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    Food for Soul


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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:52 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 IMG_0337

    A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.
    "I've been thinking," he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."

    "The Wise Woman's Stone"
    Author Unknown

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:53 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Animationmagieow3

    "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
    It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
    who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,
    is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

    Love Always

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:53 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Japanese-style-gardens-5

    "Men of wit and understanding convert a stone lying on the ground into a stepping stone, while men devoid of common sense turn even a stepping stone into a stumbling block on their way. In life, it is the way of looking at things that matters."

    - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in "Wings of Love and Random Thoughts

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:55 pm

    The story of a signsunny

    Love Always

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    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:55 pm

    A Gesture of Generosity that Healed a Life

    I was in church one Sunday when my husband’s ex-wife requested the pastor and the church to pray for her. She said that she was a drug addict and she wanted to stop using drugs. She was crying and said that she needed God’s help because she knew that she couldn't do it alone. She was a beautiful woman with four children and they were all crying with her.

    After church I went to her and introduced myself. She said that she had heard about my marriage to her ex-husband. We talked for a little while and she told me that she did not have a car and that they were going to catch the bus home. I offered to give them a ride and we continued to talk in the car. She began to open up about how bad things really were in her life. I had heard rumours from the family that she married a football player and she said both of them were heavy drug users. He was shot and killed in a bad drug deal and she lost everything. Eventually she was on the street and had to sell her body for food and a place to stay with her four children.

    I asked her where I was taking her and who she lived with. She didn’t have a place to stay so I told her that she could stay at my place. I had a queen size sofa bed and she and the children could sleep there. She was concerned about my husband. I told her not to worry about him, he would be fine. I lived in a 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment and even though there would be 9 of us, I wasn’t worried. She and those children needed our help.

    While she was getting settled with the children I explained to my husband what happened. I told him she didn’t have anywhere to go and she needed help. He was furious and refused to let her stay with us. He said she was a drug addict who was just ‘playing’ me. I refused to believe that. We had argued until I got a copy of my bible and showed him that it said we must help people in need. Eventually he saw that I was serious about helping this woman and her children and said they could stay.

    She stayed with us for two weeks. During that time I prayed that she would find a job and land on her feet and it worked because I was able to get her a job at the company I worked for. She told me that she was supposed to apply for her deceased husband's social security but she had lost the copy of her marriage licence after his death. We went to the county offices and received a copy of her marriage licence and then applied for social security. In less than a month she received retroactive back social security payments from the time of her husband's death to the current date. She received a check for several thousand dollars and immediately we found a nice place for her and the children to live. She paid the rent 1 year in advance, purchased some furniture for the house and she also purchased a nice mini-van.

    She continued to work with me on the job for the next 7 years. She remarried and we stayed in touch until I was offered a better job opportunity and had to move away.

    During that time she always thanked me repeatedly for believing in her and helping her get back on her feet.

    Love Always

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:56 pm

    Mali's gift economy

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:57 pm

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:57 am

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:59 am

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:05 am

    A gift from Zeddo :wub:

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:27 am

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:05 pm

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:52 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Hearthands

    If you see life as a battle how can there be peace ?
    As soon as you concern yourself with the "good" and "bad" of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter.
    Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.
    All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love.
    And the Art of Peace is the purest form of that principle.
    In extreme situations, the entire universe becomes our foe; at such critical times, unity of mind is essential--- do not let your heart waver!
    Greet everyone you meet with a smile.
    Tell them you love them aloud or from within
    Hug your pussy cat dearly
    Walk you dog and have fun
    Say « thank you » a lot
    Be the first to say « hello »
    Be forgiving for yourself and others
    Use your wit to amuse not to abuse
    Remember that all news is biased
    Turn your temper into humour
    Lear to listen, opportunity sometimes knocks very softly
    Never deprive someone of hope , it might be all they have
    Take time to smell the roses, to look at the sky
    Enjoy the sunrise , admire the sunset
    Be kinder than necessary
    Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know
    Loosen up . Relax , except for rare life and death matters ,nothing is as important as it seems.
    Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed
    Understand that happiness is not based on possessions or power , but on relationships with people you love and respect.
    Things are not always as seem to be, in every so called " bad "situation" lies an opportunity to create good.
    Don’t miss the magic of the moment by focusing on what’s to come.
    Laugh a lot , a good sense of humour cures almost all life’s ills .
    Spread Love for this is your true essence.

    Peace and kindness


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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:40 pm

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:00 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Picfornewslettolive-trees

    The Trees

    Divine energy showers upon and bathes the Standing Ones in the light, beauty and knowledge of all of heaven. Their arms open ever wide to give and to receive divine love for their branches reach most high unto heaven and their roots grow deep within the earth. There is much that they offer for never shall you know what beauty has been given when gazing upon or passing by an elder such as this. They offer their beauty, yes, and their towering strength. They stand as temples of the most holy, reveling in the songs of the winged ones, breathing in the majesty of heaven and of earth.

    Their quiet majesty speaks. Their ancient wisdom offers. Their holy vow radiates. They are one with all.

    Give and you shall receive. Offer a prayer of gratitude to these natural most ancient wonders, for it is not fully known the offering that they give. They stand as testimony to heaven and earth. They are eternal living portals of divine love and knowledge, embracing and communing with all. Raise your awareness beyond the treetops. Lift your faces and breathe in this wisdom, for the time is at hand to be one with all, to give and to receive, with every living being. Rest yourself upon her body. Nourish yourself beneath her arms. But as you receive, you must also give, for the time is at hand and the way is shown. Open your hearts and merge with the majesty of the Standing Ones who are one with all. For here and now all is expanded, here and now the truth stands tall as you awaken and live in conscious you awaken and live at one with all.

    Gail Swanson

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:02 pm

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Squirrel%20485017


    By Genece Hamby

    As a young girl, my grandfather enjoyed teaching me about the nature of things through unusual methods. One day, he gave me an ear of corn and a coat hanger that he had straightened with a pair of pliers. On one end, he bent the hanger to wrap around the ear of corn and on the other end he created a small loop and told me to go home and nail the looped end to my window sill. He also said to leave my window open and to come home everyday straight from school and sit quietly by the window while doing my homework. Knowing my grandfather, I figured this was his way of teaching me the discipline of doing my homework. He was probably helping my parents to find a solution for some of my school challenges.

    Believing I knew his reason for sitting by the window in silence, I trusted and obeyed my grandfather’s wish. On a daily basis, I would come home from school and sit in the chair waiting – waiting, waiting, waiting while doing my homework. After about a week of this and getting bored with the whole thing, I called my grandpa and said that I knew why he had me sitting there and promised I’d try harder to study. He laughed! Then, he told me that was not in fact the purpose of the ear of corn and sitting by the window.

    The next day, I went back to the chair and again sat for 30 minutes of waiting. Every day this became a ritual until one day something happened. A squirrel came up to the open window and as soon as he realized I was present, he darted off. However, I was excited! I hurried to the phone and called my grandfather to tell him of the squirrel. Again, he laughed! He suggested I still come to the window and sit by the ear of corn the same time daily.

    Within a few weeks, the squirrel began staying longer as he became more comfortable with my presence. Ultimately, he sat and ate the corn right in front of me. I had remained very still not wanting to disturb his eating because for some unexplained reason, I knew the very essence of the squirrel and his needs beyond my logical mind. As I listened through silence, I heard and understood his language.

    My grandfather taught me how to listen from inner stillness, from interconnecting to everything within myself and to everything that exists. He didn’t teach me about God, philosophy, religion or metaphysics. He didn’t pass on information or tell me “how to” find stillness. What my grandfather gave me was more powerful than any book, any lecture, or any ministering. He gave me the power of knowing who I am in my essence and how to pay attention, to be alert to the world around me. It was a magical experience I’ve not ever forgotten. Even in his death, my grandfather was my guru. He left me with three messages: “You can always go home. Know the ‘nature’ of who you are. You belong.”

    As a result of my grandfather’s wisdom, the way I found answers to life’s questions came from exploring my own inner nature. I learned by throwing myself to the wind, baptism by fire, jumping off a ledge, putting myself on the line, and taking the road less traveled to discover the depth and breadth of who I am and who I was meant to become. I no longer needed my grandfather’s lessons or a squirrel to bait me into silence. I found what he wanted me to discover – my own sanctuary of stillness.

    Mornings became a ritual of sacred silence and stillness. I began meditating, sitting in the silence, and listening to the nature of things heard through and around me. Covenants were made each day as I placed my life’s questions on the altar of my soul. There were no rituals outside of me -- no required candles, waving crystal wands, or reading. Answers came, waves of nothingness dissolved my seeking mind and curiosity gave way to something greater, something more revered than my ego’s dance.

    Unfortunately, much of our world is stillness deprived instead of stillness rich. We appear to be either trapped by the success of being too busy being busy and keeping up with all of the demands that claim our most precious energies. We seek the outside world for answers as we overload our circuits with too much information and data that can contribute to a false sense of Self. Or, we appear blocked in our self-expressions from fear of breaking out of our conditioned lives. Even in the world of human consciousness and metaphysics, I am amazed at the number of people encountered who are stillness deprived. It seems that our present way of life prefers the static filled chatter and clamor that refuses solitude and quiet. What I think is more terrifying is that we are adapting our capacity for harsh and destructive noise where there is no mute button to push or power button to turn it all off. We are losing our stillness to the polluted noise and obsession of living in a materialistic and busy world.

    Silence is golden; a refuge from the mentally deadening noise of a current culture that is increasing and pushing many people further away from the sanctuary of stillness. To live life by uninterrupted disturbances, the moments unfold something of beauty and grace beyond our senses. Stillness acts as a gateway to the essence of who we are and to the vast sea of ecstasy that lies underneath our thoughts.

    Here is my own experience of reaching the sanctuary of stillness:

    “Crisp mountain air chills me as I sit. Everything is still, except for one bird in the atrium who occasionally chirps. Trees undressing in preparation for winter rhythmically sway to the slight breeze while blue skies look contented after two days of autumn showers. Sitting quietly, I can hear the stillness all around me.

    In the solitude, I close my eyes and the first few minutes are chattering thoughts that empty into one another as a gushing stream. I allow them room to express, to bubble up and flow through without forcing them out. There is a detachment to the perceptions and thoughts that rise and fall; passing through without elaboration.

    At some point, I stand on the shore that beckons my heart and mind to give way to the waves of my soul. My inner landscape opens the door and I am free to travel the universe unfettered by the chatter and clamor of existence. I step over into the abyss…

    I live for the stillness
    that rests between the words
    the distant spaces of thought
    suspended by silken threads of light.

    The web of life capturing my attention,
    sticking to the soles of my feet
    which are rooted in sensual knowing.

    Deeply alive and fearless
    of the stretched lines
    crisscrossing into nothingness.

    I step over into the abyss
    of silence and no words
    no thoughts
    no voice to be heard.

    Darkness and light
    become the illusion
    for in this place there exists
    nothing and yet all.

    The universe is empty
    without anything
    moving through it.

    I am the I AM.

    Here, I sit in this sanctuary of stillness, unveiling the limited illusions that do not contain God's divine love. In my sanctuary, the silence holds my soul in a sweet embrace and nourishes the well of my heart. Pure joy bubbles up as bliss, a bliss that rises up to meet my Spirit and spirals me into light.

    Stillness pulls us into the fountain of God and deeper into the covenant of grace. And, when we allow grace to fill us with the omnipresence, our sanctuary of stillness becomes our permanent home. Then, our lives become a distinct and silent voice resting deep in the stillness. Bliss slips in and yields its fruit; gives us the wisdom to know we are here where we belong.

    No other place to be except inside of me.

    Love Always

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:20 pm

    Love from me

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:26 pm

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:28 pm

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  ClearWater Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:43 am


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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  ClearWater Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:47 am


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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  ClearWater Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:00 am

    Thank You! for sharing the words about trees.
    I've always felt a brotherhood with trees.
    Roots in the Earth.
    Limbs stretched to Heaven.
    Still amidst calmness.
    Flexible amidst a storm.
    and ooohhh so beautiful.
    and ooohhh so majestic.

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Tree_lined_path_to_the_Togakushi_shrine1

    Food for Soul - Page 2 Icon_flower Food for Soul - Page 2 Icon_flower

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:37 pm

    And so do I Clearwater ..
    I had a tree a few years ago that I would go to everyday .
    I called him " whisper " .. He did help me so much while
    I was undergoing trying times .
    He was a true friend and a very wise one too .
    One of the most beautifull things he showed me that I still
    remember is that all trees across the globe hold hands through
    their touching roots .
    This image speaks so much regarding the sense of community of trees.

    Love from me

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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:39 pm

    Loved your last videos Clearwater .
    Both of them Food for Soul - Page 2 Icon_sunny

    Food for Soul - Page 2 934918
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    Food for Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for Soul

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:40 pm

    "The universe is composed of subjects to be communed with, not subjects to be exploited. Everything has its own voice. Thunder and lightning and stars and planets, flowers, birds, animals, trees-- all these have voices, and they constitute a community of existence that is profoundly related."

    ~Thomas Berry

    Love Always

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