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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:43 pm

    Where do you find these? that's way cool! cheers Would love to see the blue lily do that..... Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 172

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  HigherLove Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:28 pm

    Brook wrote:Where do you find these? that's way cool! cheers Would love to see the blue lily do that..... Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 172

    I find them everywhere. Search for just about anything, preceded by "animated" and ending with "images".

    i.e. animated space images

    Plug that in and see what pops up. Don't ignore the seemingly still images that come up. Many of them contain hidden gems.

    Just make sure you have good virus protection software and a pop-up blocker.

    It's amazing what I have learned and posted simply by my attraction to a photo.


    Oh: I do not have the software necessary to make my own animations. Photobucket lets me add a few stars or something, but that is it. It takes Photoshop and some classes. Since I am burned out on social work, I am going to look into what is around here for graphics and web design. Time flies when I do this.


    Finding animated flowers has been a breeze. With the exception of a blue lily.

    I am searching photobucket, right now.

    Below is the closest thing to blue that I could find. Due to the size of the file, the Image Shack version uploaded without animation. The photo on the right is hosted by Photobucket. If I knew a better way, I would do it.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 14893510<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    I am still searching...

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Th_flm10

    Still searching...

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Well, I do not think I even came close. I'd be happy to make one for you if I knew how. Just for fun, here are some images I picked up on the way that really stood out:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    This is a web cam shot of me after sitting in front of the monitor all day-

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:52 pm

    Very it is.....the blue lily Wink

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Fllg-1

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:05 am

    the blue lily, or blue lotus was a secret ingredient in many ancient skin creams and preparations --- very cool images Brook, and, everyone else posting
    thanks for sharing them

    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:24 pm pics are gone....before I had a chance to save them.. Crying or Very sad

    Anyhow.....been working some sessions today..... And before I tend to the business at hand.....I wish to make a statement......

    A good wizard leaves no trace Wink

    Not me....not this time....


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 02, 2012 4:47 pm

    Brook, thank-you for both of the 'Red Pill' threads. I'm presently going through both of them -- in addition to the 'Amen Ra' thread on Project Avalon -- which is really your thread. There have been nearly 26,000 views so far! I really haven't had a proper foundation, so as to properly absorb this material, before now. 'The Twelth Planet' by Zechariah Sitchin, 'The Gods of Eden' by William Bramley, 'Rule by Secrecy' by Jim Marrs, 'Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs' by Ralph Ellis, and 'The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ' by Gerald Massey -- plus my internet research and speculation -- have helped to provide a proper introduction to your material. A proper context is essential. Just reading your threads without some significant background, really does not work -- not for me anyway. I wasn't ignoring your work. I simply had to build my base, before moving on. I have recently been considering the relationship between Ancient Egypt and Ancient Israel -- especially regarding the 'Temple' or 'Sanctuary' -- the Ark of the Covenant -- Ritual Sacrifice (Animal and Human) -- and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I'm increasingly centering Christianity and Judaism in Ancient Egypt. Brook, you really need to put all of your internet material into book-form. Thank-you for your efforts. They are deeply appreciated. Namaste.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:03 pm

    Brook wrote:Thank you Owlsden...I suppose I can go off the subject for a minute to broach the subject of the Pyramids and "codes". There are in fact three other videos that go with that series. It's a good show.

    But when it comes to the vast amount of pyramids you should keep in mind that after the great Pyramid of Giza was built in group of three to match the star system you have to ask why? Now again the vast majority of pyramids were built to achieve a specific purpose to the ruling Pharaoh. Just about all the Pharaohs had their own. So what's the big deal?

    To reproduce the original. Reproduce what?

    Lets start with dating as the dating of the Giza Pyramid is much older than most of the rest. And it served a purpose. Now before the Romans (and Arabs) came in and defaced and dismantled things in Egypt....there was a coating on the pyramid. And of course we are all aware of the cap stone that is missing.

    Dating....Lets go to the Bosnian pyramids first there are several distinguishing attributes to look at.
    Listen to this man speak of the Bosnian pyramids...

    He speaks of the 'ceramic' blocks. Ceramic is a great insulator. They use ceramic tiles on the space shuttle and it has many uses for insulation. This is a given.

    Here he is speaking of a frequency detected coming from "outside" the atmosphere of the earth. It's not coming from the pyramid. It has been shown to get stronger the higher out you go.

    Then he speaks of a feeling of well being within the pyramid tunnels. He also says that it would appear that one civilization built it, and another blocked the tunnels with a clay like material. Who's to say they did not do it on their own...and it's quite curious as to the 'why".

    Then you would presume due to the age of the pyramid that a cataclysm occurred and washed it over with a soil covering. Most likely due to a flood perhaps?

    Here you have a positioning of the three pyramid structure. You have a pyramid that is getting a direct signal frequency of 28K hertz coming from "out there", and the ceramic structure to insulate what ever is being sent in that frequency band.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Notperfectt

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Marsnotquite

    And of course....then you have the alignment of the Three Giza Pyramids in line of Orion.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Tumblr_ldhg28s0KH1qak1ljo1_500

    "Finally, the organic material was found during summer excavations 2010 at Sonda 20 on Bosnia's Moon Pyramid. The organic remains were found in the surface layers of the stone blocks that had been uncovered and were sent afterwards to labs for radiocarbon dating at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland.
    Radiocarbon dating showed the organic material to have an age of 10.350 years, which means the terrace of the pyramid has been built approx. 10.000 years ago. It completely changes our knowledge of European history and first advanced civilizations"

    With interesting artifacts found such as this Obelisk.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 DSCN2271

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 DSCN2283

    One of the greatest objectors to researching the Bosnian Pyramids
    back in 2006 was Zahi Hawass ....writing letters such as this...(take
    note of the insignia on the letter head..and it will give you a clue to
    the cult that this Supreme Council of Antiquities is headed by. A sun
    disc with rays reaching out with hands at the end of the rays )

    And he is eating crow about now as to the many discoveries that
    have happened due to the project going on without his assistance which
    was requested until he raised so many eyebrows with his assurance there
    was no such Pyramid in Bosnia.

    But of course.....the carbon dating done on the Giza plateau are
    much younger.....Carbon dating headed up and done by the Great Zahi

    Zahi does not buy into any myths proposed by Edgar Casey or anyone
    else that suggests other than what he has to report. His word is the
    final analysis.

    Interesting story behind that Westcar Papyrus that has been in Berlin for so long. Wonder if Hitler had a view of it?...All about the mythical GODS of Egypt and their magic powers.

    And last, speaking of "myths"...As I recall...Osiris was a GOD among others such as Isis, Ptah, Thoth and the like. Stories to be told and Gods to be worshiped for their great powers as the Gods they were.....

    And yet Zahi unearthed the tomb of Osiris to the empty sarcophagus of a mythical GOD? Why don't they go into that chamber between the paws of the sphinx? It's not that deep and proven with sonic testing to be there ..... It would sure explain what Edgar Casey reported many years back as to the pin pointed location he stated information would be found. I sincerely doubt anyone will ever see anything that is there. It appears to be coveted information controlled by the the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities....
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 808451

    Again...where are all the bodies of these GODS gone? You know, those mythical GODS that they build tombs for? Not one shred of proof to reveal a thing. As the first thing it would prove is AGE.

    Dating information on the Giza Pyramids next post....

    Thanks Brook,

    I didn't see this post of yours.. I'm going to look over it now and watch those videos you posted.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:05 pm

    Both of the 'Red Pill' threads are VERY interesting -- as is the 'Amen Ra' thread on the original 'Project Avalon' site. I started the 'Amen Ra' thread -- but Brook did most of the heavy lifting. I still have a difficult time immersing myself in all of this Egyptology. I seem to need to approach it from a 'Christocentric Egyptology' perspective. I seem to have to proceed very slowly and cautiously. The Pandora's Box I seem to be opening is quite startling to me -- and I have a difficult time taking it in stride. Speaking extensively with someone claiming to be an Ancient Egyptian Deity didn't exactly give me peace and tranquility. I seem to be afflicted with the "Paralysis of Analysis". This whole thing has turned into a bit of a nightmare. Researcher Beware. BTW -- a reallly foxy Egyptologist warned me about Zahi. I would've liked to have gotten better acquainted -- but she was with her boyfriend!! Damn!! One more thing. I really liked the original 'Project Avalon' (despite the drama) -- and I would like to see that sort of thing revived. The 'Mists' is really fine -- but I wish there were at least twice as many members -- and more whistle-blowers posting regularly. I also liked the white on blue color format. I seem to be a bit of a 'crusading-pest of a most pestilential-nature' on this site -- but perhaps this develops my thinking in ways the original 'Avalon' site never would've.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:06 am


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Raven Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:10 am

    Aquaries1111 wrote:The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism..

    The Band of Peace

    Whilst the Khemitology link to the Scarab of Egypt is ok, the obnoxious Bonacci Guru, NABS dispenser and 'followers brainwasher' and Logos truth denier is exposed below. Like so many 'NABS sellers', Santos Bonacci often uses other more self consistent and verifiable sources to promote a more nefarious and disinformation peddling agenda, undertaken in particular forms of self delusions and misinterpretation of the source materials.

    It is of little consequence, if he believes in his own misinformation. As a 'teacher of the public', he carries responsibility for his data shared.

    Raven Lionheart Fighters

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Owlsden wrote:It sounds like "Shiloh" is begging for an answer here:

    How for example did you know Mani as the Mirror of the Moon CC?

    Well she said she "didn't know"!

    "Is this a good enough answer"?

    Well for all of those who know the true "Holy Science" you will know that Mary Magdelene is the Moon and Jesus is the Sun.. the Mirror is you and me and we cannot answer for each other.. we each know within.. as above so below!!! "You Do Know"! Kiss / October 9th - 12.23am

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Rose-279x300 Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Mi

    Beauty so ancient and so new, late have I loved you!

    Lo, you were within, but I outside, seeking there for you, and upon the shapely things you have made I rushed headlong – I, misshapen.

    You were with me, but I was not with you.
    They held me back far from you, those things which would have no being, were they not in you.

    You called, shouted, broke through my deafness; you flared, blazed, banished my blindness; you lavished your fragrance,

    I gasped; and now I pant for you; I tasted you, and now I hunger and thirst;
    you touched me, and I burned for your peace.
    Is not human life on earth a time of testing?

    [1:34:21 AM] charlotte cowell: St Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

    Owlsden wrote:
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Shedevil

    It sounds like "Shiloh" is begging for an answer here:

    How for example did you know Mani as the Mirror of the Moon CC?

    Well she said she "didn't know"!

    "Is this a good enough answer"?

    Well for all of those who know the true "Holy Science" you will know that Mary Magdelene is the Moon and Jesus is the Sun.. the Mirror is you and me and we cannot answer for each other.. we each know within.. as above so below!!! "You Do Know"! Kiss / October 9th - 12.23am

    On the Piso Christ and related material

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Jesus_cross_crucifixion
    This "Never Happened" of course, as Jesus is actually a Class G2V Yellow Star in the Milky Way Galaxy! lol

    From a conversation on Thuban and responding to DD's attempt to indoctrinate the Dragon Den of Noah's Ark.

    [29/11/2011 3:08:05 AM] DD: Piso Christ: A Book of the new Classical Scholarship

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 JesuswearingthethornofcrownsEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Psi
    Yeshua Melchisedec Ben Ben Ben Heli Joseph Jacob Bar Bar Thomas Didymos de Naasseni Uraeus with the PSI-ANKH Quantum Wavefunction of the 12D 'Resurrection':

    B(n)=(2e/hA)exp[-Alpha.T(n)] with T(n)=n(n+1)=Σ|{...-3+-2+-1+0+1+2+3+...}| as the Quantum Path Integral of Particular Histories
    and 'unfreezing' the Multiversal Reproduction Potential MAT or Mean-Alignment-Time, Midnight November 4th, 1996 Local ACT, Australia Time (+11 Hours UCT/GMT)

    From the alphanumerical Kabbalah the 6-series: 6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor; 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem

    This is the number-letter code in some hieroglyphic form; say you define the archetypical number 6 in a right-left-right, or even-odd-even sequence in: Sekhmet*-Hathor-Sekhmet=24-15-6; then you can define the archetypes in resonating letters of the alphabet; here in X-O-F.

    The highest frequency is a unified principle in a 'stargoddess' say as 24 in the symbol for the Egyptian Ankh or Cross of Eternal Life in 24=15+9=2+4=1+5=6 and the number 15 becoming a starsymbol for Sirius, associated with Hathor's mirror say and the numeral 6 representing the named goddesses in its archetype and (healing) power of the Sekhem of Sekhmet as the Lioness Twin of BAAB imaged as ABBA.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarosirisEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarsetEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carwingdisc
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarisisEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarfireEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Cartwins
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarhorusEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarairEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carsphinx
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarbastEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarwaterEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carscarab
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarthothEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarearthEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carpyramid
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarhathorEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarsiriusEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carankh
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarnepthysEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarlotusEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Carbuckleisis
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarptahEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CarcrookEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 26
    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CaranubisEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 CaruraeusEgyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 27

    24 Elders of the FOX=6+15+24=45=54=666=999=99=9=I USE LOVE of SIRIUS in the Sekhem of the Cosmic Twinship of the Lion of Egypt and imaged in the ANKH of HATHOR'S Mirror of the Prophets of Israel, then encode as 42 Generations of Jesus as 777777=CHRISTCHRISTCHRIST=777Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 628520777

    Gospel of Thomas; Nag Hammadi Codices:

    (52) His disciples said to him, "Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel, and all of them spoke in you."
    He said to them, "You have omitted the one living in your presence and have spoken (only) of the dead."

    Revelation 4:1-5

    1After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

    2And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

    3And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

    4And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

    5And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    Matthew 1:17 (KJV)

    17So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.

    [1] MELCHI-ZADOK = 50+57=107=106+1=INFINITY A=17=1+7=8=4+4=1000bin=111bin+1
    [2] SEDER-MOON
    [3] LION -BIRTH
    [4] SNAKE-MARY

    Tonyblue: Dear Dragons. A counterargument to show the 'unprofessional scholarship' of the 'Piso NABS' and 'bunk' is here:
    Not that I would expect any of you to deny the existence of the World Logos as a historical incarnation 2000 years ago.
    But here is an excerpt of the 'flavours'.

    "Many years back when I used to pick up copies of The Humanist for entertainment, I recall seeing a small advertisement among the back-matter ads that claimed to provide undeniable, irrefutable proof that Josephus had authored the NT. The offerer was the "Abelard Reuchlin Foundation." Well, these fellows are still around.

    It would be an overstatement to say that no one takes this group -- whose overall thesis is that the NT was authored by members of an aristocratic Roman family to keep slaves under control and submissive -- seriously. In fact I can find only one writer who has even bothered to address their claims in any detail, and that ironically enough was racist Christ-myther Revilo P. Oliver. All Oliver did was address a couple of technical claims they made (apparently their thesis ignores that the Romans used very few of what we would call "first names"); as for the rest, he didn't consider it worth his time.

    What few other challenges to these ideas I have found have been to merely describe the theory in one word or less as nonsense. I also found a message board, with a message from a member of a Classics Department at Calvin College, which said that he had not looked at the Piso site on, but did say:

    ...I often use "" sites to illustrate to my students the danger and indeed the absurdity of using websites indiscriminately when they write their term papers. Some of the pages there are real doozies.
    And another classics scholar from Penn said:

    There's been a lively run of this on the sci.classics newsgroup. The short form of this is that the Piso family is responsible for all secular and sacred Greco-Roman-Christian history, all part of a vast goof performed by them on unsuspecting modern scholars. It reads like a huge collaborative parody of Leo Strauss composed by Borges, Nabokov, and Eco, all under the influence of something they got from Hunter Thompson.
    That's about as seriously as the scholars seem to take it. Skeptics of a more rational bent may also find this analysis by a Skeptic interesting. Their summary: "This is one of the most obviously laughable 'theories' I have seen on the web."

    Well, that's enough generality. Shall we back that up with particulars? Here are thematic statements from one favoring site:

    We Jews and Church Leaders have known since the beginning of Christianity that it was synthesized by the Roman Piso family for the purpose of maintaining control over the masses and to placate slaves. And, this is why we Jews are the "Chosen People" and why we have endured so much for so many years; we are witnesses to the lie.
    The New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso w/ long "E") family (a), who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it--Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist--are all fictional."

    Tonyblue: Right! The NABS experts and devotees have spoken!
    Julienne, Julissa, CC and all; you and I must be rather deluded creatures, walking the journeys of the human incarnated existence here and having felt true love and affection for an invented 'comic strip' character, created by a Roman aristocrat, posing as a historian. Let us feel sorry for our misguided souls and address our ignorances.

    DD: Truth is much stranger than fiction.

    Dove:i have to admit that for some moments when my altered ego does take a hold of me, i actuallydo feel sorry for myself for that exact reason...for having been made a FOOL by my own "delusions" and following of a "fancy" Storyline.......
    But then i listen to my body. I come to my senses....

    Tonyblue: Indeed sweety. We wake up from our nightmarish dream constructions.

    Dove: i take a good look at myself and say..."Wait a minute...what about this Love i feel?...Is that an illusion too?...could it ever be?.... NO!!!" i am not a nut case

    Tonyblue: But it is Dove, it is. The Roman Rulers have deceived you Dove. You have believed in lies for many of your incarnations and you have failed to 'see the light'. The murmurs of your heart are all self delusions and misguided interpretations of the things you allowed to enter your consciousness.
    You are more than a 'nut case' Dove; you are demented and insance to the nth degree in 'believing' in your own love from the heart. Josephus has tricked you see.
    Oh those Roman scribes - how clever they are.
    And how daft are the generations of scholars in their footsteps.
    Can you discern now the actual disservice of the NABS artists?
    To change paradigms and help to birth a new world?

    Dove: so true...where is my strait-jacket and my medication???
    Tonyblue: You may try Avalon or Camelot.
    Dove: Mists is not far behind
    Tonyblue: Or the Pisoeans. No it is not.
    Dove: i was told today...that us Spanish women are "nut cases"
    Tonyblue: Walnuts are nice, as are Almonds in dark chocolate. I watched SnakeWoman Dove.
    Dove: perhaps it should've been acompanied with: "Your 'Love' is pure 3D infatuation"
    Tonyblue: Indeed good point. All Love is a construct of the human imagination. It is perhaps not to your taste.
    Dove: i knew it
    Tonyblue: Knew what?
    Dove: so cruel it can be; that it was all in my head
    Tonyblue: Ah the love you feel?
    Dove: yes, well no...
    Tonyblue: Of course. Let us give thanks and show gratitude to the 'Great NABS gods of the Awakenings'.
    Dove: more like the love i feel...aimed towards me

    Tonyblue: Oh this is fabrication too. Josephus Piso did it, this master deceiver.
    Dove: perhaps it was just my deep desire of being loved?
    Tonyblue: Mine too dear. Yes we were too fallible in our innocence. Looking for love where there were only lies.
    Dove: i'll be damned
    Tonyblue: We are, eternally!

    Dove: perhaps i need to shed something more than just skin
    Tonyblue: Yes, your false belief system Dove.
    Dove: i was this desire, this wish of wanting to feel truly Loved by a man
    Tonyblue: Shared by all souls dear. It is the Desire of Abba! As Baab Gaia of course.
    Dove: but aren't i already complete as i am now?
    Tonyblue: No, your shadow yang is potentialised and not realised.
    Dove: i feel so alone
    Tonyblue: The reason of WHY you want the true love from the heart from a Man.
    Dove: like a mute screaming to the top of his lungs..and no sound comes out
    Tonyblue: Well, the heart of a man is vice versa. It seeks the true love from a woman's heart. It is agony dear. Especially now, as the new archetypes have in fact ENERGISED the potentials for indvidual fulfilment.
    Dove: i was just about to ask you about wasn't a particular better day for me. in fact it created a black hole
    Tonyblue: No it is dire straights every day for me to.
    Dove: in the middle of my chest
    Tonyblue: Exactly! The Lies will pervade Dove. December 8th is the next 'mile stone'. But I dont know details.
    Dove: omg...yet another one of those days
    Tonyblue: On and on aquaflyer. The antipregnancy will run its course. Until PalmSunday.
    Dove:: oh dear dear!

    Tonyblue: 4 more months of this. I really cant see alleviations. Even then, the 'labour pains' will continue. But externalised.
    Dove: i felt excrutiating pain from the heart if my own blood was poisoned...
    Tonyblue: SODOM and EGYPT means MOODS and DOOMS
    Dove: wasn't a mood swing of mine or anything
    Tonyblue: There is a foreboding in the air Dove.
    Dove: it was something much deeper
    Tonyblue: Yes and some of us are in the wranglers of the soul. Use the image of falling pregnant to help yourself understand the energy inductions.
    Dove: oh yes
    Tonyblue: You are 4 months pregnant now and will be 3 months pregnant at Xmas. As a femme, you can remember the moods and the pains and the expectations and fears.
    Dove: i feel pregnant without a husband = anti-pregnant - the sickness
    Tonyblue: I cant comment on this as a guy much Dove, but yes. Well I could say that it is reverse for me. I cant make love to make the true love pregnant see.
    Dove: i thought you mind?
    Tonyblue: And this does not require physical contact, it requires mental harmony and blending. As said above.
    Dove: exactly!! This is what i long for
    Tonyblue: Well understood by you.
    Dove: oh Tony...
    Tonyblue: Truth and Antitruth Dove are in battle mode. The Mirror is PalmSunday as the Convergence.
    Dove: that would be April 1st?
    Tonyblue: Yes. The Entry into the New Jerusalem.
    Dove: i feel like Jesus knowing the path ahead
    Tonyblue: As the Cosmic Insemination of the Virgin Cosmos.
    Dove: just seeing it how painful it will be
    Tonyblue: April 1st is in fact the last day, the 2670's of the entire warpzone. So there will be NO crucifixion Dove. It is a glorious new symbolic omniverse from then on. With the external changes to be executed by the real PTB.
    Dove: Oh God Lord hear this man John Shadow..Pleaaase!!! May your tongue be blessed!!
    Tonyblue: They do Dove and they hear you too.

    Dove: i don't have a voice heart speaks with its heartbeat for me
    Tonyblue: 3D executive is Gaia alone in eternal entwinement with her Abba. This should be your primary concern. Only once Abba has his BAAB can the physicality of the Universe become transfigured. All else and even what we say here will remain mindwanking and speculation.
    Dove: Jesus...the physical need is...HUGE...there are no words to describe it
    Tonyblue: Abba MUST LOVE GAIA in all ways Dove. Only THEN can the BODYMIND of Gaia as the Universe CHANGE. Can you understand this requirement?
    Dove: yes...but in that sense...i can only hope...i can only hope...
    Tonyblue: They MUST BLEND in sexual embrace. ABBA GAIA=ABBAGAIA=GAIAABBA. Individuals like say you and Kor can image but NOT manifest this. No human bonding can manifest this.
    Dove: i have nothing else in my mind lately...nothing but this Sacred Sexual is driving me insane
    Tonyblue: Yes I have this in my mind too. It is the Lake of the Fire of the Lion. The real lion not the pretenders like Horus by the way.
    Tonyblue: LION=SNAKE=CIRCLE=50=ARACHNE=PAUL too the Mother's Spider web and 'trap' for the real deluded ones.
    Dove: the weaver of worlds
    Tonyblue: Those codes are the Bridge to Abba Dove. Yes and encoded in many ways, say as the Griffin of the Sphinx. The Real Horus of the Horizon as the Hamarkhis
    Dove: so i reminded you of did you like the film?
    Tonyblue: it is very sexy lots of femme-femme sex
    Dove: lol
    Tonyblue: slow to watch as it is accentuated in the Jesse Franco Style. Kor would like it though. If you like the real tantra of the poly it is highly erotic
    Dove: hmm....
    Tonyblue: I can do without the blood see, but this is because the SnakeWoman is a vampire of sorts
    Dove: AHA!!
    Tonyblue: Acting is soso but the femmes are sexy
    Dove: why a vampire? can you tell me?
    Tonyblue: Yes it is based on real historical events, well myths. The SnakeWoman lives in a twilight world
    Dove: The DragonQueen is a Vampire....walks between two worlds. YES, YES
    Tonyblue: She is 80 years old as both mother and daughter and stuff like that. Yes the storyline you would like
    Dove: i love it and it's so much more than mere myth
    Tonyblue: But it is European more so then US in style and production. So there is abstraction and one must think to understand. It is no easy entertainment
    Dove: i'll see if i can get it for myself to watch it
    Tonyblue: Kor might like it. And some Carmen femme runs around naked as a snake vampire a lot. A Spanish beauty so, petite and sexy the way I like them.

    Dove: Tony<<< Abba MUST LOVE GAIA in all ways Dove. Only THEN can the BODYMIND of Gaia as the Universe human bonding can manifest this.....yet?
    Or never?

    1 John 4:

    1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

    2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

    6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

    7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

    8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

    DD: Truth is much stranger than fiction.

    [2:43:02 PM] Tonyblue: THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON!
    <<< 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    Tonyblue: Here is the trinity

    1 John 5:

    1Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

    2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

    3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

    5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

    6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

    7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    9If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

    10He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

    11And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

    12He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.


    <<< 6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

    7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    Tonyblue: WATER AND BLOOD
    Dove: Yess
    Tonyblue: So there is your justification. 7=Male trinity
    Tonyblue: 8=Female trinity

    Tonyblue: Father-Son-Grandson mirrored in Granddaughter-Daughter-Mother
    Dove: i like 8A
    Tonyblue: So you see Holy Ghost=Male and the Holy Spirit is female in the code. Water=Daughter and Son=Word
    Tonyblue: Father=Yang=Fire and the Mother=Yin=Blood. So your YIN is the true blood of the entire universe, as the cosmos is a femme Body. The human blood so is the 'lifeforce' of the REMEMBRANCE, as Jesus's Eucharist
    embodied in the words of him: " you must eat my flesh and drink my blood, or will not be able to enter the Father's kingdom". The BODY of the remembrance namely Jesus 'sacrificed' individuality and the BLOOD of the Remembrance as the 'electricity' of life as the New Rainbow Covenant.

    Tonyblue:<<< Dove time is 8 am to 8 pm Saturday, December 10th, 2011 for the RISING of the Testimony in the Ascent=Descent of the Logos Promises of 31AD and symbolised by a window of time from the lunar eclipse to the 3½ days following the fulfilment of the 'deeds' of the seven angels, detailed in a previous post of mine (the swansong one on the external forums). The UCT time is from the onset (umbral shadow) of this final eclipse for 2011 from about 1 pm Saturday, December 10th to 1 am Sunday, December 11th, 2011 and spans from Midnight Saturday, December 10th to Midday Sunday, December 11th, 2011 my local time. The Aquarian ruler Uranus begins to move forwards again at 0°39' Aries at 7:05 am UCT to further signify this nexus event of December 10th, 2011.

    Now recall, that the devastating Sendai, Japan Tsunami and Earthquake occurred on Friday, March 11th, 2011 and heralding the entry of Uranus into Aries from Pisces on Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 0° Aries and reaching its retrostation on Sunday, July 10th, 2011 as the begin of the 10x15=150 day cycles to Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 for the Noahic Flood/Revelation Scorpion timeline at 4°34' Aries to again become stationary and retrograde on Friday, July 13th, 2012 at 8°32' Aries with its subsequent forward station on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 4°37' Aries.
    This then completes the Uranian nexus points in the gestation period towards the Gaian rebirth on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 4°38' Aries and is followed in the calendrical recalibration for 2013 in the retrostation on Thursday, July 18th, 2013 at 12°35' Aries and the next forward station on Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 at 8°35' Aries, following the calendrical resetting of 13 Ahau 18 Mac for Monday, December 16th, 2013.

    Uranus will leave Aries and enter Taurus on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 (the 96th Birthday of Maria Infinity) at 0° Taurus to reenter Aries at 30° from Thursday, November 8th, 2018 to Wednesday, March 6th, 2019, after which Uranus remains in Taurus for its subsequent astrodynamical journeys for its overall 84-year orbit {about 7 years for each starsign or Israelitic Tribe in 7x12=84} around the sun and its heralding of the Age of Aquarius on Tuesday, January 20th, 1998 in the galactic alignment detailed elsewhere, but at 8°12' Aquarius at 6:46 UCT.
    Uranus sojourned in the warpzone in 2010 from Friday, May 28th to Tuesday, July 6th to Saturday, August 14th at 0° and 0°35' and 0° Aries respectively.

    Dove: the Spirit, the water and the blood in a human being no?
    Tonyblue: yes the femme fatale

    Dove: Kor said to me, that the blood coming off the cross, was a gift from God and it gave him eternal life
    Tonyblue: Yes and interpreted as such by the catholics etc. But it is a far deeper meaning in this redemption, than 'sacrifice'. And the memeplex hell has broken lose since December 8th. You all need to be 'on your guards'
    Dove: so it's sacrifice and what else?
    Tonyblue: There are the 'deceivers' now see. Sacrifice is Jesus own fake maleness Dove. He did not want his own body, as he knew the Abba Story
    Dove: =)
    Tonyblue: So he decided to sacrifice his INDIVIDUAL Body to become the universal male body for ALL MEN following him. This is what I term the One in Many and the Many in One
    Dove: i see
    Tonyblue: The resurrection so created the transformation in the mirror of spacetime. Ego the strange hyperphysics in the Turin Shroud. So Jesus simply 'faded into the universal matrix' AS the 12th Dimension of a Mirror- or Shadow Bodyform see?
    Dove: he went back to Source
    Tonyblue: And the sayings in the GOT, namely that he is under the rocks and everywhere, but people cant see him. Sort of yes. He BECAME the Female MotherMind and the only one. So allowing MM's true malemindedness to EXCHANGE see?
    Tonyblue: ALL femmes have malemindedness as MMs. This has become the Babylon Whore 44=D+D=8 as 71=BABYLON. A false infinity symbol. if you ever come to meet one. Rejecting physical femininity for mental fakeness.
    Dove: how sad
    Tonyblue: Indeed, but necessary to fulfil the scriptures. Problem is that 44 as this MENTAL WHORE=69=JEHOVAH (physically she is divine as Jesus' Mother harlot of course...(105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot." Gospel of Thomas; Nag Hammadi Codices), cannot delegate her own role.
    Tonyblue: So unless she turns and releases those memeplexes of the collective NABS as old as creation itself; the Revelation cannot conclude.
    Tonyblue: This is OUR problem as well as my 'individual' templated one as a witness to Jesus and MM see this now?
    Dove: i think she needs to be seduced. Yes!
    Tonyblue: I dont know Dove, but yes Jesus himself, whom she rejects as physical potential.
    Dove: i am concerned...for what is to happen now
    Tonyblue: But this is WHY I am so sad. Me too. I can't see her 3D mind ever changing. Her ego is humungous and her selfdelusion and deception literally out of any of the living worlds.

    This morning was the Lunar Eclipse,Live footage from Slooth space camera Hawaii,Singapore,Australia December 10,2011

    QUEEN GAIA = MAGDALENE GAIA = 62+18=80 'swallows' as the Red Dragon Light of Darkness the Cosmic Lunar and symbolic MARY MAGDALENE in the BIRTH=57=MOON=GEMINI=ROSE=EROS=MARY of the Gemini Moon in the Sagittarius Sun and the Shadow of the Earth.
    Many Female ambassadoras are born as the Manyness of Mary Magdalene as the 'Brides for the Lambs' in the Eucharist of the Original One. Every such 'Gaian New Eve' is fallen pregnant by the Original One in a Womb within a Womb and for the Manyness of the Christchild for a New World under construction in template function of the universal selfbirth.

    The epiphany of PAUL=CIRCLE=50=LION=SNAKE=ARACHNE as SAUL=53=DEBORAH on the 'Road to Damascus' becomes the transformation of the Prosecutor of the One and Only into the Lover of the One and Only; thus redeeming Judas as Judith in Benjamin Pisces Vesicas in the mirror of the 12 Brothers in 12 Sisters as 24 Elders. The Circle of the Exclusivity is broken in the 13th 'Starsign' Dinah Ophiuchus as the Cosmic Androgyne of the Dragonomy Twinship JCCJ as HeSheSheHe to allow the concentricity of the New Covenant of Baiame, the Rainbow Serpent of Creation aka Abba.

    Acts 26:13-15 {King James Version (KJV)}

    13At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me.

    14And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

    15And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.

    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Xeia_less_glow-Copy

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    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty R Schoch

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:21 pm

    March 25, 2012

    Robert Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch's geological analyses of the Great Sphinx of Egypt demonstrated that the statue is thousands of years older than the conventional dating of 2500 BCE, bringing him worldwide fame. In his new book Forgotten Civilization Robert reveals scientific evidence of advanced civilization predating ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece, as well as the catastrophe that destroyed it nearly 12,000 years ago and what its legacy can teach us about our own future. In the first hour we discuss the weathering of the Sphinx, its origin, the chamber underneath and the mysterious Sphinx temple. We also discuss Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and the current situation in Egypt.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:40 pm

    Some nice freebies... The Podcast with Walter Cruttenden and Carmen Boulter is dated 7/26/10

    The Cosmic Influence

    By Walter Cruttenden, Shawn Freeman & Geoff Patino
    To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to podcasts.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:28 pm

    I just noticed that most of Brook's posts have been deleted. Why??? Hopefully they have been saved. Will they reappear at some point in the future??? I would love to see a book by Brook. Does one already exist??? I still seem to have a mental and spiritual block regarding this heavy Egyptology -- but I continue to pick away at it -- slowly and uncertainly. I keep getting the sinking-feeling that I have a nasty reincarnational-history connected with Ancient Egypt -- and I am extremely apprehensive regarding potentially opening some sort of a Pandora's Box. I enjoy this site -- and all of the members -- yet I don't seem to gel very well. I doubt there is ANY web-site were I might 'fit-in'.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:36 pm

    Yep...the posts are gone in this second half of this thread. It was my fault...I had a melt down. for which there is no recovery...the posts are just gone.

    However due to the first half being locked when it survived.... Rolling Eyes

    It resides at the bottom of the Occuld societies and Esoteric Groups Here:

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:45 am

    Extended discussions of this material is now being projected in the Theater thread....just so you know.... Naughty

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:20 am

    Thank-you, Brook, for all of your hard work. I'm reviewing Part 1 of this thread -- and I just noticed that the 'Amen Ra' thread on the old Avalon has over 32,000 views! That thread was started by me -- but you contributed most of the material. It's really your thread. Thank-you. I'm watching all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1 -- and it's MUCH more interesting after studying Egyptology in general -- and your work in particular. PLEASE write a 'Brook Book of Egyptology'. Namaste.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Brook Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:41 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you, Brook, for all of your hard work. I'm reviewing Part 1 of this thread -- and I just noticed that the 'Amen Ra' thread on the old Avalon has over 32,000 views! That thread was started by me -- but you contributed most of the material. It's really your thread. Thank-you. I'm watching all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1 -- and it's MUCH more interesting after studying Egyptology in general -- and your work in particular. PLEASE write a 'Brook Book of Egyptology'. Namaste.

    Lionhawk turned me onto Stargate....and it's quite interesting eh?

    Write a book? My writing skills suck! I doubt seriously I could successfully write a book. Good enough for forums, but most certainly not a book.

    Perhaps someday I'll compile some of the information and collaborate with a REAL writer. But that is far off in the future if at all.

    I think I'm more interested in getting some of the information "out there" and let the reader formulate their own conclusions. I will say however I've discovered some interesting things in this area of discussion that have not quite been put together in quite the way I've discovered/seen it. That is why I have this desire to record it.
    Thank you for the generous compliment in any case. Flowers

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:19 pm

    Ancient Egypt - The Secrets of the Hieroglyphs - The Valley of the Kings

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    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:58 pm


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:31 am


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun May 04, 2014 11:43 pm


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon May 05, 2014 5:42 pm


    I love your Maturity in seeing things multi-dimensional.  I love your Maturity in seeing messages when they come in their beauty and simplicity when they come.  I love your "forgiveness and mine" most of all...

    You see, your impact on me has been most "precious" and I know you can see this, as I do, as we do, in the third degree.. You know what I am saying...

    Anyhow, I heard a beautiful song today and it reminded me of Us.. If I can remember it here, I shall share it.. but for now, your last post on Nobledreams spoke volumes.. and how have we grown?  Love is like a butterfly...

    Brook wrote:

    That's exactly it.  What you just wrote.  Finally after all this time awareness has finally arisen from the ashes.  

    Through awareness and Discretion the balance of wisdom should by all rights balance  the internal alchemical war of lights you see.  

    Creating unimaginable possibility for future decisions and discretion. Essentially creating the (resonant) Domino Effect:

    The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then causes another similar change, and so on in linear sequence. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes.

    Relevant physical theory:

      Chain reaction
      Butterfly effect
    The Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect

    Resonant Causation vs Impact Causation

    Achieved through Discretion ~ impact causation becomes weaker


    Thing is; it's not simply  a recipe/principal for here (earth bound) and now.  It's a general consensus of behavioral harmony and unity.  Implications which reach far and wide.


    I'm only human and as the title of this thread indicates I can only perceive so much.  I'm not certain if anybody else saw the implications of the two posts together, but when I saw it the other day I was quite taken with it.

    You know, I can't think of the song right now, but when I heard it, I knew it was for you/us.  I will deliver it to you on Thursday, May 7th, 2014.... perhaps, just perhaps there is a correlation with that date.. I reallly don't know...

    For now...


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon May 05, 2014 10:02 pm

    I can't  believe I remembered.. I closed my eyes.. and remembered...

    Brook... Here!!!!

    It is sooo beautiful...


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed May 07, 2014 12:16 am

    Consider studying the following sources, in the context of the 1963 movie Cleopatra (with Elizabeth Taylor). Imagine Cleopatra speaking the words of these books!! Alternately, imagine the good side of Anna in the series 'V' speaking the words, in the context of the New York Mothership!! Try following the suggested order. Try listening to the organ-recordings of Michael Murray while reading!! This is not necessarily an endorsement -- or a claim to exclusive truth. This is simply an interesting approach to life, the universe, and everything. It is merely a beginning -- rather than being a destination. Try repeating this list several times.

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets -- Ellen White.
    2. Tempest and Exodus -- Ralph Ellis.
    3. Prophets and Kings -- Ellen White.
    4. Solomon: Falcon of Sheeba -- Ralph Ellis.
    5. The Desire of Ages -- Ellen White.
    6. Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs -- Ralph Ellis.
    7. Astronomy and Law Textbooks.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 2

    Post  burgundia Wed May 07, 2014 2:34 am

    I am sorry Brook that your thread is being spammed by water bearer.

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:55 pm