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    Soil Minerals


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    Soil Minerals Empty Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:14 am

    Do you remember the member "asteram" from the first Project Avalon?

    I was pleased the other day to discover his website and his blog It was that avatar that appears on his blog that made me make the connection. That graphic appears on the thread "Hacking the Genetic Mind."

    On his website he has an article in the form of an interview called "Better than Organic - a Conversation with Agricola". I'm assuming "Agricola" is a literary device - it being the Latin word for "farmer" and the fact that in his FAQ he says that Agricola prefers to remain anonymous. Anyway, this article shows what a superb researcher asteram/Michael Astera is!

    I'm not a gardener myself, but I love reading about what we need to do to grow nutritious food. He's showing that we can't just rely on humus, composting, and manure.

    Last edited by Seashore on Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Carol Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:45 am

    This is excellent Seashore. Thank you so much for providing the links! cheers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:14 pm

    You're welcome, Carol! sunny

    I look forward to feedback from people who do gardening.

    And I hope more and more people read his research.

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:19 pm

    Michael has another cool website: Thubs Up Lots of links to other resources.

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:27 pm

    The photo of Michael at the above website with the caption about Michael checking Brix levels with a refractometer intrigued me because I’ve never heard of Brix levels before. So I googled it. One of the results said that it was a term popularized by “Carey Reams,” which populated this link when I clicked on it:

    Wow! I like what this page says about him:

    . . .Trained in mathematics, biophysics, and biochemistry he made many discoveries in the fields of human health, plant growth, energetics, animal health, and soil restoration. These findings were later codified in an overall view of life and energy known as Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). Reams summarized his beliefs by saying:

    “God is the basis of life, life is the basis of energy, energy is the basis of matter.”

    . . . Reams taught that the functional foundation of nature is electromagnetic and that the chemistry of nature is secondary. Reams applied this concept to plant growth. He maintained that plants grow through the process of ionization-similar to an electroplating machine. Likewise soil fertilization is done from an electromagnetic perspective as well. This is done by balancing the positive and negative charges. Fertilizers are viewed as energy packages used to build and balance the electromagnetic field of the soil. The minerals in the fertilizers carry specific energy forms. These energy packages (fertilizers) react with opposing charges in the soil during the process of synchronization. This synchronization of opposite charges provides a release of energy, which drives plant growth. . . .

    I like the focus on electromagnetism as opposed to chemistry. Thubs Up


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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Arrowwind Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:10 am

    If you are interested in minerals and the energy they can contain and in using them to increse the potential for your garden you will want to find out about paramagnetic rock dust minerals..

    These minerals found near Yellowstone are highly magnetic. They will spur on and increase plant growth and brix. I purchased ten pounds and we tested them with very sick house plants and it was amazing the recovery they did in one to two weeks.

    Here is the website and you can order. I purchased 10 pounds for $10 and that more than I needed for my garden.

    There are also some interesting studies mentioned on this page. the minerals don't even have to be touching the plant roots to stimulate them to grow.

    there are a number of products out there with paramagnetics for the soil but this particular one has the highest magnetism known in soil.I have this and another trace mineral product but this one is stronger. Paramagnetics Rock Dust does not necessarily all the trace minerals you may want but its magnetistis is the strongest.
    And here is a PDF file of interest from the above site:

    Another interesting thing that I found for the use of gardens if Photonic Water. They have a number of youtube videos. This is a device that structures water so that it is pure and energized. The testimonials are quite amazing and didn't I post a thread on this here already? Anyway this will significantly increase brix also. It has also been curing some difficult diseases. If you have bad water from what ever reason it will make it right, including bizarre mineral contents, MRSA, deposits in irrigation lines etc, Although I dont have a device yet I plan to install one in the house we are currently building, which will serve the house and the gardens as well.

    There are other water devices that energize water that have been in use for some time in Australia and Russia and now California. They structure the water also but do it with magnets. Documented increase in crop yelds have justified its rather expensive cost. The above photonic water device uses no magnets, but is a permanent device with no moving parts. It will never wear out. On the magnetic ones the magnets wear out after 10 to 15 years.

    Life is so much more that we have been taught to believe!


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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:10 am

    Clicking on the link doesn't bring up, it brings up

    Something I'm grappling with is conflicting information in my sources.

    Here is a screenshot from

    On the website of the author of the book Vaccination Is Not Immunization, Tim O'Shea, a website called The Doctor Within, there is a page devoted to minerals.  On that page it is stated that there are only 21 minerals that have been proven to have nutritive value for humans, and he lists them:



    ……..TRACE MINERALS . . . . . . .


    – U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
    National Research Council

    How many and which minerals do we really need?

    Posts : 2195
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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:35 am

    Seashore wrote:How many and which minerals do we really need?

    In a fertilizer, only four?  Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium?

    This is from asteram/Michael Astera's website, about his book:

    Discover the Secrets
    Soil Mineral Balance and
    Create Your Own Ideal Soil!

    The secrets of soil mineral balance that create ideal soil, plant, and animal health are revealed here for the first time.  The amazing results that can be achieved by balancing the major cation minerals Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium in the soil according to the teachings of Dr William Albrecht and Dr Carey Reams have changed the world of agriculture.  This knowledge has taken the focus away from merely trying to achieve high volume yields to achieving the highest yields of the highest quality and nutritional value, while building the overall health of the soil, the crops, and the people and animals that rely on them for food.

    There are no more depleted soils and farmlands when using these techniques; the soil just keeps getting better and better year after year, and all without the use of any sort of toxic rescue chemistry.  As Dr Albrecht was known to say, "Well fed is healthy."  A well-fed soil leads to well-fed crops and well-fed people and animals.

    Professional agronomists charge hundreds or thousands of dollars to consult with you and apply their specialized knowledge of soil nutrients and minerals in order to achieve the perfect balance in your soil.  Though we feel they are well worth what they charge, some of us would prefer to have the knowledge and be able to do that for ourselves and others.  There are also many home gardeners and small farmers who simply don't have the financial resources to afford the expense of a professional soil consultant.  The lack of knowledge or money need no longer keep any grower from having the ideal soil.  For only $29.95, about the cost of a single laboratory soil test, this new one of a kind book teaches you everything you need to know to perfectly balance all of the major and minor mineral nutrients in any soil.

    He mentions "major and minor mineral nutrients."  What are they?

    Posts : 2195
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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:10 pm

    Seashore wrote:On his website he has an article in the form of an interview called "Better than Organic - a Conversation with Agricola".

    That article is really thought-provoking.

    Here's the beginning:

    Q. You were saying Organic farming and gardening aren’t really working. How are they not working?

    Agricola: They’re not working on several levels, including corporate greed, business ethics, and of course “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” But that’s not what I’d like to talk about today. I’d like to focus on the nutrition aspect, and on soil, plant, and animal health. Specifically, why most Organic food isn’t necessarily more nutritious than chemically grown food.

    Q. It isn’t? That certainly isn’t the conventional wisdom. The people who grow it and buy it seem to think it is.

    Agricola: Yes, there’s definitely a myth or misunderstanding that organically grown means more nutrition. But when tested or assayed for vitamins, protein, minerals, etcetera there is no good evidence that organically grown food is more nutritious than chemically grown grains and produce. Organic growers and consumers don’t like to hear this. They seem to believe that it has to be better, and of course it is better in one way: it has fewer pesticides, herbicides, and other nasty chemical residues. But these are all negative things, saying what organic food doesn’t have. They say nothing about what it does have. And the simple fact is that it is possible to grow more nutritious food with standard NPK fertilizers and lime than with just composted organic matter..

    Imagine that.

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:47 pm

    Seashore wrote:Here's the beginning:

    Further down:

    Agricola: OK. Well, you see, chemistry as we know it really isn’t a very old science. Modern chemistry, which is based on knowledge of the 92 natural elements and their properties, didn’t really begin until the late 1700's. Dalton isolated Calcium in 1804. Dmitri Mendeleyev didn’t publish his Periodic Table of the Elements until the 1870's. Before Mendeleyev, though, some people had come up with some very useful things to do with the new science. In the 1840's, a Paris trained German chemist, Justus von Liebig, burned some barley grains to ash and analyzed what was left. He came up with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. NPK. Von Liebig showed that if he added just N,P and K ( K is for Kalium, the name the German alchemists used for Potassium) to the soil, the plants grew well. He reasoned that certain elements had been depleted from the soil over the years and needed to be replaced, and he was right. Von Liebig rejected the prevailing agricultural wisdom of his day, which was the old idea that humus, totally broken down organic matter, supplied plants with food. NPK worked great, and it was relatively cheap and easy to manufacture. His discovery was immediately seized upon by the German industrialists, and thus was born chemical agriculture. Humus, composting, and manure were off the fashion runway. All one needed was NPK to grow huge crops and the chemical factories made money hand over fist. So did the farmers, for a while, until it got to the point of diminishing returns, where they had exported the reserve fertility from their soil and had to dump more and more chemical fertilizer on their soil to get results. At that point, which was reached anywhere from ten to twenty years after the introduction of chemical fertilizers to the soil, the chemical factories kept on making money but the farmer didn’t. His profit was going to make the industrialists rich. And that’s how things have remained to the present day.

    I think this is very interesting.

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:46 pm


    During the dustbowl years of the 1930's, when the topsoil was blowing away on the wind, people were scared and some in the government were scared so between 1930 and the end of the second world war agricultural science was relatively well funded. Not, of course, funded like research into weapons of mass destruction, but at least enough to learn a few things of practical importance.

    This all ended as the multinational corporations took aim at the American family farm in the late forties and through the fifties. By the late 1950's they had bought every ag college and land grant university in America, bought as in “ We’ll give you a bunch of money but you have to put the people we want in charge and do only the research we pay you to do.” And the foolish, greedy administrators and trustees went for it. They sold out. There has been no real research in soil chemistry since then, only research on pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hybrids, and now GMOs. [ed. note: Genetically Modified Organisms]

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:51 pm

    Arrowwind wrote:If you are interested in minerals and the energy they can contain and in using them to increse the potential for your garden you will want to find out about paramagnetic rock dust minerals..

    I see the word "paramagnetism":

    Agricola: Yeah, that’s the right question. How will we do it? How will we answer our unanswered questions: what happens to the anions like phosphorus in the soil, what’s really going on with paramagnetism, what balance of soil microorganisms is best for which crop and which climate? I suggest that most of this work will and should be done by independent researchers, but I’m not sure who is going to pay for it.

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    Soil Minerals Empty Organic food compared to non organic food, what's the difference?

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:25 pm

    Part of post by Seashor:

    "Agricola: Yes, there’s definitely a myth or misunderstanding that organically grown means more nutrition. But when tested or assayed for vitamins, protein, minerals, etcetera there is no good evidence that organically grown food is more nutritious than chemically grown grains and produce. Organic growers and consumers don’t like to hear this. They seem to believe that it has to be better, and of course it is better in one way: it has fewer pesticides, herbicides, and other nasty chemical residues. But these are all negative things, saying what organic food doesn’t have. They say nothing about what it does have. And the simple fact is that it is possible to grow more nutritious food with standard NPK fertilizers and lime than with just composted organic matter.. "

    Thank you, Seashore, for sharing this. All earthmatters matter to me. Lately I've worked with clay, plastering walls of a strawbale home.
    I could almost eat it. I love working with my hands and feet in the soil, compost heaps and cowdung and I long to grow my vegetables,
    once I find myself settled in Devon UK.

    Soil Minerals Rode_k11

    What I've found in my life, with a diet of organic food, for 41 years now, is that organic cabbages continue to grow in my kitchen when
    cut in half over their length. Non organic cabbages don't do that. I find the taste and bite of organic food usually much better and this
    diet serves me well and keeps me fit and healthy in all those years and the years to come. I can only share my experience, for I don't
    believe in one diet beneficial to all. Nor do I believe in studies practiced by fragmenting food and judge it on fragments alone.
    Life force energy isn't taken into account in laboratories, studying the value of food. Except in the movie "The secret life of plants"
    made in the '70's, although laboratories with bright lights and their usual instruments and cool props aren't present in it, just measuring
    instruments, if I remember well. I believe that movie is posted here by mudra.

    The amount of attention I pay to growing, harvesting, preparing, eating and digesting my food, is relative to the amount of wellbeing
    I generate from it. I've noticed that on all levels and even experimented with leaving out dairy products or meat, for long periods of time.
    Leaving meat out of their diet makes people more sensitive in general and leaving sugar out of their diet increases clarity of mental health.
    When I'm in circumstances, being offered non organic food, I feel a decrease of my vitality in a subtle way. I feel less vigor and pluck

    In 2007 I attended a 3 year study for health-foodconsultant and the founder of the first biodynamic farmerschool in Holland was the head
    teacher in it. I've had the privilege of receiving excellent education, learning to support people in finding the diet that resonates with not
    only the body, but also temperament and constitution. The so called "budwig" porridge for cancer patients is a great detox and cleaning
    for the digestive system and the bloodquality, based on the views of antrosophy, shared by Rudolf Steiner.

    To me, as long as I can recognize what's on my plate and palate and my digestive system is happy to work on it, it's pretty much okay.
    The natural taste of food can be enjoyed far better when artificial flavors and sugary sweets or large amounts of salt are left out.
    Organic ready made meals are free form that, although I myself prefer to make my meals at home from fresh ingredients.
    There's a valuable website with lectures and books, by Rudolf Steiner, all translated into English, addressing also biodynamic
    farming, which makes use of soilminerals called "preparations" The website is

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    Soil Minerals Empty Re: Soil Minerals

    Post  Seashore Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:31 am

    Some screenshots:

    Interesting!  sunny

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