Take Back Canada From The Harper Regime!
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/UCQ8osedpJs?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/UCQ8osedpJs?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Derek, a fellow moderator of the Occupy Canada facebook community page was unlawfully arrested on 5 trumped up charges back on May 5@ The Occupy Parliament Rally in Ottawa. Great news all trumped up charges were recently withdrawn and dism
issed by the courts. The video can be viewed here http://bit.ly/Q6ozE2
A group of active Canadians blocked Stephen Harper's sussex street not far from Parliament Hill that day, they peacefully protested against election fraud among other issues, Derek who organized the bus to Ottawa was singled out while speaking, detained and arrested. Harper's government has not only blocked evidence from being submitted into election fraud court cases, they have recently been trying to block the Auditor General from doing is job. So yes Canadians blocked Stephen Harper's street and for good reason! It's Take Back Canada From The Harper Regime! Here's the latest video.
All References/sources mentioned in the video included are attached below.
Kevin Page, Budget Watchdog, Accuses Harper Government Of Breaking Law With Budget Secrecy on $5.2 billion in cuts. http://huff.to/L97gVU
The Harper regime is taking Canada's auditor general to court to stop him from revealing documents on the F-35 contracts, they're seeking a court injunction to gag the auditor general. It is likely the first time this has happened in Canada.
Harper Government lied to Canadians on F-35 $25 billion costs - Auditor General
Harper regine has lost it's moral authority to govern.
“When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is frankly when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern.” -Stephen Harper -Globe and Mail
source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/mr-harper-dissent-is-vital-to-democracy/article552157/
Canada's largest public sector union is accusing the RCMP of trampling on free speech in grounding a plane carrying an anti-Harper banner
Parks Canada staff banned from criticizing Harper Government
Workers told they have 'duty' to support Harper government
Stephen Harper Hates Human Rights
June 26th 2010 -Harper's Toronto G20 Summit, Lest we forget. "For the citizens of Toronto, the days up to and including the weekend of the G20 will live in infamy as a time period where martial law set in the City of Toronto leading to the most massive compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history. And we can never let that happen again." -Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin.
Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2010/12/07/ombudsman-g20-security-rule-report856.html
Stephen Harper won't be doing anything special to mark the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Harper government violating Constitution: prof
The Harper regime has cancelled federal environmental assessments of nearly 600 projects in Ontario http://bit.ly/ST8DdI
Harper Government labels environmentalists "terrorist threat" in new report
Canadian scientists continue to be muzzled by Harper government
Doctors, scientists take to the streets as Canada's protests go professional
Doctors interrupt Conservative cabinet ministers to protest cuts to refugee health benefits http://bit.ly/Ns5MSO
Scientists. Doctors. Nuclear engineers. Academics. Researchers. Stephen Harper has a big problem. He has ticked them all off. And they are not suffering their grievances or concerns for informed, fact-based public policy and decision-making, the environment, the health of Canada’s most vulnerable citizens and the safety of all of us in silence. No. Instead they are protesting, marching, disrupting government news conferences. They are mobilizing.
Harper government intends to spend $1 billion on armed drones for Canadian military The Conservative government approved last month the issuing of a request to aerospace firms to provide details about the types of drones now available. Companies have until Sept. 28 to provide the information.
In its request to the industry, the government pointed out the need for the unmanned aircraft to operate in the Arctic. The aircraft should also be able to carry precision-guided munitions, the government said.
Mercenry contractors Blackwater trained Canadian troops without permission, Canadian troops and police were trained for two years by the international security contractor formerly known as Blackwater without the permission of the U.S. State Department.
The revelation is contained in U.S. federal court records, unsealed in North Carolina as part of a $7.5 million settlement of criminal charges against the company now called Academi LLC.
The Harper government has had a standing contract with the company since 2008.
It's paid millions of dollars going back to 2006 for the specialized training, given to special forces troops and some police officers.
U.S/Canada Border deal coming with $1 billion price tag
The issue is contentious because some critics argue it poses a threat to Canadian sovereignty.
It will cost close to $30 billion to buy and maintain 65 F-35 fighter jets according to Parliament's budget watchdog — billions more than estimates given by the Conservative government.
Omnibus crime bill could cost $19 billion, study says
source: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Omnibus+crime+bill+could+cost+billion+study+says/5835185/story.html#ixzz1groMWFx2
Harper To Spend $9 Billion For New Super Jails
source: http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/news/national/article/88681--conservatives-to-spend-9-billion-for-new-jails-implement-criminal-code-changes-targeting-gangs
Under the guise of the omnibus budget bill the harper government allows the CIA and the FBI to come across the border and arrest Canadians on Canadian soil
Correction officers protest in Stephen Harper's Calgary riding
Is Canada headed towards privatized prisons?
"Registered with the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada as registrant 779026-278825-2 is the THE GEO Group Inc, One Park Place Suite 700, Boca Raton, FL GEO is also listed as the client of The Parliamentary Group, a registered lobbying organization which lists former Reform Party MP Deb Grey as a partner. Grey was the Reform’s first election member of parliament whose legislative assistant is now Prime Minister Stephen Harper."
Prison Privatization: Canada Mulls Contracting Services To Companies Lobbying For Correctional Work. U.S. private prison corporation GEO is lobbying to enter Canada -- and the harper gov't is considering allowing them. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/07/13/prison-privatization-canada_n_1670755.html
Harper Government broke the law when dismantling Wheat Board: Federal Court
Harper government ready to unveil plan to ease trade of GMO'S in Canada
Harper government Cuts to food-safety inspection force will impact food quality in Canada: union
The Harper government hijacked our Canadian Election through robocalls Election fraud, they cut Elections Canada investigative budget by $7.5 million dollars during an ongoing investigation into election fraud, they also tried to block evidence from being submitted in ongoing court cases, and demanded $250,00 upfront to proceed. The head of elections Canada resigned after the allegations broke, they put their puppet bureaucrat in and now what is he doing? declining to hand over new evidence in ongoing court cases of suspected election fraud because of "public interest"
Now the harper conservatives are going to benefit off 30 new riding seats which will help them win the next election — it's the largest addition of seats in Canadian history. They hijacked our election and have muzzled elections Canada.
Sources/references below.
Huffington Post: Harper Conquers Canada, One Robocall at a Time.
Election fraud: We should not treat this as some petty misdemeanor. This is a grave threat to our very basic freedom. This is a threat to our democracy. This is corruption. "This isn't a story about "dirty tricks," it's about election fraud. This isn't "voter suppression," it's stealing democracy." http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/jim-harris/robocalls-scandal_b_1305397.html?ref=canada
Elections Canada overhaul: Thirty new seats will help conservatives
GUILTY: Harper government trying to block new evidence in robocalls Election fraud case http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2012/08/03/pol-hamilton-council-canadians-robocalls.html
CBC: Election Fraud Robocalls Lead To The Conservative Party
Court documents conflict with Election Canada's claim of sweeping robocall investigation - Court documents made public show investigators have not sought phone or Internet records for any calls beyond Guelph.http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/08/27/robocalls/
Harper government Refused To Hand Over Call Records to Elections Canada For Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5tkPBysJQY
Robocalls complaints doubled to 1,394, in 234 of Canada's 308 federal ridings court records show http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/robo-call-complaints-doubled-to-1394-court-records-show/article4492630/
Elections Canada confirms over 31,000 complaints in total.
Pierre Poutine Robocalls IP address same as one used by Conservative campaign worker. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/Robocalls+address+same+used+Conservative+candidate+campaign+worker+Elections+Canada+alleges/6567696/story.html#ixzz25FmfLyah
Elections Canada commissioner declines to hand over robocalls investigation data to Federal Court http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/Elections+Canada+commissioner+declines+hand+over+robocalls/7122653/story.html
Harper government cuts Elections Canada budget by $7.5 million a year during an ongoing case into Election Fraud. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Elections+Canada+cuts+look+light+robocall+scandal/6899103/story.html
Elections Canada commissioner William Corbett quits while robocalls investigation still under way, Commissioner of Canada Elections William Corbett has retired and been replaced a former justice department bureaucrat." http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Elections+Canada+commissioner+William+Corbett+quits+surprise+move/6823646/story.html
CBC: Election results challenge in 7 ridings to go ahead in Federal Court- The seven Conservative MPs who won those seats had asked the court to dismiss the case before it went to a full hearing.. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/07/19/pol-council-of-canadians-lawsuit.html
Harper government ask robocalls court challengers for $250K deposit. Council of Canadians backs voters who want 7 conservative MPs' election wins overturned http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/politics/story/2012/08/09/pol-election-challenge-federal-court-conservatives-want-250-thousand-dollars.html
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/UCQ8osedpJs?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/UCQ8osedpJs?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Derek, a fellow moderator of the Occupy Canada facebook community page was unlawfully arrested on 5 trumped up charges back on May 5@ The Occupy Parliament Rally in Ottawa. Great news all trumped up charges were recently withdrawn and dism
issed by the courts. The video can be viewed here http://bit.ly/Q6ozE2
A group of active Canadians blocked Stephen Harper's sussex street not far from Parliament Hill that day, they peacefully protested against election fraud among other issues, Derek who organized the bus to Ottawa was singled out while speaking, detained and arrested. Harper's government has not only blocked evidence from being submitted into election fraud court cases, they have recently been trying to block the Auditor General from doing is job. So yes Canadians blocked Stephen Harper's street and for good reason! It's Take Back Canada From The Harper Regime! Here's the latest video.
All References/sources mentioned in the video included are attached below.
Kevin Page, Budget Watchdog, Accuses Harper Government Of Breaking Law With Budget Secrecy on $5.2 billion in cuts. http://huff.to/L97gVU
The Harper regime is taking Canada's auditor general to court to stop him from revealing documents on the F-35 contracts, they're seeking a court injunction to gag the auditor general. It is likely the first time this has happened in Canada.
Harper Government lied to Canadians on F-35 $25 billion costs - Auditor General
Harper regine has lost it's moral authority to govern.
“When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is frankly when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern.” -Stephen Harper -Globe and Mail
source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/mr-harper-dissent-is-vital-to-democracy/article552157/
Canada's largest public sector union is accusing the RCMP of trampling on free speech in grounding a plane carrying an anti-Harper banner
Parks Canada staff banned from criticizing Harper Government
Workers told they have 'duty' to support Harper government
Stephen Harper Hates Human Rights
June 26th 2010 -Harper's Toronto G20 Summit, Lest we forget. "For the citizens of Toronto, the days up to and including the weekend of the G20 will live in infamy as a time period where martial law set in the City of Toronto leading to the most massive compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history. And we can never let that happen again." -Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin.
Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2010/12/07/ombudsman-g20-security-rule-report856.html
Stephen Harper won't be doing anything special to mark the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Harper government violating Constitution: prof
The Harper regime has cancelled federal environmental assessments of nearly 600 projects in Ontario http://bit.ly/ST8DdI
Harper Government labels environmentalists "terrorist threat" in new report
Canadian scientists continue to be muzzled by Harper government
Doctors, scientists take to the streets as Canada's protests go professional
Doctors interrupt Conservative cabinet ministers to protest cuts to refugee health benefits http://bit.ly/Ns5MSO
Scientists. Doctors. Nuclear engineers. Academics. Researchers. Stephen Harper has a big problem. He has ticked them all off. And they are not suffering their grievances or concerns for informed, fact-based public policy and decision-making, the environment, the health of Canada’s most vulnerable citizens and the safety of all of us in silence. No. Instead they are protesting, marching, disrupting government news conferences. They are mobilizing.
Harper government intends to spend $1 billion on armed drones for Canadian military The Conservative government approved last month the issuing of a request to aerospace firms to provide details about the types of drones now available. Companies have until Sept. 28 to provide the information.
In its request to the industry, the government pointed out the need for the unmanned aircraft to operate in the Arctic. The aircraft should also be able to carry precision-guided munitions, the government said.
Mercenry contractors Blackwater trained Canadian troops without permission, Canadian troops and police were trained for two years by the international security contractor formerly known as Blackwater without the permission of the U.S. State Department.
The revelation is contained in U.S. federal court records, unsealed in North Carolina as part of a $7.5 million settlement of criminal charges against the company now called Academi LLC.
The Harper government has had a standing contract with the company since 2008.
It's paid millions of dollars going back to 2006 for the specialized training, given to special forces troops and some police officers.
U.S/Canada Border deal coming with $1 billion price tag
The issue is contentious because some critics argue it poses a threat to Canadian sovereignty.
It will cost close to $30 billion to buy and maintain 65 F-35 fighter jets according to Parliament's budget watchdog — billions more than estimates given by the Conservative government.
Omnibus crime bill could cost $19 billion, study says
source: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/Omnibus+crime+bill+could+cost+billion+study+says/5835185/story.html#ixzz1groMWFx2
Harper To Spend $9 Billion For New Super Jails
source: http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/news/national/article/88681--conservatives-to-spend-9-billion-for-new-jails-implement-criminal-code-changes-targeting-gangs
Under the guise of the omnibus budget bill the harper government allows the CIA and the FBI to come across the border and arrest Canadians on Canadian soil
Correction officers protest in Stephen Harper's Calgary riding
Is Canada headed towards privatized prisons?
"Registered with the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada as registrant 779026-278825-2 is the THE GEO Group Inc, One Park Place Suite 700, Boca Raton, FL GEO is also listed as the client of The Parliamentary Group, a registered lobbying organization which lists former Reform Party MP Deb Grey as a partner. Grey was the Reform’s first election member of parliament whose legislative assistant is now Prime Minister Stephen Harper."
Prison Privatization: Canada Mulls Contracting Services To Companies Lobbying For Correctional Work. U.S. private prison corporation GEO is lobbying to enter Canada -- and the harper gov't is considering allowing them. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/07/13/prison-privatization-canada_n_1670755.html
Harper Government broke the law when dismantling Wheat Board: Federal Court
Harper government ready to unveil plan to ease trade of GMO'S in Canada
Harper government Cuts to food-safety inspection force will impact food quality in Canada: union
The Harper government hijacked our Canadian Election through robocalls Election fraud, they cut Elections Canada investigative budget by $7.5 million dollars during an ongoing investigation into election fraud, they also tried to block evidence from being submitted in ongoing court cases, and demanded $250,00 upfront to proceed. The head of elections Canada resigned after the allegations broke, they put their puppet bureaucrat in and now what is he doing? declining to hand over new evidence in ongoing court cases of suspected election fraud because of "public interest"
Now the harper conservatives are going to benefit off 30 new riding seats which will help them win the next election — it's the largest addition of seats in Canadian history. They hijacked our election and have muzzled elections Canada.
Sources/references below.
Huffington Post: Harper Conquers Canada, One Robocall at a Time.
Election fraud: We should not treat this as some petty misdemeanor. This is a grave threat to our very basic freedom. This is a threat to our democracy. This is corruption. "This isn't a story about "dirty tricks," it's about election fraud. This isn't "voter suppression," it's stealing democracy." http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/jim-harris/robocalls-scandal_b_1305397.html?ref=canada
Elections Canada overhaul: Thirty new seats will help conservatives
GUILTY: Harper government trying to block new evidence in robocalls Election fraud case http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2012/08/03/pol-hamilton-council-canadians-robocalls.html
CBC: Election Fraud Robocalls Lead To The Conservative Party
Court documents conflict with Election Canada's claim of sweeping robocall investigation - Court documents made public show investigators have not sought phone or Internet records for any calls beyond Guelph.http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/08/27/robocalls/
Harper government Refused To Hand Over Call Records to Elections Canada For Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5tkPBysJQY
Robocalls complaints doubled to 1,394, in 234 of Canada's 308 federal ridings court records show http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/robo-call-complaints-doubled-to-1394-court-records-show/article4492630/
Elections Canada confirms over 31,000 complaints in total.
Pierre Poutine Robocalls IP address same as one used by Conservative campaign worker. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/Robocalls+address+same+used+Conservative+candidate+campaign+worker+Elections+Canada+alleges/6567696/story.html#ixzz25FmfLyah
Elections Canada commissioner declines to hand over robocalls investigation data to Federal Court http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/Elections+Canada+commissioner+declines+hand+over+robocalls/7122653/story.html
Harper government cuts Elections Canada budget by $7.5 million a year during an ongoing case into Election Fraud. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Elections+Canada+cuts+look+light+robocall+scandal/6899103/story.html
Elections Canada commissioner William Corbett quits while robocalls investigation still under way, Commissioner of Canada Elections William Corbett has retired and been replaced a former justice department bureaucrat." http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Elections+Canada+commissioner+William+Corbett+quits+surprise+move/6823646/story.html
CBC: Election results challenge in 7 ridings to go ahead in Federal Court- The seven Conservative MPs who won those seats had asked the court to dismiss the case before it went to a full hearing.. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/07/19/pol-council-of-canadians-lawsuit.html
Harper government ask robocalls court challengers for $250K deposit. Council of Canadians backs voters who want 7 conservative MPs' election wins overturned http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/politics/story/2012/08/09/pol-election-challenge-federal-court-conservatives-want-250-thousand-dollars.html