If ever there was a time for memberships and networking it would be now! I do hope that we get many old friends and so many more new friends join us here in the Mists Of Avalon. Sharing your ideas and information is always welcome. Everyone has something to contribute so pick a topic and write about it! I know that lots of members read and come back for a visit once in a while so all I can say is DONT LET THE MAGIC DIE!!!
So come on...post and share and keep the PHIYERS burning bright in true heart of avalon.
What do we need to do to get this place burning brighter? Where did everyone go! Seen any UFO's lately? Whats going on out there. I know you'll all be back sometime so ya might as well join now and try not to get bunned. Please feel free to post any ideas in this thread. My first idea was this post...and let ya know that the penmanship skills are slightly lacking so if your looking for the good stuff ya better tighten up on your back stroke!!!
Alright now for the real stuff