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    Walter Russell


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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:43 am

    Universal Principles & Natural Law Part 1 /2 Definitions (Walter Russell)

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:49 pm

    TEC - Unit 19 (Final) - Why You Cannot Die!

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:53 pm

    Walter Russell - Page 6 11083610_1083263455036540_754547596064097046_n

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:55 pm

    Apparent form and solidity are imparted to images through their motion.

    Universe of pulsed light motion

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:31 pm

    Wow, mudra cheers this is pretty impressive! If this tubby is proof of "visible form/matter"
    manifested before our eyes, on video or for real, by the use of energy vibration, we don't need to
    discuss if imagination comes first and form/matter follows. Or do we?

    That clockdesign, in how the numbers of hours move and dissolve, is cleverly thought-through and
    showing a delicious sense of humour. Showing to me also the funny and relative nature of time.

    Me, oh my, a Mayan wisecracker, finds this clocktime very interesting

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:57 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:If this tubby is proof of "visible form/matter"
    manifested before our eyes, on video or for real, by the use of energy vibration, we don't need to
    discuss if imagination comes first and form/matter follows. Or do we?

     Indeed BB Cheerful

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:58 pm

    Walter Russell - Page 6 11078097_1085800408116178_1026751176640579920_n

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:24 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Walter Russell - Page 6 11078097_1085800408116178_1026751176640579920_n

    Love Always

    That's a beautiful image, mudra. At present, I find this intriguing food for thought, those last words of that quote by
    Walter Russel "your body is not you".

    I think it's one of the largest stumble blocks for human beings, specially those who know in great depth that "your body is not you".
    A great depth, due to not always pleasant former lives or in the present life. I believe there's a multitude of issues attached to that
    statement, when you think of the pain a spirit being needs to endure, in it. I mean the restriction compared to the state of freedom,
    formless or in lesser density of form.

    In the first 15 years of my life I had this image with me, that I had to dance in front of God's throne in white robes. That was supposed
    to be my destiny and those of others, I had already decided for them. Lolerz To me, as much as I fully agree that matter is energy in
    structured forms of expression, the fact that I am present in a physical body, as a spiritual being, is a huge roadsign to my purpose here
    on planet Earth. By going from a negative to a positive, accepting to be HERE, I'm now at a point that I think it's through the senses of
    my body, with the chakras as openings through which life force energy flows and is experienced, judged and handled and the programming
    in my dna, that awareness as in "Know thyself" is and can possibly be obtained.

    To me this is truly a great dawning, that it makes sense to be in the moment, fully present with physical awareness as much as awareness
    of other aspects in my energy system. It seems to be connected to a shift from a masculine to a feminine approach, an invitation and a
    beckoning from a deep space in silence. Deep space is one of the players taking part in that game "as within so without" or "as above, so below".
    To me, it seems that my life on planet Earth, in this NOW.... to me almost.... NOW OR NEVER, is about embodying my soul.

    One of my most valued teachers, a farmer and alchemist, gave me and others of the healthfood consultant class, a quote, which he had
    worked on and transformed into what he calls "A modern quote to keep courage". It's originally created by Rudolf Steiner:

    "Look for the actual practical tangible life
    Look for it in such a way, that your spirit, working in it, isn't obscured.
    Look for the spirit, but don't look for it in oversensitive lust, in oversensitive egoism.
    But look for it, because you want to make use of it, in an altruistic practice of life, in the material world.

    Use the old basic rule:
    "The Spirit is never without matter, matter is never without Spirit" in such a manner that you say
    "We want to practice matter in the light of Spirit and we want to look for the light of the Spirit, in such
    a way that warmth is coming into existence within us, for our practical taking of action."

    Walter Russell - Page 6 The_eg10

    That quote is in my kitchen corner, always food for thought Cheerful

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:55 am

    Well BB that is quite true we could image the body as a telescope we use to experience an exploration of projected past and future from a center of perfect stillness that is the NOW you completely independent from the matter/energy/space and time universe . The universe is bathed in the eternal NOW  the source from which  it is created and uncreated  as a breath.

    Love from me

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:39 am

    mudra wrote:Well BB that is quite true we could image the body as a telescope we use to experience an exploration of projected past and future from a center of perfect stillness that is the NOW you completely independent from the matter/energy/space and time universe . The universe is bathed in the eternal NOW  the source from which  it is created and uncreated  as a breath.

    Love from me

    Thanks sister mudra EnlightenedHugs I'm sensing your response as being part of your path,
    also a great mirror to me. It reminds me of how ready to jump into action I am, most of the time.
    I think that metaphor of creation as a breath, is accurate in its description of creation as a process,
    an evolving motion seen from a non-human point of view.

    I'm now ready to explore, eager to take a big bite out of life. I'm tasting and sensing and trying
    what it is, to become awake in all levels of my being, physically and spiritually. With my heart in
    the center. To find my voice too and find it present with yours and many other voices in different
    flavors of truths. To learn to give freedom to let it be and rejoice in that. Abundance shows up in
    whole new ways.

    I don't love so much the idea of creation as a breath, in that it's not feeding my passion for life.
    I love creation to be fire, water, air and earth, tangible, being in touch with, pun intended. For
    that's what I see as essential for me now, balanced with contemplation and meditation. Be in the
    moment and feel that it's exactly where I should be, is part of it. No devil at my tail as a pet Wink

    It's not a holy affair at all, becoming enlightened, I'm as devlish as divine, it's as down to Earth as it
    is in Heaven. In all that sparkle and spunk, I find lately, that I'm almost physically shocked, at times,
    to find my truth as my creation and my point of view only. That realization is presented to me as a fact,
    clear cut. It's welcome, very much so, for I find it's freeing up space within me and in my attitude
    towards others, allowing them and all things to be as they are, without being detached from them,
    Or "untouchable" as when in my "Mother Superior" domain.

    My human side, my feelings etc. are present with all that, it's not confusing anymore, for it's outside
    the realm of duality thinking. Yippie.... that feels so good Cheerful To acknowledge other people's
    non-awareness in those aspects of life where I'm aware, in my way, as a revelation that my desire to
    prove my truth, my awareness where others "fail" in my judgment, is part of a past hurting: a being
    closed down, shut up, done away with, once upon a long time ago.

    My showing up as a "miss-know-it-all" is the same as my being insecure, in some part of my soul, in
    my need to feel safe and be at ease, with my wisdom inside and leave it at this. My drive to shout my
    love into the universe is part of this. Yippiie... that feels good too Cheerful
    Thanks for bringing that up, mudra, uhmmm... Lmao

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:09 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    I don't love so much the idea of creation as a breath, in that it's not feeding my passion for life.
    I love creation to be fire, water, air and earth, tangible, being in touch with, pun intended. For
    that's what I see as essential for me now, balanced with contemplation and meditation. Be in the
    moment and feel that it's exactly where I should be, is part of it. No devil at my tail as a pet Wink

    The breath is but a metaphore BB to show how Creation works. Breathing out and reaching with determination until desired manifestation is reached and than breathing in in withdrawal once the desired point of manifestation is attained. Without a return to stillness there would be no possibility for a new creation to take place.There must be a stop, a let go for a new cycle to begin .All cycles of life go through the process of start - change - stop / reach and withdraw / breathe in and out .  Its a continuous renewal process and a very dynamic and colorful one. One through which we the Creators express our passions and direction each in a different way.

    Love from me

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:30 pm

    mudra wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    I don't love so much the idea of creation as a breath, in that it's not feeding my passion for life.
    I love creation to be fire, water, air and earth, tangible, being in touch with, pun intended. For
    that's what I see as essential for me now, balanced with contemplation and meditation. Be in the
    moment and feel that it's exactly where I should be, is part of it. No devil at my tail as a pet Wink

    The breath is but a metaphore BB to show how Creation works. Breathing out and reaching with determination until desired manifestation is reached and than breathing in in withdrawal once the desired point of manifestation is attained. Without a return to stillness there would be no possibility for a new creation to take place.There must be a stop, a let go for a new cycle to begin .All cycles of life go through the process of start - change - stop / reach and withdraw / breathe in and out .  Its a continuous renewal process and a very dynamic and colorful one. One through which we the Creators express our passions and direction each in a different way.

    Love from me

    Thank you, mudra, I feel somewhat spoken to by another Mother Superior now Wink
    I notice that my saying "I don't love so much the idea of creation as breath" isn't accurate,
    for it may seem that I don't accept it as truth. I'm aware of the motion of creation as an in-
    breath and outbreath, contracting and expanding. It's the heartbeat of creation, our own heart too.

    At this moment in my life I'm more present in the body, descending sort of. I so enjoy the touch,
    the smell, the taste, the sound and sight of all that life offers me. That I allow to be present in
    gratitude. Remember, I am a Capricorn, these stubborn goats start life as a wise old person, Ancient One
    growing younger when the numbers of age rise. Remember my saying that if I don't pay attention,
    I will end up blowing bubbles in the cradle and at some point in time.... disappear with a "PLOP"?

    To me, it's a breathtaking wisdom of life itself and a beauty beyond words. Renewal, in dynamic
    and colorful ways, yes, you know of colors, mudra. I don't love to go through my days reminding
    myself of that breath happening, for it's in the larger perspective, more on the philosophical side
    of life. In the contemplation hours of life.

    I'm feeling alive in the sensual presence with my hands in the soil, that's my soul's key oil.... ehhmm
    That's all there is to it, in acceptance of that metaphore, describing how Creation works.

    Walter Russell - Page 6 Divine10
    The return to stillness

    Walter Russell - Page 6 Kitten10

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:34 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Thank you, mudra, I feel somewhat spoken to by another Mother Superior now Wink
    I notice that my saying "I don't love so much the idea of creation as breath" isn't accurate,
    for it may seem that I don't accept it as truth. I'm aware of the motion of creation as an in-
    breath and outbreath, contracting and expanding. It's the heartbeat of creation, our own heart too.

    At this moment in my life I'm more present in the body, descending sort of. I so enjoy the touch,
    the smell, the taste, the sound and sight of all that life offers me. That I allow to be present in
    gratitude. Remember, I am a Capricorn, these stubborn goats start life as a wise old person, Ancient One
    growing younger when the numbers of age rise. Remember my saying that if I don't pay attention,
    I will end up blowing bubbles in the cradle and at some point in time.... disappear with a "PLOP"?

    Oh no please BB no Mother Superior label for me Laugh .
    Let me be that 60 years old kid that plays along by you discovering the world each day with new  eyes :) That where all the fun lies . Walter Russell - Page 6 Emotic10
    As Camus said
    Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.


    Much Love for You


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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:15 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Oh no please BB no Mother Superior label for me Laugh .
    Let me be that 60 years old kid that plays along by you discovering the world each day with new  eyes :) That where all the fun lies . Walter Russell - Page 6 Emotic10

    As Camus said
    Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
    Much Love for You

    Oh, you can bet on me treating you as a 60 years old kid, mudra, ha ha, like attracts like  Hugs

    Walter Russell - Page 6 Hail_t10
    Hail to womanhood, my drawing and shadow merging

    Walter Russell - Page 6 Marian10
    A picture of mine, familiar to the famous Dutch painting Vermeer's girl

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:25 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Oh, you can bet on me treating you as a 60 years old kid, mudra, ha ha, like attracts like  Hugs

    Walter Russell - Page 6 Marian10
    A picture of mine, familiar to the famous Dutch painting Vermeer's girl

    Thank You Young girl with saphires in her eyes Cheerful

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Wed May 27, 2015 5:34 pm

    Truth -- Wave Vibrations, = Everything --- MUST SEE --- Walter Russell

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Sun May 31, 2015 9:29 am

    Weaving Patterns - Walter Russell geometry

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Sun May 31, 2015 10:32 am

    Meditation Scientifically Explained 1 of 3 - Walter Russell

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Sun May 31, 2015 12:55 pm

    Cosmic Principles Summarized by Walter Russell

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mattpresti Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:14 am

    Hello mudra, et al:

    Been a very busy year so far.  Wanted to share a trailer.  Lots of great things happening at the USP.  Check out our newly redesigned website @

    Good day!



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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  Seashore Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:30 am

    mattpresti wrote:Lots of great things happening at the USP.
    I remember posting on another forum about an interview you did of researcher Robert Otey in 2010.

    Is Robert also associated with USP?

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mattpresti Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:46 am

    Seashore wrote:
    mattpresti wrote:Lots of great things happening at the USP.
    I remember posting on another forum about an interview you did of researcher Robert Otey in 2010.

    Is Robert also associated with USP?

    He is not.

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  Seashore Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:53 am

    mattpresti wrote:He is not.
    Do the two of you now disagree re. how to interpret Walter Russell's writings and findings?

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mattpresti Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:59 am

    Yep. And that's I'll say bout that.

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    Walter Russell - Page 6 Empty Re: Walter Russell

    Post  mudra Fri May 10, 2019 7:15 am

    Walter Russell - Page 6 WRC-Logo-1

    Reading and re-reading (left brain) the information documented by Walter will not be sufficient for a student to gain an acceptable level of understanding of the concepts described by Walter. Walter suggests that studying should be complemented by further contemplation and meditation (right brain) on those concepts. This is really important, and hopefully you can glean new insights from re-reading the same material. In fact, Walter is really providing us with a path not only to explore and understand the external world we believe to be real, but more importantly, he provides us with a road map for inner personal discovery. I don’t believe one can ever utilise the concepts outlined in Walter’s theories in the outer 3D world successfully unless the appropriate level of inner work has first been achieved. wrote:

    Axiom #1

    The 3D world of perceived matter, rivers, galaxies, cars, your own body, atoms, mountains,
    planets, X-factor, fashion,
    every sensed occurrence has No form, solidity or reality associated with it at all.
    Sure, when you knock your head you may feel pain,
    but the information you SENSE is just a waveform, a frequency.
    The only true reality lies in STILLNESS.
    Stillness is a 4D metaphysical condition.
    It is a condition without motion, a homogeneous uniformity of undisturbed calmness.

    It may take you several years to complete just this part of the journey of realisation alone!

    Axiom #2

    Your true identity lies is STILLNESS, within the metaphysical/spiritual.
    Stillness has many names, Mind, Cosmic Mind, God, Universal Consciousness,
    Creator, Supreme Being, Spirit, Soul.
    YOU are part of that overall Stillness, the Creation Idea.
    Mind is all that exists, and Mind wishes to express its Ide"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.
    Your mind and Cosmic Mind are One, the SAME Mind.
    The body you inhabit is projected from Stillness as a 3D moving illusion.
    YOU therefore, are NOT your body.
    The same is true for EVERY expression of the observed creation matrix.
    A fly, atom, planet, galaxy all have their source in Stillness.
    There are NO exceptions !
    YOU are one will every expression of Creation.

    Your physical self has been conceived by Mind and projected into the physical to express Mind Thinking.

    Axiom #3

    The projection of IDEA from STILLNESS is achieved solely by MIND.
    What we believe to be real and solid about our world, is an illusionary projection manifested as motion.
    Fast motion is perceived as solid matter. Slow motion is perceived as nebulous space.

    Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;
    like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in
    degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be
    reconciled.- The Kybalion

    Axiom #4

    Stillness is 1.
    Simulation is 2 (anode/cathode, heads/tails).
    Every expression of the simulation is projected in pairs.
    EVERY expression without exception is 2.
    You cannot cut and divide into 1 !
    Division always produces two.

    Stillness + Simulation = 3.
    Positive projection, Stillness, Negative projection.

    Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine
    Principles Gender; manifests on all planes.T- he Kybalion

    Axiom #5

    Our senses are designed to detect motion. Our senses cannot detect STILLNESS.

    We NEED motion so we can find Stillness.
    Those senses were designed by Mind to interact with motion only.
    The catch is though, the design is so good we believe the sensed information is all there is !
    All perceived expressions of matter are CENTERED by STILLNESS and are fully SURROUNDED by STILLNESS.
    There is no part of the creation matrix that is without MIND.
    Therefore, a disturbance of some kind is necessary to enable our senses to interact with the illusion of creation.
    Mind creates that disturbance by Thinking which divides the metaphysical WHITE LIGHT into an
    apparent spectrum within the physical realm.
    Every physical image is composed by two interlocking lights, one containing the red spectrum
    and the other containing the blue spectrum. Both are required to reproduce the original image.

    Electricity IS THE FORCE which keeps the two halves apart.

    Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens
    according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are
    many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. - The Kybalion

    Axiom #6

    WR's work, is an attempt to teach us, how the illusion is created and what OUR direct connection to Mind involves.
    WR attempts to join the dots between the physical (effects) expression and the metaphysical (Cause) aspects of creation.
    The Thinking of Mind is exactly analogous to man's electrophoresis (chromatography) techniques,
    whereby an electric current causes matter to separate and migrate towards their preferred poles.

    WR describes the illusion as a running movie film strip, with individual picture images separated by a space which creates a flickering motion.
    It is this flicker which stimulates our sensing and tricks it into believing the ‘out-there’ universe is solid and real.
    It may be hard to imagine that your own physical self is during its 80 year life cycle, constantly appearing and disappearing in cycles.

    Because your physical body is composed of millions of cells, there are always enough frames switched ‘on’ to maintain the illusion of the solidity of your physical self.

    More axioms at 2d  link above.

    Double Thumbs Up

    Love Always

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