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    Remembering who I am


    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:44 am

    This thread is being started by request, as some wished to read the unfolding of my experience.

    It was also in the section for introductions, and anonymity is no longer possible..., being as I am making a spectacle of myself...

    May we all be blessed.

    This journey was inspired by Carol.

    In a moment I shall copy and paste the material that started and has become my new reality -- my ascension as I speak, if I may be so <b>bold.</b>





    HigherLove wrote:
    Carol wrote:I honestly think I'm probably the eldest member on this forum. Yet my avatar is an image of how I view myself within. It's a place where one is ageless. As spiritual beings we are both of these energies intermingled. We take on the expression on one particular sex to understand what life is about from that experience. I remember many, many lives as a male monk and with a little help from ET had full recall of the interlife when I was choosing a female body - and in hysterics laughing because it was so completely opposite from my usual incarnation. All of my planets are in masculine signs yet to actually see me one would never think male (except for one secretary I had who told me I thought like a man). What I found amusing in this life is the attraction I have for some asian and Indian women. I just recall being so surprised and thought, ah hah, this must be residual from past lives. Yet, I also love men and find them just as fascinating. I honestly think that we are androgenous and tend to go with the hormone call... and perhaps a few genetic leanings.

    Having experienced the hormone game on multiple levels I learned how much they can control one's life. Although the life path includes sex, what is even more important is the connection one makes at the heart level which transcends the needs of the physical. These other things (physical needs and desires) can come and go. Yet in the long run what is important is the connection we make at a spiritual level where we can appreciate the totality of each others humaness.

    Your Avatar is fascinating and beautiful, and seems to capture the essence of what you are putting out there.

    I have never attempted past-life regressions (at least not in this life).

    The more I "wake up" the less interested I am in sex. Or is it the other way around. I mean, did I have enough sex that I finally woke up?

    I just spent some time alone, looking after the animals of some friends.

    We had a freak snow storm, and I nearly slid off the edge of a cliff.

    I do not know what stopped me, but I was ready to die, and I remember thinking that I have been a good person, and I was okay with dying.

    It was all in slow motion, of course, so one of my other thoughts (while screaming) was, "Just get it over with".

    My car jumped the small berm that seperated the edge of the road from oblivion.

    I do not know how/why I was able to stop, but when I did, it was immediate.

    I was able to get a ride to my friend's house, but my car is still stuck in the snow (and vandalized).

    Anyhow, the power went out and I had turkeys, chickens, ducks, 10 cats, 3 dogs, a guinea pig and two fish to look after.

    I did not think about sex.

    I thought about companionship.

    The illusion of separation is very powerful.

    I was lost in my loneliness for a time before I remembered my intention to "talk to the trees".

    Actually, I realized the trees had been talking and I was not paying attention.

    It looked like Narnia outiside, and I expected to run into Tumnus at any moment.

    The short of it: Even in their endless patience, the trees are quite upset. They have called out to Gaia, but in unison with other organisms. Their first choice is to look after us, but they are in dire straits.

    And they are still so beautiful.

    After a couple of days of little food, and hyperventilating after gathering fire wood, I sort of left my body for a moment.

    I started to get a bit scared, then remembered that some people deliberately use such techniques to visit other planes.

    I attempted to announce that it was my journey and I picked where I went.

    But that is not how it came down.

    I am not sure where I went, but it was a bit scary for a moment.

    I had been thinking about this site, and feeling badly about jumping in on the other thread -- unfinished business, so to speak.

    Suddenly I was just in the dark, and I heard the words: "You have been found to be in service to others".

    Then I snapped out of it, feeling a little silly.

    The next day I realized I culd not live on the rest of the peanut butter in the cabinet, and that I would have to leave.

    I tried two times, and got the message to stop.

    Suddenly, I got the stong message, "Leave, right now". I walked to the roads that had been cleared, then up to the highway. The very first person to come along offered me a ride to a place where my family could get to me. I was back home in less than one hour.

    I am still processing all of this, along with my experience in the "Judgment room".

    All I know is that I am good to go.

    Wherever that may be...


    Carol wrote:I've been observing you observing us for awhile now and am glad you decided to become a member. You see, you are part of our soul group and we have been waiting for you to join us.

    How do I know this? By your own words, "I am bound by my contract to serve and protect."

    This is my contract and many others here as well. You may be one of the monks from a previous life as they are very tender hearted and sensitive. Each is needed to help ground the energy that is pouring in and you along with OXY are one of the West Cost members. Brook, Lionhawk, JT and others on the East Coast. Linda in Georgia. Mercuriel is in Canada, Mudra, TRANCOSO, Floyd, burgundia in Europe, Anchor and Instigator in Australia, Lawless in France and on it goes. Yesterday I had this insight of how we are providing a different type of energy grid for the planet. A grid that is filled with intention of how things can be (the image of heaven on earth undergoing a solar system transfiguration). Something amazing is happening and we are here now to assist on an energetic level in this transformation. The old paradigm is literally falling apart on multiple levels (earth changes, economic, plant/animal, the sea) and out of it something wonderful will be born.

    We need you and I suspect you need us to work as a global community to help create a nexus, a vision... for the next step.

    I wrote about this to Ken last night as a lot of shared from Nicolai which triggered a new memory/insight of what lies ahead and it is very exciting.

    Perhaps, I may share it if others are interested.

    Just know we want you here with us. Welcome Flowers

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:56 am time for purging pain...gotta let it go and move on through -

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    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:59 am

    HigherLove wrote:
    Carol wrote:I've been observing you observing us for awhile now and am glad you decided to become a member. You see, you are part of our soul group and we have been waiting for you to join us.

    How do I know this? By your own words, "I am bound by my contract to serve and protect."

    This is my contract and many others here as well. You may be one of the monks from a previous life as they are very tender hearted and sensitive. Each is needed to help ground the energy that is pouring in and you along with OXY are one of the West Cost members.

    Just as an aside: I like the monk idea for several reasons:

    1. I have always wanted to join a monestary, because it seems more practical. Well, I like the concept of communal living, in general.

    2. It has been a strange week, and I am just glad that I wasn't Vlad, the Impaler.

    3. I saw brown hoods and robes in the "Judgment Room", when I was told I was found to be in service to others.

    I don't know what is going on, but in the words of the Cowardly Lion, there is just one thing I want you to do: "Talk me out of it".
    HigherLove wrote:I do not know if this is my imagination, wishful thinking or what not, but this thought keeps spinning in my head, re: said Judgment Room.

    I was left with the impression that it is not a one-time deal, and that it was not my first time at that table, or something like it.

    That is, I was left with a feeling that we are sort of "evaluated" at random, periodically, and it sort of gets averaged out.

    If we never know the time of judgment, who is to say it has not already happened?

    Another piece I left out was about being told that I had "made it", or that it was "okay to pass". My feeling was that judgment for me in this lifetime is over, and that I am good to go - I have been given a pass. To where, I have no idea. Again, this could be wishful, egoic thinking, run amok, but it won't stop.

    After nearly ten years in college, stressing over every exam -- I always passed. Back then I pondered this judgment question, and wondered if I would "Pass".

    If I were to believe my own words, it would seem that I am saying judgment is underway, and major decisions are being made. Now.

    Who am I to say this?

    I feel as though I may be a conduit of some sort. Not special. Just is. I feel pressure inside as if someone wishes to speak but cannot.

    It's really uncomfortable.


    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:04 am

    Just messin' around with puzzle pieces...

    I downloaded this a while back, and did not give it another look, until tonight/this morning -

    These are the colors, alright.

    -no visible faces
    -telepathic communication (or I just did not see lips that were moving, 'cause there were not any faces)
    -table w/small amount of yellow light shining on it
    -cinder block walls
    -no windows
    -I was the only one sitting (no, wait...not sure about that...I did not see chairs...)
    -I could not see the floor

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"width="300"></a>

    Renaissance Style Celtic Monk's Robe -
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    This feels a bit "Harry Potter" to me.

    If there has been any continuity to my personality across lifetimes, I was probably trying to "subvert the dominant paradigm", even then. :op



    Celtic Church Migration Prior to Charlemagne

    "Prior to Charlemagne coming to power and establishing his Holy Roman Empire, the Celtic Church had grown to become the most dominant church in the world in terms of size. It had churches and monasteries that spread from Iceland all through the Brittanic Isles across Europe from Spain to the Slovak Empire in Eastern Europe and down to Northern Italy in the Lombard Kingdom. The church had no central seat of authority like the churches in Rome, Constantinople and North Africa and so it did not function in one voice. There were differences in how the churches worshipped. For example, a peculiarity of the Celtic Liturgy is that the chalice and paten are doubly veiled. The Brittish, Gallican (European) and Mozabarec (Spanish) Churches all removed the first veil just prior to the Gospel Reading. But the Bobbio Church (Northern Italy) removed the veil just after the reading of the Gospel.

    How did the church grow to be so large? It grew because it had a different philosophy than the other churches. While the churches in Rome and Constantinople tied themselves to the political fortunes of the governments of their Empires the monks of the Celtic monasteries were <b>perigeni's.<i> A perigeni is a wanderer.</b></i> There are many stories about <b>monks getting in boats and drifting in the ocean for days</b> and choosing to evangelize the first place the boat landed. This concept took Celtic missionaries in strange and far away places. St. Brendan the Navigator is perhaps the best known of all the Celtic perigeni's. It is said that he visited 5,000 different places building monasteries and churches where ever he went, from Iceland throughout the Brittanic Isles. St. Columbanus traveled across Europe building churches in Northern Italy to the Slavic Empire in Eastern Europe. He was not the first to build a Celtic Church in Rome's backdoor. That honor goes to Philip the Apostle and Lazarus who founded a Celtic church in Italy long before the Roman Catholic Church was established.

    <b>The Celtic monks were also known for something else.</b> As Europe was plunged into the dark ages and barbarians raided and burned church libraries destroying ancient manuscripts monks in Celtic monasteries in Ireland and Scotland were busy copying ancient biblical texts. It was painstaking work and each page was copied from the text of the original page and then that page would be adorned with hand painted illustrations. Many of these texts survive to this day and many are dated centuries after the Synod of Whitby, when Rome contends the Celtic Church went away. The very existence of these books copied laboriously in Celtic monasteries is proof our church had not gone away.

    Some of the better known books or missals as the Celts called them are The Book of Armagh from the 9th century, The Book of Deer from the early 9th century, The Book of Dimma from the 7th century,The Durham Gospels, The Lindisfarne Gospels and The Book of Durrow all from the 7th century. But of all these The Book of Kells from the mid 6th century is perhaps the best known of all the Celtic Missals. It survives and resides at Trinity College in Dublin."
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    Celtic Monk Timeline
    Irish Culture and Customs - St. Brendan
    "St. Brendan,The Navigator
    by Bridget Haggerty

    Also known as Brandan and Borodon, Brendan was born about 484 A.D. near Tralee in County Kerry. He was ordained by Bishop Erc and sailed around northwest Europe spreading the Christian faith and founding monasteries — the largest at Clonfert, County Galway. Legend says that the community had at least three thousand monks — <b>their rule dictated to Brendan by an angel.</b> He died at the age of 93 and he was buried at the monastery in 577 A.D.

    Brendan and his brothers figure prominently in Brendan's Voyage, a tale of monks travelling the high seas of the Atlantic, evangelizing to the islands, and possibly reaching the Americas in the 6th century. At one point they stop on a small island, celebrate Easter Mass, light a fire - and then discover the island is an enormous whale!

    Maps of Columbus’ time often included an island called St. Brendan’s Isle that was placed in the western Atlantic ocean. Map makers of the time had no idea of its exact position but did believe it existed some where west of Europe. It was mentioned in a Latin text dating from the ninth century called Navigatio Santi Brendani Abatis (Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot). It described the voyage as having taken place in the sixth century. Several copies of this text have survived in monasteries throughout Europe. It was an important part of folklore in medieval Europe and may have influenced Columbus

    The account of Brendan’s voyage contained a detailed description of the construction of his boat which was not unlike the currachs still made in Ireland today.

    Skeptics could not accept that such a fragile vessel could possibly sail in the open sea. <b>Several passages in the legend also seemed incredible—they were “raised up on the back of sea monsters”, they “passed by crystals that rose up to the sky”, and they were “pelted with flaming, foul-smelling rocks by the inhabitants of a large island on their route”.</b>

    Brendan and his companions finally arrived at the beautiful land they called “Promised Land of the Saints.” They explored until they came to a great river that divided the land. The journey of Brendan and his fellow monks took seven years. The return trip was probably the longest part of the odyssey.

    In 1976, Tim Severin, a British navigation scholar, embarked from Brandon Creek on the Dingle Peninsula in a currach that he constructed using the details described by Brendan. His goal was to determine if the voyage of Brendan and his fellow monks was possible. Severin and his team tanned ox-hides with oak bark, stretched them across the wood frame, sewed them with leather thread and smeared the hides with animal fat which would impart water resistance.

    Examination of nautical charts led Severin to believe that Brendan’s route would be governed by the prevailing winds that would take him across the northernmost part of the Atlantic. This would take him close to Iceland and Greenland with a probable landfall at Newfoundland (St. Brendan’s Isle).

    <b>Severin and his crew were surprised at how friendly the whales were that they encountered. The whales swam around and even under their boat. The whales could have been even friendlier in Brendan’s time, before motorized ships would make them leery of man. So friendly, that perhaps they may have lifted the monk’s boat in a playful gesture!</b>

    After stopping at the Hebrides islands, Severin proceeded to the Danish Faroe Islands. At the island of Mykines, they encountered thousands of seabirds. Brendan called this island “The Paradise of Birds.” He referred to the larger island as the “Island of Sheep.” The word Faroe itself means Island of Sheep. There is also a Brandon Creek on the main island of the Faroes that the local people believe was an embarkation point for Brendan and his crew.

    Severin’s route then carried them to Iceland where they wintered, as did Brendan. The volcanoes on the island have been active for many centuries and might well have been erupting when the monks stayed there. This could have accounted for the “pelting with flaming, foul smelling rocks”, referred to in the ninth century text.

    The monks had never seen icebergs before, so their description of them as “towering crystals” would make sense. Severin’s boat was punctured by floating ice off the coast of Canada. They were able to make a repair with a piece of leather sewn over the hole. They landed on the island of Newfoundland on June 26, 1977. This might well have been Brendan’s “Land promised to the Saints” referred to in the Navigatio.

    Severin’s journey did not prove that Brendan and his monks landed on North America. However, it did prove that a leather currach as described in the Navigatio could have made such a voyage as mapped out in the text. There is also no doubt that the Irish were frequent seafarers of the North Atlantic sea currents 900 years before the voyage of Columbus.

    <b>More conclusive evidence of Irish exploration of North America has come to light in West Virginia. There, stone carvings have been discovered that have been dated between 500 and 1000 A.D. Analysis by archaeologist Dr. Robert Pyle and a leading language expert Dr. Barry Fell, indicate that they are written in Old Irish using the Ogham alphabet.

    According to Dr. Fell, the “West Virginia Ogham texts are the oldest Ogham inscriptions from anywhere in the world. They exhibit the grammar and vocabulary of Old Irish in a manner previously unknown in such early rock-cut inscriptions in any Celtic language.”</b>

    Dr. Fell goes on to speculate that, “It seems possible that the scribes that cut the West Virginia inscriptions may have been Irish missionaries in the wake of Brendan’s voyage, for these inscriptions are Christian. The early Christian symbols of piety, such as the various Chi-Rho monograms (Name of Christ) and the Dextra Dei (Right Hand of God) appear at the sites, together with the Ogham texts.”

    The lack of any written account of this exploration could be explained by the explorers not being able to return to their homeland. If they indeed did reach what is now West Virginia, it would be extremely doubtful that they could manage to return to Ireland from an embarkation point that far south. The design of their currach required favorable winds and currents in the right direction in order to navigate. Severin discovered that it was extremely difficult to tack as other sailing ships were able to do. Perhaps that is the reason that it took Brendan seven years for his journey. That he was able to return at all is a miracle - or was it all a myth?

    Perhaps we'll never know for certain whether or not Brendan's voyage was a medieval fantasy or that he was indeed, among the first to discover the New World. The evidence would indicate that a fantastic voyage across the Atlantic did take place and the stone carvings in West Virginia certainly prove the presence of Irish Christians at just about the right time in history. <b>Whatever you believe, it's a fascinating chapter in Irish folklore and one that should be passed down until such time that the truth can be determined.</b>

    St. Brendan's Feast Day is May 16th. He is the patron saint of boatmen, mariners, sailors, travellers, and whales.

    Note: Read the story of Brendan for Kids by Grainne Rowland. Click here for Brendan.

    Resources: This article is edited and adapted from material on the Life of St. Brendan contained in The Irish Heritage Newsletter, May 2001.

    Images: West of Ireland fishermen carrying a currach by Seamus Culligan, from a free postcard on
    St. Brendan image from Legends of Ireland video."
    I think I died at sea.

    Often I have thought if this were the case, because I long for the ocean, yet have NEVER been on a boat on the ocean.

    Always, stopping just short of the edge...

    Does it matter?

    To be continued...???
    "Grand Illusion"
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    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:07 am

    Then I thought of this, and tears of joy just poured down my face as I listened -

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    Posts : 3469
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    Age : 71

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Brook Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:22 am

    Yes, most definitely past life. Very interesting. since I prompted you to start this, I will tell you this from my experience. Remember this is "past life" first and foremost. That being said, you may have some recall that is rather disturbing. I know I did. And it is very important to remember to separate this life with that life. You are one being, and that was a past experience, however you may run across something that will bring you to your knees as did I. When that happens it's good to bring yourself back to this reality and remember that it was the "past", and as such is NOT who you are now. Upon that realization a light turns on, and it brings to "light" so many of your current life experience. Such as possible karma, or simply why you are here today which is most important.

    In doing that, you will come to 'balance", and get a settling within that brings peace once it's realized. If for any reason at any time should you need to find someone who can assist you with the emotional overflow that might occur I would be more that happy to assist. Because I've been there and I know it can occur. I once had a memory come to me while I was in the shower, and fell to the floor sobbing from a memory of a child that had been murdered. Not the best thing to realize while taking a shower. But it passed, and it made the experience "settle". I was very grateful I had someone to relate this experience to. So I offer that if you have no one else to turn to. I'm sure there are many others here that would do the same. We are one big family here....don't ever feel we are not available.

    And last....Ground yourself!! Very important! As this stuff will send you reeling once it starts REALLY flooding in.

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:48 am

    Brook wrote:Yes, most definitely past life. Very interesting. since I prompted you to start this, I will tell you this from my experience. Remember this is "past life" first and foremost. That being said, you may have some recall that is rather disturbing. I know I did. And it is very important to remember to separate this life with that life. You are one being, and that was a past experience, however you may run across something that will bring you to your knees as did I. When that happens it's good to bring yourself back to this reality and remember that it was the "past", and as such is NOT who you are now. Upon that realization a light turns on, and it brings to "light" so many of your current life experience. Such as possible karma, or simply why you are here today which is most important.

    In doing that, you will come to 'balance", and get a settling within that brings peace once it's realized. If for any reason at any time should you need to find someone who can assist you with the emotional overflow that might occur I would be more that happy to assist. Because I've been there and I know it can occur. I once had a memory come to me while I was in the shower, and fell to the floor sobbing from a memory of a child that had been murdered. Not the best thing to realize while taking a shower. But it passed, and it made the experience "settle". I was very grateful I had someone to relate this experience to. So I offer that if you have no one else to turn to. I'm sure there are many others here that would do the same. We are one big family here....don't ever feel we are not available.

    And last....Ground yourself!! Very important! As this stuff will send you reeling once it starts REALLY flooding in.

    I hear you.

    Yeah...this is where I need guidance, and I really appreciate it.

    I have seen some awful stuff, but a pretty decent soul, from the beginning.

    This incarnation is by far the most challenging.


    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:53 am


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    Last edited by HigherLove on Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:03 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Brook Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:57 am

    HigherLove wrote:
    Brook wrote:Yes, most definitely past life. Very interesting. since I prompted you to start this, I will tell you this from my experience. Remember this is "past life" first and foremost. That being said, you may have some recall that is rather disturbing. I know I did. And it is very important to remember to separate this life with that life. You are one being, and that was a past experience, however you may run across something that will bring you to your knees as did I. When that happens it's good to bring yourself back to this reality and remember that it was the "past", and as such is NOT who you are now. Upon that realization a light turns on, and it brings to "light" so many of your current life experience. Such as possible karma, or simply why you are here today which is most important.

    In doing that, you will come to 'balance", and get a settling within that brings peace once it's realized. If for any reason at any time should you need to find someone who can assist you with the emotional overflow that might occur I would be more that happy to assist. Because I've been there and I know it can occur. I once had a memory come to me while I was in the shower, and fell to the floor sobbing from a memory of a child that had been murdered. Not the best thing to realize while taking a shower. But it passed, and it made the experience "settle". I was very grateful I had someone to relate this experience to. So I offer that if you have no one else to turn to. I'm sure there are many others here that would do the same. We are one big family here....don't ever feel we are not available.

    And last....Ground yourself!! Very important! As this stuff will send you reeling once it starts REALLY flooding in.

    I hear you.

    Yeah...this is where I need guidance, and I really appreciate it.

    I have seen some awful stuff, but a pretty decent soul, from the beginning.

    This incarnation is by far the most challenging.


    It seems most challenging because your in the thick of it!

    But in all actuality once this balance occurs as you "remember", it will bring you some much deserved peace of mind.

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:09 am

    Oaks, Wolves and Love: Celtic Monks and Northern Forests
    Powen Bratton, Susan

    Journal of Forest History, V.33:1 (1989)


    In 1967 Lynn White, Jr., published a controversial paper, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” which suggested that part of the blame for Western culture’s abuse of nature lay at the door of Christian tradition. Through the long scholarly battle precipitated by White’s analysis, historians, theologians, and environmental managers have both lauded and condemned Christian writings and attitudes concerning nature. In the field of environmental history, the academic squabble over the worth of Christianity as an ethical basis for environmental management has unfortunately resulted in sweeping summaries of hundreds of years of European and Middle Eastern religious thought and technological development. Dedicated to extracting an overall evaluation of Christian ecotheology, such summaries have paid very little attention to differences among individual religious sects or to the social milieus in which they arose.

    Forest and Conservation History

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:14 am

    Okay...enough Monk e-business for the night/morning.

    I need to catch a few winks, see if they can get my car out of the snow yet, and get back into work mode.

    I will be back soon.


    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:15 pm

    Oh, wowsy, wowsy, woo-woo. I think I have a regression hangover. lol

    The towing company does not know whether or not they are towing in the area where my car is, and they told me to call them.

    They also denied that the woman who spoke with me even works there!

    Time to start the process, again.


    Now, to look for a way to stop receiving notification of replies to threads that have lost my interest.

    I know there is a record maintained of all posts, but I may go back through here and remove posts like this one that are just commentary and off-topic.

    Edit: well, I cannot figure out how to delete, if it is possible...


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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  jude Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:25 pm

    Higher Love, have just finished reading this thread... and am more 'happy' to be here on this forum.

    Celtic music, monasteries, Ireland-- these have always been of great interest to me.

    Because of my exposure (in this life) to the theories of Nothing, to the concepts of us and this planet being both 'real' and 'unreal' (holograms/story/script)... i have been able to adjust to those memories of various and sometimes horrible death experiences. Being a character in a story, BEING my role in the script... helped me resolve inner pain and conflict.

    And i am finally in peace with who and what i am.

    Blessings to you.


    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:36 pm

    I have made it a point to stay away from Scientology. This is [seemingly] random.

    At this time I do not attach any meaning to this.

    I just need breadcrumbs. I know some paths are tricky...or that there may be tricksters on ones path.

    With that said:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


    SESSION 31/OCT/03.

    Medium: Jorge Olguin
    Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont
    Entity that came to talk: Ron Hubbard founder of Dianetics and Scientology

    Interlocutor: Master, Can we start with the questions?

    Ron Hubbard: You can start.

    Interlocutor: The first question is related to a very mysterious island, which is an entire legend, this island is called St. Brendan (“San Borondon Spanish)” and it’s considered the eighth Canary Island. It is an island that disappears when one is not looking for it and appears when nobody is looking for it. Those who have seen it don't doubt of its existence, and in many cases they have even arrived to that island and they narrated what they saw. I have thought that it can be an island of the past, which is no longer there and just by chance the sailors have arrived to it through a dimensional door. I have also thought that it could be famous Atlantis, obviously before its destruction.

    Ron Hubbard: It’s not Atlantis, because Atlantis was much bigger, not as a continent, but it was very big. This island is much closer as to its antiquity.

    Interlocutor: But Does it exist at the present time?

    Ron Hubbard: No, it doesn't exist in our time.

    Interlocutor: I thought it could be like that, but I wasn’t sure.

    Ron Hubbard: It happens that just like human beings have meridians and parallels that cross their energy centers known as – chakras-, and also called nadis; The Earth also has nadis, and when those nadis conjoin in a vortex that vortex would become as a kind of a miniature black hole, a micro black hole, where one can pass to another time.

    Interlocutor: So the island is real, but it belongs to another time, but how long ago?

    Ron Hubbard: We are speaking of more than five thousand years. For that reason I said that it is more recent than Atlantis.

    Interlocutor: Obviously St. Brendan’s Island disappeared. What was the reason of its disappearance?

    Ron Hubbard:It disappeared due to volcanic factors.

    Troy's note: I was born in the shadows of a dormant volcano, and can see it out of my front window.

    Interlocutor: Just like the island Krakatoa, East of Java? I remember it because a movie was made about the volcano that made the island collapse.

    Ron Hubbard:Yes, the same thing. And now this island emerged again.

    Interlocutor: What is the size of this “Phantom Island” to call it somehow to St. Brendan’s Island?

    Ron Hubbard: As an island it was quite extensive, because it reached around 6 Kms. long and 4 Kms. wide.

    Interlocutor: Twenty-four square kilometers. Well, it was not that big then.

    Ron Hubbard: We are speaking of 60* 40 blocks. It wasn’t small.

    Interlocutor: Well, on second thought, you’re right. And who inhabited that island?

    Ron Hubbard: There was a civilization that spoke a very similar language to the current Castilian, because this island was closer to Spain. It was next to the estuary of the Mediterranean Sea at few Kilometers from the coast of Spain and of Portugal.

    Interlocutor: What attracts my attention is that those who arrived to St. Brendan’s Island found footsteps that measured a double size of a human being. Were the inhabitants of the island giants?

    Ron Hubbard: They were not footsteps of human beings, but footsteps of extraterrestrials.

    Interlocutor: Ah! It was an island inhabited by extraterrestrials!

    Ron Hubbard: No, it was not an island inhabited by extraterrestrials, but inhabited by a terrestrial civilization although in a certain moment an extraterrestrial expedition took the island as a base and they abduct some of the natives and they put to sleep to others with a technique of rays and they transferred them to the continent, to Spain and Portugal.

    Interlocutor: Just out of curiosity Are there descendants from that island in these countries?

    Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course!

    Interlocutor: What was the name the natives gave to the island?

    Ron Hubbard: They called it "Jenje."

    Interlocutor: And what was the name of the extraterrestrials?

    Ron Hubbard: The Doriac.

    Interlocutor: Does the planet also have the same name?

    Ron Hubbard: Correct, but the star of the system is called Lumine.

    Interlocutor: Is that star very far from us?

    Ron Hubbard: Around three hundred light years, but it doesn't appear in our astronomical charts.

    Interlocutor: And the number of the planet?

    Ron Hubbard: The planet would be Lumine 4, but I repeat, the planet is called Doriac.

    Interlocutor: I understand. Just like our planet is Sun 3, but we call it Earth.

    Ron Hubbard: Exactly. But remember that not everybody calls the planets numbering them according to their distance from the star. Our astronomers don't do it in this way.

    Interlocutor: Yes, I already had that fact. Another thing that intrigues me in is the story of a Benedictine Irishman from Llancarvan that lived in the century VI, and who was an indefatigable traveler, geographer and astronomer. I read what I extracted from the Internet: "Among other works he wrothe Navigatio a kind of fantastic story of his sea experiences. Later on, during the Middle Ages, many legends were elaborated based on him, among them one that highlights the discovery of an eighth island, in the Canary islands, to the West of La Palma.

    The island would be called, St Brendan or San Borondón (Spanish). Many arguments were based to sustain three postures: those who believed in the existence of the Island, those who denied it and those who accepted that periodically this island could appear and disappear. According to a newspaper of Tenerife there was a sighting of the island in 1967."

    Well, this traveler narrates that he arrived to a kind of island with other sailors and surprisingly it starts moving and in fact transported him to that island. He thought it was the back of a whale. But I deduce that it was submarine space ship. Am I wrong?

    Ron Hubbard: No, you are not wrong.

    Interlocutor: Was the island as pretty as those who were there said it was?

    Ron Hubbard: It was pretty, like they would say now, "paradisiac", with a very similar weather to the current Canary Islands.

    Interlocutor: I understand. Were there men and women in the island?

    Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course.

    Interlocutor: How many inhabitants were there in the island? I mean without counting the aliens.

    Ron Hubbard: Around two thousand.

    Interlocutor: Ah, they were few!

    Ron Hubbard: No, they were not few. For an island of that size, it was fine.

    Interlocutor: Then the history ends when part of the inhabitants were abducted and others transferred to the continent.

    Ron Hubbard: Correct. Around forty or fifty were abducted and the rest of them were taken to the continent after being put to sleep.

    Interlocutor: Is there another enigma about this legend which is necessary to unveil?

    Ron Hubbard: No, there is none and there was no mystery before either. Actually, the facts are very simple.

    Interlocutor: The facts will be very simple, Master, but surely there will be people who will take this revelation as frenzied, preferring to keep the silly legend of a Phantom island that appears and disappears uncannily.

    Ron Hubbard: Probably they will."

    Last edited by HigherLove on Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:18 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Add URL and image/map)

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:39 pm

    jude wrote:Higher Love, have just finished reading this thread... and am more 'happy' to be here on this forum.

    Celtic music, monasteries, Ireland-- these have always been of great interest to me.

    Because of my exposure (in this life) to the theories of Nothing, to the concepts of us and this planet being both 'real' and 'unreal' (holograms/story/script)... i have been able to adjust to those memories of various and sometimes horrible death experiences. Being a character in a story, BEING my role in the script... helped me resolve inner pain and conflict.

    And i am finally in peace with who and what i am.

    Blessings to you.


    I see you, too.

    Its da Wave

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:49 pm

    Memories are like ripples on the interface of the mind .
    We can let them drift away or bring them back to awareness.
    I see them as a deck of cards that we shuffle and create a story with.
    At any given moment we can shuffle anew and the story changes.
    Turning our cards is an interesting and exiting moment.
    And I wish you fun while doing this Troy.
    We are the eternal observer floating in the Now and dreaming the world .
    Film makers and actors all at once .
    When we switch the dream off nothing is left but a naked Being
    But ... we can choose to switch it on again and put some clothe on Wink

    Love from me

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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:58 pm

    I have wanted to post this for a while, but the signature section allows only for two video embeds (more than is a signature, not a dissertation).

    <center><object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object></center>

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:20 pm


    Jason Bourne haunts and fascinates me. I have a strong identification with this chracter. Sorry for the violence.
    <center><object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object></center>

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:35 pm

    Okay...working through some dark stuff at the moment, but I have to. Bear with me. The insight may come later, but posting is essemtial.

    <center><object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="349"></embed></object></center>

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:36 pm

    Thank you Troy for sharing your vision/experiences.

    I once had this deep purple terry cloth robe with a hood. At night I would find myself walking down the darkened hall way up against the wall with my hands tucked into the opposite cuff of the long sleeves. Ironically, our one son is now a Buddhist monk and our house friend lived in the Zen Monastery in San Franciso for 7 years. It seems we are surrounded by monks we have been with in past lives. I often had a sense that this was the type of life that suited me best.

    Several years ago I woke up in my spiritual home. I was lying on something like a couch. When the others saw me open my eyes they were so happy and came rushing over to say greet me. I just felt this outpouring of love from them. I could see that they were decorating (painting the walls) to surprise me and I was letting them know the color blue I wanted... but there really were no walls as the structure was made of white pillars. Then I awoke on my couch at home on earth. Only I had just left my real home and was back on earth to complete my mission. It is often surprising to me how a little visit to my spiritual home is so sustaining, so real, and the essence of the experience is so spiritually nurturing that it fills me up and makes it easier to deal with the 3D realities. I've also noticed a pattern in my life as these very special spiritual gifts tend to come before a very difficult karmic unfolding in my life with past life relationships. In each situation I passed the test. Sadly, the other person involved did not. Yet, it was an opportunity to see how past life connections are here in our lives so we can continue to grow spiritually. Release, Relax and Let Go has become a mantra when reviewing the images that come from past lives.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:43 pm

    <center><object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object></center>

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:45 pm

    Carol wrote:Thank you Troy for sharing your vision/experiences.

    I once had this deep purple terry cloth robe with a hood. At night I would find myself walking down the darkened hall way up against the wall with my hands tucked into the opposite cuff of the long sleeves. Ironically, our one son is now a Buddhist monk and our house friend lived in the Zen Monastery in San Franciso for 7 years. It seems we are surrounded by monks we have been with in past lives. I often had a sense that this was the type of life that suited me best.

    Several years ago I woke up in my spiritual home. I was lying on something like a couch. When the others saw me open my eyes they were so happy and came rushing over to say greet me. I just felt this outpouring of love from them. I could see that they were decorating (painting the walls) to surprise me and I was letting them know the color blue I wanted... but there really were no walls as the structure was made of white pillars. Then I awoke on my couch at home on earth. Only I had just left my real home and was back on earth to complete my mission. It is often surprising to me how a little visit to my spiritual home is so sustaining, so real, and the essence of the experience is so spiritually nurturing that it fills me up and makes it easier to deal with the 3D realities. I've also noticed a pattern in my life as these very special spiritual gifts tend to come before a very difficult karmic unfolding in my life with past life relationships. In each situation I passed the test. Sadly, the other person involved did not. Yet, it was an opportunity to see how past life connections are here in our lives so we can continue to grow spiritually. Release, Relax and Let Go has become a mantra when reviewing the images that come from past lives.

    I love you, Carol!

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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:54 pm

    <center><object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object></center>

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    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:03 pm

    A very preggers Donna. hehe

    To better states of being -

    <center><object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object></center>

    The full version fades with the choir chanting:

    "Just as all creation is One
    with the universe
    May we too
    Be one
    With each other" by Vangelis

    - All Star Choir for D. Summer arranged by Q.Jones

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:44 pm

    Oh, questions, questions...

    1. Did I "fall"? i.e. was I more enlightened at another time? (descension?)

    2. At some point it seems I opted to go back to sleep. Why?

    "I know I'm ready now
    I was just a little tired
    'cause I'm a wanderer..."

    Maybe 'tis one of the questions that one day simply shall be laughable.

    I have heard that "Even mystics need to pay their bills", but perhaps even mystics need a life or two off now and again.

    I just hope I did not sell out.

    I am reminded of the betrayal in "The Matrix", when Cypher describes how much he wants to go back into the matrix so that he can just forget, and immerse himself in pleasures of the flesh, as much as possible.

    He wanted to be rich and important.

    Well now, it seems I have brought myself full circle. lol

    Time to be fun and silly for a while.

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:12 am