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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:45 pm

    It's official. I used a different computer, and the videos I've posted don't display. You know -- the YouTube videos we post which show an image -- and all you have to do is click the arrow to make it play within the post (without having to go to ). All I see is wide vertical black-bars instead of video-images. Were some of the videos too upsetting?? Were there complaints?? Have there been any lawsuits throughout the years?? I imagine that sites such as this one make various individuals and organizations (human and otherwise) VERY Angry!! I've posted some pretty upsetting videos recently -- but I thought this site was a proper place to do so.

    I've noticed a change in the posting over the years -- starting with the Old Project Avalon -- and continuing with The Mists of Avalon. Despite the Bill and Kerry drama -- combined with the Richard and abraxasinas debacle -- there seemed to be more pure and detailed "truth-seeking". I also liked the larger numbers of forum-members (complete with posting whistleblowers such as Henry Deacon). It seems as if the better aspects of the Info-War have surrendered to a lower-vibrational Info-War. I have failed to find a Research Sweet-Spot -- and I'm frankly gravitating toward an 8,000 page Bible Commentary written in the 1950's to phase myself out of the alternative-quest scene. But I guess I've always been sort of a Latter-day Luddite. I'm sort of a contrarian "stick in the mud". Has it always been that way -- going way, way, way back?? Am I a Galactic Pain in Uranus?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.

    I've also noticed that I'm being shunned on this website, and in real life. Was it something I said -- or is it who I am (going way, way, way back)?? I've made it clear that I'm doing a Modeling Research Project which doesn't reflect who I really am in real life. But has my approach awakened old rivalries and nastiness?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.

    I have some theories regarding All of the Above -- but I thought I'd ask these questions directly in a new-thread.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:53 pm

    OK what you wanna talk about? I seen lots of the posts on here but how can one reply to thousands of questions where yourself is spammed by yourself?

    We have spoke public on forums or blogs or webcasts or just in real life speaking to the few people who speak about things and you has made it complicated!










    So with the fail of so many truth seeking communities either being targeted by government infiltrated to censor or stear the team away from the god damn goals of incarnation ascension to enlightened states of creating our own reality that is synchronized with the eternal now power of balance presnted by my ancient self MAAT and I am clearly back just in case you missed the last memo during the cluster trucking of everything intentional to sell you more books or subscriptions to something that maybe or may not be what is required leaving so many more questions as the one chance for real opportunity of evolution out of the fiat money scam cover up of secret space programs laced with false science incorporated into the economic housing crisis plauging nations that have managed to avoid being bombed by the terrorist governments using ignorant mind controlled zombie armies to fight the funded in the same manor as all the false relegious factions spitting humanity from the creator just like the atom bomb splits the atoms severing sacred connections to life where the ability to love creates coherent states of consciousness now being proved so changing the way the general population sees the nature of reality as well as the reality of nature must occur through education but with all the failed communications of recent events the whole reason this place was created as a sanctuary for the truth to unfold as the legions of gods army have already come to realms such as this to share the light anchoring the possibilites of many onlt too many times to see the monetization system the very same one that has caused all the world words to continue into the current mess now rearing its ugly head in the land zone of america plagued with political madness clearly just going like its business as usual so no wonder nobody talks any more so many god damn scams and it just may be too late!




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    Post  Pris Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:25 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:It's official. I used a different computer, and the videos I've posted don't display. You know -- the YouTube videos we post which show an image -- and all you have to do is click the arrow to make it play within the post (without having to go to ). All I see is wide vertical black-bars instead of video-images. Were some of the videos too upsetting?? Were there complaints?? Have there been any lawsuits throughout the years?? I imagine that sites such as this one make various individuals and organizations (human and otherwise) VERY Angry!! I've posted some pretty upsetting videos recently -- but I thought this site was a proper place to do so.

    I don't blame you for being paranoid, Oxy.  I get where you're coming from.  That said, have you tried updating your browser and updating your Flash plugin?

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I've noticed a change in the posting over the years -- starting with the Old Project Avalon -- and continuing with The Mists of Avalon. Despite the Bill and Kerry drama -- combined with the Richard and abraxasinas debacle -- there seemed to be more pure and detailed "truth-seeking". I also liked the larger numbers of forum-members (complete with posting whistleblowers such as Henry Deacon). It seems as if the better aspects of the Info-War have surrendered to a lower-vibrational Info-War. I have failed to find a Research Sweet-Spot -- and I'm frankly gravitating toward an 8,000 page Bible Commentary written in the 1950's to phase myself out of the alternative-quest scene. But I guess I've always been sort of a Latter-day Luddite. I'm sort of a contrarian "stick in the mud". Has it always been that way -- going way, way, way back?? Am I a Galactic Pain in Uranus?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.

    Maybe people are more or less done with 'truth-seeking'.  'Been there done that.'  You have to admit it's a bit of an oxymoron when it comes to generally seeking 'truth' in these forums.  But, hey, it feels good to get it out of your system, don't you think?

    As for the numbers of participating forum members these days... It seems rather quiet here lately, so out of curiosity, I recently checked out my previous forums (not bothering with PA, I've no 'concerns' over that one lol).  Earth Empaths, The One Truth, Imaginative Worlds, and Mental Floss The Second... all dead as doornails.

    In another forum I was told that a forum is the sum of all its members.  Soon after that, I was shown the door. Very Happy

    'If you build it they will come.'  I keep hoping I'll draw in some cat lovers and troublemakers (within reason, of course). Toast

    Btw, do you have a copy of 'The Companion Bible' and 'The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible'?  I've been meaning to read mine and take notes (they're beauties)...  A while back, Jordan Maxwell really got me geared up, but my interests have since gone in other directions.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I've also noticed that I'm being shunned on this website, and in real life. Was it something I said -- or is it who I am (going way, way, way back)?? I've made it clear that I'm doing a Modeling Research Project which doesn't reflect who I really am in real life. But has my approach awakened old rivalries and nastiness?? That wouldn't surprise me one little bit.

    I have some theories regarding All of the Above -- but I thought I'd ask these questions directly in a new-thread.

    I can't comment on you being shunned in real life, but here on the forum?  Who's shunning you?  Where I'm concerned, I've actually grown to tolerate you (more or less) and like you even a little (despite what I allow to annoy me about you lol)... but, I've very little to offer with regard to the subject matter that interests you.  I'm sorry, it's nothing personal, it just doesn't interest me much (I also don't see you contributing any kitteh memes to my threads wink wink).

    The most I've done is offer you some advice which you always entirely ignore (which is fine by me, just saying  Wink).  Ignoring my advice goes without saying (so why say it, right? Very Happy), but lately, ignoring the fact that I've commented isn't like you.  Yes, I call it like I see it and that won't change.  I'm wondering, Oxy... are you afraid to interact with me?  If you haven't noticed, there's plenty of me to go around. sunny


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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:00 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:[size=18]It's official. I used a different computer, and the videos I've posted don't display. You know -- the YouTube videos we post which show an image -- and all you have to do is click the arrow to make it play within the post (without having to go to ). All I see is wide vertical black-bars instead of video-images. Were some of the videos too upsetting?? Were there complaints?? Have there been any lawsuits throughout the years?? I imagine that sites such as this one make various individuals and organizations (human and otherwise) VERY Angry!! I've posted some pretty upsetting videos recently -- but I thought this site was a proper place to do so.

    Be reassured Oxy no complaints , nor upsets .
    Your videos show fine and play fine on your various threads.

    I made some screen shots to show you but unfortunately they would'nt be taken by the " Host an image " program of this forum.

    Have you made a research around the web for technical advice on the problem you encounter ? Just type in a search engine : " wide vertical black-bars instead of video-images on videos posted on forum thread " or something of the sort.

    That's what I do when a bug occurs and it 's been helpful to me.

    Love from me

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:02 am

    Thank-you for your responses. Not replying doesn't mean ignoring. I've repeatedly said that I read every response, but I often don't reply directly. I often receive an insight from a comment, and then move my "experiment" in a different direction. These might be the best of times -- and the worst of times. It seems as if Lies and Debt are propping-up this Sick-World -- but who-knows how long that will last?? My guess is that "they" will stage some sort of "event" or "disclosure" which will send everything to hell -- but of course this will be a "cover-story" for the real-cause of the "disaster". Both of my computers won't display YouTube within this site. This happened overnight. Both of my computers have been messed-with. I've pretty-much given-up regarding meaningful-interaction with ANYONE regarding what I consider to be fundamentally-important. I'm mainly placing a lot of stuff on the record to prove that I had a lot of right questions and answers -- before everything went to hell. Or, perhaps this already is purgatory and/or hell compared with other planets throughout the universe. I guess I'll just keep modeling what no-one gives a damn about -- which might be just as well -- because the implications and ramifications of my various theories and insights are quite devastating. If anyone bothered to really research what I've posted, they might have severe mental and spiritual problems, which might lead to severe criticism of my threads.

    I think the legalities of people going nuts after viewing threads on a particular website should be very-carefully researched, so as to avoid exposure. What if someone "lost their faith" after viewing my U.S.S.S. threads, and went insane and/or committed suicide?? I think the "real-truth" might be extremely difficult to deal-with for even seasoned-researchers. A brainwashed religious-person might "lose-it" rather quickly and easily -- and go down hard. That's my concern. So, perhaps I shouldn't complain about non-participation on my threads. Perhaps that might be a "blessing in disguise". I just know that "giving people what they want" and "telling them what they wish to hear" works SO much better than the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth. Perhaps I should've become a smooth and cunning televangelist with a 25,000 member church -- and a worldwide television-show -- lying and laughing all the way to the bank. Then, Satan might've given me a ride in his (or her) UFO -- and given me a private-tour of the Dark-Side of the Moon!! Joining a Secret-Society and Selling One's Soul to Satan seems to be the road to fame, fortune, and power. Unfortunately, "eating one's dragon" and becoming "perfectly-possessed" seems to be part of the deal. Plus, I keep hearing about the elite participating in human-sacrifices and unmentionable-abominations. I should stop.

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:03 pm

    Posting Potpourri  13645151_843108465790333_4476063572128432902_n

    All these things you are facing Oxy like a shower of meteorites running through your mind.
    Face them with temperance, with grace .
    Stopping the internal dialogue ... This is the first step in learning something essential about the self.

    Much Love for You
    The Karen


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:36 pm

    Thank-you mudra. I lean toward the intensification of the internal-dialogue BUT with the refining and perfecting of this dialogue. I should spearhead The Monkey-Mind Potential Movement!! Emptying the mind seems to open the door to various types of supernatural infiltration and subversion (especially if one has ingested their dragon). Something sinister seems to be occurring within the general-public and the nether-realms. We're seemingly being dumbed-down in a high-technology and esoteric-philosophical manner. I'm not sure I like where this is going. I have some theories -- and they're NOT nice.

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:36 pm

    Nothing justifies the Thank you Oxy.
    I utterly failed in reaching you.
    If one doesn' t reach that place of utter silence within
    how do we know we are listening at all ?
    And how do we know then that what we see is what is
    and not something the mind is making up for us ?

    Love from me

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:27 am

    People and Other-Than-People have been trying to "reach" me my whole miserable life. The problem is that everyone has been attempting to "reach" me with a million different and conflicting insights, truths, plans, and agendas. I've been told to "Let Go -- and Let God" among other things. The bottom-line is that whatever I think, say, do, or write is WRONG according to everyone. So, after a while, one tends not to care anymore. I am spied-upon, analyzed, managed, conspired-against, laughed-at, etc. I'm caring less and less and less about All of the Above. I've essentially "dropped-out" of mainstream-life (with very great social and financial sacrifices) to seek that illusive "truth". I thought that was the equivalent of leaving the rat-race for the mystical-silence -- but that still wasn't good enough. It's NEVER good enough. I don't care whether it's politics, religion, philosophy, music, or anything -- it's NEVER good enough. I think I might rejoin my Old Church -- rejoin the Republican Party -- stop researching the fringe-stuff -- stop posting on the internet -- drink the Kool Aid -- and get back to work (with fast and trendy thinking, walking, and talking). I might even trade my dumb-phone in for a smart-phone -- start texting and playing Pokémon Go!! I might start sleeping in the wrong bed (like everyone else). I might even try to join the Masons!! The Ancient Egyptian Deity invited me to join!! But that was before the AED said they were sorry we couldn't work together!! I guess I just wasn't good enough to hobnob with the elite. I guess I'll always just be another Completely Ignorant Fool. Actually, my mind is mostly empty already. I don't really need to silence my mind. There's really not a lot going on in my deluded head. But perhaps in my next life I can Sell My Soul to Satan and become a New World Order Manager. Hope Springs Eternal.

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    Post  mudra Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:54 pm

    I understand my friend.
    I mean you no harm.
    The truth is hard to crack. So many possibilities.
    One thing I know Oxy is You are good enough.

    The Karen

    Love for You

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:33 pm


    Before I continue, Oxy, I need to say that whatever I post is not just for you but for everyone else.  You are free to respond or not and I'm good with that.  This is about sharing and there's always someone out there that may get some benefit from our exchange (or lack thereof).

    I'm perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation with myself.  LOL

    My advice... who the hell am I to give advice HAHA!  Still, I offer advice all the time whether people want it or not (I'm such an @ss).  Why not.  It's one reason why some of us are here (to be @sses). Very Happy


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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:39 pm

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    OK what you wanna talk about? I seen lots of the posts on here but how can one reply to thousands of questions where yourself is spammed by yourself?

    JT makes a good point about you, Oxy.  You constantly spam yourself. Crazy Happy  (Yeah, yeah, 'opinions are like a-holes, everybody's got one'.)

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:45 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I guess I'll just keep modeling what no-one gives a damn about -- which might be just as well -- because the implications and ramifications of my various theories and insights are quite devastating. If anyone bothered to really research what I've posted, they might have severe mental and spiritual problems, which might lead to severe criticism of my threads.

    Nice try, Oxy, but you have a lot of readers.  You can't pull that 'poor me' crap.  Obviously, somebody gives a damn.

    People might want to severely criticize your threads if they really bothered to do the research?  I sense from you you're desperately hoping they will.  Out of the frying pan and into the fire... that's always exciting. Hot  At present, we're in a quiet forum as far as member involvement goes.  You could join a different forum with more active members and then they will pounce on you.  It can get a bit much -- trust me.  Sometimes, quiet is nice.  But, like you, I could do with a few more voices around here.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I think the legalities of people going nuts after viewing threads on a particular website should be very-carefully researched, so as to avoid exposure. What if someone "lost their faith" after viewing my U.S.S.S. threads, and went insane and/or committed suicide?? I think the "real-truth" might be extremely difficult to deal-with for even seasoned-researchers. A brainwashed religious-person might "lose-it" rather quickly and easily -- and go down hard. That's my concern. So, perhaps I shouldn't complain about non-participation on my threads. Perhaps that might be a "blessing in disguise". I just know that "giving people what they want" and "telling them what they wish to hear" works SO much better than the truth, the whole-truth, and nothing but the truth. Perhaps I should've become a smooth and cunning televangelist with a 25,000 member church -- and a worldwide television-show -- lying and laughing all the way to the bank. Then, Satan might've given me a ride in his (or her) UFO -- and given me a private-tour of the Dark-Side of the Moon!! Joining a Secret-Society and Selling One's Soul to Satan seems to be the road to fame, fortune, and power. Unfortunately, "eating one's dragon" and becoming "perfectly-possessed" seems to be part of the deal. Plus, I keep hearing about the elite participating in human-sacrifices and unmentionable-abominations. I should stop.

    Well... that whole paragraph is (mostly) your truth, Oxy.  It's not necessarily anyone else's.  Do you get that?

    Yes, we all need to be responsible for our own actions.  Each one of us has the power to make choices about however we decide to interpret this reality/non-reality/whatever and decide, individually, what's important or not.  If you're doing something that you think may harm others and that bothers you, then stop it.  Meantime, everyone has a free will.  It's up to people to decide if they want to 'lose it' by simply researching your stuff.  Their own ignorance is something they need to work through (nobody said this game was fair).  That's got nothing to do with you.

    One thing in particular that does bother me about what you post is the repeated anti-reptilian imagery (plus 'illuminati' mumbo-jumbo).  I've got a few of those negative images seared into my mind, thanks to you. tongue

    Here's my feeling:  for the most part, I don't think the reptiles are the bad guys (should they even exist).  The 'illuminati' shite is particularly irksome in the way you combine it all.  It feels like a 'disconnect', and it just makes me want to punch somebody in the face.  Is that your intention -- the reaction you want (or are you just trying to freak people out)?  I'm not a fan of fear porn, btw.

    Nanu said something the other day in my Wilcock thread that relates to this.  I've included my response:

    Pris wrote:
    NANUXII wrote:He is a long term sleeper .. like Icke .. they have infiltrated every facet of information distribution and plant seeds of doubt

    eg : Icke is always against the reptilian races .. this is an NWO agenda.   The reppies are probably our best hope.

    and some food for thought ... if a high profile figure from the UN can get knocked off for testifying in court against a clinton , why is Icke allowed to do wembly and state the Queen is a Lizzard and just keep on going ?  


    simple ... because thats what they want :0)  

    its all there ...

    Sweet, Nanu.  Well said.

    I've gained a lot from both Icke and Wilcock, but you're sure right about them both.  Planting seeds of doubt (a.k.a bull shite) is what they do.

    The reptiles are our best hope?  I wouldn't know myself, but it wouldn't surprise me one little bit.  Dragons... I've always had a thing for dragons. Posting Potpourri  12679 cheers

    In my opinion, whoever is 'out to get you', Oxy... you seem to be doing them a huge favour.

    Why do you think they let you rattle on?


    Last edited by Pris on Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:01 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you mudra. I lean toward the intensification of the internal-dialogue BUT with the refining and perfecting of this dialogue. I should spearhead The Monkey-Mind Potential Movement!! Emptying the mind seems to open the door to various types of supernatural infiltration and subversion (especially if one has ingested their dragon). Something sinister seems to be occurring within the general-public and the nether-realms. We're seemingly being dumbed-down in a high-technology and esoteric-philosophical manner. I'm not sure I like where this is going. I have some theories -- and they're NOT nice.

    What's with the whole degrading, 'Monkey Mind' thing?  You're offending monkeys. Wink  I happen to love my mind.  It's a beautiful, beauuutiful thing.

    Btw, I tend to agree with you that the internal chatter is a good thing, actually.  I've used my 'chatter' to really drive home an intent which makes for some fascinating directed altered states experiences.

    Note:  in the process of initiating an OBE, I really have to focus and be 'clear', if that's what mudra's talking about.  Still, I seem to astral travel with my ego and mind entirely intact.

    Why do you seem to fear having an OBE, Oxy (you mentioned it previously)?  There's nothing to fear when you are in charge.  It all comes down to choice again.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:42 pm

    Thank-you mudra and Pris. My misery makes me a bit of a S.O.B. This is chronic and debilitating. I'm NOT faking this!! If I understood how screwed I really am, I probably would end-up in the nuthouse (or worse) and I'm NOT kidding. I think I got the term "Monkey-Mind" from Carol. I don't know if the reptilians exist. I don't know much of anything. I'm currently wondering if this universe is fundamentally NOT Human. I'm currently wondering if this universe is fundamentally Reptilian. Notice that I'm pretty-much neutral regarding the PTB and the Reptilians. I pull my punches to an excruciating extent. BTW -- I have a Strong's Concordance (which is MUCH Better than a Young's Concordance). The major-problems with Biblical-Research are Verification, Authorship, Context, Translations, Interpretations, and the Attempts to Superimpose Antiquity Upon Modernity. I've tried to deal with these problems by making Biblical-Research Science-Fictional in Nature -- and NOT Trying to Convert ANYONE!! I think if church were up to me, I would lean toward a Fred Swann Crystal Cathedral approach -- which would mostly consist of MUSIC!!! I'm referring to the Arvella Schuller and Fred Swann directed Music-Program at the Crystal Cathedral in the 1980's and 1990's. Classrooms, Libraries, Bookstores, and the Internet are places where people can Wrestle with the Madness in their own ways. I keep thinking I should exit the Info-War before it gets REALLY Nasty!! A lot of what we've discussed hasn't really affected the general-public YET!! I think the PTB tolerate me because I screw myself SO Badly each and every day!! If only I were a hermaphrodite!! Think About It!! Just Kidding!!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:45 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:People and Other-Than-People have been trying to "reach" me my whole miserable life. The problem is that everyone has been attempting to "reach" me with a million different and conflicting insights, truths, plans, and agendas. I've been told to "Let Go -- and Let God" among other things. The bottom-line is that whatever I think, say, do, or write is WRONG according to everyone. So, after a while, one tends not to care anymore.

    Whether or not we 'reach' you, Oxy, isn't really the point.  A part of me thinks it would be really kind of nice, but this is about so much more than just us.  This is a public forum and others are reading this.

    Speaking only for myself, I'm doing everything I can to be insightful here for everyone's benefit and not just anal (mudra has been particularly insightful, certainly not anal Insanely Happy). Bleh

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I am spied-upon, analyzed, managed, conspired-against, laughed-at, etc. I'm caring less and less and less about All of the Above.

    Good.  That's a good start -- caring less and less about what others think about you.  What's important is what you think about yourself.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I've essentially "dropped-out" of mainstream-life (with very great social and financial sacrifices) to seek that illusive "truth". I thought that was the equivalent of leaving the rat-race for the mystical-silence -- but that still wasn't good enough. It's NEVER good enough. I don't care whether it's politics, religion, philosophy, music, or anything -- it's NEVER good enough.

    'It's NEVER good enough.  It's NEVER good enough'  Repeated negative self-talk.  Blanket statement.  Not good.

    How does one define 'good enough'?  By whose measuring cup?  You're sitting there telling us you know for a fact it's NEVER good enough.  Wow, that's pretty anal of you.  Who made you the authority?  Oooyeah 1

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I think I might rejoin my Old Church -- rejoin the Republican Party -- stop researching the fringe-stuff -- stop posting on the internet -- drink the Kool Aid -- and get back to work (with fast and trendy thinking, walking, and talking). I might even trade my dumb-phone in for a smart-phone -- start texting and playing Pokémon Go!! I might start sleeping in the wrong bed (like everyone else). I might even try to join the Masons!! The Ancient Egyptian Deity invited me to join!! But that was before the AED said they were sorry we couldn't work together!! I guess I just wasn't good enough to hobnob with the elite. I guess I'll always just be another Completely Ignorant Fool. Actually, my mind is mostly empty already. I don't really need to silence my mind. There's really not a lot going on in my deluded head. But perhaps in my next life I can Sell My Soul to Satan and become a New World Order Manager. Hope Springs Eternal.

    Whatever makes you happy, Oxy.  Who am I to judge?  Whistle  Wink  

    If this is all just a front and you're just being silly, whatever.

    If this is how you really feel, then I'd say you're definitely playing into their hands.  They've got you, hook, line and sinker and they're laughing as you let them drag you off into your own little self-imposed hell.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:54 pm

    Thank-you Pris. I don't do anything supernatural or creepy. I don't do Seances, Hypnosis, OBE's, Channeling, Remote-Viewing, etc. I think this brings one into close-proximity with beings who don't like humanity. I don't think I'm a match for these guys. I simply research and reflect. That's ALL. The "Not Good Enough" is NOT my judgment. The bottom-line is that none of this is worth the trouble. It's an exercise in futility. This solar-system is rigged. Resistance is Futile. I've been trying to End the Quest for years. Perhaps this will be the year I succeed. I hope the End is Near. Looking-Good and Making-Money work SO Much Better!! If only I knew how...

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:08 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you mudra and Pris. I think I got "Monkey-Mind" from Carol. I don't know if the reptilians exist. I don't know much of anything. I'm currently wondering if this universe is fundamentally NOT Human. I'm currently wondering if this universe is fundamentally Reptilian. Notice that I'm pretty-much neutral regarding the PTB and the Reptilians. I pull my punches to an excruciating extent. BTW -- I have a Strong's Concordance (which is MUCH Better than a Young's Concordance). The major-problems with Biblical-Research are Verification, Authorship, Context, Translations, Interpretations, and the Attempts to Superimpose Antiquity Upon Modernity. I've tried to deal with these problems by making Biblical-Research Science-Fictional in Nature -- and NOT Trying to Convert ANYONE!! I think if church were up to me, I would lean toward a Fred Swann Crystal Cathedral approach -- which would mostly consist of MUSIC!!! I'm referring to the Arvella Schuller and Fred Swann directed Music-Program at the Crystal Cathedral in the 1980's and 1990's. Classrooms, Libraries, Bookstores, and the Internet are places where people can Wrestle with the Madness in their own ways. I keep thinking I should exit the Info-War before it gets REALLY Nasty!! A lot of what we've discussed hasn't really affected the general-public YET!! I think the PTB tolerate me because I screw myself SO Badly each and every day!! If only I were a hermaphrodite!! Think About It!! Just Kidding!!

    HA!  You squeezed in another comment before I could finish. Very Happy

    If so, tsk tsk Carol for the 'Monkey-Mind'. Bleh

    Enjoy your books, enjoy your studies, Oxy.  If that's what drives you, so be it.  We all need something to get us out of bed.

    Hermaphrodite?!  I'm certain there are some people out there who'd give you two thumbs up on that one (oh my, did I just say that HAHA?).  Naughty

    Oxy, have you ever seen the movie, 'The Phantom of the Paradise'?  It's one of my favourites.  I think you may glean some insight from it... I know I have.  

    I love this song...

    The Hell Of It

    Paul Williams   "Phantom Of The Paradise" soundtrack

    Roll on thunder shine on lightnin' the days are long and the nights are frightnin'
    Nothing matters anyway and that's the hell of it
    Winter comes and the winds blow colder, well some grew wiser you just grew older
    And you never listened anyway and that's the hell of it
    Good for nothin', bad in bed, nobody likes you and you're better off dead goodbye
    We've all come to say goodbye, goodbye
    Born defeated died in vain
    Super destructive you were hooked on pain and tho' your music lingers on
    All of us are glad you're gone
    If I could live my life half as worthlessly as you
    I'm convinced that I'd wind up burning too
    Loved yourself as you loved no other be no man's fool be no man's brother
    We're all born to die alone y'know that's the hell of it
    Life's a game where they're bound to beat you and time's a trick they can turn to cheat you
    And we only waste it anyway and that's the hell of it
    Good for nothin', bad in bed, nobody likes you and you're better off dead goodbye
    We've all come to say goodbye
    Born defeated died in vain
    Super destructive you were hooked on pain and tho' your music lingers on
    All of us are glad you're gone

    Posting Potpourri  ?

    Posting Potpourri  ?

    Last edited by Pris on Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:43 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:16 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Pris. I don't do anything supernatural or creepy. I don't do Seances, Hypnosis, OBE's, Channeling, Remote-Viewing, etc. I think this brings one into close-proximity with beings who don't like humanity. I don't think I'm a match for these guys. I simply research and reflect. That's ALL. The "Not Good Enough" is NOT my judgment. The bottom-line is that none of this is worth the trouble. It's an exercise in futility. This solar-system is rigged. Resistance is Futile. I've been trying to End the Quest for years. Perhaps this will be the year I succeed. I hope the End is Near. Looking-Good and Making-Money work SO Much Better!! If only I knew how...

    And, thank you!

    You could be entirely right, Oxy!  Then again, you could be entirely wrong!  

    What if there's nothing 'supernatural' or 'creepy' about any of this and it's all completely natural and normal?

    Can't we just have some fun in the meantime? bounce

    If there's a-holes out there, screw 'em.  'Go out kicking and screaming', that's my motto.  Never will I submit.  The only power they hold over me is the power I grant them.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:59 pm

    Pris, I think Demonic-Possession (Perfect and Imperfect) is REAL. I believe I am Supernaturally-Harassed 24/7 -- and I think I'd be Possessed if I opened the door just a little bit. I think I got WAY Too Close to the Dark-Side with my "Amen Ra" thread on the Old Project Avalon which I think led to my close-encounter with an Ancient Egyptian Deity, who said "I AM RA!!" I'm serious about spending the rest of my pathetic-life studying that 8,000 page Bible-Commentary written in the 1950's. Perhaps I should "Let Go and Let God!!" Or, perhaps I should "Let Go and Let Pokémon Go!!"
    Posting Potpourri  Oabw7a-20

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    Post  Pris Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:35 pm


    I never said it isn't 'real' (subjective as it is to define what is 'real').

    You sound as though you have submitted, Oxy.  Please, let me know if you think I'm wrong (but, realize, I'm not so easily CONvinced).

    In my opinion, I think that you yourself allow this 'demonic possession' (although you claim it's 'not yet demonic possession' [you are certainly possessed by something even if it's only this subject matter]).  It is my feeling that you know this, deep down, despite what is said here.  You are gaining from this 'torture' of yours in some manner or else it wouldn't manifest in this way for you.

    Screw 'RA'.

    You yourself believe you have no control over the situation, Oxy.  Correct?  There you have it.


    Last edited by Pris on Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:25 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification: (although you claim it's 'not yet demonic possession' [you are certainly possessed by something even if it's only this subject matter]))

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:02 pm

    Submissive to who and/or what?? To start with, this is a non-conformist and radical website. If I'm submissive, why do I stick my dick out each and every day on this godforsaken forum?? If I'm submissive, why do I take positions which no-one else (anywhere) seems to be taking?? If I'm submissive, why am I accused (in this very forum) of ignoring the comments of forum-members?? If I'm submissive, why does everyone seem to hate me?? I've concluded that the Real PTB wish to keep things stirred-up. They do NOT wish for the People of the World to Hold-Hands and Sing Kumbaya. That would be bad for business. I've also concluded that this solar-system is One BIG Business with One BAD@SS CEO (who probably has ruled this solar-system for at least the past 6,000 years). Do I sound submissive?? Could I get a government job?? Could I get a security clearance?? BTW -- I once applied for a Military Industrial Complex Job, where I had to wear a badge. It was sort of cool -- but I didn't get the job. It was submarine-related. If I told you more, you'd know too-much. Anyway, I think I've uncovered some things which have made various Individuals of Interest quite uneasy and/or upset. I've NEVER signed on the dotted-line -- but one night my television switched-on all by itself, and a VERY creepy Rumplestiltskin (from Once Upon a Time) appeared, saying "All You Have to Do Is Sign On the Dotted-Line!!" Honest. Do I create my very-own little-hell all by myself -- or do I receive "help" from the nether-realms?? Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me. Just because I consider "crazy-stuff" doesn't mean I'm "crazy". I suspect "THEY" have a VERY unflattering file on me -- going way, way, way back. I just hope that Situation-Ethics carries some weight in Galactic Courts of Law. One More Thing, I've been told that French-Organists spend hours playing every conceivable note-combination regardless of how bad some of these chords sound -- just to exhaust all of the tonal-possibilities -- and to prepare themselves to be the Best Organists in the World. This is sort of what I'm trying to do on this website -- in a conceptual-sense. I am an Esoteric Possibility-Thinker (and mostly ashamed of it). I really wish to disappear without being removed (in the near-future).

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    Post  Pris Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:17 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Submissive to who and/or what?? To start with, this is a non-conformist and radical website. If I'm submissive, why do I stick my dick out each and every day on this godforsaken forum?? If I'm submissive, why do I take positions which no-one else (anywhere) seems to be taking?? If I'm submissive, why am I accused (in this very forum) of ignoring the comments of forum-members?? If I'm submissive, why does everyone seem to hate me?? I've concluded that the Real PTB wish to keep things stirred-up. They do NOT wish for the People of the World to Hold-Hands and Sing Kumbaya. That would be bad for business. I've also concluded that this solar-system is One BIG Business with One BAD@SS CEO (who probably has ruled this solar-system for at least the past 6,000 years). Do I sound submissive?? Could I get a government job?? Could I get a security clearance?? BTW -- I once applied for a Military Industrial Complex Job, where I had to wear a badge. It was sort of cool -- but I didn't get the job. It was submarine-related. If I told you more, you'd know too-much. Anyway, I think I've uncovered some things which have made various Individuals of Interest quite uneasy and/or upset. I've NEVER signed on the dotted-line -- but one night my television switched-on all by itself, and a VERY creepy Rumplestiltskin (from Once Upon a Time) appeared, saying "All You Have to Do Is Sign On the Dotted-Line!!" Honest. Do I create my very-own little-hell all by myself -- or do I receive "help" from the nether-realms?? Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me. Just because I consider "crazy-stuff" doesn't mean I'm "crazy". I suspect "THEY" have a VERY unflattering file on me -- going way, way, way back. I just hope that Situation-Ethics carries some weight in Galactic Courts of Law. One More Thing, I've been told that French-Organists spend hours playing every conceivable note-combination regardless of how bad some of these chords sound -- just to exhaust all of the tonal-possibilities -- and to prepare themselves to be the Best Organists in the World. This is sort of what I'm trying to do on this website -- in a conceptual-sense. I am an Esoteric Possibility-Thinker (and mostly ashamed of it). I really wish to disappear without being removed (in the near-future).

    Submissive...  Oxy, your general attitude is self-defeating ('Resistance is Futile!') and therefore submissive -- at least that's how it comes across to me.

    I also 'stick my dick out' in a manner of speaking on every forum I've ever been on.  But, unlike you, I'm not into self-flagellation.  You are submissive to your own negative self-talk (unless that's all a facade).

    Why hasn't RA visited me and struck me down yet?  I've basically told that goof to F-off and leave you alone (whether he's real, imagined, or manifested, I figured that might help).

    Maybe you think I'm no threat to anybody, Oxy?  I've been followed around on forums... for good or bad, I get noticed.

    Somebody in another forum was told by their companion 'trickster entity' that I was worth checking out.  Go figure!  

    Back to that RA character, you're not the only one 'dealing' with him.  Apparently, even David Wilcock deals with him, but I don't think David gets who/what RA is... But, I think you do, Oxy.  As you've reasoned, RA probably isn't somebody you want to hang out with at Star Bucks.

    This is where the 'submissive' thing comes into play.  I think RA pesters you because you think you are powerless against him.  You are scared of him.  You've essentially submitted to him.  He's made quite the impression on you with the whole thunderous, "I AM RA!", being a so-called ancient Egyptian 'deity' and all.

    As for the PTB and their little game (on Earth and possibly beyond)... We do have a choice as to whether or not we want to play with them.

    Remember, they can't take your soul unless you freely give it (or sell it) to them.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:11 pm

    Pris, Thank-you for putting in a good-word for me!! I honestly do a lot of "script-writing" on this forum (even though I don't get paid to do so). As for RA (or whoever he was) I was pretty-much neutral. I kept right on posting (using some of what I learned from RA). I didn't sign a "non-disclosure agreement". I asked the Ancient Egyptian Deity about confidentiality -- and they said it would be better for them if I didn't say much about them. In fact, there is a line in the movie State of Play where Ben Affleck tells Russell Crowe "You Can't Connect Anything Back to Me!!" The AED told me those exact same words. I imposed my own code of ethics and disclosure upon myself. I started to open-up after RA broke-off contact with me (and especially after months and years passed without contact with the AED in their "Dogma" form). I suspect continued contact in other forms -- but I don't want to talk about it. Once, the AED was having an obviously difficult phone-conversation, and I was laughing at him!! I once jokingly threatened to bring my Bible, and start shouting at RA (which didn't seem to amuse him)!! I was honestly a "Chad Decker" kind of guy during that several-month encounter. I've suspected a Sherry Shriner, Dana Horochowski, and TREEE (among others) connection with RA!! TREEE = GROOT??!! I AM GROOT = I AM RA = I AM TREEE??!! RA had a tattoo in the exact same location as TREEE!! When I pointed this out to the AED, he said "You've got me all figured-out, don't you??" TREEE once sent me the email addresses of approximately 50 top NASA personnel. I didn't use the list, and I no longer have it. Honest.

    abraxasinas = Balem Abrasax = RA = Anubis = Anchor?? I could go on and on and on!! Honestly!! I think I know too-much, but I'm mostly pretty discrete. You'd have to be a dedicated student of my threads to really connect the dots (which probably means that there's a couple of NSA interns in the nuthouse because of me)!! My modeling is the product of lifelong research and reflection -- and NOT possession!! The harassment HINDERS ME (rather than ENABLING ME)!! If I ever get my act together, I will be a HUGE Threat (if I wished to be), but I have pledged to mostly just keep doing what I'm doing (with No Surprises). I create my own ongoing science-fiction adventure within my threads. Some of it is admittedly self-aggrandizing -- and some of it is self-defeating -- which is really two-sides of the same coin). I honestly treat this madness as an imagined script-writing job -- so don't take some of my harsh responses too seriously. I don't lie -- but I do grandstand a bit!! One more thing. What is the relationship (if any) between Sherry Shriner and David Koresh?? Why were both fixated upon the Book of Revelation (rather than 1 Chronicles to Malachi)?? I have my theories, but I don't want to talk about it.


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    Post  Pris Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:50 am


    In 'The Lord of The Rings', there's Treebeard, a giant walking, talking tree.  Connection to 'TREEE, GROOT', perhaps?

    Posting Potpourri  ?

    Speculation (with relation to RA)... maybe this has something to do with our subconscious mind (deep in the forest) and our '3rd eye' pineal gland (my home) located between the two brain hemispheres? (near the roots of the mountains)...

    I kind of liked the baby Groot, but now you've got me thinking...  Maybe it represents something not so 'wholesome'.  Hollywood is constantly manipulating us without our comprehension.  Most people haven't the foggiest clue how our minds are being deliberately messed with (see also: hyperreality and predictive programming).  Hollywood is all about mind manipulation -- sorcery of the worst kind for, what's become blindingly obvious, a not-so-hidden agenda.

    Frickin' RA...  I've repeatedly gone after David Wilcock for his religious obsession with 'The Law of One' and RA as somehow being a 'good' thing (and pushing the 'white light tunnel' and belief in 'karma').  I equate RA to a nasty trickster entity.  If RA is pushing 'The Law of One', then that most definitely can't be a good thing.  I was censored in David's website comments section when I started to question these things.  You can't have anything that threatens David's credibility and book sales, right?

    Then, Corey Goode wormed his way out of the wormwood with his eight foot tall, blue avian (bird) ETs (seemingly altered states entities), one of which David Wilcock thinks is the embodiment of RA (or at the very least, RA takes on or steals the forms of others that make him appear 'impressive' to us -- like bird-headed Thoth, and the dog-headed Anubis [in other words, for example, there may have been an 'original' Thoth that was benevolent. See also: The Emerald Tablets, Bill Donahue]).

    I repeatedly went after David Wilcock for reporting altered states experiences (his and Corey's) as 'real' events -- as if that was 'proof' enough (of blue avian ETs for example).  If I can conjure up Greys and goblins in an altered state just because I intended it, what does that tell you?

    All those studies of yours are seemingly quite extensive, time consuming, and complicated, Oxy.  My goal has always been to narrow things down to a common denominator -- cut through the crap and get straight to the goods (eg. I AM RA, Ancient Egyptian 'Deity' for Dummies).  I'm driven to find overall answers quickly and easily.  If I can get the gist of something fast, that makes me happy.  The bottom line is truth doesn't need to be complicated (for me).  That's how I see it.

    We all have a 'knowingness' when we let go (NOT let go and let God!  Uggh!  tongue ) and trust ourselves -- our own nature, our own intuition -- and look for answers inside.

    'Let there be light!'. sunny


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