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    Eternal Potpourri


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:14 pm

    Since I'm fairly new to the Mists and the extraordinary thoughts that reside here, my head is bombarded with questions. Thank you in advance for allowing me the freedom to ask. jocolor

    My own viewpoints & beliefs come from the amalgamation (<----- oooooo big word tongue ..proud of myself) of the experience of being a "spirit-filled" Christian, study of Edgar Cayce's readings, openness to the existence of ETs, and my own research as led by, what I know as “the Holy Spirit”. In that order flower

    This is actually an excerpt from a thread on another board I clipped to start this one:

    lawlessline wrote:
    Scentsy wrote:yes, lawlessline, I should have said bloodlines. This story goes much deeper than we know, I'm sure. I follow political news pretty close. Maybe I shouldn't so much as it tends to make me cynical. I know it is merely a distraction....but I still have to know Wink

    I come from a religious background as I was born again in 1980 and spent 20 years in an evangelical charismatic church. But my thoughts and impressions have been opened to other things in the last 10 yrs.

    I only say that to explain why I don't feel like I should just dive into youtube just yet. I tend to have to chew things up a bit at a time before I allow too much food on the table :)

    Please don't think I'm a bible thumper, but I may hold some different insight that others here don't have.

    Mudra, may I ask why you refer to Beck as lawless?

    Thanx for the link orthodoxy. I'd never heard of Bill Cooper. You and I probably have much to discuss Wink

    I think that we all are for a reason and I am sure you know why you are here.

    As for the bible basher, I think you have a lot more to give than that and every virew is important. I suppose it like keeping an eye on every ball, but there are just soo many balls in the air that I rely on you as everyone here to be straight and honest with how they feel and see things. in that way I will learn alot.

    You cann't take one picture of the world, you need to take at least 6 fotos to cover the entire globe, and even then it is not a detail view. So, the more the views the better the picture.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'll bet we do Scentsy. I'm stuck between the secular and the sacred,
    Sounds like you are on the London underground or metro. hope you're not stuck for too long.


    I like your synopsis @lawlesslessline Thubs Up

    @Orthodoxymoron...Edgar Cayce was a man, raised in the church, & read the bible through every year that he lived. He was known as a psychic and a healer. He did not channel others but was able to access the Akashic himself. I think you might find his readings very helpful. It all fits.

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:17 pm

    Ahhhhhhhhh........Moody Blues. I feel as if I live inside their music.

    Just wanted to share......

    Eternal Potpourri 24

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:44 pm

    Get ready for a wild ride! If God is real to you & you look to him for guidance, it'll be awesome. But if you're riding the Fear Train....not fun. Fasten your seatbelts & hang on! Wink

    [url=Eternal Potpourri Freeee10

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:10 pm

    This is ME!

    ....and YOU!

    in the MISTS! the NOW!!

    Eternal Potpourri Freeee11

    F r e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ...... at last!

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty QUESTION

    Post  Simplicity Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:42 pm

    In my ‘church’ days we referred to a particular feeling we felt at times as the ‘Presence of God’ in the midst of the congregation, or personally as an individual.

    My own DEFINITION:
    “The Presence of God” a physical manifestation of energy, confirming that what’s been brought forth in prayer/speech/prophecy/word has physically manifested in the flesh. It may be awhile before the actual birth, but the original concept has been conceived.
    Also, the physical feeling of the Love of God/Creator. It’s like warm honey being poured through your body.

    Does anyone know this ‘feeling’ and do you have another name/explanation for it?
    Thanxabunch! flower


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:09 am

    I call it unconditional Love .
    That Love that is'nt trapped in time , in our mind or in our thoughts.
    The Love that is completely embodied from Spirit to the tip of our toes,
    that radiant glow that joyfully springs directly from the Heart and that
    fills all gaps that could separate us from anyone or anything on Earth or
    anywhere in the Universe.

    The Karen

    Love for You

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:30 am

    A beautiful description Mudra...**☸ڿڰۣƬӇƛƝƘ ƳƠƲ .¸¸.•´¯`»✿

    And you have experienced the physical feeling as well?

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:29 pm

    QUESTION. . . .
    To anyone who'd like to share:

    It seems the channelers are encouraging us to 'experience' and allow our negative energies to be, therefore letting them surface and be cleared. A form of letting go. A form of 'self' detox. OK that makes sense, of course. You can't continue to stuff emotions.

    My question is . . .
    Since it has been said the solar flares are caused by negative energies on earth, are we causing the eruptions by having and hanging on to them or releasing them?

    Here's a nice video btw;


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:40 pm

    Simplicity wrote:
    Does anyone know this ‘feeling’ and do you have another name/explanation for it?
    Thanxabunch! flower

    Simplicity I think this image is what embodies this for me as you yourself have already identified.

    Eternal Potpourri Freeee11

    By the way, I don't think solar flares area created my negative energies. The following description is just hard science. Solar flares are created when comets or astroids are in the sun's vicinity as an electrical link is created between the sun (a solar capacitor) and the object. I also suspect from numerous NASA photos of UFO type objects that our sun is a portal from other dimensions or universes. One contactee did tell me that the ETs were working with the sun and I also suspect that the earth has been spared a number of times because of ET interventions.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  mudra Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:50 pm

    Because I believe it all comes from Spirit all the way down to matter my view is that there is a relation between the increasing earth changes and solar intensity and the extreme amount of stress the human population has reached as a whole today.
    In the same way that plants and animals respond to ill treatment or lower emotions I see no reason the sun who is sentient too would'nt do the same.
    So yes processing our negative flows and working on keeping peace in our Heart would help greatly in creating a more balanced and harmonious inter relation between all elements of creation.
    I remember clearly for example how while attending the burial of a friend where we were mourning him the sky cleared up instantly when we emoted our love to our friend allowing beautifull sunrays shined through.

    Love for You

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:05 pm

    Simplicity I think this image is what embodies this for me as you yourself have already identified.

    Thank you Carol flower (love that pic)

    I wish I was better at explaining things. geek I guess I was asking about that feeling some would describe as "goose bumps."
    Do you know what I'm saying now? I know it, when I feel it, as a sign to me that it is confirmation of truth to whatever is being spoken of at the moment. I was wondering how others describe the same thing or attribute it to.

    By the way, I don't think solar flares area created my negative energies.

    Sorry, I should have clarified. That came from the Cayce readings. It said that negative energies cause solar disturbances. That is how the significance of human polarities comes into play in regards to the energies in the atmosphere.


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:49 pm

    Simplicity - I've missed hearing from you! Hugs

    I know very well the feeling you have described. It has been my unwavering guide for...I suppose...better than 20 years I guess!

    Jung called it Synchronicity.

    From my POV, I feel it is when you are aligning your physical (and mental!) self with your higher purpose for begin here. (fa!...BE-ing here!) being = begin

    When you realize a particular facet of a truth, or have an epiphany, you are connecting yourself with your other, higher s elves that have already figured it out. So with each case of Goose Bumps, you are getting closer to the truth!

    Love the Moody Blues track!

    I have often felt that when we are experiencing this sensation, we are opening ourselves not only to unconditional love, (which at this level may be only reflections from facets of the Central Crystal Structure), but we are also stripping away the illusions of life and stumbling upon real, genuine truths about ourselves and our relationship with our environment.

    It's rather intresting, just writing about it now, I'm actually slightly haveing a baseline of this sensation now. It fills me with warmth and joy, something I really, really need right now, so thanks! Big Grin 2

    Then again, maybe it's just the Merlot! Blushes ha ha! NOT!

    It is so refreshing to hear from someone who recognizes this for what it is, and not just wave it off as a passing breeze or something...

    You can use this as your guide. There are many universal truths, but your trip is just that, YOURS, and it's very personal; so are the truths that are revealed. I use this as the "little bell" that goes off when I've struck a chord, or lighted onto a universal constant.

    I feel confident you can use this as well. But you are the only one who can figure out how it works for you. You can see the reflections of how others use this same principle, but ultimately it is up to you to decide. But I'll give you a hint:

    When faced with a choice of interpretations between the impossible and the impractical, until you have evidence to the contrary, what you CHOOSE to believe is the truth of that situation, IS the truth.

    Mother Nature proved this to me, beyond the shadow of any doubt. The moment I accepted it, It made me feel so good I did a little dance and said Thank You, and she did it AGAIN, just to dance with me! Laugh

    So, are on the right track Simplicity (and I just called you Syncronicity instead!)

    Lmao My psychic psquirrell must be working overtime!

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:05 pm

    Mudra that makes sense to me, too. Thank you Eternal Potpourri 374937

    Rightbackatcha 3C Eternal Potpourri 934918
    I stop in frequently but for some reason I'm having a really hard time writing anything down lately. It seems my attention span is even shorter than it used to be.

    I must tell you, tho, how much I love reading your posts. I don't always "get" them but something in me gets "something" from them. And I don't know what. Eternal Potpourri 776253 Eternal Potpourri 164548

    I always related the term synchronicity with "coincidences." Or my phrase "it's a God-thing" or God appointment.

    Sensation is a good one for what I was trying to describe. I call it a God rush. So what do you think is physically happening? Something to do with vibrations? They are very rare for me but when I get one I know I'm supposed to pay attention.

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:01 pm

    Simplicity wrote:
    Rightbackatcha 3C Eternal Potpourri 934918
    I stop in frequently but for some reason I'm having a really hard time writing anything down lately. It seems my attention span is even shorter than it used to be.

    I think this seems to be the trend on this board lately...I seem to do the same

    I must tell you, tho, how much I love reading your posts. I don't always "get" them but something in me gets "something" from them. And I don't know what.

    Thank you for the kind thoughts! I get that a lot with people, my intuition drives the bus on how I respond, and I try to modulate things to a way that I can maybe reach people. I'll be elaborating on the mechanics of reality to my friend Barb, and she'll stop me and say: "Now, be nice to me, don't hurt my brain!"

    I always related the term synchronicity with "coincidences." Or my phrase "it's a God-thing" or God appointment.

    Right! I think most coincidences are actually signals or adjustments that our higher selves are throwing out there to try and steer us in the right direction. My theory is they are prohibited from interacting directly with us.(you have to do your own homework, no fair getting your parents to do it! Wink )

    BUT they can tie your shoelaces together, or see to it that you find that $20 when you need it most. It's ultimately up to you to decide if what has happened is a "sign". This is what I'm talking about when you feel to decide if what you think is going on, is the truth.

    Sensation is a good one for what I was trying to describe. I call it a God rush. So what do you think is physically happening? Something to do with vibrations? They are very rare for me but when I get one I know I'm supposed to pay attention.

    Physically! Wow! Excellent Question!

    You got it. Vibrations are the key. We don't notice the vibrations most of the time, which is good. Somedays I have a *very* hard time filtering, and the vast array of vibes I get when out in public damn near beat me down...but pulling light from my core, grounding and centering helps a lot.

    And walking barefoot in the grass is excellent as well!

    To answer your question:

    At every instant, there are a BUNCH of yourselves, all in the same place. Say you were to take an Astral Camera and have it above and behind you, so you can see yourself(s). When you are relaxed, nearly asleep, you may see your body becoming "smeared out", less defined; you know - with blurry edges. The are all the different You's that are not quite concentrated in one specific place. This is because some of your you's are beginning to vibrate at slightly different rates. This is why you have a hard time thinking or concentrating when you are tired, sleepy, or just woken up.

    Conversely, say you are wide awake and deeply focused or concentrating on something. The camera may show that all your selves have narrowed down into an infinitesimally small point, and they are all synchronized in their vibration with all of their attentions on what you are trying to accomplish.

    Your environment also vibrates at varying levels; there are emotional, mental, physical and several other thresholds it offers. When enough of yourselves have synchronized themselves with an aspect of your environment, this comes out as a distinct sensation. How well you(s) are aligned determines what kind of (and how strong) the sensation becomes.

    I think we are capable of achieving harmonics, just like singers and instruments in a band. We can harmonize while singing our own key, or we can blend in and help drive the rhythm. (But don't give yourself away!)

    This is one reason we hoomans love music so much. It's not just a metaphor! Now imagine what happens when a BUNCH of people get together and focus on a single task. cyclops

    This is a really simple version of what I think is going on, and I know I'm not quite telling you what you want to hear...

    Basically the relationship you have established with your surroundings is a reflection of your destiny at this time on this planet. When you find you are aligning favorably with your surroundings, it is very likely that youare also aligning yourself with your true purpose for being here.

    The interpretations we make at these times are important, as we learn about ourselves and what we are doing here.

    Hope this helps!


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:01 pm

    Your environment also vibrates at varying levels; there are emotional,
    mental, physical and several other thresholds it offers. When enough of
    yourselves have synchronized themselves with an aspect of your
    environment, this comes out as a distinct sensation. How well you(s) are
    aligned determines what kind of (and how strong) the sensation becomes.

    I like this 3C. I need for you to know that no matter how short my replies are back to you, that I deeply appreciate your in depth answers and the time and effort you put in to them. I do read them and something does connect. Thank you Eternal Potpourri 934918

    On a different note . . . .

    A couple weeks ago I went to Target with my daughter and purchased some things.
    The total was $55.55. We went to the car and the clock said 1:11.

    About 10 days ago I awoke at 4:44. I thought "cool"
    Went back to sleep and woke up at 5:55.
    Several nights later I woke up at 5:55 again.
    Then 2 nights ago I awoke at 4:56.

    I received it as confirmation that I'm on the right track and, of course, being guided and protected.
    Also that change is coming and that I'm in the right place to see it and receive it. Ready for it.

    "555 is the energy of change. When you are
    vibrationally aligned with this change, you will see 555. You are vibrationally
    capble of sensing and feeling and noticing the change. Just by being
    aware of the repeating number 555, you are embracing change."

    The number 4 represents me to a T . . . Practical, orderly, patient, logical,
    hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner,
    materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.

    A bit boring really, I think
    Eternal Potpourri 9755

    The number 5 represents some ways I would like to be more like, and AM becoming. . . .

    Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached,
    curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher,
    traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.

    I told my God Family (my new term, since I'm not sure what it/they really are anymore flower) I'm tired of struggling (financially) I've said my pennies are bruised, I pinch them so tight geek
    Anyway, I've been off work since November of last year. I've been blessed to be on vacation. . . is the way I see it. I managed to put some money back because I knew it was coming and have been fortunate to have this time off to do whatever the he!! I wanted! Very Happy
    Now it's over and I HAVE to find a job very soon cause there is no more. But I'm not settling. I want a good paying job that pays MORE than enough. I know what the economy's like and I know what's probably coming and I want to be prepared and to be able to help.

    I feel very led to take this stand but struggle now and then with guilt/stupidity issues. So, just wanted to share that I'm having an excitement surge at the moment Eternal Potpourri 245713 Eternal Potpourri 245713

    They don't last long but I sure love it when they come!

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  mudra Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:48 pm

    Simplicity wrote:So, just wanted to share that I'm having an excitement surge at the moment Eternal Potpourri 245713 Eternal Potpourri 245713
    They don't last long but I sure love it when they come!

    Embrace the change Simplicity as you are riding on this wonderfull upsurging wave and may it bring you surprises that will match your wildest dreams.

    I always enjoy reading your posts and the lovely refreshing vibration they carry.

    Much Love for You

    The Karen


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:04 pm

    I know the feeling...about the J . O . B Mad

    I've been laid off for three years (?) or so, and have been enjoying myself. Very fortunate that I can help with the family rental property, and at least keep food on the table.

    That is, as long as people can afford we'll see...trying to keep all the vehicles running: Brakes on the Dodge, my Ford is belly gutted in the garage, waiting on transmission.

    (Sound like a song..."Waiting on Transmission..."

    Mom's is bouncing from dealer to mechanic on Monday for various!

    555 is the number of builder, I've been told.

    I've been seeing 444 out the wazoo lately. Makes me feel good, but I'm still not getting anything specific, other than that it's maybe more frequent recently...

    What I wanted to say to you Simplicity is I think we need to start looking at different ways of making ends meet. Either by providing a service (Cleaning, temp stuf) or Producing something; either unique items, cheesy things by the thousands, or extrude some passion and talent and make some art and sell it, but that's a lean road...but the payoff can be wild! Cool

    I'd say try and keep out of your own way, and make up your mind what you want to do, more or less RIGHT NOW. If you find you are unhappy with problems, focus on solutions. Let the universe play out what will wash ashore and make it possible. Imagine what you want (be careful what you wish for, nothing is free) and if you keep that with you as much as you can, then you should receive feedback from your immediate surroundings as to if it's a good idea for you.

    This seems to be a regular thing, and you may be experiencing it already. I find if I am being encouraged to do a thing, then horay! I am continually amazed at how things just line up sometimes. I'm trying hard to pretend it's not a normal part of reality, so as to keep from taking it for granted! Embarassed

    So keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to turn around and follow through on that second thought, after that odd encounter (I think it was in the parking lot, by the automotive section...) may pan out after all...

    sorry if being psychic psquirrell gets a little twitchy sometimes.... Crazy Happy

    I used to work on helicopters from all around the world, and never (hardly ever) left the mountains! So you never know what you might bump into.

    Hope you can find something good for you, and if not what you want, then at least what you need!

    and remember, in the TV series Babylon 5, the darker, destructive race would ask you "What do you want? The older race, wiser than the humans would always ask "Who are you?"


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:19 pm

    Also, focus on the spirit of what it is you want to do help others. What are you trying to accomplish? Find that spirit of need, there are vacuumes of places that need things everywhere, and people as well. (just for example)

    Follow this path, and the money should follow automatically, and that will just be a fringe benefit! So try to avoid letting your money problems pollute your decisions! (We all know the Spirit of Money:

    Eternal Potpourri Little-devil-sticker-large

    But that's not why I stopped by....this is:


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:08 am


    Something that occurs to me:

    When you move through your day and your circumstances line up so as to allow you to connect and experience that peculiar sensation, it may be your Kundalini stirring or otherwise trying to awaken.

    My knowledge here is limited, so maybe poke around the net or ask your friends about Kundalini and see what you think.

    study Enlightened study

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:55 pm

    Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918 Eternal Potpourri 934918

    EVERYthing I experience these days is in super duper doses . . . hence the MEGA Hugz 3C!

    Matter of fact I've begun doing some kundalini yoga. Am still learning about it, but I know these energy surges have become more pronounced and I am trying to learn how to use them in addition to just acknowledging them.

    MAGNIFICENT things are happening to/with me. . . . . wish I could put it all down.

    I met my twin flame two weeks ago but it happened so fast and furious we had to stop and start over taking it a little slower. Confirmations too many to number. I am deliriously happy.

    Thank you for coming to share your thoughts with me today . . . . LOVE validation! Eternal Potpourri 3562770023

    And I love you! Eternal Potpourri 719788

    And Mudra! Eternal Potpourri 719788

    And Carol! Eternal Potpourri 719788

    And EVERYone else here! Eternal Potpourri 719788

    Eternal Potpourri 21327

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:21 pm

    Big Grin 3 Hee Hee! Big Grin 3

    Things are synchronizing in some way....I'm glad they are working out for you!

    Here's hoping your twin flames can burn warm and steady!

    The Carol

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:35 pm

    Thank you 3C . . . . that really means alot to me!

    I'm receiving it . . . .

    Eternal Potpourri 510

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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Simplicity Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:01 pm


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    Eternal Potpourri Empty Re: Eternal Potpourri

    Post  Threecaster Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:49 am


    My sensations have been picking up. This is like a step beyond goose bumps. This is like I'm standing in a stream of energy, almost like just the barest parts of a streaming waterfall (like it wants to be there, but can't quite dial it in...) and I get light headed.

    At first I thought it was a sugar related thing (no conditions, just keep a good diet) but now I am realizing it is occurring at the same time I seem to be getting time related phenomena.

    This is like I'm living about 1 second in the future, or maybe about 1 sec ahead in the future is reaching back and letting me know the phone is a bout to ring, or a key phrase is about to be somewhat crazy!

    Thought you might like to know.

    BTW: the first one ever occured when I was painting a Flower Of Life pattern.

    Eternal Potpourri Flower_of_life

    and if you stare at this image long enough, it starts playing movies!

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:47 am