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    Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology


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     Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology Empty Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:52 am

    Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology

    Chemist and material scientist Steve Colbern appeared on Coast to Coast AM Radio on Friday night along with Dr. Roger Leir, author of “The Alien and the Scalpel”, and experimental nuclear physicist Robert John Koontz to discuss implants they've found in the bodies of people who claim to be alien abductees.

    Colbern has analyzed several of Leir's objects and spent extensive time working with objects number 15 and 16. Both objects were found to have some type of chemical coating on them, similar to shell or bone, that he feels may be responsible for a lack of immune response in the human body. This would explain how the object can be inserted and not cause the body to reject it.

    Radio signals were picked up from both devices before removal from the subjects and they appeared to be transmitting on satellite and aeronautical communication frequencies.

    As to the chemical make-up of the alien implants, Colbern claims they are composed of meteoric iron not found in our solar system because the isotopic ratios are skewed compared to those found on earth or in our own solar neighborhood. When asked, Colbern said it would not be possible for us to duplicate this material without major problems.

    Colbern states that these implants are sophisticated nano-technological devices with carbon nano-tube electronics built right in. Carbon nano-tubes are very tiny cylinders of carbon similar to graphite and are the world's strongest known material with advanced conductive properties. While we do have carbon nano-tube technology and are currently using it in some applications, Colbern says our research is in its infancy and clearly not sophisticated enough to produce these types of devices.

    Noory asked Colbern, “Based on what you've seen what do you think these objects are?” His response was, “Extremely sophisticated nano-technological devices that are probably for gathering and transmission of information. They seem to transmit sensory information - what the subject is seeing and hearing, physiological information, etc.”

    Colbern also states that the implants have a sophisticated biological coating that allows our nerve cells to grow into the devices after they're implanted – something that is beyond our technology.


    Posts : 1684
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Location : Canada

     Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology Empty Re: Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:28 pm


    Posts : 1684
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Location : Canada

     Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology Empty Re: Alien implants based on carbon nano-tube technology

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:53 pm

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