally 3 paragraphs for a decent size article, or less if it's very small.

    Ya want to stay with 80%? Do you also like playing Russian Roulette? Crazy Happy

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    Post  standauffish Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:42 am

    Carol wrote:Welcome standoffish and thanks for the tip. Thubs Up

    BTW its standauffish not standoffish

    Big difference, cyclops

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Re: Posting News Articles

    Post  standauffish Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:16 am

    malletzky wrote:
    How about Google?

    Google is EVIL I tracked their bandwidth usage on my site and their various robots were sucking up about 2 gigabytes a day... all in all I had 50 search engines sucking u average daily 58 gigabytes Fortunately ny server is unlimited, because that would kill one.

    But I put robots up to cut it back and stop em from snooping Very Happy And yes you can stop people hot linking by simply blocking the site that is abusing it in the .htaccess files Very Happy

    But I would prefer to nag the responsible party to correct it by stating the info is compliments of so and so Very Happy Its more friendly that way

    I mean look at it this way... what if you spent years gathering the info on a really hot topic no one had before, then all that work is copied to another site, with no mention of you the original creator other than a link to where they got the images etc from?

    Then one sees that a person may be writing a book based on your research Razz At that point, wouldn't YOU be a tad miffed? Especially if you might have been working on a book yourself?

    Rolling Eyes

    Its never simple is it Razz

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    Post  Carol Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:51 pm

    This forum has no money and no attorneys as it is free. And I believe hosted out of Canada. Mercuriel is the one who handles the technical end of things as he is the engineer.

    My dyslexia must have been coming through stan. So, so sorry about the error.

    I would like to add something here. Sometimes things are copied from another site onto a mirror site just in case the original site is taken down. We've seen this happen with hot topics multiple times and it's done so the data isn't lost. And yes, it's correct to link back to source when something is shared from another site and include "the info is compliments of so and so" is a nice added touch.

    As for books. I've lost all of my data on several books deeply researched that I was in the middle of writing due to other things like my computer being attacked. It was very expensive to clean up and/or replace. It literally cost me thousands. I was not happy.

    "the info is compliments of so and so" Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Posting News Articles - Page 2 Empty Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, dead at 82

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:50 pm

    CBS News) Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 astronaut who became the first human being to set foot on another world, has died. He was 82.

    In a statement his family said Armstrong had passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.

    The family described him as a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, and also as "a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job."

    That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.
    When Armstrong set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, he fulfilled the goal that had been set by President John F. Kennedy just eight years earlier.

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    Post  NANUXII Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:43 am

    not on any news yet  ( that i know of )

    new currency and global reset.


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    Post  Carol Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:58 pm

    New currency and global reset is in the works NANUXII.

    I really liked Neil Armstrong.. he was a hero in many ways that will go unknown.. and I loved how he stood up to Johnson and held his ground.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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