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    Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds


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    Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds

    Post  malletzky Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:26 am

    malletzky wrote:
    horus wrote:
    Carol wrote:It has been non-stop for hours now and sounds like static electricity at a very high occilation rate. Thundering outside now. As if it were voices on very fast speed. I'm having difficulty describing it but it is very noisy.
    Just my view on ringing ears. When it started with me 13 years ago, I was able to blow light globes out of the ceiling, it was as if I was discharging energy. I adapted to the energy shortly after. I was also told it was a transducer in my ear looking like a merkabah but very small and acts like a transponder. I get upgrades to my DNA and the signal sounds like a FAX and lasts for about 15 seconds max.

    The signal that I receive when an upload is occuring lasts also for some 10-15 seconds, but it sounds more like a "wooosshhhhhh"'s more like the sound of a big ocean wave smashing the rocks on the coast, it just lasts longer than that. In that moments, I feel that my ears a kind of "open" to release or receive a pack of "something"... scratch

    Strangely...the last one occured on thursday afternoon (CET), I guess few hours before the earthquake in Japan. It was so intense like never before, only in my left year, and lasted for some 5-7 seconds.

    I'm still tring to figure out if I was geting the warning that something's gonna happen, or it was just another update.

    Anyway, I'm curious now. And I have a proposal to all of you. I will post here on this thread whenever I get this intense sound in my ears. And I wonder if there'll be some events shortly thereafter. Maybe you'll want to participate too. And I'm not talking about posting when we hear the "usual" high pitch electricaly loaded sound, that most of us hear all along the whole day...Blowdup Insanely Happy

    much respect
    Mall... I promised, I'm posting again here as I've had another intense "wooosshhhhhh" sound this morning, few hours ago. It was again in my left ear, but not so intense as before the quake in Japan.

    Nevertheless, I just wonder, if I've "heard" another quake comming, or I just received another update/upgrade. We should know latest in 10-12 hours.

    much respect

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    Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds

    Post  lindabaker Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:00 pm

    Mal, I have whooshing since yesterday, too. Linda

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    Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:24 pm

    I have constant high-pitched ringing in my ears, and chronic tightness, unease, and fatigue. I have heard that this can be tinnitus, chips, supernatural, neurological, or electronic. I continue to think that I'm under continuous observation and attack because of my editorial bias and posting activities. And who knows who or what I am on a soul-level or reincarnationally. The shadow government knows!! I'm glad that someone cares!! Supposedly, they can beem messages into your head, so you think that you're having some sort of a supernatural experience. I'm too busy talking to myself to pay much attention to the voices in my head...

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    Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds - Page 2 Empty Re: Anybody noticing ringing in their ears - high pitch sounds

    Post  Carol Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:34 pm

    Presently it is constant.. I didn't notice it yesterday.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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