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    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann


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    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Empty Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann

    Post  Carol Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:28 pm


    I have had over 100 hours of discussion with "Henry Deacon," a Camelot witness who worked within a world so highly classified it would almost have to be called a breakaway civilization, as Rich Dolan has termed it.

    The Deacon material was absolutely electrifying, and when I began reading it, I knew Kerry and Bill had found someone who was very genuine -- and plugged in at a very high level. There were many correlations with what I had heard, and never published, from others.

    At this level, you begin your day by driving to work at a military base somewhere. You sign in and go through three or four increasingly strict security checkpoints before arriving at what is called "The Corridor."

    You walk down a long, round hallway with an elevator at the end. To ordinary workers, it's just an elevator that will take you up one floor, albeit very slowly -- and there's a stairwell right next to it that does the same thing a lot faster, so why wait?

    However, if you are carrying the right identification, then when you step into this metallic, oversized elevator (jump room), insert your key into the lock and turn it, the door slowly closes behind you -- and when it opens, you've now traveled to an entirely different location (on or off-world).

    The elevator is literally a portal that uses an instantaneous means of travel to bring you to work -- which could be in another underground base on Earth, any one of over 200 large interstellar spacecraft, or a variety of different off-planet bases.


    Deacon encountered at least 43 different types of human beings at his job, each of whom had evolved on different worlds. The vast majority of them looked quite similar to you and me, though they could range from two and a half feet tall up to fifteen feet.

    The base Henry worked at was located on Mars, and of the 270,000 "personnel" who worked there, only 10,000 were born on or descended from people on Earth.
    His job was fairly boring, from a terrestrial perspective -- he was essentially a maintenance and problem-solving man for various forms of advanced equipment they were using there. He was kept tightly contained, never even got to walk the surface of the planet, and spent a lot of time playing ping-pong and watching television.

    He didn't interact with ETs much except in certain meetings, and there were strict guidelines: no idle chatter, no specific questions other than whatever was work-related. This is something you hear again and again with people who have met ETs in these fields.


    I have spent well over 100 hours in conversation with Deacon over the years, and he finally came forward and revealed himself to the public at the Zurich conference in July 2009, during the second half of the late NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary's groundbreaking presentation on free energy.

    You can access the full two-hour-and-43-minute video of this presentation by scrolling to the bottom of this page:

    It doesn't move as quickly as it could, since every statement is translated into German as we go. However, it is still worth watching.

    Henry has never sold products or attempted to profit from his story in any way, and went into hiding after this and a few other brief public appearances soon afterwards in 2009.


    Henry's most significant statement about the new planet we can create with this knowledge begins at 1:20:22, after a standing ovation. This is followed by some dialogue I have with him about what it is like to meet human ETs, up until the 1:30:00 mark, where Dr. O'Leary continues his remarkable presentation on free energy.

    At 1:43:48, Dr. O'Leary asks me for my own take on why cold fusion experiments don't always work -- and ends up provoking an emotional revealing of my own personal experience of the untimely death of Dr. Eugene Mallove.

    Two months ago now, Henry finally flew out here to Los Angeles and made a few statements on stage at the Awake and Aware conference, during the panel discussion -- but did not go into any real detail about the jobs he used to have, as he is still very concerned about saying too much.

    Deacon is one of a very small number of people who were involved in this "breakaway civilization" but have still spoken publicly. Bob Dean is another example, and he also spoke at the Awake and Aware conference and has done free Camelot videos as well.

    The "good guys" in the Pentagon have told Fulford they want to release this "portal" technology for the benefit of humanity -- and I have heard the same thing as well.

    [Personal Note: Remember Andrew Basaigo who was a child time traveler involved with Project Pegasus in the late 1960's - early 70's? Same technology only more evolved over the past 40 plus years. Link: ]

    The changes still ahead of us are potentially very exciting -- bringing us directly into a Star Trek future, while most of us are still wondering if we will ever send rockets to the Moon again.



    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Henry+deacon+and+bob+dean
    Bob Dean & Art Neumann

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:45 am; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Empty Re: Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann

    Post  Floyd Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:36 pm

    Carol. Correct me if im wrong but isn't this the same guy who told us we could avert swine flu by blow drying our nostrils with a hair dryer?

    Posts : 32413
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    Location : Hawaii

    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Empty Re: Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann

    Post  Carol Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:21 pm


    People who tend to be in the time travel programs can also be subjected to 'mind compartmentalization' where chunks of their memory is split off and where they do not have normal access to what they know, unless that area of memory is triggered.

    Andrew Basiago discussed his own mind-control conditioning that was done to him as a child while in Project Pegasus.

    Think of a split personality as where different talents are sequestered into different areas of memory. For instance, if one were to stand in the living room of a house what they are instantly aware of is the room they are standing in. Then there are other rooms, an attic, a basement, a kitchen, etc. Most people have access to their memories (the layout of the entire house along with is contents). This isn't so for someone whose personality has been fractured.

    Generally we see this phenomena in people who have undergone psychological and emotional trauma. Children who are victims of child sexual abuse is one example of where this can happen.

    Given what happened in the Black Projects after Paperclip, where Nazi's were experimenting in mind-control techniques came over to the US and how these types of programs have infiltrated MKUltra, MI6 and other secret Black Ops military programs - it has also been reported by a number of whistle blowers that going through this type of mind-control program is fairly common for certain Secret ET Projects.

    Basically, for some - one is conditioned to block off what they know when not in their work environment. If they attempt to recall they get ill and feel like they are going to throw up. Even the milab abductees have similar symptoms of emotional and physical distress when attempting to recall what happened to them leading up to and during their missing time.

    Now let's take this to the next level. Many times these people are subjected to drugs during the mind-control conditioning and as a result can be vulnerable to become a host for a negative. I've also personally witnessed this with child victims of satanic rituals - who are now adults and personal who work in secret programs. Basically, when or while under the influence of drugs some of these individuals can become possessed by negative entities that feed off of negative emotions.

    When doing therapy with a patient who has a split personality or is possessed - the first stage of treatment is to get them off of drugs so that they can be in control of their own consciousness and not surrender to the negative entity which seeks to be in the driver's seat. The next stage is to integrate those aspects of personality and memories which have been split off so that conscious awareness is expanded to include these disowned aspects of what was hidden.

    I've been in situations with patients where there was a complete change in personality within the span of minutes where one personality had no recall of what the other personality had done. It's a bit mind-boggling - yet integration of the splits is possible. However, dealing with victims of child abuse is a bit different then working with someone whose personality has been professionally compartmentalized by some of these secret programs. For example, James Casbolt describes what happened to him as a participant in Project Mannequin.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32413
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Empty Re: Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:15 am

    This excellent little interview of Henry Deacon at the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit was made by the radical Spanish researcher and activist Rafa Palacios.

    Project Camelot have reformatted it to make it slightly easier to watch, as the original was distorted and in a vertical letterbox frame. Otherwise the video is totally unaltered. Full credit to Rafa, whose website is

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32413
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann Empty Re: Henry Deacon aka Art Neumann

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:18 am

    Project Camelot was invited to the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit July 23-26th 2009. During our time there we filmed a Project Camelot Futuretalk with Henry Deacon, Alfred Webre and Bob Dean.

    Futuretalk, 26 July

    On the Sunday morning, the last day of the conference, we recorded an hour-long Futuretalk with Alfred Webre, Bob Dean, and Henry Deacon (Arthur Neumann). A fascinating discussion ensued...

    This video has been re-edited to protect the privacy of the participants.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 11:48 pm