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    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware


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    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware Empty Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware

    Post  Carol Wed May 06, 2015 7:12 pm
    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware
    Published on Nov 5, 2014 ☆ Andromeda, Message, Alien, UFO, Project Camelot, Alex Collier, Disclosure

    UPDT: 5/6/15

    Alex Collier Moon And Mars Lecture Full: UFO Secret Space Moon Bases Alien Races Mars Conspiracy - ET Earth Presence

    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware YouTube YouTube Playlist

    Mars Conspiracy
    Alex Collier lecture is about UFO moon's bases, cities, structures, history, ruins, military bases etc. After the moon information he had been briefing the very same on Mars aliens.

    Alien Book of Races
    How the most sensitive and right information is in this context lectured by him, will be compared with the US Naval intelligence officers' visit to Mr. Collier's home; after this lecture they put him in the permanent silence, which continued many, many years. Many thanks to Alex for this interesting information.

    Moon Conspiracy
    Alex Collier indicates that the Moon which encircles Earth with an artificial circular orbit, was brought to Earth over 11,000 years ago by invading Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

    According to Mr. Collier, many of these Manipulative Extraterrestrials lurk underground. The Moon is therefore an apparent gigantic UFO.

    Ancient Aliens ★ Erich Von Daniken Oopart Archaeological Discoveries ♦ Ancient Astronaut Theory
    Erich Von Daniken Ancient Astronaut Theory YouTube
    Updated: May 6, 2015 4:11 PM

    Also be sure to check out: Ancient Aliens Erich Von Daniken Tonight on Coast to Coast AM C2CAM!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2209
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware Empty Re: Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware

    Post  Seashore Thu May 07, 2015 6:15 am

    Here is the Description of the Project Camelot version of the same recording:

    Uploaded on Oct 2, 2009

    Alex Collier speaks powerfully and engagingly at the Project Camelot AWAKE AND AWARE Conference in Los Angeles, 20 Sept 2009.

    We were delighted and privileged that Alex accepted our invitation to make a presentation at the conference, though for security reasons he asked us to withhold his name from the speakers' list until the conference had begun.

    Alex talked in depth and with passion about the problems and challenges that we all face looking towards the future from 2009 - and introduces an intriguing new concept: mentoring in co-operation with our ET allies.


    On, there is actually a transcript of the presentation:  

    . . . Many of the world’s religions, though they’ve had a tremendous amount of value and have brought an enormous amount of comfort to many people in our history and in our present day, they focus on shame, guilt, sin, and control.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, that’s the trap. They don’t focus on self-responsibility. They don’t focus on life or respect. They, in fact, create more division than we have ever known. . . .

    Posts : 13655
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    Location : The Matrix

    Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware Empty Re: Alien from Andromeda ★ Alien Message UFO Disclosure Real Proof ♦ Project Camelot Awake and Aware

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 07, 2015 10:07 am

    I'd love to know what Alex Collier REALLY knows about Jesus, the Angels, the Secret-Government, and the Assassinations of the Kennedys. I don't say this lightly. Not lightly at all.

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