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    Don't Mess With This 5 year Old Girl


    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2011-01-01
    Location : Australia

    Don't Mess With This 5 year Old Girl Empty Don't Mess With This 5 year Old Girl

    Post  horus Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:25 pm

    You can make a six figure income on YouTube

    Yes, you read the headline right. Six figures.

    Now, the first thing to keep in mind is that your chances of making six figures are probably about as likely as you becoming a movie star. It’s a very small percentage of people who are successful enough to be making that kind of dough from posting videos online, but the fact is that there are some and YouTube is no longer just a cool way to get exposure… it can be a cool way to make a living!

    Taxing this 5 year old would be the downfall of humanity!

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:25 am