Meet Henry...and be the witness of an unbelievable metamorphosis.
I recomend to watch the whole video, it's 6:30 minutes well worth watching. At the end of the video, at some 5:15 min, listen to Henry's stunning answers to the question "what does music do to you".
What is it in music, that has such an impact on humans?
I've been listening to the local classical music station round the clock -- even when I'm sleeping -- and I let it play while I'm away! Combining nature, research, and classical-music is a winning combination!
orthodoxymoron wrote:I've been listening to the local classical music station round the clock -- even when I'm sleeping -- and I let it play while I'm away! Combining nature, research, and classical-music is a winning combination!
This is lovely to hear Oxy Surrounding yourself with good vibes. These are present and only happy to help us on our journey.
"The bowl is, for me an allegory for the human soul:
It possesses an inner space, a facing edge or rim, and a partially seen, partially unseen outer form, including the base that rests on the ground. Correspondingly, the soul has its inner space, a face it projects to society, and a partly seen and known, partly unknown relationship with the natural world by which it is supported. Thus, seeking harmony of form is, for me, allegorical for seeking inner creative harmony and development.
The concept of an archetypal harmony of form fascinated me. Following philosopher/craftsman Professor David Pye's statement that a form "either sings or is eternally silent", I spent years trying to create forms so intrinsically harmonious that they could almost be heard to sing (or hum) where they rested. By 1986 I began to notice acoustic effects from the inner spaces of some bowls. One piece was sitting on the piano. The wood, still green and sap filled, was drying. Suddenly it split, making a sound so musical that two rooms rang for a second or so. This set me wondering, till the answer came that night on the bedside.
Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
Thank you, bobhardee, for this tubby. I needed that this morning. It's heartwarming, prepared with a sincere prayer and cared for by the crew in a gentle way. That subtle meaning in the last part, when seeing the singer's face with her smile, leaving the room in a wheelchair. She reminded me of my lovely neighbor friend, who showed such a spark for life, who lived in such a chair and died this year.
This piece of music is either captivating and loved or left yelling in disgust for it, as far as Dutch people concerns. A bit of Holland's landscape is beautifully immersed in this tubby, I'm proud of both works of art
This tubby shows many scenes from the Cathar region and Mt. Segur in the South of France. The castle and the land below, are a center of attention, for pelgrims and tourists. There's a lot of Cathar history, like about the prosecution by the Crusaders and a connection with Mary Magdalen and her daugther Sarah, arriving in the south of France, after the crucifiction of Jeshua.
It's a place where I've been in a village called Serrelongue, arrived by car, driving a long way up... up... up, at midnight. Stepped out of the car and while under a bright starry sky, breathing the air which was pure, tingling in my nose, I burst into tears, taking it all in at the first moment, tired and overwhelmed.
I climbed the Mt. Segur one morning, visited the castle on my own, walking up the spiraling stone stairs. I felt myself as if clothed in a mantle with a hood, growing very silent within. People in the neighborhood have tried to find caves and entrances to possible underground places, near the castle. Some found themselves taken very ill, after attempts that were not very succesful.
The energy is vibrant, as is the whole energy of l'Occitane, I found. Nature is abundant too. The type of people in that area are usually dark haired and pretty much switched on, very creative too. They often have a certain magic around them, some wisdom or knowingness. Many live from the land and crafts. Many herbs and oils have their origin in l'Occitane.
"The text of this Cathar hymn contains an encoded message, Joana being the medieval cathar church, which has been weakened and finally eliminated in Southern France (Occitanie) through the horrible Albigensian crusade. The spiritual essence of the cathars is still vibrating in caves and waters.
Texte occitan: 1. Can lou bouyè ben de laoura, Planto soun agulhado, A.E.I.O.U. Planto soun agulhado. 2. Troubo sa femno al pè del foc, Touto déscounsoulado. 3. "Se 'n es malaouto digas oc, Te faren un poutadzé. 4. Amb uno rabo un caoulét, Uno laouzéto magro." 5. "Quan séraï morto rébound mé, Al pus pirou de la cabo. 6. Méttras mous pès à la parét, Lou cap jous la canèlo. 7. E lous roumious que passaran, Prendran d'aïgo ségnado." 8. E diran: "Cal es mort aïci, Es la paouro Joana. 9. Que 'n es anado al paradis, Al cèl ambé sas cabros."
English translation:
When the herdsman comes back from work, plants his fork, finds his wife at the foot of fire, all discomfited.
"If you're ill say yes! We will make a soup with kohlrabi, a cabbage, a lark thin."
"When I die, bury me deep in the cellar. Put my feet against the wall, the head in the tap. And the pilgrims will take the holy water and say 'Who died here?" "It is the poor Joana, who went to paradise, to heaven with his goats".
The text of De Noche is in the attachment Unfortunately I can only upload one attachment at a time. These are some of the songs we sing in a choir in my neighborhood. It's the first time I'm singing in a choir, I'm singing the alt voice
De Noche or 2 1.pdf
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Number 330 is a Heart style Sounding Bowl in local Sycamore (Acer Pseudoplatanus), the wood used for violins. The pegs are stained Boxwod at the tail end and stained Walnut at the tuning end. Notes are arranged in a Hebirdean Pentatonic scale from C. Made for Robert and Cheryl Sadello for use as part of their training courses. see
How I can relate to Karen Blixen's nature and her life in Africa, her "painting of a rainbow" I've read her book, which is far more truthful to how real that life was, in her own eyes too. And the huge efforts to create a living, in honesty, on a coffee plantation. She had to leave the place, she's made a beautiful difference by being in that place, in her way.
Upon a darkened night the flame of love was burning in my breast And by a lantern bright I fled my house while all in quiet rest
Shrouded by the night And by the secret stair I quickly fled The veil concealed my eyes while all within lay quiet as the dead
Chorus: Oh night thou was my guide of night more loving than the rising sun Oh night that joined the lover to the beloved one transforming each of them into the other
Upon that misty night in secrecy, beyond such mortal sight Without a guide or light than that which burned so deeply in my heart That fire t'was led me on and shone more bright than of the midday sun To where he waited still it was a place where no one else could come
Within my pounding heart which kept itself entirely for him He fell into his sleep beneath the cedars all my love I gave From o'er the fortress walls the wind would his hair against his brow And with its smoothest hand caressed my every sense it would allow
I lost myself to him and laid my face upon my lover's breast And care and grief grew dim as in the morning's mist became the light There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair
Lyrics by St. John of the Cross arranged ad adapted by Loreena McKennitt.
As much as disclosure of ET presence and UFO's may be on our minds, to me, the energy of this live concert is a disclosure ensuring the positive outcome and beneficial impact on our lives, of the former one.
This song is part of an album I received as a present on my birthday Jan. 1 2012. This song Awal, calls my attention, each time I listen to it. It's bringing me back to the desert or a deserted oasis, or leaving a lively one. With a mix of love and sadness in my heart.
In Carnatic music Amruthavarshini is the raAga that is supposed to get the rain. The raga Malhar is a powerful legendary in Hindustani classical music which is equivalent to Amruthavarshini. Even in Puranas, its written that in Thretayug, when Ravana set fire to Hanuman's tail, he set fire to entire Lanka. Then Ravana played the Amruthavarshini raga on his Veena and brought forth rain. According to the legends, raga Malhar is so powerful that, when sung, it rains. The raga has lost its "swaroop" among the ages because there was no one who could remember its complicated rhythms and beats. Many great artists of Medieval period and much earlier period used to sing this raga. There are lots of miracles that have taken place and are still taking place by singing and chanting krithis of Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitar. He attained mastery over the Veena, and the influence of Veena playing is evident in his compositions. Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitar got the wonderful flow of music by the grace of Lord "Kumaraswamy" who put "Kalakanda" in his mouth. Soon he began to sing in praise of the Lord in a unique style by singing a kriti "Anandamritha Varshini" in raga Amruthavarshini", he caused the thunderous clouds to gather over the sky and rain profusely when there were no rains in that region for one year and the people yearned for water. Once he was passing through the village Ettayapuram in thirunelveli District, there was an acute drought. Since he was well known for his powers, people in the village requested him to get rains in. At their request he sang the same kriti in Amruthavarshini raga. When he sang the line "varshaya varshaya varshaya" it started raining heavily flooding the village and he had to sing the same song with the slight modification. Instead of "varshaya varshaya varshaya", he used "sthambaya sthambaya" to stop the rains. There are many written accounts of the raga. Meera Bai, the devotee of Lord Krishna is among noble singers those who were capable of having down the rains by various kinds of raga Malhar. She has composed between 200 to 1300 prayerful songs (bhajans), and most passionately praised Lord Krishna. It is also true that certain ragas cause certain reactions, such as Deepak raga. Infact someone went to the extent of saying that singing this raga could cause a burning sensation and that is why there are no songs that are taught in this raga. However, raga Amruthavarshini or raga Malhar better not sing in the monsoon season as the rain is already causing damages across the world.
Maria Callas, to me, has the voice of Lilith. in her stage performances' expressions of face and voice she shows great angelic radiance and a demonic streak attached to it. Certain tones she sings, are so otherworldly of vibration that it sends chills through my spine. Only later I learned to appreciate and enjoy her voice, for I'm not brought up with opera and later, operas used to make me giggle, when I witnessed scenes on stage, with those dramatic costumes around voluminous bodies and the combination of singing and talking to each other. There are exceptions for sure, I don't mean to insult opera-lovers here. Maria, with all her per- sonal diddings and doings, deserves to be called a diva, a devlish diva to me
Today is the White Thursday in Holland The Grundonnerstag in Germany and the Silent Thursday in England, before Eastern
Tomorrow is Good Friday and after that Silent Saturday, in Holland. With Eastern, we eat a lot of eggs and lots of egg-shaped goodies are eaten, sweet and salt. Sunday is the 1st Eastern day and Monday 2nd Eastern day. Eastern is "Pasen" in Dutch, close to the Jewish word Pesach, although the Jews give a different meaning to it. They've never recognized Jesus at the year zero, they're still waiting for the Messiah to come, if I'm right.
I'm not religious in a churchlike sense, I do enjoy the presence of Jesus as a heart inspiring company in my life