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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock


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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:19 am

    William Henry on David Wilcock and Project Camelot
    David Wilcock Admits Fraud to William Henry !!
    QUOTE: William Henry in an interview with Randy Maugans has not only identified direct and repeated plagiarism (copyright violations?) by David Wilcock of henry's personal data, Henry also reports that Wilcock admitted to several additional fraudulent abuses..

    Henry categorically calls out Wilcock for "scanning my FREEDOM"S GATE: THE LOST SYMBOLS IN THE U.S. CAPITOL book and putting it wholesale into his presentations with the slimmest of possible attributions then butchered the results....passing himself off as an authority using other people's material with full knowledge of absolutely twisting my words and conclusions...I talked to David about it and got him to fess up and to a couple other instances of misuse of material as well".

    Henry and Randy Maugans, who selectively fingered Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy, Richard Hoagland and other alt media celebs as unaccountable for their "serious game playing", strongly suggested that Wilcock et al have evolved into nothing more than "tabloid entertainment". That the "behavior of these people be placed under continual and repetitive scrutiny" or the result could be..."the bringing down of the entire (alt media) industry)".

    There are several other phrases used such as "intentionally misleading" and Maugans closed the interview with a comment to William Henry that "Gentlemen, that was certainly needed, boy!" in relation to the expositionary nature of the interview and, one can conclude, the concrete evidence, and admission, of the David Wilcock fraud-plagiarism-copyright violations.

    Hypesters, Lies and Mind Control

    Exposé at

    Last edited by Carol on Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:31 am; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty Re: EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock

    Post  burgundia Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:27 am

    I have never believed the sincerity of his emotional outburst...I didn;t know that he said something about 200000 hits saving his life...ridiculous.

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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty Re: EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock

    Post  ceridwen Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:50 am

    David is a pseudo scientist that uses what he sees fit to prove his point. He also uses the "I am the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce" regardless that the A.R.E. has indicated that it is not the case

    Close friend's with Kerry Cassidy he gave money to Project Camelot to "support their work"

    I am not surprised now they are all being accused of plagiarism, what comes next? colluding with people to pass them as whistleblowers and sell their books? who knows but is possible Rolling Eyes

    We Are You

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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN

    Post  We Are You Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:11 pm

    "As far as we can feel the truth on them,
    it does not matter who wrote them for the first time or for the last time,
    because they are universal knowledge made available for us from Creator" Celestial A. A. A.

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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty Re: EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:18 pm

    ceridwen wrote:David is a pseudo scientist that uses what he sees fit to prove his point. He also uses the "I am the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce" regardless that the A.R.E. has indicated that it is not the case

    Close friend's with Kerry Cassidy he gave money to Project Camelot to "support their work"

    I am not surprised now they are all being accused of plagiarism, what comes next? colluding with people to pass them as whistleblowers and sell their books? who knows but is possible Rolling Eyes

    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock 83084
    We Are You

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    EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock Empty Re: EPIC Investigation Into Financial Tyranny and David Wilcock

    Post  We Are You Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:41 am

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