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    Remembering who I am


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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:05 pm

    Back safe from the Nor Cal/Mendocino Coast. I took some pics and will put them up when I get home tonight. We certainly have greater priorites right now with the radiation situation.

    Parts of Fort Bragg that I expected would have been hit were not. Water behaves very strangely.

    Some residents were stuck inside of town or outside, depending on where they were, for about 1/2 day.

    The water and sand covered Highway 1 at the south end of town.

    I took some pics at the harbor, slipped on the ramp (tsunami goo) and almost right into the water. The sea lions may have found it funny, but I was not amused (black jeans and shoes).

    More damage happened further south near Little River (Van Damme State Beach). The parking lot is pretty much covered in sand, and it seems there is less beach, but if nobody was told, they may not be able to tell.

    Still further south, and the damage to docks up the creeks (they reversed direction for a while) are pretty damaged.

    Me thinks we have a way to go with getting prepared, because one person who lives out of town and would not be able to hear the tsunami warning sirens was not notifed by phone until 7:20 A.M. This was 20 minutes after it was supposed to have started hitting, per the recording.

    More later.

    50 minute commute on tap.



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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:09 pm

    Greetings From the West Coast: Fort Bragg (Noyo Harbor), CA - March 17, 2011

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    "Much Love" to Japan - and to the winds.

    Had I been standing here that day...well, I would not still be standing.

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:26 pm

    Looking WEST. The water came straight under the recently-built bridge. This is Highway 1. There are houses and businessess on both sides, as well as the harbor.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Inside the harbor:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    In the path (and if it looks familiar, a few movies have been filmed in the area ["Overboard" w/Goldie Hawn, "The Fog" (original version), and "Cujo", to name a few]).

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    A few more coming up...

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:45 pm

    Facing Hawaii- Mahalo

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Below: Highway 1 runs on the ridge in the middle, although it is hidden in this photo. There is too much sand here, considering the level of maintenance:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    All the lil' critters!!!!!!!!

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Carol Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:47 pm

    There is a very high probability that another tsunami will happen within this weekends next Full Super Moon quake windown Troy. Stay safe Anchor man. We need you. :heart2:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:46 pm

    Carol wrote:There is a very high probability that another tsunami will happen within this weekends next Full Super Moon quake windown Troy. Stay safe Anchor man. We need you. :heart2:

    Thank you, Carol.

    I am certainly not headed to the coast this weekend, that is for sure. As for being a klutz...well, I guess it is time to tell another story.

    I had lost track of time this last week. When they announced today that this only happened one week ago, I said aloud, "It feels like it has been an eternity".

    While there is not anywhere in California where anybody could go to really get away from quake zones, as far as tsunamis are concerned, there are two ranges of mountains between me and the ocean. I am not sure how things come across in my writing, but I drive a lot. I logged about 250 miles of travel, yesterday.

    It takes a couple of hours for me to get to the coast, even in great driving conditions.

    :heart2: back at ya!

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:35 pm

    General Observations on Andromedan Society

    ...Val: What have you observed about Andromedan society?

    AC: Well, I will give you the most striking things. They're incredibly happy. There is a peace, tranquility and humbleness about them as a race .... it's more of a feeling... an emotion. They are not like us. Morenae is the only one who has gone to the trouble to physically learn how to use spoken language. Vissaeus has always been telepathic. The others do not talk. They just watch.

    Val: You probably feel like you are "under a microscope".

    AC: You can "feel" them listening to your mind, but they don't infringe. Val, it's very hard to explain. Let me give you an example. If you knew somebody was spying on you, and you went about your daily business mowing your lawn and throwing the trash away, you would be ignoring them even though you knew they were spying on you...


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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:35 pm

    place marker so I do not keep interrupting the stream to the left of welcome screen.

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:55 pm

    sorry...edited out


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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:34 pm

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:23 am

    This is off-topic.

    More than once I have been tempted to post affirmative prayer requests, and have resisted. Today I shall not.

    As I have noted (somewhere), I have plenty of sisters with kids. My eldest sister's son went to the ER a couple of days ago, due to possible seizure activity related to brain damage. Late last night we got news that my second-eldest sister's son (my very first nephew) has a brain tumor and will be undergoing emergency surgery this morning at U.C. San Francisco. They do not know if it is cancer.

    He has 3 sons of his own.

    I am not asking for responses, but to those who feel so inclined to affirm the health of Michael, please send him some love.

    Thank you


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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:41 am

    Done - The Healing Blue Ray too...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:13 am

    Mercuriel wrote:Done - The Healing Blue Ray too...


    Thank you.

    I have so many threads going that I start forgetting where I put things.

    This was under the San Andreas thread (I have noticed I am in the habit of just picking up conversations with people, wherever they show up).

    HigherLove wrote:Home and dry after a snowy commute. It was only two slight ridges I was concerned about. The flakes were huge.

    It has been clear and dry for quite some time, and it stopped snowing before I got here. :op

    I was going to read, but slept for at least four hours. As noted in other posts/threads, perhaps it has something to do with the timelines.

    Oh: Thanks to all for the positive vibes. My nephew's (Michael) brain tumor is benign. They are going to wait a month to remove it, but said it is quite operable, and he would be able to go back to work within 7-10 days.

    Its da Wave

    Even though we are only 5 years apart in age, due to the insistence of his mother, he and his sister still refer to me as "Uncle Troy". I told my nieces in Utah that they could just call me Troy, because I had already been through this with another sister, and as I age, it is getting creepy. I do not want to be that uncle. lol Besides, 1/2 nephews and 4/7 nieces have children of their own. If they called me "Great Uncle Troy"...well...

    I do keep in mind that the Utah branch of my family, being Mormon, are required to stock up. That's a lot of pantries.

    The cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee are probably locked up in a safe, with the Doctrine and Covenants.

    The D&C states that hot liquids are bad for the body. A lot of Mormons get their caffeine fix via hot chocolate. scratch

    OMG! I dropped the "n". I have a new word: "Mormos".



    Journal note: Began reading Spiritwalker, last night.

    Edit: To be clear/for review: I did the Mormon thing when I was 16. I admit I was instrumental in getting the youngest of my three sisters (still 3 years older than me) connected to the LDS camp. We grew up together on that snowy mountain, and for many years she was my best friend. Via my affiliation with a local church, I made a good friend. I knew he was perfect for my sister, so my mother and I conspired. I was the best man at her wedding (outside of the temple). I get frustrated at times, but I am mindful of the nearly 3 decades they have been together, and that he took her away from the world of bad boys who would harm her with drugs (and who repeatedly raped one of my nieces).


    They all called me a faggot, but I have been with women far more beautiful and awake than they could ever dream of. My frostry side says to forgive, but the other side still wants to go a little Jason Bourne on that guy (he was an ice hockey player, and I am in no hurry to get my XXX kicked, so I'll just vent, here; besides, that was long ago and it is not real).

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:59 pm

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    More Monkery...

    Hmmm...perhaps a thread for all things Druid? Druidry? Modern-Druid Magazine?

    For now (in the foothills en route to Yosemite):

    The Druid Monument in Placerville,_California

    Self Description

    A networking e-list for California residents of Druidic groups.

    The intention of California Druids is to facilitate, on the state level, different Druid groups helping each other with local projects, to provide a contact point for individuals seeking involvement in a local Druid group, to produce a calendar of Druidic and Celtic events in the state, as well as to form a voice for making a difference in the region by doing social work and seeking a voice in ecological matters within the region. California Druids has also helped to establish the PNWDC, and a Southwest Druid Coalition for the USA.


    Okay. I think this may be the end of this trail, in terms of the modern-druid movement. It is not modern. These are not the Christed Druids, and I am not allowed to follow.

    The modern Druid knows in their heart that whatever Druids are to become cannot be what they have been:

    United Ancient Order of Druids (UAOD)

    These energies are not welcome, and so my path takes a turn...

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:00 pm

    A pallette cleanser:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    David Wilcock's latest blog:


    The oldest prophecies that speak of this cycle change are from the Zoroastrian tradition. Zarathustra, whose name was Westernized as "Zoroaster", copied over ancient records from the primordial Aryan civilization.

    In The Source Field Investigations, I cite compelling evidence that the hub of this civilization was originally located in Siberia before the last great Ice Age.

    This Ice Age, where the land was suddenly overrun by glaciers in a very short period of time and sea level rose by as much as 300 feet, appears to have been the result of a pole shift -- where tropical areas suddenly became polar regions.

    Atlantis, originally an "island continent" surrounded by water, became Antarctica -- and all the water that washed over it was quick-frozen into ice.

    Some of the insiders I have spoken with have told me that most of the remains of Atlantis were crushed under this massive weight of ice -- but there are certain pockets where you can still find some very neat stuff.


    The survivors of the Rama empire became known as the 'Aryans.'

    These original 'Aryans' were not Caucasian at all. As ice swept over the former paradise of Siberia, they migrated southwards in two groups -- one to India and one to Iran.

    The latest, greatest scholarship on the Aryan civilization pinpoints Siberia as their main center of origin -- and the Zoroastrian scriptures clearly say they had to evacuate and move south due to the sudden crush of ice and terrible winter weather.

    It appears that 'Gods' continued interacting with the Indians -- which is not necessarily a bad thing.

    Zarathustra, however, adhered more closely to the original ancient Raman records. This therefore appears to be the closest we can get to what the original, ancient, positive ETs actually told us about the end of the 25,000-year cycle.

    The original teachings were almost certainly given before the Ramans nuked Atlantis. I highly doubt the positive ETs had anything to do with this horrific attack -- and would have stopped it if they had caught it fast enough.

    Now, the ETs are being vastly more careful, and precisely monitor any and all nuclear sites on Earth -- as I have written about in detail several times before. Many disasters have been stopped.

    According to scholars, the Zoroastrian prophecies influenced every other Western culture and its view of what will happen in "end times" -- including Judaism and Christianity.

    Without exception, every Jew, every Christian and every Muslim owes their vision of an End of the Age to the Zoroastrian inheritance -- not to mention any and all of the secret mystery schools. Unfortunately, like the "telephone game," the story has been significantly changed over time.


    The actual Zoroastrian prophecies are quite amazing. They do indicate the possibility that the flow of time itself, as we now know it, goes through some sort of radical change. Something profound happens at the most basic level of matter, energy and consciousness.

    This seems impossible to most people and undoubtedly triggers sarcastic laughter -- but this will also change once people study the "Magnificent" scientific evidence I present in the new book -- as Graham Hancock called it.

    This massive 'download' of information comes out in a gorgeous hardcover book on August 18th, and is already available for pre-orders -- at a much lower price than retail!

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Law of One Study Guide:

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:44 pm

    It has been a bit since I wrote under this thread. There are so many things going on in the world that it still seems an indulgence. But, I continue on with this, not because I am driven by my past, but instead to find my way forward.

    A few days ago I remembered a dream that I had last year, and that it might be important. Then I remembered another dream. I will start with the latter.

    When I was a child, I used to dream about flying around the Transamerica Pyramid. It felt real. It was like being in San Francisco, the way I had imagined it could be: magical.

    The other dream from last year also involved flying. This time I was a student at a university that sat on a hillside. I had a broom at my side, as I watched students milling around, grabbing backpacks, and heading off to class. Most seemed oblivious to my presence.

    Out of sheer will, I decided I wanted to fly. This was helped a long quite a bit by music. In the background I could hear Christine McVie (Fleetwood Mac), singing her heart out to, “You make loving fun”. I took off on my broom and started dancing with it, in mid-air. I was filled with an ecstasy that lasted the entire day.

    The one thing that really stuck with me from the dream was that I could only fly when I was over trees. As soon as I cleared the trees, I lost all of my power. I managed to get to a tree for a somewhat awkward landing, and was able to climb down. Dream over.


    Oooyeah 1

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:48 pm

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Stampin' on the ground
    Stampin' on the ground
    Stampin' on the ground
    Stampin' on the ground

    Woah, yeah

    I've been round
    So many times before
    Broke my back
    Been split open so oft
    Tried to make it
    To the finish line
    Been knocked down
    Get up
    Every single time
    They're up
    In your face
    They don't think
    You belong
    Man, you got it
    You got it goin' on
    What breaks the weak
    Just makes you strong
    You got game
    Baby bring it on
    Bring it on

    (And) I said
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't going
    You ain't goin' down
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't goin'
    You ain't goin' down

    Rain comes
    In every player's life
    Gotta stay in the game
    Not on the sidelines
    Gotta throw down
    You gotta stand and fight
    Keep your eye on the prize
    Don't get caught up
    In strife
    Go, go for the shot boy
    Make that play just right
    Braggin' about your swag
    Won't get you
    Through the night

    (And) I said
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't going
    You ain't goin' down
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't goin'
    You ain't goin' down

    You got game
    You got fame
    You got name
    Do that thang
    We ain't going down
    Oh, no
    Make me proud
    Stand up and fight

    (And) I said
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't going
    You ain't goin' down
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    Make the biggest sound
    You ain't goin'
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground
    Make it really loud
    You ain't goin'
    You ain't goin' down

    Stamp your feet (4x)

    No, no, no
    We ain't goin' down
    No, no, no
    We ain't goin' down
    Right till the ending
    We'll make it
    Through life
    Better stamp
    Your feet on the
    Stamp your feet
    On the ground


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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:26 pm

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:54 pm

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    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I feel sweet
    Do you feel sweet?
    It’s amazing
    I have no skin
    And I feel everything
    It’s amazing
    I feel good
    When you feel good
    I knew I would
    And it’s amazing
    I’ve wanted this for so long
    Now the deed has been done
    We shall rise with the sun
    And spend our time as one

    Now there is no sin
    In anything
    And it’s amazing
    I love life
    I hope you do too
    ‘Cause I love everything
    It’s all amazing
    I feel new
    Do you feel new?
    I understand
    When they say we’re born again
    “Cause I feel born again
    I’m born again
    And it’s amazing
    And it’s the best thing
    And it’s glorious
    It’s life changing
    This feeling
    Is amazing
    It’s the best thing
    It’s glorious
    It’s life changing

    This feeling

    This feeling
    Oh lord this feeling
    It’s amazing
    It’s in the stars
    In the sun
    It’s everywhere
    In everyone
    And it will be every day
    From now on
    From now on
    We are one
    And it’s amazing
    It’s in the stars
    In the sun
    It’s everywhere
    In everyone
    And it will be every day
    From now on
    From now on
    We are one
    And it’s amazing
    It’s in the stars
    In the sun
    It’s everywhere
    In everyone
    And it will be every day
    From now on
    From now on
    We are one
    And it’s amazing

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:35 am

    Thanks to Michael JT

    I just put it together. :op

    I met Dan through Donna's forum. I cannot believe he is gone.

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:53 am

    655 W. Irving Park Road, 22nd floor (Park Place Tower). Looking south toward New York Building/skyline). We were on the 53rd floor when I lived here.

    The last time I saw him - January, 2009

    Remembering who I am - Page 5 12335510

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:52 pm

    Have a good day, friends. I am off for some walking a picture taking. Big Hugs!

    Great lyrics, but pretty heavy on the guitar...

    "It's Not My Time"

    Looking back at the beginning of this
    And how life was
    Just you and me loving all of our friends
    Living life like an ocean
    But now the current's only pulling me down
    It’s getting harder too breath
    It won’t be to long and I will be going under
    Can you save me from this?

    Cause it’s not my time I'm not going
    There's a fear in me it’s not showing
    This could be the end of me
    And everything I know
    Oh but I won’t go

    I look ahead to all the plans that we made
    And the dreams that we had
    I'm in a world that tries to take them away
    Oh but I'm taking them back
    Cause all of this time I've just been too blind to understand
    What should matter to me
    My friends this life we live, it’s not what we have
    It’s what we believe in

    Cause it’s not my time I'm not going
    There's a fear in me but it’s not showing
    This could be the end of me
    And everything I know
    But it’s not my time I'm not going
    There's a will in me and now I know that
    This could be the end of me
    And everything I know
    Oh but I won’t go
    I won’t go

    There might be more than you believe
    (There might be more than you believe)
    There might be more than you can see

    But it’s not my time I'm not going
    There's a fear in me it’s not showing
    This could be the end of me
    And everything I know
    But it’s not my time I'm not going
    There's a will in me and now it’s gonna show
    This could be the end of me
    And everything I know

    There might be more than you believe
    (There might be more than you believe)
    There might be more than you can see

    But I won’t go
    No I won’t go down

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    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:01 pm


    This is Hoberg's, where I was conceived and lived the first 9 years of my life. Never a gem, the house has obviousluy fallen into a state of major disrepair. :op

    I will add details when I can type again.

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    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:32 pm

    Wow - It sure looks rundown doesn't It...

    Has it been unoccupied since You lived there or is this a condition that has occured over the past few years ?

    Places can be Evil or Dark by location...

    Who knows - Maybe there was an Indian Burial Ground there. Have You ever looked into the History of the Site ?

    Huh ?


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Remembering who I am - Page 5 Empty Re: Remembering who I am

    Post  HigherLove Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:57 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Wow - It sure looks rundown doesn't It...

    Has it been unoccupied since You lived there or is this a condition that has occured over the past few years ?

    Places can be Evil or Dark by location...

    Who knows - Maybe there was an Indian Burial Ground there. Have You ever looked into the History of the Site ?

    Huh ?

    Rundown? lol That is a nice way to say it. I do not see how it could be repaired. Perhaps that is why they are filming 3D (literally) horror flicks up there until they get the entire place remodeled.

    I have to keep in mind that I was also a very sensitive boy.

    We lived in the servant's house. Literally. The kids at the one mansion on the site were not nice.

    The house has been abandoned since shortly after we moved out, because the resort folded, soon after. It was sold to a Vedic school, and they did not do anything. Well, they meditated, but the grounds were ignored (that was my father's job you see; another "shining" example). I learned to swim there in the pool that my dad kept crystal clear. Now it is full of mud. They are going to fix all of it, if their web site is telling the truth:

    I will check out your link.


    Try this one!

    Last edited by HigherLove on Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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