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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..


    What paranormal abilities have you experienced

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:20 pm

    Having started studying the paranormal back in the 70s and belonging to various groups that did psychic experimentation this has been an area of interest of mine for awhile. My family leans towards being psychic with different family members having various abilities. My grandmother always used her psi ability when picking out horses for the daily double. My mom leans towards knowing when someone in the family is going to die and also can see energy. I pick up on when a couple is going to have a baby as I sense the incoming spirits presence sometimes years prior to conception.

    Eventually I obtained a Masters in Transpersonal Counseling/Psychology. I also taught a Transpersonal College course and trained others how to manifest their psi abilities as it is my opinion everyone pretty much comes equipped with the ability (due to genetics some are stronger then others) and most folks can learn how to use them.

    This was a sideline interest for a number of years and slid along the wayside due to career. However, I'm curious as to how many here are in touch with their abilities and would like to discuss this.

    I used to be quite good in a number of areas but let most of it slide viewing them as distractions - except for this one thing. "Knowing"

    Often times I just find I know something - like when the timeline has shifted. I wake up and just know its happened again. Or I'll know about something while typing and information is forthcoming out nowhere. For instance someone will ask something and the answer presents itself. The experience is like being plugged into Universal knowledge.

    Something else is odd as well. When I remember it I'll post it.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  reality=check Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:38 pm

    Carol wrote:Having started studying the paranormal back in the 70s and belonging to various groups that did psychic experimentation this has been an area of interest of mine for awhile. My family leans towards being psychic with different family members having various abilities. My grandmother always used her psi ability when picking out horses for the daily double. My mom leans towards knowing when someone in the family is going to die and also can see energy. I pick up on when a couple is going to have a baby as I sense the incoming spirits presence sometimes years prior to conception.

    Eventually I obtained a Masters in Transpersonal Counseling/Psychology. I also taught a Transpersonal College course and trained others how to manifest their psi abilities as it is my opinion everyone pretty much comes equipped with the ability (due to genetics some are stronger then others) and most folks can learn how to use them.

    This was a sideline interest for a number of years and slid along the wayside due to career. However, I'm curious as to how many here are in touch with their abilities and would like to discuss this.

    I used to be quite good in a number of areas but let most of it slide viewing them as distractions - except for this one thing. "Knowing"

    Often times I just find I know something - like when the timeline has shifted. I wake up and just know its happened again. Or I'll know about something while typing and information is forthcoming out nowhere. For instance someone will ask something and the answer presents itself. The experience is like being plugged into Universal knowledge.

    Something else is odd as well. When I remember it I'll post it.

    1,2 & 3 for me. About NDE God either doesn't exist or is bigger than heaven...cause he aint there.

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  Floyd Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:58 pm

    I just tend to go with the flow of my rather than get into a big soup about things. I could be a blithering idiot of course. Who cares?

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  gscraig Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:24 pm

    Let me ask you Carol. By any chance did you or a family member experience what I can best describe as a sine-wave sound in your heads for a few seconds between Wednesday thru today?

    I ask, because this occurred most profound while I was at work on Wednesday, and it was so disruptive to me that I stood up and asked everyone if they could hear that? It sort of reminds me of ear ringing, but it was quite intense and scattered across the brain.

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, etc.

    Post  Jenetta Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:05 pm

    Checked off 1,2,4, and 7 Carol...can I add one other to that list? Similar to currently in contact with E.T....who has had past experiences with an E.T. or feel such was the case. Sometimes I would just prefer to use the word "alien" as these creatures may be native to Earth. I also have the ability at times to hear other's thoughts friend or stranger when their in my presence. This can be disconcerting especially when they don't think well of me.
    Vincit Omnia Veritas

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  Anchor Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:46 pm

    gscraig wrote:Let me ask you Carol. By any chance did you or a family member experience what I can best describe as a sine-wave sound in your heads for a few seconds between Wednesday thru today?

    I ask, because this occurred most profound while I was at work on Wednesday, and it was so disruptive to me that I stood up and asked everyone if they could hear that? It sort of reminds me of ear ringing, but it was quite intense and scattered across the brain.

    Obviously I am not Carol, but I noticed your description of the phenomena.

    Hearing a pure tone pretty much all the time at the moment. Very similar to tinnitus, but with some tangible "pressure" around my head.

    In some ways it feels like a thunderstorm is coming, but it never does.

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  malletzky Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:58 am

    Anchor wrote:
    gscraig wrote:Let me ask you Carol. By any chance did you or a family member experience what I can best describe as a sine-wave sound in your heads for a few seconds between Wednesday thru today?

    I ask, because this occurred most profound while I was at work on Wednesday, and it was so disruptive to me that I stood up and asked everyone if they could hear that? It sort of reminds me of ear ringing, but it was quite intense and scattered across the brain.

    Obviously I am not Carol, but I noticed your description of the phenomena.

    Hearing a pure tone pretty much all the time at the moment. Very similar to tinnitus, but with some tangible "pressure" around my head.

    In some ways it feels like a thunderstorm is coming, but it never does.

    It's 7, 1 and 5 (exactly in this order) with me. One another is the "reading" of the energies. Especially the energy of the written words (and in smaller manner the said words). Many times, I just know what the other want to say...which makes the conversation a kind of draggy Embarassed

    About hearing the pure tone...the same here, since few years, and is becoming stronger and stronger. And I can add something else too...I'm especially sensitive of hearing deep tones in the last few months. I hear things that many other can't hear or hear very vaguely.

    And this causes the tangible "pressure" around my head to rise exponentially. So speaking about the coming's definitely coming... Very Happy



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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  burgundia Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:22 am

    I have checked 2 and 7. The sound that you hear..I hear it constantly 24/7 when there is not outside noise. Fortunately i can tune it out at will, which is helpful at night when I want to fall aaleep.

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    Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things.. Empty Re: Time to speak of ceiling wax, string and other things..

    Post  Carol Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:13 am

    I checked 1 thru 7. However, I should have altered the word psychic to intuitive.

    And that high pitched sound is ongoing, louder, pulsing. Not sure about the time you identified gs. More loud prior to sunup. In fact, I was noticing my hearing range is becoming more pronounced with these odd pitches. Like you burgundia, I tend to push it into the background but this morning it was really humming.

    Floyd, the reason I asked is because everyone is intuitive and some more tuned into it then others. I like to cross-check what I pick up with others to see if I'm just way out there in fantasyland or are there others sensing the similar things. In the profession this is identified as a reality check. I think many of us sense into future events as this happens during dream time just prior to waking into full consciousness. Early morning is best because the ego is out of the way and the information presented tends to be spot on. We are all linked to the super unconscious and I've had others here report to meeting up with me during dreamtime. I just don't remember this happening but when the same messaged is coming from several different members in different areas of the planet, so it does give me pause because these particular members are gifted.

    We can also develop a telepathic link with each other which is what I taught my students to do in college during remote viewing experiments with teams in different locations. You ask why? Why not?

    With respect to being telepathic this can happen in different ways for different folks. I pick up others emotions and/or intentions, not their thoughts, with one exception. My husband and I often think the same thing simultaneously which is pretty normal for some couples who have been together for a long time (29 years). And I can sense into the future about some things and see probable outcomes. Like with NK and China. Big Island is halfway between China/NK and the mainland. In the past NK has threatened to lob a nuke off in this direction so of course I tend to more aware about their activities. I'm also picking up (sensing new) info on China which currently makes me happy. Now this even surprises me. China has the capability to financially save the US's sorry and according to some new inside data is currently in the process of doing so. I've also notice I tend to know things about China that ends up in the papers a few days later so it validates my intuition regarding what is being sensed.

    Are others noticing an increase in sensitivity where incoming data is on the increase?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:35 am