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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011


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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Fri May 09, 2014 8:55 am

    Murdering Marine Life-No Plan to Stop Radioactive Contamination

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Fri May 30, 2014 4:07 pm


    Japan Scientist: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima… then, they died; Deformities get worse with each generation — TV: “Truly horrifying… it doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore”

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Otaki

    May 24, 2014

    Dr. Joji Otaki, lead researcher, University of Ryukyus: We collected houseplant leaves from Fukushima, and those leaves are given to [butterfly] larvae collected from Okinawa… Those larvae aresupposed to be healthy. But they ate contaminated food from Fukushima. Then we see what happens.
    Vikram Ghandi, Vice: What happened?
    Otaki: They died.
    Ghandi: Dr. Otaki’s experiments have shown the truly horrifying effects contaminated food can have on living organisms.
    Otaki: You can see wrinkled wings.
    Ghandi: It doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore.
    Otaki: We found that mortality rate and abnormality rate of the 2nd generation is much higher — even worse in the 3rd generation.
    Ghandi: The evidence contaminated food has increasingly worse effects over the course of generations is especially scary since one of Fukushima’s primary industries is agriculture.
    Kazuya Tarukawa, farmer in Sukagawa 50 miles from Fukushima Daiichi: We had been growing produce that measured 3,000 [Bq/kg] without even knowing it. Selling such produce to the markets made me feel severely guilty.
    Ghandi: His father was consumed with guilt.
    Tarukawa: He hung himself from the tree.


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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Fri May 30, 2014 4:09 pm

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Enelogo

    Official in Fukushima: “Please Please HELP US!” — Hot particles of melted fuel are inhaled by children everyday — We are forced to have it in our bodies — “Please let all people in the world know the life we are living”

    Published: May 30th, 2014 at 10:42 am ET
    By ENENews
    Email Article Email Article

    Excerpts from Oyama Koichi of the Minamisoma City Council, May 13, 2014 — Translation by Dissensus Japan, May 25, 2014:

    I want to shout for all the people in this world: “Please Please HELP US!”
    The cause substance have been found. This is an aggregate of radionuclides which starts with Uranium [in] a nuclear reactor at more than 5000°C.
    This mixed metal contains four different substances, α・β・γ and also have the possibility to radiate neutron ray.
    No creature on earth never knew this substance.
    We are forced to have those strong substances inside our body without knowing where it exactly stays.
    To say that “Cesium has got the same system as potassium and it will be discharged from the body” is just a lie! [...]
    We are all manipulated by the words “radiation” and “radiation doze” without knowing the real identity of radiation source. We are not told the real facts of being irradiated [...]
    They only compare radiation doze and natural potassium contained in bananas and manipulated people as if it was a scientific study. I really want the scholars patronized by the government to be punished by the rancorous of all children on this earth. [...]
    The informations say that hot particles were diffused and flied in all directions in Japan. The particles from hell is flying in the air and people don’t protect themselves anymore three years after the nuclear accident and children are aspirating those horrible particles everyday!!!
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US! Please let all people in the world to know the life we are living since the accident, everyday and today.


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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 Off The Coast Of Honshu, Japan

    Post  Jenetta Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:02 am

    This is beyond sad and is a crime against the people of this Earth for what these people suffer in Fukushima affects us all. The consequences are far reaching and my heart aches for those innocents that will be impacted many generations down the road along with those that are alive today.

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Magnitude 9.1 - Near The East Coast Of Honshu, Japan

    Post  Jenetta Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:32 am

    Fukushima is human-engineered crisis that threatens health of Pacific Ocean - Expert

    June 3rd 2014

    Japan starting constructing an underground ice wall at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, freezing the soil under broken reactors to slow the build-up of radioactive water. The Nuclear Regulation Authority, the national watchdog, last week authorised construction of the ice wall at Fukushima Daiichi, owned and operated by Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO). The Voice of Russia talked to Dr. Majia Nadesan, Professor at Arizona State University’s New College.

    First and foremost, can this project be described as unprecedented?

    Yes, the ice-wall project is unprecedented because an unprecedented disaster calls for unprecedented solutions. Japan’s Former Prime Minister Kan (2013) described the Fukushima nuclear disaster as the most severe accident experienced by humankind because it involves multiple-reactor meltdowns and at least one reported melt-through, as well as damaged fuel in reactor pools.

    The risks to the ocean, in particular, are unprecedented because there is good reason to believe that melted fuel residing in, or below, the reactor basements is in direct contact with an underground river running through the site (Nagata, 2013).

    A German study modelling the effects of an uncontained core meltdown suggests the Pacific Ocean is imperiled. The "German Risk Study, Phase B" found that a core meltdown accident could result in complete failures of all structural containment, causing melted fuel to exit the reactor foundation within five days (cited in Bayer, Tromm, & Al-Omari 1989). Moreover, the study found that even in the event of an intact building foundation, passing groundwater would be in direct contact with fuel, causing leaching of fission products. Strontium leaches slower than cesium. A follow-up German study, "Dispersion of Radionuclides and Radiation Exposure after Leaching by Groundwater of a Solidified Core-Concrete Melt," predicted that strontium contamination levels would rise exponentially years after a full melt-through located adjacent to a river (Bayer, Tromm, & Al-Omari, 1989).

    The study predicted concentrations of Strontium-90 in river water would spike relatively suddenly, but maintain extraordinarily high levels of contamination for years. Strontium bio-accumulates in the human body, including the brain, and is a known genotoxin. The study’s experimental conditions are roughly similar to Daiichi’s site conditions and strontium levels have been spiking there since the summer of 2013. TEPCO just reported that strontium levels in reactor basement water ranged from 40 million to 500 million becquerels per liter ("TEPCO to Improve," 2014).

    Could you touch on the economic feasibility and effectiveness of this expensive project? Will it really help the Fukushima plant’s operator slow the build-up of radioactive water?

    Fukushima is a human-engineered crisis that threatens the health of the Pacific Ocean and, therefore, it poses significant risks for long-term human health and reproductive welfare. There is no cost too great to contain the contaminated water at the site from entering the Pacific Ocean.

    However, I, like most people, lack specific information about the soil conditions at the Daiichi site and I also lack expertise necessary for evaluating the viability of creating and maintaining an ice-wall in a wet, geologically active, and highly radioactive environment. I would applaud the ice-wall, if truly accomplished, but I worry that the secrecy surrounding the exact plant conditions at both Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini have limited the voices involved in decision making. Fukushima is a global problem, yet on the surface it appears that TEPCO, a financially ruined corporation, is making all the important decisions. TEPCO’s decision-making has proven so far incapable of containing ongoing atmospheric and water contamination by Daiichi.

    The construction of the underground ice wall is due to be completed by March 2015. Will Tokyo Electric Power Company manage to meet this deadline given that at least 1,500 pipes should be laid deep in soil, in line with the project?

    I cannot comment given the vast unknowns in plant and geological conditions, as well as the engineering uncertainties of actually maintaining an ice-wall subject to contaminated water emitting high-levels of neutron, alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.

    What about the current radiation levels near the Fukushima plant? Are they in sync with international standards?

    As mentioned above, TEPCO recently reported that strontium levels in reactor basement-water ranged from 40 million to 500 million becquerels per liter ("TEPCO to Improve," 2014). TEPCO has not reported accurate strontium levels in ground and ocean water since the summer of 2013. Record strontium levels were reported in July, 2013 but were later found to have been significantly under-reported (please see "TEPCO Withheld," 2014). TEPCO’s measurement system under-counted radioactive decay. TEPCO never followed up with revised data, despite acknowledging publicly that data reported July of 2013 through November of 2013 under-stated levels.

    Few to no readings of strontium levels in ground and sea water have been reported by TEPCO since December of 2013

    Some warn against overdramatizing the situation surrounding the Fukushima fallout, while others insist that the aftermath was greatly Under-estimated. What is your stance on the matter?

    I believe that we cannot even begin to image the diverse ways radiation from Fukushima is going to impact eco-systems adversely, especially Pacific flora and fauna. I worry about the long-term effects on already stressed beings, including humanity itself.

    When do you think full decommissioning of the Fukushima plant will be wrapped up?

    In March 2014, an anonymous TEPCO official told Australian Broadcasting that the reactors could neverbe de-contaminated because the technology for extracting melted fuel does not exist (Carney, 2014). I’m not convinced that the plant ever will be decommissioned, but I believe that we have a moral responsibility to our children and to the global ecosystem to do ALL that we can to stop the spread of radionuclides from Fukushima and every other contaminated site on Earth. We are not doing enough. More testing and global cooperation are needed now.

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    Post  mudra Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:54 am

    I think this is a thread that sadly never will see an end  Crying or Very sad 

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    Post  mudra Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:45 am


    HOMEMORELOCATION   S. California fishermen ‘skunked… haven’t seen a squid’, usually 10,000+ lbs/day — ‘Complete crashes’ at oyster hatcheries — Sardines, mackerel missing in areas — Pelican sites alarmingly deserted — Record # of sick sea lions — Ultra-rare whales appear after decades — Mammals, birds, fish in odd places »

    TV: Trouble reported with inner ‘ice wall’ at Fukushima; Highly radioactive water underground won’t freeze — Tepco: “We can’t make temperature low enough” after trying for months; Fluctuating water levels beneath Unit 2 blamed — Expert: Ground can liquify around reactors, form sinkholes

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 Off The Coast Of Honshu, Japan

    Post  Jenetta Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:38 am

    Fukushima’s Children are Dying

    by Harvey Wasserman June 14/2014

    More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people—nearly 200,000 kids—tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors now suffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts.

    But the deadly epidemic at Fukushima is consistent with impacts suffered among children near the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island and the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl, as well as findings at other commercial reactors.

    The likelihood that atomic power could cause such epidemics has been confirmed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, which says that “an increase in the risk of childhood thyroid cancer” would accompany a reactor disaster.

    In evaluating the prospects of new reactor construction in Canada, the Commission says the rate “would rise by 0.3 percent at a distance of 12 kilometers” from the accident. But that assumes the distribution of protective potassium iodide pills and a successful emergency evacuation, neither of which happened at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or Fukushima.

    The numbers have been analyzed by Mangano. He has studied the impacts of reactor-created radiation on human health since the 1980s, beginning his work with the legendary radiologist Dr. Ernest Sternglass and statistician Jay Gould.

    Speaking on’s Green Power & Wellness Show, Mangano also confirms that the general health among downwind human populations improves when atomic reactors are shut down, and goes into decline when they open or re-open.

    Nearby children are not the only casualties at Fukushima. Plant operator Masao Yoshida has died at age 58 of esophogeal cancer. Masao heroically refused to abandon Fukushima at the worst of the crisis, probably saving millions of lives. Workers at the site who are employed by independent contractors—many dominated by organized crime—are often not being monitored for radiation exposure at all. Public anger is rising over government plans to force families—many with small children—back into the heavily contaminated region around the plant.

    Following its 1979 accident, Three Mile Island’s owners denied the reactor had melted. But a robotic camera later confirmed otherwise.

    The state of Pennsylvania mysteriously killed its tumor registry, then said there was “no evidence” that anyone had been killed.

    But a wide range of independent studies confirm heightened infant death rates and excessive cancers among the general population. Excessive death, mutation and disease rates among local animals were confirmed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and local journalists.

    In the 1980s federal Judge Sylvia Rambo blocked a class action suit by some 2,400 central Pennsylvania downwinders, claiming not enough radiation had escaped to harm anyone. But after 35 years, no one knows how much radiation escaped or where it went. Three Mile Island’s owners have quietly paid millions to downwind victims in exchange for gag orders.

    At Chernobyl, a compendium of more than 5,000 studies has yielded an estimated death toll of more than 1,000,000 people.

    The radiation effects on youngsters in downwind Belarus and Ukraine have been horrific. According to Mangano, some 80 percent of the “Children of Chernobyl” born downwind since the accident have been harmed by a wide range of impacts ranging from birth defects and thyroid cancer to long-term heart, respiratory and mental illnesses. The findings mean that just one in five young downwinders can be termed healthy.

    Physicians for Social Responsibility and the German chapter of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War have warned of parallel problems near Fukushima.

    The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) has recently issued reports downplaying the disaster’s human impacts. UNSCEAR is interlocked with the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency, whose mandate is to promote atomic power. The IAEA has a long-term controlling gag order on UN findings about reactor health impacts. For decades UNSCEAR and the World Health Organization have run protective cover for the nuclear industry’s widespread health impacts. Fukushima has proven no exception.

    In response, Physicians for Social Responsibility and the German International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War have issued a ten-point rebuttal, warning the public of the UN’s compromised credibility. The disaster is “ongoing” say the groups, and must be monitored for decades. “Things could have turned for the worse” if winds had been blowing toward Tokyo rather than out to sea (and towards America).

    There is on-going risk from irradiated produce, and among site workers whose doses and health impacts are not being monitored. Current dose estimates among workers as well as downwinders are unreliable, and special notice must be taken of radiation’s severe impacts on the human embryo.

    UNSCEAR’s studies on background radiation are also “misleading,” say the groups, and there must be further study of genetic radiation effects as well as “non-cancer diseases.” The UN assertion that “no discernible radiation-related health effects are expected among exposed members” is “cynical,” say the groups. They add that things were made worse by the official refusal to distribute potassium iodide, which might have protected the public from thyroid impacts from massive releases of radioactive I-131.

    Overall, the horrific news from Fukushima can only get worse. Radiation from three lost cores is still being carried into the Pacific. Management of spent fuel rods in pools suspended in the air and scattered around the site remains fraught with danger.

    The pro-nuclear Shinzo Abe regime wants to reopen Japan’s remaining 48 reactors. It has pushed hard for families who fled the disaster to re-occupy irradiated homes and villages.

    But Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the plague of death and disease now surfacing near Fukushima make it all too clear that the human cost of such decisions continues to escalate—with our children suffering first and worst.

    Listen to radio broadcast in article

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    Post  mudra Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:53 pm

    Tunnel vision: Plan to put Fukushima on ice hits snag

    The plan to stop contaminated water from the quake-crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant leaking into the sea by freezing soil and water is not working as well as Japanese officials had hoped.

    The problem is related not to the more-publicized “ice wall” set to be erected around the Fukushima plant, but rather the use of the same approach to freeze water in underground tunnels. Workers started pouring chemical solutions into the tunnels under the No 2 reactor in April, hoping that they would help freeze the contaminated water in them and stop it from leaking into the environment.

    But the plan is not working as intended, with tests showing that the water in the tunnels is still above freezing level, NHK reported Tuesday. Plant operator Tepco believes that some objects must be blocking the flow of the coolant and have therefore considered adding more pipes to pour it in.

    The tunnels are full of an estimated 11,000 tons of contaminated water, which was used to cool down the reactors after they melted down in the wake of the March 2011 quake and tsunami.

    Tepco was hoping to complete the frozen barrier in the tunnels and pump out the radioactive wastewater into storage tanks by end of July, but may have to push back the deadline.

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Fukushima has 9 days to prevent ‘unsafe’ overheating

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:55 pm

    Fukushima has 9 days to prevent ‘unsafe’ overheating
    Published time: July 06, 2014

    Fukushima operator TEPCO has been forced to switch off the cooling system at mothballed Reactor Unit 5, after it was discovered that it had been leaking water. In nine days, if the system is not repaired, temperatures will exceed dangerous levels.

    Engineers have discovered that 1,300 liters of water leaked from a cooling system intended to stabilize the temperature of the spent fuel at the Reactor Unit 5, which was offline but loaded with fuel rods when the plant was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

    The source of the leak was a 3 mm-diameter hole near a flow valve, a statement published by the Japanese energy giant on Sunday asserts. However it is unclear from company data if the location of the opening has been discovered, or whether it was calculated with flow measurements.

    At the time when the cooling system was switched off at around 12pm on Sunday, the temperature in the pool in which the rods are submerged was 23C but started increasing by 0.193 degrees per hour, TEPCO says.

    If no new cold water is pumped in at such rate it will reach the dangerous threshold of 65C by the midpoint of the month in roughly 9 days.

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    Post  mudra Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:57 pm

    Fox News: “Leak at Fukushima nuclear plant threatens dangerous meltdown… Trouble is looming” — Officials: “No idea when it can resume cooling system for spent fuel pool”

    NHK WORLD, Jul. 7, 2014: No prospect to resume cooling No.5 fuel pool — The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has no idea when it can resume the cooling system for one of the spent fuel pools. [TEPCO] halted the cooling system at the No.5 reactor on Sunday after workers found seawater leaking from a pipe. Seawater is used to lower the temperature of coolant water [...] they are still considering how to repair the pipe. [...] TEPCO says the temperature will reach the company’s safety limit of 65 degrees in a little over a week. The operator plans to channel seawater into the pool to curb the rise in temperature.

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    Post  mudra Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:15 am

    Fukushima Update: Unit 5 Leak
    Permaculture magazine |
    Wednesday, 9th July 2014
    A new leak found at Daiichi Fukushima in Unit 5, originally undamaged by the earthquake in 2011.

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 TEPCO-Fukushima-NPS-map-unit5_0.standard%20460x345

    A new and dangerous leak has been found at Unit 5 of the Daichii Fukushima Plant, originally deemed safe.

    The leak is coming from the fifth unit of The Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) nuclear power complex which was not part of the original four damaged from the level 9 earthquake in 2011.

    According to, "Engineers on the Fukushima site have said that apparently about 1,300 liters of highly radioactive water has leaked from a 3mm-diameter hole near a cooling system flow valve in Unit 5. The leak forced TEPCO workers at around 12pm on Sunday to shut off the cooling water system that was stabilizing the temperature of the spent fuel rod pool."

    Various news sites have explained that the unit is rising in temperature and within nine days it could exceed the dangerous threshold of 65oC. Hotter water increases the possibility of further reactions and radiation leaks.

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    Post  mudra Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:20 am


    FUKUSHIMA, July 8, 2014- The cooling of the spent fuel pool of Unit 5 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station which was stopped due to seawater leak found at a pipe resumed cooling by another system at 15:40 today, and all the fuel inside is safely cooled, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) announced.

    Unit 5 is a reactor which achieved safe shutdown and all fuels inside remained undamaged after the earthquake and tsunami that hit the station in March 2011.

    A system that cools the spent fuel pool at Unit 5 has been stopped on July 6 2014, after seawater was found leaking from a pipe of the indirect cooling system called the "Auxiliary Sea Water (SW) System". After investigation on July 6, the company found seawater leaking from a hole approximately 3mm in diameter, on a valve that is used to control amount of water flow. The leak was stopped after the suspension of the system, and the hole was immediately repaired inserting a hardener. The company said it is planning to restart the SW cooling system after further repair is done.

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    Post  mudra Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:18 pm

    Japan has Literally LOST THEIR MINDS: Fukushima update 7/25/14

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    Post  mudra Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:01 pm

    Radioactive Reality (06 August 2014) Meltdown at Fukushima worse than thought

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    Post  mudra Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:39 pm

    Radioactive Reality (13 August 2014) Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:29 am

    Nuclear Watch: Fukushima Contamination of the environment (08/17/2014)

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:51 pm

    Interview with Dr. Brad Sample, ecotoxicologist and Hazard/Risk Assessment Editor for ‘Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’ (at 8:10 in): “The event [at Fukushima Daiichi] is unprecedented in scale and duration.” >> Full interview here Arrow 


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    Post  mudra Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:13 pm

    Fukushima: The Big Invisible Elephant in the Room ☢ (Nuclear Hotseat) ☠

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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:06 pm

    Nuclear Watch: Radioactive water leaking from Fukushima tank 9/4/2014

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:14 am

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Enelogo

    Another one of nowadays heroes Crying or Very sad

    “Very Frightening”: Journalist on popular Japan news program found dead — Only person reporting about Fukushima on national TV — Chilling recent quote: “I want you to know I will never commit suicide” — No news coverage of death, no obituary, ‘strange’ nuclear message shown on air

    Interview with Beverly Findlay Kaneko, evacuee from Yokohama, Japan, Social Uplift, published Sept. 14, 2014: A TV journalist named Mr. Masaki Iwaji, he was the only TV director to work on the Fukushima issue — the humanitarian problems and the corruption involved — and get it on national TV… He was found dead and there are rumors that it was suicide, but there is a lot of speculation that it was not. It is something that I’ve been thinking about quite a lot this week… His program, which is called ‘Hodo Station’, is a nightly news program that’s very popular. I would equate it to ‘60 Minutes’. That program has come under a lot of fire. The main anchor of that program, Mr. [Ichiro] Furutachi — who is extremely popular… it was rumored that he was in danger of losing his job for actually allowing these issues to be covered. Many of us are extremely upset to hear about Mr. Iwaji’s death. It’s very frightening.

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:16 pm

    From Fukushima to Hiroshima

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 FukutohiroLRG

    Regular readers of Activist Post are likely familiar with the work of Richard Wilcox, PhD. His on-the-ground reports and intensive research into the Fukushima disaster have been instrumental in raising essential questions about the history of nuclear power. In fact, he asserts that the Fukushima explosions and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are intimately connected events.

    Dr. Wilcox and a team of editors are helping to present a comprehensive exploration of this nuclear will to power that holds little regard for life itself. They recently have published a definitive and riveting book: Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization? If there is one sober assessment of what this unparalleled event means to humanity, this scholarly yet practical review is it.

    In this eye-opening exposé you will discover diverse dispossession effects including:

       Market distortions
       Radiation damage to personal property
       Wrecked livelihoods
       Trangenerational mutations potentially threatening health and happiness
       Corrupt influences of the nuclear industry

    You will learn from leading experts who discuss the path to denuclearization through the pursuit of alternative technologies, as well as the range of potential health and economic threats yet to unfold.

    Contributors include:

       Richard Wilcox
       Andrew McKillop
       Christopher Busby
       Majia Nadesan
       Antony Boys
       Harvey Wasserman
       Paul Langley
       Adam Broinowski
       Christian Lystbaek
       The Fukushima Five

    All proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to The Fukushima Collective Evaluation Trial Team, a team of lawyers who are fighting in the courts in northern Japan to have children in Koriyama City, quite badly contaminated with radiation after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster, evacuated to safe areas at government expense.

    This is an opportunity for readers to gain essential knowledge, while contributing to the recovery process from what could prove to be one of humanity's greatest challenges.


    Love Always

    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 Near The Coast Of Honshu, Japan

    Post  Jenetta Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:09 am

    Another one of nowadays heroes Crying or Very sad

    “Very Frightening”: Journalist on popular Japan news program found dead — Only person reporting about Fukushima on national TV — Chilling recent quote: “I want you to know I will never commit suicide” — No news coverage of death, no obituary, ‘strange’ nuclear message shown on air

    Interview with Beverly Findlay Kaneko, evacuee from Yokohama, Japan, Social Uplift, published Sept. 14, 2014: A TV journalist named Mr. Masaki Iwaji, he was the only TV director to work on the Fukushima issue — the humanitarian problems and the corruption involved — and get it on national TV… He was found dead and there are rumors that it was suicide, but there is a lot of speculation that it was not. It is something that I’ve been thinking about quite a lot this week… His program, which is called ‘Hodo Station’, is a nightly news program that’s very popular. I would equate it to ‘60 Minutes’. That program has come under a lot of fire. The main anchor of that program, Mr. [Ichiro] Furutachi — who is extremely popular… it was rumored that he was in danger of losing his job for actually allowing these issues to be covered. Many of us are extremely upset to hear about Mr. Iwaji’s death. It’s very frightening.

    read on:


    And that link has conveniently disappeared off enenews...cover-ups reach deep e.g. Stuxnet Virus.


    Posts : 23295
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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:29 pm

    Jenetta wrote:
    read on:


    And that link has conveniently disappeared off enenews...cover-ups reach deep e.g. Stuxnet Virus.


    That link still works for me Jenetta.

    There is a video one can view inside that link :

    Love from me

    Posts : 23295
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 16 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:02 am

    "Unprecedented Catastrophe Underway at Fukushima" update 10/22/14

    Love Always

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:28 am