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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011


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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 14 Empty Re: Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:12 am

    Fukushima Totally Out of Control, Fishermen F#cked, p1 Update 8/29/13

    Part 2

    Love Always

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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:00 am

    MONUMENTAL Troubles at Fukushima. From BAD to WORSE update 8/31/13

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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:07 am

    Fukushima radioactive leak causes the sea off Japan coast to boil

    The sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan, and the picture of this devastating phenomenon has recently been called the photo of the day by Coolbuster. While it certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan, it might have even worse consequences for the North American continent. If Fukushima radiation keeps leaking, the boiling seas are likely to spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the US causing a massive environmental catastrophe.
    A Twitter photo showing a “boiling sea” off the coast of Japan, near the Fukushima nuclear power plant with radiation leaks, has gone viral online.

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 14 Japan-boiling-sea

    News of the "boiling sea" followed a devastating report from last week when the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said 330 tons of highly radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank at the facility.
    Arnie Gundersen, a former nuclear industry executive who has coordinated projects at 70 nuclear power plants around the United States says “the problem is going to get worse,” and continues to state “Radioactive water is leaking out of this plant as fast as it is leaking in.”

    Read more:

    According to enenews Japanese journalist Mari Takenouchi commented on the NHK screenshot in a recent tweet: “NO, the sea is NOT boiling. I cannot identify the source, but the foggy thing is steam coming from somewhere.”

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    Post  mudra Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:54 am

    Fukushima Disaster Nightmare Update 9/5/13 Video of Groundwater Leak at Reactor1 Turbine Bldg

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    Post  mudra Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:43 am

    Fukushima Disaster: BAN Japan's Agriculture Products! Pleads to "make it stop!" Update 9/6/13

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    Post  mudra Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:47 am

    Fukushima JP update 9/11/13 (Leaking MORE Tritium & Other Deadly Stuff!)

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    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - March 11, 2011 - Page 14 Empty Magnitude 9.1 - Near The East Coast Of Honshu, Japan

    Post  Jenetta Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:04 am

    Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat

    Dr. Helen Caldicott
    Published time: September 15, 2013

    As the escape of radiation at Fukushima seems virtually unstoppable, there are still steps that governments all over the world should take to prevent worst case consequences. One of them would be canceling the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

    Scientific estimates predict that the radioactive plume travelling east across the Pacific will likely hit the shores of Oregon, Washington State and Canada early next year. California will probably be impacted later that year. Because the ongoing flow of water from the reactor site will be virtually impossible to stop, a radioactive plume will continue to migrate across the Pacific affecting Hawaii, North America, South America and eventually Australia for many decades.

    We are only talking about ocean currents, however, fish swim thousands of miles and don’t necessarily follow the currents. As noted in Part I, big fish concentrate radiation most efficiently, and tuna have already been caught off the coast of California containing cesium from Fukushima. Seaweed also efficiently concentrates radioactive elements.

    As I contemplate the future at Fukushima, it seems that the escape of radiation is virtually unstoppable. The levels of radiation in buildings 1, 2 and 3 are now so high that no human can enter or get close to the molten cores. It will therefore be impossible to remove these cores for hundreds of years if ever.

    Buildings 1, 2 & 3

    If one of these buildings collapses, the targeted flow of cooling water to the pools and cores would cease, the cores would become red hot and possibly ignite releasing massive amounts of radiation into the air and water and the fuel in the cooling pools could ignite. It is strange that neither the US government in particular nor the global community seem to be concerned about these imminent possibilities and exhibit no urge to avert catastrophe.

    Similarly the global media is strangely disconnected with the ongoing crisis. Most importantly, the Japanese government until very recently has obstinately refused to invite and collaborate with foreign experts from nuclear engineering companies and/or governments.

    Building 4

    This structure was severely damaged during the initial quake, its walls are bulging, and it sank 31 inches (79cm) into the ground. On the roof sits a cooling pool containing about 250 tons of hot fuel rods, most of which had just been removed from the reactor core days before the earthquake struck. This particular core did not melt because TEPCO was able maintain a continuous flow of cooling water, so the rods and their holding racks are still intact, but geometrically deformed due to the force of the hydrogen explosion.  

    The cooling pool contains 8,800 pounds of plutonium plus over 100 other highly radioactive isotopes. Instead of this core melting into a larval mass like the other three cores, it sits exposed to the air atop the shaky building. A large earthquake could disrupt the integrity of the building, causing it to collapse and taking the hot fuel rods with it. The cooling water would evaporate and the intrinsic heat of the radioactive rods would ignite a fire as the zirconium cladding reacted with air, releasing the radioactive equivalent of 14,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs and 10 times more cesium than Chernobyl.

    Not only would the Northern Hemisphere become badly contaminated, but the Japanese government is seriously contemplating evacuating 35 million people from Tokyo should this happen. TEPCO has constructed a steel frame to strengthen the shaky building in order to place a massive crane on the roof so they can extract the hot rods by remote control. This operation is always performed by computer and a remote manually-controlled extraction has never been attempted before. If the rods are deformed, a rod could fracture releasing so much radiation that the workers would have to evacuate or, should they touch each other, a chain reaction could release huge amounts of radiation.

    I defer to Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer in whom I have great faith. He says that a 2-meter thick zeolite wall should be constructed some distance from the reactors on the mountainside, which would effectively absorb the cesium from the water surrounding the reactor cores so it could not get out and further pollute the pure water descending from the mountain. At the same time, channels must be constructed to pump and divert the unpolluted mountain water into the sea. Then the three molten cores and their associated buildings could be immersed in concrete as the Soviets did at Chernobyl, and the situation could possibly be neutralized for about 100 years. What our poor descendants will then decide to do with this radioactive rubbish dump is beyond my comprehension.

    However, as one Japanese official said, “If we just buried them no one would look at another nuclear plant for years.” An interesting reaction, so it is perfectly obvious that despite the calamity, they still want to pursue the nuclear option.

    North America and Canada the EPA should immediately start monitoring the fish routinely caught off the west coast and it must also, as a matter of urgency, establish many effective airborne monitors up and down the west coast and across the US continent, so that if there is another large release of radiation it will be effectively measured and the information rapidly passed on to the public. The same holds true for Canada.

    The US and Canadian governments must forthwith ban imported food from Japan, unless each batch is monitored for contamination, and the food grown in the US and Canada needs to be effectively monitored pending another major accident. The US has allowed food measuring up to 1,200 Becquerels per kilo to be sold in the US from Japan, while the Japanese allowable concentration for food is only 100 Becquerels per kilo. What does the US government think it is doing purposely exposing people to radioactive food? This situation must be urgently amended.

    More on Nuclear Olympics:

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    Post  mudra Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:20 pm

    Radioactive Reality (19 September 2013) 400ft Tower with Cracks & 3 is steaming Hot

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:35 pm

    Humankind’s Most Dangerous Moment: Fukushima Fuel Pool at Unit 4. “This is an Issue of Human Survival.” -

    The world community must now take charge at Fukushima

    We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
    There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focussed on the fuel pool at Fukushima Unit 4.

    Fukushima’s owner, Tokyo Electric (Tepco), says that within as few as 60 days it may begin trying to remove more than 1300 spent fuel rods from a badly damaged pool perched 100 feet in the air. The pool rests on a badly damaged building that is tilting, sinking and could easily come down in the next earthquake, if not on its own.
    Some 400 tons of fuel in that pool could spew out more than 15,000 times as much radiation as was released at Hiroshima.

    The one thing certain about this crisis is that Tepco does not have the scientific, engineering or financial resources to handle it. Nor does the Japanese government. The situation demands a coordinated worldwide effort of the best scientists and engineers our species can muster.
    Why is this so serious?

    We already know that thousands of tons of heavily contaminated water are pouring through the Fukushima site, carrying a devil’s brew of long-lived poisonous isotopes into the Pacific. Tuna irradiated with fallout traceable to Fukushima have already been caught off the coast of California. We can expect far worse.
    Tepco continues to pour more water onto the proximate site of three melted reactor cores it must somehow keep cool.Steam plumes indicate fission may still be going on somewhere underground. But nobody knows exactly where those cores actually are.

    Much of that irradiated water now sits in roughly a thousand huge but fragile tanks that have been quickly assembled and strewn around the site. Many are already leaking. All could shatter in the next earthquake, releasing thousands of tons of permanent poisons into the Pacific.
    The water flowing through the site is also undermining the remnant structures at Fukushima, including the one supporting the fuel pool at Unit Four.

    More than 6,000 fuel assemblies now sit in a common pool just 50 meters from Unit Four. Some contain plutonium. The pool has no containment over it. It’s vulnerable to loss of coolant, the collapse of a nearby building, another earthquake, another tsunami and more.
    Overall, more than 11,000 fuel assemblies are scattered around the Fukushima site. According to long-time expert and former Department of Energy official Robert Alvarez, there is more than 85 times as much lethal cesium on site as was released at Chernobyl.

    Radioactive hot spots continue to be found around Japan. There are indications of heightened rates of thyroid damage among local children.
    The immediate bottom line is that those fuel rods must somehow come safely out of the Unit Four fuel pool as soon as possible.
    Just prior to the 3/11/11 earthquake and tsunami that shattered the Fukushima site, the core of Unit Four was removed for routine maintenance and refueling. Like some two dozen reactors in the US and too many more around the world, the General Electric-designed pool into which that core now sits is 100 feet in the air.

    Spent fuel must somehow be kept under water. It’s clad in zirconium alloy which will spontaneously ignite when exposed to air. Long used in flash bulbs for cameras, zirconium burns with an extremely bright hot flame.

    Each uncovered rod emits enough radiation to kill someone standing nearby in a matter of minutes. A conflagration could force all personnel to flee the site and render electronic machinery unworkable.
    According to Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer with forty years in an industry for which he once manufactured fuel rods, the ones in the Unit 4 core are bent, damaged and embrittled to the point of crumbling. Cameras have shown troubling quantities of debris in the fuel pool, which itself is damaged.
    The engineering and scientific barriers to emptying the Unit Four fuel pool are unique and daunting, says Gundersen. But it must be done to 100% perfection.

    Should the attempt fail, the rods could be exposed to air and catch fire, releasing horrific quantities of radiation into the atmosphere. The pool could come crashing to the ground, dumping the rods together into a pile that could fission and possibly explode. The resulting radioactive cloud would threaten the health and safety of all us.
    Chernobyl’s first 1986 fallout reached California within ten days. Fukushima’s in 2011 arrived in less than a week. A new fuel fire at Unit 4 would pour out a continuous stream of lethal radioactive poisons for centuries.
    Former Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata says full-scale releases from Fukushima “would destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugilistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue of human survival.”
    Neither Tokyo Electric nor the government of Japan can go this alone. There is no excuse for deploying anything less than a coordinated team of the planet’s best scientists and engineers.
    We have two months or less to act.

    For now, we are petitioning the United Nations and President Obama to mobilize the global scientific and engineering community to take charge at Fukushima and the job of moving these fuel rods to safety.

    You can sign the petition at:

    - See more at: more at:

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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:52 am

    World Action Now on Fukushima - Harvey Wasserman + petition (info)

    Journalist, author, activist and historian Harvey Wasserman has been reporting on, and participating in, the nuclear free movement for decades. In that time, by his judgment, only one other event matches the danger to the world posed by the Cuban Missile Crisis. That event is the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima.

    Haven't heard about it in the corporate media? That's because the deadly and dying global nuclear industry and its allies don't want you to know.

    That's why he has organized a petition drive to the UN advocating international expert oversight of, and participation in, management of the Fukushima crisis.

    In this interview, he explains why we must all be involved in this world-historical challenge to human and planetary survival. Sign the petition here:

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    Post  mudra Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:02 am

    Fukushima NEW Highly Radioactive Leak & Contaminated Waste Storage Problems update 10/2/13

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    Post  Jenetta Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:17 pm

    This is a petition worth signing for a global response to Fukushima...please see Harvey Wasserman's video. Helen Caldicott will be featured on a radio program October 7th/2013 at 12pm PST; 3pm EST. TEPCO plans on trying to remove these dangerous fuel rods from the cooling pool in November.

    Thank you so much for endorsing our petition for a global takeover at Fukushima.

    More than 100,000 of you have signed via our links at, and This is an amazing show of concern & support in such a short period of time.

    Tepco has said it may begin moving the fuel rods down from Unit #4 in November. By then we must gather enough support to bring humankind's best scientific, engineering and monetary resources to bear on this supremely dangerous task.

    Its successful completion will be a huge relief. But it will only begin the real clean-up at Fukushima, where 11,000 fuel rods are scattered, where three cores are missing, where thousands of tons of contaminated water continue to pour through to the Pacific, and so much more.

    Please do continue to circulate these petitions. Our prayers, meditation, healing energies, hard work and ceaseless organizing are all we have to make the difference. Your suggestions and on-going participation are essential.

    This coming Monday, Dr. Helen Caldicott will be on my Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show at 3pm eastern on Please listen and call in: 888-874-4888. The show will be archived for later listening.

    Below are links to a 10-minute YouTube, and to a Huffington Post article (the numbers are, thankfully, a bit out of date). Much more will be coming your way. Together we CAN/MUST make the difference.

    For a nuke-free world...HarveyW"



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    Post  Jenetta Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:17 pm

    The above petition for a global response to Fukushima...please see Harvey Wasserman's video. Helen Caldicott will be featured on a radio program October 7th/2013 at 3pm PST. TEPCO plans on trying to remove these dangerous fuel rods from the cooling pool in November.



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    Post  mudra Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:07 pm

    Japan's Triple Meltdown: Tour of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

    Each week Fairewinds receives many questions about the ongoing tragedy unfolding in Japan as a result of the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Join us as Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen highlights the many problems facing Japan as he takes you on a tour of the Fukushima Daiichi site by combining satellite video, animated graphics and photos to create a comprehensive and easy to follow video tour.

    Thubs Up 

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    Post  mudra Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:11 am

    The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons for New York

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    Post  mudra Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:31 pm

    Lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident

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    Post  mudra Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:54 am

    Fukushima News 10/18/13: Radioactivity Level Spikes 6,500 Times At Fukushima Well

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    Post  mudra Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:11 am

    Fukushima News 10/24/13: Tepco Abuses Employees; Running Out Of Storage Space; Tepco Struggles

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    Post  mudra Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:51 am

    The latest on our fukushima petition: we are over 105,000...& more

    HELLO EVERYONE!  we are over 105,000 signatures.  this is tremendous.

    Tepco says it may begin trying to remove fuel from Fuku 4 on November 8, so we wil present petitions on November 7.  

    If you are in NYC and want to help with the delivery, please write me through this site.    

    At there is a new petition to sign from Aileen Miyoko Smith in Japan.  Its deadline is October 30 so please hurry if you can.


    Here's the latest.  Developments are happening fast/furious. Thank you!!!

    Excerpt: Arrow 

    Robert Stone Must Now Film Fukushima

    We are in desperate need of documentary filmmakers at Fukushima.

    The Japanese government is about to pass a national censorship law clearly meant to make it impossible to know what's going on there.
    ( )

    Massive quantities of radioactive water have been flowing through the site since the 3/11/11 earthquake/tsunami.
    ( )

    At thousand flimsy tanks hold still more thousands of tons of radioactive water which would pour into the Pacific should they collapse.

    An earthquake and two typhoons have have just hit there, flushing still more radioactive water into the sea.
    ( )

    The corrupt and incompetent Tokyo Electric Power Company will soon try moving 400 tons of supremely radioactive rods from a damaged Unit Four fuel pool, an operation that could easily end in global catastrophe. The rods contain 14,000 times as much radioactive cesium as was released at the bombing of Hiroshima.
    ( )

    Nobody knows the exact location of the melted cores from Units One, Two and Three or whether they are still fissioning.

    more at the link above

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    Post  mudra Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:05 pm

    Fukushima to Remove Tritium, IAEA To Send "Help" Update 11/2/13

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    Post  mudra Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:09 pm

    Fukushima: Humankind's Most Dangerous Moment? Damaged SFP#4 Fuel Removal

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    Post  mudra Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:37 pm

    Radioactive Reality (05 November 2013) Fukushima "A new and disturbing development"

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    Post  mudra Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:09 pm

    Remove Tepco Before You Remove That Fuel
    By Harvey Wasserman and Arnie Gundersen

    The hot radioactive fuel rods at Fukushima Unit Four must be removed to a safer place as soon as possible. But the Tokyo Electric Power Company does not have the financial, scientific or engineering capability to do that and the other critical work there. We ask the government of Japan to remove Tepco and find a more capable team to take control of the Fukushima site. Please look at the letter sent UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon ( ). There can be no higher priority than bringing the Fukushima disaster under control. See and for updated information.


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    Post  mudra Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:06 pm

    (13 November 2013) Fukushima "READY" to remove SFP#4 Hot Bent Nuclear Fuel

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    Post  Jenetta Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:54 am

    Say your prayers for a year everyone...this is the real toughie to get through considering that one of the multiple assemblies for rod removal is bent at a ninety degree angle!
    Robot computers doing the job? Guess they don't take into consideration that there could be X class solar flares coming up that would fry their electronic chips...those poor workers on site 100,000 or more of them facing lifetime health care issues.
    40% of Fukushima children are in the developmental stages of thyroid cancer. They figure now that one quadrillion becquerels of radioactive isotopes have flowed into the Pacific ocean. These isotopes will accumulate in smaller marine species with the greatest concentration accumulating in the larger marine species further along the food chain.


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