Partial — and Annular — Eclipse of the Sun
to Sweep North America Sunday, May 20th
If you happen to be in a swath of land running from Northern California to Texas, you'll also get a very special kind of partial eclipse: an annular eclipse, in which the rim of the Sun becomes a brilliant ring completely encircling the black silhouette of the Moon. The Sun will be moving down the afternoon sky when a dark dent begins to intrude into one edge. The dent will deepen, eventually turning the Sun into a fat crescent — or, for western half of the continent, a thin crescent. The dent is the silhouette of the new Moon traveling along its monthly orbit around the Earth.
Most Westerners can see the entire eclipse from beginning to end before sunset. Farther east, sunset puts an end to the show while the eclipse is still in progress — affording weird and spectacular sunset scenes just above the west-northwest horizon.
Exactly 60 days after the Spring Equinox, on May 20, 2012 there will be a rare Annular Solar Eclipse. As the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, the Sun will look like a Ring of Fire. This will be seen from Asia to the western parts of the USA. At the same time this is happening, the Pleiades constellation (7-stars, 7 doves, 7 sisters) in Taurus will come into alignment with the Sun from behind. (That's 7 Suns (stars) aligning with our Sun, Moon and Earth) What's more is, the central Sun (star) of the Pleiades, name Alcyone will perfectly align with our Sun. Alcyone is at least 6 times the mass of our Sun.
[The (2) extra stars Atlas & Pleoine are the parents of the 7 sisters and are not considered a part of the Pleiadian Star system].
Try to visualize a powerful planet size beam of galactic energy particles targeting our planet, but also within this planet size beam is a highly concentrated ray of solar-space particles fixed on a specific target (object) on our planet Earth. When it hits that object, it will somehow interact with ancient energies stored there and cause an invisible explosion that will further affect everyone on the planet. Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but it is FACT. That's how precise the heavens and the builders of this specific object are.
Alcyone will also come into direct alignment over the Chichen Itza, Pyramid -Temple of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) in central Mexico. This is the Mayan Indian Pyramid that was built over 1000 years ago facing westward in direct alignment with the Pleiades central Sun, Alcyone. During the time of this unusual Annular Solar Eclipse, as the Moon passes in front of the Sun, there will be a shadow image of a snake slithering down the 9 levels of the north side of the Mayan Pyramid/Temple in Mexico. This shadow-serpent phenomenon is usually seen during the equinoxes, however, this particular event happens roughly every 26,000 years in May. Keep in mind, it is the Mayan Calendar that alerted the world to the year 2012 as the end of a 26,000 year cycle. The serpent is not always a negative symbol. "Be wise as serpents."
The prophecy says that Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent would return. It is also called the return of the Jaguar Serpent. The sign would be the unusual astronomical events creating a shadow serpent slithering down the north side of the Temple/Pyramid during an alignment with the Pleiades. In the Yucatec Maya language, the word for a snake's rattle, tzab, is the same word for the Pleiades. When I think of feathered or flying serpents, I think of Dragons. This is the year of the Dragon and these astrological prophecies seems to be connecting. Will we see a return of the space giants that built the Pyramids soon? Will they descend, using the energy from this highly unusual alignment as a Stargate?
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Last edited by Carol on Fri May 18, 2012 10:57 am; edited 1 time in total