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    Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China


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    Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China Empty Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:58 pm

    This is an excerpt from a phone call transcript Kerry Cassidy (Project Avalon) had with Anthony Sanchez on November 4, 2011. Anthony is suffering from facial nerve paralysis after investigations he was making about Dulce at the Archuleta Mesa Jicarilla Apache Reservation in New Mexico. That's discussed at the beginning of their conversation, but the info he says he has about China and 2012 later on in their talk was chilling to say the least. Here's an excerpt of that with a link at the bottom so you can read the whole transcript yourself.

    They seem to want this info out publically so I hope they don't mind me posting a link here. And, of course, I hope Anthony has been cured of his painful facial paralysis in the interim.

    Anthony: Well... [sighs] I could tell you this. Whoever stole my hard drive now knows everything about the other investigation that I've been conducting. I have found evidence, based on information that was provided to me from one of my sources that worked at Lockheed Martin, that we're developing some type of a system, a low-Earth orbiting system, a defense system, to combat this... this space war that's going to be conducted between the Chinese and us. But here's the interesting thing. It's a very complex tale. Okay? It's not about us versus the Chinese. This is not a human-versus-human war that I'm being told about. They're telling me that the Chinese are being used as puppets. There's some higher level group, this alien-human hybrid group. I know it sounds crazy, Kerry, but you have to hear me out.

    Kerry: No. Absolutely... No. I have whistleblower testimony to this effect.

    Anthony: Yes. So, they have -- oh my God -- so, they're... I am being told it is...

    Kerry: That exact thing... That exact thing I have been told by a very credible whistleblower.

    Anthony: So the... you're trying to...

    Kerry: Now, at least a year ago, that a new race of beings has come into our area of the galaxy, and that they are trying... are backing the Chinese, and that they are trying to put the Chinese in charge of the world.

    Anthony: Well, this is, this is the reason why. And this is... Now, this is what I've been told. Literally again, any one of the three super powers. And there are one of three super powers. There's what? There's only three countries to worry about -- the United States, the Russians and the Chinese. I was told that the Chinese met all the prerequisites. One, they decimated their ecology. They have no fresh water. They've been buying fresh water from the Argentines and the Brazilians as a commodity. They have no natural resources. Their entire population lives along their coastline. They have created this massive level of deforestation that's turned all the central part of the country into essentially a desert. So, they have systematically been lowering... keeping their currency at a lowered value over the past 20 years. And then in that same time, they used their communist structure to subjugate their people such that school children are prisoners and the elderly, just about everybody, have established their new emerging middle class, has been working in the manufacturing sector.

    Why? So that they can... they can essentially flood the global market with their products. What does that do? It, it... while they maintained this lowered level of... this lowered level from their currency, they are yet becoming extremely wealthy. The United States is already 14 trillion dollars in debt to the Chinese. There's no gold in the U.S. gold reserve. You already know that. There are people that have outright told us, they haven't seen gold in the Fort Knox since the 1970s. Why is that important? It's because the Chinese, since 2009, have been conducting a campaign to get various countries off of the international dollar standard. Why? Because the minute they do that, they're going to trigger a financial collapse. The dollar's going to collapse, and we're going to see a domino effect, where all these other countries are going to slide into these deep economic depressions. And what that's going to do, is it's going to open the doors for a country like the United States... we're going to have to [re?]open the doors and allow the Chinese to come in essentially as our overlords.

    But listen, this is not about racism. It's about nationalism. I'm being told... I keep thinking inside, I keep thinking, oh, it's us against the Chinese, and this contact of mine is saying, you've got to get outside this human-versus-human paradigm, because the Chinese are being controlled Li Ka-shing out of Hong Kong. He's the most richest person in all of Asia, and he's a part of this Illuminati bloodline. He owns the Chinese communist government. He practically owns the Chinese military. Another scary fact that he told me, is that Chinese military has 200 million men, whereas the combined forces of the United States alone is barely at 500,000 men and women. That's a scary thought. In 2007, they demonstrated that they could essentially blast a satellite out of low-Earth orbit. And that was a demonstration to us, because they know that we're developing this new project, which I will tell you about later. This is that low-Earth orbiting defense project that I was talking about, that this person from Lockheed Martin informed me of. It's a very important project. The other thing, is that they demonstrated that their stealth technology is now as sophisticated as our own, that they sailed into the central... They used one of their submarines to penetrate a classified naval exercise, and then they bragged about it afterwards, and it scared the hell out of our military brass, because now they know, hey. They're almost on equal footing with us.

    Kerry: Okay...

    Anthony: So, there's a lot of information that I have here, but I need to put it into the proper context.

    Kerry: Okay. But, we are recording this, Anthony, and this is an opportunity to at least open the doors in this regard. And I'm very interested, because some of your information is cross-correlating with my whistleblower testimony. So, that makes it all the more important, because if there is indeed an invading race of beings who are controlling the Chinese, then people need to know about that. And...

    Anthony: The reason why, the reason why they selected the Chinese is (1) they met all the prerequisites [with you]; (2) the Chinese -- remember, this is all being done to facilitate an arrival event, an arrival event. At the end of 2012 is, we're going to see... we're going to see a mass landing of these E.T. visitors. Okay? Now, here's the thing -- 2012 marks the execution phase for this arrival plan, and it's going to culminate in 2015. Now, I'm hearing two stories here so far, though. There are two possible outcomes. So far, I've heard that the first one, is that they're going to enact a depopulation campaign to bring the world's population down to 500 million. Bear in mind that the Chinese military alone is 200 million. I was told that the Chinese are going to kill their own people first. This is what I was told. They're literally going to kill their own people first. There's going to be plans for a 200 million-strong elitist population -- these are the alien-human hybrids. They look like us, they walk like us, they talk like us. That's going... That... And then there's going to be 100 million normal humans who are going to be the slave class, for the remain... for those.. for these elitists that are going to remain. So... the main rea...

    Read the whole story here:

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    Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China Empty Re: Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China

    Post  Carol Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:12 am

    Good Gad! Well if true this is disconcerting. One thing for sure the Chinese are everywhere I look when I read the global news. I've actually been impressed on one level and deeply curious as there have been lots of conflicting info. We read that the US Government is controlled at one level by the Grays and Reptilians. Then there are numerous reports from people I personally know of - who are in contact with hybrids and clones along with of number alien races living on, or visiting our planet. What do these other ETs have to say about all of this? And how is China being manipulated by this new ET group different then the ET group that has been manipulating the U.S since the early 50s?

    And then there is another reality about the whole eliminate the planet's human population. Come on now... if the earth's resources were managed by stewards, as compared to rapists, there is more then enough food and water for everyone and then some. Water can be pulled from the air. The sun can produce energy. Materials can be sourced to what is needed instead of what is useless. Cars can run on air, water and solar energy. But this is all going off in a different direction.

    Basically Anthony is saying the Chinese are being used to host the new ET kids on the block and will end up being deceived just like the US was with their ET contacts.

    And then there are so many different ET groups one has to stand in line to figure out who wants what these days. The W56s left our planet leaving behind their homicidal clones. That's not too jolly for those who don't realize that clones in this group tend to be sociopathic and look just like us. I have photos of other hybrid clones who also look very similar to humans and could pass as human. However, I did get a kick out of Charles Hall's description of the Tall Whites whose females wanted to go shopping for clothes. Let's not forget the other ETs in Italy who enjoyed fast cars, wine and a good cigar.

    Then there have been ongoing space wars where the ANUNNAKI ETs want to control humankind. And let us not forget the millions of grey hybrids who are just waiting to take over the planet.

    Good grief. Humankind is going to be left in the dust with all the various ET factions wanting control of earth's resources.

    However, the whole fiscal mess could get worse or do a complete about face. It's getting where there is no such thing as a safe space on the planet with negative ETs and negative humans mucking it up for everyone else.

    Now you can take your pick

    Here is Dr. Michael Salla talking about the different types of ETs. VIDEO at link


    In order to save confusion in one's attempt to categorize all of the various 'alien' entities encountered during paranormal events, it is possible to 'break down' most if not all of the reports into two 'entity' types or categories of intelligent, though not necessarily benevolent, 'entities'. We leave it up to the reader to come to their own conclusions concerning the plausibility of the existence of the SPECIFIC 'alien' groups mentioned in the paragraphs below, based on their own review of the evidence and documentation contained in the entirely of the COSCON files. We are convinced, regardless of the reliability of specific accounts, that the OVERALL evidence strongly suggests that two general intellectual 'entity groups' inhabit this general sector of the galaxy, and that these two groups are--generally speaking--in conflict with each other to some extent. Aside from this obvious fact there are numerous accounts which seem to corroborate this thesis, yet which should nevertheless be weighed by the reader in light of their corroborative elements, documentation, the sincerity and reputation of the numerous witnesses, and other evidences both physical and circumstantial.

    For want of better terms, we will refer to these two root categories as follows:

    1) EVADAMIC or EVA'S - Those entities which may be considered to be soul-matrixed members of the human races OR the 'angelic' benevolent beings who seek to influence them for the good.

    2) DRACONIAN or DRACO'S - Those entities which are apparently 'soulless' and can be associated with the neosaurian-reptilian or 'fallen' angelics that have been known to accompany or motivate them. Since a cosmic conflict is taking place between these two groups, and especially between the fallen and unfallen angelics which influence the physical world for evil or good respectively, one group may succeed in subduing part of the other's 'physical' dominion or 'territory' at any given time.

    The following list of humanoid and sauroid entities inhabiting Terran, Subterran and Exterran realms is by no means complete. The appellations or names given to the various groupings are for the most part the names which are already in use to describe them, except for some cases where the actual name of the entities is uncertain, in which cases we have given them descriptive titles for want of other terms. We relate those groups which have consistently been 'reported' by VARIOUS sources, regardless of any substantiable evidence whether such alien groups actually exist or not. Many of the groupings may go by various other names as well. The following synopsis of the various 'alien' groups is based upon hundreds of corroborating accounts of encounters with Terran, Subterran or Exterran groups over a period of several years:

    (-5) INSIDERS - Residents, either permanent or temporary, of the various different ma--nically-connected top secret-government 'underground installations', bases or colonies throughout the United States and the World. Some of these groups may possess advanced technology enabling them to travel to various other planetary bodies in the solar system. This group is international in scope and may be tied-in with the Alternative 2 and 3
    scenarios (Evadamic).

    (+Cool TAYGETEAN - Blond or in some cases brunette 'Nordic' type humans based in the Pleiadean 'Taygeta' systems, which were allegedly colonized after their former planetary abode in the Lyra constellation was invaded by neosaurian entities (reptilians, greys, etc.). The main Pleiadean planet of 'Erra', was allegedly 'Terra-formed' by the refugees from Lyra [which is much nearer to earth--around 30 light years]. The Pleiadeans were apparently the first 'human' society to develop sub-space travel as 'we' did in the 'Philadelphia Experiment', and they claim that their technology surpasses our 'International' technology by about 3000 years. This may explain why the humans in Lyra were able to travel the vast distances from this part of the galaxy to colonize the Pleiades, some 430 light-years from Terra-Earth (Evadamic).

    (+10) LYRAN - (JW I have read a lot about the following people and trust them. Sometimes when the Pleiadians stay away from there home planets for many years, they become renegades and have a tendency to start kicking everybody else around, but let them go back to their bases at least every two years and then they are OK.) Supposing that the human inhabitants of Lyra (who are said to have a common origin as that of earth people) were driven out of that system hundreds or thousands of years ago, then it is likely that some of the present day inhibitors of the 'Lyra' constellation may be of neo-Sauroid descent. During the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several 'contactee' accounts, a mass exodus' of humans allegedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and Vega which is also in Lyra. This region, like our own system, may still be a 'battleground' between saurian-greys, etc., and humans (Evadamic-Draconian).

    (+10) TELOSIAN - ( JW I have worked with these people for many years and have nothing but good to say about them.) Tall, blond inhabitants of a re-established network of subsurface antediluvian colonies located
    throughout the Western States, and concentrated around Mt. Shasta in northern California. They are sometimes referred to erroneously as 'Lemurians' as it is believed that the cavern cities which they re-discovered and built upon were once part of an antediluvian(?) civilization called 'Lemuria'. They may have loose contact with the Pleiadeans and other groups via ancient ancestral ties, since the Telosians are earth-NATIVES who allegedly possess interstellar vehicles. The name 'Telos' is a Greek work meaning 'uttermost', but some of the inhabitants refer to ancient ties with neo-Mayan tribes, and therefore many of them 'may' possess a Greco-Mayan ancestrage (Evadamic).

    (0) ORANGEAN - (JW I don't know anything about these people.) (also known as the 'Orange' race). These largely converge beneath southern Nevada, northern New Mexico and possibly Utah. Some sources refer to a [1] 'human' race, others of [2] a genetically-altered, red-haired human strain or so-called human-reptilian hybrid. They are described often as having a human form yet certain 'reptilian' features. They are also said to possess human-like reproductive organs, and possibly (or not) a human 'soul-matrix', and therefore a divergent branch of the human race. Some accounts suggest there MAY also be [3] orange-colored reptilians which possess no soul-matrix (Evadamic-Draconian).

    (-3) CHAMELEON - Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'. These are allegedly 'infiltrators' which can look remarkably human outwardly although retaining reptilian or neosaurian internal organs. Often described as appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their 'disguise'. One report alleged that the 'Chameleons' may utilize artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'". Some claim they are genetically bred 'mercenaries' in a planned invasion-takeover of human society (Draconian).

    (+5) SOLARIANS - Human residents of the 'Sol' System who claim to have ties with ancient Terran societies, especially subterran societies which developed off-planet travel early on and established underground bases and colonies on various planetary bodies in the 'Sol' system, including the Jovian moons and the Saturnian moons on which they have allegedly established a 'Tribunal' center for the federated Solarian planets (Evadamic).

    (-10) NAGARIAN (or NAGA'S) - Also referred to as the 'Reptoids', 'Reptons', 'Homo-saurus', 'Lizard-men', or the 'Large Nosed Greys'. They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal in nature. They are described as being around 7 ft. tall and of various colors, grotesque, but most often mouldy greenish with scaled crocodilean 'skin'. Allegedly descended from a branch of bi-pedal sauroids which existed thousands of years ago on earth and via mutation and natural selection developed the brain-body coordination necessary to develop a technology. Some species still reportedly retain a visible 'tail' although much atrophied from their supposedly 'extinct' saurian ancestors. After an alleged ancient battle with early hi-tech human societies they were supposedly driven into underground networks or to off planet bases (Draconian).

    (0) OLIVERIAN - (JW Unknown to me.) Humans of 'normal' size, yet who possess an 'olive' green skin color. They claim to be from a subterranean or cavernous realm beneath Europe which they refer to as 'St. Martin's Land' (Evadamic).

    (0) IGUANAS - (JW Unkown To me.) Approximately 4-5 ft. tall, with ‘Iguana-like' appearance yet 'hominoid'. They have sometimes been seen wearing black, hooded 'monk' robes or cloaks which conceal much of their saurian features, which include tails. These have been reported as being extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans, and like all other branches of the 'serpent' race they utilize black witchcraft, sorcery and other forms of mind control against their human enemies (Draconian).

    (+Cool UMMITES - Humans claiming to hail from the general area of Wolf 424, some 14-plus light years distant from the Earth-Sol system, and possibly having ancient ties with the 'Lyran' colonies in that the Ummites (from the planet Ummo) are like the Lyrans-Pleiadeans said to be 'Scandinavian' in appearance, and therefore may tie-in with the so-called 'Nordic Blond' societies (Evadamic).

    (-5) RETICULANS - (JW. To give you an idea of the number of different types of space people who are visiting this Earth, it has been said that we have 35 of more different types of Greys who have been observed.) Apparently a major center of 'saurian' activity and possibly 'controlled' human slaves. This is a region from where a large percentage of the 'Grey-type' sauroids--such as encountered by Betty and Barney Hill and other abductees--emanate. This binary or double-star system may be the center of interstellar 'grey' activity. Much of the implant-control scenarios allegedly originated from the Reticulan Sauroids as well as from apparently higher-ranking sauroid species in Bootes and Draconis, as well as their subterranean counterparts beneath the earth's surface (Draconian).

    (+6) SIRIANS - (The space people that Sheldon Nidle works with primarily come from this area.) Apparently the home of humans of a rather empirical nature (possibly under reptilian influence!?) who have been tied-in with events on Terra for centuries, including alliances with their counterpart 'serpent cults' or 'Illuminated' secret societies on and beneath the earth. Allegedly the source of many of the human, parahuman, cybernated and/or chameleon 'Men In Black' or MIB entities that have been encountered in connection to UFO incidents (Evadamic-Draconian). (JW I wouldn't trust a MIB any further than I could throw him and rate them a -10.)

    (0) LEVIATHANS - (I have no knowledge of these creatures.) Or saurian 'sea serpents' such as the so-called 'Loch Ness Monster'. Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal activity including UFO activity, 'grey' sightings, etc. Aliester Crowlay, the satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O or Ordo Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with 'The Beast' of the Loch. He owned a mansion on the shores of the loch and this same mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy Page, who not only played with the British Rock group Led Zeppelin but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the occult. Being aquatic in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication-mutation, this branch of the serpent race is allegedly used for long-range 'psychic' warfare and occult manipulation of the human race (Draconian).

    (0) MOON-EYES - (JW Unknown to me.) A race of peaceable humans some 7-8 ft. tall, with pale-blue skin and large 'wrap-around' eyes which are extremely sensitive to light. They MAY be the same as the large humans allegedly encountered on the moon by our 'astronauts' according to John Lear and others, who in turn were silenced and not allowed to tell what they saw. These people may, according to some accounts, be allied to the 'Nordics' and/or 'Blondes'. They claim to be descendants of Noah who travelled to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries after the deluge and discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and technologies which had been abandoned in the subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions (Evadamic).

    (-4) IKELS - Small hairy humanoids with cloven hoofs which inhabit deep caverns beneath South America and elsewhere. They may be members of a fallen pre-Adamic race which possessed angelic, animal AND humanoid characteristics. Now allied with the reptilians. They have been known, according to natives, to 'kidnap' women and children down through the ages and many stories are told of South American tribes who have battled these creatures with machetes during certain of their forays to the surface (Draconian).

    (+10) NAKIM - (also referred to the 'Els', short for 'Elder Race' or simply as the 'Giants'). Referred to in ancient Hebrew tradition, this race is allegedly tied-in with ancient humans who broke off from mainstream humanity because of their vast size which had developed over the centuries, possibly as a result of a genetic anomaly. They are said to range anywhere from 9-11 and in some cases even 12 ft. in height, although in configuration are remarkably similar to 'International' humans. They have allegedly been encountered in deep and extensive cavern systems from Alaska to Mexico, and are believed to have interstellar travelling apabilities (Evadamic).

    (-6) GREYS - (These space people do a lot of the abducting of humans.) Small neo-sauroid race, very prolific and intelligent. May be the 'brains' or 'intellect' of the serpent race, whereas the larger 'Reptoids' allegedly act as the PHYSICAL overlords and thus are of a higher 'ranking' than the Greys. The Greys are reportedly very predatory and insensitive to humans, and like other reptilian entities they allegedly 'feed' off of human fluids by rubbing the 'protein formula' on their bodies, which is then absorbed into the skin, and like snakes the 'waste' is excreted back through the skin. The Greys range from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from grayish white to grayish blue to grayish green. Aside from feeding off of human proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the 'life energy', 'vital essence' or 'soul energy' of human as do other reptilian species. This is why those humans seen working with the Greys (implanted drones, whether willingly or unwillingly) have appeared 'lifeless' and emotionless to the witnesses who observed them. The Greys are allegedly EXTREMELY deceitful and although they act on 'logic', to them it is 'logical' to use extremely complex forms of deception to bring about their goals. They are the most commonly observed 'alien' entity during UFO encounters (Draconian).

    (-1) HYBRIDS - Since human and reptilian beings are allegedly so different in their physical make-up a natural 'hybrid' between the two is impossible. However and unnatural GENETIC alteration in essence 'splicing' human and reptilian genes has allegedly been attempted. Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual 'hybrid' (half human, half reptilian) but would fall to one side or the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but instead operate on a 'collective consciousness' level, the 'hybrid' would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix. In most cases one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none. If two out of three fit the 'human' configuration chances are they would possess a soul-matrix, although this might now 'always' be the case, if such entities as the 'Chameleons' exist for instance (Evadamic-Draconian).

    (+1) HU-BRID - 'Hybrids' through genetic manipulation who possess a human soul-matrix. See above (Evadamic).

    (-2) RE-BRID - 'Hybrids' possessing no soul-matrix. Some of these MAY possess human-like genetic coding yet no 'soul' while others may be an apparent 'hybrid' of two or more reptilian species. It must be understood that the Reptilians are far more adaptable or 'mutable' than are humans, physically. This would mean that we should expect a much greater rate of physical diversity between the reptilian species than between the various human species. Such mutations would not have to take place over millions of years, but through eons or centuries, especially when one considers the possibility that controlled natural selection, mutation, genetic manipulation, and even occult-supernatural intervention may have been responsible for accelerating this process (Draconian).

    (-9) DRACONS - (JW A lot of these dudes live underground here in Sonora, Calif. and out near Knight's Landing. They even abduct people from their font steps of their homes.) Largely subterranean, pterodactyloid-like hominoids with bat-like wings. Sometimes describes as possessing 'horns' and thus are considered very similar to the traditional depiction of the 'devil', according to certain individuals who have encountered them. Very intelligent and extremely malignant. Sometimes referred to as 'Mothmen', although that title might be a little misleading (Draconian). (JW The Mothmen are not as bad as they look. I might add that that it is said by the good space people that in this universe the people are 60% non human and 40% human. Being non-human doesn't especially mean that an entity is a reptoid. It is also said that of the space people who have visited and are interacting with Earth, 95% are good and 5% are what we would call bad. Of course that statement was made by a good type space person, so you never can tell.)

    (+2) DWARFIN - Diminutive humans who have allegedly been encountered in or near caverns in various parts of the world, and in some cases on UFO's, although most 'dwarf' sightings in connection to UFO's are actually sightings of the saurian 'greys'. These should not be confused with the small 'elementals' or 'nature spirits' which some believe are etheric in nature yet have the ability to appear in solid or semi-solid form as times. Some of these were apparently involved in the original 'rebellion' of the angelics against the Creator after being deceived and misled by the former archangel turned egocentric tyrant, Lucifer. Others of the elementals' may have escaped this 'fall'. The Dwarfin or Dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface peoples but average between to 3 to 4 ft. in height, although at times they have been seen as small as two feet. As with the 'giants' or 'Els' this may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran it's course due to the separation of their race(s) from the International 'gene pool'. They allegedly live in subterranean systems to a large extent as a 'protective' measure. And as we've said some allegedly possess 'aerial disk' technology and some might even have attempted interplanetary or interstellar travel (Evadamic).

    (0) SYNTHETICS - (JW Unknown to me.) Of several different types and varieties. Although reptilians AND humans apparently utilize 'artificial intelligence' devices or organisms (technology itself being amoral, neither good nor evil), the Draconians as well as some 'controlled' humans have apparently developed bio-synthetic or mechanical entities' as EXTENSIONS of their activities. This is especially true with the bio-synthetic cybernetic creatures which the 'reptilians' have allegedly 'created' via organs stolen from animal and human mutilation victims. The synthetics are of many types, some of which are very 'human-like' and which may be used as 'infiltrators'. Others apparently look more like the 'Grey' entities, created 'after their own image' so to speak, yet are not reptilian but instead a type of 'molded' entity form containing a 'sponge-like' substance which permeates the interior. They may be the worst of all, as they are apparently bio-genetic'forms' which are able to be inhabited-possessed by the 'Infernals' or fallen supernaturals as 'containers' enabling them to operate in the physical realm, possibly to the extent of performing mutilations, etc., without the help of their reptilian allies (Draconian).

    (0) EVA-BORGS - (JW I never heard of them.) Cybernetic forms controlled by 'human' entities. OR humans who have been implanted or surgically altered tosuch an extent that they have become cybernetic in nature, yet still retaining a soul-matrix (Evadamic).

    (0) DRACO-BORGS - (JW Behold I never knew them.) Cybernetic forms controlled by reptilian entities. These would also include those forms which are animated by fallen supernatural or paraphysical entities, whether of 'gray,' 'human-like', 'mechanical' or other configuration. There are some who suggest that human-appearing 'infiltrators' of this type may exist in our society, and that certain characteristics might give them away--i.e. the eyes, a slightly sulfurous smell, unrefined features such as no fingerprints or ears or other 'body' parts which seem to have a slight 'artificial' appearance (Draconian).

    (-10) MIB'S - (JW I've heard a lot about them and some of my friend's have been harmed by them.) Also referred to as the 'Men In Black' or 'Horlocks'. These are apparently in many cases humans who are controlled by draconian influences, although other 'MIB' have been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The 'MIB' have been encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating witnesses into keeping silent about what they've seen (many of the witnesses may be 'abductees' with suppressed memories of the event). Their 'threats' appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize 'terrorism', 'fear' or 'intimidation' as a psychological weapon against witnesses. This 'weapon' may not only be used to keep the human 'MIB' under control, but by the human MIB themselves. 'They' are often though not always seen in connection with large, black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into mountains, canyons or tunnels or in some cases apparently appear out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin air. Most human MIB have probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially their 'slaves'. Bio-synthetic 'infernals' also seem to play a part in the MIB scenario, as do subterranean and exterran societies. Sirius, at only 9+ light years away, has been identified as a major exterran MIB center of activity, with a subterran counterpart existing in ancient antediluvian 'Atlantean' underground complexes which have been 'reestablished' beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard (Draconian-Evadamic).

    (0) DRAGONWORMS - (JW Boy, I never heard of them.) These creatures are largely subterranean and have been reported on very rare occasions. Although a mutation of the serpent race which lost the use of it's limbs through centuries of atrophication, it is nevertheless apparently a part of the reptilian 'conspiracy'. The 'Dragonworms' are allegedly very intelligent, according so certain sources. 'They' have sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant 'worm' or 'slug' (Draconian).

    (-5) AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians). (I don't care for the Agharians but I do like the Telosians. The people inside Mt. Shasta do have a fleet of flying saucers and cigar type craft that are called the Silver Fleet.) A group of Asiatic or oriental humans who, sources claim, discovered caverns and abandoned antediluvian 'cities' which had been taken over by reptilian entities. Several hundred or thousand years ago an Asian prince allegedly led several militant followers into the caves and came in conflict with the saurian-reptoid inhabitants of an ancient subterranean city or network known as 'Agharta' or 'Agharti', and after a considerable conflict the reptilian forces were driven out. There are indications that since that time the Reptilians have attempted an occult-retakeover of Agharta and some (not all) of the inhabitants may have succumbed to these occult manipulations. This may explain why a small percentage of the 'MIB' encounters involve oriental-like humans, perhaps members of a small renegade or 'off-shoot' group of Aghartians. Such 'renegade' elements may also exist in the Telosian empire and of course within the United Stated itself. There also seems to be a loose secret alliance between Aghartian, Telosian and American officials according to some sources. In all three groups there seems to be a visible government which seeks to establish and may have in part inspired Constitutional-like liberties, as well as a secret renegade 'secret', 'Illuminated' or 'fifth column' international or interspherial government which seeks to undermine the traditional values and liberties of all three civilizations. The Agharian 'space fleet' is allegedly known as the 'silver fleet' (Evadamic).

    (0) BURROWERS - (JW This is a new one on me.) Another mutation of the saurian-serpent race capable of burrowing through the earth. Possibly quadrupedal as well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their 'boring' abilities to create artificial tunnels or 'cave-ins' (the latter has allegedly been used in attempts to entrap or kill unsuspecting intruders into the underground domains). These may possess a highly-developed 'sensing' system (Draconian).

    (-10) CETIANS - (or Tau Cetians). (JW These are some of the good guys.) A human race of 'Mediterranean' or 'South American' appearing, tan-skinned humans. Very similar to caucasian humans on Terra except for SLIGHT differences (slightly pointed ears, higher physical 'density' for their size, slightly broader nose, 5' 5" tall on average, and often wear short 'Roman' or 'crew' style haircuts). Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani are said to be a major convergence' of exterran 'human' activity, and are alleged to be in alliance with the Pleiadeans (who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federation' alliances with the Vegans and the Ummites, etc.). The Cetians allegedly work with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have been 'victimized' by the 'Grey' predators (Evadamic).

    ERIDANIANS - see 'Cetians' (Evadamic).

    (-5) SASQUAN - (JW These are pretty good ole guys and gals if you just leave them alone and don't force yourself on them. Over a time of about a year you can finally gain their confidence and they will associate with you.) Large, hairy 'humanoids' who are usually troglodytial or cavern-dwellers, although they have been known to forage through mountainous or wooded areas on the surface in search for roots, berries, grasses and nuts which make up their diet. They are believed to possess a heightened 'sensing' ability which allows them to steer clear of 'human' influence. They are more human than animal according to some reports although they have often been mistaken for animals, which has forced them to take up a largely subterrain lifestyle. They have often been described as having a human face on an 'apes' body. They are mostly strict vegetarians, which may be explained by the possibility that they MIGHT be a 'hybrid' or 'hubrid' between antediluvian humans and sapians. Such interbreeding, if possible back then, is certainly not possible in modern times due to increasingly divergent genetic strains between the two groups. Most Sasquatch may possess a human soul-matrix. They are usually described as being 7-8 ft. tall, while other branches may be smaller. 'Hairy humanoids', both large and smaller, have on some occasions been observed in connection with UFO encounters, or subterranean encounters. Sasquatch have been known to attack humans ONLY in self defense (sometimes throwing large boulders to frighten intruders away). There have also been 'hairy hominoids' which possessed either 'robot-like' or 'amphibian' characteristics, suggesting bio-genetic manipulation to create 'biological machines' or 'cyborgs'. There is a possibility that other entities, possibly more animal than human, are the result of humanoid-Sasquatch and nonhuman-Sapien interbreeding, in which case the offspring might be human OR beast in nature, but this is mere speculation. Another type of 'hairy humanoid' is allegedly the result of genetic manipulation, and have been reported in underground bases in northwestern New Mexico and in Southern Nevada (Evadamic).

    SYNTHETICS - Of several different types and varieties. Although reptilians AND humans apparently utilize 'artificial intelligence' devices or organisms (technology itself being amoral, neither good nor evil), the Draconians as well as some 'controlled' humans have apparently developed bio-synthetic or mechanical 'entities' as EXTENSIONS of their activities. This is especially true with the bio-synthetic cybernetic creatures which the 'reptilians' have allegedly 'created' via organs stolen from animal and human mutilation victims. The synthetics are of many types, some of which are very 'human-like' and which may be used as 'infiltrators'. Others apparently look more like the 'Grey' entities, created 'after their own image' so to speak, yet are not reptilian but instead a type of 'molded' entity form containing a 'sponge-like' substance which permeates the interior. They may be the worst of all, as they are apparently bio-genetic 'forms' which are able to be inhabited-possessed by the 'Infernals' or fallen supernaturals as 'containers' enabling them to operate in the physical realm, possibly to the extent of performing mutilations, etc., without the help of their reptilian allies (Draconian). JW I don't know whether this is true or not.

    (-6) ALPHA-DRACONIANS - Reptilian beings who are said to have established colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these claim to have originated on Terra thousands of years ago, which fact they use to 'justify' their attempt to re-take the earth for their own. They are apparently a major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually turning from covert infiltration to over-invasion (Draconian).

    ALTAIRIANS - Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila (Draconian).

    (-5) ORIONS - Some claim that 'negative' entities have been associated with some of the stars in the Orion constellation. Other sources claim that the Orion NEBULA is a cosmic 'doorway' to 'infinity' or the realm of the Creator, which transcends the time-space-matter universe and which in fact surrounds the physical universe. Some astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multi-colored 'light' has emerged from the nebula and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at a rather leisurely pace and at this rate the 'light' will reach earth approximately 3000 A.D. (give or take a hundred years). Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation 21? Since the Draconians are attempting to conquer the 'heavens', they may have made futile attempts to enter the 'Eternity Gate' or to intercept the emerging 'Light' ('War In Heaven' between Michael and the 'Dragon'? - see: Rev. ch. 12). This may explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the Orion constellation, although certain 'human' groups have allegedly become curious of the 'Eternity Gate' as well (Draconian-Evadamic).

    PHOENIANS - The 'Phoenix Empire' is allegedly a non-surface society which may be partially connected with the Dulce subnet, according to certain 'inside' sources. It's uncertain whether this is a human or a reptilian
    empire (Evadamic-Draconian?).

    GIZAN - (or Gizahn). The 'Gizeh People' have been referred to by the Pleiadians (Billy Meier contacts) as well as others. This 'may' have some connection with the strange 'people' and technology allegedly encountered in deep labyrinthine recesses beneath Egypt, who were sometimes reportedly seen by explorers, and who are said to dress like 'ancient Egyptians'. There is allegedly, according to Leading Edge Research, a huge cavern deep beneath Egypt which is inhabited by people with close ties with the U.S. 'secret government'. Some sources indicate that the 'Giza People' may be a 'controlled' society with the reptilians being the dominant power, although this is not absolutely certain (Evadamic-Draconian).

    AMPHIBIANS - Similar to the Sauroids or Reptoids, yet being hominoid creatures with reptilian AND amphibian-like features and are semi-aquatic in nature. May have once lived on land, but became more aquatic over the centuries. 'They' have been encountered near swampy regions, rivers, etc., and have been known to attack people without being provoked (Draconian).

    RAILOID - These are saurian 'grey' type entities which are apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong (Draconian).

    BOOTEAN - Reptilians from the 'Bootes' system. These, and reptilian entities from the 'Draconis' system are allegedly involved with the 'Dulce' scenario as well as the infiltration-implantation-control of human society on earth in anticipation of their planned takeover at some point in the future (Draconian).

    (+3) VEGAN - Relatively peaceful and gentle humans descended from refugees from the 'Lyran Wars', who work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and elsewhere (Evadamic).

    (+4) HYADEAN - The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the Pleiades and Vega, are said to have been the destination of yet another group of refugees from the ancient war with the saurians in Lyra (Evadamic).

    BERNARIANS - Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system. Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system. Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain (Evadamic).

    (+9) KORENDIAN - (These are the people who live in an underground base in the NW part of the US. They look enough like us to work among us. They caused the NW blackout more than 10 years ago to get the US to modify the electric power grid system so we couldn't be knocked out by tripping off several power companies at the same time. They are good guys and gals.) Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as 'Korender'. Perfectly 'human' in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average. Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in publications during the late 1950's - early '60's. The accounts published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic, although perhaps no less so than some other accounts. Many of the contactees who have allegedly encountered the 'Korendians'--such as John W. Dean who wrote a 'catalogue' of life on other planets which contained reams of inaccurate astronomical data, and Colin Boyd Cameron--have obviously been the subjects of apparent 'propaganda' or 'disinformation' operations. This suggests that if the Korendians do exist they MAY be a MIB-like society similar to the 'Lanolus' people or the 'MIB' society described by John A. Keel in some of his works (Evadamic-Draconian?). KORENDIAN - GYPSY'S—Several sources refer to the gypsy's as having some connection with the UFO mystery. Other sources suggest a connection with high-tech subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, etc. The knowledge which the gypsy's allegedly possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various gypsy tribes. Some claim to have traced the gypsy's back to ancient India or surrounding regions (Evadamic).

    (+10) VENUSIAN - (Most of the people from from Venus that I know anything about are very good type people. They include the lady I met in Oakland, Calif from Venus, also Viv Of Venus, Omne Omnic (JW SP), Valient Thor and some others.) Allegedly inhabited by physical entities, both human and reptilian, beneath the surface and therefore 'safe' from the extreme surface conditions. Also allegedly inhabited (on the surface?) by human beings, possibly colonists from Terra-Earth, who somehow were able to 'phase' or generate their physical bodies' molecular structure into a '4th dimensional'existence wherein they now allegedly survive unaffected by the harsh 'physical' conditions (Evadamic-Draconian).

    and this is the short list

    Let's not forget

    And where in Kerry's interview is there mention of the galactic wave or magnetic pole shift? Has all of that been taken off the agenda? Where is Nibiru? Is that now nonexistent? And what about the sun? Is Dr. Doom's kill shot not going to happen?

    Does anyone here ever wake up some mornings and wonder if we are just wondering around on our hands and knees in a maze filled with ET land mines? Or is this some part of a bigger conspiracy to make human kind afraid of ETs in general and just shoot them all down. As if.

    Meanwhile, I'm still holding our for an evolutionary jump in humankind's conscious awareness where they just smack down those who are not supportive of humankind evolving and growing beyond this destructive Thanatos mentality. Lordy, Lordy. Humankind empowered is more powerful then superman and then some.

    I suspect it's time to bone up on the various ET species just so that we can sort out who is who. Although these days hanging out with the honey bees in the orchard is far more entertaining. We have our own little nature battles going on between the ants, little black beetles, roaches and honey bees. Needless to say I'm on the side of the stingers helping them fight off the nasty intruders. My little micro cosmic world is quite satisfying and empowering. I just smack those ants, cockroaches and beetles into oblivion every chance I get. I guess I'm not all that evolved as a Buddhist but as a care taker of honey bees ones first priority is to see to their safety. I hope the others will forgive me for sending them off to their next life prematurely as I'm somewhat new and inexperienced in this role and have yet to learn how to defeat intruding invasive insects without killing them.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China Empty Re: Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China

    Post  Sanicle Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:13 am

    Wow, that's one incredible list there. But I don't know that these aliens Anthony are talking about are "new kids on the block" at all. Here's another part of his conversation with Kerry and he all but names the "progenitor" group he's referring to as the Annunaki at the end of this bit.

    Anthony: What he says is that there's a strong possibility that this progenitor race is returning to Earth. They're going to kill off the alien-human hybrids and they're going to dismantle all nuclear stockpiles on Earth. That they're going to prevent us from killing ourselves and that they're not going to allow this depopulation campaign to occur. Listen, one of the things that this guy told me. He said he had a conversation with this Chinese defector before he left the program. And the Chinese defector for the [adopting a view?] says, 'You know, this whole concept of we're overpopulating the world is complete B.S., because if you took every human being alive and placed them in the state of Texas, there would be enough room for them to live there.' Do you realize that? That's what he told this guy. So, you have to put all of this in perspective. He's saying that this propaganda was being fed to all of these people who were persuaded that all the world's being overpopulated. We have to kill one another.

    Kerry: [laughs]

    Anthony: Listen, the United States has a nuclear stockpile which can destroy the planet many times over.

    Kerry: Right.

    Anthony: You're aware of that. Now, when you put things in perspective, the South Africans, the Indians, the Pakistanis, the North Koreans, the Chinese, the English, the Israelis, the French. Gee, how many countries have nuclear stockpiles? So, he... but he says that this Chinese is giving him information that's saying that they're now thinking of turning this technology or commandeering this leading edge technology. The Chinese are trying to figure out a way to commandeer this technology away from the United States. And use it, to possibly, in the event that these arriving progenitors are going to kill them off, they'll use it against them. So, it's just a weird complex web of information. Remember, the greys were created by these progenitors.

    Kerry: Right.

    Anthony: Who's to say that's there is not a backdoor system in place with this LEONID project, which is technology that's been given to the U.S. defense contractors and [is hatching out of the thins for this fabulous?] whole project. Maybe the greys are... maybe they'll say that these arriving parties, they're going to be able to commandeer it or... I don't know. There's just so much information. I have all of it and I'm compiling it right now. I'm going to try and get this information out in two months' time.

    Kerry: Okay. Now, this whole subject is... gone from the Dulce subject to the Chinese and to this race of beings, etc., which you're calling the 'progenitors,' which is, again... This is what your colonel... Isn't it... Wasn't he a colonel that you... your witness in your book, 'UFO Highway' was talking about, as well?

    Anthony: Yeah.

    Kerry: He referred to them as 'progenitors.' Isn't that right?

    Anthony: That's right. That's right.

    Kerry: Okay. But at this point, this is okay to release as part of this interview that we're doing right here?

    Anthony: Yes.

    Kerry: Okay. Okay. Is there anything else about this race of beings that you know, that we could include here, that would clarify their relationship with the Chinese and possibility what they may be planning and the timing of it.

    Anthony: Well, I know that at the end of 2012, is when this mass landing is supposed to occur. This is what I'm being told. And there's nothing we can do about it and it's going to happen. That's what I'm being told. It will mark the execution phase of this plan for this arrival event and it will culminate by 2015.

    Kerry: Okay. Who will land?

    Anthony: These progenitors. These ann... Why don't you just call them 'Anunnaki?'


    After reading this conversation/interview, I got the distinct impression that Anthony Sanchez hasn't really read a lot of what others have had to say on these issues. He himself seems to like a 'new kid on the block' to all of this. Maybe he just isn't aware of all the other issues you spoke of around the 2012 predictions (the Sun, etc) and is only passing on what's he's learned personally.

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    Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China Empty Re: Anthony Sanchez on Dulce and China

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:48 am


    The Useanesda (The Homeworlders/Incomers) are now being led by Nanuur (SP ?) as Anu has steped down to keep Peace on the Homeworld...

    The Kasim (Remnant Annunaki) are still being led led by Marduk and a Council of Twelve with He as It's Titular Head. Its been this way since the Pyramid Wars at least as far as Their Group is concerned...

    Can You say Gizeh Intelligence Oxy ?

    Heh heh

    They (The Useanesda) are Aware of the Shift (Galactic Wave) approaching and know - As They've been told as much by Hyperversals - That They as a Species face a Downgrade or at best - A Neutral Evolutionary perspective based on what They as the Ruling Body of the Earth Mission have allowed to occur here on Terra.


    It makes sense that They would have to enter the scene and prohibit that which Marduk has brought into Manifestation. The Depopulation - The Nuclear Stockpiles - The Offworld Alliances - Black TTPs and so on...

    The above stated - The prevention of an Invasion by a Third Party also has It's upside in terms of Karmic representation now doesn't It ? I mean - Especially when You face a Downgrade or at best - A Neutral Evolutionary perspective ?



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:46 am