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    Class warfare comes to America "The Massive Inequality in the United States"- RTNews


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    Class warfare comes to America "The Massive Inequality in the United States"- RTNews Empty Class warfare comes to America "The Massive Inequality in the United States"- RTNews

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:08 pm

    Since the 1970s, the US' income inequality gap has been on the rise. But today it has reached the highest level since the Great Depression. According to the US Census Bureau, people who are either born rich or poor will more often than not stay in their respected income class. It is believed if you work hard you will be able to overcome income inequality. Charlie McGrath, founder of, joins us to discuss if the American dream still exists.
    Originally Uploaded by RTAmerica on Jan 19, 2012

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    Some possible good general information. I can not confirm how much of this is truth but here it is anyway. Feel free to add any comments regarding this video. Not that I like governments but seems to be what people are talking about everywhere I look. Unverified and Posted as is! JT!

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:54 pm