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    Father Anthony de Mello


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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:44 am

    A few days ago, I began reading a book titled "The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello".
    Every word of it rings true. It begins...
    Recall the kind of feeling you have when someone praises you, when you are approved, accepted, applauded. And contrast that with the kind of feeling that arises within you when you look at the sunset or the sunrise or Nature in general, or when you read a book or watch a movie that you thoroughly enjoy. Get the taste of this feeling and contrast it with the first, namely, the one that was generated within you when you were praised. Understand that the first type of feeling comes from self-glorification, self-promotion. It is a worldly feeling. The second comes from self-fulfillment, a soul feeling.

    Here is another contrast: Recall the kind of feeling you have when you succeed, when you have made it, when you get to the top, when you win a game or a bet or an argument. And contrast it with the kind of feeling you get when you really enjoy the job you are doing, you are absorbed in, the action that you are currently engaged in. And once again notice the qualitative difference between the worldly feeling and the soul feeling.

    Yet another contrast: Remember what you felt like when you had power, you were the boss, people looked up to you, took orders from you; or when you were popular. And contrast that worldly feeling with the feeling of intimacy, companionship - the times you thoroughly enjoyed yourself in the company of a friend or with a group in which there was fun and laughter.

    Having done this, attempt to understand the true nature of worldly feelings, namely, the feelings of self-promotion, self-glorification. They are not natural, they were invented by your society and your culture to make you productive and to make you controllable. These feelings do not produce the nourishment and happiness that is produced when one contemplates Nature or enjoys the company of one's friends or one's work. They were meant to produce thrills, excitement - and emptiness.

    Then observe yourself in the course of a day or a week and think how many actions of yours are performed, how many activities engaged in that are uncontaminated by the desire for these thrills, these excitements that only produce emptiness, the desire for attention, approval, fame, popularity, success or power.

    And take a look at the people around you. Is there a single one of them who has not become addicted to these worldly feelings? A single one who is not controlled by them, hungers for them, spends every minute of his/her waking life consciously or unconsciously seeking them? When you see this you will understand how people attempt to gain the world and, in the process, lose their soul. For they live empty, soulless lives.

    And here is a parable of life for you to ponder on: A group of tourists sits in a bus that is passing through gorgeously beautiful country; lakes and mountains and green fields and rivers. But the shades of the bus are pulled down. They do not have the slightest idea of what lies beyond the windows of the bus. And all the time of their journey is spent in squabbling over who will have the seat of honor in the bus, who will be applauded, who will be well considered. And so they remain till the journey's end.

    © 1995 by Anthony De Mello.

    Anthony de Mello (4 September 1931, Bombay, British India - 2 June 1987, New York, United States) was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist.

    Most people, he maintained, are asleep. They need to wake up, open up their eyes, see what is real, both inside and outside of themselves.
    The greatest human gift is to be aware, to be in touch with oneself, one's body, mind, feelings, thoughts, sensations.

    Here are some of his typical challenges:
    Come home yourself!
    Come back to your senses! Do you hear that bird sing?
    How can you hear the song and not hear the singer?
    How can you see the wave and not see the ocean?
    How can you see the dance and not see the dancer?

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:50 am

    A Rediscovery of Life
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    Last edited by ClearWater on Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:31 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed Antony de Mello's message Clearwater.
    Love him Being Happiness.

    Thank You


    Love from me

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:26 pm

    You're welcome mudra.
    I'm so happy to have come across his work.
    Just reading the words, I can feel the aliveness behind them.
    His joy and vitality shine through even more on video.

    Continuing with part 2...
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    Last edited by ClearWater on Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:41 am

    Part 3
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    Last edited by ClearWater on Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:46 am

    Part 3 continued...
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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:48 am

    "The cure to loneliness is not contact with other human beings. The cure to loneliness is contact with reality."
    ~Anthony DeMello~

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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:44 am

    Part 4[url][/url]
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    Father Anthony de Mello Empty Re: Father Anthony de Mello

    Post  ClearWater Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:59 am

    Effort can change behavior it, cannot change you. Think of this: effort can put food into your mouth, it cannot produce an appetite; it can keep you in bed it cannot produce sleep; it can make you reveal a secret to another but it cannot produce trust; it can force you to pay a compliment, it cannot produce genuine admiration; effort can perform acts of service, it is powerless to produce love or holiness. All you can achieve by your effort is repression, not genuine change and growth. Change is only brought about by awareness and understanding.

    Understand your unhappiness and it will disappear. What results is the state of happiness. Understand your pride and it will drop. What results will be humility. Understand your fears and they will melt. The resulting state is love. Understand your attachments and they will vanish. The consequence is freedom. Love and freedom and happiness are not things that you can cultivate and produce. You cannot even know what they are. All you can do is observe their opposite and, through your observation, cause these opposites to die.

    ~Anthony de Mello~

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