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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 13 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:31 pm


    What we are experiencing in these wonderful times is greatest shift in Humanity… Not shift in 1500’s when people shifted from One continent to many… Not some shift from classical physics to quantum physics… But Shift in Human Conciseness….from unaware and unawake to fully Aware and completely Awaken Human…

    Please, make small test on your progress… Check the Progress of your awareness and awakening… I use very often following test asking this question: Do I still live for Power?... Do I still need Power?... Do I recognize what Power brought in my life to this point?...

    And by answering these simple questions, You with ease become aware that powers you were chasing praying to it, putting over others, hoarding… You realize these are not so important to your well being any longer…

    If you still have deep urge to have everything organized, planned, know your future plans, and remember every single event from your past [mostly dreadful ones…] than You definitely need some less attention to power over other and self… Power over environment and events in the politic or finances…

    Do you still live in power over others through money, directives, relations, sex, rules and regulations?... Do you notice that by these actions over others you were having total denial of self discovery and self awareness?...

    Do you still wait for some people in power to announce Disclosure?... Do you recognize who are true Messengers for Disclosure?... You are dear Ones… You are… Not some Presidents, or flying sorcerers’ pilots, or some famous anchor… YOU ARE…

    Yet we all know deep down how difficult this role of Messenger truly is… How difficult is to stand tall in front of two or more people and state: I am messenger of New Age?... Would you like to hear what I feel in my heart?...

    And another Yet… Yet, it is too easy to get caught up in Power of ‘living’, Power of knowing more than others, power of position you want to play [like guru’s, preacher’s, priest’s…]

    But, ones who are waiting for Dec. 2012 they MISSED IT ALREADY… Simply because it is happening right NOW and right here, in your backyard, your front yard, in your heart…

    Stop waiting for something else to happen…. Stop waiting for someone else… to give you abundance, to remove all the money problems you have… to teach you what ‘spirituality’ is…

    YOU ARE IT!... YOU Are this change… You are this loss of power… And most important Truth is: FULLY TRUST IN YOUR SELF… BRING TRUST IN YOUR INNER SELF… BREATHE TRUST IN YOUR OWN LIGHT BEING…

    Recognize you are this SHIFT IN CONCIESNESS… YOU ARE … Where with your loss of power over others or self, you SHIFTED HUMAN COCIESNESS…

    When you lost all your material possessions, you just lost your ill established financial Power… You learned to Let Go of sexual, financial, controlling Powers… And when You let go of all of the Power… YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE GOD, ALSO…

    You realize there is no need for accumulation… You realize that power is the poison for Body mind and spirit…

    Observe the most powerful institutions in near period of now… Watch how they will poison self to ‘death’ …

    As the very power they drunk through ages, turned in to poison… You will see most beautiful collapse of power in Governments, financial, religions, education, medicine, corporations…

    When bigger and bigger number of Humans realize that power is destroying itself… Please, do not feel sorry for them, feel only compassion for them…. Feel only love for them…

    When this Shift in conciseness becomes fully present, there will be no more dark and light, or Jing and Jung, or feminine and masculine, or rich and poor….

    When Humanity realizes they are filled with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Care… this will the moment of True Shift in Human Conciseness…

    Where we say this: ‘Power over everyone’ is transmuted in ‘Love is everything’… ‘Power over everything’ is transformed in ‘Love everyone’… that simple… that easy… and by these words you can see that this Conciseness Shift is much more simpler than Shift in Physics [from classical to quantum one…]… much more simpler… mucho más simple… أبسط من ذلك بكثير ...

    With Love and joyfully Human, Predrag Saint Germain...

    Experiment Planet Earth | August 4, 2012 at 01:21 | Tags: Awakening, AWARNESS, consciousness, Shift | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 13 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:15 am

    Lady Portia ~~ Time for Love to each other from the heart ~~ 04/08/2012 Channeled by Méline melinelafont

    Lady Portia ~~ Time for Love to each other from the heart ~~ 04/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.

    My dearest from Earth, my name is Lady Portia and I greet you with all my heart.

    We, the Ascended Masters, love you endlessly and because of this fact we like to assist you when confronted with obstacles and experiences. Sometimes we point the way and we provide small hints but we leave the real work and learning up to you. This life on Earth is your quest to find your inner Self, which reflects itself in your outer, surrounding conditions. Make it as easy on yourselfves as possible, my dearest ones, and choose the smoothest way possible when given the choice. It should not always be hard nor a “mission impossible”, it should not always be a test to learn life’s lessons... Easy and pleasant paths are also provided on your way to Ascension and to self-knowledge.

    You have the power to create what you want and you take the side roads that you want depending on your own decisions. Give yourself the chance to make things easier for yourself and to enjoy this world! Life is meant as a learning process, it is a means of evolving further and It therefore implies often that difficult obstacles are to be made or lessons to be learned. But, on the other hand, there are also beautiful moments to enjoy life on this planet Earth involved in these experiences. So my advice is to live and enjoy life! You have the permission! Do not consider everything as a test or an obstacle, in some cases there is a hidden positive aspect behind it all which you are entitled to live to the fullest.

    Life is a wonderful thing; consider all those superbly beautiful creations of our Creator, the I AM Presence, Father/Mother God. Their creations are so beautiful to behold; be still and take a close look at them, my dearest ones, don’t take them for granted. Each and every form of creation, each life-form is unique, is special in its own way and is a beautiful specimen! Take a closer look at all the details, cell by cell, inch by inch, on the inside as well as on the outside. Do you really see that wondrous entity? Everything is beautifully crafted from Love, from Light and from the Self! I personally find you all so beautiful, my dearest ones, so exquisitely beautiful and so exceptionally precious.

    You are Masters, never forget that; you are Masters in your own right and you are now creating that which will become your New World, your new Self. Let’s all together create a most wonderful world full of Love and Light in which everyone lives in Harmony with each other and where everyone is respected for who they are, for what they do; a world where self-respect and self-love are taken for granted. Let’s create a wonderful world in which everyone knows who you are, what you are, where real Truth is, a world in which nothing or no one has control over any other living organism. A world where there are no prejudices and where neither truth nor lies exist. Nothing is considered wrong and nothing is considered right! Everything is what it is without there being truth nor judgment behind it.

    Love one another, my dearest ones, do not tear people down but have genuine respect for one another. The one who respects and truly loves him/herself shall always start from Love thereby respecting and loving others as well. Not from an ego-involvement but from a strong basis in Love. Know and trust! Follow your beloved and beautiful heart; it shows you the way, it is the portal to change, it is the portal to Ascension. Everything starts from your heart and goes through your heart. Take care of yourselves and of others; now is really the time to take that advice to heart. You all need each other to cooperate and to pull on the same string, do not to tear each other down just to defend your own truth. What is truth and what not? Use your intuition and your own heart to discover what is important to YOU. Love each other, I can not stress that fact enough! I love you with all of my heart, I love you so much!

    I AM that I AM

    Lady Portia
    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:39 am

    Messages from Ann and the Angels – 08/04/2012by Laura Tyco

    Be where you're at...
    This butterfly didn't worry about his tattered wings, or how he would remain on the flower in the wind. He just saw my finger and climbed right on. Nature doesn't waste time in worry or looking back.

    ©2012 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved
    Photo taken in Phoenix, AZ
    Visit Ann's Photo Site for more

    Message from the Angels
    My dear friends, we love you so very much.
    When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! You've all heard the saying and truly we espouse this principle in the heavens because we know that every adventure you experience there upon your planet earth is an opportunity to bring more love, more light, more truth, and greater inspiration into your lives. Every challenge has its blessings. Every trial gives you greater strength. Every fearful situation is an opportunity to embrace greater faith.

    When you don't like where you are at in life, embrace where you are at. Say, "Ok, I'm here!" How do I treat myself with kindness. You have a tendency as human beings to try to assign blame to yourself or others when you are not happy with your present condition. Instead of worrying about what you did wrong, or what someone else did to you, it is far more productive to say, "Here I am. What can I learn? How can I grow? What is the greater truth I can embrace here and now?"

    You cannot move forward in your life by looking backwards. You cannot change your reality by beating yourself up for past decisions. You cannot find your God given power if you blame others for your situations. Instead dear ones, own the power that God gave you right here, and right now. Say to yourself, "I am loved beyond reason. I just forgot." "I am blessed with all that I will ever need. I just tried to manage life on my own." "I am connected to everything and everyone that exists. I simply perceive loneliness." "My soul is whole and healthy. I choose to embrace that reality." Little by little as you embrace these eternal truths, inside of your very being, your outer reality will begin to conform as well.

    Dear ones, you are powerful beyond measure. You can create amazing grace in your life or you can create incredible challenges. No matter where you find yourself you always have opportunities to create more love, to bring more of God's light and truth into any given situation, and to love the beautiful and amazing being that God created you to be. Choose love dear ones... no matter what. It will transform your entire existence.

    God bless you. We love you so very much.
    –– The Angels

    Message from Ann
    Hi All,
    I'm doing much better after last week's adventures in health and home. The body is healing and although it might take some time to get back to normal, I'm eating so nutritiously I should be glowing. Within a month or so my house should be squeaky clean as well, as the insurance folks get the contractors in to remove the smoky smell. All in all, there is a silver lining even though the adventures were extremely challenging.

    I realize looking back that I got myself in such a mess by internalizing emotions again. That is a big "no no" for someone whose body is so sensitive that I can feel a bee flying through my aura three feet away. I should have known better. Nonetheless, I chose not to beat myself up because that wouldn't have helped at all.

    The angels have really taught me over the years that there is no point to worrying about the future, and no point to looking back at the past. In fact, there is no point to doing anything really but being present with yourself right here and right now and acknowledging your own feelings in the moment. So when I made a mess of my health, rather than worrying about what could happen, or beating myself up for what I could have done better, I just got present with the fact that I needed both help and comfort.

    I called my friend James Walker who is a wonderful meditation instructor, massage therapist, and healer. He not only ran errands for me but was a life saver as he did hours of energy work to get my system back in balance. The angels suggested I contact a client who has this wonderful energy machine as well. Cherie Landgraf started running a program on her equipment that detects and balances stresses in the body and somehow magically is mitigating the smoke smell in my house as well until the real cleaners arrive. It is really helping. Other clients and friends graciously added me to their prayer lists and offered help as well.

    When you find yourself with challenges try not to waste time looking back, or worrying forward. Try to say, "Ok, here I am now. What do I need? What can I do? What do I know to do and what must I give to God?" Affirm truth. Choose love. It is indeed the quickest way out of a tough situation. I should know... I've inadvertently created quite a few in my life and thankfully, have learned to get out of them just as quickly! As I face a lot of work on my home to clean it out from the fire smell, I have no idea how I'm going to manage rescheduling clients, taking time off without pay, etc. It doesn't matter. God does. I'm not going to worry, nor will I look back. I just trust that God's grace is and always will be at work in my life... and so it will be!

    Try it this week. See if you can pick a challenge in your life and refuse to look back or refuse to worry. Be with what is now... and see how it starts to transform. In the words of "Star Trek" ... "Resistance is futile!"

    Hugs and love!

    Self Love Takes Courage... Are you Ready to Be Happy?

    Upcoming Events - Radical Self-Love.
    Sept 15th, 2012, Sedona, AZ.

    True self-love is the most amazing acknowledgement of God's goodness. It is the willingness to embrace your light, live your truth, and be the person God made you to be. We have been taught anything but this. We've learned to associate self-love with narcissism and ego. We've learned false humility. We've learned to judge, criticize, and negate our truth. What a wonderful world it would be if we could release all that and let our truth and our light shine because in reality that is God's truth, and God's light shining through you! Come and unlearn all that holds your spirit bound and learn to live as God intended you to live. A rose is not afraid to blossom! A child is not afraid to share their light. We can return to that innocence, and live as a true inspiration to all around. Playful, powerful, and poignant. I cannot wait to share this with you all!

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    Messages from Ann and the Angels - 08/04/2012.

    Laura Tyco | August 4, 2012 at 12:22 | Categories: Channels | URL:
    Lady Portia wrote:Lady Portia ~~ Time for Love to each other from the heart ~~ 04/08/2012 Channeled by Méline melinelafont

    Lady Portia ~~ Time for Love to each other from the heart ~~ 04/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.

    My dearest from Earth, my name is Lady Portia and I greet you with all my heart.

    We, the Ascended Masters, love you endlessly and because of this fact we like to assist you when confronted with obstacles and experiences. Sometimes we point the way and we provide small hints but we leave the real work and learning up to you. This life on Earth is your quest to find your inner Self, which reflects itself in your outer, surrounding conditions. Make it as easy on yourselfves as possible, my dearest ones, and choose the smoothest way possible when given the choice. It should not always be hard nor a “mission impossible”, it should not always be a test to learn life’s lessons... Easy and pleasant paths are also provided on your way to Ascension and to self-knowledge.

    You have the power to create what you want and you take the side roads that you want depending on your own decisions. Give yourself the chance to make things easier for yourself and to enjoy this world! Life is meant as a learning process, it is a means of evolving further and It therefore implies often that difficult obstacles are to be made or lessons to be learned. But, on the other hand, there are also beautiful moments to enjoy life on this planet Earth involved in these experiences. So my advice is to live and enjoy life! You have the permission! Do not consider everything as a test or an obstacle, in some cases there is a hidden positive aspect behind it all which you are entitled to live to the fullest.

    Life is a wonderful thing; consider all those superbly beautiful creations of our Creator, the I AM Presence, Father/Mother God. Their creations are so beautiful to behold; be still and take a close look at them, my dearest ones, don’t take them for granted. Each and every form of creation, each life-form is unique, is special in its own way and is a beautiful specimen! Take a closer look at all the details, cell by cell, inch by inch, on the inside as well as on the outside. Do you really see that wondrous entity? Everything is beautifully crafted from Love, from Light and from the Self! I personally find you all so beautiful, my dearest ones, so exquisitely beautiful and so exceptionally precious.

    You are Masters, never forget that; you are Masters in your own right and you are now creating that which will become your New World, your new Self. Let’s all together create a most wonderful world full of Love and Light in which everyone lives in Harmony with each other and where everyone is respected for who they are, for what they do; a world where self-respect and self-love are taken for granted. Let’s create a wonderful world in which everyone knows who you are, what you are, where real Truth is, a world in which nothing or no one has control over any other living organism. A world where there are no prejudices and where neither truth nor lies exist. Nothing is considered wrong and nothing is considered right! Everything is what it is without there being truth nor judgment behind it.

    Love one another, my dearest ones, do not tear people down but have genuine respect for one another. The one who respects and truly loves him/herself shall always start from Love thereby respecting and loving others as well. Not from an ego-involvement but from a strong basis in Love. Know and trust! Follow your beloved and beautiful heart; it shows you the way, it is the portal to change, it is the portal to Ascension. Everything starts from your heart and goes through your heart. Take care of yourselves and of others; now is really the time to take that advice to heart. You all need each other to cooperate and to pull on the same string, do not to tear each other down just to defend your own truth. What is truth and what not? Use your intuition and your own heart to discover what is important to YOU. Love each other, I can not stress that fact enough! I love you with all of my heart, I love you so much!

    I AM that I AM

    Lady Portia
    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:59 am

    Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda: Let There Be Light Bodies!

    As channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ August 2, 2012

    Greetings, beautiful Souls that you are! I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, together with Lord Sananda, here to bring you, with Love, more information for the successful continuation of your Ascension Process.

    Many of you are feeling light-headed with feelings of pressure around your heart. Do not despair. This is good news. You are progressing nicely.

    It is necessary for your heart to expand in this process; increments of energy are constantly being downloaded to those who accept it fully, to expand and upgrade your hearts, and the combination of heart pressure or even palpitations along with a feeling of light-headedness is part of the process.

    Do not fear it, but allow it. The Light quotient in your Light Bodies is increasing steadily.

    You are such brave Souls. You are such cherished Souls. You are magnificent beyond all words. Please keep allowing this process, for there will be great rewards in the end.

    Now it is necessary to take some time to ponder some more questions. Yes, we have more questions for you. Take a look at yourselves now from a perspective of your Light Bodies. Identify yourselves with your Light Bodies. Are you able to connect and identify with this true essence of yourselves? This will take some practice. And it is always helpful to do this in meditation. Eventually you will find yourselves very comfortable in it and with it.

    It is like in the movie “Cocoon”, which many of you saw long ago, in the scene where the Beings who have come to Earth are by the pool and they zip out of their earth body suits and you see their shining bright magnificent Light Bodies. Like the Beings in that scene, on the outside with the “covering” of your earth body suits, you look and appear like the physical bodies you see in the mirror. But step out of that layer of “covering” and you see massive Light. This is building as we speak. Play with this image a while, dear friends. It will delight you and start to feel more familiar.

    Oh, our dear friends, you have so much to look forward to as you become more and more infiltrated with Light, as your Light Bodies become more apparent to you and others, as you become more and more aware of your Divine nature, and as you become more and more aware of your Oneness with all.

    It will take your breath away as you start to step out of the limitations of duality and” lose” the hologram of your present existence in exchange for your actual existence and your complete acceptance and knowledge of your Divinity.

    Take some moments now to feel your Light Body. Is there tingling in your body? Allow it; go with it. Don’t fight it. Allow those sensations to be there, even if they feel strange.

    Do you feel like you could just “lift” off at times? This is good. Allow that elongated sensation of your energy, but at the same time, ground firmly into Mother Earth, to the core, while reaching up to the Galactic Sun. Allow that column of Light to get longer and taller. Rest within it in security and wonder at the new sensations.

    Let that column of Light go with you wherever you go, not just in meditations.

    You are progressing nicely. Now, look again at your thoughts. What are they composed of these days? Check and see if you are still harboring any resentment or anger or judgment. It is diminishing, isn’t it? Excellent!

    So in its place is more Love for yourselves, is it not? And more Love for others? Do you feel more tolerance of everyone’s differences? Do you have more of an endearing feeling for other’s eccentricities? Good, excellent!

    You have come a long way, and it just gets better and faster, so hang on! We have given you a lot to feel and think about and practice, so we leave you now with these gifts from us and we will be back with more assistance in your Ascension process.

    We send you much abiding Love and Light from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, our precious sisters and brothers.

    Until we speak again, I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council and Earth Council, with Lord Sananda. All our Love to you, dear Ones.

    Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:48 pm

    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Suzanne Lie: The Nature of Ascension
    2012 August 4
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, Multidimensional self, The Arcturians
    Posted by Andrew Eardley

    The Nature of Ascension

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 1, 2012

    Good Morning, we are Arquelle,

    We are your fifth dimensional form within the costume of your third dimensional earth vessel. Mytre will soon begin his account of Pleiadian Ascension after I/we, Arquelle, give you a brief explanation about the nature of Ascension.

    Since entering the unknown has a fearful quality, it is helpful to fully understand the Ascension process that your entire reality is NOW experiencing. Hence, we speak through you and not to you, so that all who are interested can receive our message.

    Ascension is a process of unraveling the exterior levels of reality to find your Core SELF. Just as the core of a seed holds the DNA for the fully-grown tree, your Core holds the DNA for your true, Multidimensional SELF. The Core of your Essence slowly descends from the highest frequencies of your expression to begin its journey through lower and lower frequencies of reality and into the worlds of physical manifestation.

    On the way down the frequency scale your Core collected layer upon layer of lower frequency shells. These shells protected your Core as it made its journey through lower and lower frequencies of reality and into the realm of physicality. As your consciousness made this journey, you released your attachment to the Core, so that you could experience every descending frequency of reality by attaching your consciousness onto each new outer layer of realty.

    The process of Ascension is the journey Home back into your Core. You take this journey by attaching your consciousness onto higher and higher frequencies of reality, which you will find within your SELF and closer to your Core. You are wondering why the predicted events have not occurred. This is largely because they no longer need to take place in a sudden moment of shift in order to jar your world into awakening.

    Because enough members of your present frequency of reality have already awakened and begun their Ascension process, you resonate to a frequency of reality that is beyond the need to create drama in order to “wake up.” Others, who appear to be sharing your reality, may be just now facing their fears. However, enough of you have gone through that process to raise the frequency of your collective reality.

    Each of you has attached your consciousness to the frequency of reality in which change does not need to be fearful in order to get your attention. You made this progression when you began to refuse to participate in fear. Your refusal to participate in a lower frequency, fear-based reality detached your consciousness from that layer of reality and turned your attention inward toward the myriad love-based realities that resonate to a higher frequency.

    In other words, you remembered enough about the creative powers of “mind over matter,” that you thought to say, “No thank you. I no longer need to experience that reality in order to awaken.” At the same time, there are still others that are within your frequency-band of reality, but in a lower octave, that have not remembered their innate creative abilities within their Core.

    It appears to many that the Galactics have just recently descended into your world to assist you. However, the truth is that you, the ones who can believe in and perceive the Galactics, have ascended into a higher frequency of reality. Therefore, you can now perceive a reality that was once beyond your conscious perception. The fact is that there has been assistance from Gaia’s Star Family for quite some time, but you could not perceive it because your resonance was too low.

    The Galactics, Ascended Masters and Celestials have been immensely active in assisting Gaia for over 70 years. However, most of you were unaware of this assistance because your personal frequency and, therefore your perceptions, were calibrated to a frequency in which you could not imagine that extra-terrestrials were “real.” At the level/frequency of reality the game of Dark and Light was so intense that anything that was unique or unknown was instantly perceived as dangerous.

    There are many in your present expression of reality that still perceive the Unknown as Dangerous. This discrepancy in perceptions of reality represents the different sub-layers of each octave of reality. Each reality has sub-frequencies, such as your school system.

    Elementary School has kindergarten through fifth grade. Middle School has sixth through eighth grade and High School has ninth through twelfth grade. Then there are the College levels of Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and the Graduate Levels of Masters and PhD.

    Once the “student” has gone through all the sub-layers of their school, they move into a new school. In the same manner, after you move through the sub-layers of your reality, you move into a new octave of your frequency of reality. Just as one town could have all these levels of education within their own town, you will experience “students” on many sub-levels of awakening within your own reality.

    However, the ones who are in higher grades, sub-planes of reality, will perceive their world very differently than those in lower grades, sub-planes of reality. After you have completed one level of education (Ascension) you move into a different school (octave of reality) that will give you an entirely different view of your reality.

    Just as some people do not move up into higher levels of education, some people stop at certain levels of frequencies of reality and do not want to continue their process of Ascension any further. Ascension takes a great deal of dedication, and you must constantly take full responsibility for the reality that YOU have created.

    When you are in the lower frequencies of the third/fourth dimension, it takes so much “time” for your thoughts and emotions to return to you as manifestations, that it is easy to forget that YOU were the creator of that manifestation. Furthermore, when you are not able to perceive and understand the higher perspective of events in your life, you can slip into the belief that it is not possible to improve your reality.

    On the other hand, once you are awakened to your Multidimensional SELF, your higher perceptions allow you to see the ascending layers of frequencies of reality that will lead you to your Core. Once you can perceive the ever-ascending possible realities, you can choose to attach your consciousness to whichever realities that lead you back to your SELF.

    Just as your education system has different school for different grade levels, realities have different frequency-bands, which have many octaves, sub-planes, within that frequency-band/dimension. You are now graduating from the highest octave, sub-plane, of the third/fourth dimension and into the lower octave, sub-plane, of the next frequency-band of the fifth dimension.

    Within the fifth dimension, you will no longer be a student, for you have discovered your Inner Teacher. This Inner Teacher has a direct connection with your Core, and can assist you to navigate your way back into your SELF.

    Today, you are starting a new month. Years, months, weeks, days, hours and minutes are a way to measure time. Yet time is not a component of your new frequency-band (fifth dimension) of reality for there is only NOW. The release of time is only one of the many changes that you will confront as you move into your next frequency-band of reality (the fifth dimension).

    When you first entered Kindergarten, Middle School, High School and College, you likely felt insecure or even frightened. But, when you look back at those times, they seem far away and you seemed so much younger. You are graduating into a new level again.

    Look back at what you have learned so far and find the Core of the many lessons that you have learned in your long journey through the physical expression of reality. As you reflect on your past, find the Core to which you are always returned, the Core that has brought you to today.

    That Core is your Multidimensional SELF who resonates to every frequency of every reality that you have ever encountered. Therefore, you do not have to create your Ascension. Instead, you just “follow the breadcrumbs” back to where you started your long descent into the worlds of form.


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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:55 pm

    The Pleiadian High Council: The Gifting of Technology and Revelations – Part 2/2

    Wes Annac, via email, Aug. 2, 2012

    We have long made appearances before you and you have all inhabited various societies wherein you accepted us and wherein you didn’t, and the technology that you will be given will be technology that you have seen before and interacted with during numerous societies.

    We gave you many technologies in your ancient civilizations that were based from the Earth and that utilized the ‘grid points’ of energy upon your Earth to harness the free energy prevalent within dear Gaia, within the atmosphere of dear Gaia and all throughout what you would call ‘space’ in this beautiful Creation.

    This energy manifests the oil that runs through Gaia’s underground, and where there is an abundance of energy along many grid points there will usually be an abundance of oil as well, as oil is a dense form of this energy that can be and has been utilized for dense, pollution-based purposes.

    The very souls who have built numerous oil refineries over important spots and over the technology of such spots that was harnessing free energy which was feeding advanced technology that we gave to many awakened, ancient societies; the souls who initiated these actions long knew of the benefits of free-energy based technology and themselves utilized and reaped their rewards.

    They have simply wished to keep the collective unawakened as to the nature in which Gaia truly provides for all of your needs, and they have wished for you instead to feel and feed that they are your providers, that they are the only ones who can provide all of that which you need.

    The dark heads on your world honestly believe with very much of themselves, that if they were to depart the surface of your world your society would collapse.

    As they view themselves as having singlehandedly built up your world and current societies as they stand today, they feel honestly that without the control they have placed upon you, humanity as a collective would not be able to survive and you would all begin rioting and looting as your society ‘crumbled’.

    We wish not to associate our energies with such feelings but it must be expressed that for so very long, the dark heads have thought themselves as the ‘good guys’ in attempting to enact a one world government wherein they reign supreme and in attempting to cleanse your world of races which are not bred out of [their bloodlines].

    They are to realize in the immediate period ahead that the collective of humanity is perfectly able to get along and advance along your Cosmic growth cycles as you have meant to. You are to see in the immediate period ahead, a mass coming-together of humanity as the collective compassion which is beginning to be built upon with the surfacing of tragic events which have served to jar awake the majority of the collective, begins to be expressed. This will build into a full-on Uniting and coming-together of humanity that will take place before your very collective eyes.

    Whereas at present many of you keep yourselves locked up and separated from those around you, you will note the separation that you have felt with your neighbors and you will note the strong, pure and real sense of Unity and sense of a collective spirit and consciousness that has truly been there and has truly exited all along; you have simply been unaware of its existence.

    Each and every one of you is energetically linked with each other, as you are the collective of Earth. Just as each cell within your Earthly body is individual yet United, you are all the cells of Gaia and whenever you come together to give the Love that is needed for dear Gaia to see the ascension of Her surface out, a relationship and trust is rediscovered and built-upon that one would have never expected were one to view your current society and the ways in which you war.

    We delightfully note whenever an idea is Created in the mind of a dear Earth soul, and the idea is sent and recreated in the mind and heart of another who could be thousands or millions of miles away. Time and distance are no factors in the collective sending of energy back and forth, and you are all maintaining unconscious connections at this very moment, with every soul who is close to you and every soul who can even barely be on your minds or in your thoughts.

    Any time you have a thought about a person or place, this thought is energy that will automatically be directed to the soul or place that it was intended. You all make very strong and intense effects upon each other whenever thinking of one another in any light, and many will notice that the moods of some souls can seem to change quite rapidly at times.

    We say that this is in many cases because the soul is being sent lower energy from one source or another, which will always fit in it their own egotistical patterns and influences.

    The lessons that have been learned by many of you and that are continuing to be learned, have centered around learning to Master one’s emotions and the events that you are bringing through yourselves to manifest. You are becoming the Masters that your evolution is meant to see you become, and this work is yours to do and is coming to you at all times, as the old paradigm disintegrates more and more within your sphere of experience.

    We ask you to remain patient and easy with yourselves and with those around you as former mindsets and heart sets begin to manifest in many. We wish you to know that the surfacing of former, lower mind and heart sets in the Loved ones of many of you is a temporary process that, provided the Loved one does not hang on or stay attached to their former vestiges of self coming through, will only be temporary and will only last as long as the transmutation process will allow.

    Much energetic uprooting needs still to be performed on an individual level before many of you will be resonating with the energies that we will be giving, and we say that whenever we make our first initial contacts with you and whenever we begin showing ourselves to your world and landing on your ground for all to see, we will be showing ourselves within a specific type of technological energy that will see us able to express our full and pure form on your surface, without being brought down by the collective density.

    There may indeed still be much collective density and fear being fed and expressed upon our arrival on your world, which is why special provisions and measures have been taken to ensure that you are able to see and perceive of us in our full, fifth dimensional human forms, without becoming too overwhelmed and without us becoming too overwhelmed by the density of your surface world.

    Many of us will still choose to dim our Light and the auric colors that we give, so as to show our human forms in ways that you will be more comfortable with perceiving. There will be some, however, who will choose to ‘glow’ and express their auras and colors in full, true and beautiful ways, and we tell you that the sheer beautiful nature in which this will come about will see little fear in the collective of humanity.

    Upon our initial showings of our ships and upon the televised coverage of such showings [not an Olympic reference], we will be making very brazen and bold showings of ourselves to you as such showings are picked up unanimously by all of your mainstream media news outlets.

    We will be exposing our ships during the day time in a full colored and glowing beauty (1), and while we do not wish to give out a date for this occurrence we say that it is inevitable and when it occurs, we expect much less fear than one would expect in much of humanity.
    This is because while the sightings will indeed be very bold and brazen, we intend to expose our ships in a way that will show you the intense and higher dimensional beauty, of them and of the auras of color and energy which surround them and exist within them.

    We will be sending out a specific brand of calming and healing energy from our ships and through many willing Earthly souls who will find themselves conduits for such energies and will find a resulting mellow, Lightened and unbelievably-calm and collected effect, and such souls have volunteered themselves and their temples to be conduits for this Light and to subconsciously connect with our technology which will be giving you this calm energy.

    Many who are absorbing and reading this communication are those who have [subconsciously] volunteered themselves to be conduits for this energy, though others have volunteered instead to act as calmers and subduers of any fear that may be garnered in the unawakened collective.

    We tell you that we will be giving you this calm energy upon our arrival, not to force you into any type of complacency or submission, as all of you will feel this calm attempting to reach the fore of your perception and will have the complete choice as to whether or not you wish to let it in you whenever seeing our ships.

    Simply viewing our ships will see this calming energy make its way to you in ways that many of you will notice right away, especially those who are more sensitive to movements and adjustments of energy within yourselves.

    You will see and feel the beautiful color of our ships and shortly after, you will see one of us in a simple fifth dimensional human form. We will eventually show ourselves as glowing and radiating similar auric colors and frequencies to those of our ships but again, we want to ensure [humanities understanding of] our closeness with you by displaying the very human temples of many of us who have been working actively to assist you in your evolution.

    Dearest souls, we are not aliens – we are Galactic humans who have watched you along your various civilizations and attempted to intervene whenever your collective freewill allowed, to share advancements along your growth and octave of enlightenment, as a collective and as individuals.

    The higher Councils and forces overseeing the ascension of your world have decreed the events which are about to progress, and while we will be making ourselves known to you in very direct ways, we must point to the fact that even most of the information we are giving you is based on plans which have been drawn up entirely by your Ascended Masters in accordance with the higher Earthly Councils overseeing your world and Her ascension at this time.

    We are acting as newscasters of sorts and letting you in on some of the extents of the plans which the Ascended Masters have drawn up for the ascension of your world and the events which are to precede your ascension, and without giving out dates we can tell you that the dates which have been passed very recently will act in accordance with the dates which are about to be passed, and this will see an impetus to end the stalling and bring forth in a very timely and rapid fashion, all of that which you have been hearing about for so very long.

    One way or another, we are to get the attention of your world in very bold ways. We say that with bold enough sightings which could not be ignored in your mainstream media no matter how hard it was attempted to do so, we would be able to make our presence known despite the control and hesitance to broadcast the truth of our existence and our wish to assist your world in your evolution.

    Many are finding a resonance with our ships during your dreamscape interactions and as you are beginning to remember and consciously recall your dreamscape Light Ship interactions, you are growing this much closer to our energy; the energy which you happily absorb and work with during your many dreamscape interactions.

    You are becoming more and more comfortable with our presence, and the very idea of the possibility of our existence and Lighted interest in your world is beginning to seep through and make itself known as well.

    Each and every one of you are Loved infinitely and beyond measure, and we depart now whilst reminding you that the interactions many of you are beginning to remember are more real than you could ever imagine.

    Your dreams have long been meant to give you encoded messages but with the recall that is taking place within many of you of the very real night time interactions which have been taking place, we trust that you will be able to discern what is real and what is meant as symbolism whenever recalling dreamscape interactions.

    We are to be with you so very shortly and you will see and feel the realities of our presence on your world and of our technology alike and as you integrate yourselves into the technology that you will be given and find the resulting Lightened states of consciousness and the resulting ability to travel anywhere on your world and find a freedom that is at present unknown, you will look back upon your currently-limited Earthly experiences and bless the dark souls who had once thought they could permanently trap you within such confines.

    Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

    (1) Let us remember, dear friends, that specific plans such as ships decloaking during the day time in full color, are subject to change as events and factors unfold. Other concrete happenings such as the giving of technology are a bit more set in stone. At this moment, daytime decloakings seem to be the plan for the ships’ unveilings.
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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:31 pm

    Terra Nova Conceived at Olympic Stadium August 3, 2012 Reported by Earth Crew
    Posted on August 4, 2012 by Laura Tyco
    i 1 Vote

    Laura: Thanks to Helen Engel


    Terra Nova Conceived at Olympic Stadium

    August 3, 2012

    Reported by Earth Crew

    On August 3 a group called Earth Crew cleared Olympic Stadium of all negativity, laid out the proverbial red carpet for our space family, and activated an etheric ceremony wherein, with the assistance of Galactics, Intergalactics, and Interstellar beings, Terra Nova was conceived.

    We were asked to clean up the Olympic stadium and lay a red carpet. The concepts of new energy that were used to conceive Terra Nova are identical to the scientific concepts mankind is learning for new free energy devices. The Triad Christ/Buddha/Maitreya has explained that if there is an inverted cone or pyramid sitting on top of an upright cone or pyramid, with a narrow column in between, the region between the two cones or pyramids can be designated as a “null zone”. Within that null zone there is a moment of NoSpace/NoDistance/NoTime. The new Universal Science teaches Causal Energy, Secondary Energy and Resultant Energy, and the UP AND DOWN process of moving energy — when the UP energy is reversed and begins to go down, at that moment there is also a moment of NoSpace/NoDistance/NoTime.

    Also, when energy moves DOWN through a narrow coil or column between the two cones, it appears to have reversed its direction. The traces of the movement of these energies are called “inward spirals” and “outward spirals”.

    On the rove to Olympic Stadium by Earth Crew, the feminine aspect remained hovering, while the male aspect landed on the ground. Three males, along with three Galactic volunteers who immediately came to their assistance, positioned themselves near the perimeter of the circular stadium, at six points (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ‘minutes’). Each manifested a circle around his body, large enough to touch his neighbor. The circle represented his energy field, and all the fields touched, forming a unified energy unit. It was not until the next day that we realized that a contingent of six males was required. Three Intergalactic males substituted for the missing three Earth males. They probably represented the Galactic, the Intergalactic and Interstellar brethren. In this way the “sperm” energy that seeded or created Terra Nova was of both Earth and higher dimensions.

    While the male aspect was clearing Olympic Stadium, the feminine aspect was directed to stand in a circle facing outward, backs touching, forming an empty column in their midst. That empty region became a “null zone” which I described previously. In this region of NoTime/NoSpace/NoDistance the energies can be manipulated by a controller. This concept was taught to me by Christ/Buddha/Maitreya, who explained that if the energies within such a region are not directed, something new may be created in a different time and space, and at a new distance. I am of the opinion that Creator Gods, who had planned this entire event, had complete control of what was transpiring.]

    The male energies joined the magnetic energy rising from the ground, all the while picking up negative thought form energy. One of the clairvoyants observed a mini-tornado, or an increase in the energies within the stadium. This increased energy dissipated the negative thought forms.

    The Galactic and Earth male energy spiraled into a beam that rose towards the female aspect. We learned later that the unified male energy became the equivalent of sperm created by Intergalactic and Earth male energies. One of the clairvoyants observed a brilliant flash of white/gold light. This may have been conception of Terra Nova, the moment when the glorified male energies reached the feminine aspect and creation of the “novum” occurred. This is when Creator Gods from Interstellar Space and Earth impregnated Mother Earth, represented by six of the feminine aspect, and Terra Nova was conceived.

    Let us now define what occurred, using Universal scientific language. The male ‘sperm’ energy that spiraled upward to the center of the feminine aspect was a Causal Energy. The latent magnetic energy of the female aspect was a Secondary Energy. While the male energy was in the “null zone” (the empty column formed by women with their backs facing each other), the Creator Gods infused a third new energy into the ‘sperm’. The union of the male energies and the magnetic, loving energies of the female aspect became the Resultant energy. The ‘novum’ or ‘new ovum’ was christened “Terra Nova” by Archangel Michael.

    It is done. The New Earth has been seeded. This occurred at approximately 9:00 p.m. or 21:00 hours GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

    We give thanks to the Creator for allowing Earth Crew to participate actively in this New Creation. Transcripts of channeled messages from Archangel Michael and others will be posted as soon as they are transcribed.

    Helen Engel

    “Helen Engel”
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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:33 pm

    Earth Human: A Letter to the Galactics
    2012 August 3
    Posted by Steve Beckow

    Thanks to Sundari.

    Dear Galactics,


    Many of us have been so looking forward to your visit since a while now. It would be great to meet you all finally and I sincerely look forward to the joyous reunion with my star brothers and sisters, as would a large number of the earth’s population.

    I know that you need to follow a divine decree and can well understand that you are waiting for the deadline given by the Creator. But when you cross August 4, 2012, please do not hesitate to make your presence known to all the human beings around the world.

    The scene on earth today is pretty horrendous. There are floods that have made millions of people homeless; there are power-cuts in a third of the sub-continent of India; there are umpteen suicides and murders happening every day in every part of the world while huge numbers of people are losing jobs and doing terribly financially. The list goes on and on. Each day, opening a newspaper in the morning, amounts to a terror attack.

    If human beings are able to survive through all these, why will they not live to tell the tale of the arrival of the Galactics? I do understand that you all believe that such an incident may create fear. Maybe so! But again, what is one more fear to those who have been seeing nothing but terrible incidents over the past few decades?

    At least, once we earthlings recover from the ‘fear’ of your arrival, we can take our lives forward. We can all help you with the cleansing of the Earth and along with your arrival we can welcome the ‘hope’ of a future that many humans cannot even imagine at this point in time.

    Please show yourselves, O Galactics! I welcome you with open arms. I am sure a huge number of human beings join me in welcoming you amidst us.

    Awaiting you in love, light and joy,

    Yours truly,

    Earth Human
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    Post  We Are You Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:39 pm

    Suzanne Lie: More Conversations
    2012 August 3
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, The Arcturians
    Posted by Andrew Eardley

    More Conversations – Looking Back to Move Forward

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – July 30, 2012

    Dear Arquelle,

    I can feel you inside of me. Actually, I can feel you inside of my High Heart. I am directed now to find the first time that I heard from the Arcturians in 1994…


    Beloved Suzille,

    We speak to you from Arcturus. We want to tell you that we are coming. Remember when you said that you would volunteer your home for our landing? We heard you, and we are taking up your offer. (I didn’t understand the true meaning of that statement for many years.)

    There are many different sources, which are receiving many different messages. Each of these messages contains a portion of the Truth. In the same manner, each of your incarnations on this planet holds a portion of the truth, which you personally need to understand before you can complete your process of life on this vibration. (I went through this process by writing ‘Visions From Venus‘ and ‘Reconstructing Reality‘.) There are, also, many different portions of your society, which hold a different piece of the whole.

    Different pieces of the whole are held in different areas of the planet to assure the successful process of Earth’s evolution. You do not need to hear every voice of all your incarnations. Furthermore, you also do not need to hear every message from every other member of your planet to fully move into your personal understanding. However, it is helpful to KNOW that a wonderful moment is now (1994) commencing.

    One of the messages which you have read is about a photon belt (the story that was going around in 1994 when the word “ascension” was barely spoken), which will quickly change the vibratory rate of the planet and your entire Solar System. This photon belt is indeed true, but it need not have the extreme effect upon your reality that the channeler received. Remember, there are many options here for you to consider.
    One is that you and yours may choose to NOT experience the reality of moving through the 3 days of darkness of the Photon Belt.
    Another is that you can move through time and space to a period where that experience has been completed.
    Another is that you will take upon yourself OUR vibration, your true vibration of Arcturus. In this way you will rise above the actual experience of “death.”

    Do you remember when we came to you? Do you remember how you channeled our name when you had not heard of us yet? (This was just a few days before.) We are here, dear one. You are awakened enough so that you can work with us more deeply.

    For a long time, I wondered if the Arcturians were “just my imagination,” but communicating with them made my life so much better that I didn’t care if they were real or not. I had had communications from unseen beings and unseen realities my whole life. Therefore, I settled into my possible insanity and enjoyed their deep guidance.

    Now to experience you, Arquelle, an emanation of Arcturus within my own form is yet another Arcturian surprise. In fact, to experience a fifth dimensional Arcturian form within my earth vessel is, well, I don’t know what it is. I am just now settling into the concept of a fifth dimensional form of Arcturian Nature within ME. It does not seem impossible. In fact, it seems to be an expedient way to ascend this form.

    I guess that the concept is so unique that it is taking me a while to live it. I know if I am to truly believe that I have received this boost towards Ascension I will have to believe that it is real. If I do not hold that belief, I will not be able to fully embrace and integrate this energy field into my SELF.

    The process of writing Mytria and Mytre’s story has helped me to integrate my Pleiadian energy. However, I seem to be avoiding hearing Mytre’s story of mind over matter. Actually, I can see why there would need to be a lot of preparation for such a huge concept as “Mind over Matter.” Perhaps, that is why you, Arquelle, have come into my consciousness.

    You did first come to me when I was also speaking with Mytre. Yes, I am hearing inside that it is vital that we, the Ascending Ones, believe the unbelievable in order to allow our Ascension. I guess I did not choose to enter a “Photon Belt,” which I suspect was either a different, possible reality or a 1994 misinterpretation of Planetary Ascension.

    On the other hand, I may have moved through time and into a reality in which the Photon Belt “disaster” never happened. But, clearly I have taken the third option of taking upon myself the Arcturian vibration, as well as quite a few other Galactic vibrations.

    My instincts tell me that the Galactics are making themselves so visible now because so many of us in the physical are embracing and integrating our Galactic Heritage. Once we accept and integrate the Higher Expressions of our SELF, we will embrace the myriad Starships in the sky as our Star Family’s mobile homes. Then, there is no reason for fear.

    However, I can see why the remaining Dark Ones would be afraid of the Galactics and why they would want to spread as much fear about the sightings as possible. However, the Galactics know that that which is familiar is NOT frightening. Therefore, they have shown themselves again and again, but only those who could believe in them, can actually see them.

    It is a physiological fact that if something is deemed “impossible,” it can also be “unperceivable.” The level of fear that arises with the sight of something that one cannot believe sends a “not real” image to the brain. Then, just as the Natives could not see Captain Cook’s sailing ship, those who cannot believe that we are a Galactic Society will not see the Starships.

    In 1994 I could not believe that the Arcturians would “land inside of me.” Therefore, I could only imagine that they would use my house as a landing area for their Scout Ships. Of course, my house was way too small, but the only facts available about Starships then were in Sci Fi or Horror films. It is interesting that the Illuminati-run television shows no longer have any representations of a peaceful life as members of the Galactic Federation!

    I have heard from many of my readers that they feel isolated and have no one to talk to about the most important thing that has EVER happened – Personal and Planetary Ascension. Fortunately, we have the Internet. I have dearly loved being in the wilds of Gaia, but I have missed being able to communicate via the Internet.

    I have driven miles to find an Internet connection and even had to have someone post the last blog for me. It seems that posting a blog takes a much better Internet connection than writing and answering emails, which I have not had many chances to do either.

    It is so important that we can talk to each other about our process of Ascension. Therefore, give it a test run. Find a “cover story,” a lead-in to test the waters as to whether or not that person is able to share the Ascension topic with you. If you say something neutral such as, “Wow, did you see the UFO flying over the Olympic fireworks? What do you think about that?”

    You brought up the topic, which is exactly why the Galactics appeared in that fashion. I remember long ago when the Olympics were in Los Angeles. They had a huge UFO landing as part of the opening celebration. All the commentator could say was, “Only in California!” Which is likely why I chose to incarnate and live my life here.

    Dear Arquelle, I have gotten way off track in my communication with you. So I had best not judge another for avoidance, as I seem to be avoiding you. Therefore, I am going to meditate so that I can expand my consciousness to the frequency of my SELF who knows that I DO deserve to have a fifth-dimensional, Arcturian being within “little’ ol me.”

    Perhaps it is not my consciousness I should raise, but my self-esteem. Or, maybe, there is no difference between the two? I will tell you what I find out after my meditation…

    Below are fragments of my meditation. The higher levels are to be recovered later:

    I could not determine Arquelle’s gender as it is androgynous, like all fifth dimensionals. First, I heard, “Ascension is a progressive process, as on Alcea. (See earlier blog). I, superconscious Suzille, progressively transmutes into Arquelle, WHILE ego Sue progressively transmutes superconscious Suzille WHILE wounded-ego progressively transmutes into daily-life self.

    I saw each of the above transitions as simple as the births on Alcea. I observed as I easily allowed my Arquelle SELF to flow from within me while I swam circles around it. Then, suddenly, I became Arquelle. I was on the Scout Ship that the Zeta landed in front of my house.

    This experience was not physical, but it was during a very vivid meditation. Was that experience related to the 1994 statement from the Arcturians? The Zeta said, “This is your ship.” I then vaguely remember being on the big Starship and fell off into a very deep sleep. I woke up with the words of:

    “Let the Miracle happen.”
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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:20 am

    Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs… Link to PDF…by kauilapele

    Mahalo to "msarroz" who sent this link in a comment. I have placed that link below, and also a link to a storage location on my own server.

    Some of you may be interested in reading this book by Andrew Power, as it has been mentioned by Montague Keen several times.

    Link via msarroz: Click here

    Link from KP storage location: Click here

    kauilapele | 2012/08/04 at 18:53 | Tags: Andrerw Power, Ireland, montague keen, Veronica Keen | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:58 am

    Blossom Goodchild: August 5, 2012 and more...

    In This Update...
    Blossom Goodchild: August 5, 2012
    Very Best Practices
    Hilarion: Weekly Message August 5, 2012
    Where’s The Gold? NY Federal Reserve Undergoes First-Ever Audit
    Transcript – American Kabuki on The Light Agenda – Part 2/2
    Saul: Focus On the Magnificent Spirit of These Games
    Wes Annac: Who Am I? I am a Pleiadian Walk-In – Part 1
    Jesus: You Have an Intuitive Sense of the Wonder That You Will Experience
    Suzi: Enjoying our Best Behavior
    Leonard Stringfield’s UFO Research Goes Public
    Sierra Gives Us a Glimpse of Containment, Disclosure Preparations
    Secret UFO Files Released in Australia


    Blossom Goodchild: August 5, 2012

    Blossom Goodchild: August 5, 2012

    Blossom: Hello Hello Hello from me myself and I … Whatever you think is appropriate to speak of in these times … I honour that … and hereby give you the floor!

    How gracious and how willing to allow events to unfold in a Divine manner. In order to respect the desires of many… we choose to advocate the need to follow that which the heart Is speaking to you of.

    We have oft times spoken of ‘listening’ to the heart and you have spoken in reply of ‘not being able to hear’. One of the most blessed attributes to that of a human Being is the absolute ‘sense’ of FEELING. There is not one soul upon the planet who is blocked off from this. Even when one speaks of being void or numb of all feeling … they are kidding themselves … for they cannot not FEEL.

    So therefore, we choose the wording differently to say … FEEL with your heart. Your FEELINGS are your guide. This you know. The chit chat in your head does not always correspond with that which you FEEL and this is where the confusion bursts forth and one does not know if they are hearing/reading/ absorbing TRUTH or not.

    Consider in your kitchen you have a sieve to sift flour. The packet of flour MAY SAY ‘refined flour’ … yet when pouring it through the sieve you come across many lumps and bumps that managed to ‘make it through’. When you shake the sieve up a little … it is easy to see that which is Truth for it slips through the net with ease. If there are lumps that one needs to squash down and TRY to push through … because one wants to TRY AND MAKE IT FIT … then we say to you … this is NOT TRUTH.

    So here we are dearest friends…closer than ever before to the NEW TIMES. You have spent lifetimes searching for the TRUTH that is so very soon to be revealed.

    Yes … I heard you … very ‘SOON’ … and yet really, at the end of the day … you HAVE to be talking about VERY SOON … even in our terms … as we are drawing so close to the end of the year

    Indeed. We ask of you a question. What appears to be TRUTH to you … is it?

    Hey pal … you’re asking the wrong bird! What?

    Read the question again and think about the answer you FEEL.

    That is such a loaded question … The answer I FEEL is … why did you have to go and ask me such a difficult question?

    Because we know you are capable of answering it.

    Ok … Well, I would say it would depend on how I FELT about what was appearing to me.

    Correct answer . Over and over we speak to you of FEELING. This we continue to reiterate … because it is of great importance.


    FEEL what you FEEL .

    This is your TRUTH. We speak of this in a determined fashion this day because we KNOW that there shall be things coming up that shall ‘appear’ to be of Truth to many and the scale on which that ‘appearance ‘ is able to convince is of a high degree. Therefore we ask one to be very scathing (?) regarding such matters.

    So … I have to ask here … in what terms of ‘appearance’ are you talking? People speak of false flags etc. … is this what you mean?

    This we cannot say because it is not appropriate to do so.

    Then with all respect … why mention it in the first place?

    Because we are able to speak thus far. Yet to speak further would interfere with certain issues and this is not for us to embark upon . This is not our way.

    Please keep in the forefront of your mind that we are not dealing with ‘toys’ and children. Our utmost concern is for your safety and we shall adhere to security protocol of that which we FEEL it safe to speak of and that which we do not.

    OK. Thanks for that. I respect and accept. Mmm , (whistle, whistle ) so how’s the weather then ?

    Dearest Blossom and all who read these words


    In the TRUE KNOWING of who you are … there is and never shall be anything that can lead you into that which is not of your Highest good.

    Here you are NOW in the most relevant … most crucial of times . You have gathered strength and momentum. Many of you FEEL you have lost hope. Yet you have not. Far from it.

    Think when you can … to often take in deep breaths of LIFE ITSELF … for this shall assist you in that KNOWING. For in this way you are connecting with the breath of ONE and in that connection there is NOTHING that can come between you . NOTHING.




    If you could see your Light and your strength as we do, you would find it so easy to do as we are asking of you.


    BE IN JOY.



    Imagine being able to look upon your planet from another position and scan across it. Each soul of Light is as of A TORCH OF RAINBOW COLOURS BURNING BRIGHTLY. Imagine this.

    What an array of beauty is offered and would you therefore not be thrilled and at Peace in the KNOWING that the darkness is barely seen for there are NOW TORCHES OF RAINBOW LIGHT ABOUNDING EVERYWHERE. The darkness is almost gone. This we say in TRUTH.

    Keep on imagining this vision for it shall allow the TRUTH to shine even more brightly .

    We can FEEL something nagging at you .

    Mmm … Good FEELING! I guess that by you saying earlier about ‘appearances’ and not being deceived … many may , whether you say we should or not … become a little, just a teeny weeny bit fearful about what this may mean and will they be able to TRUST their feelings enough to know that whatever it is you are talking about is TRUTH or not.

    Therefore we would say with respect … FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL about EVERYTHING.

    Your minds and thoughts may run amok … one may tend to get carried away. Be of the mind set that should an UNTRUTH be presented, be they of words or otherwise … it shall be as plain to you as the nose on your face as to that which is coming from LOVE and that which is not

    This is also why we ask you to be mindful of your FEELINGS. For it is KNOWN and is becoming far to commonplace that ‘teachings’ are littered with Truth and untruths to ‘lure’ one in. There are desperate attempts being made to create havoc within the minions (?) and it is of great urgency that those whoKNOW better remain steadfast in that KNOWING.

    Let us put it another way. When you allow yourself to be ONLY IN LOVE AND JOY … on a continual basis … then anything that does not vibrate on that same frequency shall be more than obvious to you when it comes your way.

    Not only to remain in Love and joy being the fulfillment and unique satisfaction to one’s pleasure and accordance with the soul … yet it is your ‘TRUTH DETECTOR’.

    When one is in doubt and fear … they are unable to decipher clearly that which the detector is telling them … because it is operating on low level batteries and is unable to do what it is designed to do … detect.

    Yet the minute that a lower frequency trickles anywhere close to a HIGH frequency vibration … it sticks out like a saw thumb! ‘Ah ha!’ you can say … For it is so easy to FEEL the difference in vibration when constantly in tune with LOVE.

    Very much like listening to a joyful piece of music that one is able to revel in. If one were to play a wrong note it is very obvious to the ear. Sometimes it is not so much a wrong note yet more so … the pitch is a little off and one begins to question whether or not it is just the self ’FEELING’ that … or whether or not that ‘not so perfect pitch’ has crept into the piece.


    I understand what you are saying … and at risk of repeating myself from another time … TRUSTING ones intuition is not always that easy to do,

    Yes it is.

    Maybe when you resonate on YOUR LEVEL OF BEING it is … yet I find … that often my instinct can be wrong and I totally misjudged a person or a situation.

    Are you sure about that?

    Yep. Often I have come from Love with said person or situation and it turned out that I was misguided and had weighed it up all wrong.

    Yet we would say you had not misjudged for you were coming from Love first and foremost. The absolute Truth of anyone. Yet they may choose to disguise it and present themselves quite differently depending on what it is they need to discover for themselves by behaving in the way they did/do.

    Yes I can get that. Dear dear! It can all get a bit complicated. Perhaps I should have reincarnated as an ant.

    Ants too have their ups and downs!

    What we wish to impart deep into the core of your BEING … is that when YOU remain in YOUR TRUTH … anything that is otherwise will be giving out warning signals in one form or another.

    When all of you have moved on from this density and abide in a place that has been released from all that deters you from BENG WHO YOU ARE IN FULLNESS, LIGHT AND TRUTH … you will recall the struggles you endured and you will smile at your NOT KNOWING and the confusion it brought upon/into you … and you will too understand to our utmost delight … why … we were not able to speak to you in any other way … other than the way we are doing now.

    It is necessary for us to withhold information. If we were to break that pact it would be detrimental to ALL that is to take place. So we remain in OUR TRUTH and desire only to serve in a way that is of the Highest benefit for all concerned. And … we mean … ALL

    Yep .. I can FEEL it … Here endeth today’s sermon. It is Sunday after all!

    With so much Love we give thanks that we are able to offer our assistance in this way.

    Our Soul Lights draw ever closer to yours as we become once again the ONE LIGHT

    Many thanks to you also my friends. From us all.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:55 pm

    You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience « Jesus through Johnby Laura Tyco

    You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience
    August 5, 2012 by John Smallman

    August promises to be an exhilarating month for you as the essential changes leading up to your awakening come into effect, or occur more and more rapidly. It will be like a chain reaction as each change leads inevitably to the next, and they become closer and closer together in time. And all of these changes are due to you, the Light-holders, doing such a marvelous job of raising your own level of awareness by addressing and releasing the issues of conflict and abuse that have lain buried deep within you. They have been waiting for this moment, when you have so much help from the spiritual realms, to demand your attention so that you could deal with them quickly and effectively in the minimum amount of time.

    All over the world there is a great air of optimism and excitement, which is in itself a very powerful energetic field, and this energy field is further intensified by the worldwide enthusiasm for sporting events as nearly every nation in the world takes part in the Olympic Games in London. Friendship and respect for one anothers’ nations and cultures has never before been shown on such a large scale as is occurring during these sporting events which, due to the enormous mainstream broadcasting media attention, are able to be seen by many hundreds of millions planetwide.

    The sudden intensifying of the divine energy field enveloping Earth at this time, due to humanity’s interest in and friendly enthusiasm for these international sporting events, is helping to release great quantities of the negative and unloving energies that wars in various fields – military, economic, religious, political, scientific, family, etc. – give rise to and the judgment and blame that goes with them. The planet is now beginning to shine very brightly indeed as these old energies, filled with suspicion and mistrust, dissolve into the ocean of Love that you are all helping to enlarge and amplify, and there they become totally transformed so that they become one with and can be added to the bright light of the divine Love field.

    Your spiritual progress is proceeding apace, and is indeed accelerating as you cruise down the home straight to the finishing line. There is great joy in the spiritual realms as we watch and observe the amazing flowering of the Love that God implanted within you at the moment of your creation, and which, until very recently, was hidden under the clouds of emotional pain and suffering that you had been undergoing since the dawn of time. Your intent to awaken, strengthened and intensified by our Father’s Will that you do so, has reached a momentum that is self-sustaining and that will not be thwarted. You know and recognize your divine destination, and you have an intuitive sense of the wonder and gratification that you will experience on your arrival. And the closer you get to this moment the stronger becomes your intuitive sense of it.

    Whenever you find yourselves swayed by doubts and anxieties – by news items, personal confrontations or attacks, depression, disbelief in the truth of God’s infinite Love for you, or any other unhappy or disturbing moods – make a point of reminding yourselves of the fact that you are always divinely guided and that you have progressed well beyond the “point of no return,” and consequently, the only place at which you can arrive is your divine destination.

    Deep within yourselves you do know this, but you are often distracted by the derisory and disparaging comments that you hear from family, friends, work associates, and the media when they address the intolerable state of world affairs and the massive corruption apparent everywhere in politics, global corporations, and religious institutions that is being exposed and reported on as never before. They then use this information as arguments to persuade you that not only are honesty and integrity seriously lacking, but even if they were not, there is little chance that those ethical attitudes would make any difference because unconscionable corruption is obviously endemic all across the world.

    Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged. You know that all is divinely taken care of and that you will awaken into the Reality that is your eternal Home. Whenever the apparent reality of the breakdown and collapse of the global system unnerves or depresses you, just remind yourselves once more that what you are seeing is a vast illusion that is indeed collapsing, and thus making way for the grand awakening.

    Your loving brother, Jesus.

    You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience « Jesus through John.

    Laura Tyco | August 5, 2012 at 14:29 | Categories: Channels | URL:

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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:25 pm

    Very Best Practices
    2012 August 5
    Posted by Steve BeckowApparently we’re moving through a time of maximum exposure of everything negative in ourselves, in society, in our families, in our work places.

    All the more reason why we try to make the very best mileage by following the very best practices.

    I have my own idea of what some of those very best practices are. You will have your own idea. Let’s share.

    (1) Use neutral language.

    The very first mutually-agreed-upon information we receive about each other comes with what we say or read. It comes with words. Granted that body language can lead to suppositions, our impressions from body language are firmed up and confirmed by what is said in words.

    If this is the case, then does it not make sense for us to use neutral words? Does not so much of the drama and turmoil come when we use words with a strong valence, pro or con? What Archangel Michael called Perro, the ancient diplomatic language that is based on neutrality, was devised to repair the damage from the intergalactic wars. It was found that speaking in ways that were simply descriptive and true caused the least amount of fallout. Can we not learn from this?

    (2) Share

    A “share” is something specific. It’s a statement made that tells us something about us. It doesn’t usually tell us something about the other guy. It doesn’t usually convey simply bloodless, juiceless information. It reveals us to others.

    A share comes from transparency. It allows us to be known. So much of what is said today is designed to prevent us being known, to hide our true intentions, to fool others or throw them off the scent.

    But a share makes the content of our heart known. It clears away the rubble and debris and allows our love to flow between each other. It makes us known and making ourselves known promotes emergence, unfoldment, blossoming. Tell me who you are. That is all I want to know. I want to know you and be known deeply. The time is past for hiding. The time has arrived to be known.

    (3) Take a stand

    Under this planet’s former management, much depended on being flexible, not committing oneself, being master of the cut and fill. But when a new world is a-building, much depends on what we can be accountable for, what we’re committed to, and what we support from principle and under all circumstances.

    We now need to be known by our stands. What do you stand for? What is your life a demonstration of? What are you here to support? And what can we count on you for in realization of your purpose? What is your stand? And who are you as a stand?

    (4) Break through

    All that holds us in our shell is overcome by our own efforts. The ways in which we break free of our shell are unknown to us, just as how we ride a bicycle is unknown to us. We know them when we do them and once we know them we never lose our ability to do them. Emergence or breaking through is one of those arts that cannot be described in words but is known once we do it. We have a will, which cannot be touched or seen, but has its own laws of movement.

    And when we exercise that will to come out of our shells, we break through our suppression and inhibitions. Break through. Emerge. Come out of your shell. Now is the time when we need you, unimpeded, in the fulness of your glory. Break through your resistance by the exercise of your will. Become a player in the creation of this new world, however you do that, whatever role you choose.

    (5) Love

    Love is the universal solvent of difficulties and the universal glue of relationship. Love holds the atoms together. It holds people together. Love stimulates growth more than the sun does. The very nature of light is love. We are given the free will to reject love, but only a failure to thrive results. Nonetheless love will not let us die as beings. Love is eternal.

    Love assumes all roles and plays all parts. Only love lasts. Anything we create with love that is grotesque breaks down, falls apart, and returns to its native state.

    All our processes – thinking, feeling, acting – informed with love cause us to unfold and the world to progress. And all the world’s progress only leads back to the unveiling, the revealing of love. So why fight the way life was designed? Why cause the engine to falter because we won’t use it the way it was intended to be used? Simply love and we conform to life’s design and purpose. Love, love and more love and we return to our original state of innocence.

    If the purpose of life is to know our true nature, and to be our true nature is to know our true nature, then be your true nature, which is love.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:56 pm
    The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on August 5, 2012 by Oracles and Healers
    i Rate This

    As another marker of your progress approaches, and the changes to your energetic make up continue, more desperate attempts to distract you from your purpose are being made. There are those who will panic at every opportunity. Some actually enjoy the drama, some are addicted to fear. We wish this were not so. We can tell you, however, that you are far past the point where it could change the outcome.

    The balance of light and dark has forever shifted on your world. There may be efforts made up until the very last, but the Divine Decree has been given and will be manifest. The belief of some in another power will be brought to naught. The Creator of this Universe has long since determined the outcome of this experiment.

    The date of the eight and eight approaches, so soon after the full moon that you have not yet caught your breath, so to speak. So much hi-octane energy is pouring into the earth at this time that you may feel it at any moment that you turn your attention to it. We see some lamenting this fact while we wish they would begin to celebrate and welcome it. Those who already have the gift of sight can already see the nearness of our dimensions. Many more will do so in the next weeks. Proximation is not actually changing, perception is.

    If you wish to prepare yourselves, ask yourselves how you will react the day when you begin to see us. Your world will change forever on that day. It would be of great benefit for you to contemplate this. Some, of course, just will not see. That is alright as they must be allowed their free will.

    Other more obvious things which we have foretold are happening already. Please note them. We hear every day, “Nothing that has been predicted has happened.” If one wishes to believe this, there is nothing we can do about it. However, there is a great deal of change happening and, just as we told you, some of your media are testing their ability to tell you the truth. Watch with the intent to find these things, and you will find them.

    The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. Hold fast to your vision of your new world and it will appear faster than you believe possible. Join your will, your prayer, your dreams, with all of the light, with us, and we will bring you to your inevitable victory in that proverbial “blink of an eye”.

    Feel our love and power enfold you now and we will speak again soon. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    We Are You wrote:Very Best Practices
    2012 August 5
    Posted by Steve BeckowApparently we’re moving through a time of maximum exposure of everything negative in ourselves, in society, in our families, in our work places.

    All the more reason why we try to make the very best mileage by following the very best practices.

    I have my own idea of what some of those very best practices are. You will have your own idea. Let’s share.

    (1) Use neutral language.

    The very first mutually-agreed-upon information we receive about each other comes with what we say or read. It comes with words. Granted that body language can lead to suppositions, our impressions from body language are firmed up and confirmed by what is said in words.

    If this is the case, then does it not make sense for us to use neutral words? Does not so much of the drama and turmoil come when we use words with a strong valence, pro or con? What Archangel Michael called Perro, the ancient diplomatic language that is based on neutrality, was devised to repair the damage from the intergalactic wars. It was found that speaking in ways that were simply descriptive and true caused the least amount of fallout. Can we not learn from this?

    (2) Share

    A “share” is something specific. It’s a statement made that tells us something about us. It doesn’t usually tell us something about the other guy. It doesn’t usually convey simply bloodless, juiceless information. It reveals us to others.

    A share comes from transparency. It allows us to be known. So much of what is said today is designed to prevent us being known, to hide our true intentions, to fool others or throw them off the scent.

    But a share makes the content of our heart known. It clears away the rubble and debris and allows our love to flow between each other. It makes us known and making ourselves known promotes emergence, unfoldment, blossoming. Tell me who you are. That is all I want to know. I want to know you and be known deeply. The time is past for hiding. The time has arrived to be known.

    (3) Take a stand

    Under this planet’s former management, much depended on being flexible, not committing oneself, being master of the cut and fill. But when a new world is a-building, much depends on what we can be accountable for, what we’re committed to, and what we support from principle and under all circumstances.

    We now need to be known by our stands. What do you stand for? What is your life a demonstration of? What are you here to support? And what can we count on you for in realization of your purpose? What is your stand? And who are you as a stand?

    (4) Break through

    All that holds us in our shell is overcome by our own efforts. The ways in which we break free of our shell are unknown to us, just as how we ride a bicycle is unknown to us. We know them when we do them and once we know them we never lose our ability to do them. Emergence or breaking through is one of those arts that cannot be described in words but is known once we do it. We have a will, which cannot be touched or seen, but has its own laws of movement.

    And when we exercise that will to come out of our shells, we break through our suppression and inhibitions. Break through. Emerge. Come out of your shell. Now is the time when we need you, unimpeded, in the fulness of your glory. Break through your resistance by the exercise of your will. Become a player in the creation of this new world, however you do that, whatever role you choose.

    (5) Love

    Love is the universal solvent of difficulties and the universal glue of relationship. Love holds the atoms together. It holds people together. Love stimulates growth more than the sun does. The very nature of light is love. We are given the free will to reject love, but only a failure to thrive results. Nonetheless love will not let us die as beings. Love is eternal.

    Love assumes all roles and plays all parts. Only love lasts. Anything we create with love that is grotesque breaks down, falls apart, and returns to its native state.

    All our processes – thinking, feeling, acting – informed with love cause us to unfold and the world to progress. And all the world’s progress only leads back to the unveiling, the revealing of love. So why fight the way life was designed? Why cause the engine to falter because we won’t use it the way it was intended to be used? Simply love and we conform to life’s design and purpose. Love, love and more love and we return to our original state of innocence.

    If the purpose of life is to know our true nature, and to be our true nature is to know our true nature, then be your true nature, which is love.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:50 pm

    Shaunie: Greetings, Dearest Star Family
    2012 August 4
    Posted by Steve BeckowWe seem to want to address the galactics directly. Now Shaunie has written them and I’m most happy to post. We may not agree with absolutely everything she says but enquiring galactics want to know how we feel.

    In case you didn’t know, the Pleiadians at many dimensional levels have said that they read the blog. AAM does each morning … not sure if that’s with “Earl Grey – hot”! So here’s another letter directly to them.


    Wow! I am really glad someone wrote that letter, because I am about to post a similar one on a new blog site.

    Yesterday was a down day with a vague anger rumbling below the surface. I just let it process out of my system and as I did that, I was having the same thoughts that the letter writer in your post was expressing.

    Greetings, Dearest Star Family,

    We humans have been programmed by 16, 000 years of being put through traumatic incident after traumatic incident, on a personal, familial, community, national and worldwide level. It has honed our ability to rally and join with each other to start recovering from the traumas, as much as our 3D limits would allow – all the while being further harassed by the controllers.

    We have had to deal with extreme weather, earthquakes and volcanoes – as well as cultural, military and religious conflict and persecution. Like the ET in the movie STARMAN told his female human companion, “Humans are at their best when things are at their worst.” (At least if they are allowed to be.) And, that is true of the majority of people that I have crossed paths with in my life.

    It is said that the controllers of Earth/Heart were working on creating a tough race that they would train as super warriors to take into space and use for conquest. Well, they did create a tough race, most of whom have big hearts that are hidden under a thin veneer and just waiting for a chance to show their colors of true Love – even if they might be awkward at expressing it.

    Some people will be shocked, some angry, some afraid, some neutral and some wide open to the experience. Most of us would quickly rally – sooner rather than later. After the initial shock and surprise, after the media explains why the Galactics are here and about the gifts they bring to assist us, the vast majority will heave a collective sigh of relief – and totally relax for the first time in their lives.

    The effect of that enormous release of tension will be like a giant dose of laxative for the collective as thousands of years of toxic, pent up stresses are released and transformed into genuine hope for peace and celebration and expectation and healing tears of both grief and joy.

    We humans, for the most part, are quite well equipped to handle the big traumas and bounce back from them. What is most difficult is the “hurry up and wait” feeling that constantly hovers and is never allowed release. Prolonged stress is much more insidious to deal with – and the cabal knows it. Why do you think they keep playing cat and mouse? They get everyone’s hopes up – and then shatter them with yet another delay.

    From experience and intuition, I really feel that the majority of humanity are more than ready to stop playing the cabal’s game – if they can just gain enough knowledge and support to understand how to do so. Please make yourself know. We will quickly learn to first trust and then Love you with open hearts once we realize your blessed presence is something we really can totally trust – maybe for the first time in our lives.

    Those who cannot open up have soul contracts that take them elsewhere. Do you not often express that no soul is ever ultimately lost? Only the body dies and even it is eventually broken down and transformed into something new.

    Thank you, Dearest Star Brothers & Sisters, for the gift of your presence in our lives. And I, for one, would really like to express my deepest gratitude in person – as soon as possible.

    In Deepest Love & Appreciation, I bid you farewell – for now.

    Sincerely, Shaunie Leigh Miller – Starseed hailing from the great Blue White Star of Electra – and several other places.

    PS… There is really no reason to immediately tell people all the gory details about the cabal. That will be an easy pill for most of us to swallow once we are relaxed and at peace because we know that we are finally safe and will no longer have to worry about struggling to survive through competing with others.

    When everyone feels safe and supported, there’s no need to compete or condemn – we all win. It’s a win/win situation.

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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:09 am

    We Are You wrote:Shaunie: Greetings, Dearest Star Family
    2012 August 4
    Posted by Steve BeckowWe seem to want to address the galactics directly. Now Shaunie has written them and I’m most happy to post. We may not agree with absolutely everything she says but enquiring galactics want to know how we feel.

    In case you didn’t know, the Pleiadians at many dimensional levels have said that they read the blog. AAM does each morning … not sure if that’s with “Earl Grey – hot”! So here’s another letter directly to them.


    Wow! I am really glad someone wrote that letter, because I am about to post a similar one on a new blog site.

    Yesterday was a down day with a vague anger rumbling below the surface. I just let it process out of my system and as I did that, I was having the same thoughts that the letter writer in your post was expressing.

    Greetings, Dearest Star Family,

    We humans have been programmed by 16, 000 years of being put through traumatic incident after traumatic incident, on a personal, familial, community, national and worldwide level. It has honed our ability to rally and join with each other to start recovering from the traumas, as much as our 3D limits would allow – all the while being further harassed by the controllers.

    We have had to deal with extreme weather, earthquakes and volcanoes – as well as cultural, military and religious conflict and persecution. Like the ET in the movie STARMAN told his female human companion, “Humans are at their best when things are at their worst.” (At least if they are allowed to be.) And, that is true of the majority of people that I have crossed paths with in my life.

    It is said that the controllers of Earth/Heart were working on creating a tough race that they would train as super warriors to take into space and use for conquest. Well, they did create a tough race, most of whom have big hearts that are hidden under a thin veneer and just waiting for a chance to show their colors of true Love – even if they might be awkward at expressing it.

    Some people will be shocked, some angry, some afraid, some neutral and some wide open to the experience. Most of us would quickly rally – sooner rather than later. After the initial shock and surprise, after the media explains why the Galactics are here and about the gifts they bring to assist us, the vast majority will heave a collective sigh of relief – and totally relax for the first time in their lives.

    The effect of that enormous release of tension will be like a giant dose of laxative for the collective as thousands of years of toxic, pent up stresses are released and transformed into genuine hope for peace and celebration and expectation and healing tears of both grief and joy.

    We humans, for the most part, are quite well equipped to handle the big traumas and bounce back from them. What is most difficult is the “hurry up and wait” feeling that constantly hovers and is never allowed release. Prolonged stress is much more insidious to deal with – and the cabal knows it. Why do you think they keep playing cat and mouse? They get everyone’s hopes up – and then shatter them with yet another delay.

    From experience and intuition, I really feel that the majority of humanity are more than ready to stop playing the cabal’s game – if they can just gain enough knowledge and support to understand how to do so. Please make yourself know. We will quickly learn to first trust and then Love you with open hearts once we realize your blessed presence is something we really can totally trust – maybe for the first time in our lives.

    Those who cannot open up have soul contracts that take them elsewhere. Do you not often express that no soul is ever ultimately lost? Only the body dies and even it is eventually broken down and transformed into something new.

    Thank you, Dearest Star Brothers & Sisters, for the gift of your presence in our lives. And I, for one, would really like to express my deepest gratitude in person – as soon as possible.

    In Deepest Love & Appreciation, I bid you farewell – for now.

    Sincerely, Shaunie Leigh Miller – Starseed hailing from the great Blue White Star of Electra – and several other places.

    PS… There is really no reason to immediately tell people all the gory details about the cabal. That will be an easy pill for most of us to swallow once we are relaxed and at peace because we know that we are finally safe and will no longer have to worry about struggling to survive through competing with others.

    When everyone feels safe and supported, there’s no need to compete or condemn – we all win. It’s a win/win situation.

    Poofness 8-5-12…”The ‘Time’ Finally Came, Now It’s ‘Oh Crap’ Time”… “The Cabal of Bankers Being Taken Down and Out Of Control”by kauilapele

    For this Poofness message, I am not posting the video along with it. Just go to this link to view it.

    There's a lot in this Poof message, and I can only say that I'm currently listening to a Cobra interview of 7-30-12 that somehow aligns with this. All this stuff is coming down. Lots of talking, from those trying to save their okoles (rear ends), but surely also many who have seen the Light, and are turning their hats from Black to White.


    ...they just had to have an instructional 'come to jesus' meeting of the bankers and finance minsters [ministers]... it didn't last long but did slow the end of the tunnel appearing.
    Folks that have been powerful (relatively speaking) can't believe they didn't get a say.
    ...the 'time' finally came, now it's 'oh crap' time... The cabal of bankers being taken down and out of control.
    People you haven't heard of for long time are coming out of the woodwork to make themselves present and accounted for right now.
    Now mr wanta, is dropping names, dates and places to the proper authorities.
    Arrests are already afoot and it's about to get noisy.
    As many agencies are on red alert right now.
    Something huge happened last night.

    Speak Now or Forever Hold your Peace

    Greetings and Salutations;

    So, it's the end already, yet they just had to have an instructional 'come to jesus' meeting of the bankers and finance minsters [ministers]... some arguing for better rates on the revaluations of currencies, it didn't last long but did slow the end of the tunnel appearing. Some billed this as a new bretton woods agreement. Can you call something an agreement when orders are being dictated? Folks that have been powerful (relatively speaking) can't believe they didn't get a say. It's not like they didn't know what was going to happen in time.

    Well, the 'time' finally came, now it's 'oh crap' time. I see Bix Weir of 'Road to Roota' fame is quite delighted seeing what he was talking about for years, finally coming to pass. The cabal of bankers being taken down and out of control. All I can say is, I feel ya brother, you wonder if anyone hears you sometimes. If you understand the behavior of cockroaches, this all makes sense. Don't go all mental and make it complicated. They won't even leave when they see the extermination truck rolls up! Raid!!!...nope.

    They are still around.

    Now for a little paradigm shifting.

    How do you fix a currency? Listen to some talking heads explain.

    Now batting clean up, none other than Mr Creature from Jekyll Island himself, ta da!

    People you haven't heard of for long time are coming out of the woodwork to make themselves present and accounted for right now. Few have had the direct contact and knowledge of who did what. Now mr wanta, is dropping names, dates and places to the proper authorities.

    Too late, already filed, best option now is a bomb shelter in the back yard or a cave. Arrests are already afoot and it's about to get noisy. As many agencies are on red alert right now. Of course they have ground penetrating satellites now, so I don't think that's a good option anymore. Try it...stiff upper lip, throw your arms up and surrender.

    Something huge happened last night. See ya.

    Love and Kisses,

    kauilapele | 2012/08/05 at 15:16 | Tags: Poof, Poofness | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, chaos, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth, UFO | URL:
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 13 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:41 am

    SaLuSa 06-August-2012
    The legacy that the dark Ones left in place still creates trouble for you. Actions they set in motion a long time ago still make progress, but no longer have the power or impetus to carry them through. Their greatest drawback has been where their military ambitions were concerned, and we have permanently disabled nuclear weapons which they will be prevented from using. The financial wing of the cabal has also fallen apart, and it will not be allowed to be resurrected in its old format. In fact as fast as they plug one hole another appears elsewhere, and in the end a new system will be the only answer. As the old one falls apart so it is revealing the extent of malpractice and corruption that has taken place for a very long time. So do not worry about the continuing problems, because at a future date not so very far away it will change for the better.

    Also in the future money will not have as much importance as it has done in the past. It will be fairly distributed, and the system of heavy taxes will be vastly altered so that what you earn is only taxed once. Furthermore with free energy that is to be used in many ways to provide your needs, your outgoings will be much less than they are now. The ultimate situation will ensure that all of the energy needed for your heating, lighting, water and cooking will be free, as will a form of public transport. Eventually petroleum based products will no longer be used or required. Clean and economical energy will be available to everyone, thus removing the source of much pollution upon your planet.

    You are getting used to the idea of major changes in your society, and these will not cause the disruption you might imagine. The plans have been very carefully laid out and speed is the essence of everything we are about to do. We know some of you are concerned that we do not have sufficient time to carry out our work, but be assured we are well prepared for any type of situation. The groundwork has already been done, and obstacles such as planning permission or other forms of delay you normally experience, will not interfere with our intentions.

    As time goes by more of you have become open to the idea of working with us, and we welcome such enthusiasm. It has always been our intention that you should for example, be involved in the cleansing of your Earth. There are many areas that are seriously damaged and polluted, and denuded by deforestation. Have no fear about how long it will take, we can help restore them very quickly. In fact we will improve areas beyond that which they were previously, and we know exactly what is required to keep in balance with nature.

    Bear in mind that our Motherships are in some instances many, many miles long and far larger than some of your cities. We carry with us all that we are likely to need, including large fleets of smaller craft for duties within your Earth’s atmosphere. The Motherships that you have often seen are mostly cigar shaped, but there are also ones that are circular. We do not normally come too near to your Earth with our largest craft, as they would cause malfunctions with your own energy systems. However, you will see them way above the atmospheric limits, and certainly an increase in our presence as we will come much closer to you.

    You are getting used to the idea of a great leap forward, which makes it easier to introduce you to new technologies. In most ways they are labor saving, non-polluting and economical to use, and naturally automation will require less input from you. That will leave you with far more time to spend on yourself or pursuing other interests. In other words you will have plenty of leisure time to follow your hobbies, or whatever may continue to expand your knowledge. Since you will be able to travel into the past, present or future, your knowledge will grow very quickly. If you have a sufficiently expanded level of consciousness, you may want to join one of the Federations such as the Galactic Federation of Light.

    Since you are so near to the major changes that you have been advised about, in the meantime there is nothing to worry about. Your future has already been determined and one thing is certain, and it is that the end times are divinely decreed and they will pass accordingly. Nothing is going to alter the end result and it does not matter what occurs in between. As you are beginning to understand, there is no longer the necessity for a catastrophic ending to the cycle. That was only applicable when it seemed evident that Man was trapped in the lower vibrations, and it looked as though there was no way out.

    To your credit you have responded well to attempts to lift you up. Although the dark Ones were increasingly extending their control over you, you took in the Light and awakened to what was happening. Your growth in consciousness attracted even more Light to Earth, and the grid lines around it became renewed and extremely active. Like attracts like and you have become so powerful that you have not just stopped the dark Ones in their tracks, you have achieved victory over them. Soon you shall see them removed and prevented from expanding their web of darkness. There is a lot to do, and we are ready to get the vital cleansing underway. We have kept the damage down, but it is time to complete the work that has already started.

    The dark Ones have been allowed to enact their game plan, but the Light was always going to win. It was just a matter of how well the Lightworkers would respond, as you would often incarnate and be pulled down by the negative energies and forget your life plan. Assistance is always at hand to help you out, but sometimes it is difficult to get through to you. The temptations of the physical levels are inviting and hard to resist, but with experience you can rise above them. In reality no one fails, as you will continue to face the challenges of the lower dimensions until you conquer them.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to still keep your focus on Ascension, as it is what everything is about, and you have spent many, many lives to reach this point. Well done, and well deserved.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.
    Website: Tree of the Golden Light

    -26.078890 27.985670
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 13 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:01 am

    We Are You wrote:SaLuSa 06-August-2012
    The legacy that the dark Ones left in place still creates trouble for you. Actions they set in motion a long time ago still make progress, but no longer have the power or impetus to carry them through. Their greatest drawback has been where their military ambitions were concerned, and we have permanently disabled nuclear weapons which they will be prevented from using. The financial wing of the cabal has also fallen apart, and it will not be allowed to be resurrected in its old format. In fact as fast as they plug one hole another appears elsewhere, and in the end a new system will be the only answer. As the old one falls apart so it is revealing the extent of malpractice and corruption that has taken place for a very long time. So do not worry about the continuing problems, because at a future date not so very far away it will change for the better.

    Also in the future money will not have as much importance as it has done in the past. It will be fairly distributed, and the system of heavy taxes will be vastly altered so that what you earn is only taxed once. Furthermore with free energy that is to be used in many ways to provide your needs, your outgoings will be much less than they are now. The ultimate situation will ensure that all of the energy needed for your heating, lighting, water and cooking will be free, as will a form of public transport. Eventually petroleum based products will no longer be used or required. Clean and economical energy will be available to everyone, thus removing the source of much pollution upon your planet.

    You are getting used to the idea of major changes in your society, and these will not cause the disruption you might imagine. The plans have been very carefully laid out and speed is the essence of everything we are about to do. We know some of you are concerned that we do not have sufficient time to carry out our work, but be assured we are well prepared for any type of situation. The groundwork has already been done, and obstacles such as planning permission or other forms of delay you normally experience, will not interfere with our intentions.

    As time goes by more of you have become open to the idea of working with us, and we welcome such enthusiasm. It has always been our intention that you should for example, be involved in the cleansing of your Earth. There are many areas that are seriously damaged and polluted, and denuded by deforestation. Have no fear about how long it will take, we can help restore them very quickly. In fact we will improve areas beyond that which they were previously, and we know exactly what is required to keep in balance with nature.

    Bear in mind that our Motherships are in some instances many, many miles long and far larger than some of your cities. We carry with us all that we are likely to need, including large fleets of smaller craft for duties within your Earth’s atmosphere. The Motherships that you have often seen are mostly cigar shaped, but there are also ones that are circular. We do not normally come too near to your Earth with our largest craft, as they would cause malfunctions with your own energy systems. However, you will see them way above the atmospheric limits, and certainly an increase in our presence as we will come much closer to you.

    You are getting used to the idea of a great leap forward, which makes it easier to introduce you to new technologies. In most ways they are labor saving, non-polluting and economical to use, and naturally automation will require less input from you. That will leave you with far more time to spend on yourself or pursuing other interests. In other words you will have plenty of leisure time to follow your hobbies, or whatever may continue to expand your knowledge. Since you will be able to travel into the past, present or future, your knowledge will grow very quickly. If you have a sufficiently expanded level of consciousness, you may want to join one of the Federations such as the Galactic Federation of Light.

    Since you are so near to the major changes that you have been advised about, in the meantime there is nothing to worry about. Your future has already been determined and one thing is certain, and it is that the end times are divinely decreed and they will pass accordingly. Nothing is going to alter the end result and it does not matter what occurs in between. As you are beginning to understand, there is no longer the necessity for a catastrophic ending to the cycle. That was only applicable when it seemed evident that Man was trapped in the lower vibrations, and it looked as though there was no way out.

    To your credit you have responded well to attempts to lift you up. Although the dark Ones were increasingly extending their control over you, you took in the Light and awakened to what was happening. Your growth in consciousness attracted even more Light to Earth, and the grid lines around it became renewed and extremely active. Like attracts like and you have become so powerful that you have not just stopped the dark Ones in their tracks, you have achieved victory over them. Soon you shall see them removed and prevented from expanding their web of darkness. There is a lot to do, and we are ready to get the vital cleansing underway. We have kept the damage down, but it is time to complete the work that has already started.

    The dark Ones have been allowed to enact their game plan, but the Light was always going to win. It was just a matter of how well the Lightworkers would respond, as you would often incarnate and be pulled down by the negative energies and forget your life plan. Assistance is always at hand to help you out, but sometimes it is difficult to get through to you. The temptations of the physical levels are inviting and hard to resist, but with experience you can rise above them. In reality no one fails, as you will continue to face the challenges of the lower dimensions until you conquer them.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to still keep your focus on Ascension, as it is what everything is about, and you have spent many, many lives to reach this point. Well done, and well deserved.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.
    Website: Tree of the Golden Light

    -26.078890 27.985670
    On Channeling and Other Adventures, August 5, 2012 – by Tazjimaby tazjima

    This past week has been a difficult one for me in a lot of ways, subtle but still apparent to me with my currently heightened senses. Caution for the reader, if anything that I say upsets you or is in disagreement with your own sense of the world, you are invited to discontinue reading. For some reason, I have become a channeler, not for glory, not to disempower other people, but to express what is currently upwelling from within me.

    This past weekend, I attempted to sign up to a forum that had some interesting information about our ancient ancestors. However, when the forum leader looked up my name (I had given Tazjima as a user name) she quickly found out that I had channeled some material in the recent past. I intended to be respectful of the space on the forum and not present any of my “material” to them, however just the fact that I was a channeler was enough to threatened this individual and she banned me “forever” from the forum. And that happened all in the space of less than an hour, reminding me of just how little privacy there is on the Web. If you don’t want to be known as a channeler, don’t publish your material online; it’s as simple as that. However, I did not write or publish my pieces with the insidious intent to control or prevent other people from accessing their own inner guides, far from it. I do not think that this forum person actually read any of my material. She was just not open to the very idea that there was and still is a continuous off-world influence in our world. She is entitled to her opinion and certainly entitled to ban me from her forum, but I am also entitled to express myself and how I feel, even though it is sure to bring up stuff for other people who are not yet aware of the massive changes afoot on this planet. These changes involve our galactic sisters and brothers to a great degree. They are not here to be our saviors, but only as guides and mentors, to stand by our side as we step into a higher vibrational world. They do this because they have walked through the same scenario. They wish to assist, but cannot carry us through the changes; we have to do the work.

    So, here I am an acknowledged Pleiadian starseed who is just getting used to that piece of information. It explains so much of why I have felt uncomfortable in this modern world with its intensely left-brain domination, male-dominated, competition and power-driven society. So much that is beautiful, peaceful and delicate in this world has been destroyed or is threatened by the noise, pollution and willful destruction of our living environment. As an empath, I feel the distress and worry that other people carry with them in their bodies on a daily basis. It is hardly any wonder that sensitive individuals look to substances to numb themselves from feeling this tension, using tobacco, alcohol and drugs to escape, at least temporarily from what they have been taught is “reality.”

    Far from desiring to disempower others by channeling messages, I would like people to look within themselves and to discover their own power and beauty. I have often been disempowered during this lifetime; I know how it feels in intimate terms. An example of this would be the four years that I spent involved in a New Age church. One thing I want to get straight with myself and my readers, is that when I follow something it is in response to a deeper inner impulse, one I cannot ignore. Call it an inner itch that must get scratched or else. Or else what, who knows, I just know it is a line of experience that something inside desires to undergo. So like a deep sea diver I take a big breath and take the plunge.

    Part of the plunge was leaving my husband. Why would a sensible person leave a perfectly good marriage of six years to move to another part of the state, leave friends and family behind and strike out for unknown adventures? Well, it is hard to explain so I won’t right now. Let it suffice that I was feeling depressed and stifled within my marriage. My husband would not speak to me at any length and never about his feelings. I was growing in ways I could hardly understand and needed to be able to expand at my own rate. Little did I know where this longing would take me but it was farther than I dared to dream.

    About a year after my divorce I was successfully working at a job, but still experiencing an inner discontent. I searched further and discovered a little group of women who had a leader channeling energies. Our “leader” did not channel voices, just energies. We shared our impressions with each other. I was a member of this little group for several months when I noticed a book in the bookcase that had been published by the “I AM” group. Up until this point, I had never heard of these people as I was brought up in a conservative household, with parents who were not very involved in church in general. I asked if I could read the book and took it home. In the book (I don’t remember the title) I read all about the Great White Brotherhood, St. Germaine, and about other ascended masters. And within months of reading that book, I ended up joining a study group of the Church Universal and Triumphant.

    For those of my readers who are associated with this church or any other, I apologize if I bring up things that are uncomfortable for you to read. Again, if you are uncomfortable it may be wise to take yourself somewhere else. I am writing what I experienced from my point of view. I honor the knowledge and wisdom that we live in diversity and that each person is (or should be) allowed to have their own opinion and use of their free will as long as it does not interfere with another person’s freewill.

    So, again with inner urgings pressing at me, I end up attending a four-day Fourth of July celebration at the Malibu headquarters of CUT. I went without having a place to sleep or any fixed plans, but ended up meeting another woman at the airport who was waiting for the same bus. She guided me to a woman who had opened up her house as a crash pad for the duration of the workshop. Apparently it was all meant to be, as I was taken care of, found new friends and enjoyed staying up late to attend the various sessions, including some with dictations from various Ascended Masters and Archangels.

    I was told by my new friends that the first dictation heard would be significant to one’s path. My first dictation was from Archangel Raphael, twin flame of “Mother” Mary, mother of Jesus. As a newbie, I wasn’t allowed into the main sessions until it was time for the dictations; the energies had to be “set” by the more experienced degreers so the Messenger or Mother as Elizabeth Clare Prophet, was called could bring forth the dictation.

    For those of you who are unaware of CUT, it was an organization originally started as a church by Mark Prophet, the first husband of Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Elizabeth took up his mantle when Mark passed away and quickly turned the church into an international affair, with thousands of followers world-wide attending study groups and traveling to the States to partake of these special occasions. It was like a pilgrimage for these people, some of whom would only see the Messenger on this occasion after hearing her voice on countless tapes and published in the weekly “Pearls of Wisdom.”

    The degrees that I mentioned briefly were originally written by Mark Prophet and were designed to fit the various “rays” responding to the seven main chakras of the human body. The CUT set up their own version of the colors of the rays, moving from the traditional Hindu and metaphysical presentation of: red (base chakra); orange (sacral or sex chakra); yellow (solar plexus); green (heart); blue (throat); indigo (third eye or pineal gland) and; purple (crown). You know I can’t even remember the colors associated to the chakras by CUT, but I’m sure you can look them up on their website or books. Anyway, the organization seemed intent on assimilating ideas from an assortment of spiritual philosophies, much to the chagrin of the original followers of Mark Prophet, who had come from a more evangelical Christian background.

    At any rate, I ended up living on the Grand Tieton Ranch, which became the new headquarters of the Church some six months or so after my arrival there. At first I was waiting for the new facilities of the teaching arm of the church, Summit University, to be built. While waiting, I was put to work in the construction office since I had some secretarial background. By the following winter, Summit University was fully functional. I attended the first class ever held in Montana, held in a large barn-like building, complete with stage and seating for hundreds of followers.

    Living at headquarters was difficult for me. We were expected to participate in daily degree sessions that started in the morning at 6 a.m. before breakfast and then again, after dinner in the evening. Days were occupied at doing some kind of work for the Ranch, whether it be chopping vegetables, working in a greenhouse, running cattle, working on cars, typing for the Messenger, or like me, working in an office. The Messenger had a whole building filled with researchers and editors who gathered information for Elizabeth to use in her various presentations.

    Our life at the Ranch was controlled through the schedule (hectic), the work (lots), the pay (I didn’t get paid, I was a volunteer), the degree sessions (daily 2 to 3x) and free time (a couple of hours on Sunday before dinner and degrees). Members of the church were encouraged not to communicate with their family or friends outside the Church. Requests to travel outside church grounds were directed to and approved by (or not) the Messenger. Anything having to do with the running of the Church and its publishing arm, Summit Lighthouse, was run by the Messenger and her board of trustees, including several of her immediate family members.

    In short, most people from the outside looking in would consider the Church Universal and Triumphant to be a cult. There was a lot of friction between the Church and the local community in surrounding counties affected by the relocation of headquarters and Summit Lighthouse to small Montana communities. The influx of large numbers of outsiders and ones who purported to listen to a “channeler” were disturbing and disruptive to the local people. The Church dismissed these controversies as being an “us versus them” scenario. In fact, we were encouraged to take sides with the Church on all issues including political ones. Degrees sessions were designed to “attack” our attackers. Looking back I can see it really was a misuse of energy to do so.

    I went to two quarters of Summit University, graduating in June. Then I was put to work (again) working in the editing office, basically doing polishing up on old dictation texts so they could be eventually published. After a month or so of this, I requested a place on staff, which would have given me permanent status at the Ranch. The secretary for the Messenger notified me in September that I was refused a position on staff. When the word got around I suddenly became a persona non grata, a person without standing or right to remain on the grounds. So I left one morning in mid-September, a morning when smoke still lingered in the mountains from the recent Yellowstone fires that had been raging in the area for the past couple of months. What was I to do? The only ones I could turn to in the immediate future were my parents.

    So I left the Church physically, but could not entirely cut
    free of my ties to it for other two and half years. It was my health, finally, that forced me to take steps to leave the Church, that and a persistent inner awareness that I didn’t buy into everything that the Church was selling. The whole incident of the fallout shelters went miles to helping me cut free once I understood the level of paranoia that Elizabeth was preaching to her followers. You see, we were supposed to have experienced an atomic bomb attack in 1988, in the United States. It is not that such a thing was impossible; after all, the powers that be have been attempting to outplay that very scenario for years. It is just that I no longer wanted to be a part of such negative thinking and that my health was really deteriorating rapidly.

    In the spring of 1988, I left Montana for the last time, although I did not realize it at the time. I thought I was going to Seattle to stay for the summer, get a temporary job, save some money and then go back to Montana to do what, I wasn’t sure of at that moment. However, when I arrived in Seattle, it was evident that I was very sick. I was still fighting a virus that weakened my immune system and had lost quite a bit of weight. From a healthy 135#, I was down to 113#, a good weight for a young starving model or ballerina, but not for me a woman fast approaching middle age. After a while I decided not to go back and found myself in the midst of peeling away layers of conditioning that I didn’t realize I had taken on while involved in the Church. It was quite a painful process, but I was determined to free myself and did so mercilessly.

    Now what does this story have to do with channeling you might ask. Well, despite what the Church claimed, Elizabeth Clare Prophet was a channeler. Her “dictations” came from sources outside of herself colored by her very specific mindset and presented as messages from Ascended Masters and Angelic beings. She claimed to be the Messenger of the New Age, like Jesus had been the Messenger of the Piscean Age. In the end, she became just another sad burnt out person used by entities to get their message and agenda out, to keep the followers in fear and the outer community outraged. In short, confusion and division was sown into the Lightbearers. These were and are good people from all walks of life. Many left the Church during the late 1980’s as a result of losing everything since they put all their belief in what another person had to say, without reservation, sincerely believing that in the process they were serving God and their own ascension.

    I would like to say that as a new channeler, my message is pure, but I cannot quarantee that it is so I humbly request that all readers of said messages, my own and others, use their individual God-given senses to determine whether or not the information resonates with you or not. If not, leave it. Perhaps it will resonate with you at a later time. However, at no time give up your power to another by living for each message and following what is said there. Consult your own inner wisdom, whether in the form of guides, your intuition or whatever, to make the determination whether or not the information is “yours”. Then make it yours to the degree that it assists you in learning more about yourself and your world. Our world is currently undergoing tremendous change. Personally I have discovered a few very clear channelers whose material has helped me sort out what is happening. I do not base my personal decisions on what is read in these messages. I will not go out and sell my house or quit work because of what a message says. If any fear arises with reading a message, I immediately leave it. Perhaps I have internal issues to work on, perhaps the message is part of an agenda. However, I no longer allow myself to be driven by fear, but step aside and let the fear message go by. I choose not to react to such material any more. Instead I am determined to release my remaining fears and to move on towards Ascension, one step at a time. The newly acquired “talent” of channeling is a part of that move, as I am opening up to a greater part of myself. It has taken great personal courage to publish my channeled and other written material online. I know that I can expect many people to still retain suspicion and even hostility towards a so-called channeler; I did so once myself. However, to stop channeling and writing would also deny a creative part of myself that wants to share with others who are also in the process of waking up from a long slumber. My descriptions of my journey can, I hope, help others to realize that they are not alone in their struggles. They are not alone, ever.

    By the way, I have yet to receive a message from an Ascended Master or at least someone who has identified him/herself as such. I have been somewhat suspicious of the Ascended Masters for a long time following my experiences at CUT. If they wish to speak to me or through me, they are exercising great restraint. I will not be a tool for an agenda that wishes to take the power away from anyone. I have experienced disempowerment in the preceding “in your face” manner that most people do not experience in their lives. It made an impression on me and to this day, I will not join a church. For myself, I would rather communicate with “God” on my own, without a Messenger. I do appreciate and read the messages that come through others, but I know that they are not a substitute for establishing my own inner connections and doing my own clearing work. We each have to be responsible for ourselves and to live in integrity with those around us. Wayshower or not, starseed or not, I am a member of a community of men and women who are currently undergoing great changes in their lives, impacted by the greater changes the world is going through. I will, hopefully, hold my ground and act as a beacon of light for those who need a bit of calming influence that I can give by just being there. Most of them do not know that I have started to channel messages and so it will stay. It is not for me to influence their rate of growth or to determine their life path. Each one of us has to make our own decisions and bide by them; that is what mastery and being an adult person is all about.

    tazjima | August 6, 2012 at 01:03 | Categories: Contributions, Writings | URL:

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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:30 am

    Montague Keen 8-5-12…”You Are on the Last Leg of the Journey Home”by kauilapele

    Tonight I don't have much to add to Monty's message. However, I will remind all of you that, thanks to msarroz, we have a link to a pdf of copy of the book, "Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs." (alternative link, here). Monty has mentioned this book in several other messages.


    You have been deliberately taught the opposite of what is true. This applies to everything from birth to death.
    We have plans to introduce you to natural methods of producing food, pure water and clean air to breathe.
    London is at the centre of the decision-making at the moment. There is dissent among those who planned the total takeover of your world... One or two are running scared because many of you have woken up and are prepared to refuse to comply.
    The bottom line is, they have no respect for you and yours. They see you as inferior to them... They have created a make-believe world.
    Hollywood was used to instill the myth to fool you into accepting a false sense of security.
    The whole world needs to be assured that never again will one group of people or families rule over mankind again. Peace and justice and a sharing of knowledge will be the order of the day.
    You are on the last leg of the journey home... It is an amazing time to be on Earth. The future of your planet is in your hands.
    War and the Vatican have destroyed so many of Earth's stargates to prevent connection with the world of spirit and other planets.
    Your planet is about to take a giant leap into the future. 2012 was ordained to be the year that the corrupt would be removed and the light of peace and justice would take over to create a future where all men are equal.
    We are doing everything possible to make the Transition as easy, pleasurable, and exciting as possible.
    The corruption in banking will soon be forgotten. It will never be allowed to happen again, as money will not exist. Other planets happily exist without money. It is just another control mechanism.
    Everybody's health will miraculously improve when all the poisons are removed from your food, air, and water. Your governments deliberately poison your water supply.
    Be assured, you are not alone. So many are gathered to guide you through the Transition to a higher dimension.

    Montague’s Message for Sunday, 5th August 2012


    These words really resonated with you, my dear. I have always said that nothing is as it seems. You have been deliberately taught the opposite of what is true. This applies to everything from birth to death. You have been lied to. You must now take responsibility for your own lives. Always go with what is natural and pure. It will not harm you.

    We have plans to introduce you to natural methods of producing food, pure water and clean air to breathe. Our work to rescue mankind is a big undertaking. We are confident that we can do it, once everything is out in the open and people have awakened from their hypnotic state. As soon as you have full consciousness you cannot be lied to or kept in false belief systems.

    London is at the centre of the decision-making at the moment. There is dissent among those who planned the total takeover of your world - The New World Order. One or two are running scared because many of you have woken up and are prepared to refuse to comply. They saw the London Olympics as the perfect scenario for their dramatic takeover. It would also have provided them with a perfect opportunity to remove a large number of you from the Earth. They planned to use the fear that this would create, to force you to accept their plans to take over your planet. You need to give this some serious thought and prepare to support each other. These people have been lying to you for 2000 years. They are experts in manipulation. Look where their promises have got you in the past. It is obvious that they are not to be trusted, ever. They work with entities that would horrify you if you ever encountered them. The bottom line is, they have no respect for you and yours. They see you as inferior to them. I know that they produce fine words and promises when required, but you know in your soul that you cannot trust them. They have created a make-believe world. Hollywood was used to instill the myth to fool you into accepting a false sense of security.

    There are some who have had the foresight to prepare for the future after the Transition. Veronica talked with one such man this week. He has graciously agreed to be interviewed by her. She will then connect you with his amazing work. The whole world needs to be assured that never again will one group of people or families rule over mankind again. Peace and justice and a sharing of knowledge will be the order of the day. Man will never again live on a Prison Planet. You are on the last leg of the journey home. Then you will view your planet with eyes not restricted by religion or politics. You will come to know your fellow beings from other planets. You will also enjoy getting to know all that was kept hidden from you. A time of enlightenment awaits you. So much to learn, so much to explore. It is an amazing time to be on Earth. The future of your planet is in your hands.

    War and the Vatican have destroyed so many of Earth's stargates to prevent connection with the world of spirit and other planets. Serious thought will have to be given to the restoration of these stargates, the holy wells and sacred places. The Cabal set out to cut your connection with the universe and even other countries on Earth. There is destruction of ancient artifacts when armies invade countries, as they are instructed to destroy everything that might be ancient. This is a crime against humanity. "We were only following orders" will not be accepted as an excuse. They will be made to realise the enormity of their crime. Everyone is responsible for their actions. You must respect others and their history. Reach out to those who have been brutally abused by your corrupt system.

    Your planet is about to take a giant leap into the future. 2012 was ordained to be the year that the corrupt would be removed and the light of peace and justice would take over to create a future where all men are equal. It will be like stepping out of the dark into the sunshine. Other planets are preparing to be there for you. They will provide whatever assistance you require to help you adjust to your new way of life. They will assist in setting up the centres that will supply whatever guidance or assistance is required to help you in your new life. These centres will be worldwide and have been carefully planned on this side of life. We are doing everything possible to make the Transition as easy, pleasurable, and exciting as possible. Look to the future and leave all the injustices of the recent past in the past as they have no place in your future. It is when you look at ancient times that you learn the truth: who you are, and why your country was a threat to the Cabal; why they destroyed it to prevent ancient knowledge from coming to light, such as recently in Iraq. You are all citizens of planet Earth. There are no second rate citizens. The corruption in banking will soon be forgotten. It will never be allowed to happen again, as money will not exist. Other planets happily exist without money. It is just another control mechanism. Everybody's health will miraculously improve when all the poisons are removed from your food, air, and water. Your governments deliberately poison your water supply. This is a crime against humanity and it must be stopped. Ask what are their real reasons for doing this, and demand honest answers. Ask why are you expected to pay them to poison you. You deserve to know why !

    Be assured, you are not alone. So many are gathered to guide you through the Transition to a higher dimension. See it as a great adventure to a new life where peace reigns. Love, not fear, will shine in the eyes of your fellow man. It is time to take back your power. You have a golden future ahead of you. Relax and enjoy the journey to it.

    These are busy times for you, my love. I help as much as I am able to. I will never leave you. Your adoring, Monty.

    kauilapele | 2012/08/05 at 23:03 | Tags: montague keen, Veronica Keen | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, channeling, chaos, disclosure, earth changes, energies, new energies, prosperity package, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
    “The Creature from Jekyll Island”… PDF version…by kauilapele

    This came from the last Poofness post. This is how the Federal Reserve system got started. I just wanted to post it by itself here, in case you missed it. Some of you may wish to download it and read. Click below.

    "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by Edward Griffin
    Alternative link (pdf stored at Kp storage area) book link
    kauilapele | 2012/08/05 at 23:21 | Tags: Federal Reserve, The Creature from Jekyll Island | Categories: apocalypse, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:41 am

    Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
    2012 August 6
    Posted by Vina

    Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

    By DL Zeta - August 4, 2012

    We are in an amazing time filled with new potentials that offer each person the possibility to experience their highest visions and gift the world with amazing new ideas, innovations, works of art and discoveries. The key to living along timelines where our highest and best exists is to unite our physical and energetic selves.

    As we become one within ourselves, we’re able to unite with the gifts and talents we have cultivated throughout the history of our soul. Cultivating inner oneness allows us to do all this and more.

    The greatest challenges we face are those that arise from a state of inner separation. This is what happens when we choose to see ourselves solely as a physical being. When we limit our experience to only that which we can observe with our physical senses, we cut ourselves off from a great amount of the assistance we would otherwise receive from our energetic self.

    It is through the union of our physical and energetic selves that we’re able to access fifth-dimensional timelines aligned with our highest visions and dreams.

    Unifying the Physical and the Energetic Bodies

    We have a physical body we’re able to observe through our five senses. Working in conjunction with the physical level is our energetic body which exists beyond the physical. Our energetic self is not confined to the boundaries of time and space. It is able to ride waves of energy and pick up the vibration of realities crystalyzing in our near future.

    Our energy body can access portals and time openings, receive and send information to and from the vast libraries of all-time and all-knowing. This information and assistance can be used to restore balance to all levels of our being.

    Dream States help Assimilate Universal Knowledge

    Once our energy body brings us what is needed, this information is assimilated in various ways, including dream states and deep levels of meditation. As we allow ourselves to put these understandings to use in our daily lives, we’re able to restore balance at all levels of our being. When we restore balance in this way, we’re able to bring about healing and regeneration of our physical system.

    Universal knowledge accessed by our energetic self helps us heal emotional wounds and unite with talents and abilities from past and future life selves. It allows us to experience deeper levels of self-realization in this lifetime. One lifetime fully realized has the power to entrain past and future life selves to their highest potentials and set us on the path of ascension.

    We are More than our Physical Selves

    Keys to unifying our physical and energetic bodies is to accept that we are more than our physical selves. This sounds simple but throughout time people have set intentions that effectively closed them off from receiving the blessings derived from the unification of these aspects of themselves.

    Thought Viruses Seek to Conquer and Divide

    Those divided within themselves are easy to control and enslave. When a person is shut off from receiving assistance and understanding from their energetic self, they are disempowered, their energy easily preyed upon. This leaves them subject to scarcity, struggle, suffering, disease and death.

    Thought viruses are passed from one person to another. They are encoded into certain belief systems in much the same way that viruses are encoded into computer programs. When our physical and energetic selves work together, we are able to see through the thought viruses we encounter. We can be grateful for thought viruses because they provide us with important feedback as to where we’re at with inner unification.

    Intention Filters Block the Union of the Physical and Energetic Bodies

    Our energetic self is always going out, bringing us what we need to carry out our mission here. It always brings us everything we ask for at the moment we ask for it. If we are not receiving the things we ask for, we can examine if we’re blocking ourselves from receiving the love, information, abundance, assistance and resources we’re asking for.

    Some people limit their receptivity through beliefs about what they feel they deserve or don’t deserve. Some people limit their receiving capability due to unhealed or unresolved emotions. There’s an array of filters a person might place on their existence, each tied to a wound, intention or limiting belief that serves as a filter for their experience. Ironically, these filters block the very things that empower and enrich experience.

    As we observe our own consciousness and bring awareness to any filters we’re placing on our potentials, we’re able to burn through anything that stands between our physical and energetic selves and the magical synchronicities that are the natural result of these two aspects of ourselves working together in perfect peace and harmony.
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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:06 am

    Recent COBRA Interviews on, 7-20-12 and 7-30-12… MP3s
    Posted on 2012/08/06

    Cobra just came out with a new post (which I intend to put up here as soon as I finish with this). So I felt these would fit in well here.

    I listened to most of the first and second interviews of Cobra, by Debra Ariel Peach (spelling?) and recorded the Cobra portions. There are many topics covered in the second interview, which included “The Event”, the James Holmes incident and mind control, and how the Illuminati like to use coded words, like Aurora, in their dark ops. He also discusses how symbols used for dark purposes may be converted to Light purpose, using the example of Federal Reserve notes (this particular part is at about 1:18 of the 7-30-12 interview).

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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:19 am

    out this Blog
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    Blog “How to”
    Cobra Update 8-5-12…”Window of Opportunity 2″
    Posted on 2012/08/06

    [Kp note: this posted at 1:11 AM HST] So here is the latest Cobra update. For myself, I found that this update resonated quite strongly, as did his recent interviews with ShiftIsHappeningTV.

    I also add text from a comment by LöncsVezér, which explains some of the cryptics here.


    Window of Opportunity 2

    Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.

    This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet. However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that – a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.

    It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.

    Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here:

    Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high.

    This is one possible model how things could develop:

    Click to Enlarge


    Comment by LöncsVezér:

    …I thought you might be interested in some explanations of concepts I received from Cobra earlier in a private message and he told me now it’s no problem to include them here:

    The explanations:
    linear phasar flow=flow of light that does not oscillate, goes directly
    dimensional translation system= a system that translates information between various dimensions
    AN conversion= a stargate technology that is based on direct transmission of energy
    nonlinear phasar thrust inversion/conversion=oscillating flow of light that crosses dimensions and at the dimensional threshold gets turned inside out
    electric surge into a Earth light body=a flash of Light from the galactic central sun that will surge through Earth at the time of the First Contact
    Cosmic Syncronization=planet Earth gets aligned with the rest of the Galaxy and the Universe with its vibrational frequency
    Tachyonic alignment=tachyons become information carrier particles instead of photons

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    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:44 am

    We Are You wrote:out this Blog
    KP YouTube
    KP Music
    Blog “How to”
    Cobra Update 8-5-12…”Window of Opportunity 2″
    Posted on 2012/08/06

    [Kp note: this posted at 1:11 AM HST] So here is the latest Cobra update. For myself, I found that this update resonated quite strongly, as did his recent interviews with ShiftIsHappeningTV.

    I also add text from a comment by LöncsVezér, which explains some of the cryptics here.


    Window of Opportunity 2

    Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.

    This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet. However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that – a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.

    It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.

    Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here:

    Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high.

    This is one possible model how things could develop:

    Click to Enlarge


    Comment by LöncsVezér:

    …I thought you might be interested in some explanations of concepts I received from Cobra earlier in a private message and he told me now it’s no problem to include them here:

    The explanations:
    linear phasar flow=flow of light that does not oscillate, goes directly
    dimensional translation system= a system that translates information between various dimensions
    AN conversion= a stargate technology that is based on direct transmission of energy
    nonlinear phasar thrust inversion/conversion=oscillating flow of light that crosses dimensions and at the dimensional threshold gets turned inside out
    electric surge into a Earth light body=a flash of Light from the galactic central sun that will surge through Earth at the time of the First Contact
    Cosmic Syncronization=planet Earth gets aligned with the rest of the Galaxy and the Universe with its vibrational frequency
    Tachyonic alignment=tachyons become information carrier particles instead of photons

    Interesting Date: 11/22/2012 could also be deciphered as 11+22+5 = 11+9 = 11 at 11:11

    President Kennedy died on November 22nd.. Gateway for the Dead to Live again?

    I've always been fascinated by 11:11.. I've been seeing 11:11 since 1997..

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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:53 am

    Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene on Heavenly Blessings, August 2, 2012
    2012 August 6
    tags: Jesus Sananda, Mary Magdalene
    Posted by sage

    Heavenly Blessings 08-02-12 Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene

    sage: This is the second week of the new call-in feature and the response has been wonderfully overwhelming. Not everyone was able to get on the air to ask their question as there was well over 100 people calling in and 15 on standby in the studio, but Graham and Linda hope this will not deter callers in the future. They ask everyone to please continue to call in and they will do their best to get as many on air as possible.

    Jesus Sananda/Yeshua and Mary Magdalene spoke about, not only holding on and maintaining higher vibrations and frequencies while letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns but also, how to remain in the higher vibrations of 5th, 6th or 7th dimension while still having dealings in/with the 3rd. One very important and obvious method they mentioned is to maintain your joy and your intention of joy, however difficult it may be at times.

    [The transcript has been edited to remove the meditation instructions and similar matters. In order to maintain flow, conversations with Jesus Sananda/Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are grouped together at the beginning and the conversations with callers are grouped next.]
    Heavenly Blessings 08-02-12 Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene

    Graham Dewyea: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guests today are Jesus Sananda/Jeshua and Mary Magdalene. Our topic is about holding on and maintaining higher vibrations and frequencies while letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns.

    LD: Well, you know, the only comment I would make about the theme for tonight is really it’s a continuation of what we have been talking about over the last couple of weeks and really over the course of months, but in the last couple of weeks with St. Germaine. And it’s how do you begin to live and anchor in the 5th or 6th or 7th dimension and maintain that vibration while still living or dealing or reaching down into the 3rd? And I know that one of the things that I’ve been writing about and commenting on in the last little while is this issue really of revisiting of letting go of old paradigms. And the one that seems to be up for grabs at the moment is control.

    And that’s, you can’t isolate one of these paradigms and say “OK, now we’re going to work on this” because as soon as you work at control you are also working on trust and letting go of greed and fear and frustration and lack. So it will be interesting to see what Mary Magdalene and Yeshua have to share with us because they lived in human bodies, they had that human experience and they know what it’s like.

    GD: Very appropriate guests to share some perspective and some insight and help us with this journey. So I’m looking forward to it for sure.

    Jesus Sananda/Yeshua: Greetings, I AM Yeshua.

    GD: Greetings. Hello.

    JS/Y: Welcome. Mary and I welcome you this night and it is my pleasure, my honor to address you and to speak to your hearts about this matter of maintaining vibration, of going forward in your sacred journey and each of your journeys is different, unique, magnificent and yet at the same time a piece, a small puzzle piece, of the bigger unified whole.

    The thing I note about so many of you, my friends, is you worry about this mission; you worry about this mission night and day and in-between. Am I doing it right? Am I letting anyone down? Have I fulfilled my purpose? Am I on track? I do not hear you say “Am I having fun? Do I feel loved? Do I love? Do I feel the connection to my family above and below?” No, not simply your star brothers and sisters but us as well for we are part of your family, we always have been.

    One of the ways, one of the surefire ways to maintain your highest vibration is to simply remind yourself, not only that you are not alone, but that you are wholly and completely, without any exception, loved. I know we have given you many tools and I could sit here, we could sit here and we could talk about prayer, ritual, meditation, we could talk about the esoteric studies, but what we wanted to do tonight is to reach in and touch your heart because during this time of Transition, during this time of such massive change and yes, during this time when many old issues that you thought you put to bed ages ago are coming to the forefront. And that can be nervous making, anxiety provoking and fearful.

    So Mary and I want to touch your hearts and reassure you how deeply you are loved because nothing, nothing maintains the highest vibration in the universe other than feeling and being, accepting and acknowledging love.

    If I have ever had one message to each of you, it is that ‘you are love’, it is the molecular structure of your being, the subatomic fibers of who you are, the light quotient, it is not something that disappears, it is not something that can ever be taken from you, it is the core, the essence, the spark of you, unique and beautiful.

    I wish to share a couple of ideas and methods of how my Magdalena and I would maintain clarity. Let us use the word clarity and love in exchange for high vibration because as we speak you may notice it makes it easier and it perhaps makes more sense to you.

    One of the things we did and it sounds trite perhaps, but we stuck together and when I say that I mean that we spent our time with like-minded, like-hearted, like-believers. Yes, the disciples, the apostles, the many followers and friends and that group grew exponentially every day. We would spend time with family, with those who knew our truth and who loved and accepted us for who we are, who we were and who we are.

    If you are not fortunate enough to have family that understands the fullness of your mission and purpose and who you are, we still suggest, unless it is very chaotic, that you still take time to be with them whether it is electronically, on the phone, or in person because these people know you and they love you. They may not know the truth of everything but even by being with them you are changing their vibration. There is no being that did not come into a family with a soul agreement.

    Now many of these soul agreements have been violated, I understand that, but if it is possible it is reinforcing, it is like entrainment when you spend time, whether it is work time, play time, free time with those who are like-hearted, like-minded, who are on the same journey, it reinforces you. It gives you permission to be yourself.

    Then when we would walk out to do the work that I had chosen, for which I volunteered and yes been selected, one of the things we would do, would be to assess it beforehand. Will this be reinforcing? Will this group that we meet with, will it be resistant? Do they believe in love? Do they believe in what I have to share? If the answer was ‘yes’ we would plunge right in but when the answer was ‘no’ we would do a great deal of preparatory work. We would have soul conversations, we would send energy, we would ask the Mighty Ones to surround not only us but them as well, we would use the tools at our disposal, we would prepare the way.

    Another thing we would do would be to create time for our sacred self and yes to do whatever we felt like doing; and sometimes it was nothing except staring at the sky, playing with the baby, sitting quietly, sharing tea, sometimes it would be rich, deep, philosophical discussion questioning to open our hearts and our minds even further to bring that communion of all parts of ourselves. That is the gift of sacred union, of having one that you can truly share your hopes, your fears, your concerns, your dreams with.

    Yes I know not all of you have been blessed in this way but I do tell you that most of you have come with the intention and therefore the plan to have this experience of love. The sharing, the community, whether it is a community of thousands, community of twelve, or a community of two, it is community and unity that helps to maintain the vibration. It is that sense of common mission, of being united in purpose and belief and knowing. But I do not wish to take up all the time. Where do you wish to begin today?

    GD: Well thank you Jesus for coming to speak with us and thank you for your words of wisdom and your guidance. I’m resonating with something that you said at the beginning of what you are sharing and that’s this idea of having fun and enjoying the journey and that’s something that I’ve been thinking about for my own journey, in fact I write a little list every day and on that list there are practical things that help me accomplish things that I want to do.

    But there are also some key things that I focus on and one thing I write down is: what brings me joy today? Follow, do something that brings my joy today and it might be taking a walk, it might be like you said, looking up at the sky, it might be taking a bubble bath, just something that will bring me joy. And it might be connecting with a good friend or reading an inspirational post or something and the other thing, and this is getting back to this idea of maintaining a high vibration, I think it takes practice, at least for me.

    When we’re experiencing this 3D realm and illusion, for me it’s important for me to continue to put out that I choose love and joy and high vibes and to be that and to master my energy and to be present and mindful of how I am as I walk in the world. So I really resonate with everything that you’re sharing and I just want to share and perhaps this is helpful for others, that I think it takes practice and it takes being mindful and it takes being present and it takes dedication.

    JS/Y: Yes it does. It is not what you, or most of you have been trained to do and it is a shift also in your planetary humanness that you are becoming conscious of choosing joy, of choosing heart, of choosing love. And the way in which many of you have been trained, brought up, however you think of that, educated even, they did not put choosing joy front and center. And that is really unsatisfactory.

    So yes it requires diligence, it requires practice, the same way that most things require practice. Many of you are just beginning to learn, or remember, how to communicate with your hearts, to be honest and truthful and trusting and hopeful with disclosing what is in your heart.

    GD: Wise words, wise words indeed.

    Mary Magdalene: I AM the Magdalena.

    GD: Hello and welcome.

    MM: Welcome, welcome my beloved friends, fellow journeyers, fellow travelers, my soul family. And yes I wish to speak to this issue of control because dear hearts, what do you really have control of other than your heart, other than your very being? And sometimes you must even wonder if that is up for grabs.

    When I engaged with my beloved Yeshua, when we chose to go forward in sacred union we knew of many of the trials and tribulations that would be faced. But none of that outweighed the love and the rightness of sharing that love and not only sharing that love with each other but with our families, with our circle, with our communities. And there were many efforts external to us that attempted to control both my actions, my behaviors, my beliefs and certainly those of Yeshua’s and efforts to control how we proceeded.

    We did not see this as offensive, often the advice, the desires to have us adhere one way or the other was based in love and concern. But what did we do? We listened to our hearts, each of us were given the gift of enormous clarity and foresight, of knowing the path that lay ahead and behind. That is not what we focused on and it is not what I encourage each of you my friends to focus on.

    Yes it is important to hold intention of outcome but you cannot live completely focused on outcome because then you lose the joy of now. And it is the joy of now, it is the love that you share in this very moment as you are sitting there listening with me. It is this now that will sustain you. It is the joy that you choose each and every day that will feed and grow you and fortify what you think of as your vibration. It is your decision to say “I will not allow those ridiculous paradigms of the old way to hold me back.”

    It is a warrior’s stance and it is a peaceful stance and it is an individual decision and in that individual decision you make yourself known but you also stand with billions. Do not let any situation, any hardship, any illusion rob you of your joy of now, of the sweetness of a child’s smile, of a drop of dew on a leaf, of a starry sky, of reaching out to somebody who needs to know they are loved and of letting someone know that you need to hear those tender words.

    It does not mean simply intimate relationships, for what does that mean anyway? All relationships are intimate and sacred, yes each in a different way, each equally precious, even the relationship with those that you think distain you, do not agree with you, would betray you. These are sacred and intimate, perhaps even more so because they give you the opportunity, yes Graham, to practice love and to hold that vibration no matter what.

    It is a statement that you cannot be interfered with, that no matter what the thoughts, the rumors, the allegations, the mythologies, you are love and that is the beginning and that is the end. And it is not in the future, it is not in the past, it is in your very breath of now. Thank you.

    GD: Oh thank you. Such wise, wonderful words. I’m hearing your invitation and the emphasis that the joy is in the now and seek the joy in the present moment and choose joy each and every day. And that’s certainly something that we can do to assist with our own and in keeping our own vibrations high and you spoke of love and you spoke of all relationships as intimate and sacred and here we have this wonderful opportunity with you and Jesus here with us today.

    And I’m thinking about the old way, in at least the western society where in the United States we have a divorce rate that exceeds 50% and clearly relationships are evolving and changing as we go into a new paradigm, but please give us a vision, please give us a sense and it doesn’t have to be intimate love as you pointed out, but tell us what love in relationship looks like and feels like in the higher dimension.

    MM: It feels and looks like everything you have dreamed of. It is excitement. Do you really think what you would translate as the heart racing and jumping, that excitement of being so deeply connected and in that is acceptance and I would suggest that is one of the reasons why your divorce rates are so high. You have never gotten to that bedrock of acceptance, because inside acceptance is also the knowing of your beloved spark of divinity. So you accept them wholly and completely.

    Now I am not suggesting to you that there are not moments when Yeshua and I would look at each other and the sparks would fly; but it is acceptance that knowing even if there are moments where your viewpoint is different, that doesn’t change the love that you have for that person. It cannot be changed, it is unalterable, it is bedrock and in that is surrender to one another, that wonderful embrace of knowing that you are cherished for not just the good, not just what presents, but for all of your being.

    And in that surrender and acceptance is an honoring, a deep respect that says ‘I will respect you, I will protect you, I will have your back no matter what. I may not agree with you but I trust your heart, I trust your wisdom and I will follow you as you will follow me and if it means separation at times and letting go, then I will honor that, I will be strong enough.’ It is elation that there is a bond that can never be severed.

    We have spoken to you, Michael has spoken to you a great deal about cords and there are most cords that need to be severed to free you so that as you choose love and joy you are not corded. But then there is a different level of bond that is so deep and so profound that it will never be severed. So for example, your connection to Mother/Father/One, that is never broken, that is the downfall, the illusion that has created the old 3rd.

    But there are bonds of love, of relationship and I don’t just mean with your beloved, I mean in friendships that are so honored and so deep that it is like sisterhood and brotherhood. There are children that you love, that you will never, ever let down or betray, that you would die for.

    It is that sense of unity and I use the word unity, not completion, but complement that you are truly united, that it isn’t one heart anymore, that every choice, every decision from where you choose to live, to what you choose to eat, to what you choose to pursue as your sacred work or your daily work, they are all from this place of united heart because it is inseparable. I cannot simply feel for my joy without taking into consideration yours. That is the unity consciousness, that is where Yeshua and I live and it is where we invite you to live with us.

    GD: That’s such a beautiful vision and I have yet to experience that fully myself in this 3D experience and to know that’s where we’re headed in the new paradigm, especially as we realize, the collective realizes that we are connected, that we are from the same source, that we are indeed brothers and sisters and connected in a very deep way.

    I’m envisioning how that is, how we are with our neighbors, how we are with our families, how we are with our children, how we are with everyone and certainly how we are with intimate partners should we choose to go that route.

    I really appreciate you speaking to that, that’s just so lovely I think it’s important to hold, to talk about, the vision so that we have something that we can shoot for. Thank you so much. Linda, is there anything else you’d like to add as we wrap up the show, or Jesus or Mary?

    LD: Oh my goodness, I can’t believe we’re already at that point of wrapping things up. You know to be in the presence of the Magdalena and Jesus and to be reminded about choosing love and you know she was talking to me even as you were speaking, because she was saying “When you do that there is a lot of laughter, there’s a lot of giggles, there’s a lot of smiles.”

    You know love, we tend to take our work so seriously, because we’re committed, because we care, but we have to take time too for the laughter, for the play, like you said Graham. And what she’s reminding us of tonight, what I’m really hearing through the layers of her beautiful energy is that so many of us are focused December 21, 2012 even though the Council keeps saying “Ascension isn’t about a date or a line in the sand”; what they’re saying is we’re creating the Ascension, we’re creating the Shift every single moment of every day when we choose joy. We’re being the Shift.

    GD: And be it now, continuously, every moment.

    LD: Yeah. Consciously, this is about conscious, in our body. You know as lightworkers we have drifted and drifted but this is about getting it into our bones.

    GD: And for those of us who are awakened to this new paradigm, where we’re headed, and a new way of being, a different way of being, a more evolved way of being, a place where the theme is peace and love. I just want to acknowledge that it can be challenging and we can forget, we can mess up in the moment when we may be confronted, I’ll speak for myself, when I’m confronted with a very challenging, tense, provoking situation and I think it’s important to extend forgiveness to ourselves when we might not get it exactly right; ‘shoot I could have said that differently’ or ‘I could have been differently’ and not beat ourselves up over that so I come right back around to what we’ve talked about on this show before and that’s forgiveness and we’re all learning and we’re creating and we’re actually creating something new that hasn’t quite been done before.

    And if we can do all of that and then bring us right back into a place of joy, whatever that is and it could be a challenging moment, it could be maybe a fight with a spouse or a child or maybe you had a little car wreck or financial issues, that we can be mindful, be in the moment, be present, and I’m just echoing everything that’s already been said tonight and then do something that will put us in a state of joy, in a state of high vibration, do something for us as a gift to us individually but also to those around us and to the world because that energy just grows and grows and grows.

    LD: And that’s what they keep saying is when you catch yourself, laugh, just stop yourself. The picture they keep giving me, you know there’s that ad on TV where the guy smacks his forehead, he says “I could have had a V8?” That’s the image they keep showing me, smacking your forehead and laughing and thinking ‘oh my god, here I go again’ and just laughing. And as soon as you laugh the vibration changes and you forgive yourself, you’re having compassion for yourself and you get right back on track.


    GD: I want to be able to get to our callers but before we do that I’d like to bring on Suzanne. Suzanne Maresca has been helping folks on the switchboard for those people who like to come onboard, she’s also helping with the other talk show on InLight Radio, Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond”, Suzanne how about you come on and say a few words about yourself and help everyone get to know you a little better.

    SM: Hi, how are you this evening? I’m happy to be here.

    GD: Hi there. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about where you’re from and a little bit about yourself and why you’re helping out.

    SM: Oh, ok, well I live in New Jersey, I’m a single mom taking care of my beautiful daughter and I was led to answering a call for help by The 2012scenerio and Steve and by grace and coincidence, if there is such a thing, I started answering emails and things and the call goes out for more help of course I think it’s what humans are starting to really be all about now is wanting to help, so here I am wanting to help and I really am thrilled that there’s so many different ways that I can.

    GD: Well we’re so thrilled to have you on and thank you so much for helping and folks, when you call up and you would like to come on to the show and I certainly encourage you to do that. For those of you who are listening by phone right now and would like to call or come onto the show, maybe you didn’t when you first came on but all you have to do is press 1 any time and that will start the process for Suzanne to come visit with you in a separate, what we call screening room and get a sense of who you are and what your question is and we’ll go from there. Well, thanks so much Suzanne.

    I’d like to bring Joe on and Joe maybe you can tell us where you’re from and what your question is. Hello, welcome.

    Joe: Hello there, I’m from Canada, Alberta, Canada. My question it’s basically “I’m wondering if I am wasting my time trying to evoke or have intent to helping a lot of people but it may seem trite, as you’ve stated before, maybe even shallow, to try to win a lottery to help people like Dr. Steven Greer with all his zero point technology projects such as the ‘Lightworkers Fund. I’ve got nine other brothers and sisters and they have lots of kids. Am I just like wasting my time with this intent or is there some way I can strengthen my intent if I’m not wasting my time?”

    GD: Well I think the objective is so noble and what you’re trying to do is assist others by providing them abundance so they can continue to serve in the light and we can get out of this place of struggle. So I want to acknowledge and recognize that, but I think I just cut someone off. Go ahead please.

    LD: No you didn’t cut me off at all Graham, its Linda. And I just wanted to also add my kudos to this, but this is something that a lot of lightworkers that I talk to are working on and you know, sometimes it just feels very frustrating. But what I also believe that, and what I’ve been told by the Council time and time again is that if we have a push to really try and do something, then it’s because somewhere in our knowingness that we’ve been programed, you know we’ve programmed ourselves to try and do this.

    So I would say, have at it, but the key is to have fun with it and that’s exactly what Jesus would say; he would say when he created all those loaves and fishes, which he did by the way, it wasn’t just once, I mean people would just show up and food would show up, so he did it on a regular basis. And he did it with his team and he did it in a joyful way like ‘oh my gosh, we’ve got company for supper’. So the key to it is not to become too serious or too attached to the money; become attached to the vision of helping people, then detach and let it flow.

    Joe: Well that’s precisely how I see it too, because I don’t need all that money. I mean it’s going to be worthless very soon and let’s just find some ways, like you said, having fun, let’s go with it…

    LD: Yeah and helping people out in the meantime. So as long as you’re holding the intent of clarity and fun I’d say “Good luck”.

    GD: I suspect Joe that you and this is in tandem to what Linda was sharing, you have a vision for how the world should be and will be and just by what you just shared, yes, money as we know it, well money is not going to be around in the new world, it’s just not needed and so you’re probably already experiencing and living and embodying what the new paradigm is going to be like, where everyone has abundance and there is no struggle and people are thriving and the earth is thriving.

    So I just want to acknowledge and give you all kinds of kudos for your intention and hold onto that vision because this is part of co-creating and bringing in the new world. It’s holding into our hearts what this vision, what this new world is going to be like and so your end objective is right on.

    LD: And it’s also a way, when you buy a lottery ticket, which I do now and then, it’s a way of saying to the universe “I accept abundance.” And when I buy a lottery ticket I may or may not think I’m going to win, I never have won, but it’s a way of saying “I accept abundance to come to me however you choose to bless me.” So I see it as an action of acceptance, of saying “Yep, I’m open.”

    Joe: Well, thank you…

    GD & LD: Thanks for calling Joe.

    GD: Steve, welcome to the show. Where are you from?

    Steve: I’m in northern California,in Los Gatos.

    GD: Well thanks for calling in tonight. What is your question or comment?

    Steve: Well just completed a series of letters called Letters from Christ. Are you familiar with the letters?

    GD: I can’t speak to it personally but I’m sure Linda or Jesus can. What was your experience of it?

    Steve: My experience, it took me, there’s 250 page book and I took one a day, read the letters, it was an incredible experience. Those letters are filled with information and knowledge that is not available to the public, we have never…for example, when Christ was baptized he was stricken with this spiritual vision where he could actually see that everything under the surface of the water, or plant or whatever, everything was alike and he noticed the harmony and all the elements and all the elements, how everything was working together. And this is what, he went on to the desert and for 40 days studied nature and it was an incredible experience.

    I would advise anybody, everybody to read those letters. He didn’t die for our sins, he didn’t rise from the dead; so all that is in the letters.

    GD: It sounds like you really connected to what you read and…

    Steve: Oh absolutely, absolutely. You don’t read one letter a day, every day for two years and not be connected with it. Absolutely I was connected; I loved them.

    LD: And that’s where we’re being given these wonderful messages and these tools in order to open our hearts and to reach understanding. One of the key elements of the inter-dimensional person, the trans-dimensional person is that ability to really connect in nature and to see the unified grid, to see the unified threads. So that’s wonderful and I think it’s a blessing that so many of these different works are being brought forward for us at this time. So good, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    Steve: You’re welcome

    GD: Did you have any other questions or comments for tonight?

    Steve: I’m ok. I just wanted to bring those letters to everyone’s attention.

    GD: Yeah and thank you very much for your call and thanks for participating. Linda, I was thinking about the article that you posted here recently where you were talking about letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns and you were talking about control and the tendency for humans to control. And you spoke to the controlling environment of the 3D and where control comes from and one of the things I really liked about what you posed or you said and this is just getting back to ‘how do we keep our vibrations high?’ and ‘how do we really maintain high vibrations?’ and it’s really checking in with ourselves, and I invite you to speak to this more, in any given situation to ask ‘does it feel like love, does it feel heavy or does it feel good?’

    And I think that is really helpful in terms of as we’re mindful and as we are in the moment, when we are in a situation and if something comes up to really check in with ourselves and have that be our guide.

    LD: Yep. Absolutely. And you know the Council has said since day one, and I can feel Jesus and Magdalena just sitting here nodding their heads, but they have said since day one that the final arbiter of everything isn’t the Company of Heaven, isn’t our star brothers and sisters, isn’t our Guardian angels, it’s our heart. And this is the barometer, the compass that we’ve been given in order to go forward, in order to do our journey and in order certainly to complete Ascension.

    The thing about control is that it can be really insidious because there are so many layers to it. And sometimes we try and control situations because we think we’re being helpful, we think the person is not on track, or we don’t trust that they are going fast enough. And so we have to really take that deeper look in our hearts and what I’m doing is it really loving that divinity in the other person or the collective?

    GD: And honoring where they are, too.

    LD: Absolutely.
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:06 am

    We Are You wrote:Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene on Heavenly Blessings, August 2, 2012
    2012 August 6
    tags: Jesus Sananda, Mary Magdalene
    Posted by sage

    Heavenly Blessings 08-02-12 Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene

    sage: This is the second week of the new call-in feature and the response has been wonderfully overwhelming. Not everyone was able to get on the air to ask their question as there was well over 100 people calling in and 15 on standby in the studio, but Graham and Linda hope this will not deter callers in the future. They ask everyone to please continue to call in and they will do their best to get as many on air as possible.

    Jesus Sananda/Yeshua and Mary Magdalene spoke about, not only holding on and maintaining higher vibrations and frequencies while letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns but also, how to remain in the higher vibrations of 5th, 6th or 7th dimension while still having dealings in/with the 3rd. One very important and obvious method they mentioned is to maintain your joy and your intention of joy, however difficult it may be at times.

    [The transcript has been edited to remove the meditation instructions and similar matters. In order to maintain flow, conversations with Jesus Sananda/Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are grouped together at the beginning and the conversations with callers are grouped next.]
    Heavenly Blessings 08-02-12 Jesus Sananda and Mary Magdalene

    Graham Dewyea: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guests today are Jesus Sananda/Jeshua and Mary Magdalene. Our topic is about holding on and maintaining higher vibrations and frequencies while letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns.

    LD: Well, you know, the only comment I would make about the theme for tonight is really it’s a continuation of what we have been talking about over the last couple of weeks and really over the course of months, but in the last couple of weeks with St. Germaine. And it’s how do you begin to live and anchor in the 5th or 6th or 7th dimension and maintain that vibration while still living or dealing or reaching down into the 3rd? And I know that one of the things that I’ve been writing about and commenting on in the last little while is this issue really of revisiting of letting go of old paradigms. And the one that seems to be up for grabs at the moment is control.

    And that’s, you can’t isolate one of these paradigms and say “OK, now we’re going to work on this” because as soon as you work at control you are also working on trust and letting go of greed and fear and frustration and lack. So it will be interesting to see what Mary Magdalene and Yeshua have to share with us because they lived in human bodies, they had that human experience and they know what it’s like.

    GD: Very appropriate guests to share some perspective and some insight and help us with this journey. So I’m looking forward to it for sure.

    Jesus Sananda/Yeshua: Greetings, I AM Yeshua.

    GD: Greetings. Hello.

    JS/Y: Welcome. Mary and I welcome you this night and it is my pleasure, my honor to address you and to speak to your hearts about this matter of maintaining vibration, of going forward in your sacred journey and each of your journeys is different, unique, magnificent and yet at the same time a piece, a small puzzle piece, of the bigger unified whole.

    The thing I note about so many of you, my friends, is you worry about this mission; you worry about this mission night and day and in-between. Am I doing it right? Am I letting anyone down? Have I fulfilled my purpose? Am I on track? I do not hear you say “Am I having fun? Do I feel loved? Do I love? Do I feel the connection to my family above and below?” No, not simply your star brothers and sisters but us as well for we are part of your family, we always have been.

    One of the ways, one of the surefire ways to maintain your highest vibration is to simply remind yourself, not only that you are not alone, but that you are wholly and completely, without any exception, loved. I know we have given you many tools and I could sit here, we could sit here and we could talk about prayer, ritual, meditation, we could talk about the esoteric studies, but what we wanted to do tonight is to reach in and touch your heart because during this time of Transition, during this time of such massive change and yes, during this time when many old issues that you thought you put to bed ages ago are coming to the forefront. And that can be nervous making, anxiety provoking and fearful.

    So Mary and I want to touch your hearts and reassure you how deeply you are loved because nothing, nothing maintains the highest vibration in the universe other than feeling and being, accepting and acknowledging love.

    If I have ever had one message to each of you, it is that ‘you are love’, it is the molecular structure of your being, the subatomic fibers of who you are, the light quotient, it is not something that disappears, it is not something that can ever be taken from you, it is the core, the essence, the spark of you, unique and beautiful.

    I wish to share a couple of ideas and methods of how my Magdalena and I would maintain clarity. Let us use the word clarity and love in exchange for high vibration because as we speak you may notice it makes it easier and it perhaps makes more sense to you.

    One of the things we did and it sounds trite perhaps, but we stuck together and when I say that I mean that we spent our time with like-minded, like-hearted, like-believers. Yes, the disciples, the apostles, the many followers and friends and that group grew exponentially every day. We would spend time with family, with those who knew our truth and who loved and accepted us for who we are, who we were and who we are.

    If you are not fortunate enough to have family that understands the fullness of your mission and purpose and who you are, we still suggest, unless it is very chaotic, that you still take time to be with them whether it is electronically, on the phone, or in person because these people know you and they love you. They may not know the truth of everything but even by being with them you are changing their vibration. There is no being that did not come into a family with a soul agreement.

    Now many of these soul agreements have been violated, I understand that, but if it is possible it is reinforcing, it is like entrainment when you spend time, whether it is work time, play time, free time with those who are like-hearted, like-minded, who are on the same journey, it reinforces you. It gives you permission to be yourself.

    Then when we would walk out to do the work that I had chosen, for which I volunteered and yes been selected, one of the things we would do, would be to assess it beforehand. Will this be reinforcing? Will this group that we meet with, will it be resistant? Do they believe in love? Do they believe in what I have to share? If the answer was ‘yes’ we would plunge right in but when the answer was ‘no’ we would do a great deal of preparatory work. We would have soul conversations, we would send energy, we would ask the Mighty Ones to surround not only us but them as well, we would use the tools at our disposal, we would prepare the way.

    Another thing we would do would be to create time for our sacred self and yes to do whatever we felt like doing; and sometimes it was nothing except staring at the sky, playing with the baby, sitting quietly, sharing tea, sometimes it would be rich, deep, philosophical discussion questioning to open our hearts and our minds even further to bring that communion of all parts of ourselves. That is the gift of sacred union, of having one that you can truly share your hopes, your fears, your concerns, your dreams with.

    Yes I know not all of you have been blessed in this way but I do tell you that most of you have come with the intention and therefore the plan to have this experience of love. The sharing, the community, whether it is a community of thousands, community of twelve, or a community of two, it is community and unity that helps to maintain the vibration. It is that sense of common mission, of being united in purpose and belief and knowing. But I do not wish to take up all the time. Where do you wish to begin today?

    GD: Well thank you Jesus for coming to speak with us and thank you for your words of wisdom and your guidance. I’m resonating with something that you said at the beginning of what you are sharing and that’s this idea of having fun and enjoying the journey and that’s something that I’ve been thinking about for my own journey, in fact I write a little list every day and on that list there are practical things that help me accomplish things that I want to do.

    But there are also some key things that I focus on and one thing I write down is: what brings me joy today? Follow, do something that brings my joy today and it might be taking a walk, it might be like you said, looking up at the sky, it might be taking a bubble bath, just something that will bring me joy. And it might be connecting with a good friend or reading an inspirational post or something and the other thing, and this is getting back to this idea of maintaining a high vibration, I think it takes practice, at least for me.

    When we’re experiencing this 3D realm and illusion, for me it’s important for me to continue to put out that I choose love and joy and high vibes and to be that and to master my energy and to be present and mindful of how I am as I walk in the world. So I really resonate with everything that you’re sharing and I just want to share and perhaps this is helpful for others, that I think it takes practice and it takes being mindful and it takes being present and it takes dedication.

    JS/Y: Yes it does. It is not what you, or most of you have been trained to do and it is a shift also in your planetary humanness that you are becoming conscious of choosing joy, of choosing heart, of choosing love. And the way in which many of you have been trained, brought up, however you think of that, educated even, they did not put choosing joy front and center. And that is really unsatisfactory.

    So yes it requires diligence, it requires practice, the same way that most things require practice. Many of you are just beginning to learn, or remember, how to communicate with your hearts, to be honest and truthful and trusting and hopeful with disclosing what is in your heart.

    GD: Wise words, wise words indeed.

    Mary Magdalene: I AM the Magdalena.

    GD: Hello and welcome.

    MM: Welcome, welcome my beloved friends, fellow journeyers, fellow travelers, my soul family. And yes I wish to speak to this issue of control because dear hearts, what do you really have control of other than your heart, other than your very being? And sometimes you must even wonder if that is up for grabs.

    When I engaged with my beloved Yeshua, when we chose to go forward in sacred union we knew of many of the trials and tribulations that would be faced. But none of that outweighed the love and the rightness of sharing that love and not only sharing that love with each other but with our families, with our circle, with our communities. And there were many efforts external to us that attempted to control both my actions, my behaviors, my beliefs and certainly those of Yeshua’s and efforts to control how we proceeded.

    We did not see this as offensive, often the advice, the desires to have us adhere one way or the other was based in love and concern. But what did we do? We listened to our hearts, each of us were given the gift of enormous clarity and foresight, of knowing the path that lay ahead and behind. That is not what we focused on and it is not what I encourage each of you my friends to focus on.

    Yes it is important to hold intention of outcome but you cannot live completely focused on outcome because then you lose the joy of now. And it is the joy of now, it is the love that you share in this very moment as you are sitting there listening with me. It is this now that will sustain you. It is the joy that you choose each and every day that will feed and grow you and fortify what you think of as your vibration. It is your decision to say “I will not allow those ridiculous paradigms of the old way to hold me back.”

    It is a warrior’s stance and it is a peaceful stance and it is an individual decision and in that individual decision you make yourself known but you also stand with billions. Do not let any situation, any hardship, any illusion rob you of your joy of now, of the sweetness of a child’s smile, of a drop of dew on a leaf, of a starry sky, of reaching out to somebody who needs to know they are loved and of letting someone know that you need to hear those tender words.

    It does not mean simply intimate relationships, for what does that mean anyway? All relationships are intimate and sacred, yes each in a different way, each equally precious, even the relationship with those that you think distain you, do not agree with you, would betray you. These are sacred and intimate, perhaps even more so because they give you the opportunity, yes Graham, to practice love and to hold that vibration no matter what.

    It is a statement that you cannot be interfered with, that no matter what the thoughts, the rumors, the allegations, the mythologies, you are love and that is the beginning and that is the end. And it is not in the future, it is not in the past, it is in your very breath of now. Thank you.

    GD: Oh thank you. Such wise, wonderful words. I’m hearing your invitation and the emphasis that the joy is in the now and seek the joy in the present moment and choose joy each and every day. And that’s certainly something that we can do to assist with our own and in keeping our own vibrations high and you spoke of love and you spoke of all relationships as intimate and sacred and here we have this wonderful opportunity with you and Jesus here with us today.

    And I’m thinking about the old way, in at least the western society where in the United States we have a divorce rate that exceeds 50% and clearly relationships are evolving and changing as we go into a new paradigm, but please give us a vision, please give us a sense and it doesn’t have to be intimate love as you pointed out, but tell us what love in relationship looks like and feels like in the higher dimension.

    MM: It feels and looks like everything you have dreamed of. It is excitement. Do you really think what you would translate as the heart racing and jumping, that excitement of being so deeply connected and in that is acceptance and I would suggest that is one of the reasons why your divorce rates are so high. You have never gotten to that bedrock of acceptance, because inside acceptance is also the knowing of your beloved spark of divinity. So you accept them wholly and completely.

    Now I am not suggesting to you that there are not moments when Yeshua and I would look at each other and the sparks would fly; but it is acceptance that knowing even if there are moments where your viewpoint is different, that doesn’t change the love that you have for that person. It cannot be changed, it is unalterable, it is bedrock and in that is surrender to one another, that wonderful embrace of knowing that you are cherished for not just the good, not just what presents, but for all of your being.

    And in that surrender and acceptance is an honoring, a deep respect that says ‘I will respect you, I will protect you, I will have your back no matter what. I may not agree with you but I trust your heart, I trust your wisdom and I will follow you as you will follow me and if it means separation at times and letting go, then I will honor that, I will be strong enough.’ It is elation that there is a bond that can never be severed.

    We have spoken to you, Michael has spoken to you a great deal about cords and there are most cords that need to be severed to free you so that as you choose love and joy you are not corded. But then there is a different level of bond that is so deep and so profound that it will never be severed. So for example, your connection to Mother/Father/One, that is never broken, that is the downfall, the illusion that has created the old 3rd.

    But there are bonds of love, of relationship and I don’t just mean with your beloved, I mean in friendships that are so honored and so deep that it is like sisterhood and brotherhood. There are children that you love, that you will never, ever let down or betray, that you would die for.

    It is that sense of unity and I use the word unity, not completion, but complement that you are truly united, that it isn’t one heart anymore, that every choice, every decision from where you choose to live, to what you choose to eat, to what you choose to pursue as your sacred work or your daily work, they are all from this place of united heart because it is inseparable. I cannot simply feel for my joy without taking into consideration yours. That is the unity consciousness, that is where Yeshua and I live and it is where we invite you to live with us.

    GD: That’s such a beautiful vision and I have yet to experience that fully myself in this 3D experience and to know that’s where we’re headed in the new paradigm, especially as we realize, the collective realizes that we are connected, that we are from the same source, that we are indeed brothers and sisters and connected in a very deep way.

    I’m envisioning how that is, how we are with our neighbors, how we are with our families, how we are with our children, how we are with everyone and certainly how we are with intimate partners should we choose to go that route.

    I really appreciate you speaking to that, that’s just so lovely I think it’s important to hold, to talk about, the vision so that we have something that we can shoot for. Thank you so much. Linda, is there anything else you’d like to add as we wrap up the show, or Jesus or Mary?

    LD: Oh my goodness, I can’t believe we’re already at that point of wrapping things up. You know to be in the presence of the Magdalena and Jesus and to be reminded about choosing love and you know she was talking to me even as you were speaking, because she was saying “When you do that there is a lot of laughter, there’s a lot of giggles, there’s a lot of smiles.”

    You know love, we tend to take our work so seriously, because we’re committed, because we care, but we have to take time too for the laughter, for the play, like you said Graham. And what she’s reminding us of tonight, what I’m really hearing through the layers of her beautiful energy is that so many of us are focused December 21, 2012 even though the Council keeps saying “Ascension isn’t about a date or a line in the sand”; what they’re saying is we’re creating the Ascension, we’re creating the Shift every single moment of every day when we choose joy. We’re being the Shift.

    GD: And be it now, continuously, every moment.

    LD: Yeah. Consciously, this is about conscious, in our body. You know as lightworkers we have drifted and drifted but this is about getting it into our bones.

    GD: And for those of us who are awakened to this new paradigm, where we’re headed, and a new way of being, a different way of being, a more evolved way of being, a place where the theme is peace and love. I just want to acknowledge that it can be challenging and we can forget, we can mess up in the moment when we may be confronted, I’ll speak for myself, when I’m confronted with a very challenging, tense, provoking situation and I think it’s important to extend forgiveness to ourselves when we might not get it exactly right; ‘shoot I could have said that differently’ or ‘I could have been differently’ and not beat ourselves up over that so I come right back around to what we’ve talked about on this show before and that’s forgiveness and we’re all learning and we’re creating and we’re actually creating something new that hasn’t quite been done before.

    And if we can do all of that and then bring us right back into a place of joy, whatever that is and it could be a challenging moment, it could be maybe a fight with a spouse or a child or maybe you had a little car wreck or financial issues, that we can be mindful, be in the moment, be present, and I’m just echoing everything that’s already been said tonight and then do something that will put us in a state of joy, in a state of high vibration, do something for us as a gift to us individually but also to those around us and to the world because that energy just grows and grows and grows.

    LD: And that’s what they keep saying is when you catch yourself, laugh, just stop yourself. The picture they keep giving me, you know there’s that ad on TV where the guy smacks his forehead, he says “I could have had a V8?” That’s the image they keep showing me, smacking your forehead and laughing and thinking ‘oh my god, here I go again’ and just laughing. And as soon as you laugh the vibration changes and you forgive yourself, you’re having compassion for yourself and you get right back on track.


    GD: I want to be able to get to our callers but before we do that I’d like to bring on Suzanne. Suzanne Maresca has been helping folks on the switchboard for those people who like to come onboard, she’s also helping with the other talk show on InLight Radio, Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond”, Suzanne how about you come on and say a few words about yourself and help everyone get to know you a little better.

    SM: Hi, how are you this evening? I’m happy to be here.

    GD: Hi there. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about where you’re from and a little bit about yourself and why you’re helping out.

    SM: Oh, ok, well I live in New Jersey, I’m a single mom taking care of my beautiful daughter and I was led to answering a call for help by The 2012scenerio and Steve and by grace and coincidence, if there is such a thing, I started answering emails and things and the call goes out for more help of course I think it’s what humans are starting to really be all about now is wanting to help, so here I am wanting to help and I really am thrilled that there’s so many different ways that I can.

    GD: Well we’re so thrilled to have you on and thank you so much for helping and folks, when you call up and you would like to come on to the show and I certainly encourage you to do that. For those of you who are listening by phone right now and would like to call or come onto the show, maybe you didn’t when you first came on but all you have to do is press 1 any time and that will start the process for Suzanne to come visit with you in a separate, what we call screening room and get a sense of who you are and what your question is and we’ll go from there. Well, thanks so much Suzanne.

    I’d like to bring Joe on and Joe maybe you can tell us where you’re from and what your question is. Hello, welcome.

    Joe: Hello there, I’m from Canada, Alberta, Canada. My question it’s basically “I’m wondering if I am wasting my time trying to evoke or have intent to helping a lot of people but it may seem trite, as you’ve stated before, maybe even shallow, to try to win a lottery to help people like Dr. Steven Greer with all his zero point technology projects such as the ‘Lightworkers Fund. I’ve got nine other brothers and sisters and they have lots of kids. Am I just like wasting my time with this intent or is there some way I can strengthen my intent if I’m not wasting my time?”

    GD: Well I think the objective is so noble and what you’re trying to do is assist others by providing them abundance so they can continue to serve in the light and we can get out of this place of struggle. So I want to acknowledge and recognize that, but I think I just cut someone off. Go ahead please.

    LD: No you didn’t cut me off at all Graham, its Linda. And I just wanted to also add my kudos to this, but this is something that a lot of lightworkers that I talk to are working on and you know, sometimes it just feels very frustrating. But what I also believe that, and what I’ve been told by the Council time and time again is that if we have a push to really try and do something, then it’s because somewhere in our knowingness that we’ve been programed, you know we’ve programmed ourselves to try and do this.

    So I would say, have at it, but the key is to have fun with it and that’s exactly what Jesus would say; he would say when he created all those loaves and fishes, which he did by the way, it wasn’t just once, I mean people would just show up and food would show up, so he did it on a regular basis. And he did it with his team and he did it in a joyful way like ‘oh my gosh, we’ve got company for supper’. So the key to it is not to become too serious or too attached to the money; become attached to the vision of helping people, then detach and let it flow.

    Joe: Well that’s precisely how I see it too, because I don’t need all that money. I mean it’s going to be worthless very soon and let’s just find some ways, like you said, having fun, let’s go with it…

    LD: Yeah and helping people out in the meantime. So as long as you’re holding the intent of clarity and fun I’d say “Good luck”.

    GD: I suspect Joe that you and this is in tandem to what Linda was sharing, you have a vision for how the world should be and will be and just by what you just shared, yes, money as we know it, well money is not going to be around in the new world, it’s just not needed and so you’re probably already experiencing and living and embodying what the new paradigm is going to be like, where everyone has abundance and there is no struggle and people are thriving and the earth is thriving.

    So I just want to acknowledge and give you all kinds of kudos for your intention and hold onto that vision because this is part of co-creating and bringing in the new world. It’s holding into our hearts what this vision, what this new world is going to be like and so your end objective is right on.

    LD: And it’s also a way, when you buy a lottery ticket, which I do now and then, it’s a way of saying to the universe “I accept abundance.” And when I buy a lottery ticket I may or may not think I’m going to win, I never have won, but it’s a way of saying “I accept abundance to come to me however you choose to bless me.” So I see it as an action of acceptance, of saying “Yep, I’m open.”

    Joe: Well, thank you…

    GD & LD: Thanks for calling Joe.

    GD: Steve, welcome to the show. Where are you from?

    Steve: I’m in northern California,in Los Gatos.

    GD: Well thanks for calling in tonight. What is your question or comment?

    Steve: Well just completed a series of letters called Letters from Christ. Are you familiar with the letters?

    GD: I can’t speak to it personally but I’m sure Linda or Jesus can. What was your experience of it?

    Steve: My experience, it took me, there’s 250 page book and I took one a day, read the letters, it was an incredible experience. Those letters are filled with information and knowledge that is not available to the public, we have never…for example, when Christ was baptized he was stricken with this spiritual vision where he could actually see that everything under the surface of the water, or plant or whatever, everything was alike and he noticed the harmony and all the elements and all the elements, how everything was working together. And this is what, he went on to the desert and for 40 days studied nature and it was an incredible experience.

    I would advise anybody, everybody to read those letters. He didn’t die for our sins, he didn’t rise from the dead; so all that is in the letters.

    GD: It sounds like you really connected to what you read and…

    Steve: Oh absolutely, absolutely. You don’t read one letter a day, every day for two years and not be connected with it. Absolutely I was connected; I loved them.

    LD: And that’s where we’re being given these wonderful messages and these tools in order to open our hearts and to reach understanding. One of the key elements of the inter-dimensional person, the trans-dimensional person is that ability to really connect in nature and to see the unified grid, to see the unified threads. So that’s wonderful and I think it’s a blessing that so many of these different works are being brought forward for us at this time. So good, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    Steve: You’re welcome

    GD: Did you have any other questions or comments for tonight?

    Steve: I’m ok. I just wanted to bring those letters to everyone’s attention.

    GD: Yeah and thank you very much for your call and thanks for participating. Linda, I was thinking about the article that you posted here recently where you were talking about letting go of old paradigms and belief patterns and you were talking about control and the tendency for humans to control. And you spoke to the controlling environment of the 3D and where control comes from and one of the things I really liked about what you posed or you said and this is just getting back to ‘how do we keep our vibrations high?’ and ‘how do we really maintain high vibrations?’ and it’s really checking in with ourselves, and I invite you to speak to this more, in any given situation to ask ‘does it feel like love, does it feel heavy or does it feel good?’

    And I think that is really helpful in terms of as we’re mindful and as we are in the moment, when we are in a situation and if something comes up to really check in with ourselves and have that be our guide.

    LD: Yep. Absolutely. And you know the Council has said since day one, and I can feel Jesus and Magdalena just sitting here nodding their heads, but they have said since day one that the final arbiter of everything isn’t the Company of Heaven, isn’t our star brothers and sisters, isn’t our Guardian angels, it’s our heart. And this is the barometer, the compass that we’ve been given in order to go forward, in order to do our journey and in order certainly to complete Ascension.

    The thing about control is that it can be really insidious because there are so many layers to it. And sometimes we try and control situations because we think we’re being helpful, we think the person is not on track, or we don’t trust that they are going fast enough. And so we have to really take that deeper look in our hearts and what I’m doing is it really loving that divinity in the other person or the collective?

    GD: And honoring where they are, too.

    LD: Absolutely.
    Angela Peregoff: August Agenda
    2012 August 6
    Posted by Vina

    August Agenda

    By Angela Peregoff

    August 6, 2012

    “Most humans look at themselves and how to pull back. They look at how to get by instead of how to thrive and shine. Be the one who shines.

    Open yourself up for the miracles that surround you. You do this by offering to be the highest Light you can be for yourself and the of the greatest service for those you are here to connect with and be with. “ – a message from my star elders

    Welcome to August everyone!

    The universe appears to be making an all-out attempt to frighten us with waves of psychic static, turbulence and unknown intimidating forces. Therefore, I need to remind you to sound your soulful rallying cry every day for the next week and probably beyond – until this change and expansion phase calms down and returns to a reasonable state of normalcy. August will plow through you with the energies of a spiritual task master, and will be especially potent until the 12th of the month. Yes, reconstruction, change and expansion are here.

    The choice for you to make at this time is how you will participate.

    Will it be through knowledge, wisdom, truth and communication or ignorance, fear, deception, and denial? It’s all free will choice but take note – if you are unwilling or unable to move into these energies of expansion and change voluntarily, then sudden and disruptive change appearing to come from outside your personal sphere of will shall be employed to facilitate this necessary shift. The greater your resistance, the greater an outside influence will be called upon by your guides and Higher Self to generate your next highest spiritual expression.

    There was an agreement made eons ago for you to consciously cooperatively participate in this movement of wisdom energies for all species in all kingdoms so don’t dally now. You are a unique piece of the puzzle that is manifesting a new myth of creation on earth – your preciousness will harmonize a stable and more peaceful transition so endeavor this month to connect ever more deeply to that spark of Divine Light and Love that is uniquely You!

    Experiencing a reconstruction/rebirthing (mostly in your 3rd chakra this month) might cause insecurity, panic, fear and uncertainty. You are still a human being, and thus have emotions at a human level. This is one of the many challenges of changing and expanding on behalf of Ascension … being completely rearranged while living a “live and in 3-D” version of your life. Evolving into an ever more sensitive individual without defenses, barriers, or a harsh exterior of protection while still being in a world of harsh, dangerous and seemingly dark realities can create an immense challenge at best.

    Panic and depression can occur when we feel the things that are happening are beyond our control. I had extreme panic a few years ago when the shifts first began, and when very few were experiencing any of this. Having to let go of the developed parts of yourself in order to survive the lower vibrating days and nights of 3D reality takes faith. And I’m talkin faith as a verb! As a behavior that will keep you out of the discord of mass consciousness. As the attribute that will allow you to experience the multidimensional miracles that are in the making.

    In addition, we are in the process of once more losing another layer of our old ego selves. Personality traits and behaviors which vibrated lower have suddenly departed. The parts of ourselves which we developed in order to survive a harsher and lower vibrating 3D reality cannot exist here now. Evolving into an even more sensitive individual without defenses, barriers, or a harsh exterior of protection while still in a harsh, dangerous, and seemingly dark environment can create an immense challenge at best.

    Here are just some of the scenarios I have been witness to, and that you may relate to that are calling for 5D faith:

    “Should I even bother trying to create anything new?” “What is the point right now. . . or ever?” With so much in seeming chaos, it can be difficult to know which road to be on, or even if your road will still be intact in times to come. “Everything seems up in the air with no solid foundation and no direction.” Again, much has not yet landed in its new groove. . . but it will, I promise you.

    “I don’t know who I am anymore. I used to know my purpose and now I am totally and completely lost.” “I cannot go forward in any way — I feel boxed in.” “I feel helpless, vulnerable, powerless, insecure, and at the whim of much of anything.” “My self-confidence is shot. I do not feel remotely good about myself anymore.”

    And how about this one: “I feel completely invisible, unnoticed, not needed, and certainly not appreciated or valued.” This is because you are vibrating higher and cannot be seen right now. And in addition, so many are in chaos and panic with their own situations, that they cannot see much of anything except what is going on for them.

    “I don’t feel like doing a thing. I am not interested in a thing. I just want to play. I want to retire. I do not want any more responsibilities. I am exhausted. I need to rejuvenate. I need a very long rest . . . or maybe an endless vacation.” “Don’t bother me. I want to be in my own sacred space away from the outside world.” Or perhaps, “Get me out of here! I want to run away to somewhere very different and never return!” “I want to go home where I fit and things feel right!”

    All of these scenarios are normal as everything is in seeming chaos and you cannot manifest in the way you used to. Many are not seeing, matching or validating you. You are vibrating higher and the outside and old reality is vibrating lower. . . which always causes doubt, apathy, anxiety, etc. as the outside reality has not yet caught up with you. Do any of these similar themes resonate? If so, relax. It’s normal right now.

    We have ridden the next wave into a higher dimension, and everything has to be redesigned. So then, everything needs to get primed, realign or leave this reality in order to settle in the new one. Whatever is not vibrating at your new and higher level (or whatever level or rung of the ladder is next for you and your loved ones), will receive a corresponding experience of choice at a soul level to create a situation designed to get everyone to where they need to be.

    Many scenarios are occurring now, and at many different levels. Those more embedded in the mainstream or old reality will experience the most shake-ups. Those who are conscious through their challenges and shake-ups will still be having shake-ups in relation to where they are vibrating. . . you will just go to a higher level from where you were before, usually involving shake-ups in relation to ego selves and new ways of relating and being.

    Relationship breakups are common as well these days. One soul begins to vibrate higher and the other soul usually sets the higher vibrating soul free by “dumping” them. If we can know why, and that the “dumping” soul is doing so because of a great love for us and as a great support for our continued growth, we can then know that all is in divine and perfect order. We will all meet up in the end anyway and laugh and cry and hug each other.

    Another scenario which is occurring more frequently now is when two souls totally separate to give each soul an opportunity to find itself entirely on its own without having the support or leaning on one another. When each one learns to connect individually to who they really are, to their souls and to Source, they can then find each other again and re-unite. This is why it is becoming more common now for things to separate completely before they can re-unite one again.

    And don’t stress if you are experiencing great distress over a strong need to no longer be alone. In the higher realms, there is no separation. Unity vibrates much higher. As we begin to vibrate higher, we become wired for unity. Thus, being alone no longer feels good or remotely right. It can feel downright uncomfortable at best. Take the prompting as encouragement to seek out new group connections, re-unions with family or perhaps relocations where family and friends are, and the like. Innately you know it is time for community.

    Job losses too have become been a common ascension experience. As we begin to vibrate higher than our job in the main stream world, we are thus separated from it. We were not meant to suffer through this process, so most of the time (the far majority of the time) we are somehow miraculously taken care of.

    Much is falling apart now as the old world is taking its fall. Much is then being turned inside out or rather finally right side up. Re-aligned, re-aligned, re-aligned. Are you behind if your life is really collapsing now? Have you missed the boat? Are you not where you should be? Is something wrong with you? Are you being punished? Are you not “ascending” fast enough? Absolutely not.

    The higher dimensions serve to magnify everything. So then, for those who have been on their ascension path for quite awhile, or perhaps even purged and released much in a short period of time, what is then magnified will be much more pleasurable. This is why miracles and new beginnings can occur for some and not for others. And again, we are all right where we need to be with our own set of individual challenges at each level.

    The responsibility for what has been co-created on planet earth is simply being given the opportunity to be harmonized for the entire planet during the first three weeks of August 2012. Sound work by healers, singers, chanters, drummers and musicians could go a long way in assisting various areas of the planet, the cosmos and groups of humans in discovering alternative expressions, options and possibilities that are in the highest and best interest of all – rather than an elite few.

    In areas and among groups where this harmonizing does not take place, the last week of August, the first three weeks of September 2012 and well into mid October shall see many things, peoples, places, situations and circumstances coming undone as they are restructured, reordered and reorganized through the power of various forms of communication. Whether through the written, spoken, sung or toned word, expression or sound every vibration audible or inaudible shall make itself felt like ripples going out from a pebble thrown into a body of water. The reverberations – particularly for those living near water – shall be especially great. Take time to attune to the new music of the spheres that is flowing through the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and surrounding the earth. Allow yourself to become harmonized with the mysteries of the Cosmos and the role your Soul Heart desires to express within this August Awakening.

    Groovin to the latest planetary pulses,

    P.S. A health crisis is also one of the first ways many choose to begin aligning to Source and our souls. It usually gets our egos out of the way in a crash course style, so it is a good and common choice to begin with. Loss of control is paramount then, so we become dependent on a higher power and really learn to surrender and trust. This is happening now for many who are just starting their process.

    ©2003 – 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved.

    Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

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