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    Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'


    Posts : 1766
    Join date : 2010-04-11

    Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'  Empty Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:57 am

    Welcome to Harper's Canada -Joe Warmington

    PMO directive rebrands 'Harper Government'

    Tories rebrand 'Government of Canada' as 'Harper Government'

    Govt of Canada rebranded 'Harper Govt'

    "Harper government" to monitor facebook chat groups

    CBC Fifth Estate G20 Documentary

    Harper's Party

    Harper's G20 : " allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" I know some people don't like it. It is a loss of national sovereignty, but it is reality." -Stephen Harper


    semysane 1 hour ago

    Im feeling very Egyptian right now.

    MrBillHuggins 2 hours ago
    * / img62 / 6603 / harpergestureup.jpg
    TheMusicalGiant 3 hours ago

    This is unprecedented this is madness. Who the hell does this man think he is. Right now it seems like he's Xxxxxxxx Hitler. This isn't a dictatorship it's a Xxxxxxxx democracy, it's the Government of Xxxxxxxx CANADA. God I hate these conservative bastards
    LandofKaitland 3 hours ago

    this is Xxxxxx.  but guess what. canadians are officially dead in their souls when it comes to doing anything about it. hope i'm proved wrong. lets hope this DOES ignite fury and rage like that fuckin dweeb stocky day sneered about.
    liennto 3 hours ago


    If Canadians Protested/Rioted, than Harper & ALL POLITICIANS, CEO's & the Oligarchy WOULD DO EVERYTHING Canadians WANTED.

    Egyptians Rose Up and Overthrow Dictator Hosni (Israel's & USAs Puppet Dictator), but the Canadians & Americans can't make their Corrupt Government & Corrupt System to do anything positive and can't make Harper/Obama/Congress/Parliame­nt do ANYTHING. Sleeping Americans & Canadians, TOO COMFORTABLE WATCHING CELEBRITIES, INTERNET, MEDIA & GOV LIES.
    halcyon0830 3 hours ago 2


    Harper is a Bush-Clone

    Obama is a Bush-Clone

    Neocon Democrats = Neocon Republicans

    Neocon Conservatives = Neocon Liberals



    All of them love spreading Deception, Lies, Propaganda and the Media is in their backpockets.

    The American & Canadian System are BOTH CORRUPT. We need a new electoral system, public should have MORE POWER than politicians.
    halcyon0830 4 hours ago

    The corrupt farce that is our parliament holds no bounds for the

    fools we over pay to represent us. We have become a nation of

    mall shopping, Mc food eating, drugged up, tv watching, Xxxxxxxx

    complacent morons. Lets hope we change soon because in

    the collective big picture we have had the wool pulled over the

    sheeples eyes for far to long.
    pauliewaulieflimflam 4 hours ago

    ALL of those clowns in Parliament DO NOT represent any true form of freedom.

    They do not represent you or I.

    Sickening to hear MP's of all parties bicker, yell and hackle each other on a regular

    "working day" basis. They are ALL representatives of Fascism and most of those drones are not even aware of it. FOOLS!

    Shame on them!
    stangeriam 4 hours ago

    I'm Outrage! Harper really is arrogant on this one. I now place him next to Gaddafi as a Total Kook.
    Karmaceutical420 4 hours ago

    OMG... really, yes, WTF... "this is something you would expect in North Korea"... YEAH... what the hell is going on, this feels like the lead up to the establishment of the 4th Reich... I have no MAJOR beef with Harper, he can govern as he was elected to do, but he has a MINORITY government, and this is just crazy business... WAY PAST THE LINE, IT IS TIME TO MOBILIZE
    MrMosjef 6 hours ago

    @MrMosjef When I read the 4th Reich part I almost woke up everyone in my house.
    LandofKaitland 3 hours ago

    OMG... really, yes, WTF... "this is something you would expect in North Korea"... YEAH... what the hell is going on, this feels like the lead up to the establishment of the 4th Reich... I have no MAJOR beef with Harper, he can govern as he was elected to do, but he has a MINORITY government, and this is just crazy business...
    MrMosjef 6 hours ago

    Whiskey tango foxtrot.
    IanRed 6 hours ago

    Hey HARPER ┌П┐(◉_◉)┌П┐ Have Nice Day!
    TheSecretStore 6 hours ago 3

    Is this for real? Oh how Harper must idolize America, the Bush Admin. - Obama Admin. Why the hell doesn't he just move there already? For Christ's sake!
    glassbrain 6 hours ago

    oh. we care. what a good week for "the harper government" way to get back to work in style...
    Lm088 7 hours ago

    Canadian Parliament holds the world record for being the longest running gag in the history of the world.
    KitxCoffee 8 hours ago
    Comment removed
    3510211 8 hours ago

    Harper Has Got To Go- Big Time!!!!
    NAUresistance 8 hours ago

    Check out the Alex Jones commentary too. They tried to do a bill to allow the NEWS to LIE outright to us also. We the sheeple have to finally turn into a bunch of Stallions ready to fight the losers who are no longer needed to "govern" us. Why do we even let them do it?
    TheGrinningEmpress 8 hours ago

    what the XXXX is going on in canada! and when are canadians going to wake the XXXX up???
    stroneify 9 hours ago

    Wow ,, Wow ,, Holy Fucken WoW !!

    government of the Harper , for the Harper , by the Harper .. Not The People !!
    oicub2 9 hours ago

    I really dislike Mr.Harper...he's a douche

    burden2thecrown 9 hours ago

    “We'll have to see if anyone outside Ottawa cares.”

    I think that's pretty obvious. It's time to do something electoral to that man's ego.

    Vote Pirate!
    AlienCollective 9 hours ago

    CBC better not be turning into the Harper Network just like CTV has.
    halcyon0830 9 hours ago

    I hope this makes the Pirate Party get more votes!!!!!!!!
    Davisx3m 9 hours ago

    Please tell me this is a joke.......
    missheather16 10 hours ago

    We need to vote this man out of office, he is verging on despotic behaviour and has already displayed these tendencies in past actions but now it is just too obvious. Don't whine people just get to the polls come next election.
    tommytoxic54 10 hours ago

    It goes beyond just anger at the idea of Harper changing the name because its Harper. Canada is a constitutional monarch. We have a Queen. You may have heard of her, Queen Elizabeth II. She has been the Queen since before Harper have even conceived by his parents. Our government must therefore be referred to under the reigning monarch - "Government of Canada" or "Her Majesty's Government." You cannot follow a republic's "(President's Name) Administration" format because we are not a republic.
    BradBrisco 10 hours ago 2

    The Unmitigated Audacity of this video aside... Can anybody explain why Youtube shows 305 views, yet somehow over 1500 shares on Facebook?
    billylowground 11 hours ago

    @billylowground For some reason, YouTube glitches sometimes at around 300 when the counter gets railed by an early surge of views. It's become commonplace enough.
    Niix 10 hours ago

    Government of Germany


    Hitler's Government

    Government of Canada


    ZioNazi Harper's Government
    halcyon0830 11 hours ago 2




    halcyon0830 11 hours ago

    THat's it election time, I'm sorry I voted for these poeple!
    downloadscc 11 hours ago

    good luck to all you harpainians
    username0u812ic 12 hours ago

    sorry- is this a joke?
    rilanilan 12 hours ago

    Can you say megalomania?!! This is one month early for April Fools, otherwise it would have been appropriate as laughable. Instead, scary and completely inappropriate.
    davepinel 12 hours ago

    There is an alternative here. "The Freedom Party" Canada.
    RebelRadius 13 hours ago

    I CARE!! (But then again, I'm a member of the Toronto elite).I fear Canadian apathy will be rewarded with the Conservative majority it deserves.
    acheekychick 13 hours ago

    Good... then it is all Harper's debt (not ours) and since there is no Gov't of Canada, I guess we don't have to pay taxes anymore. What a freak. If his head gets any bigger it's going to explode.
    cindirobinson 13 hours ago 2

    This just makes me wonder if this is the distraction of the week to keep us busy while he's up to something more sinister.
    MrXstacey 13 hours ago
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    Stephen Harper's arrogance knows no bounds. So many countries are trying to rid themselves of dictators. We let ours rename our government in his glory. WAKE UP CANADA - we are losing our country

    SelfishGene99 13 hours ago

    Stephen Harper's arrogance knows no bounds. So many countries are trying to rid themselves of dictators. We let ours rename our government in his glory. WAKE UP CANADA - we are losing our country
    SelfishGene99 13 hours ago 2

    Harper =treason
    matsutakneatche 13 hours ago

    no wonder his wife left him.
    shawandking 13 hours ago

    People should be pissed, the stupid sheeple sit around and laugh when this news is mentioned.

    Any body planning on sending their income tax in Next month ?

    WasagaBeachOntario 13 hours ago

    F.U. Stockwell !!!!
    markymark7717 14 hours ago

    Yes, I'm outside Ottawa and you're damn right I care!
    brochango 14 hours ago

    that's it? 11 comments? This is why Supreme Leader Harper gets his way over all issues big or small. We just dont care what he does with this country
    recycledt 14 hours ago

    How is that legal? Does that not count as tax payer money contributing to party advertising? I was pretty sure that wasn't allowed at all. This makes me sick, it makes me feel like my tax dollars are being used to fund their advertising.
    jonohaz 14 hours ago

    Next election will be the 1st time I wont be voting conservative.....but I won't be voting Liberal thats for sure, NDP...not a chance....time for a new party that is run by the people , not corporate elites & international bankers. This is just an idiotic, no brainer, media distraction to draw attention away from issues the government wants to keep under the radar....its a smoke screen people.....keep both eyes on the people in power.
    markymark7717 14 hours ago

    @markymark7717 Vote for FREEDOM - The Freedom Party of Canada
    RebelRadius 13 hours ago

    @RebelRadius or vote for someone real so the conservatives don't get into power again! don't waste your vote
    Datavus 12 hours ago

    @Datavus You expect integrity from politicians yet you are not prepared to use integrity when you vote.
    RebelRadius 5 hours ago

    Come out and rally with us tomorrow for a full public inquiry into "Harper's G20"

    search facebook group " Calling for a Full Public Inquiry into G20"
    TheSecretStore 14 hours ago 7

    so i guess he's staying 4 a while !?! LoL o.0
    bucolic1 15 hours ago

    April Fools! no wait thats next month...
    MattTrecartin 15 hours ago

    TheSecretStore 15 hours ago 25

    @TheSecretStore Is this for real man???? Seriously, JFK gets assisinated for warning us of all of this, but Harper lives? What?!??! Wheres all the Lee Harvey Oswalds??!!?!?!?!? Looks to me, that only when the international conglomerates of the elite are threatened, do leaders get assisinated or toppled!!! And im supposed to believe the rubbish!!! Its kind of hard with XXXX like this!!!! This country needs a revolution!!!!!!!!!!FOR CANADA!!!!!!

    VIVA LE CANADA!~!!!!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!!
    mattmatt115 10 hours ago

    This is not a Joke?

    How do I show my rage?
    nojegr 16 hours ago 4
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    This is not a JOKE?
    nojegr 16 hours ago
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    Like the cop said during G20, "This ain't Canada anymore".

    Iseeyoursoul 16 hours ago 5

    WTF? O.O!?
    x0xkasumix0x 17 hours ago

    digitalSensei 17 hours ago 13

    Next Announcement: The Global Government is now the Antichrist Government
    chatter101010 2 hours ago

    I think we're out of options for leaders here people, lets oust the government and have a free society. If all you other fucks can keep yourselfs from being as greedy as I can, i'm sure it could work.
    canadiansrule00 3 hours ago

    k, i haven't had anything to say about Steven Harper thus far in his career...however, WHO THE XXXX DOES HE THINK HE IS!? This is not a monarchy! This is not a communist country! This does not stand with me!
    canadiansrule00 3 hours ago

    Harper can choke on my nuts.

    craftyrobot 3 hours ago

    From a UK viewpoint, this guy seems to have the same inflated ego as our lovely Peter Mandelson.
    davolente 4 hours ago

    @davolente Ego? I barely see him. I was always under the impression he was pulling the strings behind the scenes anyway.
    callwithcurrentconti 2 hours ago

    what the hell
    432448 4 hours ago

    We care. we Xxxxxxxx care. Harper is a douche bag of the first degree.
    nekopheliac 5 hours ago

    he's trying for free marketing and trying to get the same image appeal that obama gets in the usa with his citizens.

    hd92122 5 hours ago

    Arrogance , just like we are finishing with here in BC. Only here its a party of fake liberals! The attack ads really show the kind of people who are now in charge of our image, our money, our assets, our "laws", which the conservatives believe they can ignore if inconvenient !
    spkrwill 5 hours ago

    Harper's government is a fascist govt disguised as a democracy. Harper's demeanor is demure, and he likes playing Beatles songs on the piano ... that, actually, fools a lot more people than you would think. The govt continues to do things because they can. The decision to get rid of the long-form Census, when nobody was complaining about it ... typical example of a govt gone rogue. They're frauds.

    But, what is the alternative? Michael Ignatieff the carpetbagger. Another bad Xxxxxxxx choice.
    ApocalypsePlough 5 hours ago

    XXXX the liberals and their stupid XXXX
    hellhound6661313 5 hours ago

    i almost though this was onion news. I cant believe this XXXX
    adeelies 5 hours ago 2

    Once again, humanity punches itself in the face.....Repeatedly
    Ellersiek 5 hours ago

    Our government suks! these 60+ year old, they fight like 3 years old when election comes and idk wtf is wrong with them....... it CANADA (our) government not this DIPSHIT Government
    out2kill1 5 hours ago

    Thanks CBC for letting us know were changing a name. Xxxxxxxx congratulations. You want biscuit?
    bramskits 5 hours ago

    Harpers G20 summit: Check out this movie !!!!!
    TheSecretStore 5 hours ago

    Harper needs to go. I'm going to get out of this country and move to Holland if Canada elects this nutjob again
    jason0998 5 hours ago

    @jason0998 I right there with you. Though Brazil or Iceland are looking like the best options atm.
    nekopheliac 5 hours ago

    Free Bud Oracle! Google / Youtube Bud Oracle
    TheAnonredpill 6 hours ago

    Do a Google search for "I Am (Not Stephen Harper's) Canadian" for a petition opposing the change. Get to signing, people!
    HalflingRogue 6 hours ago

    What are we paying over a billion dollars for the CBC ?
    imN0Ttheone 6 hours ago

    wtf is the harper government?
    SolidGoldKalashnikov 6 hours ago

    This is no big deal.
    kristopheraugust 6 hours ago

    I hope this is a joke! Like WTF !!!
    jokezz8s 7 hours ago

    Is it just me, or does Terry Milewski's moustache transcend time?
    eddiejohndexterable 7 hours ago

    WAIT, im american, why did this come up on my youtube homepage?
    xyzguy123 7 hours ago

    wait is this seriously happening?? ughh that's just.. it's just so.. stupid!
    pixiestixqween 7 hours ago

    1:16 "Something that is going to ignite people from coast to coast in a fury of rage..."

    Well since he's ask for it so nicely... @pmharper and @stockwell_day, folks.

    Or we could always try and hit them with the Canadian equivalent of 4chan.
    HalflingRogue 7 hours ago

    @HalflingRogue Or if Twitter's not your thing, I heard good old fashioned haetmail still works pretty reliably these days.
    HalflingRogue 7 hours ago

    This isn't North Korea!
    chaiteaification 7 hours ago
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    NoNiceNamesLeft 7 hours ago
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    NoNiceNamesLeft 7 hours ago

    ''we'd like to see if anyone outside ottawa ... CARES!''

    I dont think so... but im sure that i dont!
    fawdemers 8 hours ago
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    Sklarman 8 hours ago

    First he uses MY tax money to pay for those moronic campaign commercials, now this? It will be a sad day for Canada if we elect him again...
    summzzxoxo 8 hours ago 18

    @summzzxoxo I doubt the little bit of tax money you pay working at Tim Hortons makes much difference .
    imN0Ttheone 6 hours ago

    @imN0Ttheone troll
    jehovahwest 6 hours ago

    @jehovahwest loser
    imN0Ttheone 4 hours ago

    What a bunch of ego-maniacal jerks. When will Canadians wake up and boot these arrogant bums? Harper, Stockwell Day, Jason Kenny, Bev Oda...ten times worse than any Liberal government in history and the Liberals were rotten. Boy, is it time for a REAL change!
    Sklarman 8 hours ago

    Next up: Harper interviews Charlie Sheen on The Onion News Network......
    IRONBULL777 8 hours ago

    I think I'm gonna call it "the Harper regime" from now on.

    Harper regime!
    Dakkon774 9 hours ago 4

    Give the Harper government some credit. All of the young earth creationists in the cabinet and the PMO are the best affirmative action program the developmentally challenged have ever had.
    CommieCowboy 9 hours ago

    Is.... is this a real thing? I honestly can't tell. What kind of jackass honestly do this? Seriously, the Onion has to have paid him off to do this.
    TylerNerd17 9 hours ago 3

    @TylerNerd17 I thought this was The Onion too... wished it was...
    weggles 9 hours ago

    @weggles once again proving truth is stranger than fiction.
    doc7474 7 hours ago

    Stockwell Day, the press in a free country has every right and a DUTY to demand a response for such alarmingly and unprecedented regime-style behaviour. Stop wagging your finger in feigned outrage as if you shouldn't be held to account. The arrogance in the face of Canadian taxpayer's questions is terrifying.

    MrTrueCanuck 9 hours ago

    Government of Harper, by Harper, for Harper. Canada, the joke is on you.
    2bazar 9 hours ago 2

    The lunatic is out of control. Seriously out of control.
    MrTrueCanuck 9 hours ago 5

    it's same thing, harper's government, toronto mayor rob ford called his city ford nation. all dictators are alike.
    wergrethe 9 hours ago 2

    I'm a citizen of Canada, not harper land, it seems I no longer have a government.
    sender999 9 hours ago 5

    Typically I wouldn't have a problem with a self title government but it's going to far when it's on official documents. Also the bigger issue is that Canada is a by the book liberal country and Harper certainly isn't helping to maintain that.
    BeansInABottle 9 hours ago

    I think everyone will agree that we would all like to vote for anyone but the conservative government but no one in Canada will vote for Ignatief as long as the Liberals have him as their leader they will never win an election in this country even against the worst damn government this country has had in 20 years.
    gyice 10 hours ago

    @gyice i'm so sad that I have to agree with you. Iggy is like a vampire with bad style. What are the Liberals thinking? Are they in coalition with the cons?? Is Iggy a deliberately placed robot to assure the Liberals lose???
    liennto 7 hours ago

    I think the government of canada should spend more time on taking care of the seniors and making sure they get quality of care for all that they have given to this country to pave the way for the present generation, some fought in the wars some were nurses in the wars they worked in coal mines and factories among other things and the government cannot afford to pay healthcare workers to give them the time for care they deserve in long term care facilities.

    Anerisr 10 hours ago

    b2bie 10 hours ago

    That's how 'Steven Canada' rolls.

    Harper Government

    Harper Armed Forces

    Harper Post

    Revenue Harper

    Royal Harper Mounted Police

    Vote ABC - Anything But Conservative
    terracethornhill 11 hours ago

    Anyone remeber when the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA used to just care about itès people and didnèt have to brand its self when they perodically did something that benefited the population?
    elwood2202 11 hours ago

    @elwood2202 I believe that was in a time before the 'Neo-Conservative Party' took power.
    terracethornhill 10 hours ago

    The Ontario government has been calling itself the McGuinty Government for some time. I did a search for "mcguinty government" on the website and it gave me 26,391 hits, of which 8,220 were news releases. I think the personalization of politics is indeed unfortunate. Funny, though, that the CBC only seems to notice when the "offender" is of a conservative stripe.
    comfyfur 11 hours ago 3

    @comfyfur Youre missing the point. Every government has been called, casually by the press and even ministers, by the name of the current leader. But this is the first time the name has been officially appointed by the leader himself. Big difference. Youre numbers there mean nothing.
    liennto 7 hours ago

    People calling a Ford nation in t.o, now this crap, what is going on?
    riverofgore 11 hours ago

    Ummmm wft?!
    riverofgore 11 hours ago

    @terracethornhill Hahaha, yeah. I feel embarrassed to be Canadian at this point...
    Arenicolous 11 hours ago

    Harper mein Fuhrer!
    combatkirbyh 11 hours ago

    This Is Propaganda this goverment is as crooked as the rest of the govrerments and media has no ethics they just turn a blind eye this man should be in prison

    Msnomoreexcuses 12 hours ago

    I find this move by PMHarper to be both a personal insult and a theft from the Canadian people.. if you think so to, sign the "I Am (Not Stephen Harper's) Canadian" petition at gopetition[DOT]com/petition/43­549.html
    mediamentor 12 hours ago

    Nice admission of illegitimacy Harper. Could you find any more ways you could tell Canadians that you don't deserve the PMO?

    Hey, why not call the 'Speech from the Throne' "The Speech From Harper's Throne"?

    Or how about calling the 'House of Commons' 'Harper's House Of Commons'.

    Oh I know, why not replace the maple leaf on our flag with a smiling picture of Steven Harper?

    Will somebody please vote that douchebag out of office?
    terracethornhill 12 hours ago

    @terracethornhill Voting this clown out of office is not enough, politics is a revolving door and the next idiot to walk in has the same agenda as the last person. Governments = FAIL Just look at the word if you remove the letter t and the end.

    Govern Men - To rule over man kind
    D33Lux 11 hours ago

    @D33Lux There was a time when Canada stood for "peace, order and GOOD government". Harper stands for none of these. That doesn't mean I have given up on our system of government entirely. I just want better leadership.
    terracethornhill 10 hours ago

    Referencing the "Harper government" has been used colloquially in the media since his election and has been used for Other PM's but there is an extreme difference between using this phrase in passing versus changing the name of the government. This doesnt make Harper a dictator or a Nazi ... he has done some good things during his time in power .. but he must never forget that he is our elected representative! this is our government not his
    Blondiexo8ox 12 hours ago

    @Blondiexo8ox this is not our government if we don't make it our gov't. i think we need to listen to the bangles a bit and walk like the Egyptians. Time for change.
    glorywr 6 hours ago

    Heil Harper!!!!!!!!!
    Rawwwdoggg 13 hours ago

    This is a joke right ?

    Michael La Prairie
    InTownRealty 13 hours ago

    Oh Harper-Ville our home and native land
    great769 13 hours ago

    Since bacon Harper is the only interesting coming out of Canada too bad he has turned into a third world dictator, I wonder what Mother America thinks about this will we have to help our neighbour to get rid off Mr Harper or will Canucks be marching down the streets asking for the ousting of Steven Harper and his government
    MrFuhrer2009 14 hours ago

    @MrFuhrer2009 Harper is a tool in a lot of ways but I don't anyone but far lefties would want to oust him. As bad as he is, the other parties are absolutely ridiculous right now.
    brokenbrainz1 13 hours ago

    @MrFuhrer2009 Harper is going to be running the country for a while since the the liberals still can't find a leader and Jack Layton is unelectable
    imN0Ttheone 13 hours ago

    Is this from the Onion?
    shanghaitheory 14 hours ago

    I don't live in Harper, so I should ignore anything coming from the Harper Government, no?
    stefanynina 14 hours ago

    bill S-10 will make Canada a police state at a cost of billions of tax dollars a year.

    Stop Harper before it is too late.
    Abagfullofwhat 15 hours ago 3

    Harper is the best prime minister we have had in at lest 40 years . Why are we still paying over a billion dollars for this third rate government TV network ?
    imN0Ttheone 15 hours ago

    What's the big deal?? Liberal PM Martin and Chretien before him did the same thing. THAT'S what I hate about the CBC...they don't mention ALL the facts.
    fanofmusic199 15 hours ago

    @fanofmusic199 ...are you kidding?

    "“It is one thing for journalists or even the public to use the more partisan ‘Harper government,’ but it is another thing for the state to equate the Government of Canada with the leader of the governing party.” Chretien and Martin did NOT do the same thing. you can look at archives on the federal website.
    talluchan 15 hours ago

    @fanofmusic199 its a very big deal, and you are mistaken about the differences of how Martin and Chretien used the term (unofficially). You 'hate' the CBC eh? Guess you'd rather a FOX style entertainment news channel that mentions no facts at all?
    liennto 15 hours ago

    @glowww333 You are either trolling or a fool. Google harper government canada. You will find accounts of this from multiple news sources.
    prolepessa 16 hours ago

    It's the Queen's government. Always has been. You only have asmuch of a democracy as she allows.
    chatter101010 16 hours ago

    Mr. Harper

    VA CHIER !!!

    bigboss025 16 hours ago

    are you Xxxxxxxx kidding me?
    teskio 16 hours ago


    westwoodea 16 hours ago

    glowww333 16 hours ago

    Is it just me or does Canada seem to have fallen even lower then China? We extradite people.. Our so called leader shut down parliament to save his job and another time to prevent an inquiry about Afghanistan... He's planning on spending billions of dollars on prisons because we are at a 30 year crime low... 1 of 6 cops in my city make over 100,000...

    God were Xxxxxx with this dipshit
    420Pug 17 hours ago 35

    @420Pug the worst part is... according to alot of the kids I've talked to (high school)... they all either don't care and vote for him or they love him for some weird un-informed reason or another. It scares me to no end
    fuckqnamenotavail 16 hours ago 2

    @420Pug I guess this explains why the gun registry was kept. Someday in the future when the economic cloud has cleared and the remaining hordes of homeless & jobless on the street will be scratching their heads wondering what happened. Many of them will want answers and the last thing a government & police force wants is millions of armed and angry people
    D33Lux 11 hours ago

    @420Pug And if the polls are right, he's going to get a majority. I swear that I am an iota away for crying, puking or both.
    Digimer 7 hours ago

    @420Pug Well, it's the system dude. Fallen lower than China? Hate to say it, but the Chinese never inherited our Western work ethic. That's why they're winning. I'm glad you know enough about the county to point out our move towards a more privatized prison system. I'm glad you know enough about police officer payrolls. At the same time, we all need to realize that the system we inherited is the system that will persist, and we have to ask whatever God we choose to let us inherit the future
    TheThebuffs2010 6 hours ago

    @420Pug Yes it's just you
    imN0Ttheone 6 hours ago

    A new party in the centre is necessary and check out facebook under "Centrist Party of Canada" there and see why a new party which is based off the old Progressive Conservative party of Canada is needed. We need true and moderate change to make sure voter intention increases, democracy improves and finally to ensure all parties work together.
    melissa4444444 17 hours ago

    I think Canada will continue to get worse unless we have a new party in the centre and the only way that can happen is if responsible Canadians create a party which can be created to keep Canadian values and not become more and more into a state of the United States. We need a moderate conservative and progressive conservative party and not a party that is neoconservative like Harper's party. That is what needs to be created and we need to reject Harper's vision.
    melissa4444444 17 hours ago
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    melissa4444444 18 hours ago
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    melissa4444444 18 hours ago

    Stop trying to turn us into the United States Xxxxxxx!
    KenElizabethFilms 18 hours ago
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    melissa4444444 18 hours ago
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    melissa4444444 18 hours ago

    LegoHog4001 18 hours ago

    Harper is a dictator. All he's missing now is the bad haircut and cheesy military "uniform". The SOB needs OUSTED before he can do even MORE damage to the country!
    leslea001 18 hours ago

    madfishmonger 19 hours ago

    I'm sorry -- I don't entirely understand this, I"m from the us, so it doesn't make sense to me; but it's intresting? - from a symantics point, I have to say I don't like it for 2 reasons 1, because it appears it errode the people of candians ownership of their own gov - and 2, it sets a presidence for others to continue to do so afterward --- would some one please fill me in, on this? Could e totally wrong
    MrFinnbar5000 19 hours ago

    It makes no difference to whom the electorate give their 'votes'.

    There is no effective difference between the three parties, all are predominantly Roman.

    The Courts, ditto.

    Just as in the US today.

    Supreme Court 6-3 RCC

    Majority on Presidential Cabinets since the late 50's...RCC

    Majority voting block across both 'sides' of the aisle on Capital Hill (the real meaning of 'bi-partisan')...the RCC.


    abbesieyes 20 hours ago

    @abbesieyes Good luck trying to get that through the deranged skulls of the indoctrinated stupid voters. They get all happy when a new clown gets elected, running to them like a dog to its master.
    D33Lux 11 hours ago

    WTF indeed.
    neobattle2 20 hours ago

    Not only do most Canadians not care about this, but they will also most likely give Conservatives a majority in the next few years which will then last for more than 4 years after that. Sit tight, everyone, you are in for a long ride.
    Xvoid6f 21 hours ago

    Stockwell Day...betting on the apathy of Canadians. Fair bet.
    abbesieyes 21 hours ago

    Hmmm...they brand cattle, don't they?
    abbesieyes 21 hours ago

    So King Stevie is as crazy as Qaddafi. He's decided that the Government of Canada no longer exists. It's The Harper Government.

    I did a quick search on the Government of Canada website for "harper government" and found 340 occurrences. Stevie and his cronies have become more brazen over the years in the use of the term as the following numbers indicate.

    2011 (128)

    2010 (60)

    2009 (44)

    2008 (9)

    2007 (1)

    2002 (3)

    But what else can we expect from these bottom feeders.
    donwhite1943 21 hours ago

    typo *de Lafayette'.
    abbesieyes 21 hours ago

    Well, thats what you get for allowing Rome to control Ottawa. Funny how the Red Flag of the Borgia Jesuit keeps popping up in different forms.

    Welcome to the nascent Reich, not two generations after thousands of Canadians of all religions died across Europe to prevent the last Papal Reich.

    Now you know why a Norman mayor of Montreal did not want Norman youth to go to war in WWII. WWII, a latin construct...just as de Lafeyette had noted long before.
    abbesieyes 22 hours ago

    49 people like this video? Are you kidding? This man is an egotistical freak who will be out of office soon! Wake up Canada! Do we need a dictator in this country?! Is that what it will take for all the sheeple to wake up?
    earthdance11 22 hours ago 2

    I am in the process of emailing Steven Harper. I have noted that the website has now reverted back to the proper wording.
    lewisdrums1978 23 hours ago

    You could tell them yourself.

    Steve is at:

    Doris is at:

    doktorcompton 1 day ago

    semysane 1 day ago 2

    Im feeling very Egyptian right now.
    MrBillHuggins 1 day ago 2 / img62 / 6603 / harpergestureup.jpg
    TheMusicalGiant 1 day ago

    This is unprecedented this is madness. Who the hell does this man think he is. Right now it seems like he's Xxxxxxxx Hitler. This isn't a dictatorship it's a Xxxxxxxx democracy, it's the Government of Xxxxxxxx CANADA. God I hate these conservative bastards
    LandofKaitland 1 day ago

    this is Xxxxxx. but guess what. canadians are officially dead in their souls when it comes to doing anything about it. hope i'm proved wrong. lets hope this DOES ignite fury and rage like that fuckin dweeb stocky day sneered about.
    liennto 1 day ago


    If Canadians Protested/Rioted, than Harper & ALL POLITICIANS, CEO's & the Oligarchy WOULD DO EVERYTHING Canadians WANTED.

    Egyptians Rose Up and Overthrow Dictator Hosni (Israel's & USAs Puppet Dictator), but the Canadians & Americans can't make their Corrupt Government & Corrupt System to do anything positive and can't make Harper/Obama/Congress/Parliame­nt do ANYTHING. Sleeping Americans & Canadians, TOO COMFORTABLE WATCHING CELEBRITIES, INTERNET, MEDIA & GOV LIES.
    halcyon0830 1 day ago 5


    Harper is a Bush-Clone

    Obama is a Bush-Clone

    Neocon Democrats = Neocon Republicans

    Neocon Conservatives = Neocon Liberals



    All of them love spreading Deception, Lies, Propaganda and the Media is in their backpockets.

    The American & Canadian System are BOTH CORRUPT. We need a new electoral system, public should have MORE POWER than politicians.
    halcyon0830 1 day ago 3

    The corrupt farce that is our parliament holds no bounds for the

    fools we over pay to represent us. We have become a nation of

    mall shopping, Mc food eating, drugged up, tv watching, Xxxxxxxx

    complacent morons. Lets hope we change soon because in

    the collective big picture we have had the wool pulled over the

    sheeples eyes for far to long.
    pauliewaulieflimflam 1 day ago

    ALL of those clowns in Parliament DO NOT represent any true form of freedom.

    They do not represent you or I.

    Sickening to hear MP's of all parties bicker, yell and hackle each other on a regular

    "working day" basis. They are ALL representatives of Fascism and most of those drones are not even aware of it. FOOLS!

    Shame on them!
    stangeriam 1 day ago

    I'm Outrage! Harper really is arrogant on this one. I now place him next to Gaddafi as a Total Kook.
    Karmaceutical420 1 day ago

    OMG... really, yes, WTF... "this is something you would expect in North Korea"... YEAH... what the hell is going on, this feels like the lead up to the establishment of the 4th Reich... I have no MAJOR beef with Harper, he can govern as he was elected to do, but he has a MINORITY government, and this is just crazy business... WAY PAST THE LINE, IT IS TIME TO MOBILIZE
    MrMosjef 1 day ago

    @MrMosjef When I read the 4th Reich part I almost woke up everyone in my house.
    LandofKaitland 1 day ago


    With what rocks and sticks? I'm not against you, but the G20 was a prime example that those that walk among us, paid with our tax dollars hired to protect us turned their batons, tear gas & rubber bullets on us! Unless anyone is ready to die for what they believe in all they are doing is inciting revolt & that's treason, which mean's you're going to prison. In Libya hundreds have shed their blood, who among us is the first? Scary stuff!
    D33Lux 11 hours ago

    OMG... really, yes, WTF... "this is something you would expect in North Korea"... YEAH... what the hell is going on, this feels like the lead up to the establishment of the 4th Reich... I have no MAJOR beef with Harper, he can govern as he was elected to do, but he has a MINORITY government, and this is just crazy business...
    MrMosjef 1 day ago

    Whiskey tango foxtrot.
    IanRed 1 day ago

    Hey HARPER ┌П┐(◉_◉)┌П┐ Have Nice Day!
    TheSecretStore 1 day ago 36

    Is this for real? Oh how Harper must idolize America, the Bush Admin. - Obama Admin. Why the hell doesn't he just move there already? For Christ's sake!
    glassbrain 1 day ago

    oh. we care. what a good week for "the harper government" way to get back to work in style...
    Lm088 1 day ago

    Canadian Parliament holds the world record for being the longest running gag in the history of the world.
    KitxCoffee 1 day ago
    Comment removed
    3510211 1 day ago

    Harper Has Got To Go- Big Time!!!!
    NAUresistance 1 day ago

    Check out the Alex Jones commentary too. They tried to do a bill to allow the NEWS to LIE outright to us also. We the sheeple have to finally turn into a bunch of Stallions ready to fight the losers who are no longer needed to "govern" us. Why do we even let them do it?
    TheGrinningEmpress 1 day ago

    what the XXXX is going on in canada! and when are canadians going to wake the XXXX up???
    stroneify 1 day ago 2

    Wow ,, Wow ,, Holy Fucken WoW !!

    government of the Harper , for the Harper , by the Harper .. Not The People !!
    oicub2 1 day ago

    I really dislike Mr.Harper...he's a douche 
    burden2thecrown 1 day ago

    “We'll have to see if anyone outside Ottawa cares.”

    I think that's pretty obvious. It's time to do something electoral to that man's ego.

    Vote Pirate!
    AlienCollective 1 day ago

    CBC better not be turning into the Harper Network just like CTV has.
    halcyon0830 1 day ago

    I hope this makes the Pirate Party get more votes!!!!!!!!
    Davisx3m 1 day ago

    Please tell me this is a joke.......
    missheather16 1 day ago

    We need to vote this man out of office, he is verging on despotic behaviour and has already displayed these tendencies in past actions but now it is just too obvious. Don't whine people just get to the polls come next election.
    tommytoxic54 1 day ago

    It goes beyond just anger at the idea of Harper changing the name because its Harper. Canada is a constitutional monarch. We have a Queen. You may have heard of her, Queen Elizabeth II. She has been the Queen since before Harper have even conceived by his parents. Our government must therefore be referred to under the reigning monarch - "Government of Canada" or "Her Majesty's Government." You cannot follow a republic's "(President's Name) Administration" format because we are not a republic.
    BradBrisco 1 day ago 4

    The Unmitigated Audacity of this video aside... Can anybody explain why Youtube shows 305 views, yet somehow over 1500 shares on Facebook?
    billylowground 1 day ago

    @billylowground For some reason, YouTube glitches sometimes at around 300 when the counter gets railed by an early surge of views. It's become commonplace enough.
    Niix 1 day ago

    Government of Germany


    Hitler's Government

    Government of Canada


    ZioNazi Harper's Government
    halcyon0830 1 day ago 2




    halcyon0830 1 day ago

    THat's it election time, I'm sorry I voted for these poeple!
    downloadscc 1 day ago

    good luck to all you harpainians
    username0u812ic 1 day ago

    sorry- is this a joke?
    rilanilan 1 day ago

    Can you say megalomania?!! This is one month early for April Fools, otherwise it would have been appropriate as laughable.  Instead, scary and completely inappropriate.
    davepinel 1 day ago

    There is an alternative here. "The Freedom Party" Canada.
    RebelRadius 1 day ago

    I CARE!! (But then again, I'm a member of the Toronto elite).I fear Canadian apathy will be rewarded with the Conservative majority it deserves.
    acheekychick 1 day ago

    Good... then it is all Harper's debt (not ours) and since there is no Gov't of Canada, I guess we don't have to pay taxes anymore. What a freak. If his head gets any bigger it's going to explode.
    cindirobinson 1 day ago 2

    This just makes me wonder if this is the distraction of the week to keep us busy while he's up to something more sinister.
    MrXstacey 1 day ago
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    SelfishGene99 1 day ago

    Stephen Harper's arrogance knows no bounds. So many countries are trying to rid themselves of dictators. We let ours rename our government in his glory. WAKE UP CANADA - we are losing our country
    SelfishGene99 1 day ago 2

    Harper =treason
    matsutakneatche 1 day ago

    no wonder his wife left him.
    shawandking 1 day ago

    People should be pissed, the stupid sheeple sit around and laugh when this news is mentioned.

    Any body planning on sending their income tax in Next month ?

    WasagaBeachOntario 1 day ago

    F.U. Stockwell !!!!
    markymark7717 1 day ago

    Yes, I'm outside Ottawa and you're damn right I care!
    brochango 1 day ago

    that's it? 11 comments? This is why Supreme Leader Harper gets his way over all issues big or small. We just dont care what he does with this country
    recycledt 1 day ago

    How is that legal? Does that not count as tax payer money contributing to party advertising? I was pretty sure that wasn't allowed at all. This makes me sick, it makes me feel like my tax dollars are being used to fund their advertising.
    jonohaz 1 day ago

    Next election will be the 1st time I wont be voting conservative.....but I won't be voting Liberal thats for sure, NDP...not a chance....time for a new party that is run by the people , not corporate elites & international bankers. This is just an idiotic, no brainer, media distraction to draw attention away from issues the government wants to keep under the radar....its a smoke screen people.....keep both eyes on the people in power.
    markymark7717 1 day ago

    @markymark7717 Vote for FREEDOM - The Freedom Party of Canada
    RebelRadius 1 day ago

    @RebelRadius or vote for someone real so the conservatives don't get into power again! don't waste your vote
    Datavus 1 day ago

    @Datavus You expect integrity from politicians yet you are not prepared to use integrity when you vote.
    RebelRadius 1 day ago

    Come out and rally with us tomorrow for a full public inquiry into "Harper's G20"

    search facebook group " Calling for a Full Public Inquiry into G20"
    TheSecretStore 1 day ago 15

    so i guess he's staying 4 a while !?! LoL o.0
    bucolic1 1 day ago

    April Fools! no wait thats next month...
    MattTrecartin 1 day ago

    TheSecretStore 1 day ago 44

    @TheSecretStore Is this for real man???? Seriously, JFK gets assisinated for warning us of all of this, but Harper lives? What?!??! Wheres all the Lee Harvey Oswalds??!!?!?!?!? Looks to me, that only when the international conglomerates of the elite are threatened, do leaders get assisinated or toppled!!! And im supposed to believe the rubbish!!! Its kind of hard with XXXX like this!!!! This country needs a revolution!!!!!!!!!!FOR CANADA!!!!!!

    VIVA LE CANADA!~!!!!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!!
    mattmatt115 1 day ago

    This is not a Joke?

    How do I show my rage?
    nojegr 1 day ago 4
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    nojegr 1 day ago

    Like the cop said during G20, "This ain't Canada anymore".

    Iseeyoursoul 1 day ago 5

    WTF? O.O!?
    x0xkasumix0x 1 day ago

    digitalSensei 1 day ago 21

    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updated list of the peoples voice from youtube)

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'  Empty I hear Ya...

    Post  Mercuriel Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:48 am

    Yeah and how about this Shizzle for Gaul. Man this Government HAS to go and go NOW...


    Harper is a Dictator - The Afghan Detainee Fiasco - Peroguing Parliament twice - Minister Oda Lies and has been caught in It. Other Harper Ministers are being investigated for wrongdoing or outright Cheating. He goes to Obama and Calderon and sells all of Us Canadians down the Road with His Economic Action Plan telling Us its for Our benefit when all it ever was is "Problem - Reaction - Solution" and one They've planned for all along. Govt. Ministers have had to be let go due to wrongdoing and then this flippin' Gem comes out...

    Canada's former public sector integrity commissioner is walking away with more than half a million dollars in salary and benefits, newly released documents show.

    Christiane Ouimet, who quit last fall in the middle of an audit of her office by Auditor General Sheila Fraser, is getting a package worth 25 months salary, plus benefits and whatever remaining holiday time she had.

    Ouimet's Oct. 14, 2010, departure agreement shows she got a separation allowance of $354,000, equal to 18 months salary, $53,100 in foregone benefits, pension and other claims, and another 28 weeks of salary, worth $127,000, plus her remaining vacation leave.

    That works out to about $534,100.

    The disclosure put Ouimet under fire once again, a week before she's due to appear at a House of Commons committee to explain why she investigated only a handful of the 228 complaints she received over her three years in office.

    Opposition MPs took aim at the severance package during Friday's Question Period.

    Bloc Québécois MP Richard Nadeau demanded the government release the terms of Ouimet's agreement, while Liberal MP Navdeep Bains alleged Prime Minister Stephen Harper had been telling Ouimet what to do.

    "Can the prime minister confirm that he paid Ms. Ouimet hush money to cover up the fact her office was used to bury complaints from public servants?" Bains asked.

    Conservative MP Andrew Saxton pointed out the leaders of the opposition parties all approved Ouimet's appointment.

    "The government sought and followed legal advice as to the terms of her resignation based on her years of service," Saxton said, adding Ouimet's scheduled March 10 committee appearance is the best place to ask the questions.

    Saxton says the interim commissioner is going to start a third-party review of Ouimet.

    Liberal MP David McGuinty said the severance package is disgraceful.

    "No working Canadian making $45,000 a year can possibly understand how Mme. Ouimet left her employ with a half a million dollars in her pocket," he said.

    This is the limit. They payed Her to keep quiet and WHAT I ask You - Is She supposed to keep quiet about ? Don't We all have a right to know what is done in Our Name(s) ?

    Simply put though - We all know what Its over and Its double-dealing or acting Inappropriately at any rate.

    Now let Me ask this and leave it at that.

    If You're running a Company and over time You have a couple of Bad Apples - Thats OK and to be expected - But to have nothing but Bad Apples and being caught in wrongdoing continuously - Well then Its the CEO of the Company Who is the real force behind the Baddies and in this case Its Harper...

    Another NWO Supporter and a Govt. that We can do without...

    You no longer resonate with Us Harper Govt. and We seek You gone from Our Reality. Think It fellow Canadians - Think It and We will have It....



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'  Empty Look at this noise...Gov't of Cda. Renamed Harper Government

    Post  Jenetta Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:05 am

    I and many others have been aching to get this "bleep-bippity-bleep" out of office for quite awhile...he's a NWO arrogant monster and a traitor to our nation besides selling out Canada to foreign interests. Harper government indeed! Look at this noise! ... The Govt of Canada now renamed 'Harper Government'  871182 Write your letters to the editor people bombard every newspaper across Canada!!
    Vincit Omnia Veritas

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 4:58 pm