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    Fact.....We are all nutters


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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Micjer Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:23 pm

    Well at least according to this Doc Zone documentary on CBC.

    It got my blood boiling watching this propoganda. Their "experts" all with proof that we are all badly mistaken and have a mental disorder for looking at the world in a negative suspicious angle.

    Do not watch if you don't want to.

    Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? What's really at the root of society's skepticism of the “official story”? What type of person is it that believes a sinister and secret society is manipulating the government?

    Set against the global socio-political landscape, Conspiracy Rising uses the latest science and psychology to investigate the causes of conspiracy theories, why we are wired to believe them, and how as a society it is imperative that we separate the fantasies from the real threats.

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Micjer Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:27 pm

    I am pleased by the comments posted on the bottom of the article. At least the people commenting are awake for the most part.

    It's funny how the media and these so-called conspiracy critics like to make conspiracy theorists or truthers look like idiots by labeling them as low income ethnic minorities who know nothing about the truth, who just like to believe in conspiracy theories.
    If private bankers taking control of the Federal Reserve in 1913, is just a theory, both George H. Bush and George W. Bush being members of Skull and Bones at Yale is just a theory, Dick Cheney having ties with Halliburton is just a theory, Barack Obama and his family having connections with the CIA is just a theory, and the “Illuminati” is just a theory, then I guess I’m a conspiracy theorist, (and I could on and on about many more theories that are TRUE).
    If the mainstream media would actually do their job, investigate and report on these so-called theories, instead of being controlled by the 'Establishment', the public might actually get what they’re looking for in the news……….the TRUTH.

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  newel Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:07 pm

    I like it when they allow people to comment their propaganda. :)

    Posts : 1766
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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:27 pm

    Micjer wrote:Well at least according to this Doc Zone documentary on CBC.

    It got my blood boiling watching this propoganda.

    Their "experts" all with proof that we are all badly mistaken and have a mental disorder for looking at the world in a negative suspicious angle.

    Do not watch if you don't want to.

    HEY Micjer!

    I know about cbc getting your blood boiling...this past week they have taken a direct attack on my team!!!

    There are many things to point i have said on my Face Book Blog Page!!! Maybe you i know i few people are watching. You cant tell me I dont have friends in high places. Anyway... heres what i get when i went to see what kind of nutter noise the cbc is making now Thubs Up peace JT!

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:49 pm

    Not all of the voices in my head are crazy. One of these voices just told me so. He said "Orthodoxus -- Not All of Us Are Nutters!! I'm Sane -- but the Other 37 Voices in Your Head Are Insane!!" Thus Sprach Zarathustra! I always believe and obey Zarathustra!

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Micjer Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:05 pm

    Hi JT.

    You know a few years ago, the CBC had some programs on that were actually pretty good. They did one on Haarp, one on the drugs coming out of Afghanistan, and another one on the 9 11 oddities, that I can remember off hand.

    Something has changed. This docu is so one sided it isn't even worth watching.
    Somebody has been bought out.

    How convenient that they can't find what was once there JT.

    Oxy .... you tell those other 37 to listen up....OK?

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:09 pm

    Insanely Happy my children remind me of this on a regular basis. They' re the sane ones and I'm a conspiracy theorist nutter. lol!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1766
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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:32 pm

    ok so i tried again and this time i got a page...

    Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? What's really at the root of society's skepticism of the “official story”? What type of person is it that believes a sinister and secret society is manipulating the government?

    Set against the global socio-political landscape, Conspiracy Rising uses the latest science and psychology to investigate the causes of conspiracy theories, why we are wired to believe them, and how as a society it is imperative that we separate the fantasies from the real threats.
    JFK Motorcade - Photo courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration

    Combining remarkable, iconic archival footage, visits to the sites behind the most notorious conspiracy theories and interviews with both leading conspiracy theorists and scientific experts, Conspiracy Rising will introduce the audience to fascinating material, outlandish claims and posed “truths” that have been hidden for decades all the while questioning us on why we choose to believe… or not.

    The number of popular conspiracy theories and the speed at which they spread across the globe is a growing cause for concern. Over 1/3 of Americans believe their government did not tell them the truth about 9/11. One third of the British population believes that Princess Diana did not die an accidental death (watch two views of Diana'a death). Belief in conspiracy pervades our modern culture and proliferates in cyberspace with thousands of sites dedicated to theories behind the deaths of John F. Kennedy and Princess Diana, UFO’s, Area 51, and 9/11. Looking at these events and others, Conspiracy Rising reveals how our society’s distrust in government and other institutions has created a culture of doubt. It examines the ways that fearful people find comfort in the order and explanations that conspiracy theories provide. Conspiracy Rising shows how conspiracy theories frequently discourage honest discourse, incite racism and persecution and, if unchecked, can threaten the most basic foundations of a democratic society.
    Dr. Michael Shermer in Dallas

    Featuring outspoken US publisher of Skeptic Magazine, Dr. Michael Shermer, who uses scientific methods to question if there is truth behind the theories with his “Baloney Detection Kit" and British psychologist Patrick Leman who explains the social needs for conspiracy theorists’ beliefs, Conspiracy Rising takes a hard, penetrating look at the psycho-social and philosophical roots of conspiracy theories, examining who tends to believe in them and why.

    Produced by Merit Motion Pictures and directed by




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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Micjer Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:10 pm

    A failure in journalism, in that journalism is supposed to present credible facts if possible from all sides, presenting an unbiased story. CBC, however was drunk with bias, sprinkled with a twist of racism. And like a bad student, didn't do their homework. Or did they create this piece under orders from above (as usual)?
    A mass of critical thinkers is surely a threat to the established way, so there is nothing like a good dose of ridicule to those that would question the official story.
    Nice attempted psyop, to achieve self censorship. I'm sure the piece was successful for a majority of the sheeple. However, by reading the above comments, the established way is soon to be shaken!

    Well written comment on the link! bounce

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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:34 pm


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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Micjer Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:39 am

    So how do the "smart" people explain this.......?


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    Fact.....We are all nutters Empty Re: Fact.....We are all nutters

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:09 am

    I knew back when 9/11 happened it was just an excuse to invade Iraq and steal their oil and preseve the dollar. It was one of the biggest heists on the planet and the US got away with it because of lies. So how many years has it been for the average folks to catch up to reality now? 2001 to 2012. 11 years and folks are finally discoving more facts behind the scenes. The cover-up still continues and those responsible still live the high life and go free. Who are the real nutters? The ones who perpetuate abuses against humanity for power and greed? The ones who participate in the cover-up? The ones who swallow the lies hook, line and sinker? Or the ones who keep seeking and proclaiming the truth?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:39 am