Carol wrote: We Are You wrote:Dearest Carol,
We can always eXchange private letters.
Are you aware that you have a reputation here as a flirt?
As much as I enjoy getting to know people exchanging private letters with you would likely hurt my husband's feelings. Given that it has taken a good 30 years for him to learn how to spoil me, I like to keep him happy.
However a nice open exchange here on the forum where you share your thoughts and feelings with others would be appreciated.
I'm curious what it is about the links you post that you find so appealing.
And I'm also curious as to your own ET contact experiences.
If I may......over a year ago I did some work on the missing children of ritual sexual satanic child that I ran into Samuel Weor....who leads a gnostic cult. so In the words of someone else...and this may enlighten you a bit on the "flirting" Sexual white magic is a huge part of Samuel's teachings .....I leave you this....
This is from one of of the Aun Weor's websites. A Lecture by Victor Manuel Gomez Rodriguez (aka Samael Aun Weor) Titled "WHO IS SAMAEL AUN WEOR?" :
Many think that Samael Aun Weor is just a pseudonym. Therefore it is now very important to transcribe what the Venerable Master Samael said about himself. The following text is a transcript of a lecture that was dictated by the Master in the Civic Auditorium of the State of Guadalajara, in the year 1975.
"Many people believe that Samael is just a pseudonym. No! Indeed, I am Samael! By yourselves, you have read that in Kabbalah that Samael is classified as the angel regent of Mars. In the Bible, Samael is classified as a demon. It does not matter! The fact is that I am Samael! ......"
".... Samael Aun Weor is my true name as a Boddhisattwa. Samael is the name of my Monad! I am perfectly cognizant of the dawn of life in this Solar System! I saw the dawning of Creation! I am here with this humanity, from the very first moment, since the heart of this solar system started to palpitate after the long Cosmic Night.
I came here (to this planet) because my Internal God, my Father who is within me, sent me! My only purpose is toserve and help this humanity! This is why I am serving my fellowmen. This is why I am working for the sake of this humanity! ..."
When a person called Victor Gomez changes his name to Samael Aum Weor because he claims that he is in touch with an entity which has that name and creates a Cult in which people is forced to accept the words of this "entity" as a sacred doctrine... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When a person creates a Cult and forces his followers not to ever release sperm during sex and there are hundreds of testimonials of people who claim that after having joined the Cult they become Celibate because they were told that celibacy was better than releasing sperm... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When people are coerced to donate their own houses to a Cult in order to have a better knowledge of God and demonstrate that way that they are not attached to the material world... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When you find a stupid guru that says some stupid things like "the first master was Buddha, then Krishna, then Christ... and then I arrived, and I am like those other guys, so praise me"... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When people follow a "Master" (and every "Master" needs servants or slaves in order to be a "Master", right?)... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When a person like Samael Aum Weor claims that he has channeled ancient rituals which are practiced in his order and those rituals are full of literal quotes which come from a cheap Spanish translation of Wallis Budge's English translation of the Egyptian "Book of the Dead", a few rituals written by Krum-Heller and even a few quotes from Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Law" (who would probably have felt amused to know that a person that promotes a VERY DISTORDED and CHEAP version of Tantra is quoting his Book of the Law)... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When an organization is known as "Gnosis" and yet it promotes that his students MUST have visions that match the "revelations" that a loon like Samael Aum Weor claimed to have... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When the outcome of an organization is that several of its students end up getting absolutely alienated from society, in several cases living in mental hospitals, unable to have any social life beyond the organization... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When an organization asks his students to promote it by leaving brief posts in forums that mention its founder or links to the webpage of the Cult... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When Religious Fanatism is the main teaching of a Group... and when the stupid "revelations" of a stupid man like Samael Aum Weor become the core of a group... that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
Samael Aum Weor was NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL... and that the organization he has founded and its branches are not GNOSTIC, but a dangerous brainwashing cult. BE CAREFUL ABOUT IT!
From another site:
The Gnostics movement was founded by Samael Aun Veor, who claimed to be the "Avatar of the Age of Aquarius" and was an admirer of Lucifer, whom he called "Good Demon Christ", "Gnostic Sun" etc.
According to former senior members, Gnostics teach "witchcraft: meditation, astral projections, telepathy exercises, awakening of inner powers..." Among their basic methods is 'sexual alchemy', i.e. sex without orgasm, which aims in spiritual development! According to Veor, Christ and His... wife, practiced sexual alchemy, so Christ became a... superhuman. By these methods, Veor (who claimed to be an incarnated fallen angel), would form a New Race, whom he would lead to a secret place, to save it from destruction...
After the menopause of his wife, Litelante, Veor practiced sexual alchemy with one of his disciples, so Hulio Medina and other disciples accused him of adultery and split the organization. Before he died, Veor declared that his spirit will rest in an Egyptian mummy until his next incarnation.
After his death, the cult was split in many groups, which are led by Litelante, Medina, Ravolou, Baron and others. Each of these groups accuses the others for using black magic. Recently, the Greek branch of the group which is led by Ravolou, changed its name to "Gnostic Christian (!) Movement of Greece of the New Order"! Other groups are called
SEG, AGEAC etc. ",933 I didn't write's here with a whole plethora of other things...some cult buster forum....
But I did post this on ritual child abuse and in particular those done in the name of ancient Egyptian gods.....
My original post on this was form the prior page.....this was simply an extra.