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    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:44 am

    Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury
    By Michael Joseph Gross
    October 2010

    Even as Sarah Palin’s public voice grows louder, she has become increasingly secretive, walling herself off from old friends and associates, and attempting to enforce silence from those around her. Following the former Alaska governor’s road show, the author delves into the surreal new world Palin now inhabits — a place of fear, anger, and illusion, which has swallowed up the engaging, small-town hockey mom and her family — and the sadness she has left in her wake.

    Erratic behavior and a pattern of lying matter little: “Such falsehoods never damage Palin’s credibility with her admirers, because information and ideology are incidental to this relationship.” Backstage in the arena, a little girl in Mary Janes pushes her brother in a baby carriage, stopping a few yards shy of a heavy, 100-foot-long black curtain. The curtain splits the arena in two, shielding the children from an audience of 4,000 people clapping their hands in time to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The music accompanies a video “Salute to Military Heroes” that plays above the stage where, in a few moments, the children’s mother will appear. When the girl, Piper Palin, turns around, she sees her parents thronged by admirers, and the crowd rolling toward her and the baby, her brother Trig, born with Down syndrome in 2008. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, bend down and give a moment to the children; a woman, perhaps a nanny, whisks the boy away; and Todd hands Sarah her speech and walks her to the stage. He pokes the air with one finger. She mimes the gesture, whips around, strides on four-inch heels to stage center, and turns it on.

    And how. Palin and the crowd might as well be one. She’s glad to be here with the people of Independence, Missouri, “where so many of you proudly cling to your guns and your religion” — the first laughline in a 40-minute stump speech that alludes to many of the perceived insults she and her audience have suffered together, and that transforms their resentments into badges of honor. Palin waves her scribbled-on palm to the crowd, proclaiming that she’s using “the poor man’s teleprompter.” Of the Obama administration, she says, “They talk down to us. Especially here in the heartland. Oh, man. They think that, if we were just smart enough, we’d be able to understand their policies. And I so want to tell ’em, and I do tell ’em, Oh, we’re plenty smart, oh yeah — we know what’s goin’ on. And we don’t like what’s goin’ on. And we’re not gonna let them tell us to sit down and shut up.”

    The crowd’s ample applause at these lines swells to something vastly bigger when Palin vows defiantly that “come November, we’re taking our country back!” The phrase plays on the name of this event, “Winning America Back,” which has been billed as a Tea Party rally organized by a grassroots Missouri political-action committee that no one had heard of until a few months ago, when the event was announced. Behind the curtain, Piper plays with other children, oblivious to the speech. She runs in circles, plays hide-and-seek, poses for snapshots, and generally acts as if she were in another world — until she gets the signal to do her job: march to the podium, pick up Palin’s speech, and allow Palin to make a public display of maternal affection.

    On cue, Piper parts the curtain. As the child appears, a loud and doting “Awww” melts through the crowd. Sarah Palin’s connection with her audience is complete. People who admire her believe she is just like them, and this conviction seems to satisfy their curiosity about the objective facts of her life. Those whose curiosity has not been satisfied have their work cut out for them. Palin has been a national figure for barely two years — John McCain selected her as his running mate in August 2008. Her on-the-record statements about herself amount to a litany of untruths and half-truths. With few exceptions — mostly Palin antagonists in journalism and politics whose beefs with her have long been out in the open — virtually no one who knows Palin well is willing to talk about her on the record, whether because they are loyal and want to protect her (a small and shrinking number), or because they expect her prominence to grow and intend to keep their options open, or because they fear she will exact revenge, as she has been known to do. It is an astonishing phenomenon. Colleagues and acquaintances by the hundreds went on the record to reveal what they knew, for good or ill, about prospective national candidates as diverse as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Barack Obama. When it comes to Palin, people button their lips and slink away.

    She manages to be at once a closed book and a constant noisemaker. Her press spokesperson, Pam Pryor, barely speaks to the press, and Palin shrewdly cultivates a real and rhetorical antagonism toward what she calls “the lamestream media.” The Palin machine is supported by organizations that do much of their business under the cover of pseudonyms and shell companies. In accordance with the terms of a reported $1 million annual contract with Fox News, Palin regularly delivers canned commentary on that network. But in the year since she abruptly resigned the governorship of Alaska, in order to market herself full-time — earning an estimated $13 million in the process — she has submitted to authentic, unpaid interviews with only a handful of journalists, none of whom have posed notably challenging questions. She keeps tight control of her pronouncements, speaking only in settings of her own choosing, with audiences of her own selection, and with reporters kept at bay. (Despite many requests, neither Palin nor her current staff would comment for this article.) She injects herself into the news almost every day, but on a strictly one-way basis, through a steady stream of messages on Twitter and Facebook. The press plays along. Palin is the only politician whose tweets are regularly reported as news by TV networks. She is the only one who has been able to significantly change the course of debate on a major national issue (health-care reform) with a single Facebook posting (in which she accused the Obama administration, falsely, of wanting to set up a “death panel”).
    Palin makes speeches before large audiences at least a few times a week, on a grueling schedule that has taken her to as many as four locations in three states in one day. She’s choosy, restricting herself to Tea Party gatherings; fund-raisers for charities and Republican organizations and candidates; and moneymakers for herself, mainly business conventions and “Get Motivated!” seminars. Judging from the bootleg videos that sometimes turn up, her basic speech varies little from venue to venue. She presents herself as the straight-shooting, plainspoken, salt-of-the-earth advocate for “hardworking, patriotic, liberty-loving Americans” and as the anti-Obama, the lone Republican standing up to a federal government gone “out of control.” Last July, the quarterly filing by Palin’s political-action committee, SarahPAC, revealed a formidable war chest and hefty investments in fund-raising and direct mail, the clearest signs yet that she may indeed run for president. Republican leaders privately dismiss her as too unpredictable and too undisciplined to run a serious campaign. But on she flies, carpet-bombing the 24-hour news cycle: now announcing her desire to meet with her “political heroine” Margaret Thatcher (the better to look like Ronald Reagan, presumably, though Palin seemed unaware that Thatcher is suffering from dementia); now yelping in theatrical complaint (“I want my straws! I want ’em bent!”), to shrug off revelations that her speaking contract demands deluxe hotel rooms, first-class air travel, and bottles of water with bendable straws; now responding (in a statement read on the Today show) to reports of her daughter Bristol’s re-engagement to Levi Johnston; and all the while issuing scores of political endorsements and preparing a fall media blitz. A TV show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, for which Palin is being paid $2 million, will have its premiere on the TLC network in November. A new book, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag, will be published the following week.

    This spring and summer I traveled to Alaska and followed Palin’s road show through four midwestern states, speaking with whomever I could induce to talk under whatever conditions of anonymity they imposed — political strategists, longtime Palin friends and political associates, hotel staff, shopkeepers and hairstylists, and high-school friends of the Palin children. There’s a long and detailed version of what they had to say, but there’s also a short and simple one: anywhere you peel back the skin of Sarah Palin’s life, a sad and moldering strangeness lies beneath.

    Fist of the North Star
    It was a baking-hot Kansas afternoon, and from the lobby I watched as three slender, solemn young hairstylists and makeup artists approached a front-desk clerk at the Hyatt Regency hotel, in Wichita. The tallest of them said, “We’re here for North Star.” The desk clerk understood. He nodded and directed the three women to the Keeper of the Plains suite, on the 17th floor, where North Star herself awaited. The North Star is mentioned in Alaska’s state song and appears on its state flag. Fairbanks lies in a region called the North Star Borough. Palin is on the way to making North Star a personal brand. If she ever does run for president, it might well serve as her Secret Service code name. Hours after the styling session, three bodyguards and one aide accompany Sarah, Todd, and Piper to a $1,000-a-plate V.I.P. dinner to raise money for Wichita’s Bethel Life School. Each guest has a photo taken with Palin and receives a “personally autographed bookplate copy” of Palin’s autobiography, Going Rogue. (The autographs are fake, made with an Autopen.) After dinner, Pat Boone, his skin a taut orange against the trademark white suit, leads the crowd in the singing of a spiritual. Congressman Todd Tiahrt, who will receive Palin’s endorsement in his race for the U.S. Senate, tells everyone to buy a copy of Palin’s book — “so Sarah can buy a Learjet!” (Learjet is based in Wichita.)

    Palin delivers basically the same speech she gave 18 hours earlier to the Tea Party group in Independence. You could pretty much replace the word “constitution,” from yesterday’s remarks, with “Bible,” and be good to go. Then Palin departs from the script and speaks as if from the heart, describing her fear and confusion upon discovering that Trig would be born with Down syndrome. “I had never really been around a baby with special needs,” she tells her listeners. For what it’s worth, this statement is untrue. Depicting the same moment of discovery in her own book, Palin writes that she immediately thought of a special-needs child she knew very well: her autistic nephew. Such falsehoods never damage Palin’s credibility with her admirers, because information and ideology are incidental to this relationship. Palin owes her power to identity politics, pitched with moralistic topspin. She exploits the same populist impulse that fueled the career of William Jennings Bryan—an impulse described by one Bryan biographer as “the yearning for a society run by and for ordinary people who lead virtuous lives.”

    Palin does not always treat those ordinary people well, however — it depends on who is watching. Of the many famous people who have stayed at the Hyatt in Wichita (Cher, Reba McEntire, Neil Young), Sarah Palin ranks as the all-time worst tipper: $5 for seven bags. But the bellhops had it good in Kansas, compared with the bellman at another midwestern hotel who waited up until past midnight for Palin and her entourage to check in — and then got no tip at all for 10 bags. He was stiffed again at checkout time. The same went for the maids who cleaned Palin’s rooms in both places — no tip whatsoever. The only time I heard of Palin giving a generous tip was in St. Joseph, Michigan, after the owner of Kilwin’s chocolate shop, on State Street, sent a CARE package to Palin’s suite, and Palin walked to the store to say thank you. She also wanted to buy more boxes of candy to take home. When the owner would not accept her money, Palin, encircled by the crowd that had jammed the store to get a glimpse of her, pressed a hundred-dollar bill into the woman’s hand, saying, “This is for the staff.” That Ben Franklin was the talk of State Street the whole rest of the day.

    Warm and effusive in public, indifferent or angry in private: this is the pattern of Palin’s behavior toward the people who make her life possible. A onetime gubernatorial aide to Palin says, “The people who have worked for her — they’re broken, used, stepped on, down in the dust.” On the 2008 campaign trail, one close aide recalls, it was practically impossible to persuade Palin to take a moment to thank the kitchen workers at fund-raising dinners. During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. At the end of one long day, when Palin was mid-tirade, a campaign aide remembers thinking, “You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from?”

    The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” This friend adds, “As soon as she enters her property and the door closes, even the insects in that house cringe. She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”) When Palin was mayor, she made life for one low-level municipal employee so miserable that the woman quit her job, sought psychiatric counseling, and then left the state altogether to escape Palin’s sphere of influence — this according to one person with firsthand knowledge of the situation. The woman did not want to be found. When I finally tracked her down, her husband, who answered the phone, at first pretended that I had dialed the wrong number and that the word “Wasilla” had no meaning to him. Palin’s former personal assistants all refused to comment on the record for this story, some citing a fear of reprisal. Others who have worked with Palin recall that, when she feels threatened, she does not hesitate to wield some version of a signature threat: “I have the power to ruin you.”

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    Post  Jonah Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:44 am

    Oliver wrote:
    Monique, thank you...
    This is an interesting news, but I am not surprised at is upgrading of the present system of propaganda in the news where where the "machine-journalist" - puppets, are employed only for passing the system`s propaganda methods. My experience and my sense for reading the effects of the propaganda is telling me that all over the world enormous masses of people are NOT BELIEVING them at all. It was shown best way with swine fly vaccine when about 90% of the target population refused to believe their lies.
    To conclude - No machine can lie better that TPTB owned journalist. TRUTH HAS FALLEN & TAKEN LIBERTY WITH IT - Page 2 21327 So, I am optimistic.


    Its just like the matrix, but probably much worse.. Beer

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    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:30 pm

    Proven 9-11 Nukes = US Government Involvement
    By Dr. Ed Ward, MD

    The Current Irrefutable Conclusion = Treason, Murder and Crimes Against Humanity for 9-11, the Iraq War, and Revocation of Constitutional Rights of US Citizens - All US 'representatives' appropriate US citizens, and non citizens, need to be on trial in Constitutional Courts.

    The Current 'Basic' Proven 9-11 Nuke Evidence - (About 95 to 98% of the TOTAL evidence covered) - All proven basic physics/chemistry ANY high school graduate should understand after the basic courses.:

    1. Three Massive WTC Craters - See us government LIDAR proof: - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

    2. Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, and 6)) of WTC Land Brought to Seering Temperatures in a Few Hours by an 'Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled "Fire" - Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

    3. Tritium Levels 55 Times (normal) Background Levels assessed a numerical value of 'traces' and 'of no human concern'. See us government (DOE report) proof: - Nothing but a NUCLEAR EVENT can cause 'tritium' formation - basic physics fact - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

    4. An Impossible "Fire" (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill's data on 'anaerobic incineration'. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and thisparticular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

    5. 3 Billion pounds of building instantly turned into 2 Billion pounds of micronized dust. - Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES.

    6. 16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

    7. Hiroshima effect cancers in responders and locals. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke - Mini Nuke - Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue - ZERO ANOMALIES. - NOT an endorsement of the site.

    All of the above are facts are proven with referenced links of reputable data sources - many are from the government itself and more...

    Mini Nukes Were Used on 9-11

    Update: Mini Nukes at the WTC - 9-11 The Fetzer/Ward : Conversations on Mini Nukes in/on WTC/9-11 - 1 hour

    Eventually, we get to the WTC, Thermite BS - S. Jones, Micro Nukes/ Mini Nukes in the WTC, Truck Bombs - crater = mini nuke, history of mini nukes, reg demo... needed to cover for nukes & nukes to remove the demo evidence, why 5 nukes needed to fit all the evidence, ALL, 100% of the evidence = nuke; 0, NADA, NO, ANOMALIES; DEW = Wood's BS... It's not me, It's physics.

    When 20 = Normal, How does 1,092 = "Traces", Listen Do Want to Know a Secret... Listen - Cancers explained, Tritium explained - Half life = 10 days, craters explained, 1 billion pounds (coincidently the approximate mass of residue of the 3 buildings - basic physics - heat transfer and residual heat) of dirt 1800 degrees MINIMUM. the Nuke evidence - partial but still large, I apologize to Fetzer over not revealing Mini Nukes facts - still have concerns; as for our ex navy seal who more than likely had training/basics of SADM deployment, but definitely got some demo training, yet doesn't understand the 'science'? ;-), Richard Gage addressed,

    CORRECTION: All Davy Crockett kilotonage quotes during the above should have been quoted as 0.018 kilotons, not .18, 18, etc - all incorrect numbers = 0.018 kilotons

    Setting the Record Straight on Mini Nukes in the WTC/9-11

    Mini Nukes Were Used on 9-11

    I did a program with Bill Deagle - not online yet - about the only thing discussed that hasn't been already been explained - 'Swiss Cheese' Steel = Extremely High Concentrations of Chlorine + Very High Temperatures = Classic Oxidation/Reduction Reaction = Steel undergoing MASSIVE oxidation by chlorine. wherever exposed to WTC pile atmosphere.

    The Root:

    Zionism = The Worst Plague in the History of Mankind

    The Remedy/Rectification:

    1. Return to the Original Intent Interpretation of the Constitution.

    America's Only Real Choice: Constitution or Tyranny?

    The US Is "a Distorted, Bastardized Form of Illegitimate Government."

    2. 100% Accurate/Verifiable Voting - FIXED VOTE = NO VOTE. Note - There is no need to sign the petition, just read the information contained and hopefully, act upon it. BTW - The perfect cheap FIXED VOTE yard sign - After the next sham election, grab a few old yard signs that are being discarded after the election. Pick up a nice STANDOUT color paint (not a background color) for 'your new political sign' from 'home of the pot' - since it's so cheap - I'm thinking FLUORESCENT - Paint/Spray - FIXED VOTE = NO VOTE! across it as big as signage will allow, put a word each on a few signs, however you want to do it - just make sure you make it known the vote is fixed and you aren't voting until there is a candidate who's main platform consists of 'verified voting' and original intent interpretation of the Constitution being followed completely. Voting only helps the sham/crime succeed.

    It Can't Happen Here Dorothy?:

    1. Take a look at 'Operation Northwoods'. The Basic Start a War by murder and treason - CIA Basic Operation Plan - 911/Cuba

    2. The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

    3. German High Court Outlaws Electronic Voting - Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 9:45 am

    4. Proofs of a Conspiracy against all Nations/Religions - Published in 1793 as the Zionist cults were forming here in US.

    5. Too many to list with credit, USS Liberty, Torture, Rendition, Gulf of Tonkin, WW II attack known, Agent Orange, DU, Nuke Testing spread radiation throughout US, CIA has murdered millions in foreign countries over the decades - that list alone would need a top 100, the PROVEN death and destruction list over time is MASSIVE. Zionism has ruled mankind from the beginning and it's never been stopped - the 'MORE EQUALS' continue to rule...

    You have no Saviors - Only Yourself. So What Are You Going To Do?

    Ed Ward, MD


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    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:20 pm

    Strange Phenomena
    Author Unknown

    No one can really explain the amount of death and murder going on in America today. It's really going on, flouride, chemtrails, toxic foods in the marketplace, subtle death, for inexplicable reasons,* however, very real. Ordinarily if someone ran up to a car and from a range of two meters shot at the driver, the shooter would be charged with murder or attempted murder. However give the murderer a badge and uniform and give him the right to arrest you if you grow your own vegetables and all of a sudden the act of murder seems to disappear and the victim is thrown in jail on some ridiculous cooked up charge.

    Then there's wholesale blatent murder like when US troops invade other nations, slaughtering men women and children by the millions and citizens of those nation rise up to defend themselves, they are called terrorists and insurgents. The Phenomenon of 'Opposite Speak'. ORWELL predicted that would happen!

    Take Obama, for example, ON THE DAY that he sends more troops to support the illegal US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan he is awarded the 'Nobel Peace Prize'. HUH? Perhaps the 'authorities' are mocking Americans to show how really stupid they are? Or did they vote him in hoping he wouldn't do it and he did, Obama making fools of THEM.

    Seeing Ben Bernanke, - the Chairman of the criminal enterprise they call the Federal Reserve Bank - on the front of TIME magazine, his face made to look like one of the presidents on a dollar note, called 'The Man of the Year', (recalling PUTIN getting same award after killing thousands in his ex-provinces) perhaps takes the cake. After literally crashing the market and forcing a worldwide depression then literally handing out trillions of stolen dollars to political colleagues, Bernanke, certainly is the man of the year, the worst man of the year, ever.

    Quoting Ben Bernanke at a conference to honor one of the world's leading economists, Milton Friedman on November 8, 2002: "Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again." Clearly Bernanke lied.

    This time they used the 'Great Depression' methodology, loosen the money supply (remember all those 0% interest loans?), then shut off credit and presto, a guaranteed great depression. Usually the Fed simply cranks up the interest rates to trigger recessions so they can swoop in with their money they make out of nothing and buy up corporations, the media and your home. When plotted in a graph, the track record of instability caused by the Fed screams out Irrefutable instability. However, how stable, one must ask, are Americans who allow this fraud and opposite speak to occur?

    Calling themselves a 'Christian Country', the US makes any Muslim cleric's ranting look like angelic hosts proclaiming the coming of peace. The violent 'US Crusades' in the name of 'democracy' and 'freedom' not only slaughter millions of innocent men women and children every year, they make the worst pollution from the industrial era look like a fresh bubbling brook in virgin country.

    Literally dumping more than eighteen million gallons of poison so deadly it literally kills and strips vegetation off the branches of trees, Agent Orange does not even get a mention from any of the hip global warming environmentalist's like All Gore. Like everything that gets dumped on the land, Agent Orange poison is steadily making it's way to the ocean. Will it kill a quarter of the life in the ocean? If Agent Orange won't do it, then perhaps the two thousand tones of nuclear waste the US blasted into Iraq and the Gulf region in the form of 'DU' can improve the odds of American's destroying the earth.

    With a half life of four and a half billion years, the 'DU' which is only 40% less active than the primed nuclear power plant rods they are machined from, can hardly be called 'depleted'. However, that's child's change, the current US's New World Disorder is not just focusing on a single nation like Vietnam or a region like the Gulf War region, this time the sights are focused on the entire world:

    In what is clearly one of the most massive bombing exercises ever, the fleets of heigh-tec Bio-Weapon Bombers, disguised as commercial airliners, streak chemical trails across every populated area of the world and in perspective make Agent Orange and DU almost irrelevant. The tons of barium and other chemicals the NWO is dumping on the earth with their Chemtrail bombers is likely to kill more life than any war. Having invested more than thirty five billion dollars on developing Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction, Bush and the US politic of the New World Order are more than ready to deliver the final death blow. All it takes to accomplish their goal of wiping out six billion people is to switch the ingredients in the Bio-Weapon.

    Chemtrail Bombers
    The bombing has already begun and the masses are too stupid to even realize it. Instead the masses eat up the NWO Opposite Speak without so much as realizing what is going on around them.

    "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought into the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for their lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
    - Herman Goering, Nazi Germany

    While many people do not know what is going on because the bankers Old New World Order has taken control of the media, what is more perplexing is how gullible the public is, their vocabulary is so utterly confused with opposite speak, they can not even see crimes carried out right in front of them. Is it because the people are stupid, drugged or neuro linguistically programmed, or do the people not give a dam? Considering that Bio-Bombers are carrying out active runs above their heads, with more than enough evidence proving the fact, perhaps one has to lean towards drugged and neuro linguistically programmed.

    This public will do anything to call crimes committed by their public servants anything but what it is. Across America people wearing black robes kidnap children and incarcerate the innocent eliminating the most rudimentary human rights while doing everything to protect the bankers and their BAR buddies. Somehow the public accepts the judges and courts as though they were their sovereign and not their public servants. The State in the US now assumes even more rights than King George did.

    What is astonishing is seeing people put up with it. We are well aware that the Fed's funded Hitler and carried out a number of experiments in population control, however, can chemicals and TV be so effective? Apparently so according to Stanley Milgram.

    If you are not already aware of the fact that the Federal Reserve Bank ownersfunded both Hitler and Stalin, perhaps you aught to do some homework! These people have no problem committing mass murder. We don't recommend any lesson from a State School or mass media though. All that can come out of a State Church School is a fool, as is clearly evident from the fact that Americans are so utterly switched off. If you have a brain, goggle the information. Internet is full of good sites that reveal the truth. Cross verification and plain logic serve well. Ask the question who benefits?

    When Kennedy is murdered within six months of setting aside the Federal Reserve Bank you can reasonably assume the Fed killed him, obviously they would not leave any traces. You can guarantee you will not be getting the truth on banker controlled media turn off your TV. If you believe you are 'strong enough' to not be programmed from TV then go to a hypnotist and see if they can hypnotize you, if they can, then you can be hypnotized by the TV. Don't be so dam stupid!

    If you read this, there is a good chance you are one of the half a percent or so of Americans who may even remotely know what is going on. It is imperative that you assume the responsibility of educating you neighbors. If we don't wake up the Americans fast, we may all be taking a forever sleep when they switch tanks in the Chemtrail bombers.

    * 'inexplicable reasons' for wanting people dead in USA? Not wanting them to grow old, suck the coffers dry? HARDLY!


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    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:17 pm

    Fraud In America
    By Stephen Lendman

    A systemic problem, it's everywhere, especially in savage capitalism's greed-driven system, enriching a global royalty at the expense of most others. In his book 'On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science', David Goodstein examined examples from centuries back to more recent times, including some accusations turning out to be false.

    Trinity University's Bob Jensen maintains fraud updates through June 2009 on his web site, accessed through the following link:

    He also reviewed a 'History of Fraud in America', starting in colonial (and pre-colonial) times, saying the earliest kinds involved "phony health cures," including snake oil ploys, medical frauds, and other deceptions transitioning to today's "miracle cures and Internet charlatanism."

    Largely agricultural early America saw land schemes as well as "deceptive rural living and farming products." Con men either bought or sold land. Victims were often immigrants and Indians. The one best remembered was the 1626 Manhattan Island purchase "for trinkets valued at 60 guilders," about $24. Ironically in a sense, Carnarsie Indians were the culprits as the land wasn't part of Manhattan. Usually, however, indigenous people were victimized, land scams expanding the country west and south, accompanied by others at the expense of the unwary.

    Frontier history got crooked politicians and bureaucrats involved, accepting bribes collaboratively with land swindlers. It got worse during corporate America's early days. In 1787, less than 40 existed, mostly to build roads, bridges, canals, and other public projects. Many involved "bribes, kickbacks, and inflated prices" like today but for smaller stakes.

    Checks and balances also arose, significantly in free press reporting, but not enough to curb greed or notorious 'robber barons' like Jay Gould, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, JP Morgan, and others, perhaps inspiring Honore de Balzac's maxim that "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime," or words to that effect.

    The landmark 1886 Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad gave corporations personhood under the 14th Amendment. It also helped proliferate fraud, including stock scams, land grabs, labor exploitation, various types of product and pricing swindling, and much more.

    Now recognized as legal persons with full rights without obligations, corporations were on a roll, heading them towards monopoly or oligopoly power. Today more than ever globally with interlocking directorates, market dominance, and complicit governments arranging things their way.

    Years back, General Motors negotiated a big heist with bribes and other means to get cities to abandon street cars for buses. It worked brilliantly, but was disastrous for large communities and the public, becoming more dependent on autos. A sprawling suburbia arose. Urban decay followed, so now ghettos proliferate nationally, their needs largely ignored.

    Prior to the Great Depression, corporations operated virtually regulation free. That changed, but over time consumer protections eroded. Thereafter, global cartels arranged business friendly environments, manipulated them for profit, and committed greater than ever fraud. It's worst of all on Wall Street, especially after the 1913 Federal Reserve Act gave big banks money creation power, letting them game the system more than ever, including a free hand to commit fraud.

    The 1920s stock selling scandals culminated in the 1929 crash. New Deal reforms followed, but what goes around comes around. Deregulation in the 1980s facilitated savings and loan fraud, then crime on the order of Enron, Worldcom, Madoff, other Ponzi schemes, market manipulation, bubbles, derivatives flimflam, embezzling, insider trading, false accounting, phony financial products, misrepresentation, and other scams, conspiracies, 'foreclosuregate', and grandest of grand theft bailouts. The Treasury was literally looted of trillions of dollars, government partnering with bankers for plunder, sucking wealth from consumers globally.

    Underlying Causes of Fraud in America
    Jensen lists eight, including:
    - an obsession with privacy, freedom being "prized over the risk of being ripped off;"

    - laws and courts go easy on white collar criminals, the worst of them rich and well-connected to escape punishments for blue collar or violent crimes;

    - whistleblowing is discouraged, doing it a high-risk undertaking because lawsuits and other type retaliation may follow, including ostracism by fellow employees;

    - declining morality and ethics at a time of extreme unregulated greed;

    - unaccountable contracting, auditors dealing with complex financial deals "so complicated that they virtually cannot be (properly) audited or explained;"

    - as a result, "incompetent and corrupt audits are routine.... the audit trail end(ing) in front of a maze of networked computers or some giant black box that cannot be fathomed;"

    - CPA audits have flawed designs, firms doing them in jeopardy of losing clients unless issue 'clean' reports, and rating agencies face the same issue; and

    - money corrupting politics, candidates needing large donors for campaigns in return for which friendly legislation and deregulation follows.

    As a result, ever larger, more sophisticated fraud schemes proliferate. They "roll across America like waves move onto a beach. (They) rise and fall with new innovations and ultimate corrections." Creative corporate ploys follow new accounting and auditing rules, exponentially growing to become nearly incomprehensible.

    Corporate bad guys so far are winning, their excesses continuing unrestrained. Neither legislation, potential lawsuits, or criminal prosecutions deter them. The 'weakest front' is the political one because office holders need cash, and powerful lobbyists game the system for them. So one scandal begets another, new ones increasingly greater for larger stakes. Big money always prevails while consumer households lose out.

    Ellen Brown ( does some of the best financial writing around. Her latest deals with foreclosure swindling, involving fabricated documents, forgery, and perjury proliferating 'massive fraud', including lost paperwork that "would have revealed to investors that they had been sold a bill of goods - (a package of junk), toxic subprime loans very prone to default." Yet they were cleverly dressed up in legal mumbo jumbo to resemble AAA quality until post-bubble foreclosures exposed the scam, too late to save most victims.

    On October 7, Washington Post writers Brady Dennis and Ariana Eunjung headlined, "In foreclosure controversy, problems run deeper than flawed paperwork," saying: "Millions of US mortgages have been shuttled around the global financial system - sold and resold by firms - without the documents (to) prove who legally owns" them. With millions now in default and homes seized, "judges around the country have increasingly ruled that lenders had no right to foreclose, because they lacked clear title."

    In fact, major US banks faked documents to speed up foreclosures illegally, a criminal industry/Washington partnership dispossessing defrauded homeowners from their properties. In other words, when pols conspire with Wall Street racketeers, the public gets scammed, in this case millions of victimized homeowners.

    In September, 'foreclosuregate' emerged after evidence forced Ally Financial (formerly GMAC Mortgage) to stop dispossessions in 23 states where court orders are needed.

    At issue are backdated documents, false affidavits, and so-called court-ordered 'rocket docket', speed throughs to evict homeowners, proceedings lasting around 20 seconds per case. Judges are so swamped, they pay no attention, says Margery Golant, a veteran Florida foreclosure defense lawyer. As a result, "They just rubber-stamp them," case closed.

    On October 8, Bank of America announced it would halt foreclosure sales in all 50 states. Earlier, Ally Financial and JPMorgan Chase said they're doing it in 23 states. PNC Financial Services Group will also for 30 days, and very likely other banks will follow.

    On October 8, Obama pocket-vetoed a rushed-through Senate bill to facilitate foreclosure fraud. It would have mandated mortgage and other financial document notarizations in one state (including those done electronically) be recognized in all others. Consumer groups and other critics complained, saying the measure would have facilitated dispossessions faster, and in many cases improperly.

    Attorney General Eric Holder then said the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force is investigating reports of greater numbers. Seven or more state attorneys general began their own, that if not stopping, at least may slow down dispossessions. More on that below.

    Last May, Herman John Kennerty, a Wells Fargo default document group administration manager testified that he typically signed 50 to 150 evictions daily. He also said he didn't independently verify information to which he was attesting, just rubber-stamping it along.

    In Florida, problems are especially acute, recent 12th Judicial Circuit state findings showing that 20% of foreclosures set for summary judgment involved deficient documents, according to Chief Judge Lee E. Haworth. In an interview, he said: "We have sent repeated notices to law firms saying, 'You are not following the rules, and if you don't clean up your act, we are going to impose sanctions on you.' They say, 'We'll fix it, we'll fix it, we'll fix it.' But they don't."

    As a result, on September 17, Judge Harry Rapkin, overseeing district foreclosures, dismissed 61 cases. Plaintiffs may refile, however, by repeating the procedure, including paying fees involved.

    Overall, the process is riddled with fraud. Mortgage lenders used boiler room tactics, conning borrowers with no knowledge of what they were doing, including the risks. To close deals, some forged their signatures on key documents, pressured real estate appraisers to inflate home values, and created fake W-2 forms to exaggerate applicant incomes.

    The Housing Bubble
    Make no mistake, the housing bubble was built on an edifice of fraud and was no accident. Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Assistant Housing Secretary. Then from 1994 - 1997, her company, Hamilton Securities, was the lead Federal Housing Administration (FHA) advisor. An expert, she "watched both the Administration and the Federal Reserve (game the system by) aggressively implement(ing) the policies that engineered the housing bubble."

    In her March 15, 2009 article headlined, 'The Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble,' she explained: "In 1995, a senior Clinton Administration official shared with me the Administration's targets for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage volumes in low and moderate-income communities. We had recently reviewed the Administration's plans to increase government mortgage guarantees - and most of these mortgages would also be pooled and sold as securities to investors. Even in 1995, I could see that these plans would create unserviceable debt loads in communities struggling with the falling incomes expected from globalization. Homeowners would default on mortgages while losses on mortgage-backed securities would drain retirement savings from 401(k)s and pension plans. Taxpayers would ultimately be hit with a large bill... but insiders would make a bundle. I looked at the official and said that the Administration was planning on issuing more mortgages than there were houses or residents."

    The official's response - "Shut up, this is none of your business."

    In her August 7, 2007 article titled, 'Sub-Prime Mortgage Woes Are No Accident', Fitts said: "One of the dirty little secrets behind the housing bubble is the longstanding partnership (between) narcotics trafficking and mortgage fraud," both used "to target and destroy minority and poor communities with highly profitable economic warfare."

    The model is global, profiting hugely from illicit drugs, money laundering, and economic destruction of poor communities. Business and government officials at the highest levels are involved because of the enormous stakes - an estimated $500 billion - $1 trillion laundered annually through major financial firms, mostly in America.

    On May 6, 2009, the Center for Public Integrity headlined, 'Who's Behind the Financial Meltdown: The Top 25 Subprime Lenders and Their Wall Street Backers', saying: The companies most responsible "for triggering the global economic meltdown were owned or backed by giant banks now collecting billions of dollars in bailout money."

    They include Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and other familiar names, profiting hugely through criminally engineered fraud, facilitated by government complicity - initially during the Clinton administration, or perhaps earlier.

    Banks getting bailout money own, financed, or were financially connected to at least 21 of the top subprime lenders. Twenty have now closed, stopped lending, or were sold to avoid bankruptcy. Nine were California based, including: Countrywide Financial, Ameriquest Mortgage, New Century Financial, First Franklin, and Long Beach Mortgage, scamming homebuyers through criminal fraud.

    State Foreclosure Fraud Investigations
    As explained above, seven or more state attorneys general began investigations, and reports suggest up to 40 or more may work cooperatively on it. According to on October 8: "State attorneys general led by Iowa's Tom Miller are in talks that may lead to the announcement of a coordinated probe as soon as October 12... Lawyers representing the banks are expecting a more widespread investigation, according to Patrick McManemin (of Patton Boggs), a Washington-based law firm that represents banks, loan servicers and financial institutions." Lawsuits will likely follow, at least one now initiated by Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray against Ally Financial, formerly GMAC Mortgage.

    Whether Attorney General Holder and top congressional officials will get on this forcefully remains to be seen. So far, there's more furor than action or tough measures. There's also risk it may subside post-election, given other lame duck session priorities, then a new Congress in January. However, the housing scandal is so huge ('foreclosuregate' one part alone) that momentum may give it legs in 2011.

    The situation bears watching. Financial institutions may be penalized, but expect no top heads to roll, just perhaps a few lower-level sacrificial lambs. It's how Washington officials always handle scandals, because they, too, are complicit.

    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10am US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:22 pm

    The New York Times Defends Assassinations. The Right of US Government 'to assassinate anyone it pleases'.
    by Patrick Martin

    In its main editorial Sunday, the New York Times, the major voice of what passes for liberalism in America, openly defends the right of the US government to assassinate anyone it pleases. The only restriction the Times suggests is that the president should be required to have his selection of murder victims rubber-stamped by a secret court like the one that now approves 99.99 percent of all electronic eavesdropping requests.

    The apologia for killing begins with a blatant lie about the US assassination program using missiles fired from CIA-operated drone aircraft flying along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The Times claims, citing official US government sources: “The drone program has been effective, killing more than 400 Al Qaeda militants this year alone, according to American officials, but fewer than 10 noncombatants.”

    Actually, Pakistani government officials estimated the number of civilians killed by drone attacks in 2009 alone at more than 700, with an even higher figure this year, as the Obama administration has rained missiles and bombs on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region.(See 'US drone missiles slaughtered 700 Pakistani civilians in 2009'.)

    A report in the Pakistani newspaper Dawn concluded, “For each Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorist killed by US drones, 140 innocent Pakistanis also had to die. Over 90 per cent of those killed in the deadly missile strikes were civilians, claim authorities.”

    The Times editors cannot be unaware of these well-established figures, since their own journalists have reported a civilian death toll from US missile strikes in Pakistan of some 500 by April 2009, and 100 to 500 more through April 2010. They lie shamelessly and deliberately in order to conceal the significance of their endorsement of such widespread killing.

    The editorial claims that US drone missile attacks are legal under international law as self-defense, but this is flatly rejected by human rights groups and legal experts, except those who work as paid apologists for the CIA and Pentagon. The United States is not at war with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia, but US missiles have struck the territory of all these countries and annihilated their citizens.

    In a 29-page report to the United Nations Human Rights Council in June, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, Philip Alston, rejected the doctrine of 'preemptive self-defense' employed by the Bush and Obama administrations, as well as the state of Israel, and declared that a targeted killing outside actual warfare “is almost never likely to be legal.”

    In an accompanying statement, Alston pointed out the consequences if such a doctrine were to become universal. He declared: “If invoked by other states, in pursuit of those they deem to be terrorists and to have attacked them, it would cause chaos.”

    The Times concedes, “it is not within the power of a commander in chief to simply declare anyone anywhere a combatant and kill them, without the slightest advance independent oversight.” The editorial argues that such arbitrary killings can be prevented through procedural safeguards of a purely cosmetic character.

    These would include the Obama administration making public “its standards for putting people on terrorist or assassination lists,” limiting targets to “only people who are actively planning or participating in terror, or who are leaders of Al Qaeda or the Taliban”; capturing instead of killing, where possible; and “oversight outside the administration,” i.e., the aforementioned judicial review by a body like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Yes, if only the Nazis had followed 'proper procedures'.

    In the mealymouthed language that has become typical of the Times as it provides 'liberal' justifications for the crimes of US imperialism, the editors insist that in the case of US citizens, “the government needs to employ some due process before depriving someone of life,” adding that, “If practical, the United States should get permission from a foreign government before carrying out an attack on its soil.”

    The Times editorial admits that in the much-publicized case of Anwar al-Awlaki, the US-born Muslim cleric now living in Yemen, the Obama administration has acted in a manner diametrically opposed to the procedure the newspaper claims to favor. Awlaki has been targeted for assassination, based on criteria that are secret and unreviewable. The Justice Department has gone to court to assert the 'state secrets' privilege to quash a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of Awlaki’s father, seeking to compel the government to justify or rescind its death sentence.

    No evidence has been presented that Awlaki, a longtime publicist for Islamic fundamentalism, has engaged in actual terrorist actions. And as the Timesitself admits, “If the United States starts killing every Islamic radical who has called for jihad, there will be no end to the violence.” But the editors are nonetheless willing to place their confidence in the Obama administration, even to the point of giving it powers of life and death over citizens of the US and other countries alike.

    The Times editorial reeks of cynicism. It advances arguments that convince no one, and are not intended to convince, only to provide a screen of words for a policy of imperialist barbarism and reaction. It is one more demonstration that, within the US financial aristocracy, there is no constituency whatsoever for the defense of democratic rights.

    The open reactionaries like the Wall Street Journal and Fox News display their bloodlust unashamedly. The 'liberals' like the Times prefer a dose of hypocritical moralizing and legalistic quibbling. The consequences for humanity are the same.

    Patrick Martin is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

    Global Research Articles by Patrick Martin


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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:21 pm

    From Global Depression to Global Governance
    The role of the corporate elites' secretive global think tanks

    by Andrew Gavin Marshall

    The following is the text of Andrew Gavin Marshall's presentation at the book launch of 'The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century', Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall (Editors).
    September 29, 2010, Montreal, Canada.

    We now stand at the edge of the global financial abyss of a ‘Great Global Debt Depression,’ where nations, mired in extreme debt, are beginning to implement ‘fiscal austerity’ measures to reduce their deficits, which will ultimately result in systematic global social genocide, as the middle classes vanish and the social foundations upon which our nations rest are swept away. How did we get here? Who brought us here? Where is this road leading? These are questions I will briefly attempt to answer.

    At the heart of the global political economy is the central banking system. Central banks are responsible for printing a nation’s currency and setting interest rates, thus determining the value of the currency. This should no doubt be the prerogative of a national government, however, central banks are of a particularly deceptive nature, in which while being imbued with governmental authority, they are in fact privately owned by the world’s major global banks, and are thus profit-seeking institutions. How do central banks make a profit? The answer is simple: how do all banks make a profit? Interest on debt. Loans are made, interest rates are set, and profits are made. It is a system of debt, imperial economics at its finest.

    In the United States, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, creating the Federal Reserve System, with the Board located in Washington, appointed by the President, but where true power rested in the 12 regional banks, most notably among them, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The regional Fed banks were private banks, owned in shares by the major banks in each region, which elected the board members to represent them, and who would then share power with the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.

    In the early 1920s, the Council on Foreign Relations was formed in the United States as the premier foreign policy think tank, dominated by powerful banking interests. In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created to manage German reparations payments, but it also had another role, which was much less known, but much more significant. It was to act as a “coordinator of the operations of central banks around the world.” Essentially, it is the central bank for the world’s central banks, whose operations are kept ‘strictly confidential.’ As historian Carroll Quigley wrote: "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations."

    In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was formed as a secretive global think tank, comprising intellectual, financial, corporate, political, military and media elites from Western Europe and North America, with prominent bankers such as David Rockefeller, as well as European royalty, such as the Dutch royal family, who are the largest shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell, whose CEO attends every meeting. This group of roughly 130 elites meets every year in secret to discuss and debate global affairs, and to set general goals and undertake broad agendas at various meetings. The group was initially formed to promote European integration. The 1956 meeting discussed European integration and a common currency. In fact, the current Chairman of the Bilderberg Group told European media last year that the euro was debated at the Bilderberg Group.

    In 1973, David Rockefeller, Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Steering Committee of the Blderberg Group, formed the Trilateral Commission with CFR academic Zbigniew Brzezinski. That same year, the oil price shocks created a wealth of oil money, which was discussed at that years Bilderberg meeting 5 months prior to the oil shocks, and the money was funneled through western banks, which loaned it to ‘third world’ nations desperately in need of loans to finance industrialization.

    When Jimmy Carter became President in 1977, he appointed over two dozen members of the Trilateral Commission into his cabinet, including himself, and of course, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was his National Security Adviser. In 1979, Carter appointed David Rockefeller’s former aide and friend, Paul Volcker, who had held various positions at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the U.S. Treasury Department, and who also happened to be a member of the Trilateral Commission, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. When another oil shock took place in 1979, Volcker decided to raise interest rates from 2% in the late 70s, to 18% in the early 80s. The effect this had was that the countries of the developing world suddenly had to pay enormous interest on their loans, and in 1982, Mexico announced it could no longer afford to pay its interest, and it defaulted on its debt, which set off the 1980s debt crisis – collapsing nations in debt across Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia.

    It was the IMF and the World Bank came to the ‘assistance’ of the Third World with their ‘structural adjustment programs’, which forced countries seeking assistance to privatize all state owned industries and resources, devalue their currencies, liberalize their economies, dismantle health, education and social services; ultimately resulting in the re-colonization of the ‘Third World’ as Western corporations and banks bought all their assets and resources, and ultimately created the conditions of social genocide, with the spread of mass poverty, and the emergence of corrupt national elites who were subservient to the interests of Western elites. The people in these nations would protest, riot and rebel, and the states would clamp down with the police and military.

    In the West, corporations and banks saw rapid, record-breaking profits. This was the era in which the term ‘globalization’ emerged. While profits soared, wages for people in the West did not. Thus, to consume in an economy in which prices were rising, people had to go into debt. This is why this era marked the rise of credit cards fueling consumption, and the middle class became a class based entirely on debt.

    In the 1990s, the ‘new world order’ was born, with America ruling the global economy, free trade agreements began integrating regional and global markets for the benefit of global banks and corporations, and speculation dominated the economy.

    The global economic crisis arose as a result of decades of global imperialism – known recently as ‘globalization’ – and the reckless growth of– speculation, derivatives and an explosion of debt. As the economic crisis spread, nations of the world, particularly the United States, bailed out the major banks (which should have been made to fail and crumble under their own corruption and greed), and now the West has essentially privatized profits for the banks, and socialized the risk. In other words, the nations bought the debt from the banks, and now the people have to pay for it. The people, however, are immersed in their own personal debt to such degrees that today, the average Canadian is $39,000 in debt, and students are graduating into a jobless market with tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt that they will never repay. Hence, we are now faced with a global debt crisis.

    To manage the economic crisis, the G20 was established as the major international forum for cooperation among the 20 major economies of the world, including the major developing – or emerging – economies, such as India, Brazil, South Africa and China. At the onset of the financial crisis, China and Russia’s central banks began calling for the establishment of a global currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. This proposal was backed by the UN and the IMF. It should be noted, however, that the Chinese and Russian central banks cooperate with the Western central banks through the Bank for International Settlements – which the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, recently said was the principle forum for “governance of central bank cooperation” and that the G20 is “the prime group for global economic governance.” In 2009, the IMF stated that the BIS “is the central and the oldest focal point for coordination of global governance arrangements.” The President of the European Union, appointed to the position after attending a Bilderberg meeting, declared 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” The 2009 Bilderberg meeting reported on the desire to create a global treasury, or global central bank, to manage the world economy. In 2009, prior to the Bilderberg meeting in fact, the G20 set in motion plans to make the IMF a global central bank of sorts, issuing and even printing its own currency – called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) – which is valued against a basket of currencies. In May of 2010, the IMF Managing Director stated that “crisis is an opportunity,” and while Special Drawing Rights are a step in the right direction, ultimately what is needed is “a new global currency issued by a global central bank, with robust governance and institutional features.” Thus, we see the emergence of a process towards the formation of a global central bank and a global currency, totally unaccountable to any nation or people, and totally controlled by global banking interests.

    In 2010, Greece was plunged into a debt crisis, a crisis which is now spreading across Europe, to the U.K. and eventually to Japan and the United States. If we look at Greece, we see the nature of the global debt crisis. The debt is owed to major European and American banks. To pay the interest on the debt, Greece had to get a loan from the European Central Bank and the IMF, which forced the country to impose ‘fiscal austerity’ measures as a condition for the loans, pressuring Greece to commit social genocide. Meanwhile, the major banks of America and Europe speculate against the Greek debt, further plunging the country into economic and social crisis. The loan is granted, to pay the interest, yet simply has the effect of adding to the overall debt, as a new loan is new debt. Thus, Greece is caught in the same debt trap that re-colonized the Third World.

    At the recent G20 meeting in Toronto, the major nations of the world agreed to impose fiscal austerity – or in other words, commit social genocide – within their nations, in a veritable global structural adjustment program. So now we will see the beginnings of the Great Global Debt Depression, in which major western and global nations cut social spending, create mass unemployment by dismantling health, education, and social services. Further, state infrastructure – such as roads, bridges, airports, ports, railways, prisons, hospitals, electric transmission lines and water – will be privatized, so that global corporations and banks will own the entirely of national assets. Simultaneously, of course, taxes will be raised dramatically to levels never before seen. The BIS said that interest rates should rise at the same time, meaning that interest payments on debt will dramatically increase at both the national and individual level, forcing governments to turn to the IMF for loans – likely in the form of its new global reserve currency – to simply pay the interest, and will thus be absorbing more debt. Simultaneously, of course, the middle class will in effect have its debts called in, and since the middle class exists only as an illusion, the illusion will vanish.

    Already, towns, cities, and states across America are resorting to drastic actions to reduce their debts, such as closing fire stations, scaling back trash collection, turning off street lights, ending bus services and public transportation, cutting back on library hours or closing them altogether, school districts cutting down the school day, week or year. Simultaneously, this is occurring with a dramatic increase in the rate of privatizations or “public-private partnerships” in which even libraries are being privatized.

    No wonder then, that this month, the Managing Director of the IMF warned that America and Europe, in the midst of the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression, face an “explosion of social unrest.” Just yesterday, Europe experienced a wave of mass protests and social unrest in opposition to ‘austerity measures’, with a general strike in Spain involving millions of people, and a march on the EU headquarters in Brussels of nearly 100,000 people. As social unrest spreads, governments will likely react – as we saw in the case of the G20 in Toronto – with oppressive police state measures. Here, we see the true relevance of the emergence of ‘Homeland Security States’, designed not to protect people from terrorists, but to protect the powerful from the people.

    So while things have never seemed quite so bleak, there is a dim and growing beacon of hope, in what Zbigniew Brzezinski has termed as the greatest threat to elite interests everywhere – the ‘global political awakening’. The global political awakening is representative of the fact that for the first time in all of human history, mankind is politically awakened and stirring, activated and aware, and that generally – as Zbigniew Brzezinski explains – generally is aware of global inequalities, exploitation, and disrespect. This awakening is largely the result of the information revolution – thus revealing the contradictory nature of the globalization project – as while it globalizes power and oppression, so too does it globalize awareness and opposition. This awakening is the greatest threat to entrenched elite interests everywhere. The awakening, while having taken root in the global south – already long subjected to exploitation and devastation – is now stirring in the west, and will grow as the economy crumbles. As the middle classes realize their consumption was an illusion of wealth, they will seek answers and demand true change, not the Wall Street packaged ‘brand-name’ change of Obama Inc., but true, inspired, and empowering change.

    In 1967, Martin Luther King delivered a speech in which he spoke out against the Vietnam War and the American empire, and he stated that, “It seems as if we are on the wrong side of a world revolution.” So now it seems to me that the time has come for that to change.

    Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is co-editor, with Michel Chossudovsky, of the recent book, "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century," available to order at

    Order the book directly from Global Research

    Click at 'Source' for details: "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century", Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall (Editors).


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    Post  Mercuriel Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:29 pm

    I hear Ya Tranc...

    Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes Her laws.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:41 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:I hear Ya Tranc...

    Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes Her laws.

    Give ME control over a Nation's food & water surply, & I care not who makes Her money & laws.
    - LORD TRANCOSO (2010)

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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:44 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Mercuriel wrote:I hear Ya Tranc...

    Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes Her laws.

    Give ME control over a Nation's food & water surply, & I care not who makes Her money & laws.
    - LORD TRANCOSO (2010)
    btw, nice to see you're back, Mercuriel.
    Double Thumbs Up

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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:08 pm

    The Fifth Dimension
    By Jim Kirwan

    Beneath the many levels of the battle for control of the planet today there is a fifth dimension. The place where shadows move to turn back the current threat that seeks to consolidate the world into one massive fascist state wherein all power, all privilege and wealth, shall be owned by the very few that seek to own us all.

    That realm is where I live and work and have for over half a century. This dimension does not seek to draw attention to itself; but it has many creative followers that keep its arrows sharpened. By its very nature this dimension lives and moves beneath the major events and seeks to draw attention to the root causes that have brought the world to her knees in these dark times. Several million people own this image in one form or another, but very few are aware of what this Citadel of Broken Dreams was really all about.

    Language and imagery have been perverted now for the entire time of this unending crisis, which was not something that I recognized when I began to try and add my voice and images in an attempt to interrupt this huge trajectory of personal-slavery in all its twisted forms. I was naïve enough in the beginning to think that if people could only "see" what was happening to them under the tyranny of LBJ-they would react with outrage at what was being done to all of us-because even then this evil plot was clearly visible. But it was a simple matter for those that ran this early-form of the New World Order, even then, to silence those of us that disagreed, so the actual birth of this nightmare was able to proceed without interruption.

    As the issues continued to move from battlefield to battlefield, beneath the public's awareness; individuals continued to try and find new ways to penetrate this masquerade with images and words, but the blinders that society had adopted were already very carefully and deeply rooted at almost every crossroads that we all encountered as the nation tried to live its life. (1)

    The Fifth Dimension is that place where the roots-of-change derive their nourishment to actually enable real-changes to become part of the public's arsenal against the unreasonable powers that have declared this war upon humanity. This dimension however remains almost invisible to the majority because it involves the exercise of free will and the determination needed to live in a world where justice and freedom have been turned into prostitution for the few, over the needs of the many that have sought relief in what they mistakenly have taken for the government and the laws of this land that have been hollowed out, to protect not the people, but to permanently shield their persecutors from any and all consequences for their crimes against the public.

    The options and possibilities in the world were many when I began my battle with this artificially created tar-baby that now stands astride every junction where any alternative to the status quo might have been successfully challenged-from the ballot box to the media and everything in-between-because it has all been corrupted right in front of us: And yet the public continues to cling to these outmoded shells of our so-called political parties, as if they still held some possibility to avert this disaster that continues to unfold within every area of society.

    Today Bank of America lifted its moratorium on foreclosures, announcing that they would go ahead with another 100,000 more foreclosures: This after Obamanation announced that he would NOT support the proposed nation-wide moratorium-on-foreclosures until the crimes committed could actually be investigated. The reason we are in this housing crisis is because the banks are making even more money on the foreclosures than they made on the run-up to the problem when they were 'qualifying' people without jobs for homes they knew the applicants could never pay for.

    This is a bait and switch that led directly to the foreclosure crisis and it is the major banks response to the demands of the public for some relief from the criminal practices that led directly to the massive numbers of foreclosures across the nation. It means that not only will the banks that the public bailed out, not help those affected by their criminal behavior, but instead will become victims again of Part Two of the crisis that will make hundreds of billions more for the banks than they could have ever "earned" in any other way. All of this has been part of the plan all along-to steal and then profit from both the theft and the foreclosures-to a degree that makes ordinary criminal-activity look like child's play.

    This policy was developed during the dot-com boom & bust. It was continued during the fake financial bust & recovery of 2008, and then refined during the totally fabricated housing boom & bust that has now provided the end of millions of lives that will be destroyed, to feed the vulture-capitalists who will take profits to a whole new level and be handsomely rewarded not just with the new sales of the foreclosed properties; but this engineered-windfall will be added to with the once-secret additional monies gained from federal kick-backs to the banks-to supposedly cover the highly publicized loses which the thrice-bailed-out-banks and their sponsors never actually had to face. And this is only one aspect of the financial plundering of the assets that most Americans once instituted to protect themselves against disaster. The same kind of criminal activity is going on in medical care, in education, in retirement accounts: All of this is and was designed long ago to terminate the ability of people to cope with what the government and its owners have decided will be the end of this society as we have known it.

    This happened because the public was lulled into not seeing or hearing the events that would shape this nightmare while it was being constructed right in front of them, because the so-called media has given the public nothing but lies and disinformation on which to base their views of what's really already happened in this country.

    The public's idea of their own dreams, for their own lives has been turned to stone, and the very weight of this failure has brought the nation to its knees: In much the same way as this human figure in the poster above from the 1980's; wherein the human-figure has fallen under the weight of this castle that is no longer his or hers. The dragon represents the fifth dimension that whispers the truth to the dying figure of the need to "wake-up" from this illusion, and to throw off the situation that has brought us all down to this.

    However given our nearly-total disbelief in those that have been screaming into the wind for years, even before the obvious inside job which 911 was-there would seem to be little hope for this situation to right itself without a massive reaction from those who have let themselves be captured by the idea of unearned gains that could be had, without any real investment on their part, which is what has led us down this road in so many different areas of life where too many try to have much more than they could ever really afford.

    What is critical now is that this new-awakening needs to find a way to reach the multitudes. One such way was given to us on Columbus Day when the government let us know that 58 million people would be denied a cost of living increase for the second time in as many years. That black-moment took place eight days ago and yet there has still been no response from the complicit AARP or any of the supposedly interested politicians that were supposed to protect the needs of all of us, not just the recipients of the Social Security Checks they have earned with a lifetime of toil, that are about to be terminated altogether in December, along with the private retirement funds that were opened to prevent people from facing ruin in old age.

    We have all failed ourselves in some ways, because it's in the nature of human-beings to make mistakes-sometimes. But this situation need not remain a factor if the public ever comes to understand what's really behind all the false-flags that have been used to hide what's really happening to all of us since we entered into the war-zone that is the Twenty-First Century. (2)

    Look beneath the headlines, and begin to ask of everyone else what it is that they think is really going on here. It's your life that is at stake and it cannot be lived without a job, a dream or any way to support either-even those with their heads buried firmly in the tar-baby of psy-ops fantasies have to know these simple facts!

    (1) Debt Slave George4title, inflation. us

    (2) The Complaint Department


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    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:17 pm

    Ghosts Of The Global War
    By Jim Kirwan

    This is an 'election year' in this country and yet the voters have not even glanced at the fourteen point eight trillion dollar ghost of the wars: Wars that have stolen everything that anyone really cares about and that have directly blocked every attempt to fix anything that is wrong in this society. So WHY are the wars and the costs of these unilateral and illegal invasions of other countries not front and center in this current selection process?

    The image above ­ if it had been on the front pages of every newspaper in the nation ­ as the core of what this government ought to concerned with would radically alter; not just what this so-called election ought to be about but it would force the public to actually consider the hidden moral dilemmas' that have been banned from all the public discussions in the media at all levels.

    Arundhati Roy said: "Pity the nation which has to silence its writers for speaking their minds. Pity the nation that has to jail those who ask for justice, while communal killers, mass murders, corporate scamsters, looters, rapists and those who prey upon the poorest of the poor roam free." (1)

    Arundhati could have easily been speaking about this country and how our Director of Intelligence, as the figurehead who acts for our own shadow government, now holds sway over every aspect of this so-called society. If this selection is held without weighing the true costs of these wars which currently stands at: $14.8 trillion ­ then this society is finished as anything but the totally controlled police state that we have become!

    How can the public pretend to hold an election where the single largest problem we have, and have had since 2001, is not even be mentioned ­ much less talked about? It's easy if every aspect of the process has been bought off; from the polls to the hollow-shells of the largest political parties that between them offer no choice at all ­ regardless of who 'wins' this criminal-farce that was built upon the total charade of American politics ­ at a time when literally the future of the entire Republic and the world hangs in the balance!

    The native-nations that lived here before the white-man came were sixty-million strong, before the war that killed 59 million of them. In the world the United States began life with a head start on mass-murder, long before Stalin or Hitler began to do what they did to those people they slaughtered. In the annuals of history when you add in all the additional deaths of all those added to these body counts by people like LBJ, Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Obamanation ­ the totals of the dead are unimaginable. This is why what we did to those people that predated our arrival here is important.

    A tribal-elder of today made this observation: "Of the one hundred dominant economic units in the world today ­ the hundred largest 'economic units,' that's the word they used 'units'. Forty-nine are countries and 51 are corporations. Now, digest that for a second; what does that mean? It means that corporations are the driving force of decision-making today. And corporations are not concerned with human rights, they're not concerned with human-life, they're not even concerned with a proper-wage for the people that are working for them. So what kind of decisions are gong to be made on our behalf ­ this economic power, these corporate states I call them?

    There's going to be hell-to-pay for some of the things that are going on now. So I think that people have to become aware and become awake - power is always in the people's hands. They [the people] need to challenge the values that are being shoved at them today, because this has become a consumer society. It's driven by economics; it's not driven by common sense, its economics. Everybody should be their own leader, in other words do your own thinking for yourself."

    "The leadership that we're looking for has to come from business. Very, very important now because business now carries more authority and they carry the economics of the world. Today we're bound together much closer than we were ­ a thousand years ago ­ we're neighbors and we're bound together by electronics and we're bound together by technology and the world has become "a market." And it's this 'market' that we have to deal with. And it's this idea of boundless and endless 'resources.'

    The functions of the world itself functions on natural law. The natural law is a powerful regenerative process ­ and is endless ­ it's absolutely endless if everyone agrees to the law and follows the law. But if you challenge the law, and you think you're going to change the law; then you're bound to failure. And in that failure will be a lot of pain because the natural law has no mercy, it is only the law.

    The earth is all-powerful, it wasn't made here for human beings, it's that we're part of it; but we don't have to be here because the earth has its own process. And if it comes to the point where you destroy yourself as human beings and you destroy life and finally leave this earth:
    The earth's not going to disappear. There's not going to be an end-of-the-world. ~ The world's not going to end, people's life on it will: So it's not the end-of-the-world you're talking about ­ it's the end of us. And the world, no matter what damage you think you've done to it will regenerate! It will regenerate, re-green, it will re-do everything that was here at one time, except there won't be any people. It's got all the time in the world.

    . . . You are on your horse as you're coming down towards the finish, and there is the stone wall and you're not pulling (reining in) your horse. You're not stopping, you're in fact accelerating and you're losing your options every day. The elder was speaking to some corporate types about all this and when he questioned one of them he said: "I know what you're saying. To answer your question ­ No we can't 'pull our horse' as you say he said: We have to show a profit. As a CEO I must show a profit; if I don't show a profit I'm fired. It's as simple as that, if I don't show a profit I'm fired.

    I said 'To who'? He said to you, the stockholder. I said: Well, are you married? He said yes I am. I said do you have children? He said yes I do. I said do you have any grandchildren? Yes I have two boys. I said; When do you cease to be a CEO and become a grandfather?
    There was a lot of silence there because that was a moral question; and if you don't have a moral question in your governing process then you don't have a process that's going to survive. That's the governing law ­ the moral question. You must have a moral society ­ or you won't have any. He couldn't answer the question and neither could anyone else: because there was a moral question. That's what we have to get back to! (3)

    This selection is not about moral questions, it's become just another rearrangement of the chairs on the deck of the sinking ship of state; because we cannot face the moral dilemmas that we have been creating since this nation theoretically began its criminal-path toward global colonialism. Capitalism played its part, no question, just as the default we chose to fall back to has been the global-controls enforced by greed, arrogance and the created artificial terror of the global war machines that we have allowed to rule over all our lives. All of this functions only because we have not demanded an end to the financing of these unspeakable polices that seek to destabilize the entire planet in the name of corporate polices that have no moral justification for their own existence ­ much less so ­ as what these decisions actually means whenever anyone thinks about the direction these policies have tried to lock us all into: Which is the end of everything that was once considered natural or even possible in what we so cavalierly called "the civilized world.

    The ghosts of those we've murdered are silent but they cannot be denied because in the end we must account for what we've done. Americans were very proud of having a Bill of Rights; but seemingly we missed the implication that went with those rights: Our RESPONSIBILITIES as human beings to be responsible for the universe and the planet itself, not to mention what our actions have burdened us all with ­ when we consider our fellow human beings, anywhere else in the world today.

    We cannot undo history; but we can at the very least begin to question everything we do from here on in because quite literally our survival actually does depend on what we decide. That choice is literally ours to make as individuals ­ if we fail ­then the world fails with us.

    Think about this and demand that our WARS become the primary focus of this election because the continued survival of these unilateral and illegal invasions has created all this poverty and crime. It is the wars that are the most critical factor in whether or not we can have a world to live in anymore. Cut the funding, and bring all the troops home by Christmas; and we have a chance to alter course-fail to do that and you'll begin to discover how small this planet really is, because there will be no place to hide anywhere on this earth from this evil that we have created and still support with every drop of the stolen treasure that we have allowed these criminals to steal from those of us that earned that money and the use of those resources in the first place!

    Why for instance has the media failed utterly to even notice that massive about of information ( The 400 thousand documents) that were recently released about the actual facts concerning how the Iraq war was being waged?

    "As usual, the Arabs knew. They knew all about the mass torture, the promiscuous shooting of civilians, the outrageous use of air power against family homes, the vicious American and British mercenaries, the cemeteries of the innocent dead. All ofIraq knew. Because they were the victims.

    Only we could pretend we did not know. Only we in the West could counter every claim, every allegation against the Americans or British with some worthy general ­ the ghastly US military spokesman Mark Kimmitt and the awful chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Peter Pace, come to mind ­ to ring-fence us with lies. Find a man who'd been tortured and you'd be told it was terrorist propaganda; discover a house full of children killed by an American air strike and that, too, would be terrorist propaganda, or "collateral damage", or a simple phrase: "We have nothing on that." (4)

    1) Arundhati Roy Faces Arrest for Questioning India's Claim on Kashmir

    2) Part Two Indigenous Native American Prophecy ­ video

    3) Part Three Indigenous Native American Prophecy - video

    4) The Shaming of America



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    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:34 pm

    Patterns In The Mists Of History
    By Jim Kirwan

    The report on the War on Iraq from Wikileaks has come out and the horrors of that war continue the same patterns we set for ourselves, beginning a year or so after the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts.

    The net says this: 'settlement occurred in 1620 when the Puritans, English Protestants who opposed the Church of England, traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower. They landed in New England and established the Plymouth settlement. Also known as Pilgrims, they came to America seeking religious freedom rather than economic gain. Before leaving the ship, the Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact, an agreement to provide "just and equal laws" in their settlement. They agreed to abide by rules for the general good of all.

    Half of the Pilgrims died during the harsh winter of 1620/­21 but the Plymouth colony managed to survive. Settlers spread out to establish New Hampshire in 1623. In 1630 approximately one thousand Puritans set sail from England in eleven boats for the New World where they established more strict religious communities including the new settlement of Boston.'

    So the war upon the native-American population can officially be seen to have begun by the year 1623; 377 years ago. And although it was officially ended by the massacre at Wounded Knee in December of 1890, just a hundred and twenty years ago this December - the war upon native-Americans continues to this day. The number of dead natives in our war upon them has been very difficult to calculate but it has to be at least as many as the number of Russians and others that Stalin slaughtered, throughout his bloody rein.

    What does this have to do with today?
    Quite simply this was the template that today's newly sworn Israeli citizens are using, to exterminate with extreme prejudice all the Palestinians that are still alive inside what Zionist Israel sees as "their" new Israel.

    The interesting part of the statistics in the native-American wars is that they grew from very much the same kinds of lies that the US War machine has been telling us about Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. We've been lying about wars forever: In the Native-American War the War Department (then) told the public they had killed large numbers of native-warriors, when the truth was often just a few warriors and a lot of women and children ­ does that sound familiar?

    The government also lied throughout the negotiations with the natives to the point where it became ridiculous to believe anything that the US offered them by way of concessions: So when the US began its maneuvers in the lead-up to the Battle of Little Big Horn; they tried to convince the American-public of the need to exterminate the savages, in what they expected would be a massive victory over the natives.

    Shock & Awe against the natives? What actually happened in that battle was that Custer and 265 of his men were slaughtered. Of course the Indians went on to lose the war itself, because they could not fight the sheer numbers of white settlers that had begun to overrun their lands, in search of gold and other prospects. Custer died in late June of 1876, just a few days shy of our one hundredth national birthday.

    It took another fourteen years to kill Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull and to end the threat that Ghost Dancer's brought to the war (The natives were trying to pray the buffalo back into existence, for survival) ­ but Wounded Knee very publicly ended that possibility.

    Flash-forward to Palestine, where our language-of-colonial-subversion is still being used in the "peace-talks" with the Palestinian Authority (essentially the PA is a US puppet-organization that does not represent the Palestinians, but the sell-outs that agreed to talk with Israel). Hamas which won the election by a landslide has been barred from the so-called peace negotiations (just as the "hostile Indians" were banished and killed) when they tried to speak for their people.

    We attempted to genocide our native-population over a time period of hundreds of years; and we justified this by creating something we called "Manifest Destiny" (our supposedly inherent right to rule over all other people ­ but especially the original native-populations). This aspect of our shared past with Israel is being used by Israel and the US today with ever-increasing barbarity, in order to genocide the Palestinian people.

    Some of the policies that created our war on the native-Americans and why we kept this going for so long, can be understood more easily through a two-part film called "Son of the Morning Star." It's the story of Custer before, during and after the battle of Little-Big-Horn, and is available on Netflix. The film is not an excuse for that war, but it illustrates some of the forces at work at that time; many of which are still in play in the world today, and can be directly felt, through the actions that are still being intensified by the incomplete Apartheid state of Israel, as they were and are still protected by the US since their inception. US-Israel today, as we have all seen, has its own version of their concept of Global-Manifest-Destiny which seems to exceed even our own craven past of bloody-colonial-conquest to an unimaginable degree. (1)

    The world should finally begin to face what we have tolerated, supported and encouraged, by "how we continue to spend our money" especially over these last 62 years because, if we do not soon begin to change this, then there can be no future for anyone or for justice or freedom anywhere on the planet. This disease is clearly evident in the polices of the USand Israel and has clearly been developed around an imaginary "special status for the few." This insanity must be eliminated by concerted action, or it will exterminate anyone that cares about anyone else or the viability of the planet. We have to stand against this intensely arrogant continuum that has enabled this parasitic-disease to nearly kill the host-lives on which it feeds: That would be the rest of the entire world that is not Israeli.

    In the 1991 film (Son of Morning Star) the character playing Ulysses S. Grant says: "They call it Manifest Destiny; the inevitability of those who have, to rule over those who have not." Then he concludes: "I think nations, like individuals are responsible for their own transgressions."

    The questions we must answer; after so many hundreds of years of being the truly arrogant conqueror's of so many millions of people the world over is:

    'Can we ever really change' and 'Do we really want to'!

    1) Gordon Duff: Prominent Israeli Rabbi: "Gentiles Need to Die"


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    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:19 pm

    WAR! - But Which War is it?
    From Jim Kirwan

    Americans have very little use for history; but there is history and then there's History (the kind that changes your life and mine directly).

    Everything in politics is always framed as what will happen in the future: As in 'The Library of the Future' or 'The Homeland of the Future' but in reality there is no 'future' there is only 'now'.

    History has been used to explain our present nightmare throughout the last ten years-but largely this effort has failed because it's too complicated for most really-busy-people to follow. So let's try something different ­ something very basic, and very simple, that will maybe clear away some of the cobwebs that too many have almost totally forgotten.

    BEFORE the selection of 2000: Bush Jr. began talking about the recession, in September of 2000, when this country still had what Clinton had created which was a false-positive economy with a budget that was still in the black, instead of the debt of $14.8 trillion that we have now. People were employed, and the there was no department of Homeland Security; no police-state thugs, no checkpoints inside the country and there was no 'war' to speak of and the 'future' still held promise ­until 12-12-2000 when the Bush campaign cut a deal with five members of the Supreme Court who stopped the vote count in Florida and declared Bush the winner of the 2000 selection.

    Plans for the bombing of Afghanistan had been in the works for over a year; because of a Unocal Pipeline that needed to pass through that country to get to the sea; and it was not safe, so Afghanistan needed a regime change. In Iraq Saddam was still in charge; with the information he had about Poppy Bush's drug world connections. Poppy had removed Manuel Noriega from Panama (his drug cartel leader in the West), at a cost of over 4,000 Panamanians that were killed to cover his tracks on this side of his secret life. Saddam still needed to be silenced since Poppy failed to do that with his 1991 invasion of Iraq-so Junior decided to finish what his daddy started.

    The US was far too comfortable; to actively back what the government felt that it needed to do-so another Pearl Harbor was required, in order to destabilize the public here, so that the changes in policies called for by the global-bankers and the cartels could proceed with world domination. The above was the geo-political scene prior to 12-12-2000.

    After the elections and the swearing-in ceremonies the first thing Junior did was to seal off all of his daddy's records from when he was vice-president, as well as president, from ever being seen by anyone. While the first thing Cheney did was to hold a massive secret-meeting in the White House with all the major energy players; who then wrote the US Energy policies that are still being used today for big Oil & Gas, Nuclear and Coal. These meetings themselves have remained secret from the public to this day: Because Cheney went so far as to seize the White House logs from the US Secret Service, who were in charge before Cheney's tenure and his seizure of this property of the US government, that would have been subject to a public review.

    By late February Junior had already begun illegally spying on all US citizens, seven full months before 911. During those seven months he either reversed previous international treaty agreements, or ignored them as he proceeded to make the recession he championed before the selections into a national reality. Also secretly; Cheney and Rumsfeld became responsible for the safety of the country; rather than the president-as Bush could not be trusted to respond properly with 911 on the horizon - this is part of why Bush was taken out-of-the-loop on 911 and sent to Florida to read to second-graders while the twin-towers burned. This change took place in 1997 ­ three years before Bush became the Commander in Chief; and shows the Clinton administrations complicity in what was to come. (1) & (2)

    911 was not an attack it was the criminal murder of nearly three-thousand people - and it was a felony crime of the highest magnitude - yet it was never investigated as a crime of any kind. Instead it was used as the justification - needed to bombAfghanistan: And to declare war upon the Muslim world. Secretly; this was the beginning of the War Upon Ourselves.

    In the Aftermath, once the president had coerced congress into granting him, his License to Kill, the government finished the 911 coverup and demanded that the public focus only on the WAR and on those Arabs that had supposedly planned and carried out 911 from inside some caves in Afghanistan. Meanwhile the physical evidence, for the most part was gathered up by private-contractors and shipped off to China. Shortly after that spin-control kicked in; under-cover of the government threat against anyone that did not agree with their version of events on 911. This was further enhanced with threats of being found guilty of aiding the terrorists; for anyone that openly continued to challenge the government's version of events on that star-crossed September day.

    So we had a very publicly committed crime, for which no forensics were immediately gathered, compounded by no political or criminal investigations that were even considered. Since there was 'no crime' there could hardly have been 'a crime scene'. This was possible to do because all those agencies that would have been tasked with investigating this crime, including the congress were complicit in what happened on that day: Proof of this lies in the fact that not only was no one fired for anything that happened on 911-but many were promoted for the roles that they played on that day. And the public questioned none of this until much later.

    "Most people have moved-on, seeking to understand our invasions of other countries or how it is that we've lost our civil rights, and our constitution. Under George W. Bush the constitution is now just a meaningless piece of parchment thanks to the total collapse of the Congress. But at the heart of all of this chaos is our own acquiescence to the plans and promises of this Cretan, and we must not forget the 'deaf ear' we have always turned to politics. We, by our inaction and inattentions, have done this to ourselves.

    At the core of our submission was and is our acceptance of the lies the White House told us, about what happened on 9-11. The committee on 9-11 that held hearings this last week, was well on its way to following in the hallowed footsteps of decades of cover-up investigations. Remember all the whitewashed lies that no one ever really believes? That's the kind of investigation that this committee was hell-bent on being responsible for: Because those kinds of investigations have always followed every national tragedy in this nation. Then came Richard Clarke and suddenly there seemed to be more than one view of what has been going on in the USofA, since the bandits came to town, and maybe even before?

    Why is this so important, among all the other major aspects of our lives that the Bushman holds in his tiny little fists? Because jobs, and health-care, and the environment all of it rests on one simple fact: the total and complete domination of this country by deceit filled creatures whose only motives lie in profits stolen from the lives of others. That is what 9-11-01 is about. Without the events of that day none of what we're living with now could have happened.

    Without 9-11 there would be no need for the HOMELAND security farce that the bandits copied directly from the Nazi's in the 1930's. Even the word 'homeland' is foreign, it has no resonance for Americans, it's an old-world European concept. Without 9-11 there would be no need for all the violations of every American citizen, violations that have always been introduced in the name of national security." (3)
    Another side-effect of these events has meant that the future for all of us is something that we've all been living in since Bush Stole the White House on 12-12-2000.

    TODAY: The Afghan War was cut short because when the Unocal pipeline reachedPakistan; Pakistan said 'No-Way' and that began another regime-change in yet another country. To distract from what we were doing in Pakistan, Junior went on to finish Poppy's unfinished business in Iraq, under falsified information which the US tried to get the world to accept. That information later proved to be totally false-yet this revelation (this criminally contrived excuse for war) did not changed anything about the war on the ground that we're still waging inside Iraq, to this day.

    Pakistan is about to be invaded by us, along with Iran and possibly Syria-all of that in collusion with the 'new Israel' which has become an Apartheid state where only one people can reside: Even those Jews that do not agree with the new regime, along with Christians are to be thrown out, as "Israel" is now a Zionist puppet state, and is no longer a democratic place-they have become a totalitarian society. I wonder how many Americans know this.

    None of these aggressions would have been possible without 911. There would have been no totalitarian police tactics here; no TSA screeners at our airports, or military checkpoints within the country: No reason to spy on every kind of communication engaged in by every American and perhaps most of all there would have been no need for anything like HOMELAND Security-a concept stolen from the Nazi manuals of 1934. America never thought of itself as 'The Homeland' it has always just been called 'this country,' America, or 'home.' How many know that the Nazi party was supposedly created to usher in "The New World Order back in the 1930's? Is this why this government has borrowed so many their concepts, their political tactics and their slogans in this quest to kill American society? How many people might still have their homes, their retirement savings and even their jobs - if this hellish crime had not happened! And 58 million Americans might still be getting cost of living increases, because the country's finances would not be in the sewer.

    How many know that the Grandfather of George Bush, Prescott Bush, was convicted of trading with enemy (the Nazi's) during WWII? How does the great-grandson of a Nazi collaborator become president of the USA without having that fact become part of the selection process? (4)

    This is just the tiniest fraction of what was behind the nightmare that adds up to The War Upon Ourselves ­ can we really afford to just continue to look the other way! (5)

    1) From the Smoke & Flames the Truth is Rising

    2) 911 Was Not An Attack, It Was Murder

    3) Deceit & The Mask of Leadership

    4) The Bush Dynasty

    5) The War Upon Ourselves


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    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:45 pm

    Top Union Official Caught Discussing Voter Fraud

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    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:57 am

    The American Illusion
    By Karl Schwarz
    Vienna, Austria

    Hello Jeff,

    As I indicated in the private email to you, one of our coordinators with Japanese robotics companies on dangerous nanotechnology processes and outer space missions is the woman who was formerly a translator, interpreter and traveling messenger for the famous Japanese revisionist historian Ryu Ohta. He passed away in 2009 at the age of 78.

    In reading about him and his work I learned that he knew Benjamin Fulford, Eustace Mullins and David Icke. Enough so with Icke, that he sent him a letter admonishing him to accept that cultural differences in the use of words have created problems with meanings and seeing things as they are.

    You know the old adage, words really do have meanings.

    I have learned over the past several months that David Icke, Eustace Mullins and others have been invited to Japan by Ohta to speak and present about what is wrong in the West. I recently saw the photographs of those meetings in Japan between Mr. Ohta and his invited guests. It was good to see Eustace enjoying the opportunity to present the Truth to Japan.

    He held David Icke's work in such high regard that Ryu Ohta even labored with time and money to have some of his books translated and published in Japanese. It was during that effort that Ohta noticed the difficulties in converting certain thoughts and words from English into Japanese so that the meaning was exactly the same and absolutely clear.

    That is in part due to the fact that there are six different Japanese alphabets, with the most predominant being Kanji (old style from China), Hiragana (Japanese writing style when Kanji has no equivalent word or sentence structure), Katakana (when referring to something foreign and not Japanese), and Romaji when they spell using our alphabet. These are used in every day Japan and there are even older ones that are not even studied until high school or university, those being Hentaigana and Manyogana.

    Suffice to say the Japanese are trained to think, act and speak precisely due to the complexities of their own culture and language.

    In reading this letter to David Icke I was struck by the clarity of thinking this Japanese historian had and so aptly described Western Civilization as being based on an illusion. My Japanese coordinator sent me a link to the 'Open Letter to David Icke' by Ryu Ohta. It makes for interesting reading and is quite an expose into how the Japanese mind works.

    The exact quotes from that link I am referring to are as follows and are discussing one of David Icke's theories and are spread out in the text of the 'Open Letter to David Icke':

    "To separate from this oneness, is to fall into the trap of Illuminati's illusion."

    "This itself is another one of the illusionary traps."

    "So if, aside from love all the rest is illusion, then what exactly is that ...

    "Illusion is explained as something transitory, false, an apparition,related only to the visual....."

    "The West is really imbued with/created on the basis of illusion."

    "But that does not imply that the valuation of Western civilization itself is an illusion."

    "In the West value is given to illusion."

    When I read the entire letter and considered those statements, it was easier to see how many times people in the US have fallen for the same Illuminati / US government / banksters illusion and it was so easy to do. All they had to do was feed the right words to the unthinking masses and yet again they fall for it.

    How many times have you and I have discussed how Americans gaze at the sound bites on TV thinking what they see is really how it is? Or glance at a headline and think they know it all without reading it, thinking or digging deeper? Or, lack the discernment to know the difference between a lie and the Truth?

    As I was thinking about this it occurred to me that the Land of Plenty, America, is starving to death on Lie Snippets and no Truth in sight.

    I remember when my son came back unharmed from Iraq and commenting that what he was seeing on FoxNews, CBS, CNN, etc was nothing about what is really going on in Iraq; Sheeple Food for the American Sheeple. The value of the visual illusion being used to lie and mislead an entire nation down the street to Hell.

    Truly, black and white, lie versus truth is all that matters. The shades of gray are to mislead and deceive and are truly worthless, meaningless words.

    You and I have seen plenty of evidence as to how certain parties write or re-write history as they see fit, as in how the US government so carefully tries to craft the 'legacy of a presidency' when either a moron or a murderer pretending to be defending America, or a war criminal cretin was what was really sitting in the Oval Office. Or, how the politicos and their media mouthpieces like to brag about the power of "Shock and Awe" when in reality what they blasted into oblivion was the United States of America.

    Americans seem to be oblivious to the realities of 'blow back' or 'boomerang effect'. Americans also need to get over this Rock Star Celebrity fantasy as if our leaders are great Americans, much less great human beings.

    When I consider how the US does this unthinking of the Sheeple masses boom and bust cycle every 10-20 years, I often think about the wise teachings of the great Chinese general Sun Tzu in his classic work "The Art of War". Although that is on the subject of war and strategy most people miss the subtler message that it is also about corporations, interpersonal relationships, tact and diplomacy between nations and people, etc.

    America has refined the reality that the first casualty in war is the Truth.

    Did you catch the recent news that right now the exports of EU almost equal that of the United States and China combined? And things are great in the US economy? The biggest part of that scenario is Germany. The old economic power Germany is doing very well, out of the recession and damage done by US and UK fraudsters and banksters, as the US sinks in its illusion of grandeur and greatness and dreaming up the next Big US Fraud.

    Misuse of words in such dialogue both deceive and mislead and do not in fact change the Truth. The wrong words create an illusion, whether good or bad, right or wrong, the lie versus the truth of the matter.

    As I cited in my own book another Arkansas writer that clearly hit the nail on the head as to why none of us should ever accept, believe or follow a lie.

    "It is not a pleasant thought, or one that's often discussed, but lies are at base coercive. Deceit is a form of control. "Deceit is a form of control" More than a few philosophers have compared the coercive force of lies to the power of violence. So even if they are common, they are not as benign as people pretend. Lies undermine the value of information, each one leaving us less able to trust the truthfulness of what we hear -- or read, as the case may be. Lies are more subtle than guns, but as threats to personal freedom, they should be regarded as no less dangerous." Mara Leveritt, Arkansas Times"

    I have often said in my writings that those who choose to believe in a lie are living a lie. In this context lie and illusion are interchangeable in current day America. DC is as bereft of truth as Israel is in loving-kindness.

    Sun Tzu was absolutely correct when he wrote over 2500 years ago that the greatest general is not the one who can take the most lives and territory through the violence of war. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without shedding any blood at all.

    The Chinese would celebrate such a general, while Americans want the sizzle of Shock & Awe on the boob tube. I have often wondered why Americans think shock and awe, killing hundreds of thousands on the basis of a lie is honorable. Maybe they never learned what ignominious, embarrassing, shameful, disgraceful mean?

    As China marches around and straight over the US at every turn, I think we are seeing the soundness of such logic.

    Can the value of the illusion be so effective that Americans no longer recognize the difference between honor and dishonor, integrity versus despicable, liar versus truth teller? Sadly, I think so after giving the matter much thought.

    Would it not be wonderful if the US were to grow up and face that one simple truth? Two current wars based on lies, deceit, political agenda, and willful misuse of words and now we see the punishment; America is collapsing from within. I am one American who is not surprised in the least that Karzai is now claiming that much of the 'terrorism' in Afghanistan is by the hands of Blackwater USA, now Xe. What a nebulous name to hide behind! Yeah, gotta keep that GWOT illusion alive, regardless of cost or regardless of loss of American values and honor.

    Would it not be wonderful if some in the US would cease and desist with the chest thumping about how great America is and accept that the USS Titanic is sinking? We blew a big hole in the side with our Shock and Awe and the ship is going down.

    Often when I am having to think my way through nanotechnology issues, political, regulatory, or the Beavis and Butthead types, I remember the writings of the legendary Samurai warrior Miyamoto Musashi in his "The Book of Five Rings".

    There is a way to defeat any enemy. Most people never consider the options as to how to make that happen. Most people just have that knee jerk based on the last lie they heard thinking that was knowledge, or worse, completely miss the point of who and what is the real enemy. They have an 'illusion' of what the enemy is and who it is. The biggest threats I see to America are Zionist Israel and our own leadership. We need no enemies when we become our own worst enemy.

    I think the Eastern mind truly does see things as they are and not how some lying politician or corporate stock fraud artist wants us to see it.

    Many have asked why I left the US and creating many jobs and progress elsewhere. Frankly, I got tired of looking at and choking on the illusion that America has become. Few ever get to see Wall Street and Washington, DC as close as I have and I know evil when I see it. I departed those sleazy institutions in June 1996 and it has since gotten worse every day.

    I see such when people like Mark Glenn lash as you as if they failed to put the brain into gear before they uttered or typed the words. As you well know the same was done to me by nitwits like Eric Hufschmid, Daryl Bradford Smith (real name is a sleaze-ball named Setters. I have talked to his brother), and many others. They believe an illusion, they are part of an illusion and fundamentally are failures at all they do and every illusion they try to spin.

    I hope David Icke took the constructive advice well as to the value of words in defeating the enemy we all face. I have learned that the Japanese use a word like a Samurai sword, very exacting.

    The Truth matters, it always has and it always will. No illusion can ever replace the Truth or the value of the Truth.


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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:56 am

    Fascism American Style - How To Hold Them Accountable
    By Robert Bows

    "Of course we will have fascism in America but we will call it democracy!"
    - Huey Long

    "Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them."
    - Jean-Paul Sartre

    "Fascism ought to more properly be called corporatism since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
    - Benito Mussolini

    The masters of the electronic voting machines have spoken
    Preliminary analysis of exit polls (for senatorial and gubernatorial races) reported immediately after voting ended compared with the announced vote results show a statistically significant shift in favor of Republican candidates, the odds of which are about a million to one.[1]

    This electronic theft is nothing new, but in the aftermath of this year's Supreme Court (5 to 4) decision giving the green light to unlimited campaign contributions, the blatancy is impressive. The strategy is simple: leverage the bottomless slush fund of corporate dollars and flood the nation's airwaves and mailboxes to twist enough minds to tighten the electoral races, so that those who control the software to the electronic voting machines can create the illusion of right-wing electoral success.

    It's time to consider what can be done to drop the curtain on this charade and the policies that result from this illegitimate elevation of corporate shills to executive, legislative, and judicial office.

    The American brand of fascism
    There are as many varieties of fascism as there are examples, beginning with Germany (Hitler) and Italy (Mussolini) during the period leading up to and including WWII, followed by Cuba (Batista), Spain (Franco), Paraguay (Stroessner), Nicaragua (Somoza), and Chile (Pinochet), et al.

    The brand of fascism currently practiced in the United States by European and North American financiers and bankers-who control a major portion of the world's money supply, as well as the dominant military and intelligence apparatuses-has commonalities with many of its predecessors as well as a few important differences.

    Commonalities include: control over the state by unelected persons ("the hidden government," as Teddy Roosevelt called them) or persons whose election is predetermined (through control of the currency, media, and voting process); use of intelligence and security forces to suppress opposition; abrogation of constitutional guarantees and international legal conventions; the justification of torture; and false flag events used to justify imperialism, to name a few.

    As so eloquently expressed by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, the chief prosecutor of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials following World War II, we must hold such behavior accountable:

    If certain acts and violations of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them. We are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.

    We are now prepared to invoke these rules of criminal conduct and align the crimes of U.S. fascism with the indictments at Nuremberg:

    1. Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace (9-11, WMDs, etc.)

    2. Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace (Iraq,Afghanistan, etc.)

    3. War crimes (Abu Ghraib, recent WikiLeaks, and attacks on civilians)

    4. Crimes against humanity (massive Iraqi and Afghani civilian deaths and torture, plus ongoing state-sanctioned terrorism: 9-11, Gulf, 2008 economic contraction and refusal to replenish the money supply; sabotage of property and contract law [mortgage crisis])

    But it is the differences between the American brand of fascism and previous iterations-particularly the illusion of choice and dissent (what social theorist Herbert Marcuse called "repressive desublimation")-that confuse many people into believing that the U.S. is simply a republic with democratic processes gone awry. This has led a range of critics to describe the situation as "inverted totalitarianism," "participatory fascism," "corporatism," or just "monopoly capitalism."

    While each of these descriptions applies to a degree, the partial truths to which they call attention unnecessarily obscure the simple nature of the beast. Perhaps it is the erroneous notion that fascism equals Nazism (actually, the term originally referred to Mussolini's regime) that compels otherwise analytical people to deny what is going on here ("good Germans," all). But lack of intellectual rigor is no excuse to mislabel the ruthless abuses to which the world is being subjected. As Orwell so eloquently taught us, the price of removing, destroying, or distorting words and their meanings is that we lose our ability to know what freedom is.

    Consider how one of our own presidents defined fascism:

    The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. " - Franklin D. Roosevelt [2]

    Gone are the abstract notions of the state as an embodiment of some ethnic or racial or historical ideal (our rulers are multicultural, at least at the level of government employees and the executive, legislative, and judicial branches; the upper echelons of our intelligence services are another story); instead, the state is simply a catalyst for corporate policy. Today's corporate state makes no attempt to legitimize itself even theoretically, as the Italian syndicalists did, by pretending that collective bargaining takes place between management and labor. Premeditated expansion and contraction of the currency is used to steal assets (the fruits of our labor) at fire sale prices. In theU.S., earnings per share for the stockholders and the maintenance of power by the financial elites are the main objectives implemented by illegal means through the so-called "legal" state.

    Everything, including the ecology and sustainability of the planet and its inhabitants, is sacrificed to the Almighty Dollar and for profit therein. Oddly, those aligned in this lockstep greedy march often see themselves as religious, or even spiritual! Perhaps they do not understand that Judeo-Christian tradition does not support the idolatry of money (currency) or commodities, such as gold or silver.

    It's easy to miss this point, given the disinformation spread by so-called religious leaders; regardless, you may recall that Moses had to break and restore the Israelites' covenant with G-d because of some tribal members who, in his absence, manufactured and worshipped the Golden Calf; and Jesus reiterated this principle when he said, "You cannot worship God and mammon." The lack of self-awareness over such misplaced obeisance (regardless of the religion to which they may or may not subscribe) renders our materialistic brethren oblivious to the immoral nature of their own behavior.

    What to do?

    Irrespective of the origins of their debilitation, these fascists, who place money and corporate interests above people, must be held accountable for their crimes, however daunting the task may be of facingup to a monolithic and morally blind cartel that controls most of the currency and guns on our planet. Even the most corrupt and devolved regimes come to an end. But the hour is late; so, how to hasten a new organizational paradigm?

    Such was the question for Carol Brouillet, when she invited a dozen or so fellow activists to a retreat following the "Deep Politics Conference" in Santa Cruz, California, in May 2010. Brouillet explains:

    "I hoped that the retreat would give us more time to think deeply about the roots of the problems that humanity faces today, and generate insights on how we could individually and collectively empower ourselves to assist in the conscious evolution necessary for us to survive, grow, mature, and thrive, in alignment with our spirits, which yearn for truth, beauty, peace, justice, health, not only for ourselves, but for all people and all life forms."

    As one might expect, the debate was heated, but the group was comprised of enough veteran organizers, some going back to the Free Speech Movement and the Vietnam War in the '60's, that a solution was hammered out. As it happened, they chose to model their appeal on the Declaration of Independence:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

    The Details of Accountability

    Even though most of those assembled recognize that the current regime (the money cartel or so-called New World Order) has totally abrogated the Declaration of Independence (and the Constitutionand the Bill of Rights) and that the social contract has been broken, the group decided ­ in hopes of eventual accountability-- such as took place with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa ­ to compile a list of grievances, as the signers of the Declaration did over 234 years ago. The group also offers solutions aimed at building alternative forms of organization that will be the framework for a sustainable and just world, to supplant the current system when it collapses from the weight of its intrinsic contradictions and lies (which, as Jefferson put it, run contrary to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God").

    The result is the Declaration of Accountability, in which the group declares, much like the document upon which it is modeled, "the causes which impel them to the separation." In addition to the grievances listed in the Declaration, the Problems and Proposed Solution section includes "Financial Accountability," "Electoral Accountability," Media Accountability," "Corporate Accountability," "Legal Accountability and the Rule of Law," "9-11 Accountability," "Gulf Accountability," etc.).

    Like those who have survived the continuing holocausts and war crimes around the globe, the group hopes to keep alive the collective memory of the ongoing crimes against humanity until such time that the perpetrators are brought to justice. According to Brouillet:

    "I believe by signing the Declaration of Accountability, we are asserting people power over the abusive tyranny of corporations, illegitimate institutions, the deceptions and lies that for too long have paralyzed and confused people, and we consciously enable and empower ourselves to challenge the Era of Impunity and launch a new era of responsibility, in which we reclaim our future and manifest our dreams and hopes for a better world."

    The group formally launched its website this October, with a list of prominent individual and organizational signers. As the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote:

    "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." -Thomas Jefferson.

    Be a witness for accountability.

    About the author: Robert Bows is a television producer/writer/director, playwright, theatre reviewer, political economist, instructional designer, yogi, metaphysician, and pseudonymous author and Solomon's Proof: A Psycho-Spiritual Journey to World Consciousness. He participated in the "Deep Politics Conference" referenced in the article and is one of the drafters of theDeclaration of Accountability, as well as one of the editors documenting ongoing abuses.

    [1] Josh Mitteldorf, "The Scoop on Election Theft 2010,", 11/3/10,

    [2] Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Appendix A: Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-trust Laws," The American Economic Review, Vol. 32, No. 2, Part 2, Supplement, Papers Relating to the Temporary National Economic Committee (Jun., 1942), pp. 119-128, and "Anti-Monopoly," Time magazine, May 9, 1938.


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    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:14 pm

    Danger To US Lies In Its Citizenry - Not Obama

    Thanks to Jordan Maxwell for this extremely perceptive quote...

    Jordan Maxwell


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    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:50 am

    Myths Of Power V Reality - Pt 1 - The Myth of Freedom in the Corporate State
    By Jim Kirwan

    The Toll-road to the Abolition of Poverty
    In 1964, this was the price that LBJ demanded from the public to institute his War on Poverty, The Great Society and the Model Cities Program, which can seen in the reality of Detroit Michigan, today. Obviously the price demanded, that we are still paying for today, was way too high. But the public was blinded by the artificial extremes of both the Left and the Right. This set the stage for the cataclysmic-fall, across-the-board, that we have just begun to experience. In 2003 I wrote two articles that directly bear upon the particulars of the-then-impending fall, which has now arrived. Through the Hourglass Darkly (4)

    By the time that Bush-the-Imposter took the White House in 2000; the public had already forgotten some of the most basic pillars of a free-Republic. "To stand by the President: Right or Wrong is not only unpatriotic it is a servile position that is morally and legally treasonable; especially in a time of war." By the time Obamanation began to take everything Bush did much further, while breaking every single promise he made during his two year long campaign: All thoughts of being able to save this Republic had vanished in the artificial fog of wars-unending: Because the American public had already surrendered unconditionally to the tyranny that is now the US Corporate-state that was instituted in 1871.

    "The US Government Incorporated as a for-profit commercial enterprise in the legislative act of February 21st of 1871; 41st Congress Session 3, Chapter 62 page 419 and charted a federal company entitled 'United States, i.e. United States AKA US Incorporated, a commercial agency originally designated as Washington D.C.; in accordance with the so-called 14th Amendment, which the records indicate was never ratified. The iron-fist government is a foreign corporation with respect to the state. Nineteen Corpus Juris Secundum 541 located of United States: The United States is located in the District of Columbia. Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico was appointed 'receiver of the Bankrupt United States in the reorganization plan number 26, in 1950.

    Title V United States Code, Section 903, public-law 94-564: The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, Title 27 Code of Regulations, Section 251.11 ­ the Title Secretary of the Treasury is a euphemistic abbreviation of the actual Title; Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.

    The Internal Revenue Service was incorporated in Delaware, is not a part of the supposed U. S. Government, which is but a defacto for-profit corporation, masquerading as the government that operates out of Puerto Rico (The IRS) is not registered to do business in any state, [but] is the bookkeeping and debt collection arm of the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico: They collect for the International Monetary Fund.

    Everybody who gets up into the administration, the congress, the legislation; all the way down to the local level are corporations, private companies. We are their chattel. We are their inventory, they money off of us and you don't even know how deep it goes. In 1871 when the United States became incorporated they attached our birth certificates to a ~ number on the stock exchange which equals slave trade-and it's done every time a baby is born. There is a bond trust account set up; and they trade us on the stock market-and this is all documented.

    They go so far as to trick us. Have you ever been to court and the judge says: "Do you understand?" Don't EVER say you do. Say "No your honor, I do not understand." That simple little word (understand) doesn't mean what you think it does. [If you say it] you have just given him permission, if you say "Yes I do understand" that you are going to "stand-under" whatever he wants to lay on top of you. The courts are Admiralty Courts." The Judges, the Attorneys, all belong to the Bar Association-it's still a little vague as to what that 'BAR' stands for but we do know the first word is for British. ~ They do not work for us, we the people. "We the People" are working for them. We don't need a gold standard; we are the VALUE to the Federal Reserve Note. We can give value to our United States Currency.

    The Constitution that they're teaching today as wonderful as it is to learn about a big portion of it-it's not the correct Constitution. It's actually a Second Constitution and that's the one that they wrote when they wrote "incorporated." In 1933 there was the Emergency Banking Act. We've got the War-Powers Act, Trading with the Enemies Act (The Bush Family Favorite) And every year the United States Corporation masquerading as our supposed government; which is no more than elected officials like the CEO and the stockholders vote for AT&T or Microsoft-so you're not voting for a legislator, you're not voting for a Representative, because each and every one of them are bonded under a United States Corporation. There's 37,000 subsidiaries of that corporation. Every agency when you hook it up on Dunn & Bradstreet is listed as a CORPORATION. It is a for-profit private company; and we are their inventory!

    I feel bad knowing that I've been enslaved all this time. And I feel sorry for all those in the civil-rights movement that thought they were freed: We've all been in this boat together ­ and people need to really wake up and we need to hold these corporate officials' feet to the fire and INSIST that the corporation must be dissolved-the Federal Reserve must be banned from this country. (JFK created and signed the legislation Executive Order 11110 but no one has yet dared to implement it). (1)

    And we must turn our system of Judiciary back to Common-law. If there's no harm no loss there's no crime and everything else is a way to get you to PAY. Even the court systems are hooked up to the _ system: When you get a chase number on a court document and you're being charged with something; why do you think they call it 'a bill' for being charged? That's exactly what's happening. They set that court number up and it's attached to the Stock Exchange too! And from the moment you're arrested or charged they start 'trading you' on the Stock Market; swapping you, just like they were with the Derivatives and the Default Swaps from the Mortgages: And that's a whole other thing we all know that's coming out in the mainstream media." There's more in the video footnote below (2) & (3)

    This nation that began as a Republic that was stolen from its rightful owners (you and I and everyone else) that thought we were part of a free and independent nation state: Only to discover that what we thought was "ours" is really nothing more than just another damned and privatized corporation.

    If we don't do anything else we must strip the corporations of their so-called corporate charters to operate in each state; because that devious-device has allowed the corporations to become commercial-entities that unlike those people which they claim the same-rights as-Corporations can actually live forever. The trick is in their supposedly untouchable corporate-charters that are in reality nothing more than their twisted License to Steal: Not just our money and our dreams-but our very lives!

    1) Kennedy Executive Order 11110

    2) The US is a Corporation

    3) FEMA The Plan to Kill America

    4) Through the Hourglass Darkly


    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:52 am

    Myths Of Power V Reality - Pt 2
    By Jim Kirwan

    Everything that is happening now is being done to bring on the acceptance of the final and insulting farce of the Inevitability of the supposed Need for Martial Law: But nothing could be further from the truth!

    The Myth of US Military strength can be seen upon the tragically inept and hopelessly outwitted battlefields inside Afghanistan and Iraq. The failures there are not of the troops that we have deployed there: These are the massive failures of leadership of both the military operations and the privatized mercenary forces that we have loosed upon the world and who are making bad military situations a hundred times worse.

    In this country we have tried to insure the end-of-life as most Americans thought they understood it. The government has taken SECURITY to a level of insanity that seems to know no limits; and If this tyranny is allowed to run its course then there will be nothing in this country that will ever be secure again from the police-state that we have allowed to be created, in the absence of our constitution that has been replaced by the USA Incorporated which continues unabated to destroy everything that the original constitution was supposedly written to protect. That completes the outline of the circumstances in place as this article goes to press: But this entire concept is based on nothing but a huge number of military suppositions that will all turn out to be lies in the end.

    The FEAR being propped up by the government, TSA and the soon be activated VIPER programs is based on the idea that Martial Law will be both nationwide and invincible: In effect rendering Martial Law immune from any and all resistance, simultaneously throughout the country. Given the facts on the ground in the two most well publicized wars we are currently losing-there is just no way that the corporate management of US Incorporated could ever hope to attack this entire nation and have any chance of succeeding at all. Of course since most of the population that is still actively buying into the terror being generated by the same government that created 911-their 'most urgent concerns' are still wrapped up very tightly in the illusions that they bought into via television and the full-court press of the psy-ops operated media in the USA.

    The practicalities of war however are very different from the trumped up chest-thumping of a bunch of overweigh morons-in-uniforms, be they on the streets or in the airports. What we see on those hundreds of videos concerning TSA is a totally closed environment within yet another totally closed environment ­ the airports of the USA that were paid for by the people that use them; but that are now owned and controlled by private-security firms; and this transition seems to have taken place in the middle of yet another dark night for both democracy and freedom.

    The Republic has become nothing but a disheveled street whore for the privatized-interests of the Corporate United States. So suddenly the pubic is no longer allowed to fly because the government has declared that means of transportation to be a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK that cannot under any circumstances be taken any longer, without completely dehumanizing those that chose to fly anywhere in a plane (unless of course you have enough money to take a private plane where such unpleasantness is not required). This is how the big-boys and girls get around the country in private aircraft paid for by obscenely huge profits stolen from those that work for them-in the thousands of private-corporate havens-that have replaced what used to be a functioning nation-state.

    When confronted by resistance, the thugs and the traitors that created this artificial funnel of terrorist nightmares quite naturally have closed ranks and have begun to issue more threats of even more invasive procedures-failing to even notice the openly illegal conflicts of interest by which these scanners came to be in the possession of TSA in the first place. ApparentlyThanksgiving Day of 2010 is to become some kind of public test of our ability to resist these new "regulations-without-oversight" from which there is also no right to an appeal.

    Some fear that if the public does eventually refuse in large enough numbers then that will trigger Martial Law. And of course, because too many have become addicted to the government line of "terror, terror, everywhere" many do believe that somehow we have been besieged by hundreds of terror attacks since 911, inside the USA. If you believe all the garbage put out by Israel-wood; then you might indeed think that. But the truth is there has not been a single attack inside the United States that wasn't created by this government-since 911 happened over nine years ago: Yet the government's drumbeat of absolute terror with a terrorist hiding inside virtually every shadow just goes on and on and on. This is not a video or a movie or anything remotely related to the filth that Hollywood puts out as 'entertainment.' This is real life, and in reality we are being threatened by our supposed government with Martial Law if we do not SURRENDER everything to them-in exchange for just being SAFE-according to them. (1)

    This entire "threat" is a constructed farce, a delusion born of corporate-greed and fed by the bottomless appetites of the criminally-corrupt. It has nothing to do with the very real threat which this government poses to all its former citizens that have become just slaves in the privatized corporate world that is now US Incorporated. This in itself is far more dangerous than any terrorist act could ever be to the health or to the survival of any US citizen! (2)

    When it comes to the actual lock-down of the nation we have forgotten many, many things. Some worry that the major cities will just be surrounded and we'll be starved out. But our cities are the size of some small countries and surrounding them is just not that easy. Moreover since the 1991 illegal invasion of Iraq we have lost more than 73, 846 dead ­ yet the cowardly activists largely refuses to use these numbers even though they come from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. That's a huge difference from what US Inc wants you to believe. And there is also the little reporting problem of one battle in which over 300 Americans were killed, it's not the only one, but what actually happened at the Baghdad airport, may never be known. The point here is that American military force is not invincible even in these tiny countries (compared to the huge land-base of the United States). (3)

    '300+ U.S. casualties: Forward Base Falcon 'Coverup'!
    By Brian Harring
    Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2006 at 12:34 AM

    Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad.

    The cover up of Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital" (4)

    Since we allowed our troops to go to war under the Bush Doctrine; the US has produced millions upon millions of troops, many of whom have come to hate everything about these wars and especially their treatment by this same government that always speaks with a forked tongue-especially when it comes to troops returning from combat.

    The US military is still operating much as it did during the last century with heavy emphasis upon high tech weapons and established bases to insure security wherever possible: This has been a huge problem militarily for US success, anywhere in the Middle-East. (5)

    If we cannot control the battlefields in Afghanistan (and we cannot) what makes this government think that they can control millions of ex-GI's that will fight to protect their own homes and families? These people understand the military; they know how it works, where its weak points have always been and they know how to resist. The entire charade being carried out by the TSA on video shows us that the Government is terrified of the public:

    Why else would they over-react against defenseless civilians with mountains of blubber who are generally out-of-control perverts, thugs or both? It's is one thing to threaten harmless passengers inside a totally secure environment like an air-terminal but it's a totally different thing to take their show on the road, out in the public arena where "force" can only be supported for a maximum of 48 hours before everybody has to either be relieved or go home. The United States doesn't have any National Guard Troops beyond the token few ­ because they're all overseas killing other people. When they hear about the new WAR that is to be declared against their friends and families here ­ that might not go over very well ­ but it appears the geniuses in the Pentagon haven't really given stuff like that much thought.

    In addition there is what the ROUGUE COPS here and now have to consider ever since they decided to punish Americans just for being alive. Read this article and decide for yourself just how safe those in any uniform will be if Martial Law is ever declared.

    "Your numbers may be growing among the millions of people wearing some kind of badge in the United States, but your days are numbered. Not because of any direct threat from people like me; no what I'm talking about here is the threat that you are creating all by yourselves. If you had been paying attention you would have seen this coming on your own.

    What the military and the mercenaries are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan each of you is now doing here, in your own tiny little world so full of arrogance and basic brutality. Every time you beat a man senseless, or shame a woman to tears in front of her loved ones, or randomly kill someone either by accident or by design it happens just because you can ­ so you make more than enemies ­ you plant the seeds of your own violent end." (6)

    There is a lot more at issue in this country than this criminally-inspired corporate government has ever even considered: And truthfully they are in way over their own heads if they think this will be a walk in the park. They cannot take on one city at a time. If they attack us in one place they will have to deal with resistance across the whole nation simultaneously and they have neither the manpower nor the coordination to even think about such a disastrous event.

    Combat vets know the ways that invasions work, and the governments, communications as well as their mobility would be largely compromised within the first twenty-four hours. Traffic in the major cities would be instantly gridlocked preventing emergency vehicles from responding to almost anything ­ cities like San Francisco, made mostly of wood would likely burn to the round because firetrucks could not reach the fires ­ so the people themselves would of necessity begin to work together to put them out. The gang situation alone would be totally problematic for the military first-responders ­ because whatever the government might be trying to do "to control or imprison the population - they would obviously be interfering with the huge criminal underground that this same government has been creating for the last twenty years. Same goes for stopping the flow of food and water: That's far easier to contemplate than it is to do because when Americans are under attack they can become very sophisticated in their responses especially to tyranny when they KNOW who the bad guys really are! And by Thanksgiving that task ought to have been accomplished!

    So enjoy your holiday Amerika; but know that between Thanksgiving and Christmas you should be starting to prepare yourselves for this out-of-control force that calls itself the US government to begin to do some very bad things!

    1) The US is a Corporation

    2) Another TSA Outrage: This time it's the military

    3) Since Gulf War 1 ­ 73,846 US Dead, 1,620,906 disabled

    4) 300+ U.S. Casualties: Forward Base Falcon "Coverup"

    5) Video report from Afghanistan: How the US Counter-Insurgency Campaign is Failing

    6) Open Letter to the Tens of Thousands of Rogue Cops


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    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:20 am

    We've Been Had!
    By Jim Kirwan

    In every war that we've publicly known about the American Public was conned into believing that it was always "the right thing and the ONLY thing to do." Fifty years after the fact when the archives were unsealed we finally discovered in each and every instance the United States lied to the people of this nation-just to have the illegal and unnecessary wars in which hundreds of millions of people died.

    From WWI through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the undeclared preemptive strike by GWH Bush in Panama, all the way through the 1991 Iraq War, to the attack on Afghanistan and then back to the war that never really stopped in Iraq, this time under Junior's diseased oversight. Every single time in each and every one of these "wars" the public was not just misled but we were actively coerced by lies and propaganda to enter into these wars as a requirement of the survival of this nation: Well none of that was ever true!

    In today's world of massively-invasive technology's we are not being supposedly threatened from outside the nation; but from WITHIN. We are in the middle of a Holiday Weekend ­ on a Saturday which is the slowest newsday in the whole news-cycle. And today the illegal for-profit corporation (USA INC.), that has created not just this crisis, but every single crisis since 1871 has adopted an entirely new way to attack their target-this time.

    Their target is the American Public. Their method is by use and abuse of all kinds of invasive, illegally used technology, that if IT is not stopped dead, will end our way of life in a long and very ugly disintegration of our way of life.

    That will end any possibility for ordinary people to even live without constant surveillance and continual threats of either being terrorized or of being one of those terrorists ­ there is NO middle-ground ­ as the Bushwhacker said "You're with us or against us." This takeover is as potentially masterful in its scope as it is vile in its applications: If this series of new REQUIREMENTS are allowed to go forward-then we can say a permanent GOOD-BYE to everything that was once normal such as going to work on public transportation, going to a sporting event or any kind of conference-not-to-mention any and all political gatherings where any opposition to the guest speakers is now a becoming a felony offense-because there is no longer any free speech in the United States-and there hasn't been since 1968. Anyone that has tried to "Have their say in public" will attest to this-the rest of the herd only still believes that 'free-speech' still exists because they have never tried to use it-in public!

    First of all you should know that we won the battle over scanners at the Airports of this nation over the holiday; TSA blinked, but tomorrow it could resurface unless the public remains determined to end this practice:

    Here's is some of the "new" information released today: On Saturday, November 27, two days after we kicked the TSA solidly in the XXX:

    Body-scanners coming to trains, subways and boats
    ' If they do this on commuter trains, buses etc. (they've already deputized bus and train operators to "police" passengers on whatever public transportation service they are employed to operate) - they will have succeeded in shutting down transportation for work or pleasure - from coast to coast. No one using those services can expect to ever get where they might be going with any hope of keeping to any kind of schedule - (AMTRACK is already hopelessly off schedule as it is) This will succeed in STRANGLING the scheduling component which is currently working (mostly) to get people to their destinations with a minimum of interruptions: ALL THAT WOULD CHANGE IF THESE criminally-oriented agencies get away with this OUTRAGE - on top of TSA. Welcome to the Début of VIPER!'

    Then there was this: DHS Wants Behavior Scanners at Sporting Events and Malls:

    'They not only "want it" they have already invested millions and perhaps billions to accomplish this. Welcome to the Fourth Reich - If the public "accepts" invasive scanning, and sexual molestations just to fly" then here is chapter two - the COSTS OF THIS OUTRAGE are NOT just PROHIBITIVE- this whole idea represents the final phase in the beginning of the SHUTDOWN OF THE UNITED STATES as ANYTHING OTHER THAN A VIOLENTLY CRIMINAL POLICE STATE - of this there can no longer be any question. This is a video brought to you by "your" HOMELAND SECURITY AGENCY - which is an outrage all by itself!

    Just note how many of the questions being asked here are totally against any and all provisions of the first and fourth amendments to the constitution of the now defunct Constitutional United States - but are in perfect alignment with the DEMANDS being put forward by the PRIVATE FOR PROFIT corporation that lives only inside Washington D.C.!'

    Then this: Full body scanners popping up at Courthouses nationwide
    'Travel is one thing but scanning employees on their way to work, or anyone that is CALLED to visit a government office is a whole other thing. If you don't show up (OPTING-OUT) then the result could be jail or fines or both. Enough is enough already: These machines must be assembled and publicly destroyed - and everyone associated with their purchase needs to be arrested on suspicion of being complicit in attempting to indite ordinary people for Artificially created SUSPICIONS that are being manufactured each and every hour by INSANE government robots that have NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to do ANY OF WHAT THEY ARE PLANNING TO DO TO INNOCENT PEOPLE!'
    Full-body scanners popping up at courthouses | World News |

    The amount of radiation that these programs will collectively put into the general population will kill us all very quickly-especially those who will have to undergo this twice every day whenever they try to get to work, as a routine part of life.

    This coupled with everything else that has all been done in SECRET supposedly for reasons of National Security amounts to committing a heinous series of crimes on top of treason against the same people that are paying their salaries while volunteering to be targeted by a falsely created government agency whose sole purpose is to finish destroying whatever might be left of this country.

    Anyone that is not moved to act against this conspiracy, by the privately held for profit corporation that has replaced the long dead Constitutional United States ­ has to be considered legally incompetent ­ because this is clearly a major and massively expensive hustle just to force Americans into surrendering every right we have to the police-state that has been built to segregate, marginalize and imprison the entire population-under the totally false-flag of world-wide terrorism (Which was created by this government from a previously existing agency of the CIA)-immediately after the events of 911 in order to concoct this entirely false situation that now has every American looking at arrest, at possible torture and or imprisonment just for being Americans!

    I don't know about you but I absolutely hate to be conned-especially when the con has been going on since 1871, which is one hundred and thirty-nine years!
    Damnit people will you not take the time to DO SOMETHING about this-This time!?

    A Special Invitation to the Herd:

    If you choose to disbelieve the above warning, then can I suggest that, if for no other reason, you come together on behalf of all the millions of people that have died because of the craven desires of these very few among the Elites that have always sought to have it all. Because among the millions that were maimed, tortured and crippled for life-there have been millions of our loved ones as well. So if you won't do this to save your own life: Then why not do it so that no more people will not have to go through what you went through, in what you thought were legitimate wars, that in the end required the services of your loved ones on the alter of corporate profits, which in reality had nothing to do with either national security or real patriotism!


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    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : AMSTERDAM


    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:58 pm

    Continuity of Government: Is the State of Emergency Superseding our Constitution?
    by Prof. Peter Dale Scott

    Is the State of Emergency Superseding our Constitution? Address to the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, November 23, 2010

    In July 1987, during the Iran-Contra Hearings grilling of Oliver North, the American public got a glimpse of “highly sensitive” emergency planning North had been involved in. Ostensibly North had been handling plans for an emergency response to a nuclear attack (a legitimate concern). But press accounts alleged that the planning was for a more generalized suspension of the constitution at the president’s determination.

    As part of its routine Iran-contra coverage, the following exchange was printed in the New York Times, but without journalistic comment or follow-up:
    [Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?

    Both North’s attorney and Sen. Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the Committee, responded in a way that showed they were aware of the issue:

    Brendan Sullivan [North's counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?

    [Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?

    Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.

    Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I'm certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.[1]

    Brooks was responding to a story by Alfonzo Chardy in the Miami Herald. about Oliver North’s involvement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in planning for “Continuity of Government” (COG). According to Chardy, the plans envisaged “suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, emergency appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.”[2]

    Reagan had installed at FEMA a counterinsurgency team that he had already assembled as governor of California. The team was headed by Army Col. Louis Giuffrida, who had attracted Reagan’s attention by a paper he had written while at the US Army War College, advocating the forcible warrantless detention of millions of black Americans in concentration camps.“ Reagan first installed Giuffrida as head of the California National Guard, and called on him “to design Operation Cable Splicer. … martial law plans to legitimize the arrest and detention of anti-Vietnam war activists and other political dissidents.”[3] These plans were refined with the assistance of British counterinsurgency expert Sir Robert Thompson, who had used massive detention and deportations to deal with the 1950s Communist insurgency in what is now Malaysia.

    At the time few people (including myself) attached much importance to the Chardy story about COG. Chardy himself suggested that Reagan’s Attorney General, William French Smith, had intervened to stop the COG plan from being presented to the President, and in 1985 Giuffrida was forced out of office for having spent government money to build a private residence. But COG planning not only continued, it expanded.

    Seven years later, in 1994, Tim Weiner reported in the New York Times that what he called “The Doomsday Project” – the search for “ways to keep the Government running after a sustained nuclear attack on Washington” – had “less than six months to live.”[4]

    Weiner’s language was technically correct, but also very misleading. In fact COG planning now simply continued with a new target, terrorism. On the basis of Weiner’s article, the first two books to discuss COG planning, by James Bamford and James Mann, both reported that COG planning had been abandoned.[5] Recently Tim Shorrock in 2008 repeated that “the COG program was abandoned during the Clinton administration,” and Shirley Anne Warshaw in 2009 wrote that “the Clinton administration… shut down the super-secret Project.”[6] But on this narrow point, all these otherwise excellent and well-informed authors were wrong.

    What Weiner and these authors did not report was that in the final months of Reagan’s presidency the purpose of COG planning had officially changed: it was no longer for arrangements “after a nuclear war,” but for any "national security emergency." This was defined in Executive Order 12656 of 1988 as: “any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergency, that seriously degrades or seriously threatens the national security of the United States.”[7] In this way a totally legitimate program dating back to Eisenhower, of planning extraordinary emergency measures for an America devastated in a nuclear attack, was now converted to confer equivalent secret powers on the White House, for anything it considered an emergency.

    This expanded application of COG was apparently envisaged as early as 1984, when, according to Boston Globe reporter Ross Gelbspan, Lt. Col. Oliver North was working with officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to draw up a secret contingency plan to surveil political dissenters and to arrange for the detention of hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens in case of an unspecified national emergency. The plan, part of which was codenamed Rex 84, called for the suspension of the Constitution under a number of scenarios, including a U.S. invasion of Nicaragua.[8]

    In other words, extreme measures, designed originally to deal with an externally directed and devastating nuclear attack, were being secretly modified by a non-governmental group to deal with domestic dissenters: a situation that still pertains today.[9]

    The Implementation of COG on 9/11
    Clearly 9/11 met the conditions for the implementation of COG measures, and we know for certain that COG plans were implemented on that day in 2001, before the last plane had crashed in Pennsylvania. The 9/11 Report confirms this twice, on pages 38 and 326.[10] It was under the auspices of COG that Bush stayed out of Washington on that day, and other government leaders like Paul Wolfowitz were swiftly evacuated to Site R, inside a hollowed out mountain near Camp David.[11]

    But the implementation of COG went beyond short-term responses, to the installation of what Professor Shirley Anne Warshaw calls a ninety-day alternative “shadow government” outside Washington.

    Cheney jumped into action in his bunker beneath the east Wing to ensure continuity in government. He immediately began to create his shadow government by ordering one hundred mid-level executive officials to move to specially designated underground bunkers and stay there twenty-four hours a day. They would not be rotated out, he informed them, for ninety days, since there was evidence, he hinted, that the terrorist organization al-Qa’ida, which had masterminded the attack, had nuclear weapons. The shadow government, as a result, needed to be ready to take over the government from the bunkers.[12]

    These ninety days saw the swift implementation of the key features attributed to COG planning by Gelbspan and Chardy in the 1980s: warrantless detentions, warrantless deportations, and the warrantless eavesdropping that is their logical counterpart. The clearest example was the administration’s Project Endgame - a ten-year plan, initiated in September 2001, to expand detention camps, at a cost of $400 million in Fiscal Year 2007 alone.[13] This implemented the central feature of the massive detention exercise, Rex 84, conducted by Louis Giuffrida and Oliver North in 1984.[14]

    There was also a flurry of other rapid moves to restructure America’s external and domestic structures – so many that today I can mention only a few. Before doing so I should acknowledge the obvious: that enhanced measures to deal with terrorism are needed, and for some of them we should all be grateful. We should acknowledge also, however, that the most significant achievements against terrorism have been the result of traditional intelligence and police work. As for the War on Terror, the most prominent achievement of Cheney’s ninety days, many experts have asserted that it has created far more terrorists than it has disposed of.

    On September 20, 2001, Bush launched the war on terror in a televised address to a joint session of congress, when he said, "Our 'war on terror' begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." Today we now have about 100,000 US troops in Afghanistan, to deal with an officially estimated 60 members of Al Qaeda. The predictable result has been an expansion of terrorist activities in Somalia, Yemen, and above all Pakistan.

    The war on terror was administratively implemented in three National Security Presidential Directives, NSPDs 7, 8, and 9. All three are classified, and the topics of two of them are unknown. The third, NSPD 9 of October 25, 2001, directed the Secretary of Defense to plan military options against both Taliban and al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan.[15]

    The October date is misleading. A version of the directive calling for covert action in Afghanistan had been approved by principals on September 4, 2001, one week before 9/11.[16] An enhanced plan for military action in Afghanistan, had been approved by Bush on September 17; and the same document “directed the Pentagon to begin planning military options for an invasion of Iraq.”[17]

    Perhaps the most significant domestic product from Cheney’s trimester mirabilis was the Patriot Act of October 25, 2001. Congress was given only one week to pass this 340-page bill, which in the opinion of researchers “was already written and ready to go long before September 11th.”[18] In 2007 the Justice Department acknowledged that FBI agents had abused the Patriot Act more than 1000 times.

    We should not forget that the Patriot Act was only passed after lethal weapons-grade anthrax letters were mailed to two crucial Democratic Senators – Senators Daschle and Leahy – who had initially questioned the bill. After the anthrax letters, however, they withdrew their initial opposition.[19] Someone - we still do not know who – must have planned those anthrax letters well in advance.[20] This is a fact most Americans do not want to think about.

    It is generally agreed that, of the three men in National Command Authority on 9/11, Cheney was the ideologue most committed to restoring a presidency that had been weakened by Watergate.[21] Cheney had already declared in his Iran-Contra Minority Report of 1987 his belief that “the Chief Executive will on occasion feel duty bound to assert monarchical notions of prerogative that will permit him to exceed the law.”[22] And as Vice-President Cheney, along with Cheney’s assistant David Addington and Cheney’s appointee John Yoo, established the legal apparatus for declaring that the President had the prerogative power to “deploy military forces preemptively,” and that “the Geneva Conventions and other international agreements against torture ‘do not protect members of the al Qaeda organization.”[23]

    By Executive Order 13228 of October 8, 2001, the President established an Office of Homeland Security within the presidential Executive Office. This has engendered in turn the DHS, now the third largest US Cabinet Department, and also a series of Homeland Security Presidential Directives. For example Homeland Security Presidential Directive-6 (HSPD-6) of September 16, 2003, created a Terrorism Screening Center (TSC), to “consolidate the Government’s approach to terrorism screening.”[24]

    Since then we have become inured to repeated stories about nonviolent individuals who are prevented from boarding airplanes, because their names are in TSC computers on the No Fly List and the Terrorist Watch List. Senator Ted Kennedy testified in Congress that he had been repeatedly delayed at airports because a “T Kennedy” was on the No Fly List. Until July 2008, Nelson Mandela was also on the list. CBC News in Canada reported in 2008 that “A Quebec businessman whose name is … on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's flight passenger watch list has decided to change his name to avoid lengthy security hassles at the airport.”[25]

    In addition to the No Fly List, with 4000 names in 2009 and 8000 today, some people are prevented from flying because they are on the Terrorist Watch List, a much longer list which contained over one million names as of summer 2010. This is why Walter F. Murphy, a noted professor of constitutional law, was detained in 2007 on his journey to lecture, ironically, about his book Constitutional Democracy. According to Professor Murphy, he was asked by an airline employee, "Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot of people from flying because of that".”I explained," said Murphy, "that I had not so marched but had, in September 2006, given a lecture at Princeton, televised and put on the web, highly critical of George Bush for his many violations of the constitution." "That'll do it," the man said.[26]

    In the end these cases were resolved satisfactorily. But you risk permanent deportation if you have an Arabic-sounding name. The ACLU is suing on behalf of Ayman Latif, not just a U.S. citizen but a disabled U.S. Marine veteran, who under Obama has been stranded in Egypt for months, because, on orders from the U.S. Embassy, he has not been able to board a plane to come home.

    This is a real hardship case: Latif told NPR that “because I missed my appointments in the U.S. to be evaluated [as a disabled vet], now the VA administration is saying that they're going to cut my benefits from what they are now to zero.” On the same program Stewart Baker, a former assistant secretary for policy with the Department of Homeland Security, vigorously defended the No Fly List. But when asked if there is “any legal authority by which the United States can say to a citizen who is abroad, you may not return to this country?” Baker replied, “I know of none.”[27] This did not seem to concern him.

    Ayman Latif’s case is far from unique. According to the New York Times, Advocacy groups say they are trying to help Americans stranded in Yemen, Egypt, Colombia and Croatia, among other countries. At least one American, Raymond Earl Knaeble IV, who studied in Yemen and is now in Colombia, was returned to Colombia by the Mexican authorities after he sought to cross the border into the United States, the groups say.[28]

    The Militarization of American Law Enforcement
    Another post-9/11 innovation from the Giuffrida-Oliver North COG plans was the militarization of domestic United States law enforcement in 2002, under a new military command, NORTHCOM.[29] Through NORTHCOM the U.S. Army now is engaged with local enforcement in the surveillance and counter-terrorism planning of America, in the same way that through CENTCOM it is engaged with local enforcement to police Iraq. Of course army platoons do not patrol roads and break down the doors of homes, as they do in Iraq or Afghanistan. But behind the scenes, in so-called fusion centers, the military, the FBI, state police, along with private intelligence corporations like SAIC, maintain and analyze data to identify potential threats to those in power.[30]

    These fusion centers “have been internally promoted by the US Army as means to avoid restrictions preventing the military from spying on the domestic population.”[31] In other words, administrative arrangements have been used to fulfill Giuffrida’s plans of circumventing the Posse Comitatus Acts on the statute books, without repealing them.

    The Proclamation of Permanent Emergencies
    Finally, still in the 90-day “shadow government” period after 9/11, President Bush proclaimed two important emergencies that are still in force today.

    1) On September 14, 2001, Bush issued Proclamation 7463 (“Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks”) together with Executive Order 13223 (“Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces To Active Duty”). As we shall see, the terms of this proclamation were significantly expanded when it was renewed in 2007.

    2) “On September 23, 2001, by Executive Order 13224, the President declared a national emergency with respect to persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706).”[32] This gave the president the power to confiscate without trial or warning the property of individuals providing funds to entities, such as charitable foundations, which were judged to be supporting terrorism. The Executive Order initially blocked property of twenty-seven designated terrorists. But the list has become enormous. When I last looked at it, on November 18, 2010, the list included 87 pages just for the letter A.

    A lawsuit has been instituted, asserting that the designation of alleged terrorists was arbitrary; and a lower court agreed that the president's designation authority is unconstitutionally vague.[33] The case is under appeal.

    Cheney and Rumsfeld on the Secret Committee to Plan COG
    From its beginning in 1982, two of the key planners on the secret COG planning committee were Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, the same two men who implemented COG on 9/11.[34] The committee had been established by Reagan under a secret executive order (NSDD 55 of September 14, 1982). Despite what Weiner implied, the committee continued to meet without interruption until the George W. Bush presidency in 2001.[35]

    Thus Cheney and Rumsfeld continued their secret planning when Clinton was president; even after both men, both Republicans, were by that time heads of major corporations and not in the government. Moreover, Andrew Cockburn claims that the Clinton administration, according to a Pentagon source, had “no idea what was going on.”

    Although the exercises continued, still budgeted at over $200 million a year in the Clinton era, the vanished Soviets were now replaced by terrorists. There were other changes, too. In earlier times the specialists selected to run the “shadow government” had been drawn from across the political spectrum, Democrats and Republicans alike. But now, down in the bunkers, Rumsfeld found himself in politically congenial company, the players’ roster being filled almost exclusively with Republican hawks. “You could say this was a secret government-in-waiting. The Clinton administration was extraordinarily inattentive, [they had] no idea what was going on.”[36]

    Cockburn’s account requires some qualification. Richard Clarke, a Clinton Democrat, makes it clear that he participated in the COG games in the 1990s and indeed drafted Clinton’s Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 67 on “Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government.”[37] But COG planning involved different teams for different purposes. It is quite possible that the Pentagon official was describing the Department of Defense team dealing with retaliation.

    It is important to understand that the COG “Doomsday Project” in the 1980s involved more than planning and exercises. It also oversaw “Project 908,” the construction of a multibillion infrastructure for an alternative government. The key element of this was an $8 billion communications and logistics program headquartered at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, the headquarters for Army Intelligence.[38]

    Project 908 attracted the attention of Steve Emerson and other journalists in 1989, when it was revealed that there had been huge cost overruns, double billing for the same work, and eventually destruction of many key contracts documents in the course of an Army investigation. The son of the Army general overseeing the project, former Congressman Rick Renzi, was eventually indicted in 2008 on related charges of extortion, fraud, money laundering and other crimes.[39]

    But despite initial failures in the communications network, it was ready to be put into operation and utilized on September 11, 2001 by Vice-President Cheney.[40] Key commands, including the implementation of COG itself, appear to have been made over this highest-classification security network.[41] This may explain why a Boeing E-4B Advanced Airborne Command Post or “Doomsday Plane,” the mobile communications center for the COG shadow government, was seen around 10 AM in the prohibited air space above the White House.[42]

    There is no way to determine how many of the constitutional changes since 9/11 can be traced to COG planning. However we do know that new COG planning mea[43]sures were still being introduced in 2007, when President Bush issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51/HSPD-20). This Directive set out what FEMA later called “a new vision to ensure the continuity of our Government,” and was followed in August by a new National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan.[44] NSPD-51 also nullified PDD 67, Richard Clarke’s COG directive of a decade earlier; and it referred to new "classified Continuity Annexes" which shall "be protected from unauthorized disclosure."

    Under pressure from his 911truth constituents, Congressman Peter DeFazio of the Homeland Security Committee twice requested to see these Annexes. His request was denied. DeFazio then requested a second time, in a letter signed by the Chair of his committee. The request was denied again.[45]

    COG, The National Emergency, and the National Emergencies Act
    I mentioned earlier that the Proclamation of a national emergency, issued by Bush on September 14, 2001, and since renewed annually to this day, changed significantly in 2007. All previous annual renewals had enumerated the emergency measures that were being renewed, for example “the measures taken on September 14, 2001, November 16, 2001, and January 16, 2002.” After Bush issued NSPD-51 of 2007, with its “new vision” and its new classified COG Annexes, the next renewal of the Emergency proclamation replaced the previous specific enumerations with a more sweeping general sentence: Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, last extended on September 5, 2006, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2007.[46]

    “The powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency.” This language is so vague, it is hard to see how it could not cover the “classified continuity annexes” of NSPD-51 as well. If so, the public proclamation was now proclaiming the continuation of a secret. (The two renewals of the Emergency by Barack Obama do not repeat this language from 2007, but likewise fail to enumerate just what powers are being extended.)[47]

    The National Emergencies Act, one of the post-Watergate reforms that Vice-President Cheney so abhorred, specifies that: “Not later than six months after a national emergency is declared, and not later than the end of each six-month period thereafter that such emergency continues, each House of Congress shall meet to consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated” (50 U.S.C. 1622, 2002).[48] The law does not permit Congress to review an emergency; it requires Congress to review it.

    Yet in nine years Congress has not once met to discuss the State of Emergency declared by George W. Bush in response to 9/11, a State of Emergency that remains in effect today. Appeals to the Congress to meet its responsibilities to review COG have fallen on deaf ears, even now that the Congress is dominated by Democrats.[49]

    Former Congressman Dan Hamburg and I appealed publicly in 2009, both to President Obama to terminate the emergency, and to Congress to hold the hearings required of them by statute.[50] But Obama, without discussion, extended the 9/11 Emergency again on September 10, 2009,[51] and again a year later.[52] Meanwhile Congress has continued to ignore its statutory obligations.

    One Congressman explained to a constituent that the provisions of the National Emergencies Act have now been rendered inoperative by COG. If true, this would indicate that the constitutional system of checks and balances no longer applies, and also that secret decrees now override public legislation.

    Understandably many people tend to repress the extraordinary facts that Cheney and Rumsfeld were able to
    1) help plan successfully for constitutional modifications, when not in government, and

    2) implement these same changes themselves when back in power.

    The first of these facts gives us a glimpse of an on-going power realm independent of the publicly acknowledged state. In the words of James Mann, “Cheney and Rumsfeld were, in a sense, a part of the permanent, though hidden, national security apparatus of the United States, inhabitants of a world in which Presidents come and go, but America always keeps on fighting.”[53] A CNN Special Assignment assessment of the COG planners was even more dramatic: ““In the United States of America there is a hidden government about which you know nothing.”[54]

    What is the first step out of this current state of affairs, in which the constitution appears to have been superseded by a higher, if less legitimate authority? I submit that it is to get Congress to do what the law requires, and determine whether our present proclamation of emergency “shall be terminated” (50 U.S.C. 1622, 2002).

    As part of this procedure, Congress should find whether secret COG powers, never submitted to Congress or seen by it, are among “the powers and authorities” which Bush in 2007 included in his prolongation of the 2001 emergency.

    This is not a technical or procedural detail. It is a test of whether the United States continues to be governed by its laws and constitution, or whether, as has been alleged, the laws and constitution have now in places been superseded by COG.

    And hopefully Congress would look at the activities of Cheney’s ninety days of COG shadow government in 2001, and their relationship to the genesis of the Patriot Act, the ten-year program for detention camps, and the permanent militarization of US domestic law enforcement.

    Peter Dale Scott's latest book, just out from Rowman & Littlefield, is American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan. His previous books include Drugs Oil and War, The Road to 9/11, and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War. His website is


    [1] New York Times, July 14, 1987. We have never heard if there was or was not an executive session, or if the rest of Congress was ever aware of the matter. According to James Bamford, “The existence of the secret government was so closely held that Congress was completely bypassed. Rather than through legislation, it was created by Top Secret presidential fiat. In fact, Congress would have no role in the new wartime administration. ‘One of the awkward questions we faced,’ said one of the participants, ‘was whether to reconstitute Congress after a nuclear attack. It was decided that no, it would be easier to operate without them.’” (James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies [New York: Doubleday, 2004], 74); cf. James Mann, The Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet [New York: Viking, 2004], 145). But key individuals in Congress were, such as Sen. Inouye of the Senate Intelligence Committee, were certainly aware of something.

    [2] Miami Herald, July 5, 1987. In October 1984 Jack Anderson reported that FEMA’s plans would “suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, effectively eliminate private property, abolish free enterprise, and generally clamp Americans in a totalitarian vise.”

    [3] Diana Reynolds, The Rise of the National Security State: FEMA and the NSC, Political Research Associates,,Covert Action Information Bulletin, #33 (Winter 1990). “Earlier, Governor Reagan in California had authorized the development of a counterinsurgency plan (known as Cable Splicer) and exercises to deal with such crises, in conjunction with the U.S. Sixth Army and the Pentagon (Operation Garden Plot). The cadres developing Cable Splicer (headed by Louis Giuffrida), were with Reagan’s elevation to the presidency transferred into FEMA. As head of FEMA, Giuffrida pursued plans for massive detention of dissidents; these became so extreme that even Reagan’s attorney general, William French Smith, raised objections” (Scott, The Road to 9/11, 184; citing Gelbspan, Break-ins, 184).

    [4] Tim Weiner, New York Times, April 17, 1994.

    [5] Bamford, A Pretext for War, 74; cf. James Mann, The Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet (New York: Viking, 2004), 138-45.

    [6] Tim Shorrock, Spies for hire: the secret world of intelligence outsourcing (New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008)., 78; Shirley Anne Warshaw, The co-presidency of Bush and Cheney (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Politics and Policy, 2009), 162

    [7] The provisions of Executive Order 12656 of Nov. 18, 1988, appear at 53 FR 47491, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 585, The Washington Post (March 1, 2002) later claimed, falsely, that Executive Order 12656 dealt only with “a nuclear attack.” Earlier there was a similar misrepresentation in the New York Times (November 18, 1991).

    [8] Ross Gelbspan, Break-ins, Death Threats, and the FBI (Boston: South End Press, 1991), 184; cf. New York Times, November 18, 1991. REX 84 (short for Readiness Exercise 84) turned out to be part of a series of such exercises (now known as Continuity of Operations Exercises) that have continued under FEMA down into the Obama era. See for example the Department of Homeland Press Release, “DHS Conducts Continuity of Operations Exercise,” June 17, 2009,

    [9] In stressing the alteration to our present political milieu by an extra-governmental group, I do not intend to exonerate Congress. In 1981 Congress passed the Military Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies Act. According to a brilliant and prescient essay written by an Air Force Colonel at the National War College, the Act “was specifically intended to force reluctant military commanders to actively collaborate in police work” (Air Force Lt. Col. Charles E. Dunlap, “The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012;” quoted in Harry G. Summers, The new world strategy : a military policy for America's future (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995), 195.

    [10] 9/11 Commission Report, 38, 326; Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007), 228-29.

    [11] Alfred Goldberg et al., Pentagon 9/11 (Washington: Department of Defense, 2007), 132.

    [12] Warshaw, The co-presidency of Bush and Cheney, 164-65; cf. Washington Post, March 1, 2002; Scott, Road to 9/11, 237. Warshaw took the characterization of “shadow government” from earlier reports by U.S. News and World Report in 1989, and CNN in 1991 (Warshaw, 162).

    [13] Scott, Road to 9/11, 238, 240-41.

    [14] “The exercise anticipated civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and/or resource mobilization. To fight subversive activities, there was authorization for the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of martial rule” (Diana Reynolds, “The Rise of the National Security State: FEMA and the NSC,” Political Research Associates,, Covert Action Information Bulletin, #33 (Winter 1990).

    [15] “NSPD-9: Combating Terrorism,” Federation of American Scientists,” “On April 1, 2004, the White House released the following characterization of this otherwise classified document: “The NSPD called on the Secretary of Defense to plan for military options ‘against Taliban targets in Afghanistan, including leadership, command-control, air and air defense, ground forces, and logistics.’ The NSPD also called for plans ‘against al Qaeda and associated terrorist facilities in Afghanistan, including leadership, command-control-communications, training, and logistics facilities.’"

    [16] “NSPD-9: Combating Terrorism,” Federation of American Scientists,”; citing testimony of Donald Rumsfeld before 9/11 Commission, March 23, 2304. Cf. Richard Clarke, Against All Enemies, 237-38; Steve Coll, Ghost Wars (New York: Penguin, 2004), 574-76; 9/11 Commission Report, 212-14. A draft of the presidential directive had originally been circulated in June 2001 (9/11 Commission Report, 208). But the directive approved on September 4 was for covert action only (9/11 Commission Report, 213).

    [17] James Bamford, A Pretext for War, 287.

    [18] Jennifer Van Bergen, “The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11,”, May 20, 2002, Van Bergen notes a parallel with the Patriot Act’s predecessor, the Antiterrorism Act of 1996: “James X. Dempsey and David Cole state in their book, ‘Terrorism & the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security,’ that the most troubling provisions of the pre-USAPA anti-terrorism laws, enacted in 1996 and expanded now by the USAPA, ‘were developed long before the bombings [i.e. the Oklahoma bombing of 1995] that triggered their final enactment.’"

    [19] Cf. Time, Nov. 26, 2001: "While Daschle, the Senate majority leader, could have been chosen as a representative of all Democrats or of the entire Senate, Leahy is a less obvious choice, most likely targeted for a specific reason. He is head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is involved in issues ranging from antitrust action to antiterror legislation” [emphasis added]. See also Anthony York, “Why Daschle and Leahy?” Salon, November 21, 2001,

    [20] We should not forget either that some government experts initially blamed the attacks on Iraq. Much later, referring to Fort Detrick, Salon reporter Glenn Greenwald pointed out that “the same Government lab where the anthrax attacks themselves came from was the same place where the false reports originated that blamed those attacks on Iraq.”

    [21] Lew Dubose and Jake Bernstein, Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency (New York: Random House, 2006), 28: “Dick Cheney…would spend the rest of his career working to restore the Nixon vision of an all-powerful executive, by undoing the Watergate reforms that came out of the early seventies.”

    [22] Schwarz and Huq, Unchecked and Unbalanced, 174; emphasis added.

    [23] Lew Dubose and Jake Bernstein, Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency (New York: Random House, 2006), 187-90; citing John Yoo memos of September 25, 2001 (“deploy”) and January 2002 (“do not protect”).

    [24] Department of Justice, “Review of the Terrorist Screening Center,”

    [25] “Quebec man changes name to dodge relentless airport screening,” CBC News, September 11, 2008.

    [26] Naomi Wolf, “Fascist America,” Guardian (London), April 24, 2007,

    [27] “Former U.S. Marine Placed On ‘No Fly’ List, Sues FBI,” NPR, August 5, 2010, Even my two-year old grandson and his family were taken aside for special questioning at the airport, because of0 his middle name, Yusuf.

    [28] Scott Shane, “American Man in Limbo on No-Fly List,” New York Times, June 16, 2010,

    [29] U.S. Department of Defense, “U.S. Northern Command,” Cf. John R. Brinkerhoff, PBS, Online Newshour, 9/27/02: “The United States itself is now for the first time since the War of 1812 a theater of war. That means that we should apply, in my view, the same kind of command structure in the United States that we apply in other theaters of war.” Brinkerhoff had earlier developed the martial law provisions of REX 84 in the Reagan era.

    [30] Shorrock, Spies for Hire, 344.

    [31] Julian Assange, “The spy who billed me twice,” Wikileaks, The March 2009 Army manual “US Army Concept of Operations for Police Intelligence Operations” contains phrases such as "It [fusion] does not have constraints that are emplaced on MI [Military Intelligence] activities within the US, because it operates under the auspice and oversight of the police discipline and standards."

    [32] “Notice-Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism,” Daily Compilation Of Presidential Documents” (“Author: Obama, Barack H”), September 16, 2010,

    [33] Humanitarian Law Project v. United States Department of Treasury.

    [34] Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007), 183-87.

    [35] Mann, Rise of the Vulcans, 142 (order); (Boulder, CO: Westview Press), pp. 59, 71, 102-104, and 158-178 (NSDD 55); Andrew Cockburn, Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy (New York: Scribner, 2007), 88 (2001).

    [36] Andrew Cockburn, Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy (New York: Scribner, 2007), 88.

    [37] Richard A. Clarke, Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terrorism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 8, 165-75.

    [38] Shorrock, Spies for hire,72-75. Warshaw and others have referred to the whole COG operation as “Project 908;” but on the basis of available evidence I believe that Project 908 was the construction program only, as opposed to the planning and exercises which also took place.

    [39] Shorrock, Spies for hire, 292-96; Steven Emerson, “America’s Doomsday Project,” U.S. News & World Report, August 7, 1989, 26-31. As of this writing, Rick Renzi’s trial, which was scheduled to begin in March 2010, “has been postponed indefinitely” (Arizona Republic, March 16, 2010, Earlier secrecy had also led to scandalous budget abuses at FEMA, the COG support agency, leading to the forced resignation of FEMA director Louis Giuffrida in September 1985 [

    Christopher Cooper and Robert Block. Disaster: Hurricane Katrina and the failure of Homeland Security (New York: Times Books, 2006], 54).

    [40] See e.g. Richard A. Clarke, Against All Enemies, 91.

    [41] See discussion in Scott, Road to 9/11, 223-36. There were reports that when Bush was airborne in Air force One on 9/11, there were connectivity problems forcing the president to use an ordinary cell phone (Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute [NewYork: HarperCollins/Regan Books, 2004], 437). This may help explain why Air Force One eventually flew to Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, where the E4-B “Doomsday Planes” are based.

    [42] CNN, September 11, 2007, On the CNN show 9/11 Commission Co-chair Lee Hamilton said he had a vague memory of the mystery plane story, but that it was never discussed by the 9/11 Commission. CNN promptly withdrew its 9/11 E-4B story from its website (“CNN Pulls 9/11 E4B 'Doomsday' Plane Video Over White House,” digg, September 13, 2007,


    [44] Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Continuity Directive 1,

    [45] Dennis Kucinich, David Swanson, Elizabeth De La Vega, The 35 Articles of Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush ([Port Townsend, Wash.] : Feral House, [2008]), 81; Peter Dale Scott, “Congress, the Bush Administration and Continuity of Government Planning: The Showdown,” CounterPunch, March 31, 2008,

    [46] “Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks,” Federal Register, September 12, 2007,, emphasis added.

    [47] “Notice from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks:….Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency previously declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States. Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2010. Therefore, I am continuing in effect for an additional year the national emergency that was declared on September 14, 2001, with respect to the terrorist threat.
    This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

    BARACK OBAMA, THE WHITE HOUSE, September 10, 2010.” (

    [48] This language overruled the specification in President Ford’s Executive Order 11921 the same year, that, when a state of emergency was declared by the President, Congress could not review the matter for a period of six months.

    [49] Cf. Peter Dale Scott and Dam Hamburg, “To All Readers: Help Force Congress To Observe the Law on National Emergencies!!!,”, March 24, 2009,

    [50] Peter Dale Scott, "To All Readers: Help Force Congress To Observe the Law on National Emergencies!!!" (with Dan Hamburg), http.//, March 24, 2009,

    [51] White House Press Release, September 10, 2009, A press briefing by Obama’s spokesman Robert Gibbs the same day did not mention the extension.

    [52] White House Press Release, September 10, 2010,

    [53] James Mann, Rise of the Vulcans, 145.

    [54] CNN Special Assignment, November 17, 1991.

    Peter Dale Scott is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  monique Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:14 pm

    sunny RENEE, thank you very much for all research you make in the last 30 days ! You must win a passage to trancoso ! Ja, das war sehr gut lesen was you put in the Mist's. Ich war ganz krank wegen der letzten elections hier in south america. Es wahr ein nightmare de "corrupção" (= corruption). Thank you very much for all the articles you put here. Alles gutes f"ur Trancoso, Monique drunken .

    Posts : 3930
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    Location : AMSTERDAM


    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:45 pm

    monique wrote: sunny RENEE, thank you very much for all research you make in the last 30 days ! You must win a passage to trancoso ! Ja, das war sehr gut lesen was you put in the Mist's. Ich war ganz krank wegen der letzten elections hier in south america. Es wahr ein nightmare de "corrupção" (= corruption). Thank you very much for all the articles you put here. Alles gutes f"ur Trancoso, Monique drunken .
    Thanx darling!
    So nice to read that people enjoy these posts.

    Btw, I'd love to be in Trancoso (a small, very 'hip' village in Bahia, Brasil). Right now it's freezing cold in this part of Europe.

    Now, last year exactly the same happened at the start of December. For a week-&-a-half we had this brutally cold wheather, whereafter it became very mellow until halfway February.

    Yet nobody seems to remember. They're panicing on the news, as if the next ice age is at our doorstep.
    Morons! Lmfao

    Posts : 3930
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    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:05 pm

    Quote from an Iraqi doctor (not a prisoner himself) who tells a group of prisoners: "We are living in an occupied country with a puppet government."

      Current date/time is Mon May 13, 2024 9:40 am