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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!


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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:18 pm

    I'm depressed.
    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Questionable reports release:

    1. No radiation was released
    2. Radiation released is not harmful?!
    3. A second explosion occurred

    Here is the updated link from Alexander Higgins:

    The Mitsui petrochemical plant has been rocked by a second explosion as the plant owner is now claiming the radioactive agents are harmless to people.

    (ENENews) -- "Did not appear to have any effect on radiation levels" --

    UPDATED HERE: NHK: Another Mitsui chemical plant had trouble BEFORE multiple explosions — All plants were halted at time of blasts (VIDEO)
    UPDATE II: AFP: Officials "waiting for combustible materials to burn out" after Japan explosions — Fire not extinguished — May take days to determine cause
    UPDATE III: Kyodo Gets Suspicious? Mitsui "claimed" radioactive agent is harmless to people — Radiation mentioned 4 times — Explosions started breaking out while shutting down plant

    Follow-up to: Explosion at Japan chemical complex, still burning — 3,379 containers of nuclear waste onsite — Reports of depleted uranium — Gov't says no release of toxic material (PHOTOS & VIDEO) One employee was killed and 11 others were injured early Sunday as flames and explosions ripped through a glue factory in Waki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, police said. [...] There has been no confirmation that toxic gases were emitted. [...] The plant had 3,400 drums of used catalytic agent that contained radioactive materials on the premises, but the explosions did not appear to have any effect on radiation levels. The radioactive agent is harmless to people, Mitsui Chemicals claimed.

    3400 barrels of depleted uranium were reported to be at this facility.. clearly.. the buildings are destroyed.. and for SURE some form of cloud released ---- how much? what was destroyed? well, we're left with mainstream reports that give conflicting accounts.

    Keep in mind.. LAST YEAR when "they" (over in Japan and the MSM) told us NOTHING OF CONCERN blew at Fukushima.. and it was quote "nothing to worry about".. then move forward a few months into 2011 ... the very same MSM was calling Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster.

    So when I see a factory destroyed... and see reports of depleted uranium being exploded into vaporized clouds ... and then see the news "fall off the map"... that raises my suspicions.

    Whatever type of cloud blew off.. its now coming across the pacific ocean as of FIVE days ago (April 22, 2012).. putting the current "projected" path of this cloud to be somewhere just northwest of Hawaii.. heading east across the pacific ocean towards the west coast USA.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Sanicle Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:29 am

    I can understand you feeling depressed Carol. Terrible news to hear. I truly hope it turns out to be a false alarm. I assume you are doing all the anti-radiation stuff? Like eating kelp etc? Fingers crossed for you all and I pray that you will hear the truth very soon so you know where you all really stand on this.

    I love you

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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Carol Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:45 am

    Thank you for your concern Sanicle.

    I'm depressed that Fukishima happened in the first place. I'm saddened that our planet is being managed by stewards who don't care about the quality of life and preserving what is sacred, I'm depressed that forest's are cut down and that the air, water and the earth is polluted. I'm concerned that the toxic contamination is so bad that the earth (including life in the sea, in the air and on the planet) may not recover from the toxic pollution humanity creates. I'm frustrated that there are methodologies to clean all of this up and it isn't being done. So when I move out of being depressed I get really angry and would like to scalp (my native american blood coming through) all those irresponsible self-serving greedy Ahole people who created these messes in the first place.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Sanicle Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:34 am

    I'm with you 100% my friend. I was already feeling that way with you and just listened to the YouTube post Burgundia made that talks about what those *&%#$#^& greedy companies and the EPA are doing to the poor bees as well. It makes your heart bleed, doesn't it.

    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Crying


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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Carol Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:39 pm

    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS58TfGFhsXQUCZJZVyKeqpJAvht9ggBtFyrFV3Od54PbQKwf9p
    Poison skies: Hanging over Japan is a Fukushima nuclear crisis that’s far from over
    April 26, 2012 - JAPAN – Spent reactor fuel, containing roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl, still sits in pools vulnerable to earthquakes. More than a year after the Fukushima nuclear power disaster began, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world are far from over. After repeated warnings by former senior Japanese officials, nuclear experts, and now a U.S. senator, it’s sinking in that the irradiated nuclear fuel stored in spent fuel pools amidst the reactor ruins pose far greater dangers than the molten cores. This is why: Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies sit in pools vulnerable to future earthquakes, with roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl. Several pools are 100 feet above the ground and are completely open to the atmosphere because the reactor buildings were demolished by explosions. The pools could possibly topple or collapse from structural damage coupled with another powerful earthquake. The loss of water exposing the spent fuel will result in overheating and can cause melting and ignite its zirconium metal cladding resulting in a fire that could deposit large amounts of radioactive materials over hundreds, if not thousands of miles. The stark reality, if TEPCO’s plan is realized, is that nearly all of the spent fuel at the Da-Ichi containing some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet will remain indefinitely in vulnerable pools. TEPCO wants to store the spent fuel from the damaged reactors in the common pool, and only to resort to dry, cask storage when the common pool’s capacity is exceeded. At this time, the common pool is at 80 percent storage capacity and will require removal of SNF to make room. TEPCO’s plan is to minimize dry cask storage as much as possible and to rely indefinitely on vulnerable pool storage. Sen. Wyden finds that that TEPCO’s plan for remediation “carries extraordinary and continuing risk” and sensibly recommends that “retrieval of spent fuel in existing on-site spent fuel pools to safer storage… in dry casks should be a priority.” -HP

    Today, there is great distrust of the safety of nuclear power plants has is seen worldwide. First Chernobyl then Fukushima forced a whole array of countries to reassess their attitude toward nuclear power. There have been no new nuclear plants built in the United States over the past 26 years. Now Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium will be shuttering their reactors. Spain is in the process of electing not building any new nuclear reactors, and Italy decided not to begin a nuclear energy industry at all. In post-Fukushima Japan, only one reactor out of the country’s 54 is still running. The future of nuclear energy there is especially foggy as the wrecked reactors at Fukushima are in such a condition that they “temporarily or partially” re-achieve criticality – in other words, the emergency is not over. According to expert analysis, more than 30 years will be required to fully dismantle Fukushima. –Bellona

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13791
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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:10 pm

    A big problem with 'waking-up' is depression and anger. My personal 'solution' has been to do Pseudo-Intellectual Political and Theological Science-Fiction -- which touches upon the horrors of our past, present, and future -- yet which doesn't get caught-up in a lot of the personalized negativity and nastiness. I find that I have to live partly in the 'Real-World' and partly in a 'Dream-World'. I'm finding myself thinking increasingly in terms of a Post-Apocalyptic Representative-Theocracy. This does not reflect what I want -- but I am very afraid that we might be heading in that direction. Angry Gods, Vengeful Deities, and Irresponsible People are a VERY bad combination. I will continue to be a mixture of Incurable Optimism and Unyielding Despair. We might be living on the Wrong Side of the Tracks in this Galaxy. This might be the Wild West -- and we might be headed for a VERY wild and nasty ride -- but I so hope that I'm wrong.

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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Carol Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:54 pm

    Post-Apocalyptic Representative-Theocracy?

    OMG! That's way to complicated for me. How about a morning out in the garden instead?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  ceridwen Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:59 am

    Sorry to hear about the "nasty cloud" Carol, lets hope it gets transmuted


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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:25 am

    SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2012
    Depleted Uranium at Mitsui Chemicals Complex in Yamaguchi Prefecture Is " Safe ", According to Mitsui Chemicals, Nippon TV

    Mitsui Chemicals issued the statement on April 22 that had some information about the depleted uranium catalyst stored at its petrochemical complex in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture:


    Also, we store the spent catalysts that contain radioactive materials in the warehouse inside the plant complex in strict adherence to the related laws and regulations. The warehouse is about 500 meters away from where the accident started. The containers are intact, and the current levels of radiation is the same as before the accident.

    Nippon Television News has a bit more details about the containers:


    The spent catalysts containing radioactive materials were stored in the warehouse in double-walled containers made of stainless steel. Explosions at the complex broke window glass of the warehouse, but there was no unusual measurement in the vicinity of the warehouse.

    Depleted uranium was used as catalysts in 1960s and 1970s.

    Hardly anyone wants to believe the official (government, the guilty company, mass media) accounts these days, but the official accounts continue to say there has been no leak of toxic chemicals or depleted uranium.


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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:32 am

    Carol we are all in the same boat really.
    What affects one part of the world is'nt without consequences to the rest of it.
    Only nowadays it has taken epic proportions that makes it so sad.
    There is still a lot of beauty in this world though and there is Love to share.

    The Karen

    Love for You

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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:43 am

    My Rainbow Race - Donovan

    Love Always

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    4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?! Empty Re: 4/27/2012 -- Cloud of depleted URANIUM heading towards Hawaii and West Coast?!

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:46 am

    It is the short-sighted decisions of small-minded individuals who jeopardize the planet for all of life that is so tragic. If I were a billionaire all my money would go to epic clean-up restoration operations and prosecution of those responsible starting at the top down.

    The second billion who go toward hiring ethical people into responsible stewardship jobs. Being ethical would be considered honorable and worthwhile as compared to what is going on now where too many people focus on how much one can get away with without getting caught or being held responsible.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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