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    Usefull tip : How you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos


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    Usefull tip : How  you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos  Empty Usefull tip : How you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos

    Post  mudra Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:01 am

    Show and Translate YouTube Captions

    You can auto-translate subtitles on videos. Click in the bottom right, then click the arrow by the “CC”. It looks like this:

    Usefull tip : How  you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos  Youtube-translate1

    Choose “Translate…” and then just select a language to translate the captions into. The Google Translate team just added seven new languages including Turkish, so let’s translate into Turkish:

    Usefull tip : How  you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos  Youtube-translate2

    and in just a few seconds, you can watch a video and read the subtitles in Turkish!

    Usefull tip : How  you can auto-translate subtitles on Youtube videos  Youtube-translate3

    Learn more :

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