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    GFL Debate Thread


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  CetaceousOne Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:47 pm

    Thanks. Good to see a lot of you stayed together.

    Hey Lionhawk!

    Good to see a familiar face...


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Lionhawk Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:13 pm

    Greetings. Good to see some old friends here who I have had the pleasure of knowing in a real way. Sure do miss my friend in Northern Georgia. Wink

    Much has happened since the last forum fallout. I think everyone got smacked in some way with these other forums. Psychic attacks, personal attacks, mod power trips, hypocrites, and the rest of it. It just proved to me how ridiculous it all can get. So I have more or less just stayed away.

    I do have to admit that this forum doesn't have that controlled feeling to it like the rest. You can breathe here. And yet, I do not have any desire to post regularly like I have done in the past. There isn't much point in it. I would rather focus my energies on what is about to happen to this Universe instead of getting sucked into any of the dramas many would like to suck you into it, associated with it.

    Spill the beans you say. hahahahaa. All I can say is that many out here have jumped to many rungs on their ascension ladder. They haven't done the basic work to establish a good solid foundation for themselves. As I have seen on countless occasions where they slip and fall on their ladders. I know this from my own personal experience. It is just merely part of their experience to do so. The Universe will keep everyone is check on these ladders. But I also want to mention that those who do the work thoroughly and establish for themselves a good foundation, will be the ones who perform the miracles.

    What the darkside want you to do is play the believing game. Second hand information is horizontal in nature. How does anyone expect to ascend when they are traveling sideways on their path? It just doesn't happen. Another frailty is that many don't choose to take full responsibility for themselves. That is the starting point. And you can spot these people by their reactions and dramas they create.

    I think it was JT who said it best. "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?" I will always remember the question he posed. He was spot on when he would ask someone that! DO you work for Budda? Or Jesus? Or the Devil himself? Or the Galactic Federation? Which Galactic Federation do you work for? It doesn't matter. If you are working for someone you are hooked into a conditional matrix. Which means your foundation is full of holes. You have already compromised yourself and those that you were able to suck into your beliefs enhanced by your drama. Not your knowings.

    Instead of sitting there waiting for the answers to drop into your lap, why not get out of the chair and go look for the answers yourself. Do the things necessary to acquire the results you desire. And never quit till you get those results. Many quit. Don't have what it takes on some level within themselves to stay a course they decided to set and just give up. Your resolve will be tested to see if you are worthy of such information. More often than not it takes years to get the results. I personally spent 12 years chasing the Galactic Federation before I finally established contact.

    The real Galactic Federation is of divine origins. In other words, they are connected to source. Here's a bean for you.... If you can find the fleet and try to gain access within it, you will not be able to unless you have the frequency code to gain access, even though you might be a lighted being. Security is paramount!

    The quarantine issue is what is at hand here. In a way it is a blessing. Because it allows us the latitude to wake up without major outside interference. When the quarantine is up, which turns out to be in 2012, what do you think will happen? I find that end date of the quarantine, was very convenient for them to decide upon, because no one really knows what will happen when the final tumblers on the Universal lock are clicked into place. Even the God of our Universe doesn't know because he/she hasn't experienced this before. So that means we are all in this together across this Universal board. All the way up to the top and all the way down to the bottom.

    So why is everyone debating when no one really knows what is about to happen? I could ask, "What are you debating for?" with the same kind energy JT uses. All possibilities are in the probability field. I will say for me that I have an inner knowing that tells me that we are on the edge of a wonderful experience that is about to happen. For me it is not a belief. I got to this knowing by going within and going about my life in the first hand, doing the inner work. Yes, I have had beliefs like anyone else, but had the desire to prove out those beliefs. Beliefs are not proven and that is an utter fact. It's a matter of taking responsibility and then go about proving it out. But if your foundations is full of holes, how do you expect to get the results? You will just end up with a bunch of beliefs and a much less experienced life. It is everyone's choice to do as they wish in this regard.

    Which brings me to this point of where all this has taken years to do. It hasn't been a walk in the park. I am still working on it and that is never going to end. But that is my path and I embrace it. My foundation isn't held together with a bunch of fly paper, copied and pasted to it. I like it simple.

    It is with hope that people wake up to the fact that we should be celebrating what is about to happen, instead of getting stuck on fly paper. It could be that simple.

    Enjoy the ride you have chosen and let the rest go.


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:26 pm

    Ohhhhhhhhh baby!!!!!!!!!! You make me melt when you talk like that GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Icon_geek

    Seriously....all I can do is feel how grounded you are when you write like that.....don't ever stop!
    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 934918

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  lindabaker Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:05 pm

    !The Lion Speaks Tonight: The Lion is Right! Take Action! Live the life you create, right now! Go get it! Some time I'll tell how I created my present situation: I just jumped in and did it, and it actually manifested. It's like creating the film of your life in your head, and then acting as if it were going to happen, and it does. Want to move to a new location? Create the vision, and then take steps, one at a time, but don't push the timing. Let stuff "fall in to your lap." Worry and fear will stop the energy flow. Try it!

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:47 pm

    Brook wrote:Ohhhhhhhhh baby!!!!!!!!!! You make me melt when you talk like that GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Icon_geek

    Seriously....all I can do is feel how grounded you are when you write like that.....don't ever stop!
    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 934918
    Brook, darling!
    Nice to see you too.

    It's a small world, innit?
    Big Grin 2

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:04 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Brook wrote:Ohhhhhhhhh baby!!!!!!!!!! You make me melt when you talk like that GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Icon_geek

    Seriously....all I can do is feel how grounded you are when you write like that.....don't ever stop!
    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 934918
    Brook, darling!
    Nice to see you too.

    It's a small world, innit?
    Big Grin 2

    Cheers TRANCOSO.....It really is a small world ....Good to see you also GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 291147

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Lionhawk Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:43 pm

    She also said it with an Italian accent. Flowers hahahhahaha

    Can't debate that. Blowdup

    What Linda just spoke of is what has happened in my recent life. It has also been one fun ride. You Rock Linda. Very Happy

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:40 pm

    It makes my heart happy to see so many good friends come together and share what is really important in their lives. Thank you soooo much for revealing your presence and your truth.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Beren Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:00 pm

    Let your words be "yes" and "no"...
    If it`s more it comes from the evil one...

    I paraphrased Jesus here...

    I understand this as live creation in the now. You think and you speak and things happen. things get created .
    And if you look from the highest point of view-God`s- time does not exist in human term so when you think and speak and things are created - they are created now!

    All I saw and all I see so far in the world is that it`s all upon us, I mean all confusion that can be brought upon in order to create confusion in our thoughts (in our souls) so we can`t act.

    If only you could have stillness as Christ did when in 3D no one would dare to mock or try to hurt you...
    You`d see everything and hear everything. Even if the most powerful entity comes to your world and wants you down,your one word "no" would stop all gathered armies against you.
    All ones whom chose fear thus became evil would tremble at your single word...

    That is the power Christ gave us.
    That is the power that many wish to see never used by us. Ever . Not even to think that we actually posses it.

    But that power comes with a catch;
    You must BE Love.
    You must be as Living Christ.
    You must be the one whom you are called upon- God`s child.

    Be blessed everyone!


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:37 pm

    Beren wrote:Let your words be "yes" and "no"...
    If it`s more it comes from the evil one...

    I paraphrased Jesus here...

    I understand this as live creation in the now. You think and you speak and things happen. things get created .
    And if you look from the highest point of view-God`s- time does not exist in human term so when you think and speak and things are created - they are created now!

    All I saw and all I see so far in the world is that it`s all upon us, I mean all confusion that can be brought upon in order to create confusion in our thoughts (in our souls) so we can`t act.

    If only you could have stillness as Christ did when in 3D no one would dare to mock or try to hurt you...
    You`d see everything and hear everything. Even if the most powerful entity comes to your world and wants you down,your one word "no" would stop all gathered armies against you.
    All ones whom chose fear thus became evil would tremble at your single word...

    That is the power Christ gave us.
    That is the power that many wish to see never used by us. Ever . Not even to think that we actually posses it.

    But that power comes with a catch;
    You must BE Love.
    You must be as Living Christ.
    You must be the one whom you are called upon- God`s child.

    Be blessed everyone!

    It really is that simple....

    Now there are some words of wisdom....glad you're back Beren!

    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:20 pm

    This is a very interesting video about the deception planed on Earth's Peoples


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:27 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Lionhawk Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:57 am

    Beren wrote,

    "Let your words be "yes" and "no"...
    If it`s more it comes from the evil one...

    I paraphrased Jesus here...

    I understand this as live creation in the now. You think and you speak and things happen. things get created .
    And if you look from the highest point of view-God`s- time does not exist in human term so when you think and speak and things are created - they are created now!

    All I saw and all I see so far in the world is that it`s all upon us, I mean all confusion that can be brought upon in order to create confusion in our thoughts (in our souls) so we can`t act.

    If only you could have stillness as Christ did when in 3D no one would dare to mock or try to hurt you...
    You`d see everything and hear everything. Even if the most powerful entity comes to your world and wants you down,your one word "no" would stop all gathered armies against you.
    All ones whom chose fear thus became evil would tremble at your single word...

    That is the power Christ gave us.
    That is the power that many wish to see never used by us. Ever . Not even to think that we actually posses it.

    But that power comes with a catch;
    You must BE Love.
    You must be as Living Christ.
    You must be the one whom you are called upon- God`s child.

    Be blessed everyone!"

    As of late, it has come to my attention, that we are still wrangling over this and that. Because of that, the Dark are winning the information war. The flypaper being doled out is keeping folks from seeking the answers from within and thus denying a child of God to realize or awaken to their own sovereign potential.

    The old distracting method works very well. It takes you out of the "now" moment and focuses your attention somewhere in the past, causing you to detach from your soul center onto something outside of yourself in another timeline. From there, reactions take form. Take a mental thought and use some emotional glue, to make you stick to the very flypaper you find yourself being drawn to. Keep in mind, the flypaper press machine is in full operation.

    This morning, Brook and I had an interesting conversation regarding the first hand and the second hand, as to how it relates to everything around us. I was thinking about starting a thread on this very subject, because she felt that I had not gotten my points out clearly enough about the first hand vs. the second hand. Quite frankly, I feel as though I have but that doesn't mean everyone gets it. Plus this information on the 1st vs. the 2nd wasn't something I developed. It came from somewhere else.

    Now you may wonder what this has to do with the Galactic Federation. When this word now comes up anywhere, it takes a bashing. This is what the dark side wanted to achieve. Look at all this as avenues of information. Anything you find yourself looking at. They know who and how many are looking at it. That in of itself could spook you if you think about it. If you look at the flypaper as in a field of potential, that can be measured in energy, you might reconsider how to look at it.

    The dark side do not want you to become part of the consciousness that is self aware and God like. The dark side is about dis-connect because they know separation from the whole diminishes the output. To effectively alter the field of potential in their favor. So that your efforts for positive change become ineffective. This is what this war is also about, let alone for your soul.

    There has been an all out effort by the dark side to seize the information highway. Just as what our history often indicates, they hijack the system and then tweak it to their favor. How? Very simply by duplicating the system they want to hijack. Making a mirror image for instance with their own codes installed, so they can now manipulate it. Such is the very case with the Galactic Federation. Where every ship and everyone in those ships has been duplicated. Now they use this duplication to send down the information they want to brainwash the masses with. Why, because they know you might believe in the Galactic Federation are now you have fallen into their trap. The very trap they set using second hand tactics with. Because it is also your "dear soul" they seek as well. Now if you had used first hand tactics, you would have saved yourself all the grief and your soul at the same time.

    Whether you realize it or not, you are also being tested. Your ability to discern what is what. If you find yourself stuck to the flypaper, you will go into panic mode to get unstuck. The key is to not get stuck in the first place. Why end up as a statistic?

    As Beren pointed out, many of the points I have also brought forward in this post, is very much in parallel as to how it all works. A Christed Being can stand up to millions. Now if you can cause the dark side to run, means that you are operating from within. Another way is to uncover their agenda and make that public. Because when you expose that, they get hopping mad because you are now influencing that field of potential I mentioned earlier, in a positive sense. It is all about control and who is in control of what. It is that field of potential where that war is actually being fought, which later filters down into the 3D. We see the end results of that effect.

    I also have no problem finding out the real truth. But it takes real work and real investigation to get those results. You just can't sit there and be an arm chair quarter back to get those results. And often enough, the truth can be a real stinger and piss you off. That's when you know you found it in a lot of cases.

    That being said, in my own testimony, I know that there exists a true Galactic Federation. I know this in the first hand. I also know that Jesus Christ is a commander within that Federation. I also know that the Galactic Federation has a Divine connection. Also a connection exists with the 11:11 phenomenon. It was through the 11:11 that I discovered the dispatching of the Galactic Federation in 1992. I have been tracking them ever since. Hint: Angelic Realm

    In 2005, an event was held on Dec. 3rd. I have it documented and it has been validated in a few different ways. It also started from a forum body, where the members had a choice to write their own ticket and attend a gathering to benefit Gaia. The ones that couldn't attend whined the most of course, despite the fact that they could have attended. The choice was up to them. To be their own Messiah. The event was a great success when I look back at it now. There were only a few who I thought would be attending. As it turns out, there were many that showed up. And not just from the Planet. And the most profound thing to me was that the Galactic Federation attended. Not as participants, but as an audience. The Angelic Kingdom also showed up. It was an event to raise the frequencies of the Planet in a more practical way by using the Sun's light and also presence to literally save her. She was dying at the time if anyone remembers. No Light worker died that day but many of the dark side did. A battle also took place but it was more like cockroaches running for their lives than a battle.

    One of the validations had to do with my best friend and Brother, Dave. He was a healer. Many a day he would go where his wife, Bonnie, worked as a waitress at a restaurant at a camp ground located on the Saint John's River in Florida. As he would get a cup of coffee there and wait for Bonnie to get off of work, he would start doing his healing work on folks. It wouldn't be long before there was a line stretching out the door. Anyways, he had three types of cancer. On Dec. 3rd, he requested some aide in his direction as he knew his days were numbered. I put his request forward, which was basically some extra time to get his paperwork in order so that Bonnie would be alright financially. Six months later I get a phone call, telling me that they ran him through a battery of tests several times and all 3 cancers were non existent. The Doctors there had a hard time seeing the results. Those results are also documented. By the very Doctors.

    So just remember that if you want to influence the field of potential in a positive way, you will have to get off your butt and do so. The second hand way isn't going to get the job done. You can try to convince me of that but the proof is in the pudding.

    This guy called Hatonn is a fraud. He is an imposter. He is actually a tall grey of the mock Galactic Federation. He does however dictate what communications do get sent out. He is also not GOD, as he portrays himself to be. So all these messages folks are getting are BS. The only way to get the real messages, is to go there. But that is very difficult to as you need a passkey and be of the right frequency to get through. The real GF has very tight security. It is obvious as to why.

    Another profound thing to realize is about the gift of free agency. Because of this gift that the Creator bestowed upon us, it created a paradox of sorts. That paradox is the Creator's non interference due to giving us free will over our choices. And also being responsible for those choices. When I realized that the Creator's hands were tied because of this gift, it opened my eyes to realize I had a choice to make a difference in the out come. In other words, my hands weren't tied. When that happened I put myself into action. You can to but don't take my word for it. Ask him yourself, in your own way, and receive that answer in the way that was meant for you to receive it. Then it will have a pure effect on you and your foundation will be reborn. This is worth remembering.

    Also make note that miracles do happen, but they happen in the first hand, with first hand methods, from within. They don't happen in an arm chair, reading second hand information. Now if this forum has more gifts and talents than the other forum I participated in, what does that say to you?

    Thanks Beren for your posting here. It makes a whole lot of sense to me. Thubs Up

    Someone said to spill the beans. I'm spilling. LOL


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:34 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:
    Also make note that miracles do happen, but they happen in the first hand, with first hand methods, from within.

    Thank you Lionhawk so true.
    To me first hand is when I am able to see the world without the filter of everything that I learned about it .
    From that place where there is'nt anything between me and Love Source but Love Source.
    Then inspiration comes and I recognize my true nature, the nature of life being Love flowing as freely as water.

    Life is a miracle of it's own for while it gives us many rungs to climb and things to ponder about without
    in the very same moment within we have wings that bring us to an entirely new dynamic as embassadors of Love Source in no time.
    The darkness of our world to me is the blinders we put on preventing us to embrace the full scope of our divine nature.

    Love for You

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Choice

    Post  SiriArc Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:34 am

    Regardless the hand

    first, second, twenty-third

    left / right



    The final CHOICE




    Places like NR (MoA) give US the Ability to Share

    Info and things WE Enjoy.

    Information Regardless of Source Is Neutral

    Only Personal Resonance Can Determine Value.

    For all the zAaargh!izers:


    Personally, I couldn't care less if the info comes from a book, a Groundhog or a Psychic reading the leavings on used toilet paper:

    If it Rings with Head and Heart.......

    Further confirmation that:

    Sync works in mysterious (and sometimes pretty fargin’ weird) Ways.

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  mudra Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:16 am

    SiriArc wrote:
    Personally, I couldn't care less if the info comes from a book, a Groundhog or a Psychic reading the leavings on used toilet paper:

    If it Rings with Head and Heart.......

    Further confirmation that:

    Sync works in mysterious (and sometimes pretty fargin’ weird) Ways.[/b][/center]

    Hehe Siri .. when the pupil is ready the master comes and sometimes I agree in the most surprising ways Cheerful

    Love for You

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:05 am

    Who is this?

    I greet you in the love and the light of the One Who is All. I and my brothers hover high above you in the sky. We are at this time approximately 7.3 miles above your dwelling place. We come from a planet, my friends, which has come through a great death and a great birth. The kind of birth into an age in which we no longer need the artificial creations of our kind. We have come into an age, my friends, where we can dwell in the creation of the Father.

    Our planet is now a sentient being. All wildlife, as you call it, is conscious in a way that most of you (inaudible). And we ourselves can speak without tongue and hear without ear for we are in a vibration in which time and space are plastic, in which we can move from one level to another with conscious awareness and understanding. Our conscious awareness and understanding have led us to one awareness and one understanding. And it is for this reason that [we have] come among you and your peoples at this time.

    We come bearing witness to the Creator, my friends. And yet the Creator is not as you have pictured Him. He is not a judge, He is not a man, nor, my friends, is He a woman. He is not a being. My friends, we bear witness to love. We bear witness to all that there is which is love. This is the understanding that we have come so far to share. And why, my friends, do we come among you at this time to speak of love?

    VERY spiritual and wonderful sounding...... Not much to disagree with eh?

    The same person that wrote this......

    Read a bit then scroll to page 70 up and including page 76 .............

    Then listen to the last part of this..... 1:05

    to get to the guy that is creator of this.....

    All originally funded by George Green in the beginning until he realized as he states in the was all copywright material word for word. Or so he say. Who are you going to believe? The one accused of swindling three hundered and fifth thousand dollars?...he claims he was being duped. Now.....

    "If it Rings with Head and Heart".......and anoint a bit of religious background to add some spice to the soup.

    I wonder how many people were/are reading this and how many "rings" with the head and heart have been accomplished through this kind of teaching? I shudder at the thought.

    Sorry but I'll pass... Wink

    From this.....

    Channel Hatonn.....

    Evolved into this.....

    Read all you want and if it rings true that's great. all Lionhawk was saying is you have the information within. Why not chose to get it for yourself. Is that really such a bad thing?


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:27 am

    Very Happy

    Last edited by Brook on Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:37 am; edited 3 times in total

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  mudra Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:35 am

    Brook wrote:

    Read all you want and if it rings true that's great. all Lionhawk was saying is you have the information within. Why not chose to get it for yourself. Is that really such a bad thing?

    I think LionHawk made an excellent point Brook.
    To me this world is an interaction between within and without.
    When one is tuned in to within than without is bringing one the right resonance
    needed in a particular moment and all unfolds in a synchronistic way, within and without being One.
    That's what I understand from Siri's post.
    To me LionHawk's post, my post or Siri's post are evoking the same thing really.
    Each one of us expressing our own unique way of experiencing Source.

    Love for You

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  burgundia Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:49 am

    Whoever explains WHO THE CREATOR IS....I do not believe them, as nobody really knows.

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  Brook Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:49 am

    mudra wrote:
    Brook wrote:

    Read all you want and if it rings true that's great. all Lionhawk was saying is you have the information within. Why not chose to get it for yourself. Is that really such a bad thing?

    I think LionHawk made an excellent point Brook.
    To me this world is an interaction between within and without.
    When one is tuned in to within than without is bringing one the right resonance
    needed in a particular moment and all unfolds in a synchronistic way, within and without being One.
    That's what I understand from Siri's post.
    To me LionHawk's post, my post or Siri's post are evoking the same thing really.
    Each one of us expressing our own unique way of experiencing Source.

    Love for You

    Yes...I understood that Mudra...but all this talk lately has me a bit frayed. I'd say put yourself in my shoes...but that's not going to happen. Perhaps soon enough they'll be coming soon to a theater near you eh? Then we won't need to speculate anymore.....


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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  magamud Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:17 am

    There is an equal infrastructure of both those who follow wisdom and those who follow sociopathy. Unfortunately both concepts will intertwine depending upon the depth of awareness of the individual.
    This is a source of some of the confusion. There are some very evolved beings who do not follow wisdom, but could be considered enlightened. Enlightened in the sense of understanding Buddha, but they do not believe in Gods plan. I know some may think this is a paradox but it is not. Co-dependence is a running theme in our society. Lack of knowledge in maturation and individuation. So from that POV, I do believe enlightenment concepts were used as training wheels to help us think, but have wound up to be shackles to keep us enslaved.

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:23 am

    I keep thinking that some sort of an idealistic plan got hijacked and corrupted. Incrementalism and the Love of Money are prime suspects!

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  magamud Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:29 am

    It had no choice but to be corrupted if you want to use that word. I keep referring back to the analogy of the devils mind as I think it gets to the heart of the matter.
    Its an opposing force that fights the reorganizing principle with everything it has. It uses all its weapons to stop the insight of wisdom like money, incrementalism etc....
    This dynamic translates to changing the very genetic code. I don't think the plan is idealistic, it just causes great turbulence when injected in this world.

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    GFL Debate Thread - Page 7 Empty Re: GFL Debate Thread

    Post  devakas Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:59 pm

    magamud wrote:There is an equal infrastructure of both those who follow wisdom and those who follow sociopathy. Unfortunately both concepts will intertwine depending upon the depth of awareness of the individual.
    This is a source of some of the confusion. There are some very evolved beings who do not follow wisdom, but could be considered enlightened. Enlightened in the sense of understanding Buddha, but they do not believe in Gods plan. I know some may think this is a paradox but it is not. Co-dependence is a running theme in our society. Lack of knowledge in maturation and individuation. So from that POV, I do believe enlightenment concepts were used as training wheels to help us think, but have wound up to be shackles to keep us enslaved.

    welcome to the mists magamud!

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