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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums?


    Are conspiracy forums useful?

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    Total Votes: 21

    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:18 am

    My first contact with conspiracy came when I was a teen and read books about the Nazis, religion and UFO's. I was exposed to those books by my father who did not believe that there was a single soul worth the candle in this planet and that he had no choice but to play the game to survive

    The game never appealed to me as I was naturally inquisitive and for many years I kept going back to conspiracy research

    I have lived through Y2K, Planet X 2003 and many instances of claimed pole shift...that never happened

    Don't get me wrong, I have learned things too but, most of the information that I have found useful have come from internet and book research that is not linked to conspiracy forums

    I do like the odd conspiracy but I think that now we are being bombarded with things just to keep us busy and unaware of what really may be happening in the planet at energetic level and real Earth changes

    Conspiracy and survivalism are big business now and I wonder whether we are falling prey of money makers

    What do you think Question

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Floyd Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:34 am

    Interesting poll Android.

    I would have to answer several of those though I would say. I think mostly, conspiracies are disinformation, hot air, the ramblings of various insane nuts and fear mongering. On top of the alien/conspiratorial stuff, there is the pseudo scientific and new religious material to wade through and the various charlatans and profiteers that head such groups.

    It is indeed big business. Just look at how many ads are stuffed all around ATS..they are everywhere. Additionally, people in this business who are offering the truth by and large want you to pay for it which is of course a nonsense. There is a huge ammount of information to wade through before one can find the golden nuggets of information that may hold some truth.

    While there is some value in this material I am very much moving away from my several year flirtation with it and am concentrating now on practical issues, ie, how to live outside of the system, ie, banking, electrical, foods, etc. A lot of the stuff being thrown about presently serves only to distract, induce fear and to confuse and I think the truth is so much more simple and currency free. If anybody tells you otherwise you are being ripped off. I think much of the material on alienism and channeled ETs is ludicrous and patently untrue as is much of the material surrounding 2012.

    So whilst some of the material is interesting im rather bored of it now and want to focus on practicalities, earth mysteries and a reconnect with nature. Its free, its beautiful and its simple. dont have to pay a subscription....

    But yes, intersting question Android and thanks for posting it.

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Sanicle Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:34 am

    Question here. Hope it doesn't offend anyone. But is the Mists considered to be a conspiracy forum too? If not, can someone define the difference please?

    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:45 am

    Sanicle wrote:Question here. Hope it doesn't offend anyone. But is the Mists considered to be a conspiracy forum too? If not, can someone define the difference please?

    This is just my personal opinion but the Mysts is not like ATS or GLP or PA1 or CP which are specialized conspiracy forums. The Mysts is a place where we talk about everything, conspiracy being a little part but not it

    Hope that clarifies
    Very Happy

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:48 am

    I voted 'useful' and 'distressing'. I just consider all of the fringe material to be nothing more than possibilities. It's very hard to prove conspiracy theories - but this doesn't mean that all of the theories are completely false. I mostly ask questions, in connection with a lot of controversial material. I really do try to get as close to the truth as possible - but it might take decades to really pin things down in a definitive manner. Still - the possible alternative pictures of reality are often quite distressing - and extreme caution should be used by investigators - so as not to behave irrationally or irresponsibly. Just buying the party-line - or falling for every conspiracy-theory - might be the epitome of stupidity. I don't believe everything I read or hear - but I do believe that everyone is out to get me - especially the Jesuits...

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Floyd Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:47 am

    Andromeda wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:Question here. Hope it doesn't offend anyone. But is the Mists considered to be a conspiracy forum too? If not, can someone define the difference please?

    This is just my personal opinion but the Mysts is not like ATS or GLP or PA1 or CP which are specialized conspiracy forums. The Mysts is a place where we talk about everything, conspiracy being a little part but not it

    Hope that clarifies
    Very Happy

    I agree. Its not really a conspiracy forum and thats a good thing. Those subjects are discussed here but so are other things, spirituality, ecology and so on.

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  starninja Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:44 am

    I have found that conspiracy theories take our attention away from what is really going on and what really matters. The combination of UFO, pseudo science and pseudo spirituality is a smart way to control us. And people argue what theory is the right one, or what spiritual belief system is the truth. As long as people will accept beliefs without questing, we will be stuck. As long as people give away their power to ETs , Ascended Masters, or Gods whether Hindu, Egyptian, or Catholic, we will not see changes. geek

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  rhythm Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:12 pm

    You are realy on the money with your comments
    im getting away from it all Rolling Eyes
    just keep it in mind as possibilitys
    as like all else it can take to much of our atention
    while life is going on I love you rhythmm

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  starninja Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:30 pm

    Rhythm wrote:

    You are realy on the money with your comments
    im getting away from it all
    just keep it in mind as possibilitys
    as like all else it can take to much of our atention
    while life is going on rhythm

    No, I wouldn’t agree that it is about money. Money is secondary. It is about mental enslavement and control. I may add that if mind is confused it is easer to control it. No wonder so many can’t question and think critically but accept any lie that keeps them in their comfort zone. False spirituality supported with pseudo science is quite handy. And if we add ET’s who will come on white horses...........we can dance with joy. Insanely Happy

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Micjer Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:29 pm

    I would not classify this forum as a conspiracy forum either.

    Most predictions on conpiracy forums that involve a particular date, do not materialize. A lot of fearmongering by disinfo agents, like Dr Deagle.

    Actually can anyone remember a prediction that came true on a specific date, other than from the guys or gals who come out of the woodwork after an event?

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  investigator Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:03 pm

    Lindsey Williams forecast of $50 oil from $100 oil in 2008, other then that his current predictions don't seem to be panning out much. I'm hoping we see some fireworks in 2012 though "By 2012 you will not recognize America" was his prediction, and the middle eastern monarchies being overthrown, which appears to be happening now. Honestly, I don't think they are going to release a new gold backed currency until after 2015 though, 2012 seems to early for me, but I am hoping it happens earlier, so we can get this show on the road. It's been so boring lately with just the BP Oil Spill, Japan nuclear reactor false flags. I want a new currency damn it! So I can start my main project for this lifetime. =)

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty My answer is..

    Post  lilac Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:10 pm

    None of the above.... this poll is not useful because the question is ambiguous. I am unable to check the box "useful" or "distressing", although conspiracy forums have been that, at times. I find conspiracy forums:
    challenging to my faculties of discernment
    .....Well, I think I've made my point. There is no one-word response. I was originally looking for ground crew. I think we have all evolved and learned enough since the inception of the Avalon forum, to take the solace and the strength we need from each other right here, in the Mists of Avalon (so fitting for Neptune's ingress into Pisces). This is a wonderful and precious resource. You, posters and contributors are the unsung heroes of this amazing journey. I'm sure that many, if not most of you do this work purely out of love, or at least a sense of responsibility. And is this a conspiracy forum? It's name suggests so much more... something like a bridge between Muggletown and The Community.

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Anchor Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:46 pm

    I think the meaning of the word conspiracy has been twisted in recent times.

    It is now a pejorative term - in the sense of "Conspiracy nut/madman/extremist" and obviously if the NWO get their way, rabble rousing terrorist.

    I like forums that have an open approach to debating the ideas of truth, freedom, peace, spirituality compassion and the nature of the illusion of reality and the controlling influences that we have subjected ourselves to.

    I think they are useful in that they can increase the numbers of individuals who are starting to realise the true nature of our mistake and have started back tracking out of the mire - or for those that already realised, provide some useful information that can accelerate the process.

    It is inevitable that this process is going to attract thought and action from both sides of the "fence" between those who are unwilling to change in this present moment and those who are.

    However and one moment succeeds the next, the balance changes - and I think forums and the internet etc do help.

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:25 am

    I agree Anchor. The whole conspiracy-theory and esoteric-research fields of study seem to be inherently destablizing. This doesn't mean that they shouldn't be pursued, but extreme discipline is required to do this thing the right way. Perhaps there should be a scholarly 'Journal of Esoteric and Conspiracy Research' where heavily footnoted articles by PhD's would be the norm. As crazy as it sounds, I've recently been trying to take my research and theorizing within the walls of the Vatican - in a conceptual attempt to reform the church, the world, and the solar system. This is sort of a discipline, where I imagine interacting with Jesuits, Cardinals, and even the Pope - in a dignified and constructive manner - regarding my ideas for changing the world. I keep fearing the meltdown of world civilization - followed by depopulation - followed by a really nasty theocracy. Unfortunately, I've come to the conclusion that I need to cut way back on my 'change the world' thinking and posting. I need to completely digest what I've already been exposed to. Concern and goodwill can easily morph into hostility and anger. We have a history of not remaining cool, calm, and collected - and I have a sinking feeling that regressives (human and otherwise) have taken advantage of this fact - for thousands of years...

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Floyd Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:33 am

    lilac wrote:. I was originally looking for ground crew. I think we have all evolved and learned enough since the inception of the Avalon forum, to take the solace and the strength we need from each other right here, in the Mists of Avalon (so fitting for Neptune's ingress into Pisces). This is a wonderful and precious resource. You, posters and contributors are the unsung heroes of this amazing journey. I'm sure that many, if not most of you do this work purely out of love, or at least a sense of responsibility. And is this a conspiracy forum? It's name suggests so much more... something like a bridge between Muggletown and The Community.

    Interestingly, the idea of regional ground crews collapsed when the old forum was shut down and turned into an invite only party. Im not sure the idea really took off though. Regional groups were set up and great excitement and ideas were put forward but as usual people ended up just talking about them on the forums and not actually doing anything constructive. Just endless talk that led nowhere. Perhaps a couple of regional meets were achieved but how many of them had and enduring qualities? None perhaps. We tried to do something along those lines here a while back but nobody was interested as the majority prefer to sit behind a computer all day fantasizing about future communities they were never going to do anything about. There are many of course who are not interested in such things anyway.

    Another thing is that forum personas are one thing but real life personalities are something else. Cameloteers and Avalonians may seek out like minded folk on the internet but would they get on when they meet up? I have heard of a several unpleasant episodes when Avalonians have met up. Far from the love and light persona that they feigned online, they were actually quite nasty pieces of work. The totla opposite of their online fictional creation. So for me the regional radiant zones /ground crew ideal was always going to be non realised forum bullshitting. For these ideas to come to fruition they take great planning. commitment and effort. They do not come about by sitting behind a monitor all day. (I never like the terms radiant zones and ground crew anyway as Ive no time fot Green or St Claire, both who disinform and make false predictions)

    So as I recall the PA side of things was for the ground crew thingie and the PC side of things for the conspiracy/spiritulaity side of things. In all fairness im not entirely sure what either Camelot or Avalon represent these days. I dont think they know either. Niether of its forums are particulaly conducive to anything and the videos/interviews/whistleblowers we have all seen and heard before. How much more crap do they want us to watch and listen to? I suggest watching a video on wild food instead. Much more satisfying.

    So here we are at the Mists-refugees of the butchered Project Avalon. All is discussed here, conspiracy, music, eco communities,humour. No promises of Ground crew groups now. No grand designs of communities.

    So no, this is not a conspiracy forum. But if and when the internet is limited or disappears, how useful will it be then John? What will people do then? How important will conspiracy forums be then? Less important than a couple of grow sacks of organic potatoes perhaps?

    Jeez that was a long post for me....I need coffee Cup o

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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Micjer Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:11 am

    An interesting question would have been just to ask if forums like this are useful.

    To me then the answer would have been overwhelmingly YES. The amount of links and info that have been posted is incredible. The list of things that I have learned is quite long indeed.

    What is wonderful, here is someone always looks at stories from another angle to determine whether they are a hoax or red flag etc. Just to take the MSM 's word on events is certainly far from a good idea.

    When a specific date is used in a prediction, it usually turns out to be bogus. However there has been many things that are occuring that have been discussed on many websites and videos.

    Examples.....Silver/Gold rising, economic distress in US / Europe especially, increase in global earthquakes/storms etc, increase in world food prices and problems.

    Also research proves many conspiracy theories actually are true. Some may be hoaxes, but many are true. Here is a list of 33

    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:09 am

    Taking on this "ground crew" idea, I have to agree with Floyd. The whole idea was ill-conceived from the beginning. Love and light do not suffice it takes much more than that, not so much the money that St Clair was interested in (gime the gold lol) but the human part of it

    For a community, or tribe to succeed in times of hardship it is necessary decades of coexistence in peaceful times. People rarely show the best of themselves when they are in panic so if one does not get along in peace, what guarantee one can have that one will not be killed for one's food? With so many black ops on the loose infiltrating communities is a very risky business

    I did nevertheless found friends of like mind in PA1, one of which I do talk on the phone and another who I see from time to time. Friendship, like love, takes time, dedication and personal contact

    Getting together because one fears the future is not a solid foundation for any community. There has to be other more exalted ideals or ideas IMHO

    I also recognize that forums like the Mysts are a great resource for interchanging ideas and for personal growth but GLP, ATS, PA2 and PC are not friendly places and who knows who are financing them and what are their true intentions so I stay clear of them and rarely take anything on them seriously


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    What have you learned from conspiracy forums? Empty Re: What have you learned from conspiracy forums?

    Post  Micjer Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:01 am

    I also recognize that forums like the Mysts are a great resource for interchanging ideas and for personal growth but GLP, ATS, PA2 and PC are not friendly places and who knows who are financing them and what are their true intentions so I stay clear of them and rarely take anything on them seriously

    I am in total agreement.

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