I've noticed a change in the posting over the years -- starting with the Old Project Avalon -- and continuing with The Mists of Avalon. Despite the Bill and Kerry drama -- combined with the Richard and abraxasinas debacle -- there seemed to be more pure and detailed "truth-seeking". I also liked the larger numbers of forum-members (complete with posting whistleblowers such as Henry Deacon). It seems as if the better aspects of the Info-War have surrendered to a lower-vibrational Info-War. I have failed to find a Research Sweet-Spot -- and I'm frankly gravitating toward an 8,000 page Bible Commentary written in the 1950's to phase myself out of the alternative-quest scene. But I guess I've always been sort of a Latter-day Luddite. I'm sort of a contrarian "stick in the mud". Has it always been that way -- going way, way, way back?? Am I a Galactic Pain in Uranus?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.
I've also noticed that I'm being shunned on this website, and in real life. Was it something I said -- or is it who I am (going way, way, way back)?? I've made it clear that I'm doing a Modeling Research Project which doesn't reflect who I really am in real life. But has my approach awakened old rivalries and nastiness?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.
I have some theories regarding All of the Above -- but I thought I'd ask these questions directly in a new-thread.
Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total