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    dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger


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    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:06 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:49 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:40 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:31 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:55 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:13 am


    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 1391908_10151918058593685_462699602_n

    Della Nishizaki says:
    "Correct...I never make it my business to care what others think of me...
    I care what I think about myself.
    No one knows me like I have come to know myself.
    We all need to make our boundaries clear..
    people focus on others as a distraction to avoid the difficult self reflective inner work,
    the most important work of all.
    be no one's scapegoat XXOO"

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:26 am

    "The finest food that this planet has to offer
    is only a small portion of the nourishment
    that comes to those who live their lives
    in the energy currents of eternal love.

    The earth recognizes people in whom God flowers.

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 1238382_163455420519285_603756292_n

    There is a sensuousness, a centeredness, a grace to their movement.

    There is a relaxed gentility of power flowing quietly within and beneath their action.

    There is a humble assuredness about them, a reverence, a sense of humor
    and a sense of the sacred entwined.

    They are the magical people for whom the earth has longed."

    ~ Carrie Langdoc

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:51 am

    "The hidden ones; can no longer stay hidden"

    - Susan Lynne Schwenger

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:32 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:25 pm

    17 Levels of Consciousness

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Consciousness

    In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins [1],
    there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness.
    It’s an interesting paradigm.

    If you read the book, it’s also fairly easy to figure out where you fall on this hierarchy
    based on your current life situation.

    From low to high, the levels of consciousness are:
    shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality,
    willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment.

    While we can pop in and out of different levels at various times,
    usually there’s a predominant “normal” state for us.

    If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re at least at the level of courage
    because if you were at a lower level,
    you’d likely have no conscious interest in personal growth.

    I’ll go over these levels in order,
    mostly focusing on the ones between courage and reason,
    since that’s the range where you’re most likely to land.

    The labels are Hawkins’.

    The descriptions of each level are based on Hawkins’ descriptions
    but blended with my own thoughts.

    Hawkins defines this as a logarithmic scale,
    so there are far fewer people at the higher levels than at the lower ones.

    An increase from one level to another will result in enormous change in your life.

    1. Shame – Just a step above death.
    You’re probably contemplating suicide at this level.
    Either that or you’re a serial killer. Think of this as self-directed hatred.

    2. Guilt – A step above shame, but you still may be having thoughts of suicide.
    You think of yourself as a sinner, unable to forgive yourself for past transgressions.

    3. Apathy – Feeling hopeless or victimized.
    The state of learned helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck here.

    4. Grief – A state of perpetual sadness and loss.
    You might drop down here after losing a loved one.
    Depression. Still higher than apathy, since you’re beginning to escape the numbness.

    5. Fear – Seeing the world as dangerous and unsafe.
    Paranoia. Usually you’ll need help to rise above this level,
    or you’ll remain trapped for a long time, such as in an abusive relationship.

    6. Desire – Not to be confused with setting and achieving goals,
    this is the level of addiction, craving, and lust
    — for money, approval, power, fame, etc.
    Consumerism. Materialism.
    This is the level of smoking and drinking and doing drugs.

    7. Anger – the level of frustration, often from not having your desires met
    at the lower level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels,
    or it can keep you stuck in hatred.
    In an abusive relationship, you’ll often see an anger person coupled with a fear person.

    8. Pride – The first level where you start to feel good, but it’s a false feeling.
    It’s dependent on external circumstances (money, prestige, etc),
    so it’s vulnerable.
    Pride can lead to nationalism, racism, and religious wars. Think Nazis.
    A state of irrational denial and defensiveness.
    Religious fundamentalism is also stuck at this level.
    You become so closely enmeshed in your beliefs that you see an attack
    on your beliefs as an attack on you.

    9. Courage – The first level of true strength. I’ve made a previous post about this level:
    Courage is the Gateway. [2] This is where you start to see life as challenging
    and exciting instead of overwhelming.
    You begin to have an inkling of interest in personal growth,
    although at this level you’ll probably call it something else like skill-building,
    career advancement, education, etc.
    You start to see your future as an improvement upon your past,
    rather than a continuation of the same.

    10. Neutrality – This level is epitomized by the phrase, “live and let live.”
    It’s flexible, relaxed, and unattached.
    Whatever happens, you roll with the punches.
    You don’t have anything to prove.
    You feel safe and get along well with other people.
    A lot of self-employed people are at this level.
    A very comfortable place.
    The level of complacency and laziness.
    You’re taking care of your needs, but you don’t push yourself too hard.

    11. Willingness – Now that you’re basically safe and comfortable,
    you start using your energy more effectively. Just getting by isn’t good enough anymore.
    You begin caring about doing a good job — perhaps even your best.
    You think about time management and productivity and getting organized,
    things that weren’t so important to you at the level of neutrality.

    Think of this level as the development of willpower and self-discipline.
    These people are the “troopers” of society; they get things done well
    and don’t complain much. If you’re in school, then you’re a really good student;
    you take your studies seriously and put in the time to do a good job.
    This is the point where your consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

    12. Acceptance – Now a powerful shift happens, and you awaken to the possibilities
    of living proactively. At the level of willingness you’ve become competent,
    and now you want to put your abilities to good use.

    This is the level of setting and achieving goals.
    I don’t like the label “acceptance” that Hawkins uses here, but it basically
    means that you begin accepting responsibility for your role in the world.
    If something isn’t right about your life (your career, your health, your relationship),
    you define your desired outcome and change it.
    You start to see the big picture of your life more clearly.
    This level drives many people to switch careers, start a new business,
    or change their diets.

    13. Reason – At this level you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels
    and begin to think clearly and rationally.
    Hawkins defines this as the level of medicine and science.
    The way I see it, when you reach this level, you become capable
    of using your reasoning abilities to their fullest extent.
    You now have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit your natural abilities.

    You’ve reached the point where you say, “Wow. I can do all this stuff,
    and I know I must put it to good use.
    So what’s the best use of my talents?”

    You take a look around the world and start making meaningful contributions.

    At the very high end, this is the level of Einstein and Freud.

    It’s probably obvious that most people never reach this level in their entire lives.

    14. Love – I don’t like Hawkins’ label “love” here
    because this isn’t the emotion of love.
    It’s unconditional love, a permanent understanding
    of your connectedness with all that exists.
    Think compassion.
    At the level of reason, you live in service to your head.
    But that eventually becomes a dead end where you fall into the trap
    of over-intellectualizing.
    You see that you need a bigger context than just thinking for its own sake.

    At the level of love, you now place your head
    and all your other talents and abilities in service to your heart
    (not your emotions, but your greater sense of right and wrong — your conscience).
    I see this as the level of awakening to your true purpose.
    Your motives at this level are pure and uncorrupted by the desires of the ego.

    This is the level of lifetime service to humanity.
    Think Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer.
    At this level you also begin to be guided by a force greater than yourself.
    It’s a feeling of letting go. Your intuition becomes extremely strong.

    Hawkins claims this level is reached only by 1 in 250 people during their entire lifetimes.

    15. Joy – A state of pervasive, unshakable happiness.
    Eckhart Tolle describes this state in The Power of Now. [3]
    The level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers.
    Just being around people at this level makes you feel incredible.
    At this level life is fully guided by synchronicity and intuition.
    There’s no more need to set goals and make detailed plans
    — the expansion of your consciousness allows you to operate at a much higher level.
    A near-death experience can temporarily bump you to this level.

    16. Peace – Total transcendence. Hawkins claims this level is reached
    only by one person in 10 million.

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Ascending

    17. Enlightenment – The highest level of human consciousness,
    where humanity blends with divinity.
    Extremely rare.
    The level of Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus.
    Even just thinking about people at this level can raise your consciousness.

    I think you’ll find this model worthy of reflection.
    Not only people but also objects, events,
    and whole societies can be ranked at these levels.
    Within your own life, you’ll see that some parts of your life
    are at different levels than others,
    but you should be able to identify your current overall level.

    You might be at the level of neutrality overall b
    ut still be addicted to smoking (level of desire).
    The lower levels you find within yourself will serve as a drag
    that holds the rest of you back.
    But you’ll also find higher levels in your life.
    You may be at the level of acceptance
    and read a book at the level of reason and feel really inspired.

    Think about the strongest influences in your life right now.
    Which ones raise your consciousness? Which ones lower it?

    One thing I like about these levels of consciousness
    is that I can trace back over my own life
    and see how I’ve been moving through them.

    I remember being stuck at the level of guilt for a long time
    – as a child I was indoctrinated into a belief system
    where I was a helpless sinner, being judged according to the standards of someone at the level of love or higher. From there I graduated to the state of apathy, feeling numb to the whole thing.

    By high school I had reached the level of pride — I was a straight-A student, captain of the Academic Decathlon team, showered with accolades and awards,
    but I became dependent on them.
    I hit the level of Courage in my late teens,
    but the courage was very unfocused,
    and I overdid it and got myself into all sorts of trouble.
    I then spent about a year in neutrality
    and moved through willingness and acceptance during my 20s with a lot of conscious effort.

    At present I’m at the level of reason and getting closer and closer to completing
    the leap to love. I experience the state of love more and more often,
    and it’s guiding many of my decisions already,
    but it hasn’t yet stuck as my natural state.

    I’ve also experienced the state of joy for days at a time,
    but never with any permanence yet.

    That state is a pervasive feeling of natural euphoria,
    as if I’m exploding on the inside with positive energy.
    It literally forces me to smile.
    I’ve been in that state for most of this morning,
    probably because I haven’t eaten anything yet today
    (I find it easier to hit that state of consciousness when I eat lightly or not at all).

    We’ll naturally fluctuate between multiple states
    throughout the course of any given week,
    so you’ll probably see a range of 3-4 levels where you spend most of your time.

    One way to figure out your “natural” state is to think about
    how you perform under pressure.
    If you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice because that’s what’s inside.

    What comes out of you when you get squeezed by external events?
    Do you become paranoid and shut down (fear)?
    Do you start yelling at people (anger)?
    Do you become defensive (pride)?

    What happens to me under pressure is that I become hyper-analytical,
    but recently I just had a pressure situation where I handled it mostly by intuition,
    which was a big change for me.
    This tells me I’m getting close to the unconditional love state
    because in that state, intuition can be effectively accessed even under pressure.

    Everything in your environment will have an effect on your level of consciousness.
    TV. Movies. Books. Web sites. People. Places. Objects. Food.
    If you’re at the level of reason, watching TV news
    (which is predominantly at the levels of fear and desire)
    will temporarily lower your consciousness.
    If you’re at the level of guilt, TV news will actually raise it up.

    Progressing from one level to the next requires an enormous amount of energy.
    I wrote about this previously when discussing quantum leaps. [4]
    Without conscious effort or the help of others, you’ll likely just stay
    at your current level until some outside force comes into your life.

    Notice the natural progression of levels, and consider what happens
    when you try to short-cut the process.
    If you try to reach the level of reason before mastering self-discipline (willingness)
    and goal-setting (acceptance), you’ll be too disorganized and unfocused to use your mind
    to its full extent.
    If you try to push yourself to the level of love before you’ve mastered reason,
    you’ll suffer from gullibility and may end up in a cult.

    Going up even one level can be extremely hard;
    most people don’t do so in their entire lives.
    A change in just one level can radically alter everything in your life.
    This is why people below the level of courage aren’t likely to progress
    without external help.
    Courage is required to work on this consciously;
    it comes down to repeatedly betting your whole reality
    for the chance to become more conscious and aware.
    But whenever you reach that next level,
    you realize clearly that it was a good bet.

    For example, when you hit the level of courage,
    all your past fears and false pride seem silly to you now.
    When you reach the level of acceptance (setting and achieving goals),
    you look back on the level of willingness
    and see you were like a mouse running on a treadmill
    — you were a good runner, but you didn’t pick a direction.

    I think the most important work we can do as human beings
    is to raise our individual level of consciousness.
    When we do this, we spread higher levels of consciousness
    to everyone around us.
    Imagine what an incredible world this would be
    if we could at least get everyone to the level of acceptance.

    According to Hawkins 85% of the people on earth live below the level of courage.

    When you temporarily experience the higher levels,
    you can see where you must go next.
    You have one of those moments of clarity
    where you understand that things have to change.
    But when you sink into the lower levels, that memory becomes clouded.

    We have to keep consciously taking ourselves back to the sources
    that can help us complete the next leap.
    Each step requires different solutions.
    I recall when making the shift from neutrality to willingness,
    I listened to time management tapes almost every day.
    I immersed myself in sources created by people
    at the level of willingness until I eventually shifted.

    But a book on time management will be of little use to someone
    who’s at the level of pride; they’ll reject the very notion
    with a lot of defensiveness.
    And time management is meaningless to someone at the level of peace.
    But you can’t hit the higher levels if you haven’t mastered the basics first.
    Jesus was a carpenter.
    Gandhi was a lawyer.
    Buddha was a prince.
    We all have to start somewhere.

    Look at this hierarchy with an open mind and see if it leads you
    to new insights that may help you take the next leap in your own life.

    No levels are any more right or wrong than others.

    Try not to get your ego wrapped up in the idea of being at any particular level,
    unless you’re currently at the level of pride of course.

    - See more at:

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:41 pm


    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 08Moses%20Burning%20Bush

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:44 pm

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Burning-bush-done

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:46 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:01 pm

    as, i was saying ...MY BURNING BUSH

    [9/18/2013 1:17:00 AM] The 13th Bridge:

    [9/18/2013 1:22:33 AM] The 13th Bridge: Roll show forward to the 2:18:00 (2 hrs & 18 minute mark)

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    Post  THEeXchanger Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:13 pm


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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:57 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:59 am

    How To Take Stock of Your Life

    ~ Sandra Sneed - Godscribe - The World is NOT ready to hear this !!!

    The Seed of God Within

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Hearts-and-hands-1024x399

    Imagine there is only one way to find yourself.

    Imagine this path is a way to your heart and not to your mind.

    Imagine that your mind is in your heart when you find yourself.

    This is the way to understand all things that have ever happened in your life.

    This is also how you will mostly find the way that life has happened to you.

    (AS SCRIBED FROM THE MIND OF BEING — © by Sondra Sneed)

    Without your knowing it, your heart has maneuvered everything you’ve ever experienced.

    What this means is that you have been made by what your heart responds to and what it ignores.

    The more you ignore, the more life seems to have no meaning and no real identification with what you thought about your life.

    What this is telling you is that you have a great deal of living to do yet, if your heart is not in good repair.

    The repair I’m talking about is not a heart that suffers from heart disease, but heart illness.

    The difference is that heart disease is a symptom of what is ailing your heart.

    Disease is measurable by science’s devices for measuring what is normal and what is abnormal.

    Heart illness, however, is about what you cannot see that is disturbing you and causing you to suffer uncontrollably.

    The symptoms of heart illness come out in your relationships with other people.

    Other people also have a heart in various stages of illness and wellness.

    As you learn to allow wellness to occur, more and more well people will be surrounding your life.

    So long, however, as you have a toxic affect on others, you will suffer the toxic effect of others.

    You may say that you are not responsible for the toxic people in your life,

    but the more well you become the less you will tolerate toxic people,

    and therefore the less people who are toxic will come around.

    The more you are able to tolerate toxins in your blood,

    the more they will hang around and cause you a karmic shift from curable to incurable.

    What is incurable?

    Nothing is so worthy in the state of nothingness than the lack of hope that what is bothering your state of affairs will never end.

    In other words, only you can decide what is curable and what is hopeless.

    That said, there are many elements of illness that are not easy to uncover and not easy to expose to the light of God within you.

    This is why you must take stock.

    How to Take Stock:

    1. Open your mind to the idea that you are being controlled by the world around you, in very subtle ways.

    These subtle ways are in the way that the news makes you feel about the world;

    the way your family tells you about what you can and cannot do; the way you are always forcing yourself to fit-in

    to the way the world worthies itself; by telling you how to dress, how to eat, how to live, and how to love.

    Open your mind to the possibility that everyday you are invaded by what the world wants from you.

    2. Open your mind to the idea that there are people who don’t have your best interest at heart,

    who are working on your psyche, to attempt to get you to do things you aught not do.

    For some people it’s as simple as being taken advantage of at work.

    For others it’s a drastic form of self-denial that others are forcing down their throats.

    These are two sides of the extremes that we are forced into when we don’t take stock of our most important natures.

    3. Open your mind to the notion that only you can allow this to happen.

    Make sure that each person in your life is concerned only with how you might feel if they were to do something against your will.

    People who step all over you, without that concern, are the very people who will suck the life right out of you,

    if you don’t take stock in who you are.

    4. Imagine that you are the greatest mind that ever lived.

    This mind is the only one capable of healing disease and curing the world’s ways of dark and impenetrable doom.

    This mind is a process of God, and it is contained within you in such a way that calling it forth is the most powerful event

    you could ever witness in the stillness of your knowing.

    Take stock of the mind of God within you, notice that it has incredible power.

    Notice that you will one day learn to use it for your very own healing.

    5. Learn how to love.

    I don’t mean to love unconditionally but to love yourself with unconditional acceptance.

    Learning this simple task will take stock of everything you ever did and say, “hey, that’s not such a bad thing.”

    Unless of course you believe that what you’ve done is unforgivable.

    If so, see number six.

    6. Unforgiving the unforgivable.

    This is an impossible task.

    One cannot unforgive.

    Forgiveness is the act of seeing another as a human being that has made a mistake in judgement.

    The mistakable judgement is having made someone else unworthy.

    This is an act of not seeing that God is contained within each human being,

    and if that was well received, then the person who received the bitter atrocity

    would not have suffered under the hands of the human being who made them unworthy.

    Every single soul is worthy in the mind of God and the mistakes that are made are not only forgiven

    but they are released into the part of God that is separate from peace.

    Peace is what God dwells within, and you dwell within God.

    When you have opened your heart, and the heart of God speaks the words of peace,

    then all is forgiven and even forgotten,

    because no deed that is forgiven will remain in the memory of God’s sweet surrendering peace.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:00 am

    How To Make Your 3rd Eye the Road You Follow

    ~ Sandra Sneed - Godscribe - The World is NOT ready to hear this !!!

    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Theroadisyourheartinmind

    When you have your third-eye open, the universe will open, too.

    Suddenly you will see that the grand scale that is without you, is also contained within you.

    This is because there is a small opening in your major mind.

    The major mind is contained in your head.

    The small opening allows you to escape into the wondrous arena that is the mind your head is contained within.

    (AS SCRIBED FROM THE MIND OF BEING — © by Sondra Sneed)

    The ancients learned this secret because they could see the universe outside of their bodies,

    and identified how to attribute their visions to what they saw with their own eyes.

    This is the way that the birth of all religion began.

    In this very sacred place, the world you inhabit is as imaginary as the world that is imagined.

    You need only take the tiniest of steps to make your third-eye the road on which you travel.

    But this kind of travel is not a figment of imagination.

    It is an imagined road into which your soul can actually learn to incorporate the ways of its own nature.

    The way to imagine this is to put yourself outside of your body.

    In fact, this is where the misnomer of “out of body” experience came from.

    But the truth is that there is no way to leave your body, only imagine yourself without a body.

    When you are imagining this, then you are no longer confined to physical aspects of a body experience.

    Without actually leaving the room your body is lying in, you can travel the universe to worlds unknown.

    This traveling is better than taking a trip down memory lane,

    because it doesn’t cause you to erupt in sadness over having lost something you love.

    Instead, you see that nothing is lost in the mind of God,

    because it is a container for all that ever was and all that has yet to be.

    People like to say that there is no past, no future, only present time, only now.

    But they rarely fully grasp how that is so.

    The way that you can imagine the past as not existing is to remember something

    in the past that is so full of emotion, it is as if it is occurring right now.

    Your body doesn’t know that it is in the past or future when it is reliving something that has full,

    physical symptoms such as emotional trauma.

    This is also true of the future.

    You can imagine a future that will stop you from actually moving forward

    because the future you imagine is not what you want to be true.

    As you imagine this future of pain, you are actually creating it.

    You create every single solitary reality that you experience by never assembling the parts

    that would change the future in a different course.

    When you open the door to this idea,

    you will start to listen to your own thoughts and your own awareness of the time when you were unhappy.

    Each time you recognize that it was a past event that made you unhappy,

    you can quickly remind yourself that it is not happening now.

    When you do that you have achieved the moment of now.

    At each stage of your awareness of the now, you get closer and closer to the true reality.

    When you are true to that, there will be an abundance of expression that moves through your creative means.

    The creative means is the focus you begin to acquire to manifest the life you so desire.

    This changes your perspective from thinking that your mind is all inside your head to your mind is inside the mind of God.

    Your imagination is contained within the Great Imaginer.

    Your mind is inside the collective mind of the universe.

    When you allow this to be so, within your way of understanding how things work,

    you will learn to un-contain your mind, and allow it to expand to beyond your wildest dreams.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:01 am

    Your Mind is Inside the Mind of God

    ~ Sandra Sneed - Godscribe - The World is NOT ready to hear this !!!
    dying ???    Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE  - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger - Page 7 Mind-1024x399

    The mind that is in your brain is like a cup of water inside the ocean.

    This ocean is accessiable the minute you step outside of the container.

    This container is imaginary, just as your body is an imagined reality.

    Your mind holds within it all of the world’s input.

    When you start to trade the world’s input with the ocean you are contained within,

    your world will not be able to contain you.

    (AS SCRIBED FROM THE MIND OF BEING — © by Sondra Sneed)

    Take a step into this mind that is vastly surrounding you.

    Take this moment to imagine you are not in the world but instead inside the mind of God.

    This mind is so huge you cannot even imagine what it looks like.

    This is because it has no end.

    Even the closer you get to the sides of it, the further you get from the end of it.

    This is because there is a battle ground that you have created.

    The battle ground is where all of the people you have ever met begin to tell their stories.

    These stories are always in conflict with your own, if you think that the sum of your being is small and insignificant.

    When you start to see that you are contained within God and God within you,

    you will begin to not identify with people you know or even love.

    Instead you will begin to identify with the nature of your soul.

    Your soul is fortified with the centuries upon centuries that you have existed before coming to earth.

    Earth was a place in your mind before it became the home you call your world.

    The reason this is important to acknowledge is because as you define yourself

    by having lived for eons and eons, you will slowly develop a kind of passion for things that are not of this world.

    You will even see nature as having patterns that are repeated over and over again.

    These patterns, while immensely beautiful and colorful, diverse and outrageously dignified,

    are still a conjured way of the source of all being, within which you have also been made.

    When your mind is open to the lost ways of God,

    you become an abundantly able individual, no longer defined by health, money, or class.

    You will behave the way an astronaut does regarding the boundaries of countries.

    From the perspective of space there is only land and water, sky

    and working systems that make up these natural processes to make the earth.

    There is no such thing as country from the space within which the earth does spin.

    So too is your mind from the perspective of the mind of God.

    As you elevate your identity to a being who knows no boundaries,

    no one can put you into the pendulum swing of the changes in social acceptance.

    You will not be identified by your money, or by your looks,

    instead you will be identified by the mind of the creator that dwells in your eyes.

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:35 am

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:09 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:12 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:13 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:15 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:18 pm

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