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    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert


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    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:59 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 803
    Join date : 2010-04-12

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  newel Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:04 pm

    That was last year.

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    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:49 pm

    Signs of the Times

    Compliments of Albino Rhino at GLP

    Scheduled Collapse of the Dollar:

    1) FEMA camp staffing contracts (KBR), be staffed within 72 hours.’s-fema-camp-“national-quick-response-team”/

    2) Terror threats rising as FEMA orders $1 Billion in dehydrated food. This was just one purchase.

    3) NDAA legislation, and other legislation controlling resources and commandeering of those resources. "National Defense Resources Preparedness"

    4) DHS and other agencies purchasing millions of rounds of ammo.

    5) Bullet proof highway checkpoints ordered.

    6) Armored vehicles for DHS.

    7) DHS drills simulating starving people with protest signs. US Army Preparing for Martial Law Scenario in US? Civil Disturbance and Mock Riot Drills In Washington

    Cool Drones patrolling entire USA, spying, and locking down all means of entering and exiting. Obama To Sign Bill Authorizing 30,000 SPY Drones To Fly Over AMERICA

    9) ATM lockdown controls have been developed for bank holiday.

    10) Communication methods are being taken over to control flow of information. POLICE CLAMP DOWN ON INDEPENDENT ONLINE MEDIA: FBI Seizes Server from Progressive Internet Service Provider

    11) Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During School Terror Drills

    12) Price of gold and silver being manipulated so people won't flock to it. Understanding Silver Price Manipulation

    13) Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End. Sedi says: Fed buying the debt, buying them time. Also, he mentioned world reserve currency status is dying, time is limited for them to make their move. GodFrequency mentions Saudi/China oil refinery & Japan/China trading agreement. Also the 1.4 Quadrillion derivatives bubble is going to pop.

    14) IRS revoking passports of people that owe money. [link to] AND take their guns [link to]

    15) Predictive Programming of Mind Control by Mediaetc.

    16. Senate Passes Bill to Let IRS Take Passports From Tardy Taxpayers.

    17) AC714023 says Student loan debt gets forgiven for military service. A National Defense Student Loan can be canceled in 2 additional circumstances: (1) full-time teaching and (2) military service.

    18) Black Knight says: Oliver North, who is known to be involved in COG plans (continuity of government), mentioned on Hannity that suspension of elections could be a possibility. (Iran Contra affair)

    19) GodFrequency also mentions 40 million government workers! Who can possibly pay the taxes if so many people are living off of the taxes?

    20) AC1121444 mentions oil prices rising. This is probably an indicator of dollar weakness and can contribute to a tipping point in the economy.

    21) Euro could topple and by chain reaction take the dollar with it. CASHMAGGEDON - IMF Warns A Euro Break-Up Could Happen

    22) More Agenda 21 controlling of resources. You won't be allowed to fish. Executive Order 13547 – “Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes" allows them to regulate on every square inch of U.S. soil and water”

    23) United States debt is OUT of control. 15.6 Trillion Dollars and growing quickly. Absolutely NO realistic budget plans are on the table.

    24) James Cameron and other celebrities and just people in general are leaving the USA in droves if they can afford to.

    25) The welfare hoards keep growing. CBO - Food Stamp Benefit Rolls increased 70% since 2007 - will continue growing until 2014
    Welfare At All-Time High Under Obama

    26) Chairman of the Fed hinted in the past that devaluing the dollar is a tool of the Fed.

    "A striking example from U.S. history is Franklin Roosevelt's 40 percent devaluation of the dollar against gold in 1933-34, enforced by a program of gold purchases and domestic money creation."

    27) 1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed


    -Keep extra cash on hand (when the bank holiday happens ATMs are closed)
    -stock up on non-perishable foods
    -Store quality water
    -buy and learn to use camping equipment (cooking during a crisis)
    -lean to use your guns effectively and safely
    -talk to your family now and discuss options for various scenarios
    -Read a relevant book like One Second After and use it to spark you imagination to plan and act NOW
    -Get you neighbors involved in planning so you are not the only one (being the only one makes you a target)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:23 pm

    metaw3 wrote:That was last year.

    Thanks metaw3. I noticed it after it was posted that it was from last year. However, it triggered a bit more research to see what is happening with the dollar now. I'm hearing from multiple sources this is going to be a future problem.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:12 pm

    Russian Stock Market HAS STOPPED TRADING! 04-23-12
    Russia Will Not Reopen: "The Situation Has Been Recognized As An Emergency"

    Europe Slumps To Three-Month Lows As Spain Nears 2009 Lows

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
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    Location : Walking the Path...

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Mercuriel Tue May 01, 2012 11:53 am

    Any Update on this ?

    Huh ?


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 31958
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    Location : Hawaii

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Tue May 01, 2012 12:41 pm

    In my email this morning.

    Benjamin Fulford 5-1-12…”Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues”
    Enjoy the reading (and please comment to Ben directly, if you have statements or questions at

    "...although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out the corruption and gangsterism that has taken over the Washington D.C. political process, it still has not happened. A growing number of people both within and without the military and agencies are growing impatient with the delay. However, the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.

    "In Europe, meanwhile, signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain, imminent regime change in Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet."


    ...what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization.

    ...the cornered cabalists are certainly planning a massive new terrorist attack (possible tagets [targets]: Tokyo, Rome, London) in an attempt to stay in power.

    One sure sign of change for those still clinging to the old power paradigms is the joint military maneuvers linking the Chinese, Russian and US armed forces.

    ...a joint US and Russian force is preparing to storm the Nazi cabal base under Denver Airport.

    The split between the Obama faction and Sabbatean gangster faction is one such example.

    ...both MI6 and CIA sources say the murder attempt against Obama was a hit ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top North American Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.

    In any case, Netanyahu and his messianic faction is now finally being renounced by mainstream Jews and Israelis... the real Jews are finally taking action against the fanatical messianic gangsters who have been terrorizing them.

    ...although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out... Washington D.C...., it still has not happened... the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.

    In Europe... signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain,... Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.

    In Asia, meanwhile, a lot continues under the surface.

    This saber rattling was accompanied by a farcical show in North Korea... [the] “provocative rocket”. However... no foreign guests were present and the entire launch area was covered in fog... The best guess is that the entire thing was a giant publicity stunt.

    The best guess for fundamental regime change in Japan and the West is that the month of May will be characterized mainly by the continuing collapse of the old world order. There is plenty of talk about big events in June linked to the liberation of the West and Japan.

    The White Dragon Society... has begun a systematic campaign on multiple levels to overthrow the cabal. There will not be much to see at first but just wait.

    Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues
    by Benjamin Fulford, May 1, 2012

    The prevailing theme these days seems to be chaos in the West but what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization. Among the events associated with this collapse were: a fake missile launch in North Korea, the ongoing cover-up of a botched assassination attempt against Obama, multiple liens being placed on cabal-controlled central banks, a trilateral commission meeting in Tokyo, unprecedented military maneuvers and more.

    We are entering a very dangerous period as the cornered cabalists are certainly planning a massive new terrorist attack (possible [targets]: Tokyo, Rome, London) in an attempt to stay in power. Military, police and other action against cabal power centers is also picking up pace.

    One sure sign of change for those still clinging to the old power paradigms is the joint military maneuvers linking the Chinese, Russian and US armed forces. On the one side rogue pentagon forces working for the cabalists trying to steal Asian gold stashes were confronted by joint Chinese and Russian forces. On a different front, a joint US and Russian force is preparing to storm the Nazi cabal base under Denver Airport. These military maneuvers make it clear, if nothing else, that it is now better to think of geopolitics in terms of transnational factions than it is to think in terms of nation states.

    The split between the Obama faction and Sabbatean gangster faction is one such example. The murder attempt against Obama in Columbia by members of his own secret service early in April is a good example.

    The corporate propaganda press is only reporting this as a “prostitution scandal.” However, both MI6 and CIA sources say the murder attempt against Obama was a hit ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top North American Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.

    Obama is not publicly naming them because if he did so, stories about the murder of his homosexual lovers in Chicago and other Obama secrets would start appearing in Sabbatean gangster propaganda outlets like the (Jew) York Times.

    The Sabbateans, for their part, are putting out stories on internet chat boards claiming the whole assassination attempt was planned by amateur rogue agents.

    In any case, Netanyahu and his messianic faction is now finally being renounced by mainstream Jews and Israelis. The most public sign of this was former Israeli Internal Security Chief Yuval Diskin denouncing Netanyahu and his colleagues as incompetents with a messianic complex. Unlike other such comments, this was widely quoted in the corporate propaganda media. It seems the real Jews are finally taking action against the fanatical messianic gangsters who have been terrorizing them.

    US protest movements like Occupy Wall Street are also gearing up for what is expected to be a summer of discontent. The organizers have been waiting for warm weather and that weather has arrived.

    Meanwhile, although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out the corruption and gangsterism that has taken over the Washington D.C. political process, it still has not happened. A growing number of people both within and without the military and agencies are growing impatient with the delay. However, the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.

    In Europe, meanwhile, signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain, imminent regime change in Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.

    In relation to this, the White Dragon Society was asked to relay the following message: A US agency “cleaner,” by the name of “Leftie,” has been sent to Italy to “remove scum.” Presumably this refers to the hygienic risk posed by clumps of bacteria to be found in Italian public facilities.

    In Asia, meanwhile, a lot continues under the surface. The cabal sub-committee known as the Trilateral Commission met last week in Tokyo. The public discussions were fairly low-key but there was a lot of talk about the value of underwater resources in the South China Sea. This was accompanied by pentagon and allied military maneuvers around China and provocative statements by various cabal assets about tiny territorial disputes with China.

    This saber rattling was accompanied by a farcical show in North Korea. Hundreds of cabal luminaries and other international guests were invited to North Korea for the 100-year anniversary of Kim Il Sung. As one of the highlights of the festivities, the guests were all taken to see the “provocative rocket” North Korea was about to launch. However, at the time of the so-called launch, no foreign guests were present and the entire launch area was covered in fog. According to Japanese military intelligence no foreign government agency was able to get any images whatsoever of the “failed launch.” The best guess is that the entire thing was a giant publicity stunt.

    Presumably the upcoming “nuclear test,” is also some sort of negotiation and publicity ploy by cabal forces desperate to stir up trouble in the Far East. They will get nowhere.

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is also in Washington this week where he is expected to get the cold shoulder. He will be asking for access to the vast sums of money located inside Bank of Japan computers but Obama and other Washington lackeys are not in a position to hand it over. If they could, you can be sure they would use it themselves.

    Instead, a lien has been placed on the Bank of Japan claiming this institution has been engaged in illegal and fraudulent money creation since 1968. Depending on its response to the lien the BOJ may be impounded by police acting on orders from Interpol.

    The best guess for fundamental regime change in Japan and the West is that the month of May will be characterized mainly by the continuing collapse of the old world order. There is plenty of talk about big events in June linked to the liberation of the West and Japan.

    The White Dragon Society, for its part, has begun a systematic campaign on multiple levels to overthrow the cabal. There will not be much to see at first but just wait.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue May 01, 2012 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13473
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue May 01, 2012 4:39 pm

    Things will probably get worse -- before they get better -- if they get better. Things might have to destabilize to a certain level -- before an effective reorganization for the better can properly occur -- but I don't think that any of this madness should be deliberately inflicted. This sad scenario will probably occur all by itself. The negative momentum is too massive to stop in its tracks. Timing will be EVERYTHING in this crazy game!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 31958
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    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Carol Tue May 01, 2012 11:53 pm

    Yale economist says world has entered a ‘Late Great Depression’
    April 30, 2012 – ECONOMICS – The world is in a state of a “Late Great Depression,” well-known economist and author Robert Shiller told CNBC Monday. The Yale economics professor, who helped devise the Case-Shiller index for housing market trends, and famously called the dotcom bubble of the early 2000s and the housing market bubble later in the decade, told “Squawk Box Europe” that the world is in a “New Age of austerity.” “Our whole economy has been affected by variations in confidence. Central banks are sort of trusted, but the actions they have often affect people’s confidence by appearance rather than substance. We’re not in the most trusting mood now,” Shiller said. Many economists believe that the embattled euro zone has already entered the second part of a double-dip recession, with official figures due out this week expected to confirm as much. Shiller said that the U.S. housing market was “really hard to forecast” at the moment, but added: “The general presumption is that home prices are going down and that’s good — it’ll make them more affordable.” Continued weakness in the U.S. housing market, including new lows for the Case-Shiller Index, has led to concerns that the market will take a long time to start climbing up again. Shiller argues that a gradual decline in the cost of buying a home could help people diversify their finances rather than just relying on their homes as an investment. “Fifty years ago, there wasn’t this talk of housing as an investment. It was a zeitgeist of the early 2000s, and it has gradually gone,” he said. -MSNBC

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 05, 2012 1:19 am

    For those Who remember - We said It in late 2008...


    We said "Depression" while They were calling It a Great "Recession" then and Its been like that up until recently...

    Check This Out

    Now - All of a sudden - They seem to be kind of O.K. with throwing the Term around in the Main Stream Media now Eh ?



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 13473
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert Empty Re: Time is running out. We have until July according to Michael C. Ruppert

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:01 pm

    What if we are dealing with a four-year delay and intensification regarding what was supposed to happen in or around 2012?? As most of you know, I'm basically going into silent apocalyptic-research mode, wherein I quietly research and reflect, without saying or doing much of anything. I think I'm a sitting-duck for what's coming, but I doubt that I'll embrace any sort of a survivalist-mentality. Consider the late Michael C. Ruppert, who supposedly committed suicide in 2014. This is sad.

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:38 pm