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    Oil spill : preparation and advice


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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:11 am

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Earth_day_stickers-p217666801929022060qjcl_400


    We have come at a turning in the course of history .

    A major disaster is destroying the Gulf of Mexico .
    The latest news we have is that nothing will be done about the leak before august .
    We can hope that eventually it will be fixed . So far however the
    situation does 'nt look good at all and growth worse everyday.
    . We are now entering the hurricane season allowing for the oil spill to be driven further .
    When it reaches the gulf stream it will cross the pacific and head for Europe .
    As the oil evaporates it will fall back through rain and the winds will carry it on lands .
    Then not only will mother Earth suffer the destruction of it's oceans
    but damage will reach soils as well .

    Bluntly put the consequences of this are far reaching on multiple levels.
    It unfortunately does'nt take a crystal ball to see our dear Planet and it's ilife forms
    will have to face great stress . Linda reported smelling oil in North Georgia today.

    We now need to get practical , think clear and gather ideas as to how make the best out of the worst.
    We will thereby help one another and each of us will in his turn be able to help his local community .

    Bring in your ideas mental , physical and spiritual ones .

    The topics that need to be covered are :

    - Health
    - Survival
    - Food
    - shelter
    - spiritual hints

    All will be usefull .

    May this be a pool of support , solidarity , great Love and deep faith .
    A strong drive from the heart .
    We are all concerned .
    Let's take things in our hands .

    Love Always

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:53 pm

    Love Always

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  Guest Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:35 pm


    Recently on Conscious Media Network, Regina's May 2010 Fifth Element video, was advice on our need for mineral supplementation. The field around Earth is stressing us. Our endocrine systems are strained, our "batteries" drained. Our adrenal glands are frying from the demands of daily life(potassium helps here). When we feel a lag, we turn to stimulants and make our situation worse (caffeine depletes potassium and zinc; alcohol depletes magnesium and other minerals;sugar depletes magnesium). We cannot get enough from our food, no matter how well we eat. The stress on our bodies as we interface with new energies and expand our DNA causes us to use our mineral stores in our bodies.Being electrical physically, we may short circuit if we don't replenish the minerals.

    Our hearts and brains need magnesium and potassium. Manganese, and zinc are also conductors in us. Getting these minerals into us not only takes stress off the body but also helps open up our "antennas" to all the information which is coming our way. The Buddhists call our body our "vehicle", and it needs to be very carefully maintained now as best we can during these Earth changes before shift.

    Regina says this is not just a one-time deal. We should be taking multi-mineral tablets from now on,ones with all the trace minerals in them.And most certainly Calcium and Magnesium tabs. They do not have to be expensive and it will make a huge difference to one's energy and wellbeing.

    I hope I have paraphrased her well enough. There was a lot more on the video- work on your breathing to strengthen yourself as we have less and less O2 on Earth, and get rid of your mercury fillings if you can.But I thought the mineral information was pretty important.


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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:13 pm

    Thank you Bushy . Great contribution Oil spill : preparation and advice Icon_cheers

    On the topic of health we can add vitamin D3 as a fantastic unhancer of our immune system .

    The primary source of vitamin D3 is sunlight, which converts 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin to vitamin D3 via photochemical reactions using ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B). Numerous factors such as latitude, season, air pollution, pigmentation of skin, and sunscreen affect UV-ray exposure. The US is between 30° and 45° latitude, and six months or more of each year has insufficient UV-B sunlight to produce optimal D levels. People with dark skin produce less vitamin D since melanin, a skin pigment, acts as a natural sunscreen, absorbing UV radiation. Only a few foods naturally contain vitamin D: fatty fish, fish liver oils and eggs from hens that have been fed vitamin D.

    different forms of vitamin D:

    - Cholecalciferol D3: vitamin D3 in your skin / animals in fur or feather
    - Calcidiol: 25-hydroxyvitamin D/25(OH)D3/25 D3 Prehormon in your blood
    - Calcitriol: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
    1,25(OH)2D3 1,25 D3
    Steroid hormon in your blood
    Active form
    - Ergocalciferol D2 derived from plants

    Food sources containing vitamin D

    Natural sources :
    Salmon fresh wild 100 g: contains about 600-1000 IU vit D3
    Salmon fresh farmed 100g: contains about 100-250 Iu vitamin D3
    Salmon canned: contains about 300-600 iu vitamin D3
    Sardines canned 100g: contain about 300 IU vitamin D3
    Mackerel canned 100g: contain about 250 IU vitamin D3
    Tuna canned 100g: contain about 230 IU vitamin D3
    Cod liver oil 1Tsp: contain about 400-1000 IU vitamin D3
    ****ake mushrooms fresh 100g : contain about 100 IU vitamin D2
    egg yold: contain about 20 IU vitamin D3 or D2
    Exposure to sunlight : uvb 0,5 : about 3000 IU vitamin D3

    Benefits of vitamin D3

    - bone health
    - 16 cancer types
    - infections & inflamations
    - depression & neurological disorders
    - colds & flus
    - Immusystem
    - Tuberculosis
    - Periodontitis
    - Diabetes

    Recommended daily doses :
    for infants:
    if you live at 30° latitude or higher: 1000 IU vitamin D3 daily

    Adults: lowest safest : 2000 IU vit D3 to 5000 IU vit D3 daily during at least 5 month then smaller doses regularly

    In case of a flu: 5000 IU vitamin D3 every hour . You can go up to 50.000 IU
    Intake as high as 100.000 IU vitamin D3 taken in one dose showed no signs of overdose.

    more to read here :

    Sources of good quality D3:

    Love Always

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    Post  mudra Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:17 pm

    Health / Hygiene

    MMS: the miracle mineral supplement

    This Miracle Mineral supplement works in a few hours. The #1 killer of mankind in the world today is malaria, a disease that is usually overcome by this supplement in only four hours in most cases. This has been proven through clinical trials in Malawi, a country in eastern Africa. In killing the malaria parasite in the body, there was not a single failure. More than 75,000 malaria victims have taken the Miracle Mineral Supplement and are now back to work and living productive lives.

    After taking the Miracle Mineral Supplement AIDS patients are often disease free in three days and other diseases and conditions simply disappear. If patients in the nearest hospital were treated with this Miracle supplement, over 50% of them would be back home within a week.

    For more than 100 years clinics and hospitals have used the active ingredients in this supplement to sterilize hospital floors, tables, equipment, and other items. Now this same powerful germ-killer can be harnessed by the immune system to safely kill pathogens in the human body.

    Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body, and does not affect the friendly bacteria in the body nor any of the healthy cells. In this book I have, to the best of my ability, stuck to the facts of exactly what has happened regarding the Miracle Mineral Supplement.

    Because the Miracle Mineral Supplement functions as a supercharger to the immune system, it is not meant for treatment of any particular disease; rather it is meant to improve the immune system to the point of overcoming many diseases, frequently in less than 24 hours.

    Jim Humbles sites

    Love Always

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  lindabaker Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:17 pm

    Regarding health through minerals, I have found that super blue green and red algae from California (Mt. Shasta lake) has all of the essential minerals and protein. You could live on it alone with a vitamin C supplement, found fresh or otherwise. It's about a dollar per capsule. It is a plant based replacement for all of the vegetables that formerly contained minerals. Our soils are farmed out. Big agribusiness has depleted and ruined the soil. Algae comes from fresh water lakes. It's my highest recommendation for energy as well. Don't take a couple of capsules at get such a nutrition boost into the brain that you may stay up until dawn sorting photos or something like that. Or hanging out in forums.

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  dolphin Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:06 pm

    mudra, did you see the time you posted this thread?....11:11 am! sunny

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:55 am

    dolphin wrote:mudra, did you see the time you posted this thread?....11:11 am! sunny

    Awesome Double Thumbs Up
    A very good sign cheers

    Love from me

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:33 am


    Maple syrup :Medicinal properties and nutritional value:

    Pure maple syrup is a "natural" food, processed by heat concentration of
    pure maple sap, which is the nutrient liquid utilized by the plant for
    the annual growth of its tissues.

    In the boiling, concentrating and filtering process the nutrients remain
    in the syrup. There are quantitative differences in syrup's nutritive
    composition, due to metabolic and environmental differences among maple
    trees and differences in the methods of sap collecting and syrup
    processing. Pure maple syrup contains most of the substances useful in
    the human diet.

    Medicinal Properties

    Aboriginal women used maple syrup as a medication for bronchial ailments, particularly during the alternating warm and cold days of spring. Its caloric and nutritional properties are undeniable:

    "When oppressed by a great famine, the natives eat the scrapings or bark of a certain tree that they call ‘michtan’ which they cut open in the spring so as to draw out a juice as sweet as honey…"

    recounts Father Lejeune in the Jesuit Relations of occurrences in New France on the great St. Lawrence River in 1634.

    Nutritional Value

    Maple syrup contains significant amounts of minerals, including zinc and iron, and compounds found in B complex vitamins, mostly thiamine. Just 50 milliliters (about 3 tablespoons) of maple syrup provide 4% of the daily recommended amount of calcium, 3% of potassium, and 2% of daily magnesium and riboflavin requirements. Recent studies have also shown that maple sap contains phenolic and flavonoid acids with important antioxidant and organoleptic properties.

    Are an important source of energy. The main sugar in pure maple syrup is sucrose, which is the sole sugar in the Fancy grade syrups. The darker grades of syrup contain a small and variable amount of fructose and glucose.

    Have specific & nonspecific nutritional functions in the body metabolism. In pure maple syrup, the main minerals present are calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, Iron.

    Are essential to maintain health; they cannot be manufactured by the body (except Vitamin D) so they must be acquired through food or taken separately.

    In maple syrup, trace amounts of vitamins are present; mainly B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), PP (niacin), biotin and folic acid.

    Are the building blocks of the proteins. In maple syrup, many amino acids are present in trace amounts.

    Maria Franca Morselli 1975. Nutritional Value of Maple Syrup. National Maple Syrup Digest 14 (2):12. Revised by Henry J. Marckres (2003)

    University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram, who specializes in medicinal plant research, has found more than 20 compounds in maple syrup from Canada that have been linked to human health.
    Several of these anti-oxidant compounds newly identified in maple syrup are also reported to have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties.


    Total Solids - 66.5 percent

    Carbohydrates Percent
    Sucrose 88–89
    Hexoses Fructose
    Glucose 0–11
    Other Sugars Trace
    Maple Syrup 282/100g 50/tablespoon 100/oz.
    Organic Acids Percent
    Malic .141
    Citric .015
    Succinic .012
    Fumeric .006
    Unidentified trace
    Amino Acids Parts per million Milligrams/oz.
    Amino nitrogens 50–280 1.5–8.3
    Phenios 450–1440 13.3–42.6
    Minerals Parts per million Milligrams/oz.
    Potassium 1300–3900 38.4–115.3
    Calcium 400–2100 11.8–62.1
    Magnesium 12–360 0.4–10.6
    Manganese 2–220 0.06–6.5
    Sodium 0–6 0.02–2
    Phosphorus 79–183 2.3–5.4
    Iron 0–36 0–1.1
    Zinc 0–90 0–2.7
    Copper 0–2 0–0.06
    Tin 0–33 0–1.0
    Vitamins Micrograms/liter Micrograms/oz.
    Niacin(PP) 276 8.2
    Pantothenic Acid(B5) 600 17.7
    Riboflavin(B2) 60 1.8
    Folic Acid Trace
    Pyridoxine(B6) Trace
    Biotin Trace
    A Trace

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:55 am


    Fasting As A Means Of Survival

    This section is from the book "The Hygienic System: Fasting And Sun Bathing", by Herbert M. Shelton.

    Fasting In Man

    Man is an animal and, as such, is subject to the same laws of existence and the same conditions of living, as are other animals. As a part of the great organic world, he is not a being that is set apart from the ordinary and regular conditions of life, governed by different laws and requirements of existence. It is not surprising, therefore, that we find man not only able to fast for prolonged periods and able to do so with benefit, but also find him fasting under a wide variety of circumstances and for a wide variety of purposes.

    After this survey of the many and varied conditions under which animals fast, and the different uses to which fasting is put, it becomes obvious that fasting is one of the most common phenomena in nature. It is second only to feeding and reproduction, with both of which phenomena it is allied, in importance and in breadth of application.

    read more at the link

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:11 am


    Water pouches

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Pouchpix2

    Make Your Own Emergency Drinking Water Pouches

    Water is a basic survival need that you cannot go without for long. Many survival kits now come with little plastic or foil bags containing emergency drinking water, also known as emergency water pouches or "aqua pouches".

    These little emergency water bags are expensive. Not only that, I have always thought that the amount of water in some of these emergency kits' water containers almost laughable. 3.5 ounces of water for a guy like me who typically sweats profusely just doesn't cut it. The act of eating alone requires plenty of good clean water in order for the body to process food. On a typically active summer day I would probably go through 30 or 40 such water pouches.

    read more at the link

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:20 am


    Leatherman Wave

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Best-survival-tool-1-292

    In my opinion Leatherman multi-tool line is one of the best survival tools ever made. Packed with excellent tools for surviving just about anything, Leathermans are the survivalist’s friend.

    I have owned a Leatherman Wave for a number of years and carry it wherever I go attached to my belt or pack. This versatile survival multi-tool has never let me down. It is so well made that it is in nearly perfect condition after many hours of hard use.
    read on:

    Love Always

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    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:03 am


    Struturizing water

    Quartz, Structured Water & Health

    Earlier cultures understood water much better than we do today. Pure water was treasured. The ancient Chinese saved water in jade vases, Incas and Aztecs in obsidian jars and African witchdoctors used quartz. One thing modern research has now proved, is that the high silica content of all these minerals allows water to keep its structure and prevent it from becoming weak and polluted.

    Natural water found in springs, rivers or lakes has its outer electrons complete. This is one of the keys to healthy water - how many electrons the water has or doesn't have. "Unstructured" water, simply put, is missing one electron from its outer orbit and "structured" water has no missing electrons.

    See also my thread on Victor Shauberger for extensive data on this .

    read on:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:29 am


    Oil spill : preparation and advice Love-and-gratitude

    Dr Masaru Emoto's discoveries


    The Earth is largely made up of it.
    As are we…

    And yet about it we know significantly little.

    Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically, changed most of what we didn't know…and led to a new consciousness of Earth's most precious resource.

    Dr. Masaru Emoto was born in Japan and is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. His photographs were first featured in his self-published books Messages from Water 1 and 2. The Hidden Messages in Water was first published in Japan, with over 400,000 copies sold internationally.
    Oil spill : preparation and advice You-make-me-sick
    You Make Me Sick

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Love-and-gratitude
    Love and Gratitude

    Essentially, Dr. Emoto captured water's 'expressions.' He developed a technique using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water samples. Not all water samples crystallize however. Water samples from extremely polluted rivers directly seem to express the 'state' the water is in.

    read on:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  lindabaker Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:06 am

    I highly recommend Dr. Emoto's books. I met him in Atlanta a few years back at Unity North congregation. There is great benefit in "blessing" the water you drink. It holds your positive intention. It is proven beyond a doubt. Of course, this information must go mainstream. Trouble is, the general public has trouble with understanding basic scientific principles. They don't "get it" because the science language causes their brains to shut down! How do we translate for those who are skeptical and unlearned?

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    Post  mudra Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:52 am

    lindabaker wrote:How do we translate for those who are skeptical and unlearned?

    Emoto's rice experiments can be conducted by anyone .
    What a better proof that consciousness makes the whole difference than this .
    Remember it's not our job to wake people up but rather to be on our path .
    Remain in your heart doing what you ought to do from there and your scope of reach will be much wider than when you sway from this and attempt desperately to change others.
    Make your own dance and some will profit from this with joy.
    Those that don't may well profit from someone else's dance .

    Love from me

    Love Always

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    Post  monique Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:59 am

    Hi Mudra Oil spill : preparation and advice Herz Oil spill : preparation and advice Icon_flower Oil spill : preparation and advice Herz Oil spill : preparation and advice Icon_sunny
    Thank you very much to open this thread - it is very interesting and useful.
    When I read the last answer (to Linda) this morning, I feel very happy and this make my day because was a answer to me too,
    <BLOCKQUOTE>"lindabaker wrote:How do we translate for those who are skeptical and unlearned?"
    </BLOCKQUOTE>"Remember it's not our job to wake people up but rather to be on our path .
    Remain in your heart doing what you ought to do from there and your scope of reach will be much wider than when you sway from this and attempt desperately to change others.
    Make your own dance and some will profit from this with joy.
    Those that don't may well profit from someone else's dance ."

    Best regards, Monique. Oil spill : preparation and advice Herz

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  illuminate Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:17 am

    Dr. Masaru Emoto's research reveals that water physically responds to
    emotions and communications. He sends this prayer. To speak it with
    sincerity is powerful and humbling:

    "Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all the
    living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this:

    To the water, whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes,
    planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in our Gulf of Mexico

    I apologize.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.

    Masaru Emoto
    May, 9th 2010"

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:49 pm


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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty Re: Oil spill : preparation and advice

    Post  mudra Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:59 pm


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    Post  mudra Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:05 pm

    Neutralizing chemical toxins :

    There are two ways the body can neutralize chemical toxins: by oxidative therapies or by antioxidative therapies. The antioxidative therapies include taking baking soda with vitamin C, or taking sodium ascorbate, 6 drops of sodium thiosulfate per glass of water, taking a pinch of borax in a glass of water to displace halogens, for example. Then after a week or so of antioxidation, you can try oxidative therapies, but the vitamin C sodium ascorbate taken at 1000 mg, still needs to be continued still. Basically regularly ozonation of the room and open for at least about 2 hours everyday, using a good powerful ozonator, the ones for large rooms. Adding 6-12 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide food grade in all the glass drinking water.
    These oxidative therapies basically will react and at least neutralize most chemical substances. I have as yet to compile a way to neutralize chemical poisons, but most of these should do for now. I have made several references to natural cures of agent orange, dioxins in several places at earthclinic, such as:l

    read on at the link

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  mudra Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:11 pm

    Oxydative therapy: hydrogen peroxide :

    The Basis of Bio-oxidative Therapies:

    For many years, the health sciences have been seeking to identify the primary physical cause of all diseases, and the cure-all that this basic principle would yield. Now both have been found, but their utter simplicity makes them difficult to accept at first, since it seems like if it's that easy, we should have been using them all along. Our bodies are composed mostly of water, which is eight-ninths oxygen. Many studies of nutrition get caught up in small details of bio-chemistry and overlook our most essential and abundant element, with the fundamental role of its depletion in causing illness. Boosting the oxygen level revitalizes normal cells while killing viruses and other pathogens. Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed purely of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation as it spreads through the patient's tissues.

    read full article here:

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    Post  mudra Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:22 am

    Announcement :

    Friends here is the portal Floyd opened for us to discuss the practical side of the situation in the gulf . Here we deal we real problems at hand and find effective solutions to them.
    Everyone concerned and eager to help is welcome to participate.
    Would you need relocation this is the place to go and get some help.

    Love from me

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty They tried to poison Ukraine's president Viktor Yushchenko with dioxins...Look at his photos before and after..

    Post  burgundia Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:20 am

    Oil spill : preparation and advice Yushchenko3_wideweb__430x287

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    Oil spill : preparation and advice Empty A Consideration

    Post  SiriArc Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:39 am

    Mu / ALL

    This Consideration Entered Awareness Today.

    Vibes Indicated This Posting Relay,

    And This Thread As The Place To Relay It.

    It Isn't Intended To Be Contrarian To Any Aspect Of This Thread,

    Or That Of Other MOA Threads,

    But As Another Consideration Of OUR Focus ....... #64

    (see also #61 as conjunction).

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