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    Strange animal behavior


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    Strange animal behavior  Empty Strange animal behavior

    Post  mudra Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:01 pm

    Thursday, 3 February 2011
    More strange animal behavior: More than 100,000 Sharks off Florida beach!

    Pilot Steve Irwin was astonished after spotting a mass of more than 100,000 sharks swimming just 100 yards off Florida's sandy beaches.
    The long-time fisherman and marine technology expert was cruising 300ft above the clear waters in his helicopter on Sunday when he came across the astonishing scene.
    Experts say this is the time of year when sharks migrate and head for warmer waters, typically swimming close to the shore while chasing after bait-fish.
    But Mr Irwin, who runs Island Marine Services in Fort Pierce, was baffled as to the staggering number of sharks gathered in the shallow waters.
    'It was an truly amazing sight,' he said.
    'I've been a fisherman for 20 years and I also kayak out there and it's common to see them twist and turn and shoot through the air.
    'They're prevalent at this time of year but what amazed me was the sheer numbers of them.
    'There were tens of thousands of them - I'd say maybe 100,000.
    'I kept on flying for about 20 miles and they just kept on coming.
    'It's common to see large predatory sharks come in and feed on schools of bait-fish - the odd thing was I didn't see any bait-fish at all!'

    Sharks spotted

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    Strange animal behavior  Empty Re: Strange animal behavior

    Post  Micjer Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:17 pm

    So if the gulf spill has killed off most of the sharks' normal food supply, they are searching closer to land, comes to mind. The numbers are overwhelming.

    Posts : 23288
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    Age : 69
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    Strange animal behavior  Empty Re: Strange animal behavior

    Post  mudra Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:06 pm

    Micjer wrote:So if the gulf spill has killed off most of the sharks' normal food supply, they are searching closer to land, comes to mind. The numbers are overwhelming.

    My thoughts on this follow your Micjer. That's what came first to mind.
    We also had reports of the Gulf bieng dead .
    Oxygen depletion is probably an additional reason for this unprecedented shark migration.

    Love from me

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