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    The US could learn something from China regarding their new TV regulations


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    The US could learn something from China regarding their new TV regulations Empty The US could learn something from China regarding their new TV regulations

    Post  Carol Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:07 am

    China needs to strengthen its cultural values as it faces possible challenges from the West, he said. Hu’s comments are part of a wider push by the party to reassert its influence over Chinese culture and society, including in television and the arts The Central Committee’s communique also focused on television, with the Communist Party vowing to “promote more fine literary and artistic works” in fields such as television, movies and photography. That coincided with an announcement that new limits would be imposed on the number of “overly entertaining and vulgar” reality and talent shows aired on television. Starting this year, the nation’s 34 satellite channels must limit themselves to two such programs every week, according to an Oct. 25 statement on China’s State Administration of Radio, Film and Television’s website. read full article at link

    Personal Note: It has been my observation that there have been two major problems with TV. One, that watching it is addictive and second, the content. With trashy programs that focus on violence, sexual exploitation, no real moral standards, advertising for products that are actually detrimental health-wise to the consumer, mind-control conditioning to the point that messages like greed, war, corruption is to be emulated and supported along with vulgar manners - it is no wonder the US is such a mess and that the youth get such terrible messages about society and how not to have a happy healthy life-style. The problem with TV as with many other things is that it is a two-edge sword. When, IMPO satanic forces take over the influence of media - the people, the children, the vulnerable and innocent suffer. Governments do have a moral responsibility to enhance positive social and cultural values and so does any media outlet that has access to youth. Good for China.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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