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    The Roman Empire Rules Today


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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:29 pm

    The Roman Empire Rules Today. But Who Rules the Roman Empire??? We might have a helluva lot more to worry about than the Roman Empire, the New World Order, and the Powers That Be. I keep suggesting the possibility that we might have a Galactic Problem of Biblical Proportions. The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Queen, the Pope, and even Lucifer, might be Middle Management. I keep telling you to study Theology -- and not the Theology of the Televangelists or the local branch of Salvation4Sale. Try to answer some of the questions I have asked within The Mists of Avalon. Some of the questions have been rhetorical, and some of them have been genuine inquiries. These videos will aid your study. I have a love/hate relationship with Globalism and the Universal Church. What if a new church emerged, called 'The Universal Church'? What if a new government emerged, called 'The United States of the Solar System'? I have provided a study guide within The Mists of Avalon to assist you in achieving an Idealistic and Mysterious Blend of Politics and Religion. Once again, get informed without getting mad or going mad.


    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  Beren Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:39 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:The Roman Empire Rules Today. But Who Rules the Roman Empire??? We might have a helluva lot more to worry about than the Roman Empire, the New World Order, and the Powers That Be. I keep suggesting the possibility that we might have a Galactic Problem of Biblical Proportions. The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Queen, the Pope, and even Lucifer, might be Middle Management. I keep telling you to study Theology -- and not the Theology of the Televangelists or the local branch of Salvation4Sale. Try to answer some of the questions I have asked within The Mists of Avalon. Some of the questions have been rhetorical, and some of them have been genuine inquiries. These videos will aid your study. I have a love/hate relationship with Globalism and the Universal Church. What if a new church emerged, called 'The Universal Church'? What if a new government emerged, called 'The United States of the Solar System'? I have provided a study guide within The Mists of Avalon to assist you in achieving an Idealistic and Mysterious Blend of Politics and Religion. Once again, get informed without getting mad or going mad.


    They are guided by force so big that they barely comprehend it. That force is like a intelligent wave. It's not a personification but many souls tend to identification with it and claim it. It's fear and all it's domains. The one called Satan and Lucifer is not originally evil , that entity was consumed by its own illusions.

    Everybody fuels fear and it grows into untold menace for universe. Only Love is the key to raise above fear, look it in the eye and leave it behind.
    It's not easy but once you overcome it , there is nothing in your way then for unlimited power in Love. Fear is just an illusion of power though looking very real.

    It uses every imaginable weapon against you and you can't win unless you are willing to win. Unless you see fear as what it is.


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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:24 am

    Thank-you Beren. Perfect love casts out fear. Was Osiris/Horus and Egypt at the center of the Old World Order? Was Isis/Ra and the Rise of the Roman Empire (Holy and Unholy) really at the center of the Rise of the New World Order? Have the Knights Templar (in all of their forms) done the Dirty-Work for the Roman New World Order? Did the Roman Empire REALLY fall? Did the Nazis REALLY lose? What was and is the Role of Ethiopia and Khazaria in all of this? Is there a connection between NAZI and ASHKENAZI? Does NAZI really stand for National Socialism? I can see where N comes from, but what about AZI? These are hard and troubling questions, and once again, I have no animosity. This is just a big puzzle to me. I think I could carry on a cordial and constructive conversation with the Pope, the Black Pope, the Queen, the Queen of Heaven, and the God of This World. If they wouldn't hurt me, I might even talk to a roomful of Dracs and Greys on Phobos...

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:02 pm

    Should we really be thinking in terms of

    1. The Sirian Empire?
    2. The Egyptian Sirius A Empire?
    3. The Roman Sirius B Empire?
    4. The Orthodoxymoron Empire?

    What if all of the above are highly problematic? What if this really is a very nasty universe, and all of the above are as good as it gets? Should I really try to help create a kinder and gentler version of the Sirian, Egyptian, and Roman Empires? Would a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System help to achieve this goal? Would the best aspects of Egypt, Rome, and Bavaria need to be included, or even featured, in a United States of the Solar System? Should this be called the Orthodoxymoron Empire? Will things ever be really peaceful and wonderful? Will solar system governance always require a somewhat harsh edge? Will the corrupt always rule the stupid? Will those who have the gold always be the ones who rule? Is the Fourth Reich a Kinder and Gentler Version of the Third Reich -- or will the Fourth Reich make the Third Reich look like a Sunday School Picnic? Are the Reichs really a Roman-Bavarian Collaboration? What would Pope Pius XII say?

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  Beren Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:02 am

    Everything depends of our choices.
    Those that are represented with all those names like Roman empire, Babylonian and such are our brothers and sister deeply entwined in the illusion and amnesia.

    In time they wrapped themselves in fear and illusion and forgot whom they are and were.

    As time progressed they just changed forms and names and with that they sunk deeper ,deeper and deeper into oblivion.

    At the end they may call themselves Sirius B or A or Romans or Babylonians or Egyptians ..they are same old poor souls who chose fear loooooong time ago...


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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:45 am

    Thank-you Beren. Perhaps all of us are deluded, miserable wretches! Or maybe I should just speak for myself. "Oh Wretched Man That I Am!" I am attempting a certain degree of categorization, to try to make sense out of our past and present. I am trying to stay close to a somewhat Traditional Cristocentric Biblical Mindset, yet to remain open to all of the subjects and views which we encounter within The Mists of Avalon. This approach has led me (driven me?) in the direction of Christocentric Egyptology, with a special emphasis on Archangels and Extraterrestrials. I've joked about imagining myself being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist. Well, this fantasy is morphing into the context of the City of London, the Church of England, and the Secret Government! I have a strong King James Version bias, and I have imagined the Queen of Heaven as having an English accent, so this is probably an appropriate move. If I had the financial means, I probably would relocate to England! But realistically, I may have to settle for attending the local Anglican church, even though I don't do communion anymore! Here is the story of a devoted French Catholic researcher. I like this sort of person! I continue to think that it is important to be a student of the Latin Mass, the Teachings of Jesus, and Sacred Classical Music, even if one is Anti-Catholic! It is a place of beginning, or a frame of reference. Many New Agers or Esoteric Researchers do not have a sense of history or a sense of place. I am revolted by the bloody history and theology of the Roman Catholic Church, yet there are many aspects of the Roman Model, the Royal Model, and the Sanctuary Model which should be carefully considered and taken seriously. If anyone feels particularly ambitious, consider spending some quality-time with the Latin Mass, the 'Desire of Ages', the Music of Widor, the Work of Gerald Massey, Ralph Ellis, and Robert Morning Sky. Does anyone out there, other than the Queen of Heaven and God of This World, have any idea of what I'm really trying to communicate? I tend to doubt it. Listen to this. 1. 2. (Notice Jesus flying high above the altar?) It will help you to understand what I'm talking about. It really will...

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:18 am


    William Schnoebelen, in his book, Masonry Beyond The Light, states: "Set (Lucifer) is the acknowledged god of Masonry."
    The Roman Empire Rules Today Vat_book_ebook

    I almost started another thread, but I really am trying to stop posting completely. Anyway here is a thought which I have hinted at, but which I haven't stated in quite the following way. Consider the following four hypothetical solar system factions:

    1. The Osiris Faction of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    2. The Isis Faction of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    3. The Horus Faction of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    4. The Set Faction of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    What if the Osiris Faction is the Incoming Annunaki?

    What if the Isis, Horus, and Set Factions are Rival Local Annunaki Factions?

    What if these four factions are the only options available to the human race?

    What if all four factions constitute the Orion Group?

    What if all four factions are a mixture of strengths and weaknesses?

    What if we are all on the brink of a very destructive Final Jihad?

    What if Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Set are the 'East of Eden' Equivalents of Adam, Kate, Aaron, and Cal -- in an 'East of Giza'?

    What if a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System combined the best aspects of all four factions?

    What if I'm a Completely Ignorant Fool Full of You Know What?

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:55 pm

    There is a new Vatican Archive Exhibition! This sort of thing brings tears to my eyes! I continue to think that we should study the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church -- regardless of whether we believe in God and the Church -- or not. I keep thinking that I might have some sort of a Roman Empire and/or Roman Catholic Church reincarnational history -- and I keep thinking that someone knows what it might be -- but they're not talking to me. Not that I know of. An Ancient Egyptian Deity told me that I should do an FOIA inquiry -- but I never did. Ignorance is bliss. But then, why am I not happy?
    The Roman Empire Rules Today Vatican-archives2The Roman Empire Rules Today Brunvatdoc1The Roman Empire Rules Today Vatican-LibraryThe Roman Empire Rules Today Vatican-aerial-view_3239_600x450The Roman Empire Rules Today Vatican_2154628bThe Roman Empire Rules Today Secret-archives-of-the-Va-007The Roman Empire Rules Today The-lock-045The Roman Empire Rules Today Wallpaper1680x1050-8The Roman Empire Rules Today Wallpaper1680x1050-11The Roman Empire Rules Today Wallpaper1680x1050-4

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  Threecaster Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:20 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    1. ____________ of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    2. ____________ of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    3. ____________ of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    4. ____________ of the Sirian-Egyptian-Roman Empire.

    What if the ____________

    What if the ____________

    What if these ____________

    What if all ____________

    What if all ____________

    What if we are all ____________

    What if ____________

    What if a Responsibility____________?

    What if I'm a Completely ____________

    Cup o Cheerful Cup o

    I see this happen to folks occasionally...You're in the middle of a Cloud of If's. My wife gets them rather often and I have to walk up and swoosh them away from her, like a swarm of gnats and a flyswatter.

    You have to step out of this cloud and re-frame your arrangements. Flesh them into splace, from random gnats into floating butterflies, then flowing paths of birds.

    You have all of the necessary elements, now you just need a larger pattern.

    Zoom out your perspective and you can see the boundaries of the river you are creating. What elements are the stones around which the other elements will flow?

    "The river is always flowing, yet it remains consistent."

    It sounds to me like you've got most of what you need, now you need to set a frame which they can operate against. Do you want a mathmatical model based on economics, desires, supply, demand? (beit known that this formula is about to reach a signifacnt pertubation in our near future...)

    How about a Mandelbrot Progression? Set your filters for low, and skim along the boundaries...Consider the fractal like a lake, where each main channel represents one of your factions, and it's main channel is fed by it;s tributarial, smaller counterparts. Read each of the smaller inlets as persons, groups, or coorporations within the broader galactic facets of that race.

    or you could set the whole thing up in a virtual space like these alternate life online Role Playing Games.

    Dood! Shocked

    This could be really cool. Oooyeah 1

    We already live in a simulation anyways...

    Think about this, you have all the core elements already in place, with relationships just jostling about.

    I propose you set about examining the basics of computer modeling and simulation. The theory of Simulacra (or something like that drunken ) seens right up your alley... study scratch study

    Plant your elements as flavors into existing models and set to run! That should make enough of a breeze to swoosh away a bunch of those pesky if's! Cool I'm seeing you making a Galactic Sims here...(and let the internet people play it out for you Naughty Whistle )

    Maybe you could find some 80's or 80's 8-bit games in a MIME or something, like EMPIRE AND DOMINION or GLOBAL DOMINATION (not real games!) and tweak them to suit your findings.

    just a thought! cyclops

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:08 am

    Thank-you for your suggestions Threecaster. Asking questions and posing hypotheticals are my modus operandi, and I suspect it always will be. Even if I were somehow involved in solar system governance, I would continue with my internet posting style, even though it seems to irritate just about everyone. Perhaps that's a good thing...

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  Threecaster Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:23 am


    You have to watch me, I get carried away...

    I frequently use this place as a sounding board and personal development tool.

    So don't worry about being irritating!

    If you really reach someome then you are doing something right!

    I think I was more iffitated than irritated Laugh

    Keep up the dot connecting!

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:30 pm

    You were 'carried-away' in a rather sophisticated manner, Threecaster. I know I need to get a lot more sophisticated and refined with all of this -- but I'm sort of a burned-out basket-case these days -- and it's difficult to do what I know I need to do. My plan is to keep reviewing my threads, in the context of everything on the internet, and just keep refining and expanding the original hypothesis. I wish I had a Cray and a team of researchers to assist my modeling. I actually like what I've been doing -- even as a potential administrative modality -- wherein a desired direction is hinted-at -- but never ordered or micromanaged. I really like Political and Theological Science-Fiction. I just wish that I had this down to a science -- but hope springs eternal. Namaste.

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  Threecaster Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:35 pm

    Very Nice...

    I hope you get the right idea about my words to you. There is something about the volume of information, and the nearly (to me) manic form it comes reaches me. I see the vastness and complexity of which you are trying to channel through yourself. Maybe it's my empathy....but I am attracted to vast and complex a moth to the flame!

    So please forgive if I get off all "I know everything, here's all you need to do."

    I do have a bad habit of oversimplifing things, and offering solutions where there is a different kind of problem...

    We all have our own kinks to work out. What I send here are merely suggestions, in the hope that they may reach you and help you find a good way of expressing that which comes from your center. Laugh

    I think perhaps I see the universe from a cosmological or theoretical physics POV, where you (perhaps) are seeing the galactic interactions and relations of entire societies, being the Cosmo-Anthropologist, or Galactic Political Scientist. - of which I think is one reason I feel compelled to reach you.

    I hope I stir only good feelings in your craziness!


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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:26 pm

    Thank-you Threecaster. I'm trying to walk a road less traveled -- which seems to involve some sort of crazy-making! I tend to listen to this type of thing. I guess I'm both a friend and enemy of the City States and the Secret Government. I'm trying to be very open-minded and very discerning. I tend to end-up being somewhat non-committal and non-vocal in all of this -- mostly because it's hard to pin a lot of the empire-stuff down -- and because a lot of the subject matter is so frightening and monumental. The factions, agendas, and insanity are probably endless. I think I'd mostly like to lurk -- lifetime after lifetime. One more thing. To you Megalomaniacs Anonymous who feel the need to Control Jerusalem, Rebuild the Temple, and Rule the World from Jerusalem -- Consider NOT destroying Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock. At least consider an Underground Base and Temple -- Underneath the Dome of the Rock. I have no feelings one way or the other. I don't see the importance of a particular location. It would be possible to Rule From Pluto -- With a Bunch of Plutocrats! Namaste.

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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  devakas Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:10 am

    Ortho, never doubt that you are best writer. I think all in mists agree with that. Your writing style is the best. You are just brilliant. sunny
    I you feel bad from the last to me your question, sorry. Embarassed I wanted to answer to your question as best as I can from my heart, sounds not good, but there is a meaning if you can see it. Hope you will not have questions to me anymore.

    A sane person has to have a goal. The results always are a bit different, but a goal must be. To push or run to the goal will stress you out, and after achieving a goal there is no fun, emptiness. The process is the key to love it every bit and enjoy it every bit. (and your style is beautiful in that aspect)
    At each achievement of the goal by Vedas it is advised - do not become owner of the results.

    A Goal. Zigmund Freud said if a person is searching for meaning of life he should go to psychiatrist doctor. Second school Adler (Austria) said meaning of life is
    power , ruling, fear. Third school Frankl said the meaning of life is the search for meaning of life. the process it self. If you will choose to have a goal then enjoy every bit of the process, otherwise you will have a conflict or be only goals of others over you.

    2012 will be the big switch from mind to heart. We will notice unexpected good behavior from ourselves and others we are surrounded by. All we know of a person behavior and can predict a person behavior it will start to melt away. We will need to learn it sooner or later. In ourselves too. It will be beautiful.

    It was an age or life of game of a prey and a victim. It should vanish away. Blaming others or self will go away.
    It should. In all levels. Rulers, countries or other small or big.
    Because your famous responsibility order by Ortho will kick in. It will work when people will be learning about the influence sphere. For example we hate president but we can not influence to change.

    So hate grows in us and suppress our influence sphere which we can and should act within. When people will learn it then hate disappears and our influence zone will expands tremendously. Irresponsible (not responsible ) person worries and keeps worrying in spheres he can not influence. Hate and look of whom to blame will go away.
    See the loop?
    Hate - when we act out of our influence zone, and it stays while the concentration of our energy in our influencing zone shrinks. We should not hate. Do you hate in your stories?
    Your famous responsibility will be established starting from yourself and maybe expanding to galaxies.
    Also forget about that somebody is ruling you or rulers are reading our stuff.
    You are kidding when you are afraid of them, yes? Serious?

    Buddha did not error twice, he had developed attention. ( I read it today) study

    I really hope to leave you with smile. Very Happy


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    The Roman Empire Rules Today Empty Re: The Roman Empire Rules Today

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:23 am

    Thank-you for a brilliant post, devakas. I'm sold on responsibility, but I continue to be irresponsible. I'm trying to change that. I really am afraid of the 'rulers' because I see a very dark recorded history -- and I suspect an even darker non-recorded history. I'm sensing that some sort of war occurred in antiquity -- which humanity lost -- and some sort of control, punishment, and taxation system was implemented -- complete with a God of This World to enforce the judgment against humanity. I suspect that prophecy is a part of this punishment-judgment. I'm going to continue to think in terms of a Human Purgatory-Prison Planet in Rebellion -- in a Hermaphrodite Reptilian Universe with a Universal Church Theocracy. Mind you, I don't necessarily think that such a universe should not exist. I'm just presently extremely apprehensive regarding the survival of humanity. I'm not happy with humanity -- but I think that a modification of the existing power structure might facilitate bringing out the best in the human race. I think we should learn from ALL civilizations and races -- human and otherwise. Namaste.

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