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    J.P. Morgan Execs Killed In Iraq


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    J.P. Morgan Execs Killed In Iraq Empty J.P. Morgan Execs Killed In Iraq

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:10 pm

    Business Executives Among Seven Dead in Iraq Private Plane Crash
    On Saturday, officials have announced that business executives are among the seven people found dead after a plane crashed in Northern Iraq.

    Reuters announced that the chief executive of private equity group MerchantBridge and two JPMorgan executives were among the seven found dead.

    The plane went down shortly after takeoff from a Sulaimaniya airport on Friday. The flight was reportedly heading to Turkey.

    MerchantBridge CEO Basil al-Rahim and Abdallah Lahoud, a partner in the company, JPMorgan executives Murad Megalli and Javier Zurita and three crew members were killed in the crash.

    Airport director Taher Abdullah said during a news conference that they believe a technical failure caused the crash.

    However CNN has reported that an investigative committee will travel to Sulaimaniya from Baghdad on Saturday to further inspect the matter.

    Reuters has reported that 2 J.P. Morgan executives where killed when a small plane crashed in northern Iraq last week. Five others died in the crash. Murad Megalli, CEO of Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and Central Asia at J.P. Morgan, and his colleague Javier Zurita are thought to have been killed instantly.

    According to the news agency, the plane went down soon after take-off from an airport in Iraq's northern Kurdish region, after a group of businessmen had paid a visit to AsiaCell, a major Iraqi mobile telephone services provider.

    Also on board were Basil Al-Rahim, CEO of London-based private equity firm MerchantBridge & Co, and AsiaCell board member Basil Lahoud.

    Our thoughts go out to all their families.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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